Probation and Parole

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The Division of Probation and Parole aims to help Missourians succeed while under supervision in the community. Using a validated risk and needs assessment tool, division staff work to reduce crime and revocations to prison by equipping clients with the skills and resources they need to comply with their conditions of supervision.

The division is responsible for field and institutional services for probationers, parolees and conditional releases. It manages community corrections programming, two transition centers and six community supervision centers. Division staff assess and supervise criminal offenders assigned to the division by the circuit courts of Missouri, by the Parole Board, or under the terms of the Interstate Compact.

In order to reduce recidivism, field probation and parole officers continuously assess, evaluate and supervise clients under their supervision. Probation and parole officers effectively balance treatment and supervision strategies necessary to manage offender risk with the needs and interests of community safety.

The division is divided statewide into six regions for the effective management of clients. Regions are made up of a network of local district offices, institutional parole offices and residential facilities. In some instances, they are supported by satellite offices.


Administrative Services

The Administrative Services Section consists of the Division's Fiscal Management Unit, Personnel Unit, Central Supply Unit and Central Office Support Unit. This section provides planning and coordination with the other divisions of the department and other state agencies.

Citizen Advisory Boards

Citizen Advisory Boards (CABs) provide valuable assistance to their communities. CABs promote an environment for offenders to gain the skills they need to be productive and law-abiding citizens. To this end, CABs fund special programs, such as financial management, substance abuse education and training, and provide transportation assistance.

Command Center

The department's Command Center is a 24-hour a day, seven days a week communication center whose staff tracks offenders in the community on electronic monitoring, and in community release centers and residential centers. This unit was established to ensure that offenders assigned to community corrections programs maintain their curfews and adhere to other restrictions as required around the clock. Command Center staff conduct investigations for every serious rule violation. They issue arrest warrants should offenders fail to return to their assigned residence at the appointed time. Command Center staff also maintain regular contact with state and local law enforcement to develop leads and to ensure absconders are apprehended and returned to department custody without delay.

Community Service

Offenders are ordered to perform community service hours by the court as part of their reparation to the community. Other offenders are required to compensate victims of crime, pay court costs and make restitution to individual victims. Probation and parole staff are engaged with local communities to assist in the coordination of service delivery and activities to improve public safety across the state.

Community Supervision Strategies

Probation and parole staff coordinate and manage a continuum of community based programs and employ a variety of supervision services to improve public safety and offender success. These facilities, programs and services assist with the supervision of probationers assigned by the courts and with the reintegration of parolees upon release from prison. The following programs are designed to provide additional treatment, intervention, sanctions and structure for offenders:

  • Electronic monitoring;
  • Contract residential facilities;
  • Targeted outpatient substance abuse treatment;
  • Targeted mental health treatment;
  • Targeted employment services;
  • Cognitive skills development classes;
  • Community sex offender treatment and registration;
  • Day report centers.

Supervision Centers

Community Supervision Centers provide a structured residential program to better assist and supervise clients who are transitioning from prison to the community or who are at risk of revocation. As part of our effort to help Missourians succeed on probation or parole, our community supervision centers (CSCs) follow  four-phase model that targets high-risk clients who need intensive programming in several areas and who are at risk of revocation. It focuses on incentives and sanctions as clients complete each of the four phases, with the referring Probation and Parole officer supervising the client while he or she is a CSC resident. Programs are targeted to each client’s assessed needs. Clients must complete core programming components before they can receive passes into the community for employment or other purposes.

Transition Centers

The Transition Center of St. Louis (TCSTL) and the Transition Center of Kansas City (TCKC) are residential facilities providing community-based transitional services and supervision programming to male offenders released from the Division of Adult Institutions as well as to offenders on supervision who are in need of additional structure. Services include substance use and mental health treatment, employment readiness, cognitive restructuring, home plan assistance, family reunification, education and links to other community-based services. The focus is primarily on transitioning these offenders back into the community as productive, law-abiding citizens.

Community Supervision Centers

The division has six community supervision centers. Each center includes an administrative area to accommodate the existing probation and parole district office located in that area, as well as sufficient program/classroom areas and dormitory housing space for 60 offenders in need of structured residential supervision. Each center provides short-term residential services for offenders, who otherwise would have to be housed within the department's correctional centers or local jails. The centers are located in St. Joseph, Farmington, Hannibal, Kennett, Poplar Bluff and Fulton.

Field Services

Field services encompass the supervision of probationers in the community assigned to the division by the courts, offenders released under supervision by the Parole Board and offenders from other states through the Interstate Compact.

In order to reduce recidivism, field probation and parole officers continuously assess and evaluate offenders assigned to them, and supervise the offenders at a level consistent with their risk to re-offend. The probation and parole officer effectively balances treatment and supervision strategies necessary to manage offender risk with the needs and interests of victims and communities.

This supervision process consists of a number of critical activities including:

  • Accurate and ongoing assessment of offender risk and need;
  • Development of effective supervision and treatment plans;
  • Restorative justice practices;
  • Use of appropriate sanctions and strategies to minimize risk and maximize the potential for successful outcomes.

Interstate Compact

The Interstate Compact Unit is responsible for monitoring the activities of both probation and parole status clients, including Missouri clients residing in other states as well as clients from other states residing in Missouri. The Interstate Compact Unit is also responsible for monitoring the status of Missouri clients housed in the Federal Bureau of Prisons, as well as in other state correctional facilities.

The Interstate Compact Unit must abide not only by established departmental/divisional policy and procedure, but also ensure compliance with the rules established by the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS). These rules govern the processes and eligibility criteria involving interstate transfer of clients.

For further information regarding the Missouri Interstate Compact Unit, please email:

For further information regarding the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision and the rules established by the Commission, please refer to:

Institutional Parole Services

The Parole Services section is responsible for assessing incarcerated offenders and tracking their progress for the parole board. Institutional Parole Officers report their findings to the parole board prior to an offender's parole hearing. The institutional parole staff and parole analysts assist the parole board as they conduct hearings. Officers work with offenders to develop supervision plans as they prepare for their release.

Institutional parole offices are located within the following correctional centers: Algoa, Boonville, Chillicothe, Crossroads, Northwestern Correctional Center, Farmington (satellites at Potosi and Mineral Point), Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center (satellite at Cremer Therapeutic Community Center), Jefferson City Correctional Center, Maryville Treatment Center, Missouri Eastern, Moberly, Northeast Correctional Center , Ozark, South Central, Charleston, Tipton, the Western Reception and Diagnostic and Women's Eastern Reception and Diagnostic Centers.