Chillicothe Correctional Center »
August 2024
Big News
Just Peachy
CCC Employee Health Nurse Angela Albertson and Academic Education Supervisor Heather Chapman recently participated in the Department of Corrections Just Peachy Emotional Wellness Challenge. Throughout this challenge, participants from various sites throughout the Department made entries on how they manage stress and stay well. Angela and Heather were among the random participants selected as winners of the "Just Peachy" hooded sweatshirt. Congratulations ladies and thank you for all you do!
Employee of the Month
Awarded with July Employee of the Month
New Team Members
Nicole Neitzert, COI – 8/5/24
Taylor Smith, COI – 8/12/24
Kristine Ward, COI – 8/12/24
Steven Frazier, COI – 8/19/24
Faith Hollon, COI – 8/19/24
Tammy Toot, CCM-Part-time – 8/19/24
Candice Barclay, OSA Mailroom to OSA Business Office – 8/1/24
Candice Bell, CCMII to Functional Unit Manager – 8/11/24
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on August 22, 2024, at 6:00am, 8:00am and 3:00pm. There were 4 staff members present.
Important Dates
September 2 – HOLIDAY-Labor Day
September 3 – PBC dress down day -$2
September 4 – Charitable Campaign dress down day - $2
September 5 – Charitable Campaign dress down day - $2
September 9 – 13 – Corrections Week, FREE dress down days all week
September 16 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
September 16 – PAY DAY
September 18 – TCW dress down day - $2
September 20 – Morale Committee dress down/food day – FREE
September 23 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
September 25 – PBC dress down day - $2
September 26 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
September 30 – TCW dress down day - $2
September 30 – PAY DAY
Success Story
Rockhurst Graduation
Thanks to a groundbreaking partnership between Rockhurst University and the Missouri Department of Corrections, 11 women — including six staff members and five residents — were awarded associate's degrees in liberal studies during a commencement ceremony Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2024, at Chillicothe Correctional Center (CCC).
Launched in 2017, the tuition-free program brought Rockhurst professors from Kansas City to CCC over a span of six years to teach courses in mathematics, history, theater and other academic disciplines. The graduates are the first in Rockhurst’s history to earn associate's degrees, a degree track the institution previously didn’t offer.
Rockhurst President Sandra Cassady and several other honored guests addressed the graduates and an audience of family and friends before diplomas were conferred, tears were shed and cake was cut.
“I’ve been incarcerated for over 30 years, and I’ve done almost everything there is to do in prison,” said Lisa Suter. “I was so tired of living the same day over and over again. But because of Rockhurst, they opened a new door for me and gave me hope for a different kind of day and a different kind of life.”
Prison Fellowship Academy Graduation
Chillicothe Correctional Center celebrates the First Prison Fellowship Academy Graduation in the State of Missouri! On July 24, 2024, 15 Residents received Graduation Certificates signifying their tenacity, perseverance, and hard work in completing the intense, biblically based 48-week program. A program that challenged each participant to genuinely address the life-controlling issues that lead to their incarceration, take personal responsibility, be prepared and equipped to become positive role models reflecting good attitudes, responsible thinking, healthy relationships, and better choices for their life.
The program was facilitated by 10 faithful, gracious Volunteers under the direction of Prison Fellowship Manager Leah Howard and Chaplain Greg Murphy.
The Second PF Academy Class is already underway as numerous residents requested the opportunity to participate in the life changing program. The Chillicothe Correctional Center Administration, under the direction of Warden Chris McBee, anticipates yet another year of resident’s being impacted as they examine their lives in the light of proven principles and Biblical truth.
July 2024
Big News
CBC Blood drive
The CCC Wellness Club hosted a CBC blood drive Tuesday, July 23, 2024, from 10:00am – 4:00pm. There were 53 staff members who presented at the blood drive and 48 units of blood were collected. There were 8 first time donors at CCC! Royals t-shirts sponsored by CBC were handed out to all who presented and the Wellness Club donated a Hy-Vee meat bundle to be drawn for from those who presented. Dan Ellis, Fire & Safety, was the winner of the meat bundle. We are looking forward to another successful drive in October!
Food Truck
Shooters Food Truck set up in the parking lot on July 18, 2024, and was sponsored by TCW. They were available at specific times for all three shifts.
Sensory Blankets
The Corrections Way and Restorative Justice recently teamed up to make these sensory blankets to be provided to patients at Hedrick Medical Center. These blankets were requested about a month ago and are now in the hands of the medical staff, ready to pass out to patients. A total of twenty-five blankets were made and donated. It was a pleasure to be a part of this project. The residents that took part should be proud, they did a great job!
Global Ties Tour
Global Ties of Kansas City recently coordinated a tour of Chillicothe Correctional Center for some government and non-profit officials from the Philippines, along with their liaison. They were visiting the United States as part of a high-profile International Visitor Leadership program titled "Justice in Design: Building a Better Criminal Justice System”. The Department of State requested to meet with staff of Chillicothe Correctional Center and tour to learn more about how Missouri Department of Corrections provides services to support female residents and prepare them to re-enter society.
On July 15, 2024, the following guests took part in a tour of Chillicothe Correctional Center:
- Niyati Sethi, Program Associate, Global Ties KC
- Rommel Alim ABITRIA, Executive Director, Humanitarian Legal Assistance Foundation, Inc. (HLAF)
- Kristy Jane BALINO Director for Legal Affairs, Arellano University
- Capt. Kate Galendez BELTRAN Budget Officer, Budget Officer, Philippine Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) Region 6
- Cryzal Lyn Bernardo GUESE-ROSALES, Clerk of Court V, Supreme Court of the Philippines
- Reuel Angelo Pural REALIN, Program Officer, The Asia Foundation
- Nawzad MURADI, International Visitor Liaison
Assisting with this tour were:
- Chris McBee, Warden
- Ryan Coffman, Deputy Warden
- Amy Parkhurst, Deputy Warden
- Derek Rardon, Assistant Warden
- Boshko Ognenovski, Chief of Custody
- Suzanne Hoerrmann, FUM
- Maryannabelle Page, COI
CCC Night at the Mudcats
Monday, July 15th, the Chillicothe Mudcats hosted Chillicothe Correctional Center staff for CCC’s Night at the Mudcats. It was a hot evening, but fun for all that came out to enjoy the game and a free meal with bottled water courtesy of the Personnel Benefits Club. Angela Albertson, Employee Health Nurse, and Teresa DeSpain, Employee Support Specialist, organized the event promoting “Healthy Summer, Healthy Habits,” an Employee Health, Wellness and Safety Blitz topic.
Pictured left to right are Angela Albertson, Muddy and Teresa DeSpain.
Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating CS I Douglas Jeffries, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for July 2024.
Doug was nominated for this award by former CCC Deputy Warden Kimberly Herring and Major Boshko Ognenovski, who recognized his professionalism and willingness to assist.
It was indicated that on February 5, 2024, CS I Jeffries’ immediate response to a very sensitive situation was commendable. While dealing with the event, he provided his team members with guidance and support and handled the situation very effectively. Ms. Herring noted that each time she communicated with him during the process to attempt to ensure appropriate steps were being taken, he was always one step ahead of her and assured her, “that’s been done”. His knowledge and expertise proved very useful when dealing with the matter at hand. He worked quickly, efficiently, and thoroughly, ensuring all policy was followed and our response was appropriate. The nomination states, “Thank you, Captain. Your hard work and dedication do not go unnoticed, and we are truly grateful for your talents and willingness to assist. You truly are an asset to this facility, as well as the Department as a whole.”
Mr. Jeffries is a huge asset to this facility and his actions consistently demonstrate that he is a professional and a team player.
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating Chaplain Greg Murphy, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for August 2024.
Greg was nominated for this award by former CCC Deputy Warden Kimberly Herring, who recognized his professionalism and willingness to assist.
It was indicated that on February 5, 2024, Chaplain Murphy’s immediate response to a very sensitive situation was commendable. He received no warning or preparation of this situation and simply set aside his regular duties and responsibilities for the day and devoted his full attention to assisting with a very difficult matter. He was gracious and never complained, but simply responded without hesitation and spent his entire day dealing with the task at hand. He stayed late and once he left for the day, he was then called and asked to again respond to the facility as his skills were again needed to address the situation. Without question or complaint, he reported back to the institution and provided assistance. He did not end his day until after 7:00 p.m. and returned the next day with the same positive attitude he always has. He handles every situation he encounters with dignity, respect, grace, and confidentiality. The nomination states, “Thank you, Greg. Your hard work and dedication do not go unnoticed, and we are truly grateful for your talents and willingness to assist. You truly are an asset to Chillicothe Correctional Center as well as the Department as a whole. Team members such as yourself are beacons that shed light on what an amazing Department we work in.”
Mr. Murphy is a huge asset to this facility and his actions consistently demonstrate that he is a professional and a team player.
Awards & Recognition
Excellence Award
CCC Institutional Reentry Coordinator Michelle Sewell was recently recognized by Deputy Director Ryan Crews and presented with an Excellence Award. Ms. Sewell was nominated for this award by the CCC Administrative Team.
Michelle serves as a coordinator and guidance provider for the MODOC regarding reentry services within the institution. She engages with representatives from partnering state and community providers, along with faith-based organizations assisting with reentry services to residents. She does a great job collaborating with DAI and P&P team members. Michelle has assisted clients through barriers that hinder success after incarceration. Her duties have included the direct supervision of reentry team members, public speaking, developing, and monitoring projects/programs with public and private organizations, conducting training programs, providing assistance to reentry service providers and agencies, and scheduling client services. She has done an amazing job with representing the Missouri Department of Corrections and Chillicothe Correctional Center with these duties.
At CCC, she schedules the Reentry Center’s programs, coordinates monthly Pre-release, serves as a liaison for the manufacturing pilot program ASPIRE MO 2.0, and is a TCW Ambassador and CIT team member. She works with outside organizations (community and state) to offer services and training, such as professional development and other skills needed for the residents. Some of the support services include SNAP, Veterans Assistance, and DSS for Child Support. Michelle ensures that additional assistance is offered in the Reentry Center with computer programs through Career Edge and Coursera. When residents are close to release an email is provided and they are assisted with job applications. These employment services along with employability classes are offered by the ETS. Should clients’ needs include clothing, food, or other items, she provides referral assistance for this as well.
Reentry Coordinator Sewell is a great asset to CCC and goes the extra mile.
Photo: Michelle Sewell, Ryan Crews
Lifesaver Award
Please join us in congratulating the CO I Brandy Baker who was recently presented with the Department of Corrections Lifesaver Award.
On March 5, 2024, a resident in the dining room reported to staff that she had a peanut allergy and informed that she was having difficulty breathing. A Code 16 was immediately called, and CO I Brandy Baker assisted the resident to the floor. She noticed she did not appear to be breathing, so she then checked the resident’s airway and began applying CPR. CO I Baker was able to resuscitate the resident prior to medical staff arriving at the scene. Due to CO I Baker's quick life saving actions, serious health complications or death were avoided.
Pictured: Warden Chris McBee, CO I Brandy Baker, Deputy Warden Ryan Coffman, Assistant Warden Derek Rardon, WRDCC Warden Kimberly Herring, and Major Boshko Ognenovski
New Team Members
Becky Gardner, COI – 7/8/24
Kelsie Munsterman, SAC, Gateway – 7/8/24
Annabelle Sackrey, OSA – Records – 7/15/24
Blake Sigler, L1MA, Centurion – 7/22/24
Jensina Wood, Clerk, Centurion – 7/22/24
James Bingham, COI - 7/22/24
Derek Rardon, FUM to Assistant Warden – 7/1/24
Dixon Munday, COI to Academic Education -
Gerald Jenkins, COI – 7/31/24
James Lark, STKII – 7/31/24
Karen Jones, COI – 7/31/24
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on July 18, 2024, at 6:00am, 8:00am and 3:00pm. There were 5 staff members present.
Important Dates
August 1 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
August 5 – PBC dress down day - $2
August 7 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
August 8 – Charitable Campaign dress down day - $2
August 9 – TCW dress down day – FREE
August 15 – Pay day
August 19 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
August 21 – TCW dress down day - $2
August 22 – Charitable Campaign dress down day - $2
August 27 – PBC dress down day - $2
August 29 – Morale Committee dress down day - FREE
August 30 – Pay day
June 2024
Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating CO I Mason Francis, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for June 2024.
Mason was nominated for this award by CO III Cody Spease, who recognized his professionalism and commitment to the safety and security of the institution.
It was indicated that on April 29, 2024, CO I Francis was assigned to work on Housing Unit #7. While getting the residents settled into their rooms for the night, he observed two residents in B-Wing having a conversation in the restroom. The residents became argumentative when he advised them that the dayrooms were closed, so he instructed them to exit to the rotunda. He then separated the residents, leaving one in the rotunda and placing the other in E-Wing to be addressed separately about their behavior. While addressing the resident in the rotunda, he witnessed a small item fly off the individual onto the floor. The item turned out to be a very small baggy containing two strips of suboxone. CO I Francis secured the item from the resident and called for assistance. The nomination states, “I believe CO I Mason Francis has made the institution safer through his quick actions in noticing, locating, and securing the suboxone before it made it back into the resident population. CO I Francis is an excellent officer, and the State of Missouri is lucky to have him.”
Mr. Francis is a huge asset to this facility and his actions consistently demonstrate that he is a professional and a team player.
A presentation has been conducted for Mr. Francis to recognize his efforts. Please take time to extend your congratulations to him.
Pictured (L to R): Amy Parkhurst, DWOM, Chris McBee, Warden, Mason Francis, COI – EOM, Cody Spease, COIII, Nick Francis, COI, Ryan Coffman, DWO, Boshko Ognenovski, CSII.
Awards & Recognition
Several staff were presented with awards June 4, 2024. The awards are as follows:
LPN Christina Hoskins
On February 27, 2023, a resident staggered from the Housing Unit #2 showers, into the hallway and collapsed. She was bleeding profusely from self-inflicted wounds on her throat and both forearms. LPN Christina Hoskins and former HSA Michelle Minnis were among several other staff members who provided lifesaving efforts by applying direct pressure to the wounds and monitoring the resident to stabilize her until EMS arrived. Other staff members involved have been previously recognized at an earlier presentation.
LPN Amy Fessler
On February 16, 2024, LPN Amy Fessler responded to a Code 16 on Housing Unit #5 for a resident reporting chest pain. Upon arrive, she quickly noted that the same resident had been seen earlier in the day complaining of dizziness. She was quickly transported back to Medical for further evaluation and Nurse Fessler identified that she would need an EKG. After obtaining the EKG, she noted that the resident was having an active heart attack causing cardiac death. She notified an onsite provider and 911. While awaiting EMS transport, she knew that the patient would need aspirin, and received an order for nitroglycerin to help with the pain and increase blood flow to the heart. Without Nurse Fessler’s quick actions and recognition of symptoms of a heart attack, the incident could have been fatal.
RN Melissa Chavarria CO I Chris Burchett
CO I Harley Ryan CO II Tad Collier
CO II Courtney Chatters CO I Jeff Cole
CO II Brennen Carter CO III Sammie Gray
CCM II Martha Seavey CO I Margie Thomas
On August 20, 2023, CO I Ryan and CO II Chatters responded to a Code 16 involving a resident who attempted to commit suicide by cutting her wrists. They immediately applied to pressure to the wounds in an attempt to control the bleeding. CO II Seavey also responded and attempted to get the offender to respond while waiting for Medical. Once RN Chavarria arrived, she started to bandage both wrists with the assistance of CO II Chatters, CO II Carter and CO II Seavey. The offender continued to be unresponsive. They secured the resident to the backboard and CO I Burchett, CO II Collier, CO II Carter, CO I Cole, CO III Gray and CO I Thomas assisted in moving the resident to the nurse’s cart to be transported to Medical.
LPN Amy Fessler
On March 18, 2023, LPN Fessler, along with other MCC staff, assisted in providing lifesaving efforts to a resident, who was assigned at MCC, when he was found by his cellmate as unresponsive and not breathing. Despite all efforts, the resident was later pronounced deceased.
HSA/RN Marcia White
Warden Chris McBee received a letter from a resident on December 4, 2023. The letter shared a recent experience the resident had with Medical when she experienced setbacks following a major surgery. The resident indicated that HSA Marcia White took immediate action following an assessment and medical examination and credited her actions with saving her life.
CO I Nicholas Fostek (2nd F/S)
CO I Zachary Bendure (2nd S/M)
CO I Ronda Barry – Transferred – Forwarded to CRCC
On December 12, 2023, at approximately 1:20 p.m., CO I Fulk and CO I McGowan were assisting CRCC with transfers, driving offenders from CRCC to JCCC. While heading back to CRCC with 5 offenders, CO I Fulk was driving on 63 North outside of Columbia approaching intersection 124 East towards Macon, when a tractor trailer pulled out from 124 East in front of their transfer van. They struck the tail end of the tractor trailer, wrecking the van. CO I Bendure and CO I Fostek were following the van and immediately pulled over and began to assist. They made the appropriate notification calls and assisted to provide medical aid to the 5 offenders. They also assisted in clearing debris off the highway so other drivers wouldn’t run over the wreckage and cause another crash. They stayed with the van until it was secure, then went with the offenders to the hospital in Columbia until they were relieved. They also sat with CO I Fulk and CO I McGowan and offered support until the doctor let them know they would be alright. CO I Barry also went to the hospital to assist Fulk and McGowan. She made sure that their families had been contacted and that they were in good hands and had everything they needed before she left.
Zone Award Presentation
CO III Michael Brown was recently recognized by Deputy Director Ryan Crews and presented with an Excellence Award. CO III Brown was nominated for this award by Major Ognenovski who indicated he is very organized, knowledgeable, innovative and dependable. Every time a new project or idea arises, CO III Brown, without hesitation, volunteers to be involved in completing the task. He has shown that he does a phenomenal job in a timely manner. For the past quarter, he completed the Lieutenant initiative, visiting a different institution and conducting research, preparing a packet and assisting in presenting to his peers. In addition to this, he has focused on the training and career development of our Sergeants and new Officers. Due to the large number of newly promoted Sergeants, he created an FTO program for Sergeants. He has remained very involved in this program to ensure its success. Also, he created a Sergeant’s handbook that is full of references and examples on “how to” do the basic daily tasks that Sergeants conduct. He is always willing to assist others and maintains a great relationship with other departments at CCC. Lieutenant Brown is a great asset to CCC and goes the extra mile.
Pictured: COIII Michael Brown and Ryan Crews, Deputy Division Director
New Team Members
Jennifer Foster, COI – 6/3/24
David Stark, COI – 6/3/24
Donovan Stout, COI – 6/3/24
Adam Stufflebean, COI – 6/3/24
Johnathan Baldwin, COI – 6/17/24
Skylar Rousayne, COI – 6/17/24
Dakota Thomas, COI - 6/17/24
John Woods, COI – 6/17/24
Laura Deac, Gateway, Counselor – 6/17/24
Owen Booth, COI – 6/24/24
Lucas Hays, COI – 6/24/24
Faith Keeney, COI – 6/24/24
Christopher Reaves, COI – 6/24/24
Hannah Widner, Centurion, LPN – 6/24/24
Amy Morton, OSA Business Office to Account Clerk, Business Office – 6/30/24
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on June 21, 2024, at 6:00am, 8:00am and 3:00pm. There were 5 staff members present.
Important Dates
July 3 – Wellness Club dress down day - $2
July 4 – Holiday – Fourth of July
July 4 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
July 5 – TCW dress down day – FREE
July 8 – PBC dress down day - $2
July 11 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
July 15 – Pay day
July 16 – TCW dress down day - $2
July 17 – Morale Committee dress down day/food day – FREE
July 23 – CBC Blood Drive/FREE dress down day for all who pre-register
July 24 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
July 25 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
July 30 – PBC dress down day - $2
July 31 – TCW dress down day - $2
July 31 – Pay day
Success Story
Blessing Box
A blessing box has been started at CCC. Staff members participated by bringing in non-perishable food items or hygiene items that were allowed in the institution by policy as payment for a dress down day. This blessing box was created to assist staff members who are having difficulties providing food or hygiene needs for themselves or their families. Employee Support Specialist Teresa DeSpain shared that the response to our recent food/hygiene drive was amazing. It really shows that staff at CCC care about one another.
May 2024
Big News
Employee Health Fair
The Employee Health Fair was held in the CCC Visiting Room, Thursday, May 16, 2024, from 10:00am – 3:00pm. Staff were able to view an inflatable colon, talk to state entities about the programs they offered, visit with PACT, and register for door prizes. Some staff members got their names drawn to get a 15-minute massage from Manifest Flow out of St. Joseph, MO.
Torch Run
The annual Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run was held at Chillicothe on May 22, 2024.
Approximately 22 runners and walkers participated. Thank you to all who made this a successful event and to the Chillicothe Police Department, Livingston County Sheriff’s Office, and the Chillicothe Fire Department for their assistance.
Rockhurst Graduation
In 2018, Rockhurst University partnered with Chillicothe Correctional Center to begin a program to offer free college courses to both staff and offenders. The Companions in Chillicothe Program kicked off its first staff class in May of 2018 with approximately ten students. Rockhurst professors were approved as volunteers and came to the facility one day a week to teach staff as they completed a class every semester. Six of the original staff members will officially complete their degree in August with an Associates of Arts Degree in Liberal Studies. A graduation ceremony will be held at Chillicothe Correctional Center in August for offender graduates of the program, and these staff members will also be recognized at this time. They were also given the opportunity to participate in Rockhurst University's Commencement ceremony this past weekend and be recognized in full graduation regalia. Craig Watz, Program Coordinator, stated, "It truly was an amazing feeling to give them the well-earned diploma. It has been a long journey, but one well worth the
effort put into it."
Please join us in congratulating our graduates on their amazing accomplishments. You have made CCC proud!
Pictured (from left to right): CCM II Billie Richardson, CO I Naomi Yuille, CO I Kim Troxel, CCM II Penney Clevenger, CCM II Stephanie Eckert, and IPO Lisa Smith.
Nurse of the Year
We are proud to recognize RN Maicyn Kornbrust as the Centurion Medical Nurse of the Year at Chillicothe Correctional Center!
When Health Services Administrator Marcia White and Director of Nursing Alex Spencer recently reached out to the CCC Administrative Team to assist them in selecting the recipient of this award, without hesitation, there was a resounding decision to recognize RN Kornbrust. It was stated that Maicyn is "always willing to jump in and help", "has a great attitude and has built rapport with the residents", and "she always seems to have control of whatever the situation may be".
Maicyn personifies what it means to be a nurse: compassionate, knowledgeable, ethical, helpful, and thoughtful. She embodies Centurion's mission of providing the best care possible to their patients, while collaborating with other healthcare providers, as well as the Department of Corrections.
Congratulations RN Maicyn Kornbrust!
Pictured (from left to right): HSA Marcia White, RN Maicyn Kornbrust, and DON Alex Spencer
Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating OSA Mary Saale,
on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for May 2024.
Mary was nominated for this award by FUM Suzanne Hoerrmann and FUM Eric Anderson, who recognized her professionalism and willingness to assist by going above and beyond her job duties to assist numerous housing units and her fellow co-workers.
It was indicated that there have been several recent Office Support Assistant vacancies and during this time, Ms. Saale has volunteered to assist in processing paperwork, filing, providing phone coverage, and any other area there was a need. Her positive attitude in contributing to the classification team has been greatly appreciated. Mary’s supervisors have recognized her extreme attention to detail as she carefully reviews paperwork prior to filing and follows up with the appropriate staff to ensure any errors are corrected and all forms are completed. She has also assisted with onboarding of new staff by building a rapport with new Office Support Assistants and taking the time to thoroughly train them. The nomination states, “Without Mary’s willingness to go above and beyond during staff shortages, there would be a delay with information being entered into the system, paperwork would likely be misplaced, and files would be difficult to locate. Mary’s hard work and dedication to the DOC is commendable and is appreciated.”
Ms. Saale is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
A presentation has been conducted for Ms. Saale to recognize her efforts. Please take time to extend your congratulations to her.
Pictured (L to R): Eric Anderson, FUM, Amy Parkhurst, AW, Suzanne Hoerrmann, FUM, Mary Saale, OSA-EOM, Ryan Coffman, DWO, Boshko Ognenovski, CSII.
New Team Members
Amy Kidd, OSA-Personnel – 5/16/24
Taylor Milligan, COI – 5/20/24
Damon Ruff, COI – 5/20/24
Austin Anderson, COI to Maintenance Supervisor I-MVE – 5/12/24
Amy Parkhurst, AW to Deputy Warden of Offender Management – 5/12/24
Shelley Gladbach, CCMII to Functional Unit Manager - 5/19/24
Staff Moves
Christopher (Todd) Roberts, MWII to Academy of Excellence in Corrections - 5/19/24
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on May 29, 2024, at 6:00am, 8:00am and 3:00pm. There were 5 staff members present.
Important Dates
June 5 – ESS/TCW Dress Down Day – donate 2 food/hygiene items
June 6 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day – FREE
June 11 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day - $2
June 13 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2
June 14 – Pay day
June 17 – Morale Committee Dress Down/Food Day – FREE
June 18 - TCW Dress Down Day - $2
June 19 – Holiday – Juneteenth
June 20 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day - $2
June 24 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2
June 26 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day – FREE
June 27 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
June 28 – Pay day
Success Story
Friday, June 24, 2024, 12 residents were involved with mock interviews as a part of Connections to Success, a professional development program. These residents were given a chance to choose a professional outfit from clothing provided by Connections to Success. They then presented themselves to selected DOC staff and participated in a mock interview session. These residents will be releasing soon, and this opportunity gave them an idea of what their strengths and weaknesses were in interviewing.
April 2024
Big News
Crime Victim’s Week
Crime Victim’s week was held April 21 – 27, 2024. Activities observed during the week included putting pinwheels in front of Housing Unit 8 on Monday, sidewalk chalk art for B-side general population with VIP participants on Tuesday and A-side general population participated in sidewalk chalk art on Wednesday. A members’ remembrance walk was held on Thursday. A speaker from Green Hills Women’s shelter came on Friday. PATCH and OOA donated $500 and RJO donated 3 adult and 2 children’s quilts to Victim’s Impact Program.
Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating CO I Brandy Baker, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for April 2024.
Brandy was nominated for this award by CO III Cody Spease, who recognized her professionalism and willingness to assist.
On March 5, 2024, a resident in the dining room reported to staff that she had a peanut allergy and informed that she was having difficulty breathing. A Code 16 was immediately called, and CO I Brandy Baker assisted the resident to the floor. She noticed she did not appear to be breathing, so she then checked the resident’s airway and began applying CPR. CO I Baker was able to resuscitate the resident prior to medical staff arriving at the scene. The nomination states, “Due to CO I Baker’s quick lifesaving actions, serious health complications or death were avoided. CO I Baker is an asset to the facility that we are lucky to have.”
Ms. Baker is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
A presentation has been conducted for Ms. Baker to recognize her efforts. Please take time to extend your congratulations to her.
Pictured (L to R): Stephen Leach, CSI, Ryan Coffman, DWO, Brandy Baker, COI, Chris McBee, Warden, Boshko Ognenovski, CSKK, Dora Beers, CSI.
New Team Members
Tasha George, Dental Assistant, Centurion – 4/8/24
Vernon Adams, COI – 4/15/24
Dixon Munday, COI – 4/15/24
Terra Allen, SOSA, Personnel – 4/29/24
Alexander Johnson, COI – 4/29/24
Ashley Bourcard, SOSA-Personnel to OSA, Classification – 4/28/24
Staff Moves
Rex Fults, COI to P&P, WRDCC – 4/28/24
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on April 23, 2024, at 6:00am, 8:00am and 3:00pm. There were 7 staff members present.
Important Dates
May 2 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
May 7 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day - $2
May 8 – HOLIDAY – Truman Day
May 8 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day - $2
May 9 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2
May 14 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
May 15 – PAY DAY
May 16 – Wellness Committee Dress Down Day - $2
May 20 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2
May 22 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day - $2
May 23 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
May 27 – HOLIDAY – Memorial Day
May 28 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day – FREE
May 30 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2
May 31 – PAY DAY
Success Story
DOC Employee of the Month – April
Missouri Department of Corrections April 2024 Employee of the Month Charlie Ellis, a correctional officer at Chillicothe Correctional Center goes above and beyond to keep his facility safe. While he was working at a search point at CCC, he spotted two people attempting to gain access to the facility under a false pretense. Neither was on an approved visitors list, and neither provided the proper information or identification required for access. Ellis appropriately advised the trespassers that they wouldn’t be permitted to enter and promptly informed administration staff of the incident. His professionalism and attention to detail helped to ensure the safety and security of the site. Ellis’s attention to detail commitment to his facility’s security demonstrate his dedication to the department’s mission of improving lives for safer communities.
March 2024
Big News
Job Fair
A job fair was held in the gymnasium on March 8. Residents were able to talk with outside vendors about opportunities available after their release.
Wellness Club Award
The Community Blood Center St. Joseph Recognition Luncheon was held Wednesday, March 20, 2024 on the campus of Missouri Western University in St. Joseph. The CCC Wellness Club tied for 3rd place in the Government Organizations category with 40 donors.
Pictured: Blood Drive Presentation
Offender Mock Interviews
Mock interviews for the Manufacturing students was held on March 14, 2024. Business attire was provided by the Connections to Success organization. Outside individuals came in and conducted the mock interviews. This event gave the Manufacturing students a chance to hone their interview skills and help prepare them for life after release.
Red Cross Blood Drive
The CCC Wellness Club hosted a Red Cross Blood Drive Wednesday, March 27, 2024. 41 units were collected. Jessica Terry, MH clerk, was the winner of the Hy-Vee meat bundle drawing.
Aspire MO 2.0 Graduation
The inaugural Aspire MO 2.0 Warehouse, Manufacturing & Supply Chain class held a graduation ceremony on Thursday, March 28 at 1:30pm for ten CCC graduates. Mr. Alex Earls, Asst. Division Director, Reentry and Educational Services, Ms. Annie Herman, Director, DORS, Ms. Kellie Ann Coats, Executive Director, MO Women’s council, Ms. Rachael Meuser, VP of Community & Impact, Connections to Success, Dusty Cruise, President/CEO, MO Enterprise, Vinod George, Project Manager & Instructor, MO. Enterprise all spoke during graduation.

Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating CCM II Blake Wheeler, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for March 2024.
CCM II Wheeler was nominated for this award by a co-worker, CCM II Paiten Sackrey, who recognized his professionalism and commitment to the safety and security of the institution.
On January 8, 2024, CCM II Wheeler was in Housing Unit #6 for a violation hearing and observed a disruption outside the rotunda. It was indicated that he had the resident who was present for the violation hearing remain in CCM II Sackrey’s office and then went to the rotunda to see what was happening. He observed that a resident in the rotunda was creating a disturbance and was threatening the resident present for the hearing. He informed CCM II Sackrey to keep the other resident in her office and away from the disruptive resident. The nomination states, “The resident present for the hearing expressed her gratitude to Mr. Wheeler for acknowledging there was an issue and doing his best to isolate her. Without CCM II Wheeler’s keen observation there could have been a possible physical altercation or worse occur between the two residents.”
Mr. Wheeler is a huge asset to this facility and his actions consistently demonstrate that he is a professional and a team player.
Photo (L to R): Kimberly Herring, DWOM, Paiten Sackrey, CCM, Blake Wheeler, CCM-EOM, Amy Parkhurst, AW, Boshko Ognenovski, CSII
New Team Members
Austin Adams, COI – 3/11/24
Yaneth Eudave Lopes – 3/11/24
Brooke McElwee, COI – 3/11/24
Jeffory Bell, SAC, Gateway – 3/11/24
Ruth (Laurine) Garten, OSA, Classification – 3/11/24
Jackie Adams, COI – 3/25/24
Justin Brotherton, COI – 3/25/24
Aaron Richards, COI – 3/25/24
Karen Spencer, COI – 3/25/24
Michael Moffet, COI – 3/25/24
Douglas Owen, ROIII, transfer from CRCC – 3/25/24
Paul Beckham, COI to COII – 3/3/24
Bethany Masuch, COI to COII – 3/3/24
Joshua Woltz, COI to COII – 3/3/24
Bradley Mosier, COI to COII – 3/3/24
Michael Renfro, COI to COII – 3/3/24
Justin Schmitz, COI to COII – 3/3/24
Christopher Rice, COI to COII – 3/3/24
Terrin Ellis, COI to COII – 3/3/24
Gonzalo Mascorro, COI to COII – 3/3/24
Larry Cordray, Stationary Engineer – 3/31/24
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on March 20, 2024, at 6:00am, 10:00am and 3:00pm. There were 6 staff members present.
Important Dates
April 1 – PBC dress down day – $2
April 2 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
April 4 – Wellness Club dress down day – $2
April 7 – 13 – FREE dress down days all week
April 15 – PBC dress down day - $2
April 15 – Pay day
April 17 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
April 19 – TCW dress down day – FREE
April 22 – TCW dress down day - $2
April 23 – PBC dress down day - $2
April 24 - Administrative Professionals Day – FREE dress down day
April 25 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
April 26 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
April 30 – TCW dress down day - $2
April 30 – Pay day
February 2024
Big News
Human Resources Specialist and Employee Support Specialist
Brian Hecker was named Human Resources Specialist at CCC. He came from the Cameron Veteran’s Home where he worked in Human Resources. He started at CCC 2/16/24. Welcome Brian!
Teresa DeSpain, promoted from Functional Unit Manager to Employee Support Specialist. She started her new position 2/20/24. Congratulations Teresa!
Lifetime membership
It was announced that CCC reached our goal of attaining CCC’s Lifetime Sponsorship with the Correctional Peace Officer’s Foundation (CPOF) by submitting a total of $5,000 in donations as a facility towards this very worthy cause!!! This goal was accomplished from a variety of staff fundraising efforts.
CPOF supports correctional staff and their families in times of need and provides scholarships to family members of correctional staff. This organization has supported many of our own staff when they have been experiencing extremely difficult situations. We are proud to be able to contribute towards these efforts.
In appreciation of this amazing accomplishment, Warden McBee has approved a FREE DRESS DOWN WEEK that will be scheduled during the month of April!!!
Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating Storekeeper I Patricia Gladbach, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for February 2024.
STK I Gladbach was nominated for this award by her supervisor, Supply Manager Tammy Stith, who recognized her professionalism and willingness to assist.
On December 13, 2023, while dressing out R&O offenders, STK I Gladbach noted blood stains on an offender’s discarded clothing. When she questioned the offender, she admitted to inflicting wounds on herself when she’s anxious or stressed. Tricia then immediately notified the offender’s Functional Unit Manager, who arranged to have the offender seen by Medical staff to receive treatment for her wounds. Housing unit staff also referred the offender to follow up with Mental Health staff. The nomination states, “STK I Tricia Gladbach consistently demonstrates what a huge asset she is to this facility, the offender population, and our staff.”
Ms. Gladbach is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
New Team Members
Abby Goodrich, COI – 2/5/24
Maxxwell Coy, COI – 2/5/24
Lisa Brown, SAC Gateway – 2/5/24
Kayla Typaldos, RN Centurion – 2/9/24
Andrea Longo, STKI Maintenance – 2/13/24
Ryan Panholzer, COI – 2/13/24
Sonya Carpenter, COI – 2/13/24
Justin Bascus, COI – 2/13/24
Aneesah Garretson, Cook Aramark – 2/19/24
Bertha Booth, Cook Aramark – 2/22/24
Jaccilyn Mendy, Cook Aramark – 2/22/24
Damian Bergh, COI – 2/26/24
Tiffany Brost, COI – 2/26/24
Colby Newman, COI – 2/26/24
Promotions or Classification change
- Teresa DeSpain, FUM to Employment Support Specialist – 2/20/24
- Chad Gardner, COII to COIII – 2/25/24
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on February 26, 2024, 2024 at 6:00am, 10:00am and 3:00pm. There were 7 staff members present.
Important Dates
March 5 – PBC dress down day - $2
March 6 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
March 11 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
March 12 – TCW dress down day - $2
March 14 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
March 15 – Pay day
March 17 – Morale Committee dress down/food day – FREE
March 19 – PBC dress down day - $2
March 20 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
March 21 – TCW dress down day - $2
March 22 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
March 26 – PBC dress down day - $2
March 27 – Wellness Club FREE dress down day to all who have pre-registered for blood drive
March 29 – TCW dress down day - $2
March 29 – Pay day
January 2024
Big News
Offender Polar Bear Plunge
The Special Olympics luau carnival was held Saturday, January 20, 2024 and the offender polar bear plunge was held Saturday, January 27, 2024. The plunge had been postponed from January 20th due to weather. The offenders raised $2,123.00 for Special Olympics. Approximately 40 offenders participated in the polar bear plunge.
Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating Corrections Officer II Tayluer Dunks, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for January 2024.
Nominations were submitted for CO II Dunks by both CTO John Huber and CCM II Dustin Lybarger, who both recognized her professionalism and willingness to assist while at work and in the community.
CTO Huber indicates in his nomination that on July 17, 2023, the Regional Crisis Negotiation Team and the CCC CERT Team conducted a seven-hour hostage scenario. He states that CO II Dunks volunteered to play the role of “hostage taker” in this scenario. She followed the timeline of the scenario and was able to develop and portray an offender suffering a mental health crisis. Her “character” challenged everyone participating in the scenario in their individual roles and responsibilities which provided as close to “real world” training as possible and enhanced them to better prepare for an actual hostage situation. She was successful in continuing this role for an exhaustive seven hours. The nomination states, “Sergeant Dunks’ dedication toward this project reflected her professionalism, dedication to duty, and in keeping with the finest traditions of the Chillicothe Correctional Center, reflects great credit upon herself, and the Missouri Department of Corrections.”
CCM II Lybarger indicates in his nomination that on the evening of July 25, 2023, after leaving work, CO II Dunks went to north Casey’s in Chillicothe and found herself in the midst of a police chase involving two occupants of a vehicle that had fired gunshots at police officers. She stayed at the scene with the female occupant while preserving the crime scene for the police department, until their back-up arrived. She was asked by the reporting officers to perform a search of the female occupant due to no female officers being available. She accommodated their request and assisted with their investigation, utilizing her Department of Corrections training to assist local law enforcement, and preserve the safety of the community during this incident. The nomination states, “CO II Dunks deserves to be recognized as not only a valuable asset of Chillicothe Correctional Center, but for her diligent efforts to preserve the public’s safety.”
Ms. Dunks is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
Awards & Recognition
Congratulations to Corrections Training Officer John Huber, on being named the 2023 CCC Employee of the Year! John was originally nominated for Employee of the Month earlier this year for his dedication as Field Commander to the CCC CERT Team. Also nominated was Philip Bower, who was the institution’s Corrections Training Officer and CERT Assistant Field Commander at that time. It was indicated in the nomination that both Mr. Huber and Mr. Bower always put their team first. It was indicated in the nomination that Mr. Huber always guides and directs his team and encourages them to excel. He entrusts the junior team members to write, brief and execute one or two operational CERT missions annually in order to develop their leadership and confidence. His leadership motivates his team to work harder whether it be inside Chillicothe Correctional Center or elsewhere on an activation.
Furthermore, the CCC Administration conveyed their appreciation to Mr. Huber for his leadership on the CCC CERT Team through a total of twelve CERT activations during 2023 and a total of twenty-one CERT activations during the previous year, 2022. His guidance has steered this team in assisting to ensure the safe and secure operations of Chillicothe Correctional Center, as well as other facilities, by the removal of dangerous contraband, regaining and maintaining control of offender populations, and facilitating movement of offenders.
John's actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and his professionalism does not go unnoticed.
Years of Service Awards
On Monday, January 8, 2024, staff members were recognized with service awards recognizing their years of service with the Department.
Billingsley, Rick
Carpenter, Amy
Collins, Sean
Drake, Christopher
Eads, Michelle
Gardner, Shenea
Hays, Adam
Hess, Joshua
Hoerrmann, Suzanne
Hollon, Laura
Jenkins, Gerald
Lambert, Derek
McCurley, Michael
Meyers, Carla
Robb, Elijah
Tredway, Mary
Willis, Sandy
Winebrenner, Lynn
Austin, Bonnie
Brown, Jennifra
Childs, Joseph
Davis, Grace
Engberg, Tina
Graham, Nicholas
Owen, Marshall
Porter, Lori
Reed, Abigail
Renfro, Michael
Warren, Mark
Wilson, Phillip
Acklin, Michael
Anderson, Ryan
Beckham, Paul
Boothe, Shirley
Bowes, Jeremy
Brayton, Joseph
Clemens, Jeffrey
Clevenger, Penney
Cunningham, Frank
Cunningham, Tiffany
Emmons, Billy
Engberg, Terry
Estes, Mandy
Foley, Grace
Francis, Nicholas
Gladbach, Shelly
Hacker, Gary
Hamilton, Steven
Hedrick, Jason
Hightower, Angela
Howe, Sherry
Jones, Karen
King, Matthew
Kroll, Nelda
Lark, James
McDaniel, Jeffery
McGowan, Shelby
McKiddy, Steven
Meservey, Mari
Moudy, Ann
O’Connell, Emmett
Parsons, Cristi
Pelletier, Kelli
Perry, Steven
Peters, Kimberly
Powell, Walter
Rains, Beth
Richards, Billie
Robinson, Kathryn
Sanders, Aaron
Saville, Cathy
Slater, Nina
Snider, Theresa
Stone, Dennis
Thomas, Julie
Troxel, Matthew
Tye, James
Waldrep, Marlin
Walsh, Sherry
Walton, Julianne
Winn, Sammie
Wolf, April
Wood, Tonya
Yuille, Naomi
Duckworth, Howard
Whitt, Hollie
DeSpain, Teresa
Roberts, Shelley
Snoderly, Michael
Sullivan, Margaret
Wood, Karen
Rick, Steven
New Team Members
Jacob Newton, COI – 1/1/24
Terri Pierce, OSA-Classification – 1/1/24
Sarah Pittman, IPO – 1/1/24
Timothy Dixon, MWII – 1/8/24
Danae Myers, COI – 1/8/24
Clayton Daley, COI – 1/8/24
Owen Holloway, COI – 1/8/24
Sarah May, COI – 1/8/24
Terri Snyder, COI – 1/8/24
Jaci Fostek, Cenurion, Clinical Supervisor (transferred from CRCC) – 1/27/24
Kimberly Craig, Aramark Cook – 1/28/24
James Dake, COI – 1/29/24
Oscar Romero, COI – 1/29/24
Bobbie Pippin, COI to Academic Education – 12/31/23
Leanna Anderson, COI – 1/31/24
Darrell Sandy, Recreation Officer III – 1/31/24
Staff Moves
Kristen Unsell, OSA to P&P – 1/7/24
Ronda Barry, COI transferred to CRCC as COI – 1/14/24
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on January 26, 2024, 2023 at 6:00am, 10:00am and 3:00pm. There were 13 staff members present.
Important Dates
February 1 – CPOF Dress down day - $2
February 5 – TCW dress down day - $2
February 6 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
February 7 – PBC dress down day - $2
February 8 – CPOF dress down day - $2
February 9 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE – can wear clothing representing ANY sports team
February 12 – HOLIDAY – Lincoln’s birthday
February 12 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
February 14 – PBC dress down day (Valentine or Sports theme) - $2
February 15 – Pay day
February 15 – CPOF dress down day - $2
February 17 – Morale Committee dress down/food day – FREE
February 19 – HOLIDAY – President’s day
February 21 – PBC dress down day - $2
February 22 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
February 26 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
February 27 – TCW dress down day - $2
February 28 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
February 29 – TCW dress down day - FREE
December 2023
Big News
Angel Tree
I just wanted to give everyone an update on all of the gifts and the donated non-perishable items. I was informed that we were a part of helping 91 families with Christmas gifts this year! Our food drive was a part of helping another 100+ families with food. So all in total we helped a little over 200 families this year! The 91 families, with children, will receive food and gifts. The 100+ families are couples without children, received a food basket. The Salvation Army staff mentioned to me that the families ranged from having 1-9 children, per family. If you average that out, between us and some of the other businesses in town, we helped close to 400 kids have a very Merry Christmas!
Pictured with Angel Tree and gifts are Candice Bell, CCM and Angela Maberry, IAC.
Special Olympics Award
Darrell Sandy, ROIII, was presented with the Outstanding Volunteer Unsung Hero award at CCC for Special Olympics. It was presented to him by Tom Melte, CSI who is our local Special Olympics Coordinator.
Photo (L to R) Tom Melte, CSI, Darrell Sandy, ROIII, Chris McBee, Warden.
Sparkles the Elf
Sparkles, Elf on a Shelf, made an appearance at CCC on 12/4/23 and stayed and visiting different staff members throughout the Administration building. See photos of Sparkles’ fun!
Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating Vocational Enterprises Supervisor I Paula Murphy, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for December 2023. Paula was nominated for this award by MVE Factory Manager Janet Boley, who recognized her professionalism and willingness to assist. Earlier this year, a collaborative effort was made by several individuals to establish a Veterans Wall in the CCC Administration Building to honor our current employees who have served in the military. It is recognized that Paula volunteered her time and professional services to photograph employees wishing to be a part of this display. The nomination states, “The wall looks amazing and lots of hard work and talent was involved in making it happen.”
Her actions greatly contributed to this endeavor and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Murphy is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
New Team Members
Kristen Unsell, OSA (transfer from WERDCC) – 12/3/23
Julie Ulmer, CCM, (transfer from Centurion) – 12/4/23
Tanya Butler, OSA – 12/11/23
Paul Chapman, COI – 12/11/23
Destony Farnham, COI – 12/11/23
Linda Marrs, Cook-Aramark – 12/11/23
Joyce Crawford, Medical Clerk, Centurion – 12/12/23
Ashli Hill, Phlebotomist, Centurion – 12/13/23
Lilly Basinger, Centurion – 12/14/23
Keith Crosby, COI – 12/18/23
Mary Voorhies, COI – 12/18/23
Madison Guyett, Gateway Substance Abuse Counselor – 12/18/23
Ashley Bourcard, OSA-Mailroom to SOSA Timekeeper – 12/3/23
Connie Coots, OSA-Records to SOSA Records – 12/3/23
Douglas Jeffries, COIII to CSI – 12/31/23
Connie Cannon, COI – December 31, 2023
Robert Landwehr, COII – December 31, 2023
Karen Wood, Storekeeper I – December 31, 2023
Susan Fields, Probation & Parole – December 31, 2023
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on December 15, 2023, 2023 at 6:00am, 8:00am and 3:30pm. There were 5 staff members present.
Important Dates
January 1 – Holiday New Year’s Day
January 2 – TCW dress down day - $2
January 3 – PBC dress down day - $2
January 4 – CPOF dress down day - $2
January 9 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
January 10 – PBC dress down day - $2
January 12 – TCW dress down day – FREE
January 12 – Pay day
January 15 – Holiday-Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 15 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
January 17 – PBC dress down day - $2
January 18 – CPOF dress down day - $2
January 19 – Morale Committee food day/dress down day – FREE
January 23 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
January 25 – CPOF dress down day - $2
January 29 – Morale Committee dress down day - $2
January 30 – TCW dress down day - $2
January 31 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
January 31 – Pay day
November 2023
Big News
Angel Tree and Hygiene/Non-perishable drives
The Corrections Way has set up the Angel Tree for families in need during the holiday season. TCW was originally given 15 tags and they were all taken within a couple of days. Candice Bell approached the Salvation Army and was given 15 additional tags. A third return trip has netted another 23 tags for staff to help make the holidays brighter.
The Corrections Way is also conducting a hygiene/non-perishable food items drive to assist families in the community. The Angel tree and the hygiene/non-perishable box will be in the lobby until December 11, 2023.
Staff Dining/ MicroMarket
The new staff dining MicroMarket opened November 2, 2023 and the Fresh items made to order opened November 6, 2023.
MIA/POW table
The Wellness Committee set up a MIA/POW table in the lobby November 6-13, 2023 to celebrate our Veterans and to remember the ones who have still not come home.
Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating CO I Kathryn Robinson and CO I Norman Milner, on being named the CCC Employees of the Month for October (Robinson) and November (Milner) 2023. Kathryn and Norman were both nominated for this award by CO II Sandy Willis and CO III Cody Spease, who recognized their constant professionalism and commitment to the safety and security of the institution.
It was noted that on July 7, 2023 while assigned to the Visiting Room, CO I Kathryn Robinson noticed on camera a visitor
who was acting strangely. She continued to observe the visitor and resident for a while and noticed the visitor was closely watching the location officers were posted in the area. While other staff were conducting count, she noticed the visitor remove an unknown item from the sleeve of their shirt and shove it inside a food item belonging to the resident, while the resident had left the area during the count process. When the resident returned from count, they immediately took a large bite from the food. At that time, CO I Milner was working on the Visiting Room floor and observed the resident begin to cough, almost to the point of choking. CO I Milner responded to the table and observed the offender begin to throw away some napkins. CO I Robinson then reported to CO II Willis what she had observed on camera. The resident was separated and continuously monitored until the investigator was able to interview them. CO I Milner secured the trashcan the napkins were thrown into and upon search, a balloon was found containing substances which tested positive for Fentanyl and Methamphetamine. The nomination states, “Without the keen eye of CO I Robinson and the instincts of CO I Milner, dangerous drugs could have made it into the facility, creating dangers for staff and offenders.”
Their actions greatly contribute to the safe and secure operations of the facility and their professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Robinson and Mr. Milner are huge assets to this facility and their actions consistently demonstrate that they are professionals and team players.
New Team Members
Jordan Adams, COI – 11/6/23
Brandon Ayres, COI – 11/6/23
Alison Cornell, WSRU Coordinator, Centurion Mental Health – 11/8/23
Derek Morgan, COI – 11/13/23
Sara Wahlers, COI – 11/13/23
Jeffrey Gladbach, ROI – 11/13/23
Tyler Jones, COI – 11/27/23
Tosha Collins, Gateway Administrative Assistant – 11/27/23
Aaliyah Saucedo, Centurion Med Tech – 11/29/23
John Huber, CCMII to Institutional Training Coordinator – 10/29/23 (announced 11/1/23)
Abby Reed, SOSA Timekeeper to SOSA DWOM Clerical – 11/1/23
Kaci Crawford, COI to CCM – 11/12/23
Robert Tate, COI to CCM – 11/12/23
Timothy Caselman, COII to CCM – 11/12/23
Paiten Sackrey, SOSA-AW Clerical to CCM – 11/12/23
Lori Bowen, COI to CCM – 11/12/23
Kelli Pelletier, COI to CCM – 11/12/23
Diana Fisher, SOSA-Records to SOSA-AW Clerical – 11/20/23
Staff Moves
Raechel Kelley, COII to COII (CRCC) – 11/26/23
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on November 26, 2023, 2023 at 6:00am, 2:00pm and 3:00pm. There were 12 staff members present.
Important Dates
December 4 – TCW dress down day – Bring 2 non-perishable food items
December 5 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
December 6 – TCW dress down day - $2
December 7 – CPOF dress down day - $2
December 11 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
December 13 – TCW dress down day - $2
December 14 – Morale Committee dress down/food day – FREE
December 15 – Pay day
December 18 thru 25 – PBC Christmas dress down week – FREE
December 25 – Holiday - Christmas
December 26 – TCW dress down day – FREE
December 27 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
December 28 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
December 29 – Pay day
December 31 – Holiday - New Year’s Eve
October 2023
Big News
Charitable Campaign
Charitable Campaign has been busy during the month of October. Activities held were a Food Truck, Identify staff from baby pictures, pumpkin decorating contest, parking spot auction, YMCA membership auction, lawn furniture auction, and dress down days.
Howl-O-Ween Parade
The Hopeful Hounds of Chillicothe Correctional Center held a Howl-O-Ween parade on Tuesday, October 31. The first parade was at 10:00am with a second parade at 2:00pm on the Central Services “Boulevard”.
Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating CO I Kathryn Robinson and CO I Norman Milner, on being named the CCC Employees of the Month for October (Robinson) and November (Milner) 2023. Kathryn and Norman were both nominated for this award by CO II Sandy Willis and CO III Cody Spease, who recognized their constant professionalism and commitment to the safety and security of the institution.
It was noted that on July 7, 2023 while assigned to the Visiting Room, CO I Kathryn Robinson noticed on camera a visitor
who was acting strangely. She continued to observe the visitor and resident for a while and noticed the visitor was closely watching the location officers were posted in the area. While other staff were conducting count, she noticed the visitor remove an unknown item from the sleeve of their shirt and shove it inside a food item belonging to the resident, while the resident had left the area during the count process. When the resident returned from count, they immediately took a large bite from the food. At that time, CO I Milner was working on the Visiting Room floor and observed the resident begin to cough, almost to the point of choking. CO I Milner responded to the table and observed the offender begin to throw away some napkins. CO I Robinson then reported to CO II Willis what she had observed on camera. The resident was separated and continuously monitored until the investigator was able to interview them. CO I Milner secured the trashcan the napkins were thrown into and upon search, a balloon was found containing substances which tested positive for Fentanyl and Methamphetamine. The nomination states, “Without the keen eye of CO I Robinson and the instincts of CO I Milner, dangerous drugs could have made it into the facility, creating dangers for staff and offenders.”
Their actions greatly contribute to the safe and secure operations of the facility and their professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Robinson and Mr. Milner are huge assets to this facility and their actions consistently demonstrate that they are professionals and team players.
Awards & Recognition
Distinguished Service Award
Please join us in congratulating FUM Eric Anderson, who was presented with the Department of Corrections Distinguished Service Award! On Thursday, June 1, 2023, a fellow employee, SOSA Diana Fisher, had left for the day and returned to the institution requesting assistance with a flat tire. Staff were able to assist her to air up the tire so that she could drive it somewhere to be repaired or replaced. She was not sure where to take the car, so other staff were trying to give her directions to a location when Mr. Anderson approached. He told her that he was leaving for the day, so she could follow him, and he would get her to the shop. When they arrived at the shop, they were unable to assist her at that time, so Mr. Anderson called another shop, got her quotes and ensured they could help her, then led her there. Eric was nominated for this award by OSA Angela Hightower, who stated that he didn't think twice about helping out a fellow co-worker.
Staff Training & Development Coin of Excellence
New CO I Rex Fults received the Staff Training & Development Coin of Excellence at the recent Basic Training Graduation on November 9, 2023 at the Academy for Excellence Training Center in Cameron, MO.
New Team Members
Rex Fults, COI – 10/2/23
Maria Munoz-Pulido, COI – 10/2/23
Pamela Beavers, Cook, Aramark – 10/2/23
Kylee Baker, Medical Clerk, Centurion – 10/12/23
Emmanuel Craig, COI – 10/16/23
Colby Hutchings, COI – 10/16/23
Timothy Metcalf, COI – 10/16/23
Preston Bailey, COI – 10/16/23
Maria Misuraca, Cook-Aramark – 10/16/23
Lydia Jenkins, COI – 10/23/23
Charles Stahl, Education – 10/23/23
Alex Spencer, DOI, Centurion – 10/26/23
Marcia White, HSA, Centurion – 10/26/23
Aaron York, CCMII to FUM – 10/1/23
Rodney Harkins, COI to COII – 10/15/23
Clayton Bloomfield, COI to COII – 10/15/23
Joseph Lovett, COI to COII – 10/15/23
Daniel Williams, COI to COII – 10/15/23
Daniel Masuch, COI to COII – 10/15/23
Adam Hays, COI to COII – 10/15/23
Tad Collier, COI to COII – 10/15/23
David Yuille, MWII to MSI – 10/22/23
Gary Bannan, COI – 10/31/23
Cathy Breeden, COII – 10/31/23
Pamela Craft, COI – 10/31/23
Charles Horton, CCMII – 10/31/23
Linda Shafer, SOSA – 10/31/23
Tina Sturgeon, CCMII – 10/31/23
Staff Moves
Christopher Shaw, CSI to CSII (CRCC) – 10/15/23
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on October 26, 2023, 2023 at 6:00am, 8:00am and 3:00pm. There were 10 staff members present.
Important Dates
November 2 – PBC dress down day - $2
November 6 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
November 8 – Morale Committee FREE food day/dress down day
November 9 – TCW dress down day – 42
November 10 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
November 10 – Holiday-Veteran’s Day
November 14 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
November 15 – PBC dress down day - $2
November 15 – Pay day
November 16 – CPOF dress down day - $2
November 20 – TCW dress down day – FREE
November 21 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
November 22 – PBC dress down day - $2
November 23 – Holiday-Thanksgiving
November 28 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
November 30 – TCW dress down day - $2
November 30 – Pay day
September 2023
Big News
Corrections Employee Week
Corrections Employee Week was held September 11 – 15, 2023. A free dress down day was held each day. Monday was popcorn day, Tuesday was radio bingo, Wednesday, the PBC served walking tacos, Thursday each staff member received a free gift and Friday was a BBQ meal of hamburgers, hot dogs and chips with a drink.
The Wall That Heals Donation
On September 13, 2023, the CCC Personnel Benefits Committee presented a monetary donation to the Livingston County Veteran’s Association for the “Wall That Heals” which was recently on display for several days in Chillicothe, MO.
Pictured L to R: Larry Warren, Livingston County Veterans Association; Matt Hopper, Livingston County Veterans Association; Angela Maberry, CCC Personnel Benefits Committee; Rick Liebendorfer, Committee Chairman; Tomie Walker, Main Street Chillicothe and Crystal Narr, Chillicothe Chamber of Commerce.
Wellness Committee Farmer’s Market
The CCC Wellness Committee sponsored a Farmer’s Market September 18 – 22, 2023 where staff members could bring in extra garden produce, canned items, and craft items. There was great participation in donations and bids! The Wellness Committee would like to thank all who donated and bid and we look forward to this again next year.
Wellness Committee Salad Bar
The Wellness Committee had a pre-sale salad bar. Staff members ordering had the choice of mixed greens or romaine lettuce, tomatoes, shredded cheese, cucumbers, chopped egg, croutons, bacon bits, sunflower seeds, and the choice of adding diced ham or diced turkey to their salad. Everyone who participated thought it was a great idea and were pleased with their salads.
Special Olympics Quilt
On January 26, 2023, Captain Melte obtained permission from Assistant Warden Parkhurst for the Chillicothe Correctional Center Restorative Justice Program to make a quilt that will be auctioned off during the 2023 Special Olympics LETR International Conference in Chicago Illinois. He came up with the design that would represent Special Olympics, The Missouri Department of Corrections and all 50 states of the USA by utilizing state flags and a DOC Patch. With the assistance of Institutional Activity Coordinators Angela Maberry and Nina Slater, the work began, and the quilt began to take shape. Offender Tenessa Wolfe was given the project and diligently worked several hours sewing various designs and details. Each U.S. Flag has the abbreviation for that state sewed underneath the flag.
Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating CO I Elijah Robb on being
named the CCC Employee of the Month for September 2023.
Elijah was nominated for this award by Captain Dora Beers, who recognized his constant professionalism and commitment to the safety and security of the institution.
It was noted that on July 7, 2023, at approximately 10:58 p.m., CO I Elijah Robb was working in Housing Unit #3 and was in the wing when he observed an offender in her cell, lying in blood and bleeding from her arms and neck. He quickly reacted, calling a Code 16 medical emergency and requesting assistance. Both medical staff and custody staff rushed to the scene. An ambulance was called and the offender was rushed to the hospital. The nomination states, “CO I Elijah Robb’s due diligence to his job duties of walking the wings to maintain safety and security, allowed him to identify a potentially fatal issue and get the offender the help she needed. CO I Robb’s reaction was quick and calm, which allowed clear communication to medical and custody staff members, advising them how to respond and where to respond. CO I Elijah Robb is an excellent example of a trained professional correctional officer and is a credit to this institution, as well as to the Missouri Department of Corrections.”
Elijah’s actions greatly contribute to the safe and secure operations of Chillicothe Correctional Center and his
professionalism does not go unnoticed. Mr. Robb is a huge asset to this facility and his actions consistently demonstrate that he is a professional and a team player.
Pictured (L to R) Dora Beers, CSI, Walter Powell, COI, Elijah Robb, COI-EOM, Chris McBee, Warden, Cody Spease, COIII
Awards & Recognition
Lifesaver awards
Congratulations to CO I Carla Boggs who was recognized at a recent awards presentation! She was presented with the Department of Corrections Lifesaver Award, which is bestowed on staff who have taken extraordinary actions to save the life of another person on or off duty. On September 23, 2022 an offender alerted staff that another offender was trying to commit suicide. It was verified on camera and the call for assistance was made. CO II Nicholas Koenig, CO I Jordan Mosier, CO I Carla Boggs and RN Melissa Chavarria responded to the cell immediately to assist. Because of staff’s fast response time and quick action, the offender’s life was saved.
Your quick assessment of the situation along with your quick reaction time to help this offender are both great qualities to have which makes you a great asset to Chillicothe Correctional Center and the Department of Corrections. (Awards for other staff involved were presented at a prior ceremony.)
Pictured (Left to right): Deputy Warden Ryan Coffman; Deputy Warden Kimberly Herring; CO I Carla Boggs; Warden Chris McBee and Captain Chris Shaw.
Congratulations to the following staff who were recognized at a recent awards presentation! These individuals were presented with the Department of Corrections Lifesaver Award, which is bestowed on staff who have taken extraordinary actions to save the life of another person on or off duty: CO I Erin Strange; CO I Paul Hebert; Megan Brown, LPN; Christina Hoskins, RN and Michelle Minnis, RN. On February 27, 2023 an offender staggered from the showers and collapsed. She was bleeding from self-inflicted wounds on her throat and both forearms. CO I Paul Hebert and CO I Erin Strange quickly responded to the area and provided First Aid in an effort to control the bleeding. Medical staff Christina Hoskins, Megan Brown and Michelle Minnis responded and relieved the custody staff, and applied direct pressure to the offender’s wounds and monitored the offender until EMS arrived.
The quick, appropriate response by the responding staff had a direct impact in the offender’s survival of the incident.
Pictured (Left to right): Assistant Warden Amy Parkhurst; Deputy Warden Ryan Coffman; CO I Paul Hebert; CO I Erin Strange; Deputy Warden Kimberly Herring and Warden Chris McBee.
Not pictured: RN Christina Hoskins; LPN Megan Brown and RN Michelle Minnis were unavailable and will be presented their awards at a later date.
Congratulations to Major Boshko Ognenovski, who was recently recognized and presented with the Department of Corrections Lifesaver Award, for an incident he assisted with while he was a Captain at Moberly Correctional Center. This award is bestowed on staff who have taken extraordinary actions to save the life of another person on or off duty. On April 2, 2023 at Moberly Correctional Center, an offender was found in his cell by staff to be unresponsive and not breathing. Attending staff began to perform CPR. When Captain Ognenovski arrived on scene, he administered Narcan to the offender by way of nasal application. Once medical staff arrived, another dose of Narcan was given. The offender was transported to the medical unit and after further treatment gained consciousness and remained awake. Because of staff’s fast response time and quick action, the offender’s life was saved.
Thank you to all staff involved as your quick assessment of the situation along with your quick reaction time to help this
offender are both great qualities which make you great assets to your institutions and the Department of Corrections.
Pictured (Left to right): Deputy Warden Kimberly Herring; Deputy Warden Ryan Coffman; Major Boshko Ognenovski; Warden Chris McBee; Captain Chris Shaw.
Congratulations to the following staff who were recognized at a recent awards presentation! These individuals were presented with the Department of Corrections Lifesaver Award, which is bestowed on staff who have taken extraordinary actions to save the life of another person on or off duty: CO I Brandy Baker and CO I Gary Hacker. On May 8, 2023, CO I Baker observed an offender in the Dining Room who appeared to be choking and was having trouble breathing. She immediately called for assistance and began abdominal thrusts in an attempt to dislodge the object. CO I Gary Hacker arrived in the area and also attempted to dislodge it. As Medical staff arrived to assist, the offender was noted to be breathing easier due to some of the object that was stuck had been removed by the custody staff. Medical staff then transported the offender to the medical unit for further treatment.
The quick response and taking the necessary action to try to dislodge the object, CO I Baker and CO I Hacker are commended for a job well done.
Pictured (Left to right): Assistant Warden Amy Parkhurst; Deputy Warden Ryan Coffman; CO I Brandy Baker; CO I Gary Hacker; Deputy Warden Kimberly Herring and Warden Chris McBee.
Congratulations to the following staff who was recognized for receiving the Department of Corrections Lifesaver Award, which is bestowed on staff who have taken extraordinary actions to save the life of another person on or off duty: CO I Erin Strange; CO I Paul Hebert; Megan Brown, LPN; Christina Hoskins, RN and Michelle Minnis, RN. On February 27, 2023 an offender staggered from the showers and collapsed. She was bleeding from self-inflicted wounds on her throat and both forearms. CO I Paul Hebert and CO I Erin Strange quickly responded to the area and provided First Aid in an effort to control the bleeding. Medical staff Christina Hoskins, Megan Brown and Michelle Minnis responded and relieved the custody staff, and applied direct pressure to the offender’s wounds and monitored the offender until EMS arrived.
The quick, appropriate response by the responding staff had a direct impact in the offender’s survival of the incident.
Pictured (Left to right): Deputy Warden Kimberly Herring; Warden Chris McBee; LPN Megan Brown and CO I Lindsey Fondren.
New Team Members
Amy Fessler, LPN Centurion – 9/6/23
Nancy Stauffer, Nurse Practitioner, Centurion – 9/7/23
Sydney Daley, COI – 9/11/23
Alexandria Stewart, COI – 9/11/23
Jacob Holtzman, Dentist, Centurion – 9/12/23
Kristin McKinnis, OSA (P&P) – 9/14/23
Todd Tilley, OSA (Personnel) – 9/18/23
Mona Cunningham, Gateway, Substance Abuse Counselor – 9/25/23
Jeffrey McDaniel, COII to COIII – 9/3/23
Kyle Bagley, COII to COIII – 9/3/23
Martha Seavey, COI to CCM – 9/18/23
Tammy Toot, CCMII – 9/30/23
Steven Smith, COI – 9/30/23
Staff Moves
Ray LaFountain, MSI to MSII-Cameron Training Facility – 9/10/23
Philip Bower, ITO to Staff Development Training Specialist /Training Tech II, Cameron Training Facility – 9/17/23
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on September 27, 2023, 2023 at 6:00am, 8:00am and 3:00pm. There were 21 staff members present.
Important Dates
October 2 – Charitable Campaign dress down day - $2
October 3 – TCW dress down day - $2
October 4 – CBC Blood Drive 10a – 3p, FREE dress down day to all who pre-register to donate
October 5 – PBC dress down day - $2
October 9 – Holiday – Columbus Day
October 10 – Charitable Campaign dress down day - $2
October 11 – TCW dress down day – FREE
October 16 – Pay day
October 17 – Morale Committee dress down/food day – FREE
October 18 – Charitable Campaign dress down day - $2
October 19 – PBC dress down day - $2
October 24 – TCW dress down day – 42
October 25 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
October 26 – Charitable Campaign dress down day - $2
October 30 – Charitable Campaign dress down day - $2
October 31 – PBC dress down day - $2
October 31 – Pay day
August 2023
Big News
Wall That Heals
The “Wall That Heals”, a 2/3 replica travelling display of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., was recently displayed for several days in the community of Chillicothe. Members of the CCC CERT Team volunteered to assist the efforts of setting up and taking down this display (see attached photos).
Challenge Coin
Congratulations to Barbara Burton for recently being presented the CCC Warden's Challenge Coin for her ongoing dedication to the PATCH (Parents and Their Children) program for the last 14 years! PATCH teaches parenting skills and coping skills for incarcerated mothers. There is a weekly class and weekly support group. PATCH visits are held in a private visiting room where the offender and their children can play, eat, and just be together. To receive PATCH visits, offenders must first apply for PATCH classes, complete the eight-week session and continue attending Parenting Support Groups weekly.
Pictured Below: CO II Sandy Willis, Deputy Warden Ryan Coffman, Deputy Warden Kimberly Herring, Volunteer Barbara Burton, Assistant Warden Amy Parkhurst, and Warden Chris McBee.
Dog Days of Summer Event
A Dog Days of Summer Event (Stress Free Day) was held Thursday, August 31 from 8:00am – 12:00pm. Activities included home run derby with teams comprised of offenders and staff, popsicles were handed out from the Wellness Committee, a special meal was served by Food Service, a dizzy bat contest, and various yard games. Staff involved in the planning were thanked for a successful and fun day.
Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating CO I Charles Ellis, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for August 2023.
Chuck was nominated for this award by Captain Donald Jones, who recognized his constant professionalism and commitment to the safety and security of the institution.
It was noted that on July 19, 2023, CO I Ellis was at his assigned post at the front entry search point of the facility, when at approximately 9:12 a.m., two individuals entered the front doors of the administration building and approached the search station. The female had a police badge and claimed to be here on official business. The individual was unable to present any other documentation to collaborate her story. Neither individual was on the approved access list. CO I Ellis notified the appropriate administrative staff and advised the two individuals they were not approved and denied their entry into the institution. It was verified with outside law enforcement that the individuals were not affiliated with the police department they claimed to be representing and were attempting to gain access to the facility under false pretense. The nomination states, “CO I Ellis’s steadfast dedication to duty and attention to detail was instrumental in preventing the entry of two individuals who had falsely represented themselves as law enforcement. His willingness to be that first line of defense in protecting the staff and offenders of Chillicothe Correctional Center is greatly appreciated.”
Chuck’s actions greatly contribute to the safe and secure operations of Chillicothe Correctional Center and his professionalism does not go unnoticed. Mr. Ellis is a huge asset to this facility and his actions consistently demonstrate that he is a professional and a team player.
Photo: L to R: Ryan Coffman, DWO, Donald Jones, CSI, Chuck Ellis, COI, Chris McBee, Warden, Kimberly Herring, DWOM, Amy Parkhurst, AW, Boshko Ognenovski, CSII.
New Team Members
Jessica Condron, Activity Tech, Mental Health, Centurion – 8/14/23
Monica Hicks, Substance Abuse Counselor I, Gateway – 8/14/23
Shelby Shiflett, Med Tech, Centurion – 8/14/23
Gage Kirkland, Maintenance Worker II – 8/21/23
Rigdon Nwesom, PT COI – 8/21/23
Kristi Bergan, COI – 8/21/23
Norman Crow, COI – 8/28/23
Keli Summers, OSA to Vocational Basic Customer Service Instructor – 8/20/23
Emily Gladbach, OSA P&P to IPO – 8/27/23
Amy Gertz, FUM – 8/31/23
Dale Tolle, COIII – 8/31/23
Staff Moves
Jessie Fondren, COII to Fire & Safety (transferred to CRCC) – 8/13/23
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on August 25, 2023 at 6:00am, 10:00am and 3:00pm. There were 6 staff members present.
Important Dates
September 4 – Labor Day Holiday
September 4 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
September 5 – TCW dress down day – FREE
September 6 – Charitable Campaign dress down day– $2
September 7 – Wellness Committee dress down day - $2
September 11-15 – Corrections Week – FREE dress down days all week
September 15 – Pay day
September 18 – Morale Committee dress down day/food day – FREE
September 19 – Charitable Campaign dress down day - $2
September 21 – TCW dress down day - $2
September 26 – TCW dress down day - $2
September 28 – Charitable Campaign dress down day - $2
September 29 – Morale Committee dress down day - FREE
September 29 – Pay day
July 2023
Big News
Western Region Honor Guard
The Western Region Honor Guard participated in the Sliced Bread Parade in Chillicothe, MO. on Saturday, July 8, 2023.
Pictured (Left to Right): CO III Sammie Gray on rifle (CCC), CO II Joshua Bedingfield on United States flag (CCC), CO II Zachary Morton on Missouri flag (WRDCC), and CO II Luis Pacheco on rifle (CCC).
Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating Captain Dora Beers, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for July 2023.
Dora was nominated for this award by Supply Manager Tammy Stith, who recognized her constant professionalism and willingness to assist others.
It was noted that on May 24th, 2023, Captain Beers was present in the Clothing Issue unit to provide guidance and feedback during fitting and issuance of state issue clothing to an offender who had been problematic and argumentative in the past. She had agreed to be present in order to help ensure the offender's state issue clothing met institutional rules, as the subject had been sized and resized repeatedly at staff request in the past year. On this specific date, the offender displayed a range of emotions from crying to questioning to being argumentative. Throughout the offender's visit, Captain Beers remained calm, respectful, polite and professional, and de-escalated the offender's responses several times before the offender became argumentative to the point of creating a disturbance. Even when the situation reached that point, she remained polite, poised and composed. As the offender was escorted out the door to be taken to administrative segregation by another custody officer, the offender collapsed on the walk and a Code 16 was called. Again, with her response and actions during this Code 16, she maintained composed professionalism at all times. The nomination states, “Captain Beers’ actions this date helped to maintain control of a potentially volatile situation, proving that she is truly an asset to the department and this institution.”
Dora’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the Department of Corrections and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Beers is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
Warden McBee has coordinated a presentation for Captain Beers and recognized her efforts. Please take time to extend your congratulations to her.
Pictured (L to R): Major Ognenosvki, Dora Beers, CSI, Kimberly Herring, DWOM and Ryan Coffman, DWO.
Awards & Recognition
Distinguished Service Award
While working at FRDC, CCC Officer Sammie Winn was presented with the Department’s Distinguished Service Award for her actions during a medical emergency involving another staff member. CCC Administration was told COI Winn is a great addition to FRDC and appreciation was expressed for allowing her to continue to assist them.
New Team Members
Elisha Weimer, LPN, Centurion – 6/28/23
Brooklyn Smith, LPN, Centurion – 6/28/23
Jonna Miller, LPN, Centurion – 6/28/23
Brandy Wedlock, Clinic Supervisor, Gateway – 7/3/23
Richard Zupitich, Gateway – 7/3/23
Reagin Klein, Gateway – 7/17/23
Lucas Reynolds, PT COI – 7/25/23
Brooke Leamer, QMHP, Centurion Mental Health – 7/27/23
Emily Anderson, CCMII to FUM – 7/16/23
Tammy Hawkins, OSA to Storekeeper II, FDS – 7/23/23
John Morris, COII – 7/31/23
Robert Coots, CCMII – 7/31/23
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on July 27, 2023 at 5:00am, 2:00pm and 3:00pm. There were 3 staff members present.
Important Dates
August 1 – Wellness Committee Dress Down Day - $2
August 3 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2
August 8 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
August 14 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day – FREE
August 15 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2
August 15 – Pay day
August 16 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
August 24 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
August 28 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day – FREE
August 30 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2
August 31 – Pay day
June 2023
Big News
Torch Run
CCC Staff participated in the Missouri Law Enforcement Torch Run in support of Special Olympics on June 1. It was reported that we had the highest participation of the day.
Parking Lot Cleanup
The CCC Wellness Committee coordinated a parking lot clean up May 31 and June 1. Staff members who volunteered were allowed to dress down each day of the cleanup. Maintenance and Powerhouse provided two blowers for the volunteers to use.
Flag Presentation and Veteran’s Wall
On June 14th (Flag Day), Chillicothe Correctional Center was honored to conduct an official flag folding ceremony at the institution in dedication of the new Veterans Wall on display in the institution's Administration Building. The presentation was conducted by the local VFW Post #858, along with CCC Honor Guard and CERT members. Maintenance staff were charged with building a showcase to honor CCC Staff who served in our military. Photos of current staff members who are United States Veterans have been added to the display and the wall will continue to be updated. We thank you all for your service!
Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating Administrative Office Support Assistant Beth Rains, on being named the CCC Employees of the Month for June 2023.
Beth was nominated for this award by Deputy Warden Kimberly Herring, who recognized her constant professionalism and willingness to assist others.
It is noted that due to Beth’s previous experience in the Records Office, she has been very instrumental in assisting in the duties of this office during staff vacancies and absences. She has volunteered to assist without being asked and has jumped right in to help when needed. The nomination states, “Beth always has a positive attitude and reflects and role models the agency’s mission, vision, and values. As the work performed by the Records Office is vital to the smooth operation of our facility, Beth’s selfless actions have ensured there is minimal disruption to the daily operations related to releases, probation and parole, and the courts.”
Beth’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the Department of Corrections and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Rains is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
Amanda Koenig, Dental Assistant – 6/13/23
Stewart Reed, LPN – 6/14/23
Jessie Lee, LPN – 6/15/23
Michelle Stice, CMT – 6/15/23
Amy Morton, Office Support Assistant (Classification) – 6/26/23
Dora Beers, COIII to CSI – 6/11/23
Walter Anthony, COI to COII – 6/18/23
Brandi Bowen, COI to COII – 6/18/23
Courtney Chatters, COI to COII – 6/18/23
Payton Harris, COI to COII – 6/18/23
Katrina Humphrey, COI to COII – 6/18/23
Luis Pacheco, COI to COII – 6/18/23
John Knouse, COI – 6/30/23
Staff Moves
Terri Moore, STKII transferred to CRCC as Laundry Manager
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on June 26, 2023 at 6:00am, 8:00am and 3:00pm. There were 4 staff members present.
Important Dates
July 4 – HOLIDAY
July 4 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day – FREE
July 5 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2
July 6 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
July 14 – TCW Dress Down Day – FREE
July 14 – Pay day
July 18 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day – FREE
July 25 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2
July 26 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
July 31 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day - FREE
July 31 – Pay day
May 2023
Big News
Coin of Excellence
The Western Region Training Academy recognizes the top students in each training class with the new Staff Training & Development Coin of Excellence. Congratulations to CO I Terrin Ellis who was presented this award at the recent graduation ceremony!
U.S. Citizenship
Congratulations to CCC Major Boshko Ognenovski on officially becoming a U.S. citizen!
Boshko came to the States in 2008, just days before his 18th birthday, in order to get his education while playing college basketball. He graduated from Central Methodist University in 2014 and began his employment with the Missouri Department of Corrections at Moberly Correctional Center in January 2015. His initial career goal was to use his degree in Recreational Management and become a Recreation Officer. However, as there were no vacancies in this area when he was hired, he started as a Corrections Officer. He fell in love with his job, joined CERT, and decided that staying in custody was the career he wanted to pursue. On April 23, 2023, Boshko promoted to Major at Chillicothe Correctional
CCC administration and staff are excited to celebrate this huge milestone with "Major O". On behalf of Boshko, he would like to let everyone know that he is very thankful to all CCC staff who have made him feel welcome and have helped him during his transition.
Employee Health Fair
An Employee Health Fair was held in Recreation on Thursday, May 18 from 8:00am – 4:00pm. Staff members were encouraged to attend the fair during the day. Vendors included representatives from MOSERS, Deferred Comp, MOST 529, MOVLIC, Central Bank, Natural Grocers, Livingston County Health Department, Guidance Resources, Anytime Fitness, and Missouri Prairie Foundation/Grow Prairies, North Central Mental Health. Two nurses were also available to take blood pressures and glucose monitoring. There were approximately 109 staff members who attended the fair.
Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating CO I Billy Emmons and CO I Brad Sackrey, on being named the CCC Employees of the Month for April and May 2023.
Billy and Brad were both nominated for this award by SOSA Paiten Sackrey, who recognized their constant professionalism and willingness to assist others.
On December 31, 2022, some offenders in Housing Unit #6 were creating a disturbance and going from wing to wing and room to room trying to celebrate the holiday. CO I Billy Emmons and CO I Brad Sackrey were assigned on the Yard and were asked by the Shift Commander to report to Housing Unit #6 to assist assigned staff in restoring order to the unit. Both officers reported to the unit and went from wing to wing, directing all offenders to return back to their cells and remain there. All of the offenders returned and the wings were locked down. They then helped ensure the well-being of staff and assisted with escorting involved offenders from the unit. The nomination states, “CO I Emmons and CO I Sackrey helped deescalate the situation before it turned into an even bigger issue. They go above and beyond their daily duties to make sure their fellow officers are taken care of.”
Their actions greatly contribute to the safety and security of the Department of Corrections and their professionalism does not go unnoticed. Mr. Emmons and Mr. Sackrey are huge assets to this facility and their actions consistently demonstrate that they are professionals and team players.
Warden McBee has conducted a presentation for CO I Emmons and CO I Sackrey and recognized their efforts. Please take time to extend your congratulations to them.
Awards & Recognition
Awards presentations were held May 5 and May 9 to recognize staff members who had gone above and beyond their normal duties.
Lifesaver Awards
On January 22, 2023, a Chillicothe Correctional Center staff member experienced a potential or perceived life-threatening medical illness. CO II Chad Gardner requested medical assistance over the radio. CO II Chad Gardner and CO I Brian Miller provided immediate First Aid until medical assistance arrived. Due to the individual stating that their blood sugar was possibly low, CO I Miller purchased a snack and CO II Gardner purchased a soda from the vending machines and offered them to the individual. CO I Miller stayed with the individual until Medical professionals arrived. Kelly Tipton, RN and Maicyn Cornbrust, RN arrived to assess the individual. Once assessed, CO II Gardner transported the individual to the local hospital, as he is a PACT member for the institution. He stayed at the hospital until family was reached.
Sergeant Gardner’s and Officer Miller’s willingness to assist others has brought great credit to themselves, Chillicothe
Correctional Center and the Department of Corrections. The quick responses and willingness to assist their fellow staff in times of an emergency by Kelly Tipton, RN and Maicyn Cornburst, RN have set the standard for others to follow. Lifesaver award group photo: Kimberly Herring, DWOM, Amy Parkhurst, AW, Chad Gardner, COII-recipient, Brian Miller, COI-recipient, Boshko Ognenovski, CSII, and Chris McBee, Warden, Kornbrust photo: Maicyn Kornbrust, RN and Chris McBee, Warden. Tipton photo: Kelly Tipton, RN and Chris McBee, Warden.
Congratulations to the following staff who were recognized at a recent awards presentation! These individuals were
presented with the Department of Corrections Lifesaver Award, which is bestowed on staff who have taken extraordinary actions to save the life of another person on or off duty: RN Melissa Chavarria; CO II Nicholas Koenig; CO I Jordan
Mosier and CO I Carla Boggs (Heckenmuller). CO I Courtney Chatters was presented with the Warden’s Challenge Coin. On September 23, 2022 an offender alerted staff that another offender was trying to commit suicide. It was verified on camera by CO I Courtney Chatters and she made the call for assistance. CO II Nicholas Koenig, CO I Jordan Mosier, CO I Carla Boggs (Heckenmuller) and RN Melissa Chavarria responded to the cell immediately to assist. Because of staff’s fast response time and quick action, the offender’s life was saved.
Thank you to all involved for utilizing the skills and techniques taught to you in order to help this offender in a time that was needed. Your quick assessment of the situation along with your quick reaction time to help this offender are both great qualities to have which makes you a great asset to Chillicothe Correctional Center and the Department of Corrections.
(Chavarria, Chatters group photo)Pictured (Left to right): CO I Courtney Chatters; RN Melissa Chavarria; CO I Jordan Mosier; CO II Nicholas Koenig; Major Boshko Ognenovski; Warden Chris McBee and Deputy Warden Ryan Coffman
Not pictured: CO I Carla Boggs (Heckenmuller) was unavailable and will be presented her award at a later date.
Congratulations to CO I Brandy Baker who was presented recently with the Department of Corrections Lifesaver Award which is bestowed on staff who have taken extraordinary actions to save the life of another person on or off duty. On January 4, 2023 while CO I Brandy Baker was holding the west dining room door open for an offender worker to bring out supplies, her attention was directed to the first table where an offender appeared to be choking. With CO I Baker’s quick thinking, skills and knowledge, she jumped into action by performing the Heimlich Manuever to dislodge the item that was stuck. In a situation that could have caused much chaos in a busy dining room, CO I Baker stayed calm and had complete control over the situation which resulted in successfully dislodging the stuck item from obstructing the offender’s airway.
Thank you CO I Baker for utilizing the skills and techniques taught to you in order to help this offender in a time that was needed. Your quick assessment of the situation along with your quick reaction time to help this offender are both great qualities to have which makes you a great asset to Chillicothe Correctional Center and the Department of Corrections.
(Brandy Baker Lifesaver Award photo) Pictured: (Left to right) Deputy Warden Kimberly Herring; Assistant Warden Amy Parkhurst; CO II Tayluer Dunks; CO I Brandy Baker; Major Boshko Ognenvoski and Warden Chris McBee
Distinguished Service Award
Congratulations to CO I David Baker who was presented with the Department of Corrections Distinguished Service Award! This award is bestowed on a staff member by their colleagues for performing exceptional actions that promote professionalism, teamwork, integrity and/or safety. On August 22, 2022 CO I David Baker observed an erratic behaving individual near a family member’s property. He then notified the Trenton Police Department where officers responded to the scene. Officers spoke with the individual and he then left the area. Officer Baker continued to watch the individual and noticed he gained access to a residence down the street that was not his residence. Officer Baker was informed that the owner of the residence was inside the property now with the individual. As law enforcement was notified, CO I Baker entered the residence to confront the individual and ensure the safety of the homeowner. CO I Baker then utilized various Crisis Intervention Techniques to detain the individual until law enforcement arrived. Once law enforcement arrived, CO I Baker continued to assist with escorting as the individual became argumentative. After providing a witness statement to officers, CO I Baker then returned to the residence to ensure the well-being of the owner.
CO I Baker acted in a heroic, professional and courageous manner to ensure the well-being of the homeowner. He gained and maintained control of a potentially violent situation with complete disregard for his own safety and ensured the well-being of civilians in the area.
(David Baker Distinguished Service photo) Pictured (Left to right): Deputy Warden Kimberly Herring; Assistant Warden Amy Parkhurst; CO I David Baker; Major Boshko Ognenovski and Warden Chris McBee
New Team Members
Jane Clodfelter, COI – 5/1/23
Tammy Hawkins, OSA-Business Office – 5/1/23
Mark Parkhurst, COI-Part time – 5/1/23
Bradley Heins, Gateway, Substance Abuse Counselor – 5/2/23
Carla Boggs, COI, transfer from MCC – 5/28/23
Sherry Walsh, COI – 5/31/23
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings were held on May 26, 2023 at 6:00am, 2:00pm and 3:00pm. There were 6 staff members present.
Important Dates
June 5 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
June 7 – TCW dress down day - $2
June 8 – PBC dress down day - $2
June 13 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
June 15 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
June 15 – Pay day
June 19 – Juneteenth holiday
June 20 – PBC dress down day - $2
June 22 – TCW dress down day - $2
June 27 – TCW dress down day - $2
June 28 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
June 29 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
June 30 – Pay day
April 2023
Big News
Spring Week
The PBC celebrated staff with Spring Week April 10-14. They had Easter eggs on sale for $1/egg, guess how many jelly beans in a jar contest, free dress down days, soda giveaway and drawings to give away a plant and some free Mudcats tickets.
CIT Graduation
Congratulations to new CCC Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Graduates (CO I Michelle Eads, CO I April Gramenz, CO I Paul Hebert, and CO I Tad Collier)! These staff members have taken the next step in maintaining a safer and more secure environment at CCC.
Pictured (left to right), Front Row: CO I Michelle Eads, CO I April Gramenz, MODOC CIT Coordinator Sarah Jensen; Back Row: Warden Chris McBee, CCM (CIT Actress) Aimee Dorrell, CO I Paul Hebert, CO I Tad Collier, CO III/CIT Coordinator Michael Brown
Academic and Vocational Graduation
The CCC Academic and Vocational graduation was held Friday, April 21, 2023. The speaker was Annie Herman, Asst. Div. Director, DORS. There were 20 HSE Academic graduates, 20 Basic Customer Service graduates, 16 Business Technology graduates 22 Culinary Arts graduates, 21 Professional Gardening and Landscaping graduates and 6 Puppies 4 Parole graduates.
CCC hosted a BACA (Bikers Against Child Abuse) motorcycle event Friday, April 28, 2023. BACA bikers were allowed to enter the back gate and they did a BACA Awareness Ride around the walk. The bikes were then taken and set up in Recreation for display and ceremony. The guests at each ceremony got to walk by the bikes and see them close up. (See photo)
Presentation of Rank
A presentation of rank ceremony was held Tuesday April 25th for our new Major, Boshko Ognenovski. Welcome to CCC Major O!
Photos (Presentation of rank, Warden Chris McBee, Major O. Major w/Admin team (L to R) Amy Parkhurst, AW, Ryan Coffman, DWO, Major O, Chris McBee, Warden and Kimberly Herring, DWOM.)
Employee of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating CO I Billy Emmons and CO I Brad Sackrey, on being named the CCC Employees of the Month for April and May 2023.
Billy and Brad were both nominated for this award by SOSA Paiten Sackrey, who recognized their constant professionalism and willingness to assist others.
On December 31, 2022, some offenders in Housing Unit #6 were creating a disturbance and going from wing to wing and room to room trying to celebrate the holiday. CO I Billy Emmons and CO I Brad Sackrey were assigned on the Yard and were asked by the Shift Commander to report to Housing Unit #6 to assist assigned staff in restoring order to the unit. Both officers reported to the unit and went from wing to wing, directing all offenders to return back to their cells and remain there. All of the offenders returned and the wings were locked down. They then helped ensure the well-being of staff and assisted with escorting involved offenders from the unit. The nomination states, “CO I Emmons and CO I Sackrey helped deescalate the situation before it turned into an even bigger issue. They go above and beyond their daily duties to make sure their fellow officers are taken care of.”
Their actions greatly contribute to the safety and security of the Department of Corrections and their professionalism does not go unnoticed. Mr. Emmons and Mr. Sackrey are huge assets to this facility and their actions consistently demonstrate that they are professionals and team players.
Warden McBee has conducted a presentation for CO I Emmons and CO I Sackrey and recognized their efforts. Please take time to extend your congratulations to them.
New Team Members
Kyle Bower, COI – 4/3/23
Melissa Burchett, COI – 4/3/23
Terrin Ellis, COI - 4/3/23
Tegan Hadley, COI – 4/3/23
Colt Schneiter, COI – 4/3/23
Lucy Gaston, LPN Centurion – 4/5/23
Kelly Tipton, HSA, Centurion –
Shawn Smith, COI – 4/10/23
Christopher “Todd” Roberts, MWII – 4/10/23
Tessa Rick, CCM (Transfer from CRCC) – 4/16/23
Shelley Dorrell, Centurion, Medication Aide – 4/19/23
Annetta LeBlanc, Centurion, LPN – 4/21/23
Boshko Ognenovski, CSI to CSII (Transfer from MCC) – 4/23/23
Tessa Mace, COI – 4/24/23
Brook Leamer, Centurion, Mental Health – 4/25/23
Natalie Hutchison, SAC to Gateway Program Director – 3/13/23 (notified of promotion after March news was submitted)
Morgan Shaw, OSA to Account Clerk – 4/2/23
Kelly Tipton, RN to HSA – 4/9/23
Sammie Gray, COII to COIII – 4/16/23
Staff Moves
Lorri Welling, CSI transferred to CRCC – 4/16/23
Important Dates
May 3 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day – FREE
May 4 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
May 11 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day - $2
May 15 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2
May 15 – Pay day
May 17 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day - $2
May 18 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
May 22 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
May 24 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day - $2
May 25 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day - $2
May 29 – Memorial Day HOLIDAY
May 31 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2
May 31 – Pay day
March 2023
Big News
Red Cross Blood Drive
The Wellness Committee sponsored a Red Cross blood drive on March 15. We had 36 total donors, 9 first time donors and collected 40 units. The goal was 30 units, so Red Cross and the Wellness Committee were very pleased with the outcome of this drive.
Employee of the Month
CO II Raechel Kelley
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating CO II Raechel Kelley, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for March 2023.
Raechel was nominated for this award by several individuals, FUM Ashton Christopher, CO II Brennen Carter, CO I Kyle Meek, CO I Ronda Barry, CO I Matthew Nefferdorf, CO I Mason Giles, CO I Stephen Bell and CO I Brenda Bishop, who all recognized her constant professionalism and commitment to the CCC Team.
It was clear from the nominations submitted for her, that she has earned the respect and trust of her supervisors, her peers and those she supervises. It is noted that she has proven that she is willing to do anything and everything it takes to see that her team succeeds as both individuals and as a unit. It was indicated that she works efficiently and effectively as a housing unit sergeant and that she maintains a positive attitude when dealing with stressful situations. One of the nominations states, “CO II Kelley is a great example of what professionalism should look like. She is a great role model who creates a positive atmosphere around her. Because of the way she performs her job duties, she has built trust, rapport, and respect amongst her peers and has developed a professional relationship with staff which makes staff comfortable in approaching her as a supervisor.” Another nomination states, “Even though CO II Kelley may be new to the role of supervisor, it’s hard to tell if you don’t already know, because she handles the position like she’s been doing it her entire career. In the face of intense adversity, her moral compass and integrity guides her to do the right thing, which we can all find extremely commendable. Kelley possesses the attributes paramount to being an extraordinary leader. She may hold a supervisory title, but she is by far and large a LEADER.”
Raechel’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operation of the facility and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Kelley is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
Warden McBee has conducted a presentation for CO II Kelley and recognized her efforts. Please take time to extend your congratulations to her.
New Team Members
Meridith Dodds, COI – 3/13/23
Diana fisher, SOSA (Records) – 3/13/23
Rachel Hirtler, COI – 3/13/23
Kadan Wilson, COI – 3/13/23
Breanna Crawford, COI – 3/20/23
Blayne Hacker, COI – 3/20/23
Bobbie Pippin, COI – 3/20/23
Joshua Plaster, COI – 3/20/23
Sean Sensenich, Educator – 3/20/23
Kristan Tompkins, Recreation Officer I – 3/20/23
Amanda McCall, LPN, Centurion – 3/20/23
Shelley Roberts, MWII to MSI – 3/5/23
Lindy Smith, Acct. Clerk to COI – 3/5/23
Kielly McGinley, OSA to SOSA – 3/6/23
Jerry Jenkins, COIII – 3/31/23
Important Dates
April 4 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day - $2
April 5 – Wellness Committee Dress Down Day - $2
April 6 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
April 10 - 14 – PBC Dress Down Week – FREE
April 14 – Pay Day
April 18 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
April 19 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day – $2
April 24 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day – FREE
April 28 – TCW Dress Down Day - FREE
April 28 – Pay day
February 2023
Big News
Employee of the Month
February’s Employee of the Month was published last month in conjunction with January’s Employee of the Month as they were submitted together.
Freezing to a Reason:
On January 28, 2023 Staff from the Chillicothe Correctional Center and the Chillicothe Mo Police Department hosted a Freezing for a Reason event at which time the collected $2,524 donations while standing at stop lights in Chillicothe Missouri for approximately 3 hours.
Polar Plunge:
On February 12, 2023, the annual Polar Plunge took place at Simpson Park in Chillicothe Mo. with the help of the Chillicothe Correctional Center, Chillicothe Fire Department, Chillicothe Parks Department and the overall help from the City of Chillicothe. We had 49 plungers and raised $9,925.80. CCC staff raised $4, 530, earning top-team honors for the event!
Offender Polar Plunge
CCC coordinated and held its 3rd Offender Polar Plunge on January 14th, 2023 to help raise funds for Special Olympics. A total of approximately 75 offenders participated in the chilly plunge raising approximately $1,400. A disco-themed carnival was held in the gym that day for the offender population, with all housing units being allowed to participate.
Securus Media Team
On February 2, 2023, a media team with Securus Technologies were on site for the filming of the “Power of Education” video. Interviews were conducted with DOC Communications Director Karen Pojmann, DORS Education Zone Manager Stephanie Thomas, and Warden Chris McBee, as well as Ashland University Professor Howery and several offender students involved in the Lantern Program.
DHRUC Training Videos
Director of Civil Rights Training Raylene Douglas coordinated with Warden McBee for the CCC Reflective Media Center Productions Team to film new DHRUC Training Videos during the week of February 6th-9th. Various Department staff came to the facility to participate in these videos.
New Team Members
Tate Bowen, COI – 2/6/23
Dalton Burchett, ROI – 2/6/23
Chris Nolan, COI – 2/6/23
Trudy Womack, Part-time Programs – 2/21/23
Meg Wheeler, CAN, Centurion – 2/20/23
Autumn Griffin, Substance Abuse Counselor, Gateway – 2/20/23
Tabitha Brown, OSA, Classification – 2/27/23
Willard Edgar, COI – 2/27/23
Daniel Fraley, COI, from PT to FT – 2/26/23
Bryce Letterman, CKII – 2/27/23
Brenda Spears, CKII – 2/27/23
Lela Benavidez, CKII to COI – 2/6/23
Ellen Kissick, COI – 2/28/23
Mark Parkhurst, CCMII – 2/28/23
David Savage, CSII – 2/28/23
Samuel Hathcock, COI – 2/28/23
Town Hall Report
February Town Hall meetings were held on February 21, 2023 at 6:00am, 1:00pm and 3:00pm. There were 4 staff members present.
Important Dates
March 1 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2
March 7 – Tornado Drill 10:00am
March 8 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
March 13 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day – FREE
March 14 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
March 15 – Red Cross Blood Drive 9:00 – 3:00
March 15 – Pay day
March 16 – PBC Dress Down Day – $2
March 20 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day – FREE
March 29 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
March 31 – Pay day
January 2023
Employees of the Month
CCM II John Huber and Institutional Training Officer Philip Bower
CCM II John Huber and Institutional Training Officer Philip Bower were named the CCC Employees of the Month for January and February 2023.
John and Philip were both nominated for this award by CO II Sammie Gray, who recognized their constant professionalism and commitment to the CCC CERT Team.
It was indicated that as the CERT Field Commander and CERT Assistant Field Commander, they have both always put their team first. They guide and direct their team and encourage them to always excel. They entrust the junior team members to write, brief and execute 1 – 2 operational CERT missions annually and to run them in order to develop their leadership and confidence. Their leadership motivates their team to work harder whether it be inside Chillicothe Correctional Center or elsewhere on an activation. The nomination stated, “Thank you, Huber and Bower. I wouldn’t be the supervisor I am today, without you both as my leaders.”
Furthermore, the CCC Administration would also like to convey their appreciation to Mr. Huber and Mr. Bower for their leadership on the CCC CERT Team through a total of 21 CERT activations during the year 2022. Their guidance has steered this team in assisting to ensure the safe and secure operations of Chillicothe Correctional Center, as well as other facilities, by the removal of dangerous contraband, regaining and maintaining control of offender populations, and facilitating movement of offenders.
John and Philip’s actions greatly contribute to the safety and security of the Department of Corrections and their professionalism does not go unnoticed. Mr. Huber and Mr. Bower are huge assets to this facility and their actions consistently demonstrate that they are professionals and team players.
Warden McBee has conducted a presentation for CCM II Huber and ITO Bower and recognized their efforts. Please take time to extend your congratulations to them.
Pictured (L to R): Amy Parkhurst, AW, Ryan Coffman, DWOM, Philip Bower, ITO, EOM-February, Joh Huber, CCMII-EOM-January, Kimberly Herring, DWOM, Chris McBee, Warden, David Savage, CSII.
Awards & Recognition
Employee of the Year/Service Awards Ceremony
At a ceremony held on January 31, 2023, Warden McBee recognized all staff presented with Employee of the Month Awards during 2022. Each of these individuals contribute greatly to the smooth operations of the institution and their professionalism does not go unnoticed.
Pictured: Jennifer Horton, Rhonda Gulley, Paiten Sackrey, Patricia Gladbach, Cody Spease, Katie Warren, Ashton Christopher, Chuck Ness, Steven McKiddy, Ray LaFountain, Jeremy Fulk (Not present: Linda Shafer, Kurt Reith) (EOM 2022 picture)
Congratulations to Cody Spease, Corrections Officer III, on being named the 2022 CCC Employee of the Year!
Lieutenant Spease was selected as the April 2022 Employee of the Month after being nominated for this award by CO II Chad Gardner, who recognized his constant professionalism and willingness to assist others, as well as his outstanding work ethic. It was indicated in the nomination that when Cody was assigned as a First Shift Sergeant, he was a very important asset, going above and beyond his job duties to regularly communicate with other sergeants in ensuring that all areas were covered and that the shift ran as smoothly as possible. It was noted that he volunteered to work his RDO on Christmas for a fellow sergeant to be able to have the holiday off to spend at home with his kids. It is stated in the nomination, “Sergeant Spease leads by example. He regularly helps staff with all job duties, such as wing tours, property inventories, and counts. He never complains about being asked to perform extra duties or being assigned to posts outside of his regular job duties. Sergeant Spease deserves to be recognized for all the hard work that he does for the Department.” CO III Spease is an invaluable resource to Chillicothe Correctional Center and the Missouri Department of Corrections. His actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and his professionalism does not go unnoticed.
The following staff were recognized for 5 years of service with the Department of Corrections at an Awards Ceremony
held at Chillicothe Correctional Center on January 31, 2023.
Pictured: Jennifer Horton, Nicole Grady, Tayluer Dunks, John Huber, Judy Silver (Not present: Jeff Cole, Roy Houk, John Knouse, Amber Lawson, Jeffrey Minnick, Ricardo Monroy, Luis Pacheco, Kenda Sewell, Daniel Williams, Michael Wohlgemuth) (5 year service awards photo)
The following staff were recognized for 10 years of service with the Department of Corrections at an Awards Ceremony held at Chillicothe Correctional Center on January 31, 2023.
Pictured: Joy Main, Dusty Lybarger, Heather Chapman, Candice Bell, Chelsey Rhoades, Tina Shepherd (Not present: David Adkison, Mandy Corbin, Wendy Lightfoot, Clifford Smith) (10 year awards photo)
The following staff were recognized for 15 years of service with the Department of Corrections at an Awards Ceremony
held at Chillicothe Correctional Center on January 31, 2023.
Pictured: Jeremiah West, Eric W. Anderson, J.D. Shafer, Michael Brown, Samuel Hathcock (Not present: Ricky Dorsey, Clay Fewins, Carl Howe, Brenda Ishmael, Douglas Jeffries, Charles Walton, James Woods) (15 year photo)
The following staff were recognized for 20 years of service with the Department of Corrections at an Awards Ceremony held at Chillicothe Correctional Center on January 31, 2023.
Pictured: Donald Jones, Carolyn Cassity, Michael Beverage, Eric C. Anderson, Lorri Welling (Not present: Erin Carriker, James Lowe, Timothy McCormick, Kurt Reith, Terrie Toney) (20 year photo)
The following staff were recognized for 25 years of service with the Department of Corrections at an Awards Ceremony
held at Chillicothe Correctional Center on January 31, 2023.
Pictured: Amy Gertz, Wesley Davis, Leanna Anderson, Jeffrey Parkey, Tammy Stith, Randy Mullen (Not present: Ellen Kissick, Robert Landwehr, David Sanson) (25 year photo)
Chaplain Presentation
On January 13, 2023, Stephen Barbee, Prison Fellowship Field Director – Kansas and Missouri, presented Chaplain Greg Murphy of Chillicothe Correctional Center, with the Angel Tree Prison Partner Renewal Award. The Renewal Award is in recognition of outstanding achievement in facilitating the growth of Angel Tree Christmas. The award recognizes leadership, efforts and enthusiasm displayed in connecting separated families during the holiday season. At CCC, over 330 offenders participated; impacting over 714 children. As one CCC offender stated, “For the first time, I was able to provide a gift for my children at Christmas. My daughters were so excited to receive their gift. They stated repeatedly, ‘Mommy you got us a gift, you got us a gift!’” Chaplain Murphy stated that it is evident that Angel Tree makes a positive impact on offenders and their children during the holiday season. Congratulations to Chaplain Murphy on this outstanding recognition! (Chaplain presentation photo)
New Team Members
Kristin Stitt, Centurion, Mental Health Clerk – 1/3/23
Michelle Thornton, Centurion, WSRU Coordinator – 1/3/23
Samuel Ewbank, Maintenance Worker II – 1/9/23
Albert Jenkins, Corrections Officer I – 1/9/23
Joshua Renken, Corrections Officer I – 1/9/23
Brittany Batterson, Corrections Officer I – 1/23/23
Sandra Brixey, Corrections Officer I – 1/23/23
Jason Lee, Corrections Officer I – 1/23/23
Krystalyn Meierer, Corrections Officer I – 1/23/23
Jarod Wolf, Recreation Officer I – 1/23/23
Craig McIntosh, Part Time-Training/Corrections Officer – 1/23/23
Caitlin Ellis, Centurion Clerk – 1/30/23
Cory Ray, CookII to COI – 1/1/23
Paiten Sackrey, SOSA-Custody to SOSA-AW office – 1/3/23
Marty Arnold, COI to COII – 1/22/23
Joshua Bedingfield, COI to COII – 1/22/23
Concheast Ray, COI to COII – 1/22/23
Jeston Alterauge, COI to COII – 1/22/23
Staff Moves
Michelle Sutton, SOSA to Policy and Procedure Coordinator, transferred to CRCC – 1/1/23
Town Hall Report
January Town Hall meetings were held on January 27, 2023 at 6:00am, 2:00pm and 3:00pm. There were 7 staff members present.
Important Dates
February 2 – Blood Pressure Clinic
February 3 – Wellness Committee FREE Dress Down Day-Wear Red
February 13 – Holiday, Lincoln’s Birthday
February 14 – Dress Down Day - $2 (PBC)
February 15 – Dress Down Day - $2 (TCW)
February 15 – Pay day
February 20 – Holiday, President’s Day
February 21 – FREE Dress Down Day – Morale Committee
February 27 – Dress Down Day - $2 (PBC)
February 28 – Dress Down Day - $2 (TCW)
February 28 – Pay day
December 2022
Big News
Angel Tree and Food Drive
The Corrections Way members supported an Angel Tree for children who might not have something for Christmas and a non-perishable food or hygiene product drive for those in need. Angel tree gifts and food drive items were collected from November 4 through December 2. 47 angel tree tags were filled by CCC staff and our food bank box was filled several times. The Salvation Army came three times to pick up all of the times and we completely filled their vehicle all three times. Since all angel tree tags were taken and filled by staff, TCW members took the money they had set back to fill any unclaimed tags and bought twelve gifts and did a Twelve Days of Christmas, drawing one staff member’s name each day for a gift.
Restorative Justice Food/Hygiene Drive
CCC Offenders recently participated in the Restorative Justice Program's Food/Hygiene Items Drive. These items were donated to the Chillicothe Community Resource Center.
CBC Blood Drive
The Wellness Committee sponsored a blood drive with Community Blood Center on Monday, December 12, 2022. 48 staff members were registered to donate blood with 42 units being collected. 11 staff were first time donors with Community Blood Center. Morgan Shaw won a ham and Cristopher Talbert won a turkey from HyVee donated by the Wellness Committee.
Christmas Week
PBC led the following activities for Christmas Week, December 18-25, 2022. Monday was Wear Red dress down day. Tuesday was Christmas/Winter themed dress down day, and a gift card from HyVee for each employee. Wednesday was Ugly Sweater themed dress down day. Staff members got a utensil set and chapstick. Thursday was Wear Green dress sown day and candy pass out. Friday was Buffalo Plaid/Flannel themed dress down day and popcorn. A years of service drawing was held each day by PBC to give away additional gifts.
Employee of the Month
CO I Jeremy Fulk
CO I Jeremy Fulk was named the CCC Employee of the Month for December 2022. Jeremy was nominated for this award by CO III Tyler Lewis, who recognized his constant professionalism and commitment to ensuring safety and security. It was indicated that while he was working voluntary overtime at Tipton Correctional Center on September 11, 2022, he assisted in area searches in order to help reduce the workload of TCC staff. While conducting these searches, he found a homemade metal weapon (shank) which was hidden under a table in the Maintenance Department. He also found tobacco during searches on the same day. CO I Fulk and other CCC staff who volunteered to work overtime at TCC on September 10-11, 2022, completed the remaining searches and UA’s required for the institution for the month of September. The nomination stated, “CO I Jeremy Fulk’s dedication to the Department and his incredible searching ability not only lightened the workload of TCC staff, but also made the facility safer by removing an improvised weapon that could have been used on a staff member or an offender.”
Jeremy’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and his professionalism does not go unnoticed. Mr. Fulk is a huge asset to this facility and his actions consistently demonstrate that he is a professional and a team player. Warden McBee has conducted a presentation for CO I Fulk and recognized his efforts. Please take time to extend your congratulations to him.
New Team Members
Marcos Lopez-Byler, COI – 12/5/22
Jessica Condron, ROI – 12/5/22
Connie Coots, SOSA-Records – 12/5/22
David Boyle, COI – 12/12/22
Anthony Jenkins, COI – 12/12/22
William Mills, COI – 12/12/22
Kelly Tipton, Centurion RN, transfer from MCC – 12/19/22
Jeremiah West, COI – 12/19/22
Linda Campbell, Gateway RRMAT Peer Specialist – 12/28/22
Sherry Parkhurst, Gateway RRMAT Re-entry Supervisor – 12/28/22
Cody Spease, COII to COIII – 12/4/22
Scott Chubick, COII to COIII – 12/4/22
Erin Sumner, SOSA to Records Officer I – 12/4/22
Stoney Paustian, COI to MWII – 12/18/22
Trudy Womack, ROII – 12/31/22
Vicki McKiddy, COI – 12/31/22
Town Hall Report
December Town Hall meetings were held on December 28, 2022 at 6:00am, 10:30am and 3:00pm. There were six staff members present.
Important Dates
January 1 – New Year’s Day
January 2 – New Year’s HOLIDAY observed
January 10 – TCW dress down day - $2
January 12 – PBC dress down day - $2
January 13 – Pay day
January 16 – HOLIDAY - Martin Luther King Day
January 18 – TCW dress down day - $2
January 24 – TCW dress down day - $2
January 26 – PBC dress down day - $2
January 31 – Pay day
November 2022
Big News
Turkey/Ham Giveaway
The Wellness Committee purchased 3 turkeys and 3 hams to be given away randomly to staff during the week of November 14-18, 2022. Turkey winners were
Connor Passig, COI, Marlene Caselman, RN, and Christina Hoskins, RN. Ham winners were Kimberly Peters, COI, Robert Landwehr, COII and Austin Anderson, COI.
Employee of the Month
Maintenance Supervisor I Ray LaFountain
Maintenance Supervisor I Ray LaFountain was named the CCC Employee of the Month for November 2022. Ray was nominated for this award by Deputy Warden Kimberly Herring and Food Service Manager Sherry Oldham, who recognized his constant professionalism and commitment to ensuring the smooth operations of the facility.
It was indicated that Ray goes above and beyond to assist in whatever way he can. Most recently, he spent hours devoting time learning and teaching himself how to troubleshoot and diagnose refrigeration systems in order to repair the storage cooler and freezer in Food Service. The storage freezer is now running cooler than it ever has. The significance of Ray’s efforts are enormous, as we were losing product due to spoilage due to the freezer and cooler not being operational. Ray was able to diagnose and repair the units while still maintaining other work duties and he always did so with a positive attitude. The nomination stated, “Ray always keeps a positive outlook and professional demeanor regardless of what adversities he faces. He is very encouraging and a positive influence on those around him. Ray is a great example of what professionalism and teamwork should look like and role models the mission, vision and values of this Department.”
Ray’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and his professionalism does not go unnoticed. Mr. LaFountain is a huge asset to this facility and his actions consistently demonstrate that he is a professional and a team player.
Awards & Recognition
Distinguished Service and Lifesaver Awards
Congratulations to the following staff who were recognized at a recent awards presentation! They were recognized for their actions in response to an accident which occurred on June 27, 2022, involving a dump truck and an Amtrak passenger train at a railway crossing near Mendon, Missouri.
CO II Chad Gardner was presented with the Department of Corrections Lifesaver Award, which is bestowed on staff who have taken extraordinary actions to save the life of another person on or off duty. The nomination indicated that Chad is a first responder for the community of Mendon and was one of the first on the scene at the accident. Upon arrival, he entered the passenger cars and assisted several passengers out and to a safe area while providing first aid
assistance where needed. He assisted EMS in preparing and transporting injured passengers from the scene. CO II Gardner was also a participant in the accident debrief.
Major David Savage and CO I Aaron Sanders were both presented with the Department of Corrections Distinguished Service Award, which is bestowed on staff for performing exceptional actions that promote professionalism, teamwork, integrity, and/or safety. The nomination for Major Savage indicated that when he learned the accident had occurred a few miles from his home, he immediately reported to the scene and notified authorities that he was trained in the Incident Command System. He was directed to report to the scene of the accident where he remained available while the passengers were being transported to the local school and then afterwards checked in at the school to see if his assistance was needed there. The nomination for CO I Sanders indicated that he and his wife responded to the
Mendon School following the accident to provide water and other items for the passengers involved in the accident.
The response of each of the staff members to this incident in the community demonstrates their willingness to assist others during their time of need and should be commended. Photo (L to R) Amy Parkhurst, AW, Kimberly Herring, DWO, Aaron Sanders, COI, Distinguished Service award recipient, David Savage, CSII, Distinguished Service award recipient, Chad Gardner, COII, Lifesaver award recipient, Chris McBee, Warden, Ryan Coffman, DWOM. (Lifesaver and Distinguished Award recipients photo)
Congratulations to the following staff who were all recognized at a recent awards presentation! These individuals were presented with the Department of Corrections Lifesaver Award, which is bestowed on staff who have taken extraordinary actions to save the life of another person on or off duty: RN Leanna Whitney, RN Maggie Hooper, HSA Michelle Minnis, NP Kelly Chrisman, DON Jacey Vestal, CCM II Ben Sutton, CO I Randy Hulett, CO I Robert Tate, CO I Matthew King, and CO III Michael Brown. These individuals were all recognized for their response to a recent medical emergency at Chillicothe Correctional Center in which an offender was found in her cell unresponsive and for the life-saving efforts they performed. CO I Hannah Anderson was also presented with the CCC Warden's Challenge Coin for her actions in assisting in making appropriate notifications and helping to ensure housing unit operations ran smoothly during the incident.
Photo #1(L to R): Amy Parkhurst, AW, Kimberly Herring, DWO, Matthew King, COI, Award recipient, Michael Brown, COII, award recipient, Chris McBee, Warden, Ryan Coffman, DWOM.
Photo #2 Back Row (L to R): Jeffrey McDaniel, COII, Leanna Whitney, RN, Kelly Chrisman, NP, Ben Sutton, CCM, Robert Tate, COI, Chris McBee, Warden, David Savage, CSII. Front Row (L to R): Maggie Hooper, RN, Michelle Minnis, HSA, Jacey Vestal, DON, Randy Hulett, COII, and Hannah Anderson, COI. (Lifesaver Award recipients 1122 photo and King, Brown photo)
New Team Members
Addison Webb, Gateway, Substance Abuse Counselor – 11/8/22
Robert Hansen, COI – 11/14/22
Trevor Phillips, Part-time COI – 11/14/22
Ceyerra Richardson, COI – 11/14/22
Alexander Arthur, COII, transfer from MCC – 11/21/22
Justin Schmitz, COI – 11/21/22
Harry Sheppard, COI – 11/21/22
Sherry Wingate, CKII to CKIII – 11/7/22
Erin Strange, CKII to COI – 11/13/22
Tom Pittman , COII – November 30, 2022
William Yarbrough, COI – November 30, 2022
Craig McIntosh, COI – November 30, 2022
New staff members have taken the “Supervising Female Offenders” course at the training building.
Town Hall Report
November Town Hall meetings were held on November 29, 2022 at 6:00am, 10:30am and 3:00pm. There were 12 staff members present.
Important Dates
December 1 – TCW Dress Down Day FREE
December 5 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day $2
December 7 – PBC Dress Down Day $2
December 8 – TCW Dress Down Day FREE
December 12 – CBC blood drive 10:00am – 2:00pm
December 13 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day FREE
December 15 – Pay day
December 18-25 – PBC Dress Down Week FREE
December 26 – Holiday-Christmas
December 28 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day $2
December 29 – TCW Dress Down Day FREE
December 30 – Pay day
October 2022
Big News
Graduation for the offenders was held Friday, October 21, 2022. Offender graduates were recognized from Ashland University, HSE, Basic Customer Service, Business Technology, Culinary Arts, Professional Gardening & Landscaping, Cosmetology, Puppies 4 Parole and B.L.A.S.T. Career and Technical Education tutors and HSE Academic Education tutors as well as Academic and Vocational Education staff were recognized. Offender speakers were Melissa Mahan and Renee Carrawell.
Employee of the Month
CO II Kurt Reith
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating Kurt Reith, Corrections Officer II, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for October 2022.
Kurt was nominated for this award by CCM II Aimee Dorrell, who recognized his constant professionalism and commitment to ensuring a safe environment for staff and offenders.
It was indicated that Kurt’s work ethic is commendable and that he is very active with his officers and other staff, helping where needed and providing guidance. He maintains accurate records of the offenders assigned to his housing unit who are on restrictions, allowing custody to work efficiently and maintaining consistency. He is firm, fair, and consistent with the offenders and has earned their respect. The nomination stated, “CO II Reith leads by example by modeling a good work ethic, empathy, and a willingness to learn new ways. His positive attitude creates a positive work environment.”
New Team Members
Michael Snoderly, COI, Transfer from WMCC – 10/2/22
Daniel Fraley, COI, Part time – 10/3/22
Christopher Drake, COI, transfer from MCC – 10/16/22
Joshua Woltz, COI – 10/17/22
Terrie Pollock, COI – 10/17/22
Jance Dibble, COI – 10/17/22
Julie McMahan, LPN, Centurion – 10/17/22
Kaitlyn Jones, COI – 10/24/22
Gonzalo Mascorro, COI – 10/24/22
Jake J. Ayers, COI – 10/31/22
Samuel McDonald, COI – 10/31/22
Jacob Leverett, COI to MWII – 10/23/22
Suzanne Hoerrmann, CCMII to FUM – 10/30/22
Stephen Leach, COIII to CSI – 10/30/22
Beverly Kroush, COI – 10/31/22
CORE training for FY2023 has started with the first class being held for Custody and Non-Custody the week of October 17.
Town Hall Report
October Town Hall meetings were held on October 28, 2022 at 6:00am, 10:00am and 3:00pm. There were 6 staff members present.
Important Dates
November 2 – The Corrections Way Dress Down Day - $2.00
November 4 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2.00
November 9 – TCW Dress Down Day – FREE
November 10 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day - $2.00
November 11 – Holiday, Veteran’s Day
November 15 – Pay day
November 15 – TCW Dress Down Day – $2.00
November 22 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day – FREE
November 23 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2.00
November 24 – Thanksgiving HOLIDAY
November 29 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2.00
November 30 – Pay day
September 2022
Big News
Corrections Week
Corrections Week for all staff was held during the week of September 12-16. Gift cards were drawn for by PBC on Monday. Tuesday all staff were given cookies. Wednesday all staff were given candy bags. Thursday PBC served all staff biscuits, gravy and hash browns for lunch in staff dining and Friday was a prize giveaway. PBC also hosted a FREE dress down day each day of that week.
Employee of the Month
CO I Steven McKiddy
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating Steven McKiddy, Corrections Officer I, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for September 2022. Steven was nominated for this award by CO II Tommy Pittman and FUM Ashton Christopher, who recognized his constant professionalism and commitment to ensuring a safe environment for staff and offenders. It was indicated that a new procedure recently became effective in Administrative Segregation related to the handling and storage of offender allowable and non-allowable property while the offender is on TASC status. CO I McKiddy submitted a proposal for a TASC property room located in Housing Unit #1 which will be very beneficial for the institution in saving time and effort by allowing staff quick access to the property and should also be cost saving by reducing the monies reimbursed to offenders due to lost or damaged property. CO I McKiddy was instrumental in organizing the new property room and retrieving all paperwork and items needed to begin the new process. The nomination stated, “Officer McKiddy goes above and beyond on ensuring property is done and done correctly. CO I McKiddy also fills other duties for the institution when he is pulled to a different post for the day. He is very meticulous in his job duties as the Ad Seg Property Officer. He is a great asset to Housing Unit #1, as well as the rest of the facility and should be commended for his duties.”
Steven’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and his professionalism does not go unnoticed. Mr. McKiddy is a huge asset to this facility and his actions consistently demonstrate that he is professional and a team player.
Awards & Recognition
[Lifesaver awards, contest winners, etc.]
New Team Members
Elizabeth Buell, COI – 9/12/22
Marceline Duckworth, COI, Part-Time – 9/12/22
Jacob Hamilton, Stationary Engineer – 9/12/22
Mary Higgins, Academic Teacher – 9/12/22
Chestina Mahurin, Academic Teacher – 9/12/22
Erin Strange, CkII – 9/12/22
Chelsea Sims, COI – 9/12/22
Sherena Shaw, COI – 9/12/22
Patrick Shaw, COI – 9/12/22
Chelsea Boyd, Substance Abuse Counselor – 9/12/22
Cameron Mitchell, Substance Abuse Counselor – 9/12/22
David Hall, COI – 9/19/22
LuAnn Head. CkII – 9/19/22
Kristopher Rhodes, COI – 9/19/22
Sara Sprezian, COI – 9/19/22
Maicyn Kornbrust, LPN, Centurion – 9/20/22
Christian Crawford, COI – 9/26/22
Veronica Letner, COI – 9/26/22
Kaleb Renken, COI – 9/26/22
Bryce Passig, COI to MWII – 9/4/22
Lori Parkey, FUM – 9/30/22
Francis Zeger, COI – 9/30/22
DHRUC training has been held during the month of September in the training building for all staff.
Important Dates
October 4 – PBC Dress Down Day $2
October 6 – Charitable Campaign Dress Down Day $2
October 11 – Morale Committee FREE Dress Down Day
October 12 – The Corrections Way Dress Down Day $2
October 14 – Pay day
October 19 – TCW Dress Down Day $2
October 20 – Charitable Campaign Dress Down Day $2
October 26 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day $2
October 27 – TCW Dress Down Day $2
October 31 – PBC Dress Down Day $2
October 31 – Pay day
August 2022
Big News
Food Service Murals
Recently, CCC offenders were invited to submit contest entries to be selected as a mural in each of the two offender dining rooms. The requirements for the entries were that they needed to be positive, uplifting, and colorful. The photos below show the two winning entries. The winners were both awarded a $20 prize. The artist who created the "Transform Your Life" entry indicated that she painted this mural as a roadmap to transformation. If you look closely, you will see that qualities that lead to a successful transformation are written inside the butterfly wings and flower petals. The words flying from the butterfly depict obstacles to a successful transformation that need to be discarded. Both murals have brightened the dining rooms and share a positive message with all who enter.
Employee of the Month
OSA Katie Warren
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating Katie Warren, Office Support Assistant, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for August 2022.
Katie was nominated for this award by Mailroom Supervisor Grace Davis, who recognized her constant professionalism and commitment to ensuring a safe environment for staff and offenders.
It was indicated that on April 22, 2022 while processing mail, Katie found a total of five suspicious envelopes. Upon further search of the envelopes, twelve clear strips were found within them, which tested positive for suboxone by Investigator Chuck Ness. It is noted that although Katie has only worked in the mailroom a short time, she has contributed greatly in being very adept at conducting thorough searches on mail. Her keen searching skills and attention to detail contributed towards this substance being found, therefore, preventing drugs from entering the institution and getting into an offender’s possession.
Katie’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Warren is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
Awards & Recognition
Staff Training & Development Coin of Excellence
The Western Region Training Academy recognizes the top students in each training class with the new Staff Training & Development Coin of Excellence. Congratulations to CO I April Gramenz who was presented this award at the recent graduation ceremony!
An awards assembly was held on August 30 in the Roll Call room for the following
Distinguished Service award recipients:
Cameron Fast - It was indicated that recently while driving home from work, he came upon a truck that was on fire, with flames leaping out of the driver's side window. The truck was parked on the shoulder with a family of three standing outside of the vehicle. The man was trying to whip out the fire with a shirt and a woman was standing a safe distance from the vehicle holding a baby. As the weather was cold and drizzly, he invited the woman to stay in his vehicle so she and the baby could warm up. He then managed to extinguish the fire from the truck, utilizing two fire extinguishers and bottled water, prior to the fire department arriving. In talking with the family, he learned they were in the process of moving to Georgia and had packed the vehicle with their belongings. Due to Cameron's willingness to help and quick response in putting out the fire, many
of the family's treasured belongings were able to be saved.
This award is bestowed on a staff member by their colleagues for performing exceptional actions that promote professionalism, teamwork, integrity and/or safety.
Jeff McDaniel and Lorri Welling - Congratulations to Sergeant Jeff McDaniel and Captain Lorri Welling who were both presented with the Department of Corrections Distinguished Service Award!
It was indicated that recently while returning to the institution from training out of town, the vehicle in front of them veered off the right side of the roadway and returned back in front of the state vehicle they were travelling in and proceeded to switch lanes, hitting two cars in the process in the opposite direction. Sergeant McDaniel called 911 and Captain Welling went to check on the victims of all the occupancies of the vehicles. It was discovered that the driver of the vehicle in front of them had lost control of the vehicle due to experiencing medical issues. Sergeant McDaniel and Captain Welling stayed at the scene until EMS arrived. Their actions helped to secure the area and to
prevent any further injuries.
This award is bestowed on a staff member by their colleagues for performing exceptional actions that promote professionalism, teamwork, integrity and/or safety.
Ben Sutton - Congratulations to Case Manager Ben Sutton who was presented with the Department of Corrections Distinguished Service Award!
Every morning on the way to work, Ben waves at his neighbor and on one particular morning when she wasn't seated in her normal chair outside to wave at him, he stopped to check on her as this was out of the ordinary. When he pulled into her driveway, he could see through her window that she was gesturing for him to come inside and noticed that she appeared to be experiencing medical issues. He drove her to the Emergency Room and waited with her until his wife could relieve him so he could go to work. Then, his wife remained with their neighbor until her family was able to be there with her.
This award is bestowed on a staff member by their colleagues for performing exceptional actions that promote professionalism, teamwork, integrity and/or safety.
Chuck Ness - Congratulations to Institutional Investigator Chuck Ness who was presented with the Department of Corrections Distinguished Service Award!
Mr. Ness recently assisted with a drug interdiction in the CCC Visiting Room, working closely with the CCC Intelligence Analyst, custody staff and local police department to properly prepare for the possible interdiction. He provided timely updates to the local police department and administrative staff leading up to and during this interdiction. These efforts resulted in the recovery of illegal substances and the visitor was taken into custody by the police department. This recovery prevented offenders from receiving and using an illegal substance and contributed to the safe environment we all strive for every day at CCC.
This award is bestowed on a staff member by their colleagues for performing exceptional actions that promote professionalism, teamwork, integrity and/or safety.
Maintenance Completes MoAMP Training
Congratulations to CCC Maintenance Staff who recently completed Missouri Apprenticeship in Manufacturing Program (MoAMP) Training!
New Team Members
Nicholas Fostek, COI (transfer from WMCC) effective 7/31/22, reported 8/2/22
Carrie Pfeiffer, COI (Part-time) – 8/6/22
Ashley Conwell, COI – 8/8/22
Adam Crawford, COI – 8/8/22
Adam Gannon, COI – 8/8/22
Dane Sims, COI – 8/8/22
Ellen Tolson, COI – 8/8/22
Morgan Shaw, OSA (Business Office) – 8/8/22
Paige Mickles, COI – 8/15/22
Ashley Bland, COI – 8/15/22
Magy Thomas, Centurion, LPN – 8/16/22
Stephanie Sharp, Centurion, LPN – 8/16/22
Travis Mickles, COI – 8/22/22
Tad Collier, COI – 8/22/22
Desaray Darovitz, COI – 8/22/22
Ashley Bourcard, OSA (Mailroom) – 8/22/22
Leonora Smith, COI – 8/29/22
Iris Yee, CKII to CKIII – 8/21/22
Jeremy Bowes, MWII to MSI – 8/28/22
Marshall Owen, ROI to ROII – 8/28/22
Martha Seavey, COI to COII – 8/28/22
Brennen Carter, COI to COII – 8/28/22
Lisa Clark, CSI – 8/31/22
CCC has started using doc.gps for training purposes. The mandatory computer training sessions can be found on this website. It also helps staff members track the deadlines of the training as well as how many courses have completed.
Town Hall Report
August Town Hall meetings were held on August 25, 2022 at 6:00am, 7:30am and 3:00pm. There were 14 staff members present.
Important Dates
September 6 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
September 7 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day - $2
September 8 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2
September 12- PBC Dress Down Day – FREE Corrections Week
September 13 - PBC Dress Down Day – FREE Corrections Week
September 14 - PBC Dress Down Day – FREE Corrections Week
September 15 - PBC Dress Down Day – FREE Corrections Week
September 15 – Pay day
September 16 - PBC Dress Down Day – FREE Corrections Week
September 20 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
September 21 – Morale Committee - $2
September 22 – PBC Dress Down Day (Fall Theme) - $2
September 27 – TCW Dress Down Day - $2
September 28 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day - $2
September 29 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day - $2
September 30 – Pay day
July 2022
Employee of the Month
CO I Rhonda Gulley
CO I Rhonda Gulley was named the CCC Employee of the Month for July 2022. Rhonda was nominated for this award by CO II Nicholas Koenig, who recognized her constant professionalism and ability to handle difficult situations.
It was indicated that recently when an offender who had a history of assaultive behavior towards staff was escorted to Housing Unit #1 for placement on TASC status, the offender had ignored multiple directives given by staff. It was noted that the offender is hearing impaired which made it challenging for staff to ensure their verbal directives were being understood and a CIT member had unsuccessfully attempted to deescalate the situation due to the communication barrier. CO I Gulley entered the area and was able to build trust with the offender, working patiently to effectively communicate with her, which resulted in the offender complying with directives. CO II Koenig stated in the nomination, “CO I Gulley’s ability to remain calm, cool and collected during potential volatile situations gives her the ability to then build a rapport which aids to deescalate offenders who have lost their ability to make rational decisions. CO I Gulley’s quick thinking and professional interaction with this offender prevented force being utilized. Her professionalism and ability to quickly build a rapport with an offender in crisis has contributed to Chillicothe Correctional Center becoming a safer community.”
Rhonda’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Gulley is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
Warden McBee has conducted a presentation for Ms. Gulley and recognized her efforts. Please take time to extend your congratulations to her.
Awards & Recognition
Massage Give-away
The CCC Wellness Committee celebrated Everyone Deserves a Massage Week by giving away 5 30 minute massages to local masseurs in Chillicothe. The winners were: Lori Parkey, FUM-Monday
Daniel Riegerix, COI – Tuesday
Matthew Troxel, COI – Wednesday
Alexas Nefferdorf, COII – Thursday
Ricky Dorsey, COI – Friday
Deep Heart: A Show of Music, Magic & Comedy
Deep Heart stopped at CCC for an afternoon of music, magic and comedy Wednesday, July 27. This presentation was put together after years of
traveling to many countries around the world. The show consists of dance choreographies, high-end music, magic & comedy, with influence from S. Korea, Ireland, Brazil, France, Spain, New York & Las Vegas.
Pie in the Face
CO III Tyler Lewis was "presented" with a pie in the face by his mom, RN Tammie Christopher, on July 11, 2022. Staff made donations to the PBC awarding this honor to Lieutenant Lewis.
Honor Guard
The Western Region Honor Guard, along with CCC CERT members, were honored to lead the Home of Sliced Bread Parade in Chillicothe on July 9, 2022.
Congratulations to Intel Analyst Ricardo Monroy for receiving the Department of Corrections Lifesaver Award on July 19, 2022. He was presented this award due to an incident he responded to on September 22, 2021 when he was assigned as a CO I. While conducting his regularly assigned duties, Mr. Monroy observed an offender that had just attempted suicide. He instantly sprang into action by entering the cell and taking actions which undoubtedly preserved the life of the offender, in addition to following the proper procedures to ensure the safety of the area. Mr. Monroy utilized quick thinking skills in responding to this incident and ensured the safety of all those around him.
Congratulations to CO I Aaron Sanders for receiving the Department of Corrections Distinguished Service Award on July 19, 2022. On Saturday, January 1, 2022, CO I Sanders and his wife were heading home from Kansas City during a snowstorm when he saw a white minivan that had slid off the slick road and was partially in the median. He noticed the vehicle was a state van and he saw a fellow officer getting out of the vehicle, so he turned around to assist. He was able to get the state van back up on the road, so the officer could safely return to the institution without further incident. CO I Sanders' actions were professional and helpful to both his fellow officer and the institution. His actions placed himself in danger due to the road conditions, but possibly prevented any further damage to the state vehicle or injury to the staff member.
New Team Members
Melissa Chavarria, RN, Centurion – 7/7/22
April Gramenz, COI - 7/11/22
Jeffrey Gulley, COI - 7/11/22
Samantha Luke, COI – 7/11/22
Robert Scott, COI – 7/11/22
Mayanna Weed, CKII – 7/11/22
Iris Yee, CkII – 7/11/22
Natalie Culshaw, COI – 7/18/22
Troy Robertson, COI – 7/18/22
Travis Smith, COI – 7/18/22
Jennifer Ellis, Gateway Substance Abuse Counselor – 7/25/22
Cristina Oertwig, Gateway Substance Abuse Counselor – 7/25/22
Beth Rains, Records Officer I to Policy and Procedure Coordinator – 7/17/22
Rhonda Gulley, COI to Employment Transition Specialist – 7/31/22
Teresa Lark, ROII – 7/31/22 See Photo: Lark retirement: pictured (L to R): Kimberly Herring, DWO, Warden Chris McBee, Teresa Lark, ROII, Major David Savage, Darrell Sandy, ROIII, Amy Parkhurst, AW.
Mary Enyeart, OSA – 7/31/22 See photo: pictured Front row: (L to R): Amy Parkhurst, AW, Jennifer Horton, Acct. Clerk, Warden Chris McBee, Mary Enyeart, OSA, Chelsey Rhoades, Business Office Manager, Kimberly Herring, DWO, Lindy Smith, Acct., Clerk. Back Row: Major David Savage
Town Hall Report
June Town Hall meetings were held on July 28, 2022 at 6:00am, 10:00am and 3:00pm. There were 14 staff members present.
Important Dates
August 1 – The Corrections Way (TCW) dress down day - $2
August 3 – Morale Committee dress down day - $2
August 4 – PBC dress down day - $2
August 9 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
August 15 – TCW dress down day - $2
August 15 – Pay day
August 17 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
August 18 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
August 23 – PBC dress down day - $2
August 25 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2
August 30 – TCW dress down day - $2
August 31 – Pay day
June 2022
Big News
Torch Run
The Special Olympics Torch run was held at Simpson Park on May 11, 2022. Runners started at Simpson Park and ran to the Fire Department. Walkers walked around the park.
Dog the Bounty Hunter
Dog the Bounty Hunter, his wife, Francie and Katie Souza with Prison Power Ministries brought their program to CCC June 10-11.
Employee of the Month
SK I Patricia Gladbach
Storekeeper I Patricia Gladbach was named the CCC Employee of the Month for June 2022. Patricia was nominated for this award by Food Service Manager Sherry Oldham, who recognized her constant professionalism and willingness to assist others.
It was indicated that while Patricia was assigned as the Office Support Assistant in Food Service, they were experiencing a staff shortage and she was always willing to help out. She always jumped in and helped wherever she was needed, in addition to accomplishing her regularly assigned duties. It was stated that she was assigned to Food Service for a long time, starting as a Cook II, promoting to a Cook III, then accepting the position of Office Support Assistant. During this time, she understood what it was like to work short-handed, so she was always willing to go above and beyond her duties to help out. She likes to stay busy, so she is always ready to learn new things to enable her to help in any area. Ms. Oldham stated in the nomination, “Patricia is a great and valued employee in Food Service and is a perfect example of a team player.”
Patricia’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Gladbach is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
New Team Members
Chris Condron, COI – 6/6/22
Kathy Nelson, CKII – 6/6/22
Marshall Owen, ROI – 6/6/22
Hunter Passig, COI – 6/6/22
Michael Womack, ROI – 6/6/22
Melissa Wray, CKII – 6/6/22
Emily Gladbach, OSA Probation & Parole – 6/6/22
Payton Harris, COI – 6/13/22
Madison Bushery, COI – 6/27/22
Paul Hebert, COI – 6/27/22
Connor Passig, COI – 6/27/22
Arianna Showalter, COI – 6/27/22
Mary Rounkles, Centurion, Dental Assistant – 6/27/22
Autumn Geddings, Centurion, LPN – 6/30/22
Felicia Burrough, Centurion, LPN – 6/30/22
Ricardo Monroy, COI to Investigator I – 6/6/22
Debra Fortner, COI – 6/30/22
Rick Winkowski, MWII – 6/30/22
Roxann Miller, CKIII – 6/30/22
Town Hall Report
June Town Hall meetings were held on June 29, 2022 at 6:00am, 1:00pm and 3:00pm. There were 10 staff members present.
Important Dates
July 1 – PBC Dress Down Day $2 – Bomb Pop Day
July 4 – Holiday-Independence Day
July 4 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day – $2
July 5 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day - $2
July 7 – The Corrections Way Dress Down Day - $2
July 11 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day - $2
July 13 – The Corrections Way Dress Down Day - $2
July 14 – Morale Committee FREE Dress Down Day
July 15 – Pay day
July 18 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day - $2
July 20 – PBC Dress Down Day - $2
July 25 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day - $2
July 27 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day - $2
July 29 – Pay day
May 2022
Employee of the Month
Institutional Investigator Chuck Ness
Institutional Investigator Chuck Ness was named the CCC Employee of the Month for May 2022. Chuck was nominated for this award by Warden McBee, who recognized his constant professionalism and commitment to the safety and security of the institution. On March 4, 2022, Chuck assisted with a drug interdiction in the CCC Visiting Room. He worked closely with the CCC Intelligence Analyst, custody staff and local police department to properly prepare for the possible interdiction. He provided timely updates to the local police department and the administrative staff leading up to and during the interdiction. The efforts made by Mr. Ness resulted in the prevention of a visitor introducing a significant amount of illegal contraband into the institution. The visitor in this case was taken into custody by the Chillicothe Police Department and is currently pending felony charges. This recovery prevented offenders from receiving and using an illegal substance. Chuck’s efforts contributed to the safe environment we all strive for every day here at Chillicothe Center.
Awards & Recognition
Warden’s Coin of Excellence
Janet Rhodes, CROIII, was awarded the FRDC Warden’s Coin of Excellence, a recognition reserved for staff who demand a high level of achievement from themselves, continually going the extra mile to assist others, role model the Department’s code of conduct, and support the mission, vision, and strategic plan of the Missouri Department of Corrections.
Janet was recognized by the Administrative Team at the Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center for the continued “above and beyond” work ethic and willingness to assist the FRDC Records Department both remotely and onsite at FRDC during an unprecedented staff shortage in the office. The sacrifice of her time and attention from her team to assist theirs during a very stressful time was greatly appreciated. Her knowledge, experience, and support helped them stay operating and successful. It was stated that Janet is a supervisor others should mimic and model themselves after.
During a CERT training sessions, Warden Chris McBee recognized the CCC CERT team for their professionalism and dedication to ensuring a safe environment for CCC as well as other institutions and outside organizations when needed. The CCC CERT team participated in a total of 27 callouts during the 2021 calendar year. The most recent callout was as part of a large scale search operation which occurred at the Jackson County Detention Center where they collaborated with the FBI, Jackson County Detention Center, Jackson County Sheriff’s Office and nearly 150 CERT members from eleven different institutions. Their assistance helped identify and remove contraband from the detention center.
Each member of CERT was presented with a CCC Warden’s Challenge Coin and a novelty CCC license plate. Warden McBee also recognized and presented these items to the other members of the CCC Administrative Team (Deputy Warden Ryan Coffman, Deputy Warden Kimberly Herring, Assistant Warden Amy Parkhurst, and Major David Savage), in addition to, Business Manager Chelsey Rhoades for their continued support and dedication to ensuring the CCC CERT Team has the resources needed to perform their mission.
Staff Barbecue
The CCC Wellness Committee with assistance from the Personnel Benefits Club and the Morale Committee hosted an all staff barbecue Wednesday, May 18. All staff and Emergency Exercise Drill guests were served a hamburger, hot dog, bag of chips, cookie and drink of choice. The hamburgers and hot dogs were cooked on the CCC grill by on shift staff members and they did an excellent job! The meal received many positive reviews.
Nurse’s Day
The Administration staff recognized CCC’s Employee Health Nurse, Angela Albertson with gift cards to local merchants in Chillicothe on Nurse’s Day, May 12.
New Team Members
Mario Espinoza, COI, transfer from WMCC – 5/1/22
Dakota Akers, COI – 5/2/22
Jennifer Fitzpatrick, COI – 5/2/22
Kelsey Ward, COI – 5/2/22
Jessica Warren, COI – 5/2/22
Bethany Ireland, Substance Abuse Counselor – 5/2/22
Adria Forck, Substance Abuse Counselor – 5/9/22
Maranda Shipley-Fair, Substance Abuse Counselor – 5/9/22
Lela Benavidez, Cook II – 5/16/22
Gayle Saul, Cook II – 5/16/22
Jerry Shafer, COI, Part time – 5/10/22
Carla Heckenmueller, COI, Transfer from MCC – 5/22/22
Anna Englert, COI – 5/23/22
Cheyenne Moore, COI – 5/23/22
Raechel Kelley, COI to COII – 5/8/22
Mari Meservey, COI to COII – 5/8/22
Dustin Lybarger, COI to CCM – 5/22/22
Lori Porter, AOSA to CCM – 5/22/22
Walter McCoy, COI – 5/31/22
Town Hall Report
May Town Hall meetings were held on May 27, 2022 at 6:00am, 9:00am and 3:00pm. There were 3 staff members present.
Important Dates
June 3 – PBC Dress Down Day $2
June 7 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day $2
June 8 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day $2
June 9 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day $2
June 12 – PBC Dress Down Day FREE
June 13 – PBC Dress Down Day FREE (Tye Dye)
June 14 – PBC Dress Down Day FREE (Flag Day)
June 15 – PBC Dress Down Day FREE (Disney)
June 15 – Pay day
June 16 – PBC Dress Down Day FREE (Hawaiian)
June 17 – PBC Dress Down Day FREE (Sports)
June 18 – PBC Dress Down Day FREE
June 20 – Juneteenth holiday
June 21 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day FREE
June 23 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day $2
June 28 – Special Olympics Dress Down Day $2
June 30 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day $2
June 30 – Pay day
April 2022
Employee of the Month
CO II Cody Spease
Corrections Officer II Cody Spease was named the CCC Employee of the Month for April 2022. Cody was nominated for this award by CO II Chad Gardner, who recognized his constant professionalism and willingness to assist others.
It was indicated that CO II Spease is a very important asset to First Shift and goes above and beyond his job duties and regularly communicates with other sergeants to ensure that all areas are covered and that the shift runs as smoothly as possible. It was noted that he volunteered to work his RDO on Christmas for a fellow sergeant to be able to have the holiday off to spend at home with his kids. It is stated in the nomination, “Sergeant Spease leads by example. He regularly helps staff with all job duties, such as wing tours, property inventories, and counts. He never complains about being asked to perform extra duties or being assigned to posts outside of his regular job duties. Sergeant Spease deserves to be recognized for all the hard work that he does for the Department.”
Cody’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and his professionalism does not go unnoticed. Mr. Spease is a huge asset to this facility and his actions consistently demonstrate that he is a professional and a team player.
New Team Members
Clayton Bloomfield, COI – 4/4/22
Bashaun Hall, COI – 4/4/22
Logan Liebendorfer, COI – 4/4/22
Bryan Venneman, COI – 4/4/22
Courtney White, COI – 4/4/22
Joshua Bundy, Substance Abuse Counselor – 4/11/22
Jared Leeper, COI – 4/18/22
Marco Caruso, COI – 4/18/22
Rhonda Henry, Centurion, LPN – 4/18/22
Samtama DeVpre. Centurion, RN – 4-20-22
Rosalind Gonzalez, COI – 4/25/22
Isaiah Greathouse, COI – 4/25/22
Bryce Passig, COI – 4/25/22
Keli Summers, Personnel OSA – 4/25/22
Patricia Gladbach, OSA to Storekeeper I – 4/3/22
James Richards, COI – April 30, 2022
Photos from Doug Anders, COII and Dan Shively, CSI retirement ceremonies in March 2022.
Town Hall Report
April Town Hall meetings were held on April 25, 2022 at 6:00am, 9:00am and 3:00pm. There were 11 staff members present.
Important Dates
May 4 – PBC dress down day - $2.00
May 5 – Morale Committee dress down day - $2.00
May 9 – HOLIDAY – Truman’s birthday
May 10 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2.00
May 16 – Pay day
May 17 – Morale Committee dress down day – FREE
May 18 – PBC dress down day – FREE
May 24 – PBC dress down day - $2.00
May 25 – Special Olympics dress down day - $2.00
May 30 – HOLIDAY – Memorial Day
May 31 – Pay day
May 31 – Morale Committee dress down day - $2.00
March 2022
Big News
Blood Drive
The Wellness Committee hosted a blood drive for Red Cross on Wednesday, March 16, 2022.There were 29 presenters and 24 units were collected. Hannah Chavarria, COI won the beef meat bundle donated by the Wellness Committee.
Employee of the Month
FUM Ashton Christopher
Functional Unit Manager Ashton Christopher was named the CCC Employee of the Month for March 2022. Ashton was nominated for this award by CO I David Baker, who recognized his constant professionalism and willingness to assist others. On September 8, 2021 while conducting his normal duties in Housing Unit #1, a situation arose near the end of the work day in the unit which required additional staff assistance as several staff were gone or already assisting with a separate situation in another location. Upon receiving notification of the situation, Mr. Christopher halted his normal duties and responded. Once he arrived and was apprised of the incident, he then assisted an already short-staffed housing unit with room moves and conducting interviews. He stayed until the issue was resolved and all necessary actions were dealt with. It is stated in the nomination, “FUM Ashton Christopher’s willingness to assist his housing unit in emergency situations displays exemplary leadership skills and teamwork. As FUM Christopher is fairly new to the position of Functional Unit Manager, he should be commended on a job well done.”
Ashton’s actions greatly contributed to the smooth operations of the institution and his professionalism does not go unnoticed. Mr. Christopher is a huge asset to this facility and his actions consistently demonstrate that he is a professional and a team player.
New Team Members
Julie Veach, RN, Centurion – 3/7/22
Kelsey Smith, RN, Centurion – 3/7/22
Paul Beckham, COI, transferred from WMCC – 3/6/22
Andrew Strzyzewski, COI, transferred from WMCC – 3/6/22
Betty Eastin, Cook II – 3/7/22
Jeston Alterauge, COI – 3/7/22
Crystal Heaney, Med Tech, Centurion – 3/11/22
Bethany Cashatt, Substance Abuse Counselor – 3/14/22
Jennifer Leach, Gateway, Administrative Assistant – 3/14/22
Robert Lemke, COI – 3/14/22
Tyler Lewis, COII to COIII – 3/6/22
Kyle Gramenz, COI to COII – 3/13/22
Richard Jettelson, COI to COII – 3/13/22
Sandy Willis, COI to COII – 3/13/22
Penney Clevenger, SOSA-Mailroom Supervisor to Corrections Case Manager – 3/13/22
Daniel Masuch, COI to Corrections Case Manager – 3/13/22
Carla Meyers, STK I to Corrections Case Manager – 3/13/22
Erick Passig, COI to Corrections Case Manager – 3/13/22
Tina Sturgeon, COI to Corrections Case Manager – 3/13/22
Grace Davis, OSA to SOSA-Mailroom Supervisor – 3/27/22
Douglas Anders, COII – March 31, 2022
Daniel Shively, CSI – March 31, 2022
Important Dates
April 5 – PBC Dress Down Day $2 National Wildlife Day (Animal theme)
April 6 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day $2
April 10 – 16 PBC FREE Dress Down Week (color themed days)
- Sunday – Yellow
- Monday – Pink
- Tuesday – Blue
- Wednesday – Purple
- Thursday – Green
- Friday – Easter Theme
- Saturday - Orange
April 15 – Pay day
April 18 – Morale Committee FREE Dress Down Day
April 28 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day $2
April 29 – Pay day
February 2022
Employee of the Month
OSA Paiten Sackrey
Office Support Assistant Paiten Sackrey was named the CCC Employee of the Month for February 2022. Paiten was nominated for this award by all of the 2nd Shift Captains and Lieutenants, who recognized her constant professionalism and willingness to assist others. It was indicated that recently when the OSA assigned to the Shift Commander’s Office retired, Paiten generously volunteered to assume these duties to assist in helping the office run smoothly, in addition to her many responsibilities as the Office Support Assistant for the Chief of Custody. It is stated in the nomination, “Paiten’s generosity is very much appreciated by all 2nd Shift Captains and Lieutenants. Paiten’s positive attitude and eagerness to help is an asset to Chillicothe Correctional Center and the Missouri Department of Corrections. Paiten has gone above and beyond to voluntarily add to her own duties in order to assist her fellow staff. We believe that Paiten Sackrey has proven to be an excellent example of teamwork and integrity and for that she deserves to be the Employee of the Month.”
Paiten’s actions greatly contributed to the smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Sackrey is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
New Team Members
Darrell Kraus, Stationary Engineer – 2/14/22
Genevieve Blair, Substance Abuse Counselor – 2/14/22
Gia Ide, RN-Centurion – 2/28/22
Stephanie Kelso, LPN-Centurion – 2/28/22
Michelle Minnis, RN to HSA – 2/1/22
Cory Ray, Cook II to Cook III – 2/20/22
Town Hall Report
February Town Hall meetings were held on Friday, February 25, 2022 at 6:00am, 9:00am, and 3:00pm. There were 8 staff members present.
Important Dates
March 4 – PBC FREE Dress Down Day - National Staff Appreciation Day
March 7 - Morale Committee $2 Dress Down Day
March 15 – Pay day
March 16 – Red Cross blood drive 9:00am – 3:00 pm
March 17 – PBC $2 Dress Down Day – St. Patrick’s Day theme
March 22 – Morale Committee $2 Dress Down Day
March 31 – PBC $2 Dress Down Day
March 31 – Pay day
January 2022
Big News
The Wellness Committee hosted a blood drive with Community Blood Center Wednesday, January 12, 2022. We had 46 staff member present, 43 units were collected and we had 12 first time donors. The winner of the pork bundle given away by the Wellness Committee was COI Ronald Wilson. Congratulations COI Wilson and thank you to everyone who helped make the blood drive a success!
SOSA-Mailroom, Linda Shafer, Jennifer Horton,
Kimberly Herring, DWO, Chris McBee, Warden,
Amy Parkhurst, AW.
Employees of the Month
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating the following employees on being named the CCC Employees of the Month for January 2022. The award is being presented to two employees this month who are being recognized for similar actions.
Accounting Clerk Jennifer Horton
Jennifer was nominated for this award by Mailroom Supervisor, SOSA Penney Clevenger, who recognized her constant professionalism and commitment to ensuring a safe environment for staff and offenders. It was indicated that on June 21, 2021 while assigned as an Office Support Assistant in the CCC Mailroom, Ms. Horton discovered a suspicious greeting card while processing incoming mail. Upon further inspection, it was found that dangerous contraband was concealed in the card. Her keen searching skills and attention to detail contributed towards this substance being found, therefore, preventing contraband from entering the institution and getting into an offender’s possession. Jennifer’s actions greatly contributed to the safe and smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Horton is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
OSA Linda Shafer
Linda was nominated for this award by Mailroom Supervisor, SOSA Penney Clevenger, who recognized her constant professionalism and commitment to ensuring a safe environment for staff and offenders. It was indicated that on October 7, 2021 while assisting the CCC Mailroom with processing mail, Ms. Shafer discovered a suspicious greeting card while processing incoming mail. Upon further inspection, it was found that dangerous contraband was concealed in the card. Her keen searching skills and attention to detail contributed towards this substance being found, therefore, preventing contraband from entering the institution and getting into an offender’s possession. SOSA Clevenger indicated in the nomination, “Not only did Ms. Shafer discover the contraband, she and others went above and beyond their normal duties on that day due to both the Mailroom Supervisor and the OSA being gone. She has consistently gone above and beyond by helping the mailroom with anything that is needed since the mailroom has been short-staffed.” Linda’s actions greatly contributed to the safe and smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Shafer is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
Awards & Recognition
An Awards Ceremony was held Wednesday, January 5, 2022 in the Visiting Room. The Employee of the Year was announced and staff members were awarded their years of service pins.
Employees in the running for Employee of the Year were Linda Shafer, Carla Meyers, J.D. Shafer, Vicki Price, Kylee Ireland, Emily Asher, Holly Stevens (Baker), Katrina Humphrey, Shawn Walker, Raechel Kelley, April Wolf, and David Gilgour. Pictured (L to R) Linda Shafer, Carla Meyers, Kylee Ireland, Emily Asher, April Wolf, JD Shafer, David Gilgour.
Congratulations to Carla Meyers, Storekeeper I, on being named the 2021 CCC Employee of the Year!
Carla was selected as the February 2021 Employee of the Month after being nominated for this award by her former supervisor, FUM Lori Parkey, who recognized her constant professionalism and willingness to assist others, as well as her outstanding work ethic.
It was indicated that when Chillicothe Correctional Center began facing the challenges presented by COVID-19, Carla was assigned as an Office Support Assistant to Housing Unit #8, which was the designated area for isolation and quarantined offenders. She went above and beyond her assigned duties, assisting both classification and custody staff with any task needing to be accomplished, to include serving meals, getting ice, and handing out canteen to offenders on isolation/quarantine status. She also searched property, swept, mopped, and disinfected numerous areas of the housing unit while still keeping her normal duties completed. It was noted that when she was newly assigned to the receiving and orientation housing unit, along with her new responsibilities, she trained two new Office Support Assistants and provided manuals to assist them learn their duties. The nomination stated, “Carla does all this with a positive attitude and calming demeanor. She shows great teamwork and professionalism on a daily basis.”
Ms. Meyers is an invaluable resource to Chillicothe Correctional Center and the Missouri Department of Corrections. Her actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed.
Pictured are staff members who were present during the awards presentation.
Anderson, Emily
Anderson, Hannah
Bethards, Kyle
Corf, Carl
Fondren, Jessie
Frisbie, Laurie
Head, Lonnie
Hughes, Brittany
Lewis, Tyler
Lovett, Joseph
Masuch, Bethany
McGraw, Joshua
Murphy, Paula
Page, Mary
Ridgway, Mark
Riegerix, Daniel
Seavey, Martha
Smith, Steven
Wheeler, Blake
Wolf, Jarod
Wynne, Adam
Bendure, Zach
Cochenour, Floyd
Ireland, Edgar
Jefferson, Tony
Kitchin, Clinton
Lawrence, Rodney
Lollar, Richard
Oldham, Sherry
Silver, Jericks
Sutton, Benjamin
Waltz, Joshua
Wolf, Vincent
Womack, Trudy
Woody, James
Asher, Shanna
Bearden, Maria
Beers, Dora
Bowen, Lori
Bower, Philip
Burns, Tina
Christopher, Ashton
Hollon, John
Maberry, Robin
Miller, Kathryn
Murphy, Gregory
Parkhurst, Amy
Richards, Bradley
Saale, Michael
Wright, Randal
Boley, Janet
Corbin, Todd
Ellis, Charles
Fast. Cameron
Ireland, Daniel
Jackson, Scott
Leach, Stephen
McGinley, Kielly
Smith, Lindy
Barnett, Jessica
Parkey, Lori
Sandy, Darrell
Sturgeon, Tina
Tolle, Dale
New Team Members
Alpha Purvis, COI – 1/3/22
Michelle Sutton, OSA, Maintenance – 1/3/22
Kristin Baugher, CKII – 1/3/22
Shawn Oliver, CKII – 1/24/22
Abigail Reed, OSA Personnel to SOSA Timekeeper – 1/23/22
Elonda Sharp, COIII to WMCC Training Officer – 1/30/22
Town Hall Report
January Town Hall meetings were held on Friday, January 28, 2022 at 6:00am, 8:00am, and 3:00pm. There were 11 staff members present.
Important Dates
February 3 – PBC Favorite football team dress down day $2.00
February 4 – Wellness Committee Wear RED FREE dress down day
February 11 – HOLIDAY Lincoln’s Birthday
February 14 – PBC Dress Down Day $2.00
February 15 – Pay day
February 21 – HOLIDAY Washington’s Birthday
February 28 – Pay day
December 2021
Big News
Corrections Way
The Corrections Way ambassadors had four dress down days. $598.83 was collected for those dress down days. A $100 Walmart gift card was purchased and Tamara Marriott was the lucky winner! The rest of the money was used to COMPLETELY FILL the Salvation Army Food Bank box at Walmart which was empty when the shopper elves (Emily Anderson and Candice Bell) arrived at Walmart.
PBC Christmas Week Activities
The CCC PBC put on an awesome Christmas Week! Monday candy bars were handed out to all staff, Tuesday all staff could pick up a bag of popcorn and a soda of their choice, Wednesday was $10 day for all staff, and Thursday was Ugly Sweater Day. The PBC also had fundraisers throughout the year and used the money earned to buy gifts. Staff members were drawn at random for these gifts. Leftover soda was also given away to some lucky staff members. Winners of the Ugly Sweater contest are as follows: 1st shift – Carmelia Bannan, 2nd Shift – Angela Hightower, and 3rd shift – Michael McCurley
Employee of the Month
CO I David Gilgour
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating David Gilgour, Corrections Officer I, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for December 2021.
David was nominated for this award by CO II Bradley Richards who recognized his constant professionalism and commitment to ensuring a safe environment for staff and offenders.
It was indicated that on November 3, 2021, in the course of his regular duties, CO I David Gilgour located a suspicious item in the offender forms folder located on the wall in the Housing Unit #5 rotunda. He secured the item which appeared to be wrapped in toilet tissue and took it into the housing unit module for further examination. Upon opening the tissue, he observed two small squares of tan colored paper later identified as suboxone. He took these items to the shift commander’s office, reviewed camera footage, and was able to make a positive identification of the offender responsible. CO II Richards indicated in the nomination, “CO I Gilgour’s persistent and vigilant efforts to monitor the offenders and the housing unit allowed him to successfully locate and remove this contraband from the offender population. His efforts and actions to maintain a safe, healthy and secure environment for offenders and staff are to be commended.”
David’s actions greatly contributed to the smooth operations of the institution and his professionalism does not go unnoticed. Mr. Gilgour is a huge asset to this facility and his actions consistently demonstrate that he is a professional and a team player.
Awards & Recognition
An Awards Ceremony was held on Friday, December 17, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. in the CCC Roll Call Room to recognize staff indicated below.
Grant, Kayler
Gulley, Jeffrey
Gulley, Rhonda
Howe, Amy
McDaniel, Jeffery
Waldrep, Marlin
Walker, Nancy M.
Baker, David
Crist, Elizabeth
Gilgour, David
New Team Members
Samantha Fizpatrick, Cook II – 12/6/21
James Fleming, Centurion Psychiatrist – 12/7/21
Chris Britt, COI – 12/13/21
Courtney Chatter, COI – 12/13/21
Richard Redford, COI – 12/13/21
Stacey Soper, Cook II – 12/13/21
Karen Gatton, CCM to FUM (transfer to WMCC) – 12/20/21
Stacey Soper, Cook II to Cook III – 12/19/21
Russell Heldenbrand, COI – 12/31/21
Vicki Price, SOSA – 12/31/21
Paula Helm, Vocational Education OSA – 12/31/21
Tammy Schweder, STKII – 12/31/21
Nancy Shafer, COI – 12/31/21
Susan Riggins, CKII – 12/31/21
Town Hall Report
December Town Hall meetings were held on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 6:00am, 10:00am, and 3:00pm. There were 8 staff members present.
Important Dates
January 13 – PBC Dress Down Day $2.00
January 14 – Pay day
January 16 – 22 – FREE Dress Down Days
January 17 – Martin Luther King Day
January 27 – PBC Dress Down Day $2.00
January 31 – Pay day
November 2021
Big News
The CCC Wellness Committee hosted a pre-paid baked potato bar Thursday, November 4 for all shifts. A variety of toppings were selected by staff to put on their potato. The Wellness Committee served over 100 potatoes and appreciate the staff participation in the endeavor.
Employee of the Month
CO I April Wolf
Please join Warden McBee and the Employee of the Month Committee in congratulating Correctional Officer I April Wolf, on being named the CCC Employee of the Month for November 2021.
April was nominated for this award by Supply Manager Tammy Stith who recognized her constant professionalism and willingness to accept others.
The nomination stated, "It was indicated that in addition to monitoring delivery traffic at both the institutional warehouse and food service warehouse docks, you step up to assist by checking supply carts prior to them leaving the warehouse to ensure the supplies match against the supply requests which helps ensure the accuracy of warehouse inventories and that you also assist staff and offenders coming into the warehouse to return depleted stock. It was indicated that you also recently played a huge role in helping warehouse staff to establish and maintain a tracking system for mattresses and that in addition to assisting with inspecting the mattresses, you also assist in tracking both mattress issue and return. Supply Manager Stith indicated in the nomination, “Ms. Wolf’s actions are above and beyond her primary function of maintaining safety and security, which she does very well. Her contributions not only demonstrate teamwork and professionalism, she has helped the warehouse function more efficiently and effectively.”
April’s actions greatly contributed to the smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Wolf is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
New Team Members
Sheldon Boyles, COI – 11/1/21
Michael Hughes, COI – 11/1/21
Brian Kolodziejski, Stationary Engineer – 11/1/21
Darren Lowe-Jermeland, COI – 11/1/21
Carla McDaniel, COI (transfer from WMCC) – effective 10/31/21, reporting 11/1/21
Stoney Paustian, COI – 11/1/21
Brett Smith, COI – 11/1/21
Katie Warren, CKII – 11/1/21
Michelle Minnis, RN Corizon – 11/1/21
Natalie Gittings, CKII – 11/8/21
Ruth Munsterman, OSA-Captain’s Office -011/15/21
Vivian Chaverra, COI (transfer from WMCC) – effective 11/14/21, reporting 11/15/21
Isaiah Barron, COI – 11/22/21
Nickolas Lane, COI – 11/22/21
Zachary Locke – 11/22/21
Jerrid Fox, COI – 11/29/21
Nickolas Lane, COI – 11/29/21
Amber Painter, COI – 11/29/21
Wendee McKenzie, CKII – 11/29/21
Angela Maberry, COI to IAC – effective 10/31/21, reporting 11/1/21
Carla Meyers, OSA to STK I – effective 11/21/21
Jacquelyn Hooks, OSA to CCM – effective 11/28/21
Important Dates
December 2 – PBC Dress Down Day $2.00
December 7 – PBC (for The Corrections Way) Dress Down Day $2.00
December 8 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day $2.00
December 9 – PBC (for The Corrections Way) Dress Down Day $2.00
December 15 – Pay day
December 16 – PBC Dress Down Day $2.00
December 19-25 – FREE Dress Down Days (Christmas Week)
December 24 – Christmas Holiday
December 29 – Free Morale Committee Dress Down Day
December 30 – Pay day
December 31 – New Year’s Eve Holiday

October 2021
Big News
CBC Blood Drive
The CCC Wellness Committee held a Community Blood Center blood drive on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 from 10:00am – 3:00pm. There were 30 registered donors, 4 first time donors and 29 units were collected. We greatly appreciate staff generosity and the Wellness Committee for hosting the blood drive.
Employee of the Month
Storekeeper I Raechel Kelley
Raechel Kelley, Storekeeper I, was named the CCC Employee of the Month for October 2021.
Raechel was nominated for this award by her supervisor, Supply Manager Tammy Stith, who recognized her constant professionalism and initiative in utilizing the institution’s resources wisely.
It was indicated that Ms. Kelley recently received notification that an offender was in need of a third state-issue pillow per Medical. Her knowledge that often requests such as this are needed due to an offender’s need for knee or leg elevation, which can quickly deplete a state-issue pillow, led her to design and create a sturdier, firmer pillow out of depleted mattresses that had been set aside for surplus. She presented the pillow for approval and was able to quickly have a pillow sewn to be issued to the offender. Supply Manager Stith indicated in the nomination, “Ms. Kelley’s actions and initiative not only answered a need for offenders with specific medical needs, but also conserved Clothing Issue’s budget and inventory by reducing the number of state-issue pillows needed to address those needs.”
Raechel’s actions greatly contributed to the smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Kelley is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
Warden McBee has conducted a presentation for Ms. Kelley and recognized her efforts. Please take time to extend your congratulations to her.
New Team Members
Erin Sumner, OSA Records – 10/4/21
Christopher Burchett, COI – 10/4/21
Haliey Anderson, COI – 10/12/21
Candice Barclay, OSA Mailroom – 10/12/21
Jeffory Bell, MH Counselor – 10/11/21
Margaret Hooper, RN – 10/18/21
Hailey Bartley, COI – 10/25/21
Stephen Bell, COI – 10/25/21
Chandler Asher, OSA P&P – 10/25/21
Ashley Paalhar, Corizon clerk – 10/27/21
Cheyenne Vire, COI – 10/25/21
Carla McDaniel, COI transfer from WMCC – 10/31/21
David Doss, Labor Supervisor promoted to Maintenance Worker II on 10/10/21
Kelly Stover, CK to COI – 10/10/21
Shelly Gladbach, CCA to CCM – 10/10/21
Rodney Harkins, CCM to Stationary Engineer – 10/10/21
Rachael Kelley, STKI to COI – 10/31/21
Bonnie Balfour, COII – 10/31/21
Jerry Shafer, CSI – 10/31/21
Front line staff have been participating in The Corrections Way training. This training has been well received by all staff.
Town Hall Report
October Town Halls were held October 29, 2021 from 6:00-7:00am, 8:00-9:00am and 3:00-4:00pm. 4 staff members attended the meetings.
Important Dates
October 31-November 6 - $1 Dress Down Day (to assist staff member who lost home in tornado)
November 7 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day $2
November 8 – PBC Dress Down Day $2
November 11 – Veteran’s Day Holiday
November 15 – Pay day
November 17 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day –FREE
November 18 – PBC Dress Down Day $2
November 23 – PBC Dress Down Day $2 (for The Corrections Way)
November 25 & 26 – Thanksgiving Holiday
November 30 – Pay day
November 30 – PBC Dress Down Day $2 (for The Corrections Way)

September 2021
Employee of the Month
CO I Shawn Walker
Corrections Officer I Shawn Walker was named the CCC Employee of the Month for September 2021.
Shawn was nominated for this award by supervisor, CO II Robert Landwehr, who recognized his constant professionalism and commitment to ensuring a safe environment for staff and offenders.
It was indicated that CO I Walker recently responded to assist with an offender creating a disturbance and initiated professional intervention as he recognized this as a volatile situation. Utilizing his experience and training regarding conflict resolution, it was noted that he immediately began establishing control of the area. He was able to establish a degree of cooperation from the offender to bring her into compliance without use of force during this event. CO II Landwehr indicated in the nomination, “CO I Walker maintained an awareness of the housing unit, and intervened in a potentially dangerous series of rapidly escalating events. His offender management techniques regained control of the disruptive behavior being compelled upon by the population, and his understanding of the variety of special needs he may encounter enabled him to gain cooperation of the disruptive offender.”
Shawn’s actions greatly contributed to the smooth operations of the institution and his professionalism does not go unnoticed. Mr. Walker is a huge asset to this facility and his actions consistently demonstrate that he is a professional and a team player.
Awards & Recognition
Award of Valor
DOC Director Anne Precycthe and DAI Director Jeff Norman arrived at CCC on September 2, 2021 to award COI Rodney Buttz the Award of Valor. Congratulations to Award of Valor recipient Correctional Officer I Rodney Buttz. Buttz was assigned to hospital duty last fall, guarding an offender receiving medical treatment. While in the hospital room, the offender attacked Buttz. Although seriously injured, Buttz was able to secure the offender with the help of hospital security who arrived on the scene. He was then treated for his head injury, which required 10 staples. His act of bravery helped protect the safety of hospital patients and staff as well as the surrounding community.
Security Audit
CCC’s Security Audit was held September 8-9, 2021. Each of the auditors were very complimentary about how professional and helpful the staff here at CCC were during the audit. They also said that this is the cleanest and most well-kept institution they have seen.
Correction’s Week
Staff at CCC celebrated Corrections Week September 20-24, 2021. Monday there was free candy available in the lobby. Tuesday we got a choice of chocolate chunk, monster or sugar cookies. Wednesday’s lunch was a sub sandwich, chips and drink. Thursday was Bingo day. Friday all staff received a flashlight pen. PBC did an outstanding job!
New Team Members
Teresa DeSpain, FUM (Transfer from WRDCC) – 9/1/21
Lori Bowen, COI, (Transfer from WMCC) – 9/7/21
Bill Fountain, Vocational Education Supervisor, (Transfer from MCC) – 9/7/21
Kaitleyn McMullen, Administrative Assistant, Gateway – 9/7/21
Grayson Webb, Counselor I, Gateway – 9/7/21
Gabriel Jenkins, COI – 9/13/21
Kelly J Stover, Cook II – 9/13/21
Mason Francis, COI – 9/20/21
Dana Ingels, Cook II – 9/20/21
Steve Perry, MWII to MSI – 9/5/21
Amanda Vance, Cook II to Cook III – 9/19/21
Cheryl Lineberry. COI – 9/30/21
Charles Henton, COI – 9/30/21
Town Hall Report
September Town Halls were held September 26, 2021 from 6:00-7:00am, 2:00-3:00pm and 3:00-4:00pm. 6 staff members attended the meetings.
Important Dates
October 6 – Morale Committee FREE dress down day
October 7 – PBC $2 dress down day
October 12 – Community Blood Center blood drive 10:00 – 3:00
October 10-16 – FREE dress down week-300 likes on CCC facebook page
October 15 – Pay day
October 18 – Charitable Campaign $2 dress down day
October 19 – Charitable Campaign $2 dress down day
October 20 – Morale Committee $2 dress down day
October 21 – PBC $2 dress down day
October 26 – Charitable Campaign $2 dress down day
October 27 – Wellness Committee $2 dress down day
October 28 – Charitable Campaign dress down day
October 29 – Pay day

August 2021
Employee of the Month
CO I Katrina Humphrey
Katrina Humphrey was named the August 2021 Employee of the Month. Katrina was nominated for this award by her supervisor, COII Tommy Pittman, who recognized her constant professionalism and commitment to ensuring a safe environment for staff and offenders.
It was indicated that CO I Humphrey is assigned to the administrative segregation unit and consistently goes above and beyond her assigned duties on a daily basis to ensure the unit is running smoothly. On June 11, 2021, she had just returned from a CERT callout and several lock-ups came into the unit at once. She assisted in preparing paperwork, conducting room moves and performing intake checks, then she took the lead in processing early releases to general population to create space. She performed these duties, as well as her regular duties, flawlessly in a difficult and stressful environment. CO II Pittman indicated in the nomination, “CO I Humphrey ensures the unit is running smoothly by keeping up with getting the offenders to where they need to go in a timely manner. She takes pride in her job and is always willing to help when needed.”
Katrina’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Humphrey is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate she is a professional and a team player.
New Team Members
Zachary Bendure, COI, transfer from WMCC – 8/1/21
Jessica Holt, RN, Corizon – 8/3/21
Joshua Bedingfield, COI – 8/9/21
Kelsie Grant, Clerk – 8/9/21
Dalton Boyd, COI – 8/23/21
Amy Garner-Untiedt, COI – 8/23/21
Blake Saling, COI – 8/23/21
Mark Weiny, COI – 8/23/21
Michael Burchett, COI, transfer from WMCC – 8/29/21
Ronald Wilson, COI, transfer from WMCC – 8/29/21
Owen Bell, COI – 8/30/21
Ameelya Houseworth, COI 8/30/21
Jacey Vestal, RN to DON – July 28, 2021
Kyle Meek, COI to COII – August 15, 2021
Stephanie Nickell, IPO to Unit Supervisor – 8/29/21
Town Hall Report
August Town Halls were held August 26, 2021 from 6:00-7:00am, 8:00-9:00am and 3:00-4:00pm. 12 staff members attended the meetings.
July 2021
Employee of the Month
Holly Stevens, Office Support Assistant-Mailroom, was named the July 2021 Employee of the Month. Holly was nominated for this award by Mailroom Supervisor, SOSA Penney Clevenger who recognized her constant professionalism and commitment to ensuring a safe environment for staff and offenders.
It was indicated that on March 26, 2021 while processing mail, Holly found a suspicious envelope and forwarded it to Investigator Chuck Ness. Upon further search of the orange envelope, it was found to contain dangerous contraband. This finding led to mailroom staff pulling all similar envelopes of the same color from incoming mail and resulted in the discovery of several other envelopes found to also be concealing dangerous contraband. It is noted that although Holly has only worked in the mailroom a short time, her diligence and previous custody experience have contributed greatly to her being very adept at conducting thorough searches on mail. Her keen searching skills and attention to detail contributed towards these items being found, therefore, preventing contraband from entering the institution and getting into an offender’s possession.
Holly’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Stevens is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate she is a professional and a team player.
Awards & Recognition
On July 15, 2021 an awards ceremony for several staff members received the Distinguished or Lifesaver awards was held.
On December 2, 2020, 3rd shift at approximately 7:00pm I, COII John Morris, was working control center when I became very ill having a very sharp pain on my right side. I left control center and spoke to Lisa Clark and requested her help and for one of the nurses to come. Lisa Clark immediately contacted our nurses. When it was known I needed emergency medical attention, I requested an ambulance. Lisa Clark then instructed control center to call an ambulance. When I was assessed after reaching the hospital, it was found that I had a blood clot in my lungs. CSI Clark’s experience as a shift supervisor and her ability to see what needs to be done in an emergency was greatly appreciated by this sergeant. It is with pride that I nominate her for this award and a very big thank you as your
quick actions very possibly saved my life.
On November 11, 2020, at approximately 7:08 pm, staff realized Cook II Lydah LaFolette was unaccounted for. The door to the staff restroom was secured but radio traffic could be heard through the door. No response was forthcoming to staff members knocking on the door. Nicole Grady, COI, called a Code 16-staff. After the door was unlocked, staff found Cook LaFollette on the floor, unresponsive. Sean Collins, COI and Elijah Mosier, COII lifted Ms. LaFolette and carried her from the restroom and placed her on the floor. Cook III Samantha Rhinehart administered chest rubs. CPR was initiated by COII Mosier and Gary Hacker, COI, with COIII Stephen Leach, LPN Brenna Broyles, and RN Kristen Barron assisting. RN Jason Asher utilized the AMBU bag to give rescue breaths. All staff maintained the resuscitation efforts until the Paramedics arrived and took over all life-saving measures. Nicole Grady accompanied Cook LaFolette in the ambulance to the hospital.
On March 29, 2021, around 8:00 pm, COI Russell Heldenbrand noticed something going on with an offender that
had been placed on suicide status in TCU. After responding to the cell, he was unable to see the offender or what she was doing. He quickly notified RN Melissa Chavarria that the offender was out of sight and warranted a visual check. RN Chavarria was able to make visual contact with the offender and noticed the appearance of blood. At this point Sgt. Chelsea Scott and fellow LPN Ashley Venable were called to open the cell to allow the nurse and herself access to check on the offender’s wellbeing. It was then confirmed that the offender had harmed herself and RN Chavarria applied immediate first aid and lifesaving techniques. LPN Venable and RN Chavarria were able to place the offender on the floor in a safe position while RN Chavarria continued the aid placed on the offender. LPN Venable and RN Chavarria were assisted in procuring a backboard and getting the offender safely placed on it while still continuing to render first aid. An ambulance was called to the institution and once MES arrived, RN Chavarria continued the aid, all the way to the ambulance and the rest of the way to the Emergency Room at Hedrick Medical Center before she was relieved of aid. The lifesaving heroic acts by these two officers and two nurses provided immediate and necessary safety and aid to an offender that could have quickly turned into a critical situation.
Thursday, November 12, 2020, Officers Shawn Walker and Walter Anthony were operating Housing Unit 7 with Officer Dennis Stone. Approximately 9:02 pm, Officer Walker notified his housing unit sergeant that he and Officer Anthony had observed Officer Stone experiencing a sudden outbreak of sweating and labored breathing. This was immediately relayed to additional supervisory staff. Officer Stone was then brought on a yard cart to the shift supervisor’s office.
After a brief discussion with Officer Stone, medical staff Jason Asher was notified. After he arrived, a medical evaluation indicated a need for emergency transport to a more advanced medical facility. Officer Stone was then transported by ambulance.
Officers Walker and Anthony were observant of their fellow staff and their actions were paramount to the timely intervention of Officer Stone’s developing medical condition.
On 5/9/21, at approximately 5:30 pm, a code 16 was called in the West dining hall. Upon arrival, I learned that an offender was found to be choking and COI Sherry Walsh applied the Heimlich Maneuver to dislodge the blocked airway.
I believe COI Walsh should be recognized for her dedication to the safety and security of the institution with her quick thinking preventing what could have been a much worse situation for the offender.
Three staff members have received their Certificate of Achievement as The Corrections Way Ambassadors. These three staff members are Candice Bell, CCM, Stephanie Eckert, CCM and Nelda Kroll, COII.
The Corrections Way Ambassadors work hard to encourage DOC staff and to keep their spirits up! The most recent evidence of this was the “Let Your Value Sparkle) display that was in the main lobby. (See TCW July Display)
New Team Members
Lisa Ripley , Academics Teacher III – July 12, 2021
Jonathon Rosburg, COI – July 12, 2021
Candice Frans, COI (transfer from MCC) – July 11, 2021
James Lawson, COI – July 19, 2021
Kaitlee Lovell, COI – July 26, 2021
Kristina Sims, COI to IPO – July 4, 2021
Lindy Smith, OSA to Account Clerk – July 1. 2021
Jennifer Horton, OSA to Account Clerk – July 1, 2021
Anna Fountain, CKII to COI – July 11, 2021
Dennis Robbins, COI – July 31, 2021
Elnora Sprofera, OSA – July 31, 2021
Sharon Grant, CTE Supervisor – July 31, 2021
Susan Anderson, CTE OSA – July 31, 2021
Staff Moves
Shona Simpson, IAC promoted to CCM at WMCC – July 25, 2021
Town Hall Report
July Town Halls were held July 23, 2021 from 6:00-7:00am, 10:00-11:00am and 3:00-4:00pm. Eight staff members attended the meetings.
Important Dates
August 3 – Morale Committee $1 Dress Down Day
August 12 – PBC $2.00 Dress Down Day
August 16 – Pay day
August 25 – Morale Committee FREE Dress Down Day
August 26 – PBC $2.00 Dress Down Day
August 31 – Pay day
August 31 – Wellness Committee $1 Dress Down Day

June 2021
Big News
Staff Luncheon
The Morale Committee in conjunction with the Personnel Benefits Committee and the Wellness Committee served a BBQ hamburger lunch to all staff on Tuesday, June 22. Included in the meal were chips, Hy-Vee cookies and a drink. The Morale Committee worked hard getting donations for a silent auction. They used some of their donations to select staff members for a free giveaway. All staff members received a coupon for a FREE Route 44 drink from Sonic. The staff expressed their appreciation to all committees.
SOMO Torch Run

The Special Olympics Torch Run for 2021 was held May 26, 2021. Volunteers from Probation and Parole, Chillicothe Police Department and Chillicothe Correctional Center participated in the Torch Run. Pictured in the large group photo is employees from Probation & Parole, Chillicothe Correctional Center and the Chillicothe Police Department. Pictured in the additional photo-volunteers running down Main Street in Chillicothe.
Special Olympics Poker Run
On 06/12/2021, CCC held its 10th annual Poker Run for Special Olympics. We had approximately 40 bikes and raised $1,597.
Employee of the Month
IPO Emily Asher
Emily Asher, Institutional Probation and Parole Officer, was named the June 2021 Employee of the Month. Emily was nominated for this award by Housing Unit #2 2nd shift staff who recognized her constant professionalism and commitment to ensuring a safe environment for staff and offenders.

It was indicated that during the week of December 18, 2020, there was an offender who was getting released after short notice and with a lot of changes with the home plan. IPO Asher did a wonderful job working with all areas to make the necessary arrangements. IPO Asher completed this task, which should have taken months to figure out, in a matter of days. Housing Unit #2 staff wanted to acknowledge you for once again going above and beyond.
Emily’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Asher is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate she is a professional and a team player.
New Team Members
Codey Sackrey, COI – June 1, 2021
MacKenzie Slater, COI – June 1, 2021
Billy Stroud, COI - June 14, 2021
Elizabeth Tredway, COI – June 14, 2021
Dustin King, COI – June 14, 2021
Anna Fountain, Cook II – June 14, 2021
Rachel Loethen, Nurse Practioner – June 23, 2021
Zachary Scott, Stationary Engineer – June 28, 2021
Cameron Fast, FUM (transferred from WMCC) – June 27, 2021
Sterling Ream, DON to HSA – May 30, 2021
Marlin Waldrep, COI to COII – June 1, 2021
Nicole Grady, COI to COII – June 1, 2021
Daniel Fraley, COI to COII – June 1, 2021
Chelsey Rhoades, Account Clerk to Business Executive – June 7, 2021
Ashton Christopher, CCM to FUM – June 27, 2021
Robert Heselton, COI – June 30, 2021
Rose Burke, COI – June 30, 2021
Town Hall Report
June Town Halls were held June 30, 2021 from 6:00-7:00am, 8:00-9:00am and 3:00-4:00pm. Ten staff members attended the meetings.
Important Dates
July 5 – Holiday
July 7 – PBC Dress Down Day
July 15 – Wellness Committee Dress Down Day
July 15 – Pay day
July 23 – PBC Dress Down Day
July 26 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day
July 30 – Pay day

May 2021
Big News
National Crime Victims’ Rights Week was held April 18-24, 2021. The offenders at CCC placed pinwheels in the flower garden to commemorate Crime Victim’s Week. A video was created by the offender workers in the new CCC Media Center and has been saved in a file on our “I” drive for staff to view at their convenience. In honor of CVRW, CCC offenders and staff donated hygiene items to the Green Hills Women's Shelters in Cameron and Trenton MO. Treatment Offenders were able to make monetary donations to both shelters which totaled $818. 17.
The CCC Wellness Committee sold BBQ hot dog lunches to staff members on all three shifts for $5.00. Hot dogs were barbecued on the staff grill May 14, 2021. Chips, cookies and soda or water were included with the meal. Several staff members expressed their appreciation to the Wellness Committee for the meal. The Wellness Committee would like to thank everyone who participated either by cooking the hot dogs or purchasing a meal.
Employee of the Month
OSA Kylee Ireland
Kylee Ireland, Office Support Assistant-Mailroom was named the May 2021 Employee of the Month. Kylee was nominated for this award her supervisor, Penney Clevenger, SOSA who recognized her constant professionalism and commitment to ensuring a safe environment for staff and offenders.

It was indicated that on February 24, 2021 while processing mail, Ms. Ireland found a white substance inside a greeting card, which was identified as methamphetamine. Her supervisor noted that although she has only worked in the mailroom a few months, she has become very adept at conducting thorough searches on mail, to include, searching between the layers of cards. Her keen searching skills and attention to detail contributed towards this substance being found, therefore, preventing drugs from entering the institution and getting into an offender’s possession.
Kylee’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Ireland is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate she is a professional and a team player
New Team Members
Brandy Baker, COI – May 3, 2021
Kendra Gutshall, COI – May 3, 2021
Michaelle Lowery, Corizon, WSRU Coordinator – May 3, 2021
Darrell Burns, COI – May 10, 2021
Cory Ray, Cook II – May 10, 2021
Michael Green, COI – May 17, 2021
Mark Warren, COI to CCM – May 17, 2021
Billie Richards, COI to CCM - May 17, 2021
Blake Wheeler, COI to CCM – May 17, 2021
Paula Murphy, OSA to MVE Supervisor II – May 24, 2021
Christopher Carpenter, COI to Electronics Technician – May 24, 2021
Tammy Dysart, Business Executive II – May 31, 2021
Town Hall Report
May Town Halls were held May 25, 2021 from 6:00-7:00am, 8:00-9:00am and 3:00-4:00pm. Eight staff members attended the meetings.
Important Dates
June 3 – Morale Committee $1 Dress Down Day
June 8 – PBC Dress Down Day
June 15 – Pay day
June 16 – Wellness Committee $1 Dress Down Day
June 21 – Morale Committee FREE Dress Down Day
June 25 – PBC Dress Down Day
June 30 – Pay day
April 2021
Employee of the Month
SOSA Vicki Price
Vicki Price, Senior Office Support Assistant was named the April 2021 Employee of the Month. Vicki was nominated for this award by Karen Gatton, CCM, who recognized her constant professionalism and willingness to assist her fellow staff members.
It was indicated that when Karen was recently off on extended medical leave, she was faced with the overwhelming burden of completing an excessive amount of documentation related to her illness. She indicated that Vicki was always willing to offer her assistance and answer her questions. She was diligent in her duties going above and beyond to assist in whatever way she could and she continues to do so. Her willingness to help assisted this employee through a very difficult and stressful time. The nomination states, “We are very lucky to have someone with the care and compassion that Vicki shows while doing her job. I cannot thank her enough for everything she does
Vicki’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Ms. Price is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate she is a professional and a team player.
Awards & Recognition
Kimberly Klever, AOSA and Angela Hightower, OSA-Switchboard honored all clerical who work on the switchboard relief rotation schedule with a pizza luncheon on Friday, April 23 in conjunction with Administrative Professionals Day. Domino’s pizza, cupcakes made by Kim Klever and chocolate covered strawberries were served. Varied packages of M&M’s with thank you notes attached were made available for clerical to take back to their desks
New Team Members
Dr. Ellen Sheridan, Dentist – April 12, 2021
Rodney Buttz, COI, transfer from KCRC – April 18, 2021
Jayla Cashatt, COI – April 19, 2021
Allen Eakins, COI – April 19, 2021
Nicholas Kelsey, COI – April 19, 2021
Savannah King, COI – April 19, 2021
Quentin Mammen, COI – April 19, 2021
Preston Ishmael, COI – April 26, 2021
Shawn Pettigrew, CCM to AW (transfer to WMCC) – April 19, 2021
Amy Parkhurst, CCM to AW – April 19, 2021
Joyce Perry, 19 Hour OSA – April 30. 2021
Important Dates
May 3 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day
May 6 – Wellness Committee Dress Down Day
May 7 – HOLIDAY – Truman’s birthday
May 10 – PBC Dress Down Day
May 14 – Pay day
May 20 – Morale Committee FREE Dress Down Day
May 26 – PBC Dress Down Day
May 28 – Pay day
May 31 – HOLIDAY – Memorial Day.
March 2021
Big News
Polar Plunge
Chillicothe hosted their first Polar Plunge at Simpson in Chillicothe MO on February 22, 2021. We had 22 plunges, 5 of the plunges were Pee Wee plunges. Total raised $8,714. The Chillicothe High School raised over $2,000 for the school.
Employee of the Month
MS II JD Shafer
MS II JD Shafer was named the March 2021 Employee of the Month. JD was nominated for this award by Kimberly Herring, DWO, who recognized his constant professionalism and willingness to assist his fellow staff members.
It was indicated that JD consistently goes above and beyond to assist in whatever way he can. He assumes the responsibilities of the Locksmith and the Fire and Safety Manager when these staff members are away from the facility. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he has worked very hard to help the Fire and Safety Manager ensure all staff have the necessary PPE. He has done all of this with a positive attitude, while also completing his own duties and responsibilities. The nomination states, “JD leads by example and his staff respect and admire him for that. He models what a true leader and team play look like and is a very encouraging and positive influence on all those around him. JD is a great example of what professionalism and teamwork should look like and role models the mission, vision and values of this Department. Chillicothe Correctional Center is very fortunate to have JD on our team.”

JD’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. He is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate he is a professional and a team player
Awards & Recognition
Lifesaver Awards
On June 26, 2020, an offender in the Transitional Care Unit was in duress at which time her breathing stopped and life preserving measures had to be taken. LT. Stephanie Eckert, RN Jason Asher, and LPN Elizabeth Crist began CPR and worked diligently in efforts to preserve the offender’s life. All three continued the life saving measures until the offender was off site with LT. Eckert staying with the offender in the ambulance and assisting the paramedics by conducting chest compressions until she was relieved by the Hedrick Medical Center staff.
These three staff members lead by example and showed extraordinary dedication to their job and the citizens of this great state by going above and beyond their duties in a unified effort to preserve the life of another human.
Distinguished Service
On July 7, 2020, while traveling home from work, Major David Savage and COI Erick Passig each came upon the same car accident on US Highway 36 in Linn County. Savage and others provided comfort and care to the victims of the accident until the first responders arrived. Savage and Passig also assisted in removing fencing in order to allow the first responders to safely remove the victims from the scene and transport them to a nearby hospital.
Their willingness to assist others during a time of need is a testament to the care and concern they have for others.
On Friday, September 4, 2020, CCM Mandy Corbin, COI Brittany Hughes, CCM John Huber, COII Kurt Reith, COI Mari Meservey, ROI Nicholas Searcy, COI Kelsie Wynne, COI Lindsay Brown, COII Jessie Fondren, COI Adam Wynne, COII Holly Stevens, COI David Baker, and PPOII Emily Asher were at the NRO Campground near Lebanon, MO, when an underage minor was spotted wandering the area. CCC staff members interviewed the minor and were told the child was assaulted and then abandoned at the campground and was trying to get back home to KC. Safe haven, food, clothing and a cell phone were provided to the minor. After discovering the mother was unable to pick up the child, another member of the group was to take the child to Kansas City. The child then contacted the father who was able to get to the child at the campground. The child stayed in the care of CCC staff until the father arrived.
New Team Members
Matthew LaFerney, COI – March 15, 2021
Luis Sanchez, COI – March 15, 2021
Jericks Silver, COI – March 15, 2021
Rebekah Chavarria, COI – March 22, 2021
Karissa Trentham, MH Clerk – March 23, 2021
Jordan Chavarria, COI – March 29, 2021
Marla Felton, AW to DWO (transferred to WMCC) – March 12, 2021
Derek Rardon, CCMII to Functional Unit Manager – March 21, 2021
Kyle Bagley, COI to COII – March 28, 2021
Chelsea Scott, COI to COII – March 28, 2021
Shenea Gardner, COI to COII – March 28, 2021
Laura Major, CKII to CKIII – March 28, 2021
Tim Goebel, Recruiter – March 31, 2021
Edwin Hill, COI – March 31, 2021
Important Dates
April 1 – Morale Committee Free Dress Down day
April 13 – PBC Dress Down day
April 15 – Payday
April 15 Wellness Committee Dress Down day
April 21 – Morale Committee Dress Down day
April 29 – PBC Dress Down Day
April 30 – Payday
February 2021
Employee of the Month
OSA Carla Meyers
Carla Meyers, OSA was named the February 2021 Employee of the Month. Carla was nominated for this award by her former supervisor, Lori Parkey, FUM who recognized her constant professionalism and willingness to assist her fellow staff members.
It was indicated that when Chillicothe Correctional Center began facing challenges presented by COVID-19 this past year, Carla was assigned to Housing Unit #8 which was the designated area for isolation and quarantined offenders. She went above and beyond her assigned duties, assisting both classification and custody staff with any task needing attention including serving meals, getting ice, and handing out canteen to offenders on isolation/quarantine status. She searched property, swept, mopped, and disinfected numerous areas of the housing unit while keeping her normal duties completed. It was noted she was recently assigned to the receiving and orientation housing unit, and along with her new responsibilities, trained two new Office Support Assistants and provided manuals to assist them learn their duties. The nomination states, “Carla does all this with a positive attitude and calming demeanor. She shows great teamwork and professionalism on a daily basis.”
Carla’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. She is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate she is a professional and a team player.
Awards & Recognition
On February 5, 2021 in the Recreation Gym, service pin awards, Employee of the Year, and special awards were given out. Awards given out were as follows:
Employee of the Year
The Employee of the Year for 2020 was Kristina Sims, COI. Ms. Sims was the Employee of the Month for October. She was nominated by Jennifer Horton, SOSA-P&P and Joy Main, OSA for her willingness to go above and beyond her normal duties by ensuring the Administration building was cleaned while offenders were not allowed in the Administration building during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her initiative to maintain cleanliness and good order did not go unnoticed or unappreciated.
Pictured are 4 of the 2020 Employees of the Month (l to r) Leanna Anderson COI, Kristina Sims COI, Amber Adams POII, and Kathryn Robinson COI.
Pictured is the 2020 Employee of the Year – Kristina Sims, COI.
Award of Valor
On March 19, 2019 as Captain Jerry Shafer was driving home from work on westbound US Highway 36, he observed a vehicle in the ditch. He observed a man running around the vehicle and appeared to be chasing a partially clothed female. Captain Shafer immediately called *55 to notify Law Enforcement. He then stepped between the two individuals to ensure the man could not further assault the woman and informed them law enforcement had been notified and was enroute. The man fled the scene on foot with Captain Shafer staying with the woman to ensure her safety until troopers arrived.
The MSHP stated there had been several 911 calls regarding the vehicle, but Captain Shafer was the only caller who stopped to assist. The trooper on scene reported the woman had two black eyes and her nose and lip were bleeding from the assault. The woman informed them the man had threatened to kill her and she grabbed the steering wheel to force it off the road so she could escape
Photo: Jerry Shafer, CSI being pinned by DWO Kimberly Herring. Also pictured is DAI Division Director Ryan Crews.
Distinguished Service Awards
On Friday, September 4, 2020, CCM Mandy Corbin, COI Brittany Hughes, CCM John Huber, COII Kurt Reith, COI Mari Meservey, ROI Nicholas Searcy, COI Kelsie Wynne, COI Lindsay Brown, COII Jessie Fondren, COI Adam Wynne, COII Holly Stevens, COI David Baker, and PPOII Emily Asher were at the NRO Campground near Lebanon, MO, when an underage minor was spotted wandering the area. CCC staff members interviewed the minor and were told the child was assaulted and then abandoned at the campground and was trying to get back home to KC. Safe haven, food, clothing and a cell phone were provided to the minor. After discovering the mother was unable to pick up the child, another member of the group was to take the child to Kansas City. The child then contacted the father who was able to get to the child at the campground. The child stayed in the care of CCC staff until the father arrived.
Pictured front row (l to r) Emily Asher POII, Holly Stevens OSA (formerly COII), and Mandy Corbin CCMII. 2nd row (l to r) Adam Wynne COI, Jessie Fondren COII, Lindsay Brown COI, David Baker COI, Kelsie Wynne COI, Nicholas Searcy, ROI.
On July 13, 2020, a memorandum was received from Doris E. Falkenrath, Warden of FRDC, expressing her appreciation for CROIII Jennifer Kamp’s assistance in the Records Department at FRDC during a time of quarantine immediately following their sentinel testing on June 2, 2020. It was stated that CROIII Kamp’s knowledge and expertise proved to be successful in completing the daily tasks necessary to process incoming offenders from various counties throughout Missouri.
Ms. Kamp is very dependable and goes above and beyond her normal job duties. She has a “strive for excellence” attitude that is greatly appreciated.
Pictured (l to r) Chris McBee, Warden, Kimberly Herring, DWO, Jennifer Kamp, Records Coordinator, Ryan Coffman, DWOM, and Marla Felton, AW.
On July 7, 2020, while traveling home from work, Major David Savage and COI Erick Passig each came upon the same car accident on US Highway 36 in Linn County. Savage and others provided comfort and care to the victims of the accident until the first responders arrived. Savage and Passig also assisted in removing fencing in order to allow the first responders to safely remove the victims from the scene and transport them to a nearby hospital.
Their willingness to assist others during a time of need is a testament to the care and concern they have for others.
Pictured is Major David Savage accepting his award from DWOM Ryan Coffman and Warden Chris McBee.
Housing Unit 8 was designated as the original Isolation/Quarantine are in our containment plan. It was quickly filled with positive and symptomatic offenders. The housing unit staff’s willingness to go the extra mile and make snap decisions ensured everyone’s safety and security. It has also provided a model for other housing units that have since had to adopt Isolation/Quarantine wings. Lori Parkey, FUM of Housing Unit 8 was an invaluable leader throughout this unprecedented time. From the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, she has risen to the challenge and remained positive. Her willingness to assist her subordinates and other staff throughout our institution has created a cohesive team that has overcome challenges and completed tasks that may not have been accomplished without her. From the beginning, Ms. Parkey has been forthcoming and patient. She listens to questions and concerns with sincerity and has followed up when given answers.
On 7/17/20, Ms. Parkey stayed well beyond her scheduled work day to assist with offender moves due to the sudden increase in the positive COVID cases. Whenever there is something new asked of her staff, she is right there in the trenches with them to help accomplish great feats.
Pictured front row (l to r) Warden Chris McBee, CCMII Aimee Dorrell, FUM Lori Parkey, and DWO Kimberly Herring. Back row (l to r) COI Jeff Parkey, DWOM Ryan Coffman, and AW Marla Felton.
On Wednesday, September 16, 2020, a corrections officer succumbed to a medical condition in Control Center that without a proper timely response could have turned into a medical emergency. COII John Morris, COI Michael Wohlgemuth, and COI Shirley Boothe responded immediately to the staff member’s cry for help. The ailing staff member was assisted to a nearby restroom and Ms. Boothe stayed with the individual until medical staff could arrive. The quick actions of these three staff members thwarted a potential medical emergency and provided critical timely assistance to a staff member in need.
Pictured: COII John Morris receiving his award from DWOM Ryan Coffman. DWO Kimberly Herring is in the background.
Lifesaver Awards
On June 26, 2020, an offender in the Transitional Care Unit was in duress at which time her breathing stopped and life preserving measures had to be taken. LT. Stephanie Eckert, RN Jason Asher, and LPN Elizabeth Crist began CPR and worked diligently in efforts to preserve the offender’s life. All three continued the life saving measures until the offender was off site with LT. Eckert staying with the offender in the ambulance and assisting the paramedics by conducting chest compressions until she was relieved by the Hedrick Medical Center staff.
These three staff members lead by example and showed extraordinary dedication to their job and the citizens of this great state by going above and beyond their duties in a unified effort to preserve the life of another human.
Pictured: CCMII (formerly COIII) Stephanie Eckert receiving her award from DWOM Ryan Coffman.
Anderson, Austin
Bagley, Kyle
Cahill, Kimberly
Carpenter, Christopher
Creason, Catherine
Eastman, Cody
Foster, Mercedes
Fulk, Jeremy
Gardner, chad
Gardner, Timothy
George, Rita
Gramenz, Kyle
Gray, Rosie
Havard, Leigh
Heins, Judith
Humphrey, Katrina
Larson, Brock
Masuch, Daniel
Miller, Brian
Rice, Christopher
Russell, Jeanette
Sackrey, Paiten
Tate, Robert
Teel, Kendra
Troxel, Kimberly
Wingate, Sherry
Yuille, David
Cook, Carol
Harrison, Bradford
Heselton, Robert
Miller, Roxann
Yarbrough, William
Akins, Stephen
Anderson, Sara
Anderson, Susan
Baker, David
Emmons, Cynthia
Helm, Paula
Jenkins, Jerry
Peters, Gary
Rhoades, Tammy
Thomas, Margie
Bannan, Carmelia
Cannon, Connie
Cordray, Larry
Craft, Pamela
Henton, Charles
Hulett, Randy
Moore, Terri
Morris, John
Parr, Niki
Phillips, James
Pittman, Tommy
Sackrey, Brad
Stith, Leslie
York, Aaron
Richards, James
Savage. David
Shively, Shelly
Staton, Shelley
New Team Members
Concheast Ray, COI – February 8, 2021
Harley Ryan, COI – February 8, 2021
Teena West, COI – February 8, 2021
Tyrone Midgyett from COII to COIII – February 7, 2021
Laura Andal from COI to COII – February 14, 2021
Alexas Cortez from COI to COII – February 14, 2021
Tayluer Dunks from COI to COII – February 14, 2021
Staff Moves
Chuck Ness, COII to Institutional Investigator (class lateral) – February 21, 2021
Town Hall Report
Town Halls for February will be held in the Yellow Conference Room on Friday, February 26, 2021 at the following times: 6:00-7:00 am, 8:00-9:00 am, and Thursday, February 25 from 3:00-4:00 pm.
Important Dates
March 2 – PBC Dress Down Day
March 4 – 1st round of in house COVID immunizations for staff
March 11 – Morale Committee Dress Down Day
March 15 – Payday
March 17 – PBC Dress Down Day
March 25 – Morale Committee Free Dress Down Day
March 31 – PBC Dress Down Day
March 31 - Payday

January 2021
Big News
CCC offenders held their first ever Polar Plunge to help raise money for Special Olympics, Saturday January 16, 2021. 21 offenders participated in the Polar Plunge raising $413.00 for Special Olympics.
The Livingston County Health Department and CCC have been collaborating to bring the COVID-19 vaccine to CCC staff. On Friday, January 22, approximately 80 staff members made their way to the Health Department to receive their first round of vaccine. On Monday and Tuesday, February 1 and 2, an additional 85-90 staff will be receiving their first round of vaccine. Staff were all smiles after receiving their shot. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the Livingston County Health Department for all they do!

Employee of the Month
OSA Linda Shafer
OSA Linda Shafer was named the January 2021 Employee of the Month. Linda was nominated for this award by Joy Main, OSA who recognized her constant professionalism and willingness to assist her fellow staff members.
It was indicated that Linda plays an integral role in the office of Deputy Warden of Offender Management, with one of her primary responsibilities being the assistance with PREA files and paperwork. She also assists with coordinating offender legal calls, inputting phase ups for treatment offenders, entering administrative correspondence on a spreadsheet and routing them appropriately, conducting background checks for visitors, vendors and truck drivers, assisting the Mailroom when needed and answering phones for various offices when needed. When limited visiting was opened up, she took on the responsibility of making appointments for family to see their loved ones. She assisted with keeping the Administration work area clean when the porters weren’t coming up due to COVID-19.
Linda’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. She is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate she is a professional and a team player.
New Team Members
Kerry Lowrey, COI – January 4, 2021
Linda Maupin, P&P Office Support Assistant – January 4, 2021
Terry Collins, Stationary Engineer - January 11, 2021
Kyler Ireland, COI – January 11, 2021
Michelle Eads, COI (transfer from WMCC) - January 17, 2021
Lynda Brewer, OSA-Food Service - January 31, 2021
Some of our in-class training has been starting back up. January had 72 staff members attend Defensive Tactics training in our Training Building. The CERT team conducted PR24 baton training with all 19 members present.
Town Hall Report
Town Halls were held January 8 in the Visiting Room so that staff could maintain social distancing. The times of these meetings were 6:00-7:00am, 8:00-9:00am and 3:00-4:00pm. 15 staff members attended the town hall meetings.
Important Dates
February 11 - Payday
February 12 – Holiday-Lincoln’s Birthday
February 15 – Holiday-Washington’s Birthday
February 26 - Payday
December 2020
Employee of the Month
CO I Leanna Anderson
CO I Leanna Anderson was named the Employee of the Month for December. Anderson was nominated for this award by several fellow staff members who recognized her professionalism and her constant attentiveness to security issues.
It was indicated that while conducting a cell search in a housing unit, Anderson discovered a large amount of dangerous contraband. Utilizing her training and excellent searching skills, she found and recovered the items, reducing the presence of contraband in the institution. The nomination states “Officer Anderson is a pleasure to work with and a positive influence to all who have the pleasure of working with her. Her actions greatly contribute to the safety and security of the institution and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. Anderson is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
New Team Members
Sarah French, COI – December 7, 2020
Kayler Grant, COI – December 14, 2020
Elysha Hampton, COI – December 14, 2020
Brennen Carter, COI – December 21, 2020
Shenea Gardner, COI – December 21, 2020
Karrisa Huffman, OSA Records – December 21, 2020
Kylee Ireland, OSA Mailroom – December 21, 2020
Tyler McCurley, COI – December 21, 2020
Matthew Nefferdorf, COI, (transfer from WMCC) – December 20, 2020
Paige Truitt, OSA Maintenance – December 21, 2020
Brandi Bowen, COI (transfer from WMCC) – December 27, 2020
Terri Dulaney, CIO (transfer from WMCC) – December 27, 2020
Eric Moore, COI (transfer from WMCC) – December 27, 2020
Laura Major, Cook II – December 28, 2020
Aaron York, from AIO to CCM – December 13, 2020
Candice Bell, from COI to CCM – December 13, 2020
Stephen Jobe, COI – December 31, 2020
Important Dates
January 1 – New Year’s Day holiday
January 15 – Pay day
January 18 – Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday holiday
January 29 – Pay day
November 2020
New Team Members
Stacy Yarbrough, COI (transfer from WMCC) – November 8, 2020
Rhonda Gulley, COI – November 9, 2020
Austin Cordray, COI – November 9, 2020
Daniel Fraley, COI – November 9, 2020
Kyle Joyner, COI – November 9, 2020
Shandie Searcy, COI – November 9, 2020
John Stelplugh, COI – November 23, 2020
Janet Rhoades, Records Officer III (transfer from WMCC) – November 29, 2020
Samantha Rhinehart, CKII to CKIII – November 1, 2020
Edgar Ireland, COII to COIII – November 1, 2020
Tyler Lewis, COI to COII – November 22, 2020
Jennifer Hall, OSA – November 30, 2020
Beverly Kissick, Administrative Support Professional – November 30, 2020
Important Dates
December 15 – Pay day
December 24 – Holiday – Christmas Eve
December 25 – Christmas
December 31 – Pay day
October 2020
Big News
On September 15, 2020, an email was sent from Functional Unit Manager Lori Parkey explaining a bare paper tree that was attached to the wall in the Lobby. The CCC Corrections Way Ambassadors were selling fall leaves with positive, uplifting, and motivational words on them. These leaves could be purchased for $1.00/each and the money raised was to be given to the Kindness Revolution. The Kindness Revolution assists local schools, businesses, and organizations with fundraising for great causes. This particular fundraiser was going to the purchase of Scholastic Books for local elementary students. A goal was set to raise $400.00 by October 15. A list of Ambassadors by shift was included in the email. These staff members were FUM Lori Parkey, COIII Elonda Sharp, FUM Cheryl Richey, COII Michael Horn, and COII Nelda Kroll. By October 2, CCC staff had contributed $200.00 to the Kindness Revolution. In an email from Ms. Parkey on October 19, staff was notified they had contributed $506.00 to the Kindness Revolution!
Employee of the Month
CO I Kristina Sims
CO I Kristina Sims was chosen as the Employee of the Month for the month of October. She was nominated by SOSA-P&P Jennifer Horton and OSA Joy Main in recognition of her positive attitude and willingness to assist others, as well as her outstanding work ethic.
Joy Main, and Warden Chris McBee
It was indicated that during the COVID-19 outbreak at our facility when offender porters were not available to work, Ms. Sims, whose normal post is the Visiting Room with its myriad duties, stepped up to complete various cleaning duties within the Administration Building along with some other staff. When she observed anything needing to be done to maintain cleanliness and good order in the building, she took the initiative to accomplish these tasks. The nominations stated, “We all get busy in our work day and these duties can get pushed to the back burner. With Ms.Sims taking the initiative to do these extra duties, we can go throughout our day knowing we can continue to have a clean work environment to come to every day. She always did this with a smile on her face.”
Her actions greatly contribute to the smooth operations of her department and this facility and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. She is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate she is a professional and a team player.
New Team Members
Emily Jones, COI – October 5, 2020
Corbin Valdez, COI – October 5, 2020
Daniel Stith, PRN, LPN, Corizon – October 5, 2020
Natalie Hutchinson, Counselor II, Gateway – October 14, 2020
Caley Riddle, PRN Dental Assistant, Corizon – October 15, 2020
Colton Cottrell, COI – October 19, 2020
Hannah Chavarria, COI – October 19, 2020
Nancy M. Walker, COI – October 19, 2020
Susan Cooksey, Cook II – October 19, 2020
Mary Saale, Cook II – October 19, 2020
Angela York, Cook II – October 26, 2020
Dawn Milburn, QMHP, Corizon Mental Health – October 26, 2020
Sherry Walsh, CKII to COI – October 4, 2020
Mark Jackson, COI – October 31, 2020
Important Dates
November 11 – Veterans Day
November 16 – Payday
November 26 – Thanksgiving
November 30 - Payday
September 2020
Employee of the Month
CO I Dusty Lybarger
CO I Dusty Lybarger was chosen as the Employee of the Month for the month of September. He was nominated by CO II John Morris and CO III Stephanie Eckert. In their nomination it was stated, "Dusty was observed putting in the effort to ensure that any unexpected Housing Unit moves got done in an orderly manner with little to no notification during the quarantine and/or isolation of offenders that needed to be placed on other housing units to help ensure the health and safety of the institution. Even during the busiest of times, Lybarger always kept his cool and was very professional and pleasant to deal with. Even though his duties are behind the scene, it requires a great deal of knowledge and expertise. Dusty would also volunteer on his RDO’s due to staff shortages. He is an asset to Chillicothe."
New Team Members
Mary Tredway, Personnel Clerk, (transfer from WMCC) – September 6, 2020
Lydah Lafolette, Cook II – September 8, 2020
Jennifer Llanes, Cook II – September 14, 2020
Michael Moore, Optometrist, Corizon – September 21, 2020
Important Dates
October 12 – Columbus Day Holiday
October 13 – PBC Dress Down Day
October 14-15 – Charitable Campaign Dress Down Days
October 15 – Payday
October 21-22 – Charitable Campaign Dress Down Days
October 29 – PBC Dress Down Day
October 30 – Payday
October 31 – Halloween
August 2020
Employee of the Month
IPO Amber Adams
Amber was nominated by IPO Tamira Marriott recognizing her positive attitude, her outstanding work ethic, and willingness to assist others.
Due to staff absences related to COVID-19 virus containment at CCC, Amber remains kind, upbeat and is always willing to help others without being asked. When her co-workers are out of the office, she goes above and beyond, checking their mailboxes for important paperwork, release papers, and home plans, ensuring no necessary duties are neglected. Because she is a team player, good listener and has an amazing work ethic, not only do co-workers look up to her, but other staff members, and offenders as well. Amber is the definition of “team player”.
Amber’s actions greatly contribute to the smooth operation of her department and CCC and her professionalism does not go unnoticed. She is a huge asset and her actions consistently demonstrate her professionalism and abilities as a team player.
Pictured(from left): Kelley Burke, US, Mandy Coffman, DA, Tamira Marriott, IPO, EOM Amber Adams, IPO, and Chris McBee, Warden.
New Team Members
Bradley Mosier, COI – August 3, 2020
Brooke Jettelson, LPN (Corizon) – August 17, 2020
Madison Searcy, LPN (Corizon) – August 17, 2020
Becca Myrick, LPN, PRN (Corizon) – August 17, 2020
David Sanson, COI, (transfer from WMCC) – August 17, 2020
James Williams, Dentist (Corizon) – August 24, 2020
Dora Beers, COIII (transfer from OCC) – August 30, 2020
Jeffrey Gulley, COI – August 31, 2020
Megan Paalher, Licensed Practical Nurse (Corizon) – August 31, 2020
Julianne Walton from Cook II to COI – August 9, 2020
Shawn Pettigrew from CCMII to Functional Unit Manager – August 24, 2020
Bonieta Southers, COI – August 31, 2020
Firearms training has restarted for Custody effective August 31, 2020
Town Hall Report
No town hall meetings were held in August
Important Dates
September 7 – Labor Day holiday
September 8 – PBC Dress Down Day
September 15 – pay day
September 17 – PBC Dress Down Day
September 14 – 18 - Corrections Week, FREE Dress Down Days all week
September 30 – pay day
July 2020
Employee of the Month
CO I Kathryn Robinson
Kathryn was nominated for this award by CO I Mark Ridgway who recognized her positive attitude and motivational interviewing skills which contributed greatly to the well being of an offender.
Recently, while interacting with an offender who had refused eight consecutive meals, CO I Ridgway spoke with the offender and found the offender was not refusing due to protest, but simply was not hungry. He discussed the situation with CO I Robinson, which led to her continuing the conversation with the offender. Using her motivational interviewing skills resulted in the offender asking for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. When this request was passed along to the Shift Supervisor, the meal was immediately approved. These actions averted the refusal of a ninth meal, which would have constituted a hunger strike. Kathryn’s actions, as well as the actions of the other staff involved, greatly contributed to the well being of this offender and their professionalism does not go unnoticed. CO I Robinson is a huge asset to this facility and her actions consistently demonstrate that she is a professional and a team player.
New Team Members
Jason Lee, COI – 7/6/2020
Mason Giles, COI – 7/6/2020
Autumn Bethards – 7/28/2020
Brandon Johnson promoted from QMHP to Institutional Chief of MH – 7/27/2020
Acting ICMH Michael Williams – 7/23/2020
Ritchie Allnutt – 7/31/2020
Important Dates
August 14 – payday
August 31 – payday
June 2020
Employee of the Month
CO I Gary Peters
CO I Gary Peters was nominated for this award by CO II Carl Jones who recognized his keen skills which contributed greatly to the safety and security of the institution.
Recently while showers were being conducted in Housing Unit #1, COI Peters recognized that an offender’s personal item had been altered to conceal and transport items to the shower area. Utilizing his training and excellent searching skills, he found and removed the item, reducing the passing of contraband in the Administrative Segregation Unit.
Gary’s actions greatly contributed to the safety and security of the institution and his professionalism does not go unnoticed. CO I Peters is a huge asset to this facility and his actions consistently demonstrate that he is a professional and a team player.
New Team Members
Laura Andal, COI – 6/1/20
Curtis Lanning, RN – 6/16/20
Elizabeth Guth, Dental Asst. – 6/24/20
Candi Smith, X-Ray Tech – 6/24/20
Amanda Vance, Cook II – 6/29/20
Anthony Sprofera, COI – 6/30/20
Town Hall Report
Town Hall meetings have been suspended indefinitely due to COVID-19.
Important Dates
July 15 – payday
July 31 – payday
May 2020
Employee of the Month
CO I Chuck Ness
On January 10, 2020, an offender was experiencing a mental health crisis. Chuck reported to the area and took charge of the situation. He was able to redirect the offender and gained compliance by utilizing deescalation tactics. He conducted himself in a professional manner which gained the offender’s trust as well as compliance. Chuck’s professionalism while interacting with this offender was exceptional and is the standard by which every staff member should strive to achieve.
New Team Members
Marcey Bell, RN – 5/7/20
Walter Anthony, COI – 5/11/20
Stephanie Jackson, COI – 5/11/20
Julie Ulmer, Corizon Admin Asst – 5/28/20
Nancy Shafer, promoted from Cook III to COI – 5/31/20
Christinia Spainhour-George, Stk I – 5/31/20
Barry Smith, COIII – 5/31/20
Gail Phillips, FUM – 5/31/20
Roger Nivens, COI – 5/31/20
Patsy Nivens, COI – 5/31/20
Important Dates
June 8-11 – COVID-19 Sentinel Testing
June 15 – payday
June 30 – payday
April 2020
Employee of the Month
CO I Faith Abbott
On December 16, 2019, while separating offender mail for Housing Unit #5, CO I Abbott was instrumental in preventing an item of dangerous contraband from getting into the hands of an offender when she noticed something suspicious involving the return address label of an incoming mail item. Due to her diligence, contraband was confiscated, which ensured the continued safety and security of the Chillicothe Correctional Center.
Walk-By Baby Shower for EHN Angela Albertson
A few CCC staff stopped outside EHN Angela Albertson’s office to celebrate the upcoming birth of her first child with a walk-by baby shower. Angela is due May 20th but will start maternity leave in early May and will not return until mid-July. CCC staff will greatly miss her while she is out!
New Team Members
Kassey DeYoe, COI (transfer from WMCC) – 4/5/20
Beverly Kroush, COI (transfer from WMCC) – 4/5/20
Marty Arnold, COI – 4/6/20
Sheldon Boyles, COI – 4/6/20
Ricky DeYoe, COI – 4/6/20
Jacob Leverett, COI – 4/6/20
Logan McDaniel, COI – 4/6/20
Clementina Oboh, COI – 4/6/20
Jessica Terry, MH Clerk – 4/14/20
Madison Brown, SACI (transfer from MTC) – 4/22/20
Grayson Samm, RN – 4/22/20
Kimberly Cahill, promoted from Cook II to Cook III – 4/26/20
Important Dates
May 8 – Truman Day
May 15 – payday
May 25 – Memorial Day
May 29 – payday
March 2020
Employee of the Month
CO I Maria Bearden
On October 21, 2019, while working in the Medical Unit, CO I Bearden was instrumental in retrieving contraband from an offender when she observed an offender placing something in the back of her state-issued pants. She called for a Sergeant and pulled the offender off to the side in the TCU Unit where a strip search resulted in the discovery of several slivers of Suboxone. Due to the diligence of CO I Bearden, contraband was confiscated which assisted in ensuring the safety and security of the institution.
New Team Members
Rachel Lynch, Substance Abuse Counselor I – 3/2/20
Gayle Colvin, QMHP – 3/5/20
Cristopher Talbert, COI – 3/16/20
Lisa Lanning, Med Records Clk – 3/24/20
Michelle Swickheimer, LPN (transfer from WMCC) – 3/30/20
Richard Melichar, Dentist – 3/31/20
Christina Slagle, promoted to COI from Cook II – 3/8/20
Joseph Regan, COI – 3/31/20
Steven Wade, CO I – 2/29/20
Staff Moves
Christopher Ishmael, class transferred to Locksmith from ROI – 3/1/20
Abigail Reed, demoted to OSA from Cook III – 3/15/20
Nicholas Searcy, transferred to COI in-tr for ROI from COI – 3/29/20
Town Hall Report
Town Hall Meetings have been suspended indefinitely due to COVID-19.
There were a total of 11 staff members in attendance at the February town hall meetings. Topics discussed at these meetings included DAI agenda items, report of broken equipment at the back gate, and offender moves from HU4C.
Important Dates
April 3 – Food Day
April 15 – payday
April 22 – Administrative Professionals Day
April 30 – payday
February 2020
CO I Richard Jettelson
On November 17, 2019, when CO I Jettelson was assigned to Recreation, he discovered a package containing dangerous contraband. Also, on December 18, 2019, while performing a quick search in the Housing Unit #5A, Jettelson an article of dangerous contraband. Due to the diligence of CO I Jettelson, these items of contraband were confiscated, which helped ensure the safety and security of the institution.
New Team Members
- Debra Stiverson, COI (transfer from WMCC) – 2/2/20
- Sherry Wingate, Cook II – 2/3/20
- Katherine Bailey, COI – 2/10/20
- Heather Thomas, LPN – 2/21/20
Town Hall Report
The following town hall meetings were held in February:
February 25 at 6:00 am, 9:00 am, 3:00 pm
Meeting minutes are not yet available.
Important Dates
March 5 – Food Day
March 10-12 – AFLAC visiting
March 16 – payday
March 31 – payday
January 2020
Employee of the Month
CO I Edward McLellan
In June 2019, Visiting Room staff were notified that a tip had been received from an offender that contraband was to enter the institution by a visitor and were placed on alert. After receiving this information, CO I McLellan maintained a constant physical presence on the Visiting Room floor and a persistent visual on the suspected offender and her visitor. No action went unnoticed. As a result of all staff efforts, a significant amount of dangerous contraband was successfully confiscated from this offender during a search. Due to the diligence of McLellan and the other staff members involved, this contraband was prevented from being introduced into the institution, which could have compromised the safety of both staff and offenders.
New Team Members
Anna Newsom, OSA-P&P – 1/6/20
Alicia Shaw, Nurse Pract – 1/9/20
Mary Miller, Activity Ther – 1/14/20
Elizabeth Crist, LPN – 1/17/20
Brenna Broyles, LPN – 1/17/20
Charolette Adams, QMHP – 1/28/20
Amber Rounkles, Med Clerk – 1/29/20
Vickie Stimpson, promoted from Cook I to COI (transfer from WMCC) – 1/12/20
Town Hall Report
The following town hall meetings were held in January:
January 14 at 8:00 pm
January 22 at 6:00 am & 8:00 am
Meeting minutes are not yet available.
There were a total of 15 staff members in attendance at the December town hall meetings. Topics discussed at these meetings included DAI agenda items, TimeClock Plus, offender release dress-outs, new uniforms/IDs, and CCC P4P dogs.
Important Dates
February 5 – Food Day
February 12 – Lincoln’s Birthday
February 14 – payday
February 17 – Presidents Day
February 28 – payday
November 2019
Employee of the Month
CO I Candice Bell
It was recognized on June 9, 2019, that CO I Bell received a tip from an offender that contraband was to enter the institution by a visitor. She then took the appropriate notifications and Visiting Room staff were alerted of this information. After receiving this information, CO II Jackson noticed that an offender who had exhibited suspicious behavior was trying to conceal an item from her while performing a search. CO II Jackson was successful in confiscating the item which turned out to be dangerous contraband. Due to the diligence of CO I Bell and the other staff members involved, dangerous contraband was prevented from being introduced into the institution, ensuring the safety of both staff and offenders.
Awards & Recognition
[Lifesaver awards, contest winners, etc.]
New Team Members
Craig McIntosh, COI (transfer from WMCC) – 11/3/19
Beth Rains, Records Ofr I (transfer from WMCC) – 11/3/19
Melissa Chavarria, RN – 11/18/19
Anna Cotiangco, RN – 11/18/19
Kelly Tipton, HSA (transfer from WMCC) – 11/24/19
Sterling Ream, DON – 11/24/19
James Gilgour, COI – 11/30/19
Catherine Jackson, COII – 11/30/19
Staff Moves
Angela Hightower, OSA-Switchboard – 11/10/19
Town Hall Report
The following town hall meetings were held in November:
November 13 at 6:00 am, 11:00 am, & 8:00 pm
Important Dates
December 2 – Food Day
December 5 – Comp Retain form deadline
December 16 – payday
December 25 – Christmas
December 31 – payday
October 2019
Big News
Charitable Campaign Fundraisers a Success
The CCC Charitable Campaign raised a total of $901.10 through fundraising efforts over a two-week period. Two events were held including a Water Soaker Contest and a Pie in the Face Contest. For the Water Soaker event, employees got to shoot a volunteer section head for $1 per soak! Volunteers included MSII JD Shafer, Inv. II Carrie Pfeifer, ROIII Darrell Sandy, Personnel Clerk Kristen Ford, and Capt. Chris Shaw. For the Pie in the Face contest, employees voted by monetary donation for the Administration Team Member they wanted to see get the pie in the face. The winner was announced just before the event and had to get pied twice (for both shift changes)! Contestants included Warden Chris McBee, DWO Ryan Coffman, DWOM Kimberly Herring, Major David Savage, and IIO Aaron York. Mr. Coffman was the lucky winner! Additionally, daily prizes were drawn for employees who returned their donation cards and more prizes were given at the end of the event as well. All in all, it was a fun and successful campaign! Special thanks is given to Coordinators Jami Walker and Tanya Allen!
Employee of the Month
CO II Catherine Jackson
(Pictured left to right: Warden Chris McBee, DWOM Kimberly Herring, COII Jackson, COII Nicholas Koenig, DWO Ryan Coffman, Major David Savage)
COII Catherine Jackson was nominated for this award by CO II Nicholas Koenig and CO I Kristina Sims. On June 9, 2019, while performing a search on an offender who had exhibited suspicious behavior, Jackson noticed that the offender was trying to conceal an item from her. She was successful in confiscating the item which turned out to be dangerous contraband. Due to the diligence of CO II Jackson and the other staff members assigned to the Visiting Room on this date, this contraband was prevented from being introduced into the institution, ensuring the safety of both staff and offenders. CO II Jackson’s hard work and dedication assists in the continued successful operations of the Chillicothe Correctional Center. She truly is an asset to this facility and the Department as a whole.
New Team Members
Ellen Kay Kissick, COI (transfer from WMCC) – 10/13/19
Tabitha Fitzpatrick, COI (transfer from WMCC) – 10/13/19
Jericks Silver, COI (transfer from WMCC) – 10/13/19
Raechel Kelley, Storekeeper I (transfer from WMCC) – 10/13/19
Terri Moore, Storekeeper II (transfer from WMCC) – 10/20/19
Kyle Kelly, Optometrist (transfer from WRDCC) – 10/21/19
Ellen Bollinger, RRMAT Caseworker (Gateway) – 10/21/19
Chad Gardner, COII – 10/6/19
John O’Malley, COII – 10/6/19
Clifford Smith, COII – 10/6/19
Staff Moves
David Doss, Labor Supervisor – 10/6/19
Town Hall Report
The following town hall meetings were held in October:
October 21 at 6:00 am, 8:30 am, & 3:00 pm
Important Dates
November 1 – Food Day
November 11 – Veterans Day
November 15 – payday
November 28 – Thanksgiving
November 29 – payday
September 2019
Employee of the Month
Investigator I Kate Hackney
Investigator Hackney has worked tirelessly on numerous recent successful drug and contraband interdictions. She effectively collaborates with Administrative Staff, as well as outside law enforcement agencies to assist in the coordination and success of these interdictions, some of which have resulted in arrests of perpetrators attempting to introduce contraband into the facility. DWOM Herring and Major Savage state, “Kate is constantly providing information necessary to making these interdictions successful. Ms. Hackney’s contributions have helped to create and enhance a safer environment for staff and offenders at this facility.”
Investigator Hackney’s hard work and dedication assists in the continued successful operations of the Chillicothe Correctional Center. She truly is an asset to this facility and the Department as a whole.
New Team Members
Christopher Shaw, Corrections Supervisor I (transfer from WMCC) – 9/1/19
Alex Carroll, Locksmith (transfer from WMCC) – 9/1/19
Margaret Walker, LPN – 9/3/19
Megan Blades, OSA (transfer from WMCC) – 9/29/19
Tamira Gray, PO I – 9/29/19
Susan Ball, CCMII – 9/30/19
Donald Jahraus, CO I – 8/31/19
Staff Moves
Jacob Hamilton, VES I – 9/8/19
Town Hall Report
The following town hall meetings were held in September:
September 27 at 6:00 am, 8:00 am, & 3:00 pm
Meeting minutes are not yet available.
Attendance from August town hall meetings were as follows:
August 23 at 6:00 am – 1
August 26 at 8:30 am – 12
August 27 at 3:00 pm – 10
Topics brought up by attending staff included appreciation regarding the Fallapalooza silent auction Wellness fundraiser, the importance of communication when passing information during shift transitions, Captain/Lieutenant rotation, protection of staff social security numbers, and reduction in offender population. Information from DAI meeting was also shared.
Important Dates
October 1 – Flu Shot Clinic
October 3 – Food Day
October 4 – Flu Shot Clinic
October 10 – Flu Shot Clinic
October 14 - Holiday
October 15 – payday
October 17 – Blood Drive 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
October 22 – Flu Shot Clinic
October 28 – Flu Shot Clinic
October 31 – payday
August 2019
Employee of the Month
CO I Nevin Curtis
CO I Curtis is assigned on Third Shift, where he is one of only two staff designated as PACT members. He is very effective at communicating, listening and providing assistance to staff members in need. PACT members are not always shown much recognition or appreciation because most of the assistance they give is confidential. CO I Lybarger states, “Seeing someone like CO I Nevin Curtis volunteer his time, his ear, and his good faith to help any individual in need, is a blessing to not only this institution, but all of his co-workers. It’s people like him that make this place feel like family, and allows staff members to turn to each other in times of need.”
Awards & Recognition
Lifesaver & Distinguished Service Awards – photos attached
Several staff were recognized at an awards ceremony held on August 13, 2019. The first event involved an offender who attempted suicide. The second event involved a staff member who had a cardiac event at work. The following staff received awards:
- Marlene Pfister, Licensed Practical Nurse
- Tabitha Johnson, Licensed Practical Nurse
- Mark Ridgway, CO I
- Angela Albertson, Employee Health Nurse
- Heather Thomas, Licensed Practical Nurse
- Jerry Shafer, CS I
- Kimberly Troxel, CO I
- Shelly Shively, CO I
- Tina Sturgeon, CO I
- Naomi Yuille, CO I
- Tina Burns, CO II
- Michael Brown, CO III
- Billie Jo Richards, CO I
- Dan Ellis, Fire & Safety Specialist
- Amy Gertz, FUM
- Sterling Ream, Health Services Administrator
- Tabitha Johnson, Licensed Practical Nurse
- Megan Brown, Licensed Practical Nurse
- Angelia McFie, Licensed Practical Nurse
- Tammy Christopher, Licensed Practical Nurse
- Amy Howe, Licensed Practical Nurse
- Debbie Ritter, Licensed Practical Nurse
- Jenny Meehan, Registered Nurse
(Photo 1- Pictured left to right: Warden Chris McBee, COI Mark Ridgway, LPN Marlene Pfister, LPN Tabitha Johnson, AW Marla Felton, DWO Ryan Coffman)
(Photo 2- Front left to right: COI Naomi Yuille, Warden Chris McBee, Connie Coots, COII Tina Burns, LPN Tabitha Johnson. Second row left to right: CCMII Robert Coots, RN Jenny Meehan, CSI Jerry Shafer. Third row left to right: COI Tina Sturgeon, F&S Spec Dan Ellis, FUM Amy Gertz, AW Marla Felton, LPN Debi Ritter, HSA Sterling Ream, COI Kimberly Troxel. Fourth row left to right: COI Shelly Shively, DWO Ryan Coffman, Major David Savage, COI Billie Jo Richards, EHN Angela Albertson, LPN Angelia McFie)
New Team Members
Robyn LaFountain – Corrections Officer I (transfer from WMCC) – 8/11/19
Tashina Schultz – Medical Records Clerk – 8/20/19
Dr. David Swee – Dentist – 8/21/19
Dr. Todd Richards – Medical Director (transfer from WMCC) – 8/24/19
Dr. Gary Bayer – Psychologist – 8/29/19
Margaret Walker – Licensed Practical Nurse – 8/30/19
Donald Jahraus – Corrections Officer I – 8/31/19
Town Hall Report
The following town hall meetings were held in August:
August 23 at 6:00 am
August 26 at 8:30 am
August 27 at 3:00 pm
Important Dates
September 2 – Holiday
September 4 – Food Day
September 16 – payday
September 17 – Deferred Comp visiting
September 30 – payday
July 2019
Employee of the Month
CO I Mandy Estes
CO I Mandy Estes has recovered a substantial amount of dangerous contraband while conducting her daily duties. Her keen eye and observations contribute towards ensuring a safe and secure institution for both staff and the offender population. Recently, she immediately stepped up in handling a situation in which an offender assigned to administrative segregation was attempting to harm herself and ensured the proper protocol was followed. Due to her calm demeanor, knowledge and the respect she gains from this population, Mandy was able to gain control of the situation and keep the offender safe.
New Team Members
Dr. Dwain Whitmore – Dentist (transfer from CRCC) – 7/1/19
Amy Botts – Academic Teacher III – 7/8/19
Ashley Keathley – Licensed Practical Nurse – 7/11/19
Kelly Seals – Nurse Practitioner – 7/15/19
Rhonda Enyard – Cook II – 7/23/19
Jessica Pomeroy – Cook II – 7/23/19
Brandon Johnson – Licensed Professional Counselor – 7/24/19
Transfers from CRCC effective 7/12/19 – 7/14/19:
CO I Kody Adams
CO I Leanna Anderson
CO I David Baker
CO I Rose Burke
CO I Sean Collins
CO I Jonathan Cowell
CO I Pamela Craft
CO I Rachel Crawford
CO I Robert Frock
CO I Cheyenne Harkins
CO I Heather Haynes
CO I Russell Heldenbrand
CO I Charles Henton
CO I Joshua Hess
CO I Mark Hoch
CO I Bobby Holmes
CO I Roy Houk
CO I Scott Jackson
CO I Richard Jettelson
CO I Marvin Knapp
CO I John Knouse
CO I Michael McCluskey
CO I Vicki McKiddy
CO I Ricardo Monroy
CO I Richard Owens
CO I Luis Pacheco
CO I Randall Reams
CO I Donald Rogers
CO I Steven Smith
CO I Velma Smith
CO I James Woods
CO II Jessie Fondren
O II Holly Stevens
CO III Keith Bentz
CO III Emmett O’Connell
CS I Lorri Welling
AOSA Kimberly Klever
CCM II Jerry Klever
CCM II Mark Parkhurst
CCM II Mandy Pettigrew
CCM II Shawn Pettigrew
FUM Amy Parkhurst
FUM Cheryl Richey
OSA Kielly McGinley
OSA Tanya Allen
RO I Joshua Hall
Ck I Samantha Rhinehart
Exec II Beverly Kissick
tkII Ray LaFountain
Stk I Tonya Sloan
Acct Clk Jami Walker
MS I Larry Fuhr
MW II Richard Winkowski
Janet Boley – Factory Manager I – 7/1/19
Philip Bower – Corrections Training Officer – 7/28/19
Town Hall Report
June 13 at 6:00 a.m. – 4 staff attended
June 13 at 3:00 p.m. – 8 staff attended
June 14 at 8:30 a.m. – 10 staff attended
Items from the section head meeting were shared with present staff.
Town Hall meetings in July were held July 26 at 6:00 am and July 29 at 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Meeting minutes have not been made available yet.
Important Dates
August 6 – Food Day
August 15 – Payday
August 30 – Payday
June 2019
Employee of the Month
Institutional Investigator Aaron York
Investigator Aaron York has worked tirelessly on numerous issues that arise at CCC. He has been actively involved in removing contraband from the institution. Most recently, Aaron was very instrumental in an interdiction that prevented several items of illegal and dangerous contraband from entering the institution. He has worked on multiple PREA allegations and completes the investigations in a very timely manner, which helps ensure minimal disruption to operations. His quick and efficient actions when investigating issues have proven to enhance the safety of all staff and offenders at CCC.
Investigator York is pictured with: Deputy Warden Kim Herring, RN Lisa York (spouse), and Warden Chris McBee.
New Team Members
Judy Wade – Office Support Assistant (P&P) – transfer from CRCC – 6/2/19
Terry Cowan – Probation & Parole Officer I – 6/24/19
Micky Snyder – Licensed Practical Nurse – 6/24/19
Kelsea Woelfle – Substance Abuse Counselor I – 6/24/19
Chance Guffey – Electronics Technician II (MWII in-tr) – 6/23/19
Brandon Doss – Academic Teacher I – 6/30/19
Town Hall Report
May 28 – 14 staff members attended
May 29 – 3 staff members attended
May 30 – 5 staff members attended
Staff questions were presented regarding nicotine lozenges for the offender population, staff training, and medical lay-ins. Items from the section head meeting were also shared with present staff.
Town Hall meetings in June were held June 13, and June 14.
Important Dates
July 1 – Food Day
July 4 – HOLIDAY
July 12-14 – CRCC Staff Transfers
July 30 – Deferred Comp Rep David Gibson
May 2019
Memorial Ceremony and Balloon Release for CO I Adron Sharp
On Saturday, May 4, 2019, a memorial service was held for former CO I Adron Sharp. In attendance were Sharp’s family, CCC Administration, and several others to show their support. Warden McBee led the memorial service, Chaplain Murphy led the guests in prayer, and some fellow co-workers took time to share stories and say a few words. The memorial service then moved outside for a memorial balloon release. Snacks and refreshments were served afterward. A check was presented to the mother of Mr. Sharp and his children from the money raised by CCC staff to help the family.
Employee of the Month
CO I Theresa Snider
On March 15, 2019, Theresa was conducting a search/wing tour of a housing unit and found an item of dangerous contraband. She removed the item and filled out necessary paperwork and forwarded to the Captains office for disposition. Her discovery ensured the further safety and security of the institution.
New Team Members
John Riead – Academic Teacher II – 5/1/19
Stephanie Breig – Substance Abuse Counselor I – 5/13/19
Stacy Hall – Licensed Practical Nurse – 5/17/19
Judith Hawkins – Corrections Officer II – 5/31/19
Kathy Tutt – Corrections Training Officer – 5/31/19
Town Hall Report
No summary due to Town Hall meetings scheduled for last week of May (May 28 at 2 p.m., May 29 at 6 a.m., and May 30 at 3 p.m.)
Important Dates
June 4 – ETA Deadline
June 6 – Comp Payout Deadline for June 14 payday
June 7 – Food Day
June 10-12 – PREA Audit
June 18 – ETA Deadline
June 20 – Comp Payout Deadline for June 28 payday
April 2019
CCC hosts 2019 Heartland Health Fair
On Thursday, April 25, 2019, CCC hosted a health fair for staff called 'Know Your Numbers.' Staff members were given a personal wellness card upon registration and took their card to receive screenings at various stations including hearing, vision, blood pressure, blood glucose, and vein screening. Guests were also given freebies, such as informational packets, water bottles, pens, fresh fruit, healthy snack bars. Over 100 staff members attended, and prizes were drawn for each individual booth.
Employee of the Month
CO I Donald Jahraus
On February 27, 2019, while moving and searching a storage cabinet in a housing unit day room, CO I Donald Jahraus discovered an item of dangerous contraband. Donald properly disposed of the item by turning it over to the institutional investigator. Donald's keen observation and swift removal of the contraband greatly contributed to the safety and security of the institution.
Distinguished Service Award
CO I Todd Mustain
While working in Housing Unit 2, CO I Todd Mustain utilizes his Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) appropriately and continues to be professional when dealing with staff and offenders.Todd remains professional with offenders even in the most difficult situations. An award ceremony was held on Thursday, April 18, 2019, at Chillicothe Correctional Center.
New Team Members
- CO I Ryan Reeter
- CO I Dylan Robinson
- RN Holly Fraley
- FUM Gail Phillips
- CCM II Karen Gatton
- CCM I Mandy Corbin
Town Hall Report
April 1 at 3 p.m. – 4 staff attended
April 2 at 6 a.m. – 0 staff attended
April 3 at 9 a.m. – 3 staff attended
Staff questions were presented regarding employees and visitors showing ID at all entry points of the institution, the Reading with the Dogs program, call-out entries in the AS400, and sanctioning for conduct violations. Items from the section head meeting were also shared with present staff.
Important Dates
- May 2: Food Day, PBC Dress Down Day, ETA Deadline
- May 6: Comp Payout Deadline for May 15 payday
- May 8: Holiday (Truman Day)
- May 20: ETA Deadline
- May 22: Comp Payout Deadline for May 31 payday
- May 27: Holiday (Memorial Day)
- May 28: Town Hall at 2 p.m.
- May 29: Town Hall at 6 a.m.
- May 30: Town Hall at 3 p.m.