Office of the Director

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Office of the Director

The Office of the Director functions as the central administrative unit of the Missouri Department of Corrections. The office oversees functions of the department's four main divisions as well as special units and offices.

Trevor Foley, Director

Travis Terry, Deputy Director

Valarie Moseley, Deputy Director

Office of the Director: 573-526-6607

Trevor Foley

Trevor Foley was sworn in as director of the Missouri Department of Corrections Feb. 6, 2025.

Foley began his career with the Missouri Department of Corrections as a budget analyst in January 2000 and had been promoted to budget analyst III by May 2001. In August 2008, he accepted a position with the Missouri State Senate as an appropriations analyst. He was promoted to assistant director of the Senate Appropriations Staff Office in July 2015. Foley left the Senate and returned to the Department of Corrections as the director of budget and finance in August 2018. Governor Mike Parson appointed Foley acting director of the department in December 2023, and Governor Mike Kehoe nominated him to serve as permanent director in December 2024. Foley holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from Columbia College. 

Office of Professional Standards

Scott Weber, Director


Office of Research, Planning and Process Improvement

David Edwards, Director


Budget & Finance Unit

Susan Pulliam, Director


Legal Department

Legal Services


Office of the General Counsel

Matt Briesacher, Chief Counsel


Legislative Affairs Office

Taylor Hagenhoff, Legislative Liaison


Public Information Office

Karen Pojmann, Director


Constituent Services


Office of Victim Services

Amanda Douglass, Victim Services Coordinator


Division Directors

Division of Adult Institutions

Myles Strid, Director


Division of Probation and Parole

John Mosley, Director


Division of Offender Rehabilitative Services

Annie Herman, Director


Division of Human Services

Mike Strong, Director
