October 2020
We have surpassed our goal of $2,600 for the Missouri State Employee Charitable Campaign! The staff of KCRC donated $3,798 this year! Thank you to all that contributed to help us meet and beat our goal!!! Winners of the monthly Charitable Campaign parking space have been announced! Congratulations to all the winners!
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. It celebrates the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities and was created to bring awareness to employment issues for individuals with disabilities. The State of Missouri created an initiative, the Missouri as a Model Employer Initiative in September 2019, to help more people with disabilities gain employment in state positions. To show your support, Governor Parson is asking that we complete a brief and anonymous survey that will help to evaluate the State’s process towards reaching their goal.
The 2020 Missouri Reentry Conference will be held virtually and will begin on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 and run through Thursday, October 29th. The conference will be free this year, but you are still required to register for individual sessions which can be viewed through Zoom. Be sure to sign up for the introductory session, which will be hosted by our Director, Anne Precythe on October 6, 2020 at 2pm. There will be several individual sessions held at various times and dates throughout the month, so download the app or visit the conference webpage for more details on dates and times.
The Missouri State Employee Charitable Campaign began on September 28, 2020 and will run through October 9, 2020. KCRC will have daily drawings for a prize for those who return their form, regardless of donation. At the end of the campaign, another drawing will be held and twelve names will be selected from those who made a contribution, for our new “Charitable Campaign” parking space! Our goal for this year’s donations is $2600, so please visit www.msecc.mo.gov and find your favorite charity (or charities). You can donate as little as .50 per pay period…every little bit can help someone or an organization in need and helps KCRC reach our goal!!! If you have any questions, please see Quantaline Thomas.
Please return your forms even if you choose not to donate this year because you will still be entered into the daily drawings!
It’s that time of year again…Open enrollment! Benefit enrollment for the 2021 plan year will begin on Thursday, October 1, 2020 and will end on Saturday, October 31, 2020. MCHCP has made some changes this year for enrollment to make it easier. If you do not want to make any changes to your plan selections, you do not have to do anything. That’s right…not a thing. This includes any incentives you received last year, to help reduce your premium. If you signed up and earned them last year, you will be signed up automatically this year! If you did not earn an incentive, want to make changes to your plan or for more information please log in to myMCHCP for more information. If you still have questions, please see Kristi Shewell.
Employee of the Month

Accounting Clerk Quantaline Thomas
Mrs. Quantaline Thomas was recognized for all the work she does for the KCRC Personnel Club. As the Treasurer, she keeps track of all deposits, withdrawals and balancing of funds. She keeps track of payments and order forms for our various adventures and sales. Since we have started the snack/drink area for staff, there is a daily collection of money and many more deposits and shopping expenditures than would normally occur. She does her very best to keep is on track and remind us, not to spend too much money, which we normally do, but instead of getting upset, she just rolls with it and gives us a smile and a little laugh. While we tell her “We’ll do better next time!”
Awards & Recognition
Missouri State Employee Charitable Campaign Daily Drawing Winners:
10/1/20: COI Madison O’Bryan
10/2/20: Sgt. Aaron Leonard
10/3/20: MWI Keith Bower
10/4/20: COI Erick Heavin
10/5/20: Lt. Gary Rogers
10/6/20: COI Allen Browning
10/7/20: COI Veronica Franco
10/8/20: SKI Robin Martin
10/9/20: CCMII Camden Atkinson
At the conclusion of KCRC’s Missouri Charitable Campaign, KCRC staff donated a total of $3798!!! We gave over $1000 more than our goal of $2600! Thank you to everyone that donated!
The MOLearning challenge has been posted for the month of October and if you complete it, you can earn one hour of training credit, which will count as an approved electives course. This month’s course challenge is Time Management Tips-Communication. Just log in to MOLearning and get started on this month’s course!
Important Dates
Columbus Day: Monday, October 12, 2020
Human Resources:
Open Enrollment for 2021 Benefits will run from Thursday, October 1 through Saturday, October 31, 2020 at 11:59pm.
Flu Shots are available through the Employee Health Nurse beginning this month through the end of the year. See email and postings around the facility for dates and times.
Quarterly Pulse Survey: October 26, 2020 through November 6, 2020
Personnel Club:
Chili/Soup Fundraiser Meal-Wednesday, October 28, 2020.
Meals are $5.00 and include sides and a drink based on your entrée choice. All money and forms should be returned to a Personnel Club member by Wednesday, October 21, 2020.
Jackets-Monday, October 26, 2020 through Monday, November 30, 2020.
Fleece jackets are $35 and Soft Shell Jackets (Mens or Ladies) are $45 and come in a variety of colors. Note: Custody staff must have black fleece/jackets in order to wear with their uniform.
Morale Committee: Popcorn Fundraiser! This fundraiser will run from Sunday, October 19 through Saturday, October 30, 2020. Each bag is only $2 and all money raised will go to the KCRC Personnel Club! Grab a bag or two of your favorite snack and help us raise money for the Personnel Club!
Employee of the Month: October 30, 2020
September 2020
Big News
The Missouri State Employee Charitable Campaign begins on September 28, 2020 and run through October 9, 2020. KCRC will have daily drawings for a prize for those who return their form, regardless of donation. At the end of the campaign, another drawing will be held and twelve names will be selected from those who made a contribution, for our new “Charitable Campaign” parking space! Our goal for this year’s donations is $2600, so please visit www.msecc.mo.gov and find your favorite charity (or charities). You can donate as little as .50 per pay period…every little bit can help someone or an organization in need and helps KCRC reach our goal!!! If you have any questions, please see Quantaline Thomas.
Please return your forms even if you choose not to donate this year because you will still be entered into the daily drawings!
Governor Parsons and his wife have tested positive for COVID. As of Monday, September 28, 2020 both are doing well and he is thankful for the support, prayers and well wishes that he and Mrs. Parson have received so far. The staff of KCRC wish you and your wife a speedy recovery!
The virtual 2020 Missouri Reentry Conference will begin on October 6, 2020 at 2pm and run for the month of
October, ending on Thursday, October 29th. Download the conference app or visit the website for more details.
COIVID-19 Surveillance testing will be conducted at KCRC on Tuesday, September 22, 2020.
As of September 9, 2020, the Personnel Advisory Board has approved an emergency rule that will extend the deadline for employees’ that have exceeded the maximum amount of accumulated leave (annual) that would normally lapse on October 31 to the close of business on December 31, 2020. The lapse of annual leave is based on years of service.
Please take some time to give your supervisor some upward feedback. Beginning on September 1, 2020 Engage 2.0’s Upward Feedback Survey will be available. The survey is anonymous and your direct supervisor can only see your responses. By completing the survey, it helps support and encourage your supervisor’s professional growth and development. The survey will be open until Wednesday, September 30, 2020.

Employee of the Month
Calvin Lollar, Recreation Officer II
Recreation Officer II Calvin Lollar is being recognized for the hard work and effort he has put into the staff drink/snack area. He assist with the shopping, loading and unloading of the cart and vehicle, organizing and daily upkeep of the snack area. He gathers input from staff on the items they would like to purchase and is always open for discussion about new items as every items requested is not always workable. He keeps the cost in line with what we need to price the items for, ensuring the items we have available remain affordable for staff. There is a lot of behind the scenes work that goes into providing affordable snacks for staff and without his assistance, the process would not run as smoothly and efficiently as it does.
Awards & Recognition
Missouri State Employee Charitable Campaign Daily Drawing Winners:
9/28/20: Warden Sonny Collins
9/29/20: COI Michael Rhoades
9/30/20: COI Andrew Martin
Corrections Week Drawing Winners:
Halloween Wreath-COII Sanders
BBQ Basket-COII Fender
Chiefs Wreath-SKI Martin, who donated her gift to her co-worker, SKII Rinehart
Bath & Body Works Basket-Accounting Clerk Thomas
Scarecrow Wreath-COI C. Morgan
Snack Basket-COI Rice
The staff of KCRC would like to give a special thanks to the following staff members who donated their time, wonderful gifts and baskets to help make Corrections Week a success:
COII Elizabeth Wilburn
FUM Stephanie Wilson
SOSA Eddis Jackson
Accounting Clerk Quantaline Thomas
COI Ka’Kella Jones
CCMII Theresa Kent
Thank you so much for your contribution(s) to making our week a success!!!!
We would also like to thank Chaplain Matthew Mason. He contacted Growth Ministries, who came out to KCRC on Saturday, September 12, 2020 and planted flowers and shrubs on the facility grounds to improve the landscape. Thank you so much Chaplain Mason, not only does Growth Ministries work improve the landscape but the morale and spirits of staff and visitors as we enter the facility. Thank you and Growth Ministries for your contribution and hard work!
New Team Members
Corrections Officer I Tyler Gott
Corrections Officer I Bobby Zinnah
Corrections Officer I Samson Oluyori
Corrections Officer I Cheryl Kelso
Corrections Officer I Brandon Fender was promoted to Corrections Officer II on September 13, 2020
Corrections Officer I Lee Barry was promoted to Corrections Officer II on September 13, 2020
Congratulations on your promotion!
As of September 17, 2020, new content has been added to the Approved Electives list for September. More individual courses as well as learning paths have been added for various sections, such as maintenance and corrections officers to MO Learning to help you meet your annual training requirements. You can now also access the MO Learning course or path of your choice straight from the Approved List! Just click on the class/learning path of your choice to get started! Don’t forget…you will still be required to sign in to receive credit.
Important Dates
Missouri State Employee Charitable Campaign: September 28, 2020 through October 9, 2020
Surveillance testing: Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Personnel Club/Morale Committee:
Corrections Week: Monday, September 21, 2020 through Friday, September 25, 2020
Dress Down Day: Wednesday, September 9th and Thursday, September 10th, 2020 for the beginning of the football season. Wednesday will be Red Wednesday for the Chiefs first game of the season, so wear red or Chiefs’ gear. Thursday’s dress down day will be for your favorite NFL football team. Cost is $1.00 for each day and custody staff must have a uniform available in your vehicle. Let’s support our favorite team(s) and the Personnel Club!
Morale Committee:
Children’s Mercy Dream Big Day Walk: Saturday, September 19, 2020 at 9am.
Human Resources:
Engage 2.0 Upward Feedback survey is open from September 1 through September 30, 2020.
Feedback is anonymous and only your answers will be shared with your supervisor and only your direct supervisor can see the responses. For more information, check out the Upward Feedback Click Step Guide or the Upward Feedback Quick Reference Guide on the Engage 2.0 website.
Employee of the Month Ceremony: Tuesday, September 29, 2020
August 2020
Big News
The fourth cycle of The Show Me Challenge began on August 14, 2020. The Show Me Challenge is a group of 3-10 people from any of the 16 executive departments, presenting ideas, new processes or improvements on old processes to reduce a loss of time and energy, improve on every day work and increasing productivity and/or efficiency. Just any way your group can find to improve, change or correct a current process to make a better work environment for all. Applications and initial pitch must be received by October 23, 2020.
Just a reminder that Open Enrollment for 2021 benefits through MCHCP will begin October 1 through October 31, 2020. Access to open enrollment information will be available online soon.
During the week of August 3-6, Sentinel Testing of staff and offenders at KCRC was conducted…and as of August 11, 2020, all staff and offenders tested negative!!!! We will begin the recovery phase of the viral containment plan, which will begin with limited visitation starting Friday, August 21, 2020 (modified guidelines). Although, we have all tested negative, please continue all the hard work that got us to this point: Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands, keep all areas clean and sanitized and Social Distance!
The Department is in the process of developing a new wellness initiative and they need your help! A survey was sent out on August 8, 2020 and your responses will help them gauge areas of need, interest and guide development. The survey is anonymous and it takes about five minutes to complete. Please make sure to complete the survey as your input is valuable and will help the Department develop new and exciting programs for all staff!
The 10-33 Benevolent Fund’s Annual Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, August 28, 2020 at the Tanglewood Golf Course in Fulton, Missouri. There is still room for more teams and entry information was sent out by email. This year there will be a silent auction held for a golf quilt that was donated by the Central Office Reentry Unit. Proceeds from the silent auction will go to the 10-33 Benevolent Fund.
2020 Reentry Conference will be virtual this year. The conference is being offered for free this year but registration will be required to access the live sessions that will be held weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning on October 6, 2020. As of August 7, 2020 the Conference web page and mobile app are live. More information about the live sessions and registration will be sent out in the coming weeks.
Todd Richardson, Director of Missouri HealthNet, sends all State Employees encouraging words on continuing the “Show Me Strong” recovery plan. He encourages us to help slow the spread of COVID-19 through our efforts to social distance, wash hands, wear masks and work from home, when possible. Work is being completed through the cross-department team to find ways to safely reopen schools as well. We have made significant progress through the “Show Me Strong” recovery plan and help from all Missourians will help us to return to a more normal life. Please visit the COVID-19 Employee Resource website for the latest information and updates to the recovery plan.
On August 6, 2020 it was announced that Todd Warren, Warden of the Kansas City Reentry Center was appointed to the position of Warden at Maryville Treatment Center, effective September 1, 2020. We are sad to see him go, but on behalf of the staff at KCRC we wish him well in his new position. Congratulations, Mr. Warren!!!! You will be missed!
Once again it’s time for the…Quarterly Pulse Survey! Surveys are anonymous and only take about five minutes to complete. All feedback is appreciated and it is a way to have your voice heard and changes made for the better of the Department. The survey will be open until midnight on Friday, August 7, 2020.

Employee of the Month
CO I Ethan Whitehead
On several occasions, Officer Whitehead has taken on the challenge of operating the food service department without complaint. Officer Whitehead has pulled food, helped with inventory, prepared and served meals in a timely manner, when there were no other staff members available to do it. He has been and remains a great asset to the food service team and staff is grateful to have him as the officer assigned to food service. Officer Whitehead has never once complained about taking on the task of making sure all the offenders get a hot meal for breakfast. He always rises to the challenge and has yet to fail. For all the work that Officer Whitehead does in food service without even being asked, he deserves all the praise in the world!
Thank you for all you do and Congratulations!!
Awards & Recognition
The staff of KCRC would like to recognize Mrs. Amanda Buck, wife of Corrections Officer I Dustin Buck, for her kind and gracious gesture. Amanda volunteered to handmade masks for KCRC staff that requested one, in the color of their choice! Thank you Mrs. Buck, your work was greatly appreciated!
New Team Members
Suzette Stephens, Corrections Officer I
Duncan Cochren-Miller, Corrections Officer I
Staff Moves
Duncan Cochren-Miller, Corrections Officer I transferred to KCRC from WRDCC on 8/9/20. Welcome to the team!
Todd Warren, Warden, Kansas City Reentry Center transferred to Maryville Treatment Center. Congratulations, Warden Warren, you will be missed!
Important Dates
Human Resources:
Sentinel Testing will be held at KCRC, Monday, August 3 through Thursday, August 6, 2020.
The Quarterly Pulse Survey is due by midnight on Friday, August 7, 2020.
AFLAC: A representative will be on site on Tuesday, August 18 and Wednesday, August 19, 2020 to answer questions, provide information and enroll you in benefits if you choose.
Personnel Club:
Dress Down Week: Sunday, August 2 through Saturday, August 8, 2020. Please wear your favorite KCRC, DOC or Special Olympics T-shirts! Custody staff must wear boots and duty belt and have a complete uniform in their car.
Warden Warden’s Farewell Ceremony: Monday, August 31, 2020
Morale Committee:
Children’s Mercy Dream Big Day Virtual Walk for team KCRC will be held on Saturday, September 19, 2020 at 9am at Maple Woods Nature Preserves. Please wear a KCRC or DOC t-shirt. For more details or to sign up, please refer to your email or contact a Morale Committee member.
Employee of the Month Ceremony: Thursday, August 27, 2020
July 2020
Big News
training credit completed between January 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021 will count for the 2021 Fiscal Year. This will allow everyone to have an additional six months to meet current training requirements. In June 2020, safety certifications for Firearms, Defensive Tactics and First Aid/CPR were extended until December 2020, per Director Precythe. In-seat training for those certifications will take place as soon as pandemic conditions allow for it to be done safely.
A new revised Leave Guidance has been posted to the COVID-19 Employee Resource website as of July 27, 2020. The changes to borrowed Leave will effective August 24, 2020. For more information, please visit the COVID-19 Employee Resource website, refer to your email or contact Human Resources.
Don’t forget…it’s that time of year again…Time for the Quarterly Pulse Survey! The deadline to complete this quarter’s survey is August 7, 2020.
The Department of Corrections is asking for your help to update our DOCIntranet page. A survey was sent out to find out your experiences with the staff intranet webpage. The survey only takes about five minutes to complete and will help the Department make the webpage more user friendly and accessible. Please take time out to complete this survey so that the DOCIntranet webpage can be updated and tailored to everyone’s needs!
There has been a dramatic shift in the ages of those diagnosed with COIVD-19 in Missouri. Previously, it was prevalent in those ages 65 and older but now the average age for a positive test is declining. The average age of all people who have tested positive in Missouri is now 41! Currently, 38% of all reported cases in Missouri are those in their twenties and thirties. So, please, everyone do your part and continue with the current guidelines of handwashing, masks and social distancing, to help keep all Missourians safe!
Changes to the C3 do not effect or change your working title and are only used for Office of Administration accounting purposes.
Employee of the Month

CO I Ka-Kella Jones
During this pandemic, COI Ka-Kella Jones has taken all of the recreation and housing unit movements that occur during her shift upon herself and done a fabulous job! All of her fellow COI’s follow her lead and there have been no issues during movements. She is always lifting up her fellow officers and supervisors with an infectious laugh and positive attitude. COI Jones is always willing to assist and is looked at as a leader amongst her peers. A person like COI Jones is rare in the Department and at KCRC and [the nominator] cannot think of anyone more deserving than her and they were honored to nominate her for this award. Congratulations, COI Jones!!!
Awards & Recognition
KCRC’s Deputy Warden, Beth Johnson graduated from the Missouri Leadership Academy on July 14, 2020! The Academy was developed to bring emerging leaders from all 16 executive departments to help them build new skills and become better leaders. The goal of the Missouri Leadership Academy is to help accelerate participants’ professional growth, prepare them to take on new responsibilities and build a group of leaders with the skills to improve government performance. There are only two classes held each year and only 1-3 people are selected from each department. Since the start of the Academy over 100 state leaders have graduated!
When asked about her experience in the Academy, she said, “We had homework like a college course. We had to make sure we had it done before the next meeting because there was no excuses. It was hard work, but it was fun!”
There were twenty-eight State employees in the Spring 2020 class. During their time in the Academy, participants are divided into groups that work on presentations to improve many aspects of state government. Ms. Johnson’s group was tasked with developing a proposal on working remotely and presented their project to Governor Parson, Cabinet leaders, Anne Precythe, Director of the Missouri Department of Corrections and leaders from their respective executive departments. To learn more about the Missouri Leadership Academy and KCRC’s Deputy Warden, Beth Johnson’s contribution to the 2020 Spring graduating class, please read this Jefferson City News Tribune article.
Congratulations, Deputy Warden Johnson!
Warden’s Award of Excellence
The Warden’s Award of Excellence is a quarterly award given to an outstanding individual who has shown their commitment to the Department of Corrections mission statement: Improving Lives for Safer Communities. This quarter’s KCRC Warden’s Award of Excellence is presented to:
Austin Kost, Correctional Officer I
Corrections Officer I Austin Kost has been instrumental in the detection of contraband and/or drugs in the facility. COI Kost goes above and beyond to ensure the safety and security of the facility and is not afraid of hard work. Because of his dedication, he was able to prevent a use of force on several occasions, assist during medical emergencies and prevent the spread of unauthorized contraband. He is always willing to help his fellow officers or any staff member when he sees they are in need of assistance. By his actions, he has earned the respect of both staff and offenders. Thank you for all that you do, COI Kost and Congratulations!!!!
New Team Members
Mark Wakeman, Corrections Officer I
Certifications for Firearms, Defensive Tactics and First Aid/CPR have been extended until December 31, 2020 to accommodate for makeup recertification trainings that have been missed due to COVID-19 procedures. All trainings will be conducted with social distancing measures and masks will be required for training that requires close contact between participants and instructors. For hands on contact training, masks and gloves will be required. Hand sanitizer and/or facilities for hand washing as needed are also available.
Tracking for training has been changed to a Fiscal Year schedule as of July 27, 2020. All training credits completed between January 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021 will count towards the current Fiscal Year, 2021. On July 27, 2020, an updated Electives List was posted to the Intranet. Be sure to check out the updated list and start earning credits towards your mandatory training requirements!
Important Dates
Holidays: Independence Day July 4, 2020, observed on Friday, July 3, 2020
Human Resources:
Sentinel Testing will be held at KCRC August 3 through August 6, 2020.
Quarterly Pulse Surveys have been sent out and are due by August 7, 2020.
Morale Committee/Personnel Club:
Hot Dog Day: Wednesday, July 22, 2020. Please have your order forms turned in to a Morale Committee or Personnel Club member by Monday, July 20, 2020. If you purchase the meal, you will be allowed to dress down for the day as well!
In conjunction with the Sentinel Testing and to show our appreciation for all your hard work, we will have a free dress down week beginning Sunday, August 2, 2020 through Saturday, August 8, 2020. You may wear your favorite, DOC, KCRC or Special Olympics t-shirt. Custody staff must wear boot and duty belt and have a complete uniform in your car.
June 2020
Big News
Internal and promotional opportunities for DOC staff can now be found on the MOCareers page! Follow the “Grow Your Career” banner on the DOCIntranet page and you will be taken to the DOC MOCareers job opportunities page. Internal and transfer positions will be labeled as “DOC TRANSFER ONLY” and “DOC INTERNAL ONLY” in the title. If this label is not present, then the position has been posted externally.
The 2020 Missouri Reentry Conference will be held digitally this year during the month of October. The theme of this year’s conference is “2020 Vision for the Justice-Involved.” An app is under development by the conference host and details about how to access the app and register for the conference will be out soon.
Support is available to Department of Corrections staff through the Emergency Responder Crisis Text Line. The service is free and confidential, if you need someone to talk to regarding any type of crisis, whether it is work-related, depression, substance abuse, financial, romantic or personal. Text “BADGE” to 741741 and a Trained Crisis Counselor will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to discuss your situation.
The Office of Administration has partnered with 13 departments in the State of Missouri to modernize our job and pay structures. Effective July 1, 2020 the total number of job titles will be reduced by almost half. This may cause a change in job title for some employees. The new structure was created to make it easier to find career paths and emphasizes growth opportunities within the State.
Effective Monday, June 8, 2019, Tuberculosis (TB) testing for employees will resume during the month of June. Information and notices will be posted by the Employee Health Nurse at each facility to get all employees current. Be sure to check your emails, postings or speak with the Employee Health Nurse if you were scheduled to have your test during March, April, May or June.
DOC’s new ad campaign for Corrections Officer I’s went live on Thursday, June 4, 2020 with ads on over 200 radio stations/newspapers/TV stations across the State of Missouri. Ads were also place on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and many other social media outlets. Don’t forget that as a Department employee you can receive a $250 bonus under the DOC employee referral incentive program, for referring a Corrections Officer or Cook I or II that is hired and successfully completes Basic Training! (Some exclusions may apply)
The MODOC MO Learning Design Team has made finding MODOC courses and Learning Path electives that are eligible for training credit, more user friendly. Now, you can find out which courses and paths are available without going to the Electives List. On the DOCintranet, find the “Training Academy” link and look for “MODOC 2020 Approved MOLearning/LinkedIn Learning Electives. Once there you can click on any category and you will be taken to the approved courses and/or learning paths in MOLearning!
Access to Engage 2.0’s evaluations and upward feedback surveys will be available beginning June 1, 2020. Supervisors will complete an evaluation for each person that reports to them and the upward feedback surveys are for staff to evaluate their supervisor(s). The Upward Feedback surveys are optional and any feedback you provide is anonymous. You can access the surveys until Tuesday, June 30, 2020.
Employee of the Month

Correctional Officer I, Curtis Guffey
COI Guffey has shown his value to KCRC time and time again. His relaxed demeanor and quick problem solving skill have made him irreplaceable. He has shown leadership, while operating in a professional manner and also prevented a use of force during this time of restricted movement. COI Guffey is highly regarded by staff and offenders alike. He has built a paramount rapport with the offenders, which allows him to communicate effectively when in high stress situations. During the COVID-19 pandemic, COI Guffey was assigned to housing and has seen 5 lock-ups in one week, but he was able to take control of the housing units, which took the pressure off of supervisors and his co-workers, by being able to show restraint when offenders are upset. He has evened wiped down tables in food service, which shows the offenders he is no better than the next person and is not a stranger to hard work…which he does not mind doing to benefit others.
Good Job, COI Guffey and Congratulations!!!!
New Team Members
Dustin Buck, Corrections Officer I
Institutional Activity Coordinator, Wardine Williams was promoted to Probation and Parole Officer I
Staff Moves
Corrections Officer I Deborah Jones transferred from FRDC to KCRC
Corrections Officer I Dustin Buck transferred to KCRC from WMCC
Institutional Activity Coordinator Wardine Williams transferred to Probation & Parole
The annual training for Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation & Unprofessional Conduct scheduled for June 1 through June 4, 2020 has been cancelled effective May 28, 2020.
If you recall, In-seat training was reduced to those trainings that services critical Department needs through June 1, 2020. Effective Wednesday, June 10, 2020, Director Precythe has made the decision to extend staff certifications for an additional 60 days, to August 1, 2020. This is in an effort to keep the staff and offender populations as safe as we can through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Important Dates
Training: Engage 2.0 evaluations and upward feedback surveys are due on Tuesday, June 30, 2020.
TB testing: Testing has resumed as of June 8, 2020. Testing schedules will be sent out by the Employee Health Nurse.
Success Story

Kansas City Reentry Center’s Restorative Justice Program purchased a birdbath in honor of crime victims, which was placed near the entrance of the facility on June 3, 2020. Offenders Tad Hunter (President), James Reddell, Edward Williams along with Corrections Officer I Victor Gaye assisted in the set up. A small bed was made to surround the birdbath, in which blooming ground cover was placed. We are looking forward to watching it bloom over the summer. KCRC’s very own, Chaplain Matthew Mason is working on obtaining a commemorative plaque to place in front of the birdbath, in honor of crime victims. Thank you to the Restorative Justice Program for their continuing efforts of giving back to the community!!
KCRC’s Restorative Justice program is on a roll this month! They sent 41 sets of flash cards and 157 bookmarks to the KidSmart organization on Wednesday, June 17, 2020. KidSmart’s mission is “to empower children in need to succeed in school by providing free essential tools for learning.” They provide school supplies for underprivileged students in the St. Louis area and is the only free educational supply store in Missouri.
May 2020
Big News
As of May 29, 2020 the Department is in day number four of sentinel testing for COVID-19 and so far 2,674 test were conducted at SECC and SCCC. Schedules for the remaining institutions will be updated and posted as soon as the information is available.
Beginning Tuesday, May 26, 2020 all Missouri Department of Corrections adult institutions will participate in sentinel COVID-19 testing. The strategy behind sentinel testing is to test most or all of the members of a large group of people living or working together in close contact, even if there are no known cases in a specific location. A plan is being developed to test all staff and offenders at all MODOC adult institutions in the upcoming weeks, beginning with Southeast Correctional Center and South Central Correctional Center starting on May 26.
On May 19, 2020, MCHCP decided that MCHCP Dental Plan members will receive a dental premium reduction of 50% for the month of June 2020. This is happening in recognition of the shutdown of most dental offices due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This reduction will be automatic without members needing to do anything.
For more information, visit MCHCP’s webpage or contact MetLife by phone.
Governor Parson proclaimed May as Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month for the State of Missouri on May 1, 2020. Due to the guidelines for social distancing, the State has opted to have a virtual celebration which you can watch here: https://vimeo.com/420344049/eda3e4c415
Western Governors University (WGU) is offering a special scholarship worth up to $7000 to celebrate their seventh anniversary. It is a competitive scholarship and recipients will be awarded $1,750 for tuition for each six-month term (up to four terms). All Missourians are welcome to apply, for more details visit www.wgu.edu/financial-aid-tuition/scholarships/missouri/anniversary.html.
Effective Wednesday, May 13, 2020, for the safety of staff and offenders, the suspension of offender visits has been extended until June 18, 2020.
Operation BBQ Relief will be coming to KCRC on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 to distribute lunch meals for staff! Operation BBQ Relief helps communities though disasters throughout the country by distributing free BBQ meals to first responders, first aid workers, even families. During the COVID-10 pandemic they have served 1,024,915 meals nationally and they were able to retain or rehire 243 employee! Thank you Operation BBQ Relief for all the work you do and the delicious meal!!!!!
Jason Lewis entered his position of Deputy Division Director in the Division of Adult Institutions as of Monday, May 4, 2020. Congratulations Mr. Lewis!!!
The Stay At Home order for the State of Missouri was lifted beginning May 4 by Governor Parson, but the State of Emergency for the State has been extended until June 15, 2020. Please be sure to maintain your social distancing and wash/sanitize your hands to lower your risk of contracting this deadly disease! Because the stay at home order has been lifted, many state employees will be returning to the worksite on Monday, May 4, 2020. For those that are returning, screening of employees will be conducted by the National Guard at any state facility with over 300 or more people working in them.
It’s that time of year again!!! Compensatory time balances will be paid out on the May 29, 2020 paycheck. If you wish to retain your time, please submit your Application to Pay/Retain Compensatory Balances, to the personnel office on or before Tuesday, May 19, 2020.
Jeff Norman, Director of Division of Adult Institutions, had decided, effective May 1, 2020 that the celebration of National Correctional Officers and Employees Week, scheduled for May 5-11, 2020 has been postponed until later this summer or early fall.
Effective April 29, 2020, TB testing for the Missouri Department of Corrections is still postponed until further notice. Employees that have been affected by the postponement will be notified when testing resumes to have a make-up test conducted. Contact Valarie Moseley, Assistant Division Director of Division of Human Services if you have any questions about TB testing.
Employee of the Month

Business Manager, Teresa Smith
Mrs. Teresa Smith was nominated as employee of the month based on her attitude of helpfulness, her professional demeanor and her great work habits. Since she arrived at KCRC she has consistently demonstrated a great attitude which helps staff morale as well as having a great knowledge of her responsibilities and a willingness to always help others. When Chaplain Matthew Mason arrived at KCRC from CRCC he was contemplating whether or not he was needed or if staff would be welcoming to him since he was an “outsider” coming from CRCC. Mrs. Smith made it a point of coming by every day to say hi and ask him how he was doing. She also was able to find Chaplain Mason a better desk for his clerk to work at for Chapel projects. Mrs. Smith is always ready to help anyone, if she sees that they need help and she goes above and beyond in her work performance and great attitude, a true asset to KCRC.
Awards & Recognition
Thank you to the Kansas City Reentry Center’s Personnel Club for arranging for Operation BBQ Relief to stop by with lunch for staff!! Often times working in corrections we are overlooked, especially during this time of pandemics, shutdowns and cancellations, so it is a comfort to know that we were recognized for all the hard work we do! On behalf of the staff at the Kansas City Reentry Center, we would like to send a heartfelt, Thank You to “Taking it to the Streets”, Shannon Kimble and the team of Operation BBQ relief for the wonderful meal they provided to us on Tuesday, May 12, 2020! Thank you again to KCRC’s Personnel Club and Operation BBQ!
On Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at the completion of Ramadan, Chaplain Mason took a moment out of time to thank the staff of KCRC for helping to make Ramadan 2020 at KCRC a great success! He stated “although we had to make a few adjustments on the Ramadan process due to the COVID-19 epidemic, we adapted and as a result, we made it through the month with no reports issues.” Chaplain Mason also commented that he had several Muslim offenders stop by his office throughout the month to comment on how smoothly the process was going. Thank you to all KCRC staff for your hard work and dedication which made this process a success!!!!
New Team Members
Corrections Officer I Nicholas Fitchett
Corrections Officer I Veronica Franco
Corrections Officer I Brian Hensley
Corrections Officer I Andrew Martin
Corrections Officer I Caysha Mills
Staff Moves
Corrections Officer I Nicholas Fitchett transferred from WRDCC effective May 3, 2020
Corrections Officer I Andrew Martin transferred from WRDCC effective May 3, 2020
Corrections Officer I Deborah Jones transferred to FRDC effective May 10, 2020
Missouri’s Deferred Compensation (MO Deferred Comp) will be holding Webinars throughout the month of May for topic such as basic investing, plan investments and strategies, making contributions, retirement income and spend-downs along with many other topics about retirement accounts and investing. Check their website for more details.
Annual Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation & Unprofessional Conduct training will be conducted Monday, June 1 through Thursday, June 4, 2020. (CANCELLED as of May 28, 2020)
Engage 2.0’s evaluations and upward feedback surveys are back! Beginning June 1 through June 30, 2020 access will be opened to complete the evaluations and upward feedback surveys. Supervisors will complete an evaluation for each person that reports to them and the upward feedback surveys are for staff to evaluate their supervisor(s). The Upward Feedback surveys are optional and any feedback you provide is anonymous.
Important Dates
Important Dates: Truman’s Birthday: Friday, May 8, 2020
Memorial Day: Monday, May 25, 2020
Training: DHRUC-June 1-4, 2020
Personnel Club: Operation BBQ Relief Lunch: Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Human Resources: Tuesday, May 19, 2020-Final day to submit Application to Pay/Retain Comp Balances
Comp time payout will be received on May 29, 2020 paycheck
10-33 Benevolent Fund Golf Tournament, Friday, August 28, 2020
April 2020
Big News
The Stay At Home order for the State of Missouri will be lifted beginning May 4, 2020. Please be sure to maintain your social distancing and wash/sanitize your hands to lower your risk of contracting this deadly disease! When the Stay At Home order is lifted, many state employees will be returning to the worksite. For those that are returning, screening of employees will be conducted by the National Guard at any state facility with over 300 or more people working in them.
James Lewis was appointed to the position of Deputy Division Director of the Division of Adult Institutions on Tuesday, April 28, 2020. He will officially take office on Monday, May 4, 2020.
Protocols are being followed to minimize exposure for staff and offenders for the COVID-19 virus. If a staff member test positive for COVID-19, the results will be shared with those staff in the affected location first, then all staff will be notified daily. Please visit https://doc.mo.gov/media-center/newsroom/covid-19 for more information.
As a reminder, TB testing will be postponed for the month of April. The Department will reassess the current COVID-19 situation at the end of the month of April to determine if testing will resume or the postponement will continue. All TB test that were missed for the months of March and April will be made up when testing resumes.
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield has provided its members with valuable information on social distancing, managing anxiety, guidelines on face mask (and how to make your own) and protecting yourself against cyber scams. There is also information to help locate the closest COVID-19 testing facility and Employee Assistance Program resources. Visit their COVID-19 web page for more information.
As of April 13, 2020, we have our new uniforms!!!! If you do not have your uniforms yet, please make arrangements with Captain Gray. You may begin wearing them as soon as you have made any necessary alterations, but all staff should be wearing the new uniform no later than Friday, May 1, 2020. If you are unable to make this deadline, please speak with Warden Warren.
Director Precythe sent a message out to the offender population on April 10, 2020 explaining the changes staff are implementing are designed to protect everyone’s health, staff and offender. She announced that face covers will be provided to offenders, to further protect everyone’s health and should be distributed within a week. Remarkably, 99% of the staff of the Missouri Department of Corrections are still conducting their daily duties, whether remotely or at the work site and less than 1% of our workforce is on administrative leave.
The Governor has recommended and the Missouri General Assembly has approved funding to provide a stipend related to the current public health crisis. The purpose of the stipend is to incentivize staff working in state facilities where there are positive COVID-19 cases. It will still need final approval from the Personnel Advisory Board and they have a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 14, 2020 to discuss the matter.
Effective April 9, 2020 per Deputy Warden Johnson, hand sanitizer will be available for offenders under direct staff supervision. Bottles will be clearly marked and must be returned to the shift commander’s office after each movements use. Staff are also permitted to use the sanitizer as well.
Governor Parson issued a statewide “Stay Home Missouri” Order that went into effect on Monday, April 6, 2020 through Friday, April 24 at 11:59PM. The order provides guidelines for staying at home, social distancing, businesses and employees, schools, restaurants, firearm sales, and state government buildings, in an effort to protect public health and prevent the further spread of COVID-19.
The Department has made a few changes to our work routine based on the current COVID-19 situation. Beginning Tuesday, April 7, 2020 only three staff members, not including the officer will be allowed to enter the search point area at a time and only five staff may be in the Key Bank/Sign-in area at a time. Effective, Wednesday, April 8, 2020, all staff will be screened and have their temperature taken in the old entryway daily, prior to your initial entry to report to work. Once you have been cleared to enter you may proceed to search point to enter the facility as normal. Face coverings and masks will be made available to staff in the near future. The face coverings will be for use by staff for regular day-to-day activities and the mask will be used in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak occurs in a facility.
Effective April 6, 2020 the suspension on offender visitation has been extended through May 14, 2020. At time, the public health crisis will be reassessed to determine the next step. DAI Director Jeff Norman also sent a message to the offender population informing them of the changes that will be coming to all facilities. The offenders were informed that the institutions are not on lockdown status and that offenders from different housing units will be separated so we can contain any spread of the virus in case one should occur in the offender population. Offenders were also informed that offender movement will be slowed, group size restricted and the length, time and size of groups permitted during recreation will be reduced in an effort to reduce the possibility of spreading COVID-19 should it enter a facility.
MOSERS offices are still closed to the public at this time but they are continuing to accept retirement applications online or by mail.
On April 3rd, 2020, MODOC began exploring options for face masks and coverings for the department in preparation of a long-term, multiple facility outbreak. We are currently prepared for a short-term isolated outbreak. One option is we make it ourselves!!! Missouri Vocational Enterprises (MVE) has produced face cover prototypes that were evaluated by the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS). After a review and revisions, MVE will begin production of face covers for offenders and staff that are currently working inside the institutions. The hope is that distribution will begin within a week as MVE has expanded production to cover the demand. MVE has also been producing hand sanitizer, which will also arrive within the week.

Per Warden Warren, effective April 2, 2020, staff haircuts are suspended until further notice.
Effective April 1, 2020 the Federal Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (ESPLA) and the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (EFMLA) went into effect. Check the Office of Administration’s employee resource page for more information on the criteria and to see if you may be eligible for benefits.
Employee of the Month
Correctional Officer I Lashanda Johnson
COI Johnson was nominated by Sgt. Shewell for excellence in her post at Search Post. COI Johnson maintains her work area and is professional towards staff and visitors.
Awards & Recognition
Warden’s Award of Excellence
The Warden’s Award of Excellence is a quarterly award given to an outstanding individual who has shown their commitment to the Department of Corrections mission statement: Improving Lives for Safer Communities. The first KCRC Warden’s Award of Excellence is presented to:
Amanda Hall, Addictions Counselor
Mrs. Hall has been an integral part in the success of the Special Unit. She has been uprooted from her office (twice), re-catalogued books and magazines, reorganized and restructured the library, all the while teaching classes, and frequently oversees and takes responsibility for the improvement of the Special Unit. Mrs. Hall maintains a positive attitude as she continues to find ways to enhance the functionality of the Special Unit for our offender population. Congratulations!!!!!
Employee of the Year 2019
Rebekah Maples, Senior Office Support Assistant
Rebekah Maples, Senior Office Support Assistant, was chosen as the Employee of the Year for 2019 but, her award had not arrived prior to the ceremony in January. Her award arrived this month, but due to social distancing requirements, we were not able to have a ceremony for her to officially receive her award. Thank you for your patience and hard work, Rebekah!!!!

In an effort to keep the spirit of staff high during these stressful times, KCRC’s Morale Committee, staff and a member of the community came together on Sunday, April 19, 2020 to do some sidewalk art on the entryway. When staff entered on Monday morning, they were greeted by encouraging and uplifting quotes, sayings and drawings created by FUM Chris Browning, CCMII Theresa Kent, AC Amanda Hall and a friend. Thank you all for taking your time to bring a smile to everyone’s day!!!! Great Job #TeamKCRC!!!!
Flags will be flown at half-staff on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at government facilities in Clay, Cass, Jackson and Platte counties in honor of Kansas City Fire Department EMT Billy Birmingham. He was the first known COVID-19 line-of-duty death of a first responder in the state of Missouri. Birmingham had been an EMT for the city of Kansas City for 22 years at his death. There was also a ceremony held in his honor in the Kansas City area.
KCRC won in the category of Most Improved in the number of MOLearning hours per viewer from last month for the month of March!! Keep the good work and keep watching those videos!!!!
New Team Members
Corrections Officer I Rodney Buttz
Senior Office Support Assistant, Rebekah Maples was promoted to Corrections Officer I effective 4/26/20. Congratulations, Rebekah!!!!
Staff Moves
KCRC welcomes the return of Corrections Officer I Rodney Buttz from CCC on March 30, 2020.
Town Hall Report
Due to the current COVID-19 situation and in the best interest of staff, as of April 15, 2020, Warden Warren had decided to not have Town Hall Meetings at this time. The Administration will now come to you instead! They will be speaking with each team member and you can ask questions, give suggestions and discuss how to make a difference!
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Friday, April 17, 2020
Important Dates
Town Hall Meetings: Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Thursday, April 16, 2020 CANCELLED 4/15/20
Friday, April 17, 2020 CANCELLED 4/15/20
Meetings will be held in the dining room. Due to the COVID-19 guidelines and to help practice social distancing, there will be no more than 8 staff allowed in the meeting at any time. Additional meeting will be held immediately following the prior meeting if there are more than the 8 members wanting to attend.
Personnel Club: Per Warden Warren, as of April 9, 2020, Popcorn Paydays has been suspended until further notice. We are working on alternatives!
Face covers for staff were received on April 9, 2020 and they are being handed out. At this time, there is enough for each staff member. We will then hand out offender face covers followed by additional masks for staff. It is optional at this time for staff to wear masks. If you wish to wear gloves while working, you may but you will have to bring them in yourself. Gloves will only be provided if you are performing a task that is part of your job duty. UPDATE: The 2nd face cover for staff were received and passed out to staff beginning April 22, 2020. Offenders received their 2nd face covering on April 23, 2020.
Offender Counsel Meeting: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 **No staff other than the Warden will be able to participate due to social distancing**
Fit testing for N-95 masks: April 24, 2020
March 2020
Big News
Engage 2.0 is here! March 2nd begins the rollout of Engage 2.0, which among many of its components, allows feedback between staff and their supervisors. If you have questions about the process, how to get started or about Engage 2.0, each facility has a Change Champion(s) that can answer your questions. KCRC Change Champions are Elizabeth Wilburn and Eddis Jackson. The deadline to provide upward feedback for your supervisor is March 31, 2020! If you have any questions please speak with one of our Change Champions or visit the Engage 2.0 website on the DOC Intranet.
Human Resources is transitioning into one applicant tracking system starting on Monday, March 9, 2020. It will allow internal employees to apply from the DOC Intranet page! The new tracking system will also allow you to see openings in all 16 State agencies without having to apply for each position separately. You will also be able to set up and apply for multiple positions once you create a profile, which will make it faster to apply! These are just a few of the changes that the new applicant tracking system has available and you are encouraged to visit the DOC Landing Page on MOCareers to get more familiar with the system.
MO Deferred Comp will have a drawing for prizes for those who have watched their America Saves Week videos and completed their six question survey by Friday, March 6, 2020.
With all the talk about the coronavirus that is going in the news, feel secure that the State of Missouri is preparing for any cases of the virus that may happen in our state in the future. Missouri received a High ranking for our emergency preparedness from Trust for America’s Health earlier this year. In order to stay prepared, if you have any concerns that you may be at risk for contracting the virus or have any questions concerning the illness, you are encouraged to contact your health care provider or your local health department for more information. To help prevent the spread, the best method is good hygiene, with the most effective method being handwashing. The following are some additional methods that can help slow down or even stop the spread:
- Try to avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
- Wash your hands often. If you do not have access to soap and running water, use an alcohol based hand sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol.
National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) is April 19-25, 2020. The theme for this year is Seek Justice/Ensure
Victims’ Rights/Inspire Hope. The Department of Corrections Office of Victims Services is sponsoring two events this years to increase public awareness about victims rights. The first is an event to kick off NCVRW on April 18, 2020 and there will be a candlelight vigil held at the Cole County Sheriff’s Department on April 20, 2020. For more information, contact Kimberly Evans, Victim Unit Coordinator. The above events scheduled for NCVRW have been cancelled as of March 17, 2020 due to COVID-19 protocols.
Jeff Norman was appointed to the position of Director of the Division of Adult Institutions, effective March 27, 2020.
To learn more about COVID-19 and the State of Missouri’s response, please visit the Missouri Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS) website at https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/novel-coronavirus. To view the Department of Corrections response and updates, please visit https://doc.mo.gov/media-center/newsroom/covid-19.
Determination Incorporated is a non-for-profit organization that comes to KCRC to help offenders explore the world of entrepreneurialism. Due to the Coronavirus crisis, visitation was cancelled and they are unable to facilitate their workshops. To prevent the loss of the connection due to the cancellation of visitation, the members of Determination, Incorporated have come up with a solution, they will be creating a newsletter, assembled from stories and tips submitted by its members that will be distributed to the offenders. Thank you, Determination, Incorporated!!
DAI has developed a Process Improvement Cycle that allows DAI staff to submit recommendations or ideas that can change a current process, create a new process or make an existing process better in connection with the vision/goals of the division or department. The Planning Solutions Proposal Form is now available on the K: drive. Note: This is not to be used for site specific issue, it is for issues that will affect the department or division as a whole.
Employee of the Month
Senior Office Support Assistant, Eddis Jackson
Ms. Jackson was nominated by Lt. Rogers for her continued diligence in her job duties. She frequently finds information in the mail regarding possible suspicious activities, safety and security concerns and information that became crucial in investigations. Congratulations Ms. Jackson!!!
Awards & Recognition
KCRC’s Chaplain, Matthew Mason attended a convention entitled, “Doing Justice Like Jesus,” which was held in Lee’s Summit on Saturday, February 29, 2020. The convention was organized by the Methodist Denomination in order to bring several religious and non-religious organizations together to share knowledge and resources that would benefit offenders and/or incarcerated individuals. Chaplain Mason was also one of the breakout speakers, speaking on Corrections and Chaplaincy! He also took the time to set up a booth to represent KCRC at the convention which was visited by over 100 people! Way to represent KCRC!
KCRC now has four new Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) members:
Lee Barry
Hans Brosam
Effie Cook-Hannon
Ka-Kella Jones
These graduates endured an intense 40 hour course of Crisis Intervention techniques, strategies and scenarios. Please congratulate KCRC’s newest CIT members! For more information on CIT, see a member or contact SOSA Maples.
New Team Members
Senior Office Support Assistant, Samantha Shewell
Corrections Officer I Danielle Greenlee
Maintenance Worker II Jeffrey McFarland was promoted to Physical Plant Supervisor on March 29, 2020. Congratulations, Jeffrey!!!!
CIT Certification class scheduled for April 6-10, 2020 has been cancelled as of March 18, 2020, due to the recent precautions being taken to prevent the spread of COIVID-19.
MOSERS is offering Mid-Career Webinars. This webinar is designed for those that are vested (5 years of service) and are more than ten years away from their first normal retirement eligibility date. The online webinars are scheduled for March 12, May 14, July 23, September 23 and November 5. To register for a webinar, log in to myMOSERS and visit the Mid-Career page.
Missouri Deferred Compensation (MO Deferred Comp) is offering webinars to help you learn more about saving and investing for retirement. Webinars are scheduled for March 30 & 31, April 1, 2 and 9, 2020. See MO Deferred Comp’s webpage or your email for more details. One-on-one meetings with education specialist are also available and you can sign up through the MO Deferred Comp’s website as well.
Warriors Ascent is a week-long retreat that can be used by staff at no cost to them or the department. The focus of the program is to understand PTSD and use tools that can help a person move through their trauma towards recovery. For more information and an application to the program, see their website https://www.warriorsascent.org/ for more details. Supervisory approval is needed to attend. Next class is scheduled for March 2-6 for males only.
MO Deferred Comp is also offering Web 1-on1’s, which is an online session that allows you to meet with a MO Deferred Comp education specialist to ask questions about your savings goals, to review your account or enroll in a plan, investment options and much more! You can have a session on your computer, tablet or phone and you do not need to have a webcam! The next session is March 2, 2020. Visit MO Deferred Comp’s website for more info.
It's that time of year again! Time to complete our annual PREA refresher. The refresher is available through DOCOTA and is due by Tuesday, March 31, 2020.
Missouri Corrections Association (MCA) is holding a symposium on Human Trafficking that will be held on Wednesday, April 8, 2020 in Lee’s Summit, MO. RESCHEDULED for Tuesday, June 9, 2020.
Town Hall Report
Town Hall Meetings for the month of March will be held on
Monday, March 16, 2020. ***rescheduled to Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Wednesday, March 18, 2020.
All meetings will be held in the visitation room.
Important Dates
Holidays: St. Patrick’s Day: Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Training: Shotgun Proficiency: March 24, 2020. Note: Class will begin at 3:30 AM (CANCELLED as of 3/18/20 due to COVID-19)
WRTC: Deception Detection- Tuesday, March 24, 2020 (CANCELLED)
Generations Connected-Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Motivational Interviewing Skill Builder, Thursday, March 19, 2020
First Responder & Communication Issues for Hostage Situations- March 24, 2020 (CANCELLED)
(This will meet the 2020 requirement for Safety & Security elective)
Outside Training: Warriors Ascent-March 2-6, 2020 (Males only)
April 13-17, 2020 (Females only)
TB Testing: Update: TB testing for Thursday, March 5, 2020 will be changed to TB readings on Friday, March 6, 2020. As of March 23, 2020, all TB testing is postponed until May 1, 2020. The status of COIVD-19 will be re-evaluated at the end of April to determine if the postponement will continue.
Town Hall: Monday, March 16, 2020 (Rescheduled to Tuesday, March 17), Tuesday, March 17 and Thursday, March 18, 2020.
Personnel Club: Support KCRC’s Personnel Club!!! A fundraising event will be held on Tuesday, March 17, 2019. There will be brats, corned beef sandwiches, chips, and a drink available for $5. Please submit your order forms to a Personnel Club member by March 13, 2020 if you would like to participate.
Human Resources: Engage 2.0 upward supervisor feedback is due by March 31, 2020.
Deadline for applications for the 2020 Susan M Hunter Scholarship is March 31, 2020.
Success Story
KCRC’s Restorative Justice Program (RJ) held a fund raiser during the month of February to raise money for their upcoming project for the community: purchasing and assembling Easter Baskets for children. The baskets were filled with stuffed animals, coloring books, plastic eggs filled with candy and toys which were put together by members of the Restorative Justice program. With the funds raised, RJ was able to make 24 baskets and the baskets were delivered to Hope House, a shelter for victims of domestic violence by CCMII Theresa Kent and CCMII Camden Atkinson on March 11, 2020.
October 2019
Employee of the Month
Corrections Officer I Austin Kost
In July 2019 a high security item went missing. COI Kost along with his peers, eagerly conducted searches of the housing units. During the search, COI Kost found parts to a tattoo gun. Although this is not what they were searching for, he made an excellent find and credited it to the shift, not taking the credit for himself. COI Kost works hard, is a team player and is an asset to his shift and to KCRC. During his short tenure, he has proved that he is ready and willing to help out fellow staff, learn new tasks and do whatever he can to ensure the safety and security of the facility. Thank you for your hard work and dedication, COI Kost!
Senior Office Support Associate (Mailroom) Eddis Jackson
Ms. Jackson has always been diligent when searching and reading offender mail and emails. She finds possible violations of policy, possible conspiracies to introduce drugs or other contraband and new slang for staff to look out for. She intercepted an email that contained information that an offender was possibly suicidal. Due to her actions, that offender was placed on a full suicide watch and she potentially saved an offender’s life! Good Job, Ms. Jackson!
Corrections Officer II Abijah Sanders was promoted to Corrections Officer III on October 9, 2019. Congratulations, Lt. Sanders!!!
Institutional Handgun Training will be held November 12 and 13, 2019.
Important Dates
Handgun: November 12 and 13, 2019
FTO: October 2-3, 2019 (CANCELLED)
Personnel Club: Halloween Pet Contest, October 15-25, 2019. Submit entries to Personnel Club member.
Dress Down days: October 20-26, 2019
Meet & Greet: Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Employee of the Month: Wednesday, October 30, 2019. (Rescheduled) Friday, November 1, 2019
Morale Committee: FosterAdopt connect donations deadline extended until Friday, October 18, 2019.
Human Resources: Open enrollment for MCHCP benefits will run through October 1, 2019 through October 31, 2019. Make sure you sign up for next year’s benefits before October 31!

September 2019
Employee of the Month
Corrections Officer I Stephanie Waughtal
COI Waughtal is always willing to step up and volunteer to work overtime on all shifts, helping to ensure shift coverage, the safety of her co-workers and the facility. She accepts whatever assignment is given to her with a positive attitude, never questioning or complaining when given an assignment. She is always willing to assist her supervisors and is more than willing to accept change and new ideas. With COI Waughtal’s positive attitude, professionalism and willingness to get the job done, she is an asset to the Department, KCRC and is an example for others to follow.
Maintenance Supervisor I Jeffrey McFarland
Mr. McFarland has an important role in keeping the facility equipment functioning and up to date, as well as repairing any damaged items. He also works hard maintaining the lawn at our institution and it always looks nice and well kept! Mr. McFarland is constantly busy working on something, because right now he is our only maintenance worker, but he will go out of his way to help staff and always has a positive and professional attitude. We are all thankful to work with such a wonderful employee and appreciate everything he does to keep our institution running smoothly.
Awards & Recognition
Missouri State Employee Charitable Campaign (MSECC) winners:
9/16/19-COI Christopher Hatfield
9/18/19-CKII Linda Thomas
9/19/19-COI Kelsey Standifer
9/20/19-CCMII Jessica Stever
9/23/19-COI Eric Mapa
9/25/19-COI Dante Partee
9/27/19-COI Cody Rice
As of September 20, 2019, KCRC has exceed our goal of $1500 for the MSECC as we have received $2,262 pledges to date with another week to go!!! Our final total for campaign pledges is…$2,514! This is a new record for MSECC donations for KCRC! We may be a small facility but we have a big heart! Thank you for all your support! Way to go KCRC!!!!
New Team Members
Corrections Officer II David Shewell
Corrections Officer II Robert Jessa
Cook II Linda Thomas was promoted to Cook III on September 29, 2019. Congratulations, Linda!!
Hard Skills: Monday, September 9, 2019 through Friday, September 13, 2019
Handgun/AR-15 Rifle Training:
Session A: September 18-19, 2019 RESCHEDULED for Monday, September 16 and Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Session B: Tuesday, September 24 and Wednesday, September 25, 2019 (POSTPONED until further notice as of 9/11/19)
Core Training: October 7-11, 2019
Offender Accountability Program Training: Tuesday, September 17, 2019
MCA/MPPOA Fall Conference: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 through Friday, September 27, 2019
MOLearning: Check out the new MOLearning/LinkedIn Learning Collections on the Training Academy tab on
the DOC Intranet. There is also a link for Management Courses available for supervisors as well.
Important Dates
Holiday: Labor Day-Monday, September 2, 2019
Hard Skills: Monday, September 9, 2019 through Friday, September 13, 2019
Handgun/AR-15 Rifle Training:
Session A: September 18-19, 2019 RESCHEDULED for Monday, September 16 and Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Session B: Tuesday, September 24 and Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Offender Accountability Program: Begins September 17
Core Training: Monday, August 12 through Friday, August 16, 2019
Next month: October 7-11, 2019
TB Testing:
Test: Wednesday, September 4, 2019 Read: Friday, September 6, 2019
Make-up Test: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 Read: Thursday, September 19, 2019
DOC Motorcycle Ride: Saturday, September 7, 2019 in Columbia, Missouri
Human Resources: Missouri Deferred Compensation will have The Essentials 2.0 presentation which will cover basic investing topics, risk and volatility, investments and strategies and your income replacement at retirement. The seminar will be held at the Fletcher Daniels State Office Building on September 19, 2019 and individual consultations are available. Check your email for additional dates and locations. If you are unable to attend the presentation, MO Deferred Comp is also hosting a webinar entitled Completing the Retirement Paycheck Puzzle on September 19, 2019 at 11:00am.
The 2019 Governor’s Award for Quality and Productivity is team award that recognizes service excellence, efficiency, innovation, process improvement and employee ingenuity within the Missouri State Government. The GAQP planning committee is looking for an individual or group (up to three) of state employees to sing the national anthem at the presentation ceremony. There is a contest underway to find the most talented individual/group which will begin on September 13, 2019 and run through October 10, 2019. All state employees are encouraged to apply!
Saturday, September 14, 2019: 7th Annual Missouri State Employee 5k, North Jefferson City Pavilion, $20 per person and proceeds will go to the Missouri State Employees Charitable Campaign.
You can begin to take the Quarterly Pulse Survey beginning on September 4, 2019. The last day to complete the survey is Wednesday, September 18, 2019.
Open Enrollment materials will be available on the MCHCP website beginning Tuesday, September 3, 2019 to help you prepare for enrollment next month.
National Retirement Security week is a held the third week of October every year to increase the awareness of saving for retirement and will be held October 20-26, 2019.
Morale Committee: The Biggest Loser contest will run from September 3, 2019 through November 1, 2019. All teams will be required to weigh in every week by Friday and weight loss will be calculated and recorded as percentages. There will be a team and individual winner(s) and the prizes will be awarded on Friday, November 1, 2019. Start date postponed until Monday, September 9, 2019.
In conjunction with our Biggest Loser Contest, we have teamed up with Planet Fitness and they are offering KCRC employees a special membership discount! See email for details.
Clothing and Hygiene Drive for FosterAdopt Connect will begin on September 16 through October 11, 2019. We are looking for new or gently used clothing, shoes, toys and new hygiene items.
Corrections Week: Monday, September 16, 2019 through Friday, September 20, 2019
Meet & Greet: Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Food Day: Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Dress Down Week: Sunday, September 22, 2019 through Saturday, September 28, 2019. (Cancelled) Changed to Corrrections Week-Monday, September 16, 2019 through Friday, September 20, 2019.
Employee of the Month Ceremony: Wednesday, September 25, 2019
MCA/MPPOA Fall Conference: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 through Friday, September 27, 2019
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day: Monday, September 9, 2019
Success Story
Taken from an email sent to KCRC staff on September 27, 2019, from Deputy Warden, Spencer Colliatie:
I just wanted to take a minute and share something that happened with me yesterday afternoon. I was helping some fellow staff members along with staff members from other facilities with some training that they were conducting. While testing a piece of equipment one of the staff members from another facility asked if he could talk with me for a couple of minutes, of which I told him that would not be a problem. The staff member proceeded to inform me that they had completed a tour of the facility and he could not believe how clean it is. He informed me that he had been here approximately 3 years ago and could not believe the difference in the cleanliness of the building (specifically mentioning Food Service, Warehouse and Canteen), the difference in the overall atmosphere and how helpful all of the staff were when approached.
I informed the staff member that this has been a group effort on the part of all staff who work at this facility. I told him that all of the staff have worked very hard to change the atmosphere and cleanliness within the facility. His reply was “That is very obvious and I can’t believe the difference 3 years make!” I really feel that this should be shared with all staff and the offenders that work hard to keep the floors looking better than they have in a very long time. Also, the paint crew and GI crew that CO I Sloan heads up to tackle the tough job in the kitchen on a weekly basis.
On behalf of the KCRC Administration, I would like to say “Thank You!” for all that you do. We do appreciate you and what you do to make this a better place to work. You should be proud as it is being noticed by staff that come in from other facilities and they are making a point to ensure that we know about it. We still have a ways to go before we get the facility were we would like it to be, but I think we are well on our way.
Again, thank you for all that you do and you are truly appreciated for it!
Spencer Colliatie
August 2019
Employee of the Month
Corrections Officer I Brandon Fender
Corrections Officer Brandon Fender was nominated for going above and beyond for his fellow officers as well as the whole facility. He is very good at finding contraband during searches and is willing to help out whenever he is needed. COI Fender does all this while having a positive attitude.
Food Service Manager Laura Johnson
Since her recent promotion and starting at KCRC, Food Service Manager Laura Johnson has made a significant improvement in the cleanliness, quality of food served and the atmosphere within Food Service between offenders and staff.

Awards & Recognition
KCRC’s Restorative Justice Program provided backpacks and school supplies to families in need at reStart a local homeless shelter. reStart provides housing services to help homeless families, men, women and youth move toward independence and self-sufficiency in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Monies collected from previous Restorative Justice fundraising efforts were used to purchase 24 backpacks (12 girls/12 boys) which were stuffed with pencils, erasers, folders and various items for school. Members of the RJ program also knitted a hat that was included in each backpack. The staff at reStart were very appreciative of this effort as this section of the population is often overlooked. The backpacks were delivered to reStart by Corrections Case Manager and Restorative Justice Coordinator Theresa Kent on August 8, 2019, just in time for school!
New Team Members
Cook II Bridgett Holt
Training Officer, Elizabeth Smith of the Western Region Training Center is retiring on August 30, 2019 after 21 ½ years of dedicated service to the Department of Corrections. She has been an outstanding addition to the team and she will be greatly missed!

Core Training is Monday, August 12, 2019 through Friday, August 16, 2019
Hard Skills: September 9-13, 2019
Handgun/AR-15 Rifle Training:
Session A: September 18-19, 2019 RESCHEDULED for September 16-17, 2019
Session B: September 24-25, 2019
Offender Accountability Program Training: September 17, 2019
Important Dates
TB Testing: Test: Tuesday, August 6, 2019 Read: Thursday, August 8, 2019
Make-up Test: Monday, August 12, 2019 Read: Wednesday, August 14, 2019
(Make-up Rescheduled): Tuesday, August 13 Read: Thursday, August 15, 2019
September at KCRC
Test: September 4, 2019 Read: September 6, 2019
Make-up Test: September 17, 2019 Read: September 19, 2019
Reminder that Hepatitis shots are offered to all employees at no cost.
Training: Core Training: Monday, August 12 through Friday, August 16, 2019
Hard Skills: September 9-13, 2019
Handgun/AR-15 Rifle Training:
Session A: September 18-19, 2019
Session B: September 24-25, 2019
Session A RESCHEDULED for September 16-17, 2019
Missouri Corrections Association (MCA)/MPPOA Missouri Probation & Parole Officers Association Fall Conference: September 25-27, 2019
Offender Accountability Program Training: September 17, 2019
Connections to Success Graduation: Wednesday, August 7, 2019 @ 9:30am
Food Day: Friday, August 16, 2019
Dress Down Week: Monday, August 25 through Saturday, August 31, 2019
Meet & Greet: Monday, August 12, 2019
Missouri State Fair (Sedalia, MO): Thursday, August 8 through Sunday, August 18, 2019
Corrections Week: September 16-20, 2019
Employee of the Month Ceremony: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 and Thursday, August 29, 2019
Morale Committee: KCRC’s 2nd Annual Main Event Social will be held at Main Event, 4600 S Cochise Ct, Independence, Missouri 64055 on Sunday, August 25, 2019 from 12:00pm to 6:00pm. A gathering for staff to stop by and hang out, play games and socialize with co-workers. You are responsible for your own cost but families are welcome! Just stop by and say hi!
The Biggest Loser contest is back! We will compete in teams of three and the cost is $20 per team. You will be required to weigh in each Friday and weight loss will be measured and recorded by percentages. The contest will run from September 3, 2019 through November 1, 2019. Your team must have your money turned in and all weighed in by Friday, September 7, 2019.
DOC Motorcycle Ride: Saturday, September 7th, 2019 at Noon to 2:00pm at the Mid-America Harley Davidson in Columbia, Missouri. Come out and show your support and all funds raised will go to the Correction Peace Officers Foundation. All staff are welcome to attend and you do not need to ride a motorcycle to participate!
Conflict Resolution Graduation: Monday, August 26, 2019 and Wednesday, August 28, 2019.
Human Resources: Missouri Deferred Compensation will have The Essentials 2.0 presentation which will cover basic investing topics, risk and volatility, investments and strategies and your income replacement at retirement. The seminar will be held at the Fletcher Daniels State Office Building on September 19, 2019. Check your email for additional dates and locations.
Success Story
On Wednesday, August 7, 2019, Connections to Success held a Next Steps Ceremony for their second class of graduates. Connections to Success is a Kansas City and St. Louis region organization that assist in breaking the cycle of poverty by providing hope, resources and a plan to improve workforce productivity which changes communities. A group of twenty offenders went through a rigorous two week Personal & Professional Development Training (PPD) offered by Connections to Success. The training equipped the offenders with powerful affirmations, a detailed life plan, work readiness skills and support to achieve their goals in the workplace and in their personal lives. At the completion of the class, each student is fitted for a suit, which they are allowed to wear during the graduation ceremony and take home upon release! The Connections to Success graduation is a powerful event that is not only important to the offenders but is well attended by KCRC staff as well. Congratulations to all the graduates!!!
July 2019
Big News
The Department of Corrections has changed the way they do their recruitment! There is a new application system in place and internal job opportunities will no longer be posted in the K: drive. Internal and current job opportunities can be viewed at https://doc.mo.gov/jobs, the DOC Intranet and the DOC Facebook page. Employment postings will be coming soon to the Department’s Twitter page as well!
WeSave has recently made updates to their website that will require you to login to reactivate your account and you should receive an email with instructions. What is WeSave? WeSave is an online marketplace that has great deals on products from national brands and allows you to make a charitable donation on top of your discounts. You can also earn points that can be redeemed for goods on their site. See https://shop.wesave.com for more information.
Flags around the state were flown at half-mast on Monday, July 1, 2019 in honor of Police Cooperative Officer Michael Langsdorf who died in the line of duty.
There will be a state-wide Department of Corrections Motorcycle Ride to Columbia, Mo on September 7, 2019. All DOC staff and family members are welcome, and you can still participate if you do not ride! More information on the ride and the charitable organization funds raised will go to will be coming in the next few weeks. See Functional Unit Manager Christopher Browning for more information.
The Department of Corrections is bring back Crisis Negotiation Training! There will now be five teams instead of the three we had before, which will increase the coverage areas and decrease response times. Membership on the team is very competitive and candidates participate in a 56 hour intensive training course, where they are evaluated a few are selected to join the team in their region. The selections were forwarded to the Division of Adult Institutions Director’s office for final approval and one of KCRC’s own, Corrections Officer II Aaron Leonard was accepted as a member of the Western Region’s Crisis Negotiation Team on July 30, 2019!
On July 12, 2019 the last group of Crossroads Correctional Center (CRCC) offenders were transferred out, completing the consolidation of CRCC with Western Missouri Correctional Center (WMCC). The facility is in a caretaker status, with only a few remaining staff to maintain the buildings and grounds. With the closing of CRCC many institutions are welcoming in new staff members from the transition. KCRC was fortunate enough to have 10 staff members from CRCC join our team this month!
Find out what’s happening at KCRC and other institutions by checking out the Local News page on the Department of Corrections website. It is updated monthly and provides highlights from each facility like employees of the month, new hires, training, awards and so much more!
Awards & Recognition
Corrections Officer I Ke’Kella Jones received assistance from the Corrections Peace Officer Foundation on July 8, 2019 due to the tragic loss of her 19 year old son.
Deputy Warden of Operations, Spencer Colliatie was the winner of Penny Wars and received a pie to the face at the picnic held on July 31st, 2019.
Corrections Officer II Aaron Leonard was accepted as a member of the Crisis Negotiation Team on July 30th, 2019.
New Team Members
A Meet & Greet was held on Monday, July 15th, 2019 to welcome the new staff members to the KCRC team!
Academic Teacher Dennis Brock
Corrections Officer I Faith Jolly
From Crossroads Correctional Center (CRCC):
Chaplain Matthew Mason
Corrections Officer I Curtis Guffey
Corrections Officer I Kristen Morgan
Corrections Officer I Mike Laytham
Corrections Officer I Carlos Jolly
Corrections Officer II Terry Silver
Corrections Officer II Elizabeth Wilburn
Corrections Officer III Gary Rogers
Corrections Case Manager II Camden Atkinson
Food Service Manager Laura Johnson
From Western Missouri Correctional Center:
Senior Office Support Associate Kristi Shewell
Office Support Assistant Kristi Shewell promoted to Senior Office Support Associate (timekeeper).
Food Service Manager Laura Johnson assumed her new position at KCRC beginning on July 15, 2019
Staff Moves
Corrections Officer I Madison O’Brien change positions to Senior Office Support Assistant on July 22nd, 2019.
Chaplain Matthew Mason comes to KCRC from CRCC with nine years of experience with the Department of Corrections. He also worked at CCC and has 4 years of experience working in county jails.
We had several staff members from Crossroads Correctional Center become a part of the KCRC family this month:
CO I Curtis Guffey
CO I Kristen Morgan
CO I Mike Laytham
CO I Carlos Jolly
CO II Terry Silver
CO II Elizabeth Wilburn
CO III Gary Rogers
CCM II Camden Atkinson
We had one staff member from Western Missouri Correctional Center join our team as well:
OSA Kristi Shewell, promoted to SOSA
Hard Skills Training will be held Monday, July 15th through Friday, July 19th, 2019. This is a mandatory training and your attendance is required if you are on the list.
Be advised that the next Core Training is scheduled for Monday, August 12th through Friday, August 16th, 2019 for those born in July or August.
Lunch & Learn: Reentry Coordinator Latrice Tate and Probation and Parole Quality Assurance Coordinator Shelly Graf will give a presentation on the Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS) which will be available on Facebook Live on Tuesday, July 30th, 2019 from 12-1pm. The presentation will explain what ORAS does, why it works, how it is used and what it does for the job we do.
DOCOTA: The Department of Corrections Online Training Academy has more to offer staff than just the annual PREA and DHRUC training. You can now use DOCOTA to help you with drug and contraband identification! Modules and photos are available of items found at other facilities that can help you with identifying what you find. If you are interested, there is also a training module available on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Town Hall Report
This month’s Town Hall meeting will be held on July Tuesday, July 30th and Wednesday July 31st, 2019.
Important Dates
Holidays: Thursday, July 4th and Friday, July 5th in observance of Independence Day
Training: Hard Skills training- July 15th-19th, 2019
Next Core Training is scheduled for August 12th-16th, 2019
ORAS: July 30th, 2019 at 12pm
Town Hall: Tuesday, July 30th, 2019 at 3:15pm and Wednesday, July 31st, 2019 at 7:15am and 9:15am.
Food Day: Friday, July 19th, 2019.
Personnel Club: KCRC’s Personnel Club will be handing out popsicles on July 3rd, 2019 to celebrate Independence Day from 7am-8am, 11am-12pm and 3pm-4pm.
Penny Wars begins on Monday, July 22 and ends on Monday, July 29, 2019. Who will get the pie in the face? The candidates are Warden, Todd Warren, Deputy Warden of Operations, Spencer Colliatie, Deputy Warden of Offender Management, Beth Johnson and Captain Shelley Gray. There will be jars for each person in the entrance for you to add your pennies to. The person with the most pennies at the end of the contest will get a pie in the face at the picnic on Wednesday, July 31st, 2019. Remember only pennies count, so if you put nickels, dimes, quarters or bills in the jar they will take away from the penny total!
The Personnel Club picnic will be held on Wednesday, July 31st, 2019. There will be a combo available of pulled pork sandwiches or a hamburger, chips, cookies and a drink for $5. Please submit your order forms to a Personnel Club member by July 30th, 2019 if you would like to participate.
Morale Committee: National Hot Dog day is July 17th, 2019. The KCRC Morale Committee will have a combo of two hotdogs, chips, a drink and a dress down day for $5. You may purchase individual items (chips, drink, etc) for $1.
Human Resources: Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan (MCHCP) benefit checkup will be held on July 24, 2019 from 1pm-4pm and July 25, 2019 from 830am-12pm. Representatives will be available to answer questions about medical benefits, prescription drug plan, Strive for Wellness program, Strive Employee Life & Family (SELF) and program retirement coverage.
Missouri Deferred Compensation representatives will be at KCRC on Monday, July 15, 2019 from 1030am-330pm to discuss plans and benefits.
Employee of the Month Ceremony: Thursday, July 11, 2019
Meet & Greet: Monday, July 15, 2019
TB testing: August at KCRC:
Test: Tuesday, August 6, 2019 Read: Thursday, August 8, 2019
Make-up Test: Monday, August 12, 2019 Read: Wednesday. August 14, 2019
June 2019
Big News
JRI-Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Incorporates the ORAS, Case Planning and OAP “to return the offenders back to the community better than when they came.” To do so, the department will focus on three areas: Assessment, Case Planning and Offender Accountability Procedures. For the Assessment portion, the Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS) began on June 1, 2019. The new case planning model went into effect on June 1, 2019 as well. As far as the Offender Accountability Procedures, the new offender rulebook went into effect in the institutions on May 1, 2019, while Probation and Parole’s Missouri Offender Management Matrix (MOMM) went into effect on June 1, 2019.
On June 10, 2019, Governor Mike Parson along with over 100 Department of Corrections staff, were present at Jefferson City Correctional Center where he signed the budget bill, proposed by DOC Director Anne Precythe, who was also present. The bill allows for all State of Missouri employees to receive a 3% raise and those employed by the Department of Corrections to receive an additional 1% per every two years worked, up to 20 years.
Team DOC Leak Busters from Eastern Reception and Diagnostic Correctional Center (ERDCC) won the 2nd cycle of the Governor’s Show Me Challenge by developing a way to manage water in correctional facilities to save resources, improve safety and help protect community water supplies, while saving the state about $62 million a year. The Show Me Challenge is an event available to all State of Missouri employees to create a team to challenge themselves to find ways to improve how we work. For more information on the rules and to find out how the Show Me Challenge works, please visit https://showmechallenge.mo.gov/
Funding has been secured to complete the Missouri Corrections Integrated System (MOCIS). Phase I begins in July. Phase II will begin on July 1, 2020.
Director Precythe is looking for a team of 5-6 people to work with the vendor and the Office of Administration (OA) Information Technology Services Division (OA ISTD) to help test and give feedback on the updates to MOCIS. They are looking for department employees from all classes, but the team would be based in Jefferson City. Interviews will be taking place in June.
If you have not signed up, here is your chance to become a part of the Governor’s initiative to improve technical skills in state employees. MOLearning is a tool to increase your professional development and there are thousands of videos available to increase your knowledge on a wide variety of topics, not just corrections!!
Employee of the Month
Licensed Practical Nurse Elisa Crank
LPN Elisa Crank creates educational boards containing information on common medical issues that she updates monthly. She was nominated because this a project that she has taken on herself using her own time and materials. Her selfless gesture that not only benefits the offenders but staff as well!
Functional Unit Manager Christopher Browning and Corrections Case Manager II Jason Lisenbee
Functional Unit Manager Christopher Browning and Corrections Case Manager Jason Lisenbee were nominated for their act of assisting a co-worker in need. On Friday, June 21, 2019 there was a heavy rain that caused a flash flood near the facility. DWO Spencer Colliatie noticed that CCM Theresa Kent’s car was stuck in water and not moving in front of the business next door to the facility. He contacted FUM Browning and CCM Lisenbee, who came out in the rain to push her car into the facility parking lot and get her out of harm’s way, without thinking of themselves.
Awards & Recognition
KCRC had several staff members attend the signing of the pay plan bill by Governor Parson in Jefferson City on Monday, June 10, 2019: Warden Todd Warren, Deputy Warden-Operations Spencer Colliatie, Deputy Warden Offender Management Beth Johnson, Business Manager Teresa Smith, Functional Unit Manager Stephanie Wilson, Corrections Case Manager Effie Cook-Hannon, Corrections Case Manager Theresa Kent, Corrections Case Manager Karen Roberson, Corrections Case Manager Jessica Stever, Corrections Case Manager Steven Yavrouian, Maintenance Worker II Jeffery McFarland, Storekeeper I Garrett Lowstetter, Corrections Officer I Brandon Fender, Corrections Officer I Deborah Jones and Corrections Officer I Garlia Yeke.
KCRC staff and members of the Morale Committee participated in a volunteer event with the Kansas City Parks and Recreation on Saturday, June 15, 2019. Staff performed beautification activities such as weeding and mulching in a park near the facility.
Corrections Officer I Renard Jackson received assistance from the Corrections Peace Officer Foundation on June 26, 2019.
New Team Members
A Meet and Greet for new staff was held on June 12, 2019.
Corrections Officer I Abdi Asis Ali
Corrections Officer I Dante Partee
Corrections Officer I Jerry Irby
Corrections Officer I Madison O’Bryan
Cook III Laura Johnson from Crossroads Correctional Center was promoted to Food Service Manager. She will begin her new position at KCRC on July 15, 2019.
Cook III Laura Johnson was promoted to Food Service Manager effective June 25, 2019.
Core Training: Monday, June 17 through Friday, June 21, 2019 for those born in May and June.
Hard Skills: July 15-19, 2019
Offender Accountability Program: Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Western Region Training Academy
6/13/19: Anatomy of Contraband
7/10/19: Trainer Skills Development
If you complete T4T then you are eligible to attend the Field Training Officer Training Skills Development (FTO T4T) on 7/23/19 to 7/25/19 at WRTA as well. KCRC only has 4 seats available, so sign up soon!
7/23-7/25/19: Field Training Officer Training Skills Development (FTO T4T)
Supervisory Training: Coaching the Corrections Way, Monday, July 15, 2019.
Important Dates
Morale Committee: National Donut Day, Friday, June 7, 2019. Donuts will be handed out to all staff as appreciation for all your hard work!
Partners in the Park- Saturday, June 15, 2019
Pay Plan Bill Signing in Jefferson City: Monday, June 10, 2019
Personnel Club: Bake Sale starts Monday, June 17, 2019 through Friday, June 21, 2019.
Dress down week Monday, June 24, 2019 through Saturday, June 29, 2019
Training: Core Training-June 17, 2019 through June 21, 2019
Meet & Greet: Monday, June 17, 2019
MoLearning Town Hall & Ice Cream Social: Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Employee of the Month Ceremony: Thursday, June 27, 2019
Success Story
Kansas City Reentry Center’s Restorative Justice Program successfully completed its first fundraiser of Krispy Kreme Donuts on June 5th, 2019. The event was well received with the offenders being allowed to purchase food from outside vendors, they ordered a total of 48 dozen donuts and raised $47!! Congratulations RJ!!!
MOLearning Town Hall and Ice Cream Social was held on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at the Fletcher Daniels State Office Building. A group of staff from KCRC attended the Town Hall and Social: Cook II Juanita Tolbert, Accounting Clerk Quantaline Thomas, Storekeeper I Garrett Lowstetter, Business Manager Teresa Smith and Recreation Officer I Calvin Lollar. Along with ice cream, attendees were given Information on how to log on and access the MOLearning website, how to navigate the categories and how to customize the information you see to fit your needs. They also found that you may receive training credit for some of the classes that are available.
May 2019
Big News
Offender Accountability Program went into effect on May 1, 2019. All KCRC staff received training on the new procedure during the month of April.
The Pay Plan has passed through the Missouri House and Senate and now awaits Governor Parson’s signature to become effective in January 2020.
Public Service Recognition Week is May 5 - 11, 2019. This week recognizes all staff in a public service position. KCRC’s Personnel Club will hand out ice cream to staff on May 10 as appreciation for Public Service Recognition Week and all the work that we do on a daily basis.
We were approved by Warden Warren to have a monthly food day! Our first food day will be held on Friday, May 17!
We were also approved for a dress down week this month beginning on May 19tthrough May 25, 2019. Please review SOP IS2-1.1 Non-Uniformed Staff Member Appearance to ensure your attire is within policy. If you have any questions, about the appropriateness of your attire, please speak with your supervisor prior to wearing it to work.
Director Precythe asked that all flags be lowered to half-mast on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 in honor of Missouri Peace Officers Memorial Day. This day is to remember federal, state, county and municipal officers that were killed or injured in the line of duty.
Don’t forget that May is Military Appreciation Month! KCRC salutes our current military personnel: CO I Jacob Olsen, CO I Kasey Quinlain, CO I Michael Smith, CO I Erik Nash, CCM II Jessica Stever, CCM II Jason Lisenbe and our military veteran staff!
Employee of the Month
Storekeeper II Laura Scruggs
SKII Laura Scruggs was nominated due to her remarkable job in prioritizing her work which keeps the canteen/clothing issue area running smoothly. She has assisted the Business Office with her exceptional knowledge of Excel formulas and spreadsheets which allows for the budget to take less time to enter and simplified the layout for less confusion. She was nominated for going above and beyond her normal job duties.
Senior Office Support Associate Rebekah Maples
SOSA Rebekah Maples was nominated because she not only completes all SOSA duties for both Deputy Wardens and the Chief of Custody, she is also KCRC’s Policy and Procedure Coordinator. She has also filled in to assist as the Training Officer by organizing training, SOSA for Classification and SOSA for Personnel due to vacancies in those positions. She recently has worked countless hours organizing and preparing for the PREA audit by collecting/organizing over 900 documents. She remains positive, energetic and professional while assisting many people in so many different positions. Rebekah is a true team player and an asset to KCRC!
New Team Members
CO I Miguel Sanchez
CO I Tony Young
CO I Shontrel Wilson
CO I Stephanie Waughtel
CO I Tyletha Robinson
CO I Rusell McGowan
A Meet & Greet was held on Monday, May 20, 2019 to welcome the new staff members to the KCRC team!
Hard Skills Training will be held May 14 through May 17, 2019. This is a mandatory training and your attendance is required if you are on the list.
Be advised that the next Core Training is scheduled for June 17 through June 21, 2019 for those born in April or May.
Town Hall Report
This month’s Town Hall meeting will be held on May 6 and 7.
Important Dates
Holidays: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 -Truman’s Birthday
Monday, May 27, 2019 - Memorial Day
Hard Skills training- May 14 – 17, 2019
Next Core Training is scheduled for June 17 – 21, 2019
Please check your email to see if you are required to attend. If you have any questions, please contact your supervisor.
Town Hall: Monday, May 6, 2019 and Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Theme Day: Bring a treat, something sweet, dish you always like to make or a dish you always wanted to try! KCRC’s 1st Food Day is Friday, May 17, 2019.
Personnel Club: Support KCRC’s Personnel Club! A fundraising event will be held on Friday, May 31, 2019. There will be pulled pork sandwiches, chips, cookies and a bottle of water available for $5. Please submit your order forms to a Personnel Club member by May 30, 2019 if you would like to participate.
Human Resources: Per the Director, all compensatory time will be paid out on the May 31, 2019 paycheck. The last day to submit your Application to Pay/Retain Compensatory Balances (MO 931-4509) is Monday, May 20, 2019 at Noon, in order to receive or retain your pay for the May 31, 2019 paycheck.
April 2019
Big News
KCRC staff and offenders participated in the National Crime Victim’s Rights Week, the week of April 7 -14. There were various activities going on throughout the week. On Monday, ribbons that were made by KCRC’s Restorative Justice Organization were passed out to staff. Tuesday and Thursday we had speakers to come in and share their story with staff and offenders. Daily emails of crime victim statistics were sent out to staff as well. Each year we choose an organization in the Kansas City area to focus our fundraising efforts on, and this year we chose, Healing Pathways Victims Service Agency. On Wednesday, staff were able to raise money with a dress-down day for a $2 donation, and KCRC’s Restorative Justice Organization also donated $500 to Healing Pathways Victims Service Agency.
KCRC’s first annual health fair for staff was held on April 24, 2019 and was sponsored by the Heartland Health Group. Stations were set up to check eyesight, hearing, blood pressure and much more. There were handouts and pamphlets available to those who wanted more information on the various stations and Heartland staff assisted at each station and answered any questions staff may have had. Of the staff that attended, Heartland Health Group had a drawing for four Walmart gift cards and there were four winners: CO I Christopher Hatfield, CO I Douglas Avery, Accounting Clerk Quantaline Thomas and Records Officer II Anita Petifurd.
Department of Corrections Director, Anne Precythe attended our Town Hall Meeting held on April 30, 2019. Staff were able to ask questions and present any concerns.
Employee of the Month
CCM II Theresa Kent, CO II Aaron Leonard, Accounting Clerk Quantaline Thomas
CCM II Theresa Kent and CO II Aaron Leonard performed a random check on our work-release crew in October 2018. During their search, contraband was discovered. Because of their dedication to ensuring the safety and security of the work release crew by performing random searches, contraband was not allowed to enter the facility
Accounting Clerk Quantaline Thomas was asked to fill in the mail room due to the absence of mail room staff. She would process all the offender mail, while still keeping the personnel budget current, completing her regular job duties and attending training. She receives many phone calls throughout the day from various departments that need to know about shipments, requisitions, budgets, offender releases, payroll, green checks and more. She is consistently professional, pleasant and positive. She is willing to go the extra mile for anyone that needs assistance, and if she does not have the answer, she will find out! Quantaline does a remarkable job prioritizing work and has an exceptional work ethic. She is an excellent team player and is dedicated and willing to help all departments.
Awards & Recognition
KCRC staff was recognized by CROI Jennifer Smith for their professionalism, respectfulness and teamwork during the DHRUC training held this month, with an email sent to Director Anne Precythe. She wrote that “The staff at KCRC were very respectful and their teamwork is second to none. Each shift works as if they are a family and every person in their facility (staff or offender) are their top priority.” Warden Todd Warren came into the classroom while the class was on a break to meet with the P&P supervisors that were attending the DHRUC training at KCRC. Smith stated “The P&P staff commented that it was great to get to meet the Warden and they appreciated him making the effort to greet outside staff into his facility.” This is the second year in a row that Mrs. Smith has recognized the professional behavior and positive attitude of staff at KCRC with an email to the Director.
New Team Members
CO I Debra Jones
CO I Ke’Kella Jones
A meet and greet was held on April 22, 2019 for staff to stop by, chat and meet the new staff. Refreshments provided by KCRC’s Personnel Club.
See you soon and Safe Travels…to CO I Kasey Quinlain who was deployed this month and Welcome Back…to CCM II Jessica Stever who returned on April 22, 2019 from military training.
April: Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation and Unprofessional Conduct training was held on April 10 and 11 for line staff and on April 16 for supervisors by CROI Jennifer Smith and HROI Thomas Wulff. Mrs. Smith was impressed with the professional behavior and attitudes of KCRC staff and took the time out to write a letter to the Director, for the second year in a row!!!
The new Offender Accountability Program will take effect on May 1, 2019. Staff will receive training on the new policy and procedures for the new program during the week of April 22, 2019 through April 26, 2019. FUM Stephanie Wilson, FUM Christopher Browning and CCMII Theresa Kent will be facilitating classes.
May: Hard Skills Core training is scheduled for May 14- 17, 2019.
Town Hall Report
Town Hall Meeting was held on April 30, 2019. Director Anne Precythe, Deputy Division Director Ryan Crews, Warden Todd Warren and many other KCRC Staff were in attendance. Many topics were discussed including the new pay plan, the strategic plan and what it is and new and exciting changes in progress for the department. Staff asked questions and brought forth concerns which were answered by Director Precythe.
Important Dates
DHRUC training: April 10, 11 for line staff; April 16 for supervisors.
Meet & Greet for new staff will be held on April 22
Offender Accountability Program training: April 22 through April 26.
Town Hall Meeting: April 30 - Director Precythe will be in attendance.
Town Hall for May is scheduled for May 6 and 7, 2019.
Holidays: Truman’s Birthday, May 8, 2019.
Memorial Day. May 27, 2019.
PREA Audit: May 30 and May 31, 2019. Staff and offenders may be approached by Auditors to answer questions.