One Department, One Mission
The divisions within the Missouri Department of Corrections work collaboratively to help ensure both the safety of the people of Missouri and the transformation of offenders in our population. We strive for department-wide consistency and research-based best practices across the supervision continuum — probation, incarceration, parole — to maximize post-release success and reduce crime.
Adult Institutions (DAI)
The Division of Adult Institutions manages all of the state's 20 adult correctional centers. The division operates safe, secure and humane institutions for the confinement of people committed by the courts to serve a prison sentence.
Probation and Parole (P&P)
The Division of Probation and Parole provides community-based supervision of felony offenders ordered to probation by the courts and supervises offenders who leave our adult institutions by means of parole or conditional release.
Human Services (DHS)
The Division of Human Services trains the department’s employees and helps to equip them for success, overseeing personnel, volunteer and intern programs, employee health and safety, planning and research, fiscal management and general services.
Offender Rehabilitative Services (DORS)
The Division of Offender Rehabilitative Services helps offenders to change criminal behavior and prepare for successful reintegration into the community, delivering interventions and services such as academic and vocational education, medical and mental health care, and substance use disorder treatment.