Current ERDCC news can be found at: ERDCC Facebook page

September 2021
Big News
Keep in touch with what’s going on at ERDCC with the new Facebook page! It has been beneficial in the hiring process as well as keeping up with current events happening.
Correctional Employee Week was a big success and a big thank you goes to the ERDCC Personnel Club. They helped us celebrate all week long and planned the following activities for all of our Correctional Employees:
9/6/21 – Dress down day
9/15/21 – Popcorn payday
9/20 – 9/24 Corrections Week-dress down week!
9/20 – Biscuits and gravy
9/21 – Gus’ Pretzels
9/22 – Ice cream sandwich day
9/23 – BBQ/dunking booth day
9/24 – gift card drawing
Food Truck Days
When: Thursdays (Weather Permitting)
Where: ERDCC Parking lot
Who: Roxy’s hot grill & Concierge
What: Good hot food
Cash and Credit accepted

New Team Members
Kondracki, Kevin Educator
Miskel, Anthony COI
Rodriguez, Edelin COI
Clark, Brenden COI
Briley, Madison COI
Smith, Jessica COI
Fitzwater, Jesse OSA
Martin-Young, Mary CKII
Nesler, Courtney OSA
Mills, Robin OSA
Matthew, Stacie OSA
Lasmarias, Ted COI
Brooks, Wendy CKII
DeRousse, Brett CKII
DeRousse, Linda CKII
Rion, Rachel COI
Dunn, JoAnn CKII
McGilvry, Michael COI
Pullen, Breanna COI
Todaro, Christina COI
Garst, Skyler COI
Iahn, Misty CKII
Snyder, Samuel COI
Daniel, Brenda Food Service Manager I
Moore, Kathy CCMIII
Sanders, Chris CCMIII
Staff Moves
Sturm, Brent COI from FCC to ERDCC
Messersmith, Edwin COI from FCC to ERDCC
Ziegler, Racheal AOSA from PCC to ERDCC Personnel Clerk
We still have the COI, Cook and now also Teacher Hiring Incentive program. If you refer someone to be a COI, Cook or Teacher and they are hired, fill out the Incentive Program form (located in the Personnel Office or it is form 931-4785). Once they complete Basic training you will receive a $250 bonus! After they pass 6 months’ work, you will be eligible for a $750 bonus.
If you have any training questions, contact Mary Hankins, James Millstead or Kerry Klein in the Training Building.
Important Dates
October 11-Columbus Day
October 16-National Boss’s Day
October 31-Halloween
Puppy Pic
Always remember to look at the photos on the I drive and if you are interested in any P4P dogs, complete an online application at When completing an application please list the name of the institution and the name of the dog that you are interested in. All information is listed in the Department's Puppies for Parole website. If you have any questions about the adoption process or a dog, please feel free to contact CCM Anderson, or for information on how to be able to come and visit with a dog in the housing unit. The Puppies are always looking for donations, feel free to ask what they need!
August 2021

Big News
Keep in touch with what’s going on at ERDCC with the new Facebook page! It has been beneficial in the hiring process as well as keeping up with current events happening. Stay tuned for more.
Personnel Club “Random Acts of Kindness” will be pick up again in September…stay tuned!
The ERDCC Restorative Justice Garden has done well this summer!
Get ready for Correctional Employee Week in September! Personnel Club will be celebrating all week long and planning activities for all of our Correctional Employees for the week of September 20-24.
Employee of the Month

CO II Jonas Spain and CCM II Michelle Dalton
New Team Members
Clark, Amber COI
Hedrick, Jamie CKII
Wilfong, Lucas COI
DeClue, Dylan COI
Nelson, Dustin COI
Ruble, Joseph COI
Greer, Treton COI
Hoover, Ayla COI
James, Eric COI
Smith, Dustin COI
Wood, Seth COI
Ferkel, Timothy COI
Ludwig, Nicholas COI
Crader, Kevin CKII-Cook Chill
Tichacek, Cynthia COI
Wittman, Jesse COI
Ruble, Joshua COI
Weible-Sashankar, Brandon COI
Speak, Gerald COI
Tripp, Gerri CKII
Fisher, Heather COI
Spain, Jonas COI to COII from FCC
Lancaster, John COII from PCC to ERDCC
Case, Jacob ERDCC COI to COII
Mickels, Dennis ERDCC COI to COII
Decker, Andrea FCC COI to ERDCC COII
Staff Moves
Decker, Ronald Laundry Super. FCC to ERDCC
Stewart, Morgan COI FCC to ERDCC
Tiggs, Regina COI FCC to ERDCC
We still have the COI, Cook and also Teacher Hiring Incentive program. If you refer someone to be a COI and they are hired, fill out the Incentive Program form (located in the Personnel Office or it is form 931-4785). Once they complete Basic training you will receive a $250 bonus! After they pass 6 months’ work, you will be eligible for a $750 bonus.
If you have any training questions, contact Mary Hankins, James Millstead or Kerry Klein in the Training Building.
Important Dates
August-School starts! Stay safe and have a fun year!
September 6-Labor Day
September 11-Patriot Day
September 12-Grandparents Day
September 22-First Day of Fall
September 20-24-Correctional Employee week

Food Truck Days
When: Thursdays (Weather Permitting)
Where: ERDCC Parking lot
Who: Roxy’s hot grill & Concierge
What: Good hot food
Cash and Credit accepted
Puppy Pic
Always remember to look at the photos on the I drive and if you are interested in any P4P dogs, complete an online application at When completing an application please list the name of the institution and the name of the dog that you are interested in. All information is listed in the Department's Puppies for Parole website. If you have any questions about the adoption process or a dog, please feel free to contact CCM Anderson or CCM Mike Miller, or for information on how to be able to come and visit with a dog in the housing unit. The Puppies are always looking for donations, feel free to ask what they need!
July 2021
Big News
Keep in touch with what’s going on at ERDCC with the new Facebook page! It has been beneficial in the hiring process as well as keeping up with current events happening. Stay tuned for more.
Personnel Club “Random Acts of Kindness” will be pick up again in August…stay tuned!
The ERDCC Restorative Justice Garden has done well this summer! IAC Kathy Zimmer reports that “We had over 500 pounds donated to the Elkin’s Food Pantry for the month of July.”
Get ready for Correctional Employee Week in September! Personnel Club will be celebrating all week long and planning activities for all of our Correctional Employees for the week of September 20-24. Stay tuned for the schedule of events next month!
Food Truck Days
When: Thursdays (Weather Permitting)
Where: ERDCC Parking lot
Who: Roxy’s hot grill & Concierge
What: Good hot food
Cash and Credit accepted
Employee of the Month
COI Crystal Settles and OSA Mandy Turner
New Team Members
Cauley, Alexander COI
Hawkins, Josten COI
Pierce, Cody COI
Caldwell, Megan COI
Nance, Nathan COI
Ratliff, Justin COI
Groves, David COI
Martin, Deanna COI
Heinicke, Nicholas COI
D’Angelo, Ethan COI
Dill, Christopher COI
Glanz, William COI
Piel, Sarah COI
Davidson, Jessica SOSA-Cook Chill
Dilport, Douglas COI
Crader, Lisa OSA to SOSA
Cain, Jerry CCA to CCMII
Zimmer, Katheryn IAC to CCMII

Whitt, Sue
Loeffelman, Jendra
Staff Moves
Ahrens, Joshua COI to P&P Dist 12
Martino, Paul COI to P&P Dist 12
Stevie Edmond COI from FCC to COI
Dallan Rector COI from FCC to COI
Michelle Elder COI from FCC to COI
Jerri Keller COI from SECC to COI
Thomas Drum MSII from PCC to MSII –Cook Chill
We still have the COI Hiring Incentive program. If you refer someone to be a COI and they are hired, fill out the Incentive Program form (located in the Personnel Office or it is form 931-4785). Once they complete Basic training you will receive a $250 bonus! After they pass 6 months’ work, you will be eligible for a $750 bonus.
If you have any training questions, contact Mary Hankins, James Millstead or Kerry Klein in the Training Building.
Important Dates
September 6-Labor Day
September 11-Patriot Day

September 12-Grandparents Day
September 22-First Day of Fall
September 20-24-Correctional Employee week
Puppy Pic
Always remember to look at the photos on the I drive and if you are interested in any P4P dogs, complete an online application at When completing an application please list the name of the institution and the name of the dog that you are interested in. All information is listed in the Department's Puppies for Parole website. If you have any questions about the adoption process or a dog, please feel free to contact CCM Anderson or CCM Mike Miller, or for information on how to be able to come and visit with a dog in the housing unit. The Puppies are always looking for donations, feel free to ask what they need!
June 2021
Big News
ERDCC hosted a Job Fair on June 24 at the Training Building. Roxy’s food truck was on site. The purpose of the Job Fair was to fill vacant Correctional Officer and Food Service positions. See below from Warden Vandergriff that was forwarded to all staff on June 25th:
“To all ERDCC Team Members, I would like to take a minute to express to each of you the Administrations most sincere appreciation for all that you do on a day to day basis. First, to our fabulous Custody staff, thank you for persevering through our staffing issues and continuing to work the 12 hour shifts. We know you are all tired and need relief. Having said that, we currently have six staff completing the Training Academy. The total from our job fair yesterday was another ten applicants. Yesterday afternoon I was able to approve six more staff for employment at ERDCC. As some of you may or may not know, last week we launched the new ERDCC Facebook page. Our new page has the ability for any individual to view it and send us their information for employment. This has been a great success so far. We have been running for exactly one week yesterday and have amassed another 20 potential COI candidates. I want you to know this solely that it appears things are looking better for employing additional staff. ERDCC’s recruiter Chuck Lewis has told me that he has not seen numbers such as this in quite a long time. It does appear that people are now looking for jobs and many are looking at corrections for a career. I would also like to thank our great Classification staff for always stepping up and assisting our facility when and where they are needed. I do realize that it often seems that this goes unnoticed but, I would like to ensure you that it does not. We would also like to express our gratitude to the rest of our support staff such as our Maintenance and Food Service staff who make our great facility run. Again, we appreciate all that each and every dedicated team member does on a daily basis for our facility. I truly believe that we are all headed in the right direction together!!!!!! “
“P.S. remember that each of us has the opportunity to make an additional $1,000.00 dollars for each candidate that we can bring to our facility.”
Keep in touch with what’s going on at ERDCC with the new Facebook page! It has been beneficial in the hiring process as well as keeping up with current events happening. Stay tuned for more.
EmployeeS of the Month
COI Dennis Coleman
COI Coleman was nominated by CO-II Kennon for the following: “As the Control Room Officer in Housing Unit #7, COI Coleman is always going above and beyond his duties. Making sure all moves in and out of the Housing Unit are made on time, and logged in the H.U. Chrono. His alertness and attentiveness has also been instrumental in several conduct violations being issued for contraband in D wing. He performs his job duties without complaint, even during the busiest time of day. He insures rec. is given to all offenders, and alerts staff if he sees anything out of the ordinary. When I have to be away from the Housing Unit I feel confident leaving officer Coleman in charge. I want to insure that his hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed.”
OSA Bradley Lot
OSA Lott was nominated by AOSA Karen Black for the following: “I believe OSA Brad Lott deserves the employee of the month award. Brad was assigned as the Chief of Custody's clerical as result of the position becoming vacant due to a promotion. There was no hesitation. Brad jumped right in and took off. Brad is a huge asset to the Chief of Custody's office as he holds prior custody experience and understands the details of custody positions. Brad is the glue of the Chief of Custody Office. While handling hundreds of custody staff files, Uses of Force, and leave slips, he maintains a cheerful and cooperative demeanor.
Brad is willing to help where ever he is needed. In addition to his regular OSA duties, Brad willingly assists with housing unit clerical duties. Brad's work ethic is one to admire. He sets a great example for all staff.”
Thank you both for your hard work, it is truly appreciated!
Awards & Recognition
Congratulations to COI Linda Mayfield and COI Sue Whitt for being June’s winners of the Personnel Club’s “Random Acts of Kindness”.

New Team Members
England, Jenna COI
Harris, Conrad COI
Martin, Lucas COI
Martin, Shelby COI
Arnold, Janice OSA
Chandler, Donny COI(FCC) to COII
Farrell, John COI to COII
Jackson, Daniel COII to AIO
Kennon, Darlene COI to COII
Campbell, William COI (PCC) to COII
Thomas, Leo COII (FCC) to COIII
Benson, Stephen COII (FCC) to COIII
Bowers, Michael MSII
Matthews, Debra COI
Reed, Edward COI
Staff Moves
Firnbach, Joseph COI to P&P Dist 12
Singleton, Destiny COI to FCC
Hoffman, Erica COI to PCC
Skaggs, Nicholas COII to PCC
We still have the COI Hiring Incentive program. If you refer someone to be a COI and they are hired, fill out the Incentive Program form (located in the Personnel Office or it is form 931-4785). Once they complete Basic training you will receive a $250 bonus! After they pass 6 months’ work, you will be eligible for a $750 bonus.
As June quickly approaches, we are almost at the end of our 2020-2021 training year. If you have not yet completed all of your mandated training this year, you still have time to do so.
We still have just over a month to go before we reach the deadline of June 30th. If you are unsure of your

requirements, you can find that information on the DOC Intranet home page as well as the approved eligible list of electives.
If you have any training questions, contact Mary Hankins, James Millstead or Kerry Klein in the Training Building.
Important Dates
July 4-Independence Day
Food Truck Days
When: Thursdays (Weather Permitting)
Where: ERDCC Parking lot
Who: Roxy’s hot grill & Concierge
What: Good hot food
Cash and Credit accepted

Puppy Pic
We received this letter from the lady that adopted Denym: “To the guy that trained Denym. You have done a wonderful job on training this sweetheart! I have never has such a good trained dog over my years! I want to thank you for doing such a great job with her. Yes she is spoiled rotten!!!! She like to take all her toys and hide them behind a bush in the yard. She likes her little swimming pool and loves to dip her face in the pool and get her toys out and hide them. She has a friend on the other side of the fence and she runs up and down the fence line with this little 15 pound dog and then goes into her wild running through the yard. She has not been mean to anyone. She loves to stalk birds, but she cannot catch them. She is great in her crate a night. Not once has she cried to get out. I gate her in the kitchen to feed her and her brother dog is fed in another room. She does not start any trouble, but my other dog will growl at her then she will show her teeth. But I just remove my dog for he will not get Denym mad. She likes to sit in the recliner and look out in the back yard and go in and out as she pleases. Loves her walks also. I have had a few people walk in my yard un announced and she did nothing but jump on them and was happy to see them. I am working on her jumping on people. Well I just wanted to say again you have done a great job on her training and she is very happy and such a good dog. She is in good hands and will live a happy life!!! Thanks again!!!!! You should be very proud. Hope they show you a picture of her. Take care!”

Under the direction of CCM Mike Miller, our Puppies for Parole here at ERDCC has raised more than $6,000 for donations to the area community partners, including the Southeast Missouri Family Violence Council, St. Francois County Sheriff’s Department with their Shop with a Cop program, and the City of Desloge Parks and Recreation Community Dog Park project.
I encourage staff to look at the photos on the I drive and if interested in any P4P dog, to complete an online application at When completing an application please list the name of the institution and the name of the dog that you are interested in. All information is listed in the Department's Puppies for Parole website. If you have any questions about the adoption process or a dog, please feel free to contact me or CCM Anderson, or for information on how to be able to come and visit with a dog in the housing unit. – Mike Miller CCM

May 2021
Employee of the Month
Congratulations to Mike Boyd and Anna Brawley on being ERDCC’s May employees of the month!!!
Per FUM Crews “I would like to nominate Mike Boyd for Employee of the Month. The past several weeks have been particularly trying for housing unit 5. Through no fault of their own, and due to unforeseen circumstances, we eventually ended up with no classification staff in house but myself. During these weeks, Mike took it upon himself to spend any time he could helping with the day to day operations of the housing unit. This included picking up and delivering the mail, conduct violations that needed to be done in house, and in Ad Seg, office hours and thankfully helping me remember the things I needed to do! He did this without being asked. In addition, his self-sufficiency and knowledge of case management was extremely beneficial to me. He required little management which gave me time to focus on helping officers when needed, preparing and completing major violations, and completing my duties within the house.
I would like to add his actions were very impressive to me and he really was invaluable to this house since the beginning of February. I would love to see him be presented with this award, as he is definitely deserving.”
Anna Brawley: “You have been nominated due to your outstanding work ethic and your willingness to take on any job assignments for the good of the institution. During your time with the department, you have made great strides in improving the flow of yard movements in order to maintain control of mass movements. You are always willing to share your knowledge of policy and job duties with fellow staff. You consistently assist with training new officers. You are always willing to assist when the institution is short of staff by not only completing your own job duties, but also by assisting with mainline and conducting security checks throughout the camp. Your positive attitude and willingness to go above and beyond for your department is a great example of your work ethic. You demonstrate professionalism when dealing with all staff and are a true asset to ERDCC.
Your job performance exemplifies a Department Of Corrections professional in your work ethics and attitude relating to your job responsibilities. You are a team player and you set a great example for your coworkers.”
Awards & Recognition
Congratulations to Richard Pilney and John Dickerson for being May’s winners of the Personnel Club’s “Random Acts of Kindness”.
Food Truck Days
When: Thursdays (Weather Permitting)
Where: ERDCC Parking lot
Who: Roxy’s hot grill & Concierge
What: Good hot food
Cash and Credit accepted
Personnel Club wants to show our appreciation for all of the hard work that staff is doing by having a BBQ for all staff on 5/27/21. We will be in Staff Dining and will provide delivery for custody staff and departments that are not inside the fence.
The ERDCC Wellness Committee will be working hard on getting things going for staff soon-stay tuned as we will be working on getting the staff gym cleaned and organized and other ideas. If you have any suggestions please let us know!
New Team Members
Soard, Shawna OSA-Education

Barber, Kendall COI
Moore, Christian COI
Kemp, Marshall PPAI to MWII
Brawley, Anna COIII
Kneiss, Rose COI
McDaniels, Joy SKII
Staff Moves
Spain, Jonas COI from FCC
Koenig, Pete COI to FCC
Smith, Lori SOSA to OSA P&P
We still have the COI Hiring Incentive program. If you refer someone to be a COI and they are hired, fill out the Incentive Program form (located in the Personnel Office or it is form 931-4785). Once they complete Basic training you will receive a $250 bonus! After they pass 6 months’ work, you will be eligible for another bonus.
As June quickly approaches, we are almost at the end of our 2020-2021 training year. If you have not yet completed all of your mandated training this year, you still have time to do so.
We still have just over a month to go before we reach the deadline of June 30th. If you are unsure of your requirements, you can find that information on the DOC Intranet home page as well as the approved eligible list of electives.
If you have any training questions, contact Mary Hankins, James Millstead or Kerry Klein in the Training Building.
Important Dates
June 14- Flag Day
June 20- Father’s Day/First Day of Summer
Puppy Pic
The puppies for parole was able to make a donation of $1,000 to the city of Desloge for maintenance on the dog park. We also will be donating $2,000.00 to the St. Francois County Shop with a Cop program and $2,000.00 to the Southeast Missouri Family Violence Council Women’s Shelter.
I encourage staff to look at the photos on the I drive and if interested in any P4P dog, to complete an online application at When completing an application please list the name of the institution and the name of the dog that you are interested in. All information is listed in the Department's Puppies for Parole website. If you have any questions about the adoption process or a dog, please feel free to contact me or CCM Anderson, or for information on how to be able to come and visit with a dog in the housing unit. – Mike Miller CCM
April 2021

Employee of the Month
CO II Michelle Basham
COIII Basham was nominated by COII Mishler “CO-III Michelle Basham deserves to be recognized for her years of assistance to staff members no matter the task. During this daunting time for the entire facility here at ERDCC CO-III Basham has pushed herself to assist in all the ways that she can. Many occasions after working a 16 or more hour day she would contact the facility to see if someone who was mandated needed relief. CO-III Basham would then rest for a couple of hours and then return to work to do all that she can to help. On several occasions while CO-III Basham was exhausted and heading out of the institution a radio call was made pertaining to a situation and she would turn around a respond as quickly as she could. CO-III Basham is the kind of supervisor that leads by example. Her knowledge of policy allows her to assist new staff in learning how to properly do the job of a Correctional Officer along with helping guide them away from pitfalls that can occur. CO-III Basham after all of the years that she has worked for the Department of Corrections takes pride in what she does and how she conducts herself. When you need someone to talk to she is always willing to help. She checks on staff to make sure they know that the situation they are going through they are not alone and that she is there to help them. On many occasions she has helped me through many tough moments. It is because of leaders like CO-III Basham that we as a department and a family will succeed."
OSA Tiffany Bridgeman
OSA Bridgeman was nominated by IAC Zimmer “I would like to acknowledge and thank Tiffany Bridgeman for her dedication to her peers both custody and non-custody. Tiffany is always willing to go above and beyond her assigned duties to assist anywhere she can lend a hand. I know she has assisted to help maintain transfer files in records from the housing units, helped keep housing unit 3 up to date with the OSA duties, assisted with watching offenders on the food service lines, and assisted the food service officers with institutional count when short staffed in that area. She is able to offer assistance to many while maintaining her own job responsibilities at an exceptional level. On top of all of that she is an intricate member of the Personnel Club serving as the Vice President and completes that role with excellence. Tiffany, I just wanted you to know I appreciate all you do and I know many others do, as well.”
Awards & Recognition
Congratulations to COII Tracy Huffman and COI Dustin Hansmann for being April’s winners of the Personnel Club’s “Random Acts of Kindness”. You may pick up your prize in the business office.
New Team Members
Cummings, Adrianna OSA
Hancock, Laura COI
Lutes, Logan COI
Robinson, Andrew COI
Bradford, Dylan COI
Wolf, Edward COI
Jinkerson, Shane CCM II
Rincon, Delilah COI
Young, Keith SK I
Thebeau, Robert LS to MS I
Neel, Renee COIII to CS I
Jones, Timmy COI to CCM II
Weber, Nicholas COI to CCM II
Renshaw, Danica CKII to CK III
Turner, Jason CCM II to FUM
Staff Moves
Martin, Martha CKIII from FCC
Bowers, Kim CCMII to FCC
Lee, Joshua COII to FCC
Vaugh, Christopher CCMII to COIII @ TCSTL
We still have the COI Hiring Incentive program. If you refer someone to be a COI and they are hired, fill out the Incentive Program form (located in the Personnel Office or it is form 931-4785). Once they complete Basic training you will receive a $250 bonus! After they pass 6 months’ work, you will be eligible for another bonus.
If you have any training questions, contact Mary Hankins, James Millstead or Kerry Klein in the Training Building.
Important Dates
May 5- Cinco de Mayo
May 6-National Day of Prayer
May 9- Mother’s Day
May 15- Armed Forces Day-Thank you to our Service Men and Women
May 31-Memorial Day
Food Truck Day
When: Thursdays (Weather Permitting)
Where: ERDCC Parking lot
Who: Roxy’s hot grill & Concierge
What: Good hot food
Cash and Credit accepted J
Becca Pinkston's Release Party
When: Wednesday April 7th
Where: Visiting Room-11am
After almost 13 years Becca has a release date from ERDCC. Come help us celebrate and wish her all the best as she plans to start a new chapter.
Puppy Pic
I encourage staff to look at the photos on the I drive and if interested in any P4P dog, to complete an online application at When completing an application please list the name of the institution and the name of the dog that you are interested in. All information is listed in the Department's Puppies for Parole website. If you have any questions about the adoption process or a dog, please feel free to contact me, or for information on how to be able to come and visit with a dog in the housing unit. – Mike Miller CCM II
March 2021
Big News
The Ice Bucket Challenge results are in!!! We raised a total of $534.00!!! Thank you all for your participation!!!
The participants were drenched in ice water outside of the visiting lobby in the front of the institution.
A-shift winners:
Heather Cofer – 155 votes
Tim Freeman – 55 votes
Sam McFerron – 46 votes
Jerry Bingham – 36 votes
B-shift winners:
Rodney Henson – 46 votes
Heather Cofer – 31 votes
Sam McFerron – 30 votes
Craig Fenton – 29 vote
Personnel Club wants to show our appreciation for everyone’s hard work.
Congratulations to COI Bighorse and COIII Rackovan for
being March’s winners of the Personnel Club’s “Random Acts of Kindness”. You may pick up your prize in the business office.

On 14 March 2021 a Correctional Officer at ERDCC tragically lost his battle with PTSD. CO-I Jacob McFarland started working for the Department of Corrections on 08 June 2020. While working for the Department of Corrections he was a vital member of the Administrative Segregation team. He was also a member of our CERT team. Our facility is in a staffing crisis currently and he would work 16 hour days 5 days a week without hesitation. His dedication to his fellow staff members is what makes the Department of Corrections a family and a team no matter the classification of the staff member. CO-I McFarland was also a United States Army Veteran. His father, Matthew McFarland, works in our GP Education. The tragic loss of CO-I McFarland took a toll on his family and co-workers.
Employee of the Month
CO I Edward Reed
SK I Harold Lewis
New Team Members
Allison, Michael COI
Courtway, James COI
Groves, Gary COI

Helms, Sidnee COI
Otto, Steven COI
Singleton, Destiney COI
Ferguson, David COI
Lord, Kyle LS
Sherman, Mollie CKII
Bryant, Kaleb COI
Cain, Jerry COI to CCA
Reed, Steven COI to CCA
Downs, Matthew COI to Locksmith
Staff Moves
Whited, Jerry COI from FCC
Montgomery, Sharron CKIII @ FCC to SKII
Williams, Marla CCMII to POII Dist 36
Degonia, Lynn COI to PPAI Dist 12
We still have the COI Hiring Incentive program. If you refer someone to be a COI and they are hired, fill out the Incentive Program form (located in the Personnel Office or it is form 931-4785). Once they complete Basic training you will receive a $250 bonus! When they pass 6 months work, you will be eligible for another bonus.
If you have any training questions, contact Mary Hankins, James Millstead or Kerry Klein in the Training Building.
Important Dates
Food Truck Day
When: April 1st, 2021
Where: ERDCC Parking lot
Who: Roxy’s hot grill
What: Good hot food
Personnel Club is having an Easter Bake Sale on 4/2/21. We are looking for our bakers to make some goodies to donate for the bake sale. Please send an email to Ashley Downs if you would like to donate some baked goods.
The first round of Torch Run t-shirts have been ordered! Heather Turner will be contacting you for pick up once they have arrived. If you would like to volunteer with the Torch Run this spring, please contact Heather for more details.
Puppy Pic

I just received an update about a puppies for parole dog that was adopted a couple of months ago. His name here was Double Dew. He was adopted by Phoenix Behavioral Health as a therapy dog. I wanted to share the message that was sent to Stray Rescue from Phoenix Behavioral Health with ERDCC staff so that staff can see that the P4P program not only trains dogs to help them get adopted by their forever home, but therapy groups are also looking at Puppies for Parole dogs to assist in their therapy programs. I want to extend a huge “Thank you!” to all staff at ERDCC for supporting the Puppies for Parole program. All dogs should have the opportunity to have a forever home with a loving family. This program could not be as successful as it has been without the help of staff!
Hi Training Team,
I just wanted to reach out to let you know that Double Dew (now known as Chance) has been successful! He passed his AKC Canine Good Canine Test, earning CGC credentials behind his name and has been certified as a Therapy dog through Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs recognized by the AKC.
Thank you for all your hard work and it has been a wonderful journey adopting him. He has been brightening the lives of our clients.
I encourage staff to look at the photos on the I drive and if interested in any P4P dog, to complete an online application at When completing an application please list the name of the institution and the name of the dog that you are interested in. All information is listed in the Department's Puppies for Parole website. If you have any questions about the adoption process or a dog, please feel free to contact me, or for information on how to be able to come and visit with a dog in the housing unit. – Mike Miller CCM II

February 2021
Big News
The COVID-19 immunization shots were offered to staff. Those who consented to such were able to receive the 1st or 2nd dose at FCC from February 18th – February 22nd at allocated time slots.
Per Director Jeff Norman-Good news during a year filled with bad news….Effective immediately I am lifting the shave order for all institutions! Cases have dropped significantly and hopefully they will stay that way. Please be advised that in the event of a significant outbreak at you facility the Warden will be authorized/required to reinstitute an order. Staff that are assigned to a quarantine area will still be required to shave. Thank you all for your patience!
Personnel Club wants to show our appreciation for everyone’s hard work. Congratulations to COI Tony Jones and COI Paul Martino for being February’s winners of the Personnel Club’s “Random Acts of Kindness”. You may pick up your prize in the business office.

Shane Ridenhour, our AFLAC rep will be on site the following days. He will be set up in the assembly room.
March 8th, 6pm to 8pm or later if needed
March 9th, 6am to 11am and 6pm to 8pm or later if needed
March 10th, 6am to 11am or later if needed
It’s a good time to update what you have or enroll for the 1st time!
Employee of the Month
CO I Tory Pickett
SOSA Shannon Aubuchon
New Team Members
Allred, Kylee COI
Burgess, Bailey OSA
Castle, Lacy OSA
Gamblin, Charry OSA
Johnson, Vanessa COI
Nance, Kathleena COI
Smith, Kimberly COI
Stacy, Susan COI
Hummel, Dakota COI
Stevens, Mark COI
Wadlow, Charles COI
Martin, Krystal COI
Womack, Angel COOK II
Bedore, Dakota COI
Drope, Makala COI
Millstead, Kavin COI
Daum, Delmar COI to Locksmith (MECC)
Staff Moves
McDaniel, Kelsey COOK II from FCC
Gilmore, Joseph CCMII to P&P PO II
Coming in March: If you are interested in being a trainer this class is for you! The basic trainer skills enhancement program will offer the beginning trainer a look at foundation skills that will assist them in presenting a learner-centered program. Featured in this module are concepts in adult learning and learning preferences as well as, the application of delivery techniques needed to make a quality training presentation. It will be held at ERTC March 2nd. If you are interested, please make arrangements with your supervisor in order to attend. If you have questions or need special accommodations, please contact
Josh Bess at (573) 218-6171 prior to the training date.
Any staff member, currently with their training skills development training and the desire to become an adjunct trainer, we have a great opportunity to achieve that goal. ERTC will be hosting the ECSI T4T class on March 8 and 9, room 3. Class will begin at 8:30 each day. This is the New Instructor training or for those who have let theirs expire.
If you are interested in attending this class, clear it with your supervisor and send us your name, and we’ll get you scheduled. With the amount of staff turnover and the lack of training opportunities during 2020, we’re in need of instructors and could really use anyone willing to assist the training department.
If you have any training questions, contact Mary Hankins, James Millstead or Kerry Klein in the Training Building.
Important Dates
March 14-Daylight Savings Time Begins
March 17-St Patricks Day
March 20-First Day of Spring
March 28-Palm Sunday/Passover
Puppy Pic
I encourage staff to look at the photos on the I drive and if interested in any P4P dog, to complete an online application at When completing an application please list the name of the institution and the name of the dog that you are interested in. All information is listed in the Department's Puppies for Parole website. If you have any questions about the adoption process or a dog, please feel free to contact me, or for information on how to be able to come and visit with a dog in the housing unit.
January 2021
Big News
The COVID-19 immunization will now be available to ERDCC employees. They will be conducted at FCC in the visiting area. You may receive the 1st dose on these dates in February.
2/18 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.
2/19 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
2/22 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.
You will receive the second 21 days later. If you would, go on the exact same day you did on the first round. If you have any questions regarding this feel free to contact any member of the Admin Team. Thank you all and have a great day!
Personnel Club wants to show our appreciation for everyone’s hard work. We have decided to randomly draw two winners per month this year for what we are calling “Random Acts of Kindness”. Each winner will receive a random prize. Personnel Club would like to congratulate January’s “Random Acts of Kindness” winners COII John Ervin and COI Susanne Sulser!!
From the Office of Administration-Due to many of you unable to use accumulated annual leave due to your critical role during the COVID-19 pandemic, the PAB has voted to extend the period. The next lapse in annual leave will not occur until October 31, 2021. If you have any questions please contact your HR Director-Chrissy Fenwick.
Employee of the Month
CO I Stacey Halton
RO I Ronda Fryman
Please remember to nominate your fellow coworkers for a job well done. Forms are available, and once completed, please forward to Ashley Downs, President of the Personnel Club for processing.
Awards & Recognition
ERDCC Custody Employee of the YEAR for 2020
CO II Nicholas Skaggs
ERDCC Non-Custody Employee of the YEAR for 2020
Hank Key
New Team Members
Hargraves, Joscelyn COI
Smith, Lydia COI
Turk, Lisa COI
Brewer, Dennis COI
Brown, Aaron COI
Cawvey, Corey Labor Supervisor
Iahn, Jason COI
Kupfer, Amanda COI
Paine, Kenneth COI
Storie, Harold COI
Freeman, Tim FUM to AW
Armijo, Anthony COI to COII
Reckert, Robert COI to COII
Topper, Kenneth COI to COII
Hicks, Joey ROI to ROII
Currington, Bobby
Staff Moves
Puckett, Sandra AOSA(PCC) to CCM II
Mull, Sidney COII to Boiler Operator
Arnold, Dakota COII to OSA
Cain, Tina COI to OSA
Laird, Laura COI to OSA
ERDCC will be hosting ERTC for the next Pre Service training class. With the class numbers being up, and the Covid restrictions still in place, we’ll not be holding ReCert during the month of February in order to accommodate the Training of our new hires.
Hopefully, with the recent shift changes by going to 12 hours, and the larger classes being trained through the academy, we’ll be able to get back to some sort of normalcy real soon. Until then, stay safe and let us know if there’s anything we can do to assist you all. Also, don’t forget anyone needing training hours DOCOTA, MoLearning, NIC, and the Pause First Academy all have approved on-line training courses.
If you have any questions, contact Mary Hankins or Kerry Klein in Training.
Important Dates
February 2-Groundhog’s Day
February 12- Lincoln’s Birthday
February 14- Valentine’s Day
February 15-President’s Day
Puppy Pic
There are pictures of the current P4P dogs going through the obstacle course. They are listed in the I-drive file Puppies For Parole 2020, then in a file called Obstacle Course Dec 2020. I encourage staff to look at the photos and if interested in any P4P dog, to complete an online application at When completing an application please list the name of the institution and the name of the dog that you are interested in. All information is listed in the Department's Puppies for Parole website. If you have any questions about the adoption process or a dog, please feel free to contact me, or for information on how to be able to come and visit with a dog in the housing unit.

December 2020
Big News
From the Office of Administration-Due to many of you unable to use accumulated annual leave due to your critical role during the COVID-19 pandemic, the PAB has voted to extend the period. The next lapse in annual leave will not occur until October 31, 2021. If you have any questions please contact your HR Director-Chrissy Fenwick.
Employee of the Month
CO II Tracy McCourtney
MSI Robert DeBlois
Awards & Recognition

Life Saver awards were presented to COI Elizabeth Brown, COII Krystal Mishler, COIII Charles Dorsey, COII Joshua Lee. Thank you all for
your dedication and helping others in their time of need.
Christmas Ugly sweater contest
ERDCC Personnel Club hosted their first annual ugly sweater contest.
1st Place was COI Jesse Funk
2nd Place was CCMIII Cathy Moore
3rd Place was Tessa and Michelle
Get your ideas ready for next year! We all had such fun we’ll be doing it again in 2021.
New Team Members
Hoops, Cameron OSA
Lawson, Ashley COI
Mira, Robert BO
Powell, Dustin COI
Stroup, Kimberly COI
Weiss, Kurt COI
Bradford, Ashley COI
Cook, Sarah OSA
Jackson, Joshua COI
Soard, Kenneth COI
Woodcock, Austin COI
Carter, Belinda COI
Deschler, Kaytlin COI
Hahn, Daniel COI
Jameson, Thomas COI
Lauth, Taylor COI
Turpin, Hannah COI

Wolo, Joshua COI
Munson, Gaelan COI
Christopher, Nancy OSA to SOSA
Asher, Randy Locksmith to MS I
Black, Rhonda CCA to CCM II
Williams, Jamie CCA to CCM II
Staff Moves

Fenton, Craig Capt from PCC
Mishler, Amber CK II (FCC) to CK II
Loner, Ronald COI to PCC
Adams, Daniel Capt to PCC
Gorman, Pauline COI to FCC
Evans, Jason COI to BO (PCC)
Important Dates
January 1-New Year’s Day
January 18-Martin Luther King Jr. Day
There are pictures of the current P4P dogs going through the obstacle course. They are listed in the I-drive file Puppies For Parole 2020, then in a file called Obstacle Course Dec 2020. I encourage staff to look at the photos and if interested in any P4P dog, to complete an online application at When completing an application please list the name of the institution and the name of the dog that you are interested in. We just received an amazing Australian Shepherd/Cattle dog last week. All information is listed in the Department's Puppies for Parole website. If you have any questions about the adoption process or a dog, please feel free to contact me, or for information on how to be able to come and visit with a dog in the housing unit.
November 2020
Big News
From the Office of Administration-Due to many of you unable to use accumulated annual leave due to your critical role during the COVID-19 pandemic, the PAB has voted to extend the period. The next lapse in annual leave will not occur until October 31, 2021. If you have any questions please contact your HR Director-Chrissy Fenwick.
Employees of the Month
CO II Nicholas Skaggs
SOSA Candy Goheen
New Team Members
Duncan, John COI
Farris, Alexis CKII
Perfater, Denis COI
Stotler, Laurie CKII
Sweazea, Adam COI
Counts, Nathan COI
Cox, Caleb COI
Soard, Allen-Michael COI
Higgins, Bobby COI
Reed, Benjamin LS to MWII
Young, Ronnie LS to MWII
Kopp, Clinton COI to COII
Lee, David COI to COII
Sancegraw, Francis COI to COII
Warren, Adrienne COI to COII
Babayco, Heath COI to COII
Mecey, Troy CKII to MSI
McFerron, Sam CSI to CSII-Major
Raymond, Matthew ROIII to DWO
Trowbridge, Erin ROII to ROIII
Staff Moves
Vandergriff, David Warden from PCC
Kelso, Michael Fire and Safety
Per Warden Vandergriff, all staff members that haven’t completed the mandatory DHRUC DOCOTA training must complete it before the December 2020 deadline. All staff are required to complete this training module, with the only exceptions being the 2020 new hires, as they’ve already received the training as part of their Pre-Service Training. Don’t forget to forward or print your certificates to the training department, or you will not receive credit.
Please contact Mary Hankins or Kerry Klein in the training building for any questions.
Important Dates
December 7-Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
December 10-Hannukkah begins
December 25-Christmas
December 26-Kwanzaa
Boxing Day
December 31-New Year’s Eve
Christmas Ugly sweater contest
ERDCC Personnel Club is hosting an ugly sweater contest. All staff are encouraged to participate!
When: Friday, December 18, 2020
No inappropriate sweaters allowed. Make sure they have work appropriate content. Custody staff, this will be a dress down day for those participating and you need to make sure you have a uniform on hand.
All 3 shifts will have 3 contestants nominated to be entered in for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes!!
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be voted on by your peers the following week and the winners will be announced on 12/23/2020.
Puppy Pic
I would like to remind all staff about the meet and greet guidelines for the dogs. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact, Mike Miller at ext. 2706. The program does accept donations from staff such as treats, toys and we can always use waste bags. If you are interested in adopting a pup, please contact Mike Miller or contact Shari Baney through Stray Rescue at
When a dog-in-training has a neckerchief around his neck, he is working and should not be approached.
WHEN NO NECKERCHIEF IS ON, YOU MAY ASK THE TRAINER IF IT IS A GOOD TIME TO INTERACT WITH THE DOG. Based on the dog-in-training actions at that moment, the offender trainer will answer yes or no.
If the answer is NO, the offender trainer will explain the reason why you should wait until they deem it appropriate to interact with the dog. If the answer is YES, you may interact with the service dog-in-training.

EOM Nicole Mueller
October 2020
Employee of the Month
CO I Clifton Wiggins
CCMII Nicole Mueller
New Team Members
Forest, Nicholas CO I
Haase, Bruce CO I
Martin, Brett CO I
Pendergrass, Laura CO I
Stone, Tabitha CK II
Williams, Peggy CK II
Keith, Caitlin CO I
Pace, Peter CO I
Price, Vincent CO I
Young, Logan CO I
Cody, Robert CO I
McLeod, Amber CO I
Reagan, Thomas CHAPLAIN
Day, Travis CO I
Fahland, Stanley CO II
Wallen, Linda SOSA
Staff Moves
Carver, Elizabeth CO II transfer to PCC
Due to the outgoing social distancing guidelines, class sizes are limited so contact Mary in order to reserve you a seat for upcoming classes. If there’s a need, and the interest there we’ll offer additional training dates as needed. In addition, don’t forget MoLearning and DOCOTA are always available for those needing to get training hours.
Important Dates
November 11-Veterans Day (thank you to all who have served)
November 26-Thanksgiving
The Puppies are back!

I would like to remind all staff about the meet and greet guidelines for the dogs. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact, Mike Miller at ext. 2706. The program does accept donations from staff such as treats, toys and we can always use waste bags. If you are interested in adopting a pup, please contact Mike Miller or contact Shari Baney through Stray Rescue at
When a dog-in-training has a neckerchief around his neck, he is working and should not be approached.
WHEN NO NECKERCHIEF IS ON, YOU MAY ASK THE TRAINER IF IT IS A GOOD TIME TO INTERACT WITH THE DOG. Based on the dog-in-training actions at that moment, the offender trainer will answer yes or no.
If the answer is NO, the offender trainer will explain the reason why you should wait until they deem it appropriate to interact with the dog. If the answer is YES, you may interact with the service dog-in-training.

September 2020
Employee of the Month
CO II Tyson Manche
CCA Jamie Williams
Awards & Recognition
Corrections week
Sept. 21 through Sept. 25
Monday: Krispy Kreme donuts
Tuesday: Gus’s Pretzels and cheese
Wednesday: Pasta House meal
Thursday: Prize day
Friday: Gift day
All week is Dress Down!!! Please make sure to wear appropriate attire, ie. Jeans with no holes, ERDCC t-shirt, and tennis shoes. Also, make sure to have a uniform on hand.
New Team Members
Miskel, Anthony COI
Gendle, Christine CKII
Burr, Kyler COI
Hurst, Joseph COI
Hurt, Cody COI
Lee, Bridgette COI
Mize, Lauren COI
Rock, Benjamin COI
Smith, AvaMarie COI
Worley, Stephen COI
Yount, Corbon COI
Lincoln, Dustin COI
Keller, Michael SE to BO
Starkey, Melvin BO to PPM
Honerkamp, Karen SKII
Robin, Gerald COI
Staff Moves
Farris, Laura COI to PCC
Skaggs, Braden COI to PCC
Carrow, Bethany COII to PCC
Lopez, Angie COI to FCC
Boyer, Michelle OSA to CO P&P
Important Dates
October 12-Columbus Day
October 16-Boss’s Day
October 31-Halloween
November 11-Veterans Day (thank you to all who have served)
November 26-Thanksgiving
August 2020
Big News
Please remember masks will be required to be worn by both staff and offenders inside all areas at ERDCC when social distancing will not be ensured until further notice per Warden Payne.
We will be conducting the 10% sentinel staff testing starting Sept. 28th.
Employee of the Month
COI Rose Kniess
CCM Jason Turner
New Team Members
John Topping BO
Brandon Frazer COI
Brandon Deaver COI
Jason Goldstein COI
Cristy Null COI
Brenden Taylor COI
Cody Cook COI
Joseph Grimes COI
Lauren Moffit COI
Brandan Turner COI
John Cook COI
Terry Russell COI to COII
David Wallace COI to COII
Derek Weston COI to COII
Kathryn Zimmer OSA to COII
Mark Skaggs COII
Mark Walls COI
Staff Moves
Diane Lopez COI transfer to NECC
Jeffrey Turner COII transfer to Dist 12 PPA
Due to the COVID-19, all training has been put on hold for now. You can continue your online training through LinkedIn. Please contact Mary Hankins or Kerry Klein for any questions.
Important Dates
October 12-Columbus Day
October 16-Boss’s Day
October 31-Halloween
Puppy Pic
We are at a standstill for the moment at getting any new dogs into the program. Stay tuned for more pups to join us soon!
July 2020
Big News
Volunteer gardeners along with FUM Brian Boyer and staff at Eastern Reception, Diagnostic & Correctional Center have harvested more than 450 pounds of produce for donation to Elvins Food Pantry & local organizations that feed children, seniors and other Missourians affected by food insecurity.
Please remember masks will be required to be worn by both staff and offenders inside all areas at ERDCC when social distancing will not be ensured until further notice per Warden Payne.
Employee of the Month
CO I Jacob Case
Awards & Recognition
THANK YOU to the amazing staff here at ERDCC!!! We came together when one of our own needed us and raised $1774.00 for COI Laird and her family. A special thank you to the following for helping get this fundraiser organized and ran smoothly:
Carrie Sederstrom
Tim Freeman
Tiffany Bridgeman
Laura Laird
Tonya Hankins
Andrew Lewis
Brenda Crews
Jason Kennon
Jamie Williams
I want to say a huge THANK YOU to you and your CERT teams for the assistance that was provided to MECC this week. The support from your team allowed us to gain and maintain order within our facility. The CERT teams worked very well together and acted with no hesitation when given direction to deescalate each situation. They truly showed their commitment and dedication for what the Corrections Emergency Response Team is established for.
Please know that if there is ever anything I can help you with, do not hesitate to ask.
Richard Adams, Warden
Missouri Eastern Correctional Center
New Team Members
Amsden, Tyrell COI
Bieg, John COI
Crider, Brianna COI
Degonia, Zachary COI
LeSage, Carly COI
Steinmetz, Joseph COI
Burr, Cody COI
Holdman, Brian COI
Raby, Austin COI
Ragan, Jacob COI
Trotter, Robert COI
Zimmer, Robert COI
Miller, David COI to PPA Dist 12
Rotter, Michael COII to COIII at PCC
Lewis, Ashley OSA to SOSA
Wilson, Jason COII to COIII from SECC
Beelek, Demetrice COI
Thomas, William COI
Staff Moves
Parker, Rickie COI transfer to FCC
Due to the COVID-19, all training has been put on hold for now. You can continue your online training through LinkedIn. Please contact Mary Hankins or Kerry Klein for any questions.
With the close of July, Director Precythe has made the decision to extend Firearms Certifications, Defensive Tactics Certifications and First Aid/CPR certifications until December 31st, 2020.
Important Dates
September 7-Labor Day
June 2020
Big News
ERDCC has successfully completed sentinel COVID-19 testing. Thank you all for your help in getting this done in a timely manner.
Employees of the Month
Cynthia Hurley
SOSA Lori Smith
New Team Members
Dettmer, Matthew, COI
Green, Ariahna, COI
Kolo, Caitlyn, COI
Lincoln, Jarrett, COI
McFarland, Jacob, COI
Price, Heather, COI
Pulaski, Deanna, COI
Skaggs, Ashley, COI
Vaughn, Adam, COI
Lee, Rebecca, OSA to COI
Fox, James, COII to COIII at PCC
Richardson, Jermiah, COII to CIII at PCC
Waible, Nathan, COII to COIII at PCC
Important Dates
July 4-Independence Day
Puppy Pic
We are at a standstill for the moment at getting any new dogs into the program.
If you are interested in adopting one, please contact St. Louis Stray Rescue located at 2320 Pine St, St Louis, MO 63103 at or by calling Shari Baney at 314-771-6121
May 2020
Big News
On May 12, Laughing Bear Bakery donated and delivered over 700 bakery items as a special thank you to the correctional staff at ERDCC! Laughing Bear Bakery, founded by former FCC Chaplain Kalen McAllister, is a non-profit organization whose mission is providing on-the-job, paid training and work experience for ex-offenders.They have been in operation since 2015 and have been very successful with their business and with their rate of recidivism. Additional information can be found at The ERDCC Ambassadors delivered the baked items to staff during all three shifts and received nothing but positive feedback.
There will be a Job Fair held at Mineral Area College in Park Hills. We are currently in need of Cooks and Boiler Operators and of course CO I's. Missy Pitzer, Eastern Region Recruiter, will be there distributing information for those positions. Also, as a reminder, the CO I Incentive Program and the Cook I and II Incentive Program is still active.
Employees of the Month
Custody Employee of the Month
CO II Krystal Mishler
Non-Custody Employee of the Month
OSA Kathy Zimmer
New Team Members
Carl, Dylan, COI
Crabb, Cypress, COI
Garver, Drew, COI
Hawkins, Gina, Cook I
Heilig, Samantha, COI
James, Eric, COI
Jones, Stephen, COOK II
Pense, Devin, COI
Robbins, Kody, COI
Schulte, Christian, COI
Baker, Rusty, COI to COII
Ervin, John, COI to COII
Hart, Carl, COI to COII
Kimpel, Caleb, COI to COII
Pickens, Travis, COI to COII
Sellars, Timoty, COI to COII
Sheilds, Megan, COI to COII
Gifford, Ronnie, MSI 5/31/20
Skeen, Melvin, Chaplain 5/31/20
Yount, Kevin, SE 5/31/20
Staff Moves
Portell, Samantha, COI from FCC
Smith, Gregory, CM Education from MECC
Johnson, Patricia , AT III to FCC
Important Dates
May 8- Truman Day
May 25-Memorial Day
June 20-Summer begins
June 21-Father’s Day
Puppy Pic
We are currently down to 3 dogs in the P4P program. Laurel and Misfit were adopted for May 2020. The remaining dogs, Edward Jones, Origami and Toulouse have completed their 12 week program and are just waiting for someone to adopt them to their forever home. We are not currently getting any new dogs into the program due to COVID-19 restrictions.
If you are interested in adopting one, please contact St. Louis Stray Rescue located
at 2320 Pine St, St Louis, MO 63103 at or by calling Shari Baney at 314-771-6121
April 2020
Employee of the Month
Non-Custody Employees of the Month
Hank Key
Dwayne Slinkard
New Team Members
Ames, Ricky COI
Amsden, Ryan COI
Bighorse, Dylan COI
Frichley, Myranda COI
Hauck, Cody COI
Long, Jack COI
Lybarger, Jacob COI
Reeves, Laura OSA
Settle, Steven COI
Evans, Jason COI
Cofer, Heather CM-Edu to Deputy Warden
Fenton, Craig COIII to CS I at PCC
Staff Moves
Parker, Venus COI from PCC
Jinkerson, Cassandra COI to PCC
Important Dates
Due to the COVID-19, the Corrections Week will be postponed till later this summer or fall. Please stay tuned for updates.
May 8- Truman Day
May 25-Memorial Day
Puppy Pic
We still have many pups looking for good homes. If you are interested in adopting one, please contact St. Louis Stray Rescue located at 2320 Pine St, St Louis, MO 63103 at or by calling Shari Baney at 314-771-6121
February 2020
Big News
Our Project Room is currently making fidget sleeves. ERDCC is the only Institution in the State making the sleeves.The sleeves will be donated to Bonne Terre Manor for dementia patients. We need any kind of buttons you may have. Please contact Beth at ext. 1327 or email at
Employee of the Month
Custody Employees of the Month
CO I Steven Reed
Non-Custody Employees of the Month
SOSA Stacy Johnson
Awards & Recognition
CO I Steven Reed was presented with 2 lifesaver awards on Feb 26
CO I Wesley Walker was presented with 1 lifesaver award on Feb 26
Warden Payne is pleased to announce the winners of the February Custody Drawing. Congratulations to all of you! Your hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated!
1st shift-10 qualified
Day off-Patrick Richardson
Parking Spot-Darlene Kennon
2nd shift 32 qualified
Day off-Michael Hubbart
Parking-David Wallace
3rd Shift-16 qualified
Day off-Melissa Nauke
Parking-Clinton Kopp
New Team Members
Blackwell, Sarah COI
Bray, Erin COI
Camden, Crystal COI
Camden, Michael COI
Cook, Sierra COI
Diener, David COI
Eaton-Christensen, Maria COI
Fields, Elijah COI
Jones, Julie COI
Jones, Stephen COI
Laird, Laura COI
Lambert, Jonathan COI
Moore, Sean COI
Reid-Smith, Brandon COI
Rulo, Dennis COI
Smith, Justin S COI
Snelson, Melanie COI
Fenwick, Gary COII to COIII
Renk, Brett COII to COIII
Staff Moves
Hammonds, John COI to SECC
Brown, Timothy COIII to PCC
Roney, Hanna CCMII to P&P Dist. 12
Please schedule with your supervisors to cover your training and then contact Mary Hankins or Kerry Klein with any questions or to schedule.
DOC 2020 Mandatory Training
There will now be electives for the 2020 training season.
Safety and Security elective-1st Aid/CPR-8 hrs
The Missouri Way-24 hrs (this is for Administrators and Managing Supervisors only as space allows)
MO Learning has many online courses available free in time management, building resilience, boosting productivity and goal setting. Go online to today to learn more!
Town Hall Report
The Town Hall meeting was held on February 25th.
Important Dates
March 8-Spring Forward-remember to change your clocks and check your smoke detectors
March 17-St. Patricks Day-dress down day
March 19-Spring Begins
Puppy Pic
ERDCC has many pups for adoption. To visit them, or donate some items on their wish list, contact Mike Miller in 6 HU. If you are interested in adopting one of the dogs after their training is complete, please contact Shari Baney at St. Louis Stray Rescue 314-771-6121 or go to today!
January 2020
Big News
The Gavel Club and RJO Organization of ERDCC recently donated $2,009.34 to the local elementary schools at North County School district to pay off student lunch debts.
RJO donated $1076.27 to the Intermediate grades (5th and 6th grade). The Gavel Club donated $337.80 to the Primary (Pre-K through 2nd grade) and $595.27 to Parkside (3rd and 4th grades). This will help many families in the area.
Our Project Room is currently making fidget sleeves. ERDCC is the only Institution in the State making the sleeves.
The sleeves will be donated to Bonne Terre Manor for dementia patients. We need any kind of buttons you may have J
Please contact Beth at ext. 1327 or email at
The first round of Torch Run t-shirts have been ordered! Heather Turner will be contacting you for pick up once they have arrived. If you would like to volunteer with the Torch Run this spring, please contact Heather for more details.
Employee of the Month
Custody Employees of the Month
CO I Rachel Mitchell
Non-Custody Employees of the Month
CO II Gary Fenwick
Employees of the Year
OSA Mary Hankins, CO I Omerefe Ogbebor
New Team Members
Arnold, Steven COI
Clark, Nickhole COI
Comnick, Nathan COI
Hett, Kelsey COI
Higdon, Ralph COI
Kiger, Jennifer COI
Le Sage, Alexande COI
Le Sage, Carly COI
Lucas, Lena COI
Maberry, Kortniee COI
McDowell, Megan Cook II
Miller, Tristan COI
Montgomery, Mary COI
Phasomasp, Wisitsak COI
Reeves, Brian COI
Smith, Joseph COI
Stidem, Bradly COI
Warren, Adrienne COI
Wilson, Veronica COI
Young, Scott COI
Farris, Thaddeus Labor Supervisor to MWI
Pace, Charles Labor Supervisor to MSI
Strange, Bryan COIII to CSI
McKee, Jerry COI to Rec Officer I
Grubbs, Johanna DWO
Inman, Robert COII
Taylor, Tony COI
Staff Moves
Kanallakan, Robert PPA-TCSTL to COII ERDCC 1/12
Jennings, Edmund Cook II at FCC to SKI ERDCC 1/12
Wood, Tonya FM I at FCC to Laundry Manager ERDCC 1/19
Martin, Martha Cook III to FCC 1/5
Schulte, George Cook II to FCC 1/5
Please schedule with your supervisors to cover your training in CPR, Shotgun and Crime Scene Preservation. The training schedule in February will only have CPR as the approved elective. Contact Mary Hankins or Kerry Klein with any questions or to schedule.
DOC 2020 Mandatory Training
There will now be electives for the 2020 training season.
Safety and Security elective-1st Aid/CPR-8 hrs
The Missouri Way-24 hrs (this is for Administrators and Managing Supervisors only as space allows)
MO Learning has many online courses available free in time management, building resilience, boosting productivity and goal setting. Go online to today to learn more!
Important Dates
January 20-MLK Day
February 12-Lincoln’s Birthday
February 17-President’s Day
Puppy Pic
ERDCC has many pups for adoption. To visit them, or donate some items on their wish list, contact Mike Miller in 6 HU. If you are interested in adopting one of the dogs after their training is complete, please contact Shari Baney at St. Louis Stray Rescue 314-771-6121 or go to today!
December 2019
Employee of the Month
Custody Employees of the Month
CO I Logan Robinson
Non-Custody Employees of the Month
MW II Scott Black
Awards & Recognition
Lifesaver Award
On October 29, 2019 CO I Debra Matthews (pictured with CS I Jesse Morgan) went above and beyond the call of duty by providing life saving measures to an offender, helping save that offender's life.
Shop with a Cop
Many of our officers joined Sheriff Bullock and other officers in the area in the Annual Shop with a Cop at Farmington and Desloge Walmart recently. It was a very successful year as we were able to shop with over 500 local children
New Team Members
Douglas, Kyle ATIII
Calhoun, Michael COI
Cruz, Shentell OSA
Deason, Brandi COI
Gaugel, Colleen OSA
Huskey, Dominic COI
Long, Michael COI
Nichols, John COI
Renicker, Cheyenne COI
Shinkle, Brittni OSA
Strange, Morgan COI
Vinson, Isaak COI
Whited, Vivian COI
Wilson, Jeffery COI
Dooley, David MWII to Gar. Supervisor
Mueller, Nicole COI to CCMI
Leftridge, Benjamin ROI to CCMI
McCourtney, Gregory MSII
Puppy Pic
ERDCC P4P, Paws for a Cause, has six dogs that are available for adoption now. All have passed their Canine Good Citizenship test with the exception of Jess.
September 2019
Employee of the Month
Custody Employees of the Month
CO I Maria Alonso
Non-Custody Employees of the Month
OSA Ashley LaClair
New Team Members
Armijo, Anthony CO I
Boatright, Mark CO I
Hampton, Jennifer CO I
Kopp, Stephanie CO I
Weatherill, Jordan COOK II
Watson, Phillip COOK II
Orton, Jennifer COOK I
Hoffman, Marshall CO I
Bell, Nicholas CO I
Brodribb, Samantha CO I
Burke, Ashley CO I
Goldsberry, Anicia CO I
Greer, Trenton CO I
Griffith, David CO I
Hommel, Dallas CO I
Johnson, Jesse CO I
McGibany, Michael CO I
Quillman, Constance CO I
Duckett, Todd CO I to CO II
Roney, Nathan CO I to CO II
Whitehead, Michelle CO I to CO II
Lee, Joshua CO I to CO II
Skaggs, Nicholas CO I at FCC to CO II
Rackovan, Joseph CO II to CO III
Jones, Walter CO II to CO III
Staff Moves
Province, Kevin PPS I at PCC to ERDCC
Important Dates
September 26th – Topics included staff shortages and overtime.
Puppy Pic
If any staff are interested in adopting a P4P dog, you will need to complete an online application for the dog on website. Currently, Amelia and Annabelle are scheduled for adoption. There are still six more dogs that are nearing the completion cycle of training that need adopted. If you know of anyone interested in adopting a dog feel free to recommend that they look at the Puppies For Parole website. On this site, you can view the dogs that each institution has available. The department does not have anything to do with the adoptions. This process is done completely by the shelter, Stray Rescue of St. Louis. If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call Case Manager Mike Miller at ext 2201.
August 2019
Big News
Thank you very much to everyone that donated blood Thursday August 15! Our goal was 39 units for the local hospitals, and our official “usable” units came in at 44!
On behalf of Honor Guard, Personnel Club and CERT we would like to thank everyone for their support! ERDCC raised $1,268.50 for the Wyatt family in their time of need. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are a big family here and that truly showed today.
Employee of the Month
Custody Employees of the Month
CO I Travis Pickens
CO II Tye Morgan
New Team Members
Dunlap, Ruth, CO I
Jinkerson, Cassandra, CO I
Bridgeman, Tiffany, OSA
Taylor, Heather, OSA
Hartel, Craig, Librarian
McFarland, Matthew, AT II
Blackwell, Christin, CO I
Downs, Pamela, AT I
Boatman, Karla, CO I
Moses, Andrew, CO I
Smith, Justin, CO I
Plesovszki, Petra, CO I
Mowery, Emma, CO I
Davis, Eric, CO I
Downs, Jeffrey, CO I
Gleghorn, Jacob, CO I
Kershaw, Charles, CO I
Kopp, Clinton, CO I
Montgomery, Deven, CO I
Reid-Smith, Roy, CO I
Sellers, Timothy, CO I
Warden, Jacob, CO I
Smith, Lori - OSA to SOSA
Turner, Heather - CCM II to FUM
Moore, Kathy - CCM II to CCM III
Duckett, Todd - CO I to CO II
Roney, Nathan - CO I to CO II
Whitehead, Michelle - CO I to CO II
Lee, Joshua - CO I to CO II
Skaggs, Nicholas - CO I from FCC to CO II
House, Debra - CO I
Staff Moves
Williams, Amanda - CO II at FCC to IIO I
IIO Training August 26 – 30
Town Hall Report
Town Hall Meeting held August 29. Topics included staffing issues and overtime. Twenty-one staff members were in attendance.
Puppy Pic
May 2019
ERDCC Gavel Club donates Buddy Bench
The ERDCC Gavel Club donated a Buddy Bench to the Caledonia School District.
Employee of the Month
Non-Custody Employee of the Month
CCM Kathy Moore
Custody Employee of the Month
CO II James Millstead
Turner, Jeffrey COI to COII 5/12/19
Waibl, Nathan COI to COII 5/12/19
Well, Lucas COI to COII 5/12/19
Staff Moves
Eaton, Darrell (Bryan) COI at FCC to COII at ERDCC 5/19/19
McFarland, Timothy PO II-Dist to CCM II 5/26/19
Brooks, Londa OSA/ERDCC to OSA/FCC 5/12/19
Kemp, Marshall COI to P & P A I at Dist 12 5/26/19
Kimpel, Bobbie OSA to SOSA at PCC 05/05/19
Lewis, Rachael AT II to ERTC 5/12/19
Important Dates
June 3 – Luncheon for Captain Wallen
June 15 - Honor Guard Duck Races 4:00 pm
June 24 - 28 Cornhole Tournament
June 26 – Retirement Lunch for Mary Taylor
Success Story
ERDCC had an excellent team of officers who participated in sandbagging in Kimmswick. Them and they offender accompanying them helped keep the flood waters at bay.
Thank you to the following team members for your service:
CO III David Howe – Field Commander
CS I Phillip Anderson – Assistant Field Commander
CO II Charles Carver
CO I Bobby Currington
CO I Matthew Downs
CO I Tessa Mcentire
CO I Logan Robinson
CO I Joshua Lee
CO I Steven Reed
CCA Sara Prater
CCM Jason Turner
CCM Jamie Williams
CCM Jessica Roney
April 2019
Big News
We are happy to say all of the ERDCC Computers have been replaced!
Employee of the Month
Non-Custody Employee of the Month
Robert Miller
Custody Employee of the Month
Omorefe Ogbebor
Awards & Recognition
CCMII and SOSA Linda Wallen received Certificates of appreciation from Director Boyles.
New Team Members
CO I Brandon Helms
CO I Jason Henager
CO I Lucinda Hudson
CO I Brooks Lawson
CO I Donald Mellerup
CO I Dennis Mickels
CO I Edward Roussin
CO I Sierra Sample
CO I Angela Schoenberger
CO I Lori Storie
CO I Jeanne Whaley
CO I Eli Yates
Cook II Donna Lewis
Labor Supervisor Thaddeus Farris
Miller, Justin CO I to CCM I 4/21/19
Prater, Sara CO I to CCM I 4/21/19
Boylan, Sanddra CO I 4/30/19
Classification Staff Moves
Bollinger, Gale CCM II ERDCC to CCM II FCC 4/14/19
Fenwick, Christina SOSA PCC to Per. Clrk ERDCC 4/21/19
Town Hall Report
April 19
Sixty-five staff members attended, as well as Director Anne Precythe. This meeting was an open dialogue about where we are now and where we are going as a department.
Important Dates
May 2, ITC Graduation
May 8, Truman Day
May 13, Dress-Down Day
May 14, Health Fair
Success Story
Due to a lack of a home-plan, an MH-4 offender was held six months past his release date. Thanks to the hard work of the caseworkers and mental health staff (Jason Kennon and Becca Pinkston) and following up on all leads, a bed was located for this offender and he was successfully released.