Farmington Correctional Center (FCC)

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EOM Chante Kimbrough

May 2024

Employees of the Month

Non Custody

CCM II Chante Kimbrough

“This Caseworker is always at work ready to do her job as well as volunteering to work overtime as a COI to help when there is a staff shortage as well as coming in on Holidays to help as well.”


CO I Erica McDaniels

“It is with great pleasure that I am nominating COI Erica McDaniels for the Employee of the Month! COI McDaniels is essential to the day-to-day operations in HU2. When calling for offenders for mail or anything that requires them to come to the case workers office, Erica is on top of it!  She is 100% aware of where the offenders are at all times and is firm, fair, and consistent with all of them. I appreciate her hard work and dedication and hope she knows how much she is appreciated and valued! Thank you, Erica, for making my time in HU2 so easy and enjoyable. You rock lady!!!”

EOM Erica McDaniels

New Team Members

OSA Sandra Reed

CO I Donny Barton

CO I James Bone

CO I Angel Houston

CO I Trinity Martucci

CO I Cody Sutton

CO I Austin Atnip

CO I Marvan Hollins

Bill Bowyer Retirement

CO I Bethany Jackson

CO I Nicholas Koewing

CO I Joseph Neeley

CO I Brian Petko

CO I Nathanial Vessel


COI Jakob Smith promoted to CO II

CO I Benjamin Oppelz promoted to CO II

CO I Joshua Comer promoted to CO II

CO I Lyndon Kindle promoted to CO II

CO I William Henson II promoted to CO II

CO I Michael Conklin promoted to CO II

CO I Kaidence Lindsey promoted to CO II

AC II Tim Smith to A-Side Chaplain


CO I Patrick Murdock

AW Bill Bowyer

Success Story

Thank you to the Administration team, Maintenance and all staff who helped with the TEDx event. Photos from the TEDx Event on April 4th are available to view in the I-Drive, Re-Entry, TEDx Photos folder for those of you who were unable to attend. Please look! For those interested, all the previous prison TEDx Events Anne and Delia have coordinated over the past 10+ years are available to view by clicking the link below:


April 2024

EOM Eric Yeager

Employees of the Month

Non Custody

MSI Chris Forshee

“MSI Forshee always goes above and beyond to help us in Housing Unit 10 by fixing our issues in a timely manner. Nearly every time Mr. Forshee is in Housing Unit 10, he finds a piece of dangerous contraband. His most recent find was a bag of prison-made alcohol and before that a prison-made weapon. Mr. Forshee’s dedication to his job assists in creating a safer environment for all of us! Thank you, Chris!”


COI Eric Yeager

“COI Yeager has 0 call-ins for the year. He is a reliable officer that is always at work with a good attitude. In January, Yeager worked 25 days of overtime, most 8-hour shifts. In February, he had 15 days of overtime 8 of those days were 8-hour shifts. When we have no one to drive the laundry truck or the food service truck he always steps up to get the job done. His dedication does not go unnoticed, and we truly appreciate him on First Shift”.

New Team Members

CO I James Coleman

CO I Stephanie Beinlein

CO I Foxx Courtney

CO I Anthony Gober

CO I Clifford Jones

CO I Ethan Rider

CO I Harvey Sullins III

CO I Joshua Conover

CO I Dillon Cowley

CO I Cameron Frye

CO I Katelyn Lopez

CO I John Robinson

CO I Jacqueline Schlichter

MW II Sasis Vinyard


CO II William Nokes promoted to CO III

Accounts Assistant Phaedra Kesel promoted to Storekeeper I

SM I Joseph Jarrett promoted to Service Manager II

OSA Brandy Propst promoted to Accounts Assistant

CO I Tracy Roberts promoted to MVE VES II

CO II Brent Buffington promoted to CCM II


CO I John Exley

March 2024

EOM Jimmy Farris

Employees of the Month

Non Custody

MSII Jimmy Farris 

“Mr. Jimmy Farris is always willing to help out. He goes above and beyond his duties to make sure everything is taken care of and that everyone is doing okay, even if it is just making a phone call or stopping by on this way to another job site. If there is an emergency, he is always willing to assist and ensures the job gets completed in a timely manner. We recently had a situation in housing unit 10 with the heat and as soon as Jimmy found out it could be affecting someone’s medical device, he took care of it that day. He has a heart of gold and maintains a positive attitude even in stressful situations. He is known as the Maintenance go to guy when you need something fixed or taken care of. Jimmy is a huge asset to FCC, and I cannot think of a more deserving person for employee of the month.”


COI  Sam Merrill  

“I am writing to recommend COI Samuel Merrill for employee of the month! He is a fantastic employee who is a huge asset to our department and fully deserves this award and recognition. First and foremost, COI Merrill is a consummate corrections professional. He handles all areas of his supervision in an efficient and thorough manner. Samuel is dependable, knowledgeable, and hard-working. He has established a valuable rapport with SRU offenders and takes the time to listen to their concerns and resolve issues at the lowest level.

On 1/12/24, during a Use of Force in HU#9, an offender who was under the influence had another officer in a choke hold. COI Merrill unwrapped the offender’s arm from around the officer’s neck and restrained the offender. During this, he was telling other offenders in the wing to lock down and called a code 16. The officer sustained a broken femur during this incident and COI Merrill stayed with him until medical arrived and then continued to further assist in providing aid. COI Merrill is a positive influence on his peers and his can-do attitude sets the example for all. He is instrumental in the daily operations of HU#9 and we are fortunate to have him as a part of the FCC team!”

New Team Members

CO I Ryan Brinkley

CO I David Underwood

CO I Nicholas White

CO I Christian Cooper

CO I Lyndon Kindle

CO I Kelly Lewis

CO I Kimberlee Martin

CO I Troy Martin

CO I Aaliyah McDonald

CO I Lauren Shields

OSA Brandy Probst


MW II Jon Halpin promoted to MS I

CK II George Schulte to COI

Staff Moves

CO I Cody Goodson transferred to P&P-D12

OSA Riley Turner transferred from ERDCC 


February 2024

Employee of the Month

Non Custody
Ken Hovis, FUM

Ken Hovis, FUM, volunteers to work overtime on third shift each week to ensure that a Corrections Officer I will have the chance to go home to their family and not have to be mandated to work overtime. He has sacrificed time away from his family to assist with covering shift each week. FUM Hovis goes above and beyond with The Corrections Way and does his best to implement it in everyday operations. He takes it upon himself to meet with new staff members when they start with the department to show them they are welcome and what to expect working with the department. FUM Hovis’ knowledge of policy helps his Housing Unit supervisors excel. He helps bridge the gap between custody and non-custody. He is a Corrections Way Ambassador for FCC as well. FUM Hovis is a big help and a valued member of the Missouri Department of Corrections

David Asher, COII     

David Asher is the epitome of what a great sergeant should be. He works well with both senior staff leaning on their experience and brand-new officers showing them what they need to know to do their job correctly. At any time, he is helping to run A-Side yard on third shift like a well-oiled machine. Sergeant Asher is willing to do what is necessary to settle or resolve the many situations that happen on his shift. He is firm but fair with the offenders. He easily wears the many hats needed to run A- Side yard on third shift. I am honored to nominate David Asher as Employee of the month.

Awards & Recognition

A huge thank you to all of our Lifesaver Award Recipients and Distinguished Service Award Recipients.  Thank you for going above and beyond your expected job duties to help those in need, for your quick thinking, immediate response, and professionalism.  We appreciate all that you do!!

Lifesaver Award Recipients                

LPN Kathy Scott                                           

COII Ling Zheng (2)                                      

COII Paul Freiheit (2)                                 

COIII James Bezner

COII Douglas Cain

COII Christopher Marschel

COI Jeffery Seabaugh

COII Benjamin Helm

COII Tiffany Noe

COII David Asher

COI Coy Sitze

COI Kylee Whitener

Distinguished Service Award

COI Bryce Archambo

COI Cody Glidewell

COI Jake Clayton

New Team Members

CO I Breanna Bailey

CO I Grace Bone

CO I Patrick Smothers

CO I Brendon Usher

CO I Nathan Waibl

CO I Michael Barlow

CO I Cleveland Bowles

CO I Jakob Montgomery

CO I Christian Owen

CO I Brandon Wade

CO I Richard Wysong

CO I Daniel Aussiker

CO I Temperance Bohnenkamp

CO I Brian Cook

CO I Eli Rawlins

CO I Jordan Rosenzweig

CO I Jordan Tibbs

CO I Nicholas Williams

Chaplain Timothy Powell 


OSA Sara Maxey promoted to IAC

OSA Christy Jones promoted to SOSA

CO III Shannon Clubbs promoted to CSI

Staff Moves

AC III George Palmer transfer to Gateway

CO I Connie Jones transfer to ERDCC as CCM II


January 2024

Employee of the Month

Non Custody
Ken Hovis, FUM

Ken Hovis, FUM, volunteers to work overtime on third shift each week to ensure that a Corrections Officer I will have the chance to go home to their family and not have to be mandated to work overtime. He has sacrificed time away from his family to assist with covering shift each week. FUM Hovis goes above and beyond with The Corrections Way and does his best to implement it in everyday operations. He takes it upon himself to meet with new staff members when they start with the department to show them they are welcome and what to expect working with the department. FUM Hovis’ knowledge of policy helps his Housing Unit supervisors excel. He helps bridge the gap between custody and non-custody. He is a Corrections Way Ambassador for FCC as well. FUM Hovis is a big help and a valued member of the Missouri Department of Corrections

David Asher, COII     

David Asher is the epitome of what a great sergeant should be. He works well with both senior staff leaning on their experience and brand-new officers showing them what they need to know to do their job correctly. At any time, he is helping to run A-Side yard on third shift like a well-oiled machine. Sergeant Asher is willing to do what is necessary to settle or resolve the many situations that happen on his shift. He is firm but fair with the offenders. He easily wears the many hats needed to run A- Side yard on third shift. I am honored to nominate David Asher as Employee of the month.

New Team Members

COI Kaitlynn Dodd-Bailey

COI Morgan Gidney

COI Trevor Joe

MSI Franklin Mayo

COI Desarea Allen

COI Brad Lilley

COI Xavier Pennell

COI Katherine Rivers

COI Scott Vance


COIII Timothy Reed promoted to CSI

COI Danielle Glidwell promoted to COII

COI Kyle Whitener promoted to COII


ROII Russell Becker

VESII Robert Polk

COI Tammye Turner 

Staff Moves

Chaplain Rob Gerst transferred to PCC

COI Larry Hargiss transferred to P&P District 12


December 2023

Employee of the Year

Matt Petty, CCM III

Matt Petty is the person to go to if you want to “get stuff done!” He was tasked with hosting the Global Leadership Summit virtually at FCC. This is a task that could take a year to organize but Matt made it happen in a few short weeks! He organized an offender committee, secured donations for food, screened hundreds of offender applications to attend, extended multiple invitations to staff and ensured the success of the two day event. As a participate, I can attest that even with the storms, power outages, and the potential for no pizza, it was a huge success and we did, in fact have pizza. He made all of this happen even though part of his own roof was in his yard as a result of the storm!

Matt is an outstanding team player who will help anyone at a moment’s notice, provide support, instruction, and even breakfast if you need it. He is an invaluable member of the Reentry team. His work and great sense of humor are very much appreciated

Employees of the Month

Marsha Galvan, ACII     

Marsha is nothing but kind to each and every person she comes across. She is beyond helpful and has to be encouraged to come away from her desk for a lunch break many of times because of how hard of a worker she is. You don’t even have to ask her for help, if she sees you need it, she just helps without any prompt at all. She has walked all the as to staff dining to pick up someone’s lunch because they said their leg was hurting them, she worked until she was forced to leave for the day just to make someone else’s workload was lighter, and she does it all with a smile. Marsha is also a fantastic counselor. She goes above and beyond finding resources for offenders in the treatment program, she treats each and every one of them with respect, and she makes time for anyone who needs to talk to her. She deserves recognition for her selflessness and for her hard work here at Farmington Treatment Center

Derrick Johnson, COII

Sergeant Johnson handles every situation with calmness and professionalism. He goes out of his way to ensure everything runs smooth for out counts, Code 16 within the facility, and when others are having it rough he lightens the morale. He is always available for questions and if you are unsure what to do he explains the steps of how to complete the task at hand. He makes the shift go by fast even in most stressed scenarios

New Team Members

COI Tyler Hinrichs

COI Layne Miller

COI Jonathan Parshall

COI Dakota Smith

SOSA Diane Waller

TTD Daniel Tuller

COI Shelby Barnett

COI Torri Cook

COI Kylie Gomez

COI Curtis Messex

COI Zachary Montgomery

COI John Moser

COI Desiree Whitener


COI Jeffrey Cobb

COI Jerry Lockwood

ACII Ronald Neighbor

Success Story

FCC staff raised $300.00 to donate to our Christmas Kids this year. The donations are used to purchase gifts for children in St. Francois County through the St. Francois County Community Partnership. Thank you to everyone who donated to help make a child’s Christmas a little brighter! 


November 2023

EOM  Daniel Lindell

Employee of the Month


I am nominating Jason Vinson for Employee of the Month due to his continuous dedication to team work here at FCC. Whenever we have an issue here in recreation, we know that Jason will help us as quick as he and his staff can. He is constantly doing his best to juggle numerous issues that we have here at FCC. His actions make our jobs in Recreation so much easier in that we can maintain our buildings and equipment to give the offenders the best recreation experience possible. When the offenders have their recreation everyone at FCC benefits.

CO I Daniel Lindell

COI Daniel Lindell always goes above and beyond in his job duties in housing unit 6. He is usually responsible for 80 percent of the cell searches, pat searches, and IP checks. He has discovered numerous items while searching such as prison made weapons, drugs, and other items that are not allowed in the housing unit. COI Lindell volunteers to come in early five days a week to help staff get relief when they are mandated to work overtime. He is respectful to staff and offenders, as well as always professional in his job duties. As his direct supervisor, I am profoundly grateful to have him as part of the housing unit 6 team.

New Team Members

COI Bradley Bates

COI Steven Crader

COI Bryan Garling

COI James Hasty

COI Krystal Johnson

COI Christopher Little

COI Katelyn Maness

COI Robert Nichols

COI Joshua Warren

COI Aundwa Woolery

COI Eric Bates

COI William Beecher

COI Tanner Graham

COI Kalia Keith

COI Kimberly Kicenski

COI Brianna Mullins

COI Brandon Richardson

COI Francois Vermaak

OSA Kelly Turner

SOSA Laura Reeves


19 Hour COI Paul Blair to 19 Hour Career Coach

Captain John Hooker promoted to Major


CCMII Norman Forbes

Fac/Svc Mgr I Diane Missey

Staff Moves

Tyler Smith transferred from P&P to CCMII

COII Jeffrey Bond transferred to SCCC

COII James Nicholson transferred to PCC

COI Kelly Galvani transferred to OCC


October 2023

Employee of the Month

CCMIII Matt Petty

Matt Petty is the person to go to if you want to “get stuff done!” He was tasked with hosting the Global Leadership Summit virtually at FCC. This is a task that could take a year to organize but Matt made it happen in a few short weeks! He organized an offender committee, secured donations for food, screened hundreds of offender applications to attend, extended multiple invitations to staff and ensured the success of the two day event. As a participant, I can attest that even though there were storms, power outages, and the potential for no pizza, it was a huge success and we did in fact have pizza. He made all of this happen even though part of his own roof was in his yard as results of the storm!  

CO I Aaron Yates

It is with great pleasure that I am nominating COI Aaron Yates for the Employee of the Month! COI Yates is absolutely essential to the day to day operations in HU9. In addition to his assigned tasks, which are numerous and keep him very busy, COI Yates is quick to volunteer for all of the added responsibilities that come with just being in housing unit 9. He speaks with the SRU offenders daily to help solve issues they are having and will bring problems to the attention of the Case Manages/FUM of the house for corrections. COI Yates takes the time to listen and attempts to resolve the issues before they become a bigger problem and potentially a security threat. Aaron has built a rapport with many offenders and this has come in handy when having to be the liaison between custody and mental health staff. COI Yates is knowledgeable in all areas of HU9 and can complete any duty assigned seamlessly. He requires very little supervision and is a leader to the other staff members in the house, especially officers who are not regularly assigned to the unit. It is for these reasons that Aaron should be considered as the Custody Employee of the Month at FCC!

New Team Members

Educator Erin Graham

COI Felix Crader

COI Dakoda Galvan

COI Bobbi Julius

COI Rebekah Hicks

COI Jacob Manmuang

COI Brandon Nelson

COI Wrena Peterson

COI Seth Pingel

COI Faith Sullivan

MWII John Halpin

SOSA Cheyenne Eye

OSA Christy Jones

OSA Jennifer Quiroz

COI Thomas Henderson

COI Kimberly Jackson

COI Jamie Poslusny

COI Gerald Sturm


OSA Phaedra Kesel promoted to Accounting Clerk

Major Bryan Boesing promoted to Deputy Warden

OSA Amy Nickelson promoted to Personnel Clerk


Deputy Warden Stanley Payne

Accounting Clerk DaVonna Weston

Staff Moves

Tyler Smith transferred from P&P to CCMII

COII Jeffrey Bond transferred to SCCC

COII James Nicholson transferred to PCC

COI Kelly Galvani transferred to OCC


June 2023

Big News

Thank you to all FCC Staff who participated in this year’s 2023 Annual Torch Run

Employee of the Month

VES II Bob Polk

Bob is an asset and unsung hero in the FCC laundry. He currently runs the dry cleaning department within the laundry single-handedly. Even when the job would overwhelm the average individual, Bob maintains a positive attitude and a sense of humor. He has made himself available to come in early, stay late, or work a RDO; whether he is asked or just

Cody Glidewell 

saw the need. He is always the first to volunteer to take on more job duties. He does this without complaints.  He has a vast knowledge of dry cleaning, and is always happy to help train others in the job duties of dry cleaning. I feel he is definitely an exceptional employee and deserves the recognition he has certainly earned.

CO I Cody Glidewell

On Saturday May 13, 2023 while working over on 3rd i on B-yard an offender was having a severe medical emergency. Upon entering the medical unit, medical personnel was redirected to attend an additional medical emergency. COI Cody Glidewell provided aide by retaining the consciousness of the offender. In doing so, the previously preoccupied medical staff was able to better assess the offender upon their return.

Melony Brewer, COII Promotion

New Team Members

Andrew Bridges, COII - Promotion

Chaplain Rob Gerst

CO I Timothy Wadlow

CO I Joshua Talley

CO I Christopher Macias

CO I Alexander Green

CO I Ashur Foutch

CO I Cameron Crane

CO I Cody Clark

Michael Bond, COII - Promotion
Jared Debrecht, COII - Promotion

CO I Austin Cain

CO I Amanda Brown

CO I Matthew Cook

CO I Charlene Hedrick

CO I Peter McNally

CO I Nolan Ozee

CO I Natasha McBride

OSA Virginia Conway


Andrea Patterson, COII - Promotion

SOSA Kristi Blair Promoted to AOSA

CO I Melony Brewer Promoted to CO II

CO I Michael Bond Promoted to CO II 

CO I Jared Debrecht Promoted to CO II

CO I Brandon Kearns Promoted to CO II

CO I Andrew Bridges Promoted to CO II

Brandon Kearns, COII - Promotion

CO I Andrea Patterson Promoted to CO II


CO I Darvin Aurich

CO I Dennis Harter

CO I Marc Emanuel

CO I Renita Hatcher

CO I Linda Basler

AT III Bradford Porter

May 2023

Employees of the Month

SKI Terry Bates

Terry Bates has been with the department 25 years as of March 02, 2023. Terry has worked 10 years as a COI but has spent the last 15 years in the Canteen. His dedication and attention to detail continue to be a priority in his daily activities.


CO I Christopher Aubuchon

Andrea Patterson, COII - Promotion

CO I Christopher Aubuchon went out of his way, after he had already been relieved from his post, to check on a fellow officer that he had noticed was having a bad day. This simple act aided a struggling staff member. Chris’s dedication to his teammates make him a valuable asset to our team, as well as the Department of Corrections. Chris is knowledgeable in his job, and what he doesn’t know he is eager to learn. Chris is dependable, always willing to help, and is a joy to work with, as well as talk to.

New Team Members

CO I Andrew Bridges

CO I James Clements

CO I Corey Bradshaw

CO I Lindsay Cross

CO I Jesus Rodriquez

CO I Brexton Borman

CO I Jonathan Kirkhart

CO I Bennie Risenhoover

CO I Rebecca Alvey

CO I William Barlow

CO I Tim Barr

CO I Jasen Boushie

CO I Branden DeRousse

CO I Elizabeth Graves

CO I Camera Kennon

CO I Morgandee Obado


FUM Billie Since promoted to Reentry Services Supervisor

Success Story

On April 22, 2023, the Puppies for Parole staff at Farmington Correctional Center participated in the Community Health Expo held by the St. Francois County Community Partnership at Mineral Area College. The Health Expo provided community members with health screenings, educational information, and activities, all free of charge. Hundreds of people came through and were able to learn about the Puppies for Parole Program and our partnering shelter Farmington Pet Adoption Center.

April 2023

EOM Dean Wampler

Employees of the Month

MS II Dean Wampler

I want to take the opportunity to nominate MSII Dean Wampler, as FCC Employee of the Month. FCC has recently incurred two major water line break within a three week period of time. With this, I am reminded yet again of Dean’s maintenance and supervisory talent. I have witnessed Dean handle these situations with great calmness and skill. Dean is knowledgeable of his position, but what is also very impressive is his handling of his staff and the offender workers. He communicates well and he speaks and directs with respect and confidence. He also uses these moments of infrastructure crisis to teach valuable skills to the offender workers. They respond well to his guidance and the humor in which he interacts with them. He and his team work until the job is done. What Dean brings to the table is invaluable to our institution. As an aging facility, “The Dean Team” Keeps this place moving and operating.

CO I Kimberly Cook

CO I Kimberly Cook has a vast knowledge and understanding of many institutional functions that most staff not only don’t know, but honestly don’t even want to recognize actually exists. She has made herself an indispensable member of this institution. She has become a “go to” staff member for not only her fellow COI’s but for all other staff. She is continually called on by supervisors throughout the custody ranking as well as the non-custody and case management staff to help with issues as well as problems. She is even utilized to help new staff of all ranks to learn bed move and transfer procedures. On top of all this she also manages to come in early multiple times a week and assist first shift. She volunteers to step out of her normal duties and goes out on transfers with transportation and on outcounts to help relieve some of the staffing pressure. COI Cook has been called on to mentor staff that are wanting to cross train in the control center and learn the position and its many varied components.

Troop 549 volunteers fill Easter eggs

Awards & Recognition

Special thanks to CCMII Kim Bowers and Boy Scout Troop 549 for volunteering to fill Easter Eggs for our FCC Easter Egg Hunt in order to earn some volunteer hours for their troop.  They filled 2,100 plastic eggs in a little over an hour.

New Team Members

CO I Dale DeWitt

CO I Travis Sebastian

CO I Emma Wyrick

CO I Christian Adams

CO I William Clark

CO I Zachary Deleal

CO I Joseph Enegren

CO I Terrel Hollinger

CO I Gennifer Matlock

CO I Levi Meyer

CO I Sorinela Polanowski

CO I Lucas Rathburn

CO I Jonathon Watkins

CO I Zackery Weston

CO I Leonard West III


CCM Jamie Williams from ERDCC Promoted to FUM

CO I Emilie Skilles Promoted to CO II at ERDCC

SK I Victoria Beauchamp Promoted to CO I

CO II Joseph Gillam Promoted to CO III

CO II Robert Keay Promoted to CO III


CO III Martin Brawley

CO I Virgil Ashley

CO II Jeffrey Hubbard

March 2023

EOM Cheryl Whitnell

Employees of the Month

CCM II Cheryl Whitnell 

Cheryl Whitnell has proven time and again that she is willing and capable of stepping up above her position and completing tasks at supervisory levels while continuing to complete her own tasks in required time frames, often sooner. She has made herself an indispensable member of the staff. Additionally, she is a person that other staff look up to and go to with questions and problem-solving assistance. This happens with staff from all ranks and shifts. She is also often willing to step out of her comfort zone and learn new things, while also being willing to help others learn and grow themselves. She always performs above and beyond and I believe deserves more recognition for all of this than can be expressed in a log note.


CO I Connie Jones

COI Connie Jones is an excellent control room officer. She is always aware of officers in the wings and in emergency situations, makes sure to get us in as quickly as possible. She is very good at taking time to train new officers and answering any questions they may have. I know that when I am not in the house that Mrs. Jones has it all under control and I need not worry. She takes on tasks with ease and is always dependable. She is a great asset to the department and to housing unit 6.

Awards & Recognition

EOM Connie Jones

Join us in congratulating Lt. Shannon Clubbs and Lt. Timothy Reed as they were recently named our new CERT Commander and Assistant Commander.             

New Team Members

CO I James Lee

CO I Christopher Aubuchon

CO I Gina Dotson

CO I Tre Durr

CO I Benjamin Oppelz

CO I Jacob Powell

CO I Ashley Shaw

CO I Larry Stull

Locksmith Travis DeOrnellis

CO I Ian Abrams

CO I Michael Bradford

Clubb/Reed CERT promotions

CO I Megan Burcham

CO I Donovan Elias

CO I Craig Grissom

CO I Daniel Rector

CO I Joseph Wall

CO I Aalihya Wehner

CO I Timothy Deason

CO I Kelly Galvani

CO I Torrie Cook

CO I James Moynihan



COIII Virgina Stafford Promotion

February 2023

Employees of the Month

MW II Dalton Brown  

Dalton has proved to be an invaluable member of the FCC team.  As the backup Locksmith, it fell to him to step in as the full time Locksmith when the Locksmith position was vacated.  Dalton not only did a competent job, he also made improvements.  He has responded quickly to lock emergencies including several after-hours calls and is always eager to help. 

He has done an incredible job at making the Locksmith shop clean and organized and he found parts that have saved the institution hundreds of dollars.  Dalton’s mechanical abilities and quick learning has not given us any worries.  He is currently training the new Locksmith and undoubtedly will do a great job.


CO I Lane Allen

Officer Allen is a true team player, whether it is taking late relief for other officers so that they may go home on time, or always looking out for our safety.  In the month of December, Officer Allen completed 178 bunk area searches and removed countless weapons, prison made alcohol, and other contraband items.

Lane always has a smile on his face and is a joy to work with.

CO I Martin Peppers Retirement

New Team Members

CO I James Lee

CO I Christopher Aubuchon

CO I Gina Dotson

CO I Tre Durr

CO I Benjamin Oppelz

CO I Jacob Powell

CO I Ashley Shaw

CO I Larry Stull

Locksmith Travis DeOrnellis

CO I Ian Abrams

CO I Michael Bradford

CO I Megan Burcham

CO I Donovan Elias

CO I Craig Grissom

CO I Daniel Rector

CO I Joseph Wall

CO I Aalihya Wehner

CO I Timothy Deason

CO I Kelly Galvani

CO I Torrie Cook

CO I James Moynihan


P&P Chante Kimbrough transferred to FCC as CCMII

CO I Charles Mize promoted to CO II

CO I Michael Haley promoted to CCM II

CO I Cheryl Whitnell promoted to CCM II

CO II Virginia Stafford promoted to CO III (SEE PHOTO)

CCM II Joshua Hickman promoted to CO III at ERDCC


CK II Pamela Barnes

CO I Cheryl Eggers

CO I Martin Peppers (SEE PHOTO)


January 2023

Weir Lifesaver

Employees of the Month

VES II Tommy Bone    

Tommy is an asset and unsung hero in the (MVE) FCC Laundry.  Even when the job would overwhelm the average individual, Tommy maintains a positive attitude and a sense of humor.  He has made himself available to come in early, stay late, or work an RDO; whether he was asked, or just saw the need.  He is always the first to volunteer to work an extra shift or take on more job duties.  He does this without complaints.  He has a vast knowledge of his job and is always happy to help train new hires in their job duties. 

I feel he is definitely an exceptional employee and deserves the recognition he has certainly earned.

CO I Lisa Crocker

CO I Lisa Crocker regularly volunteers to work overtime nearly every day.  She voluntarily comes to work early to split with 2nd shift officers to ensure they are provided relief.  She can be counted on to come in a few minutes early to allow the officers she relieves to go home to their families.  She maintains a positive and up-beat attitude at all times.  She can always be seen with a smile.  Her quality of work is of the highest standard. 


Awards & Recognition

Lifesaver Awards were presented to the following staff for their dedication, quick thinking, and fast response inside and

Webb Lifesaver
Steinc Lifesaver

outside of our facility.   We appreciate all that you do for the safety and security of our institution and our community. 

COI Jed Weir

COI Casey Webb

COI David Asher     

COI Dustin Steinc

New Team Members

CO I Christian Scott

CO I Samantha Cook

CO I Jonathan Reed

CO I William Henson II

CO I Josiah Owen

CO I Breanna Bailey

CO I Eric Hillis

CO I Randy Warren, Jr.

Asher Lifesaver.

CO I Holly Wade

CO I Alexis Lashley

CO I Alexandra Carylon

CO I Khristian Guinn

CO I Sherri Hays-Johnson

CO I Joshua Jones

CO I Nathaniel Millmaker

CO I Donald Smith

CO I Devin Sutton

CO I Luke Walka

CK II Seth Teems


CK II Mona Lance Promoted to CO I

CO I David Watkins Promoted to Chaplain

Investigator Zackary Whitehead Promoted to FUM

CO II Jake Martin Promoted to CCMII


CO I Brett Young

Dogs for our Brave with Offenders

CCM II Shelly Hall

Puppy Pic

A few months ago, two representatives from the Dogs for our Brave organization gave a presentation at Farmington Correctional Center to Puppies for Parole, Restorative Justice Organization (RJO), and Veterans of Farmington and Associates (VFA) offenders. Dogs for Our Brave is an organization committed to providing injured veterans a service dog at no cost to the veteran. Rescue dogs receive professional training over an 18 month period. Around the 12 to 15 month mark, dogs are paired with a veteran, and begin specialized training to meet the needs of their matched veteran. What sets apart Dogs for Our Brave from other organizations, is they cover the costs of the dog, for the life of the dog, including training, food, veterinarian care, etc. Dogs for Our Brave is currently based out of St. Louis, MO and rely strictly on donations to cover the services they provide, which can average $18,000 to $25,000 just during the training period alone. They are working diligently to expand their operations so even more veterans can receive a service dog. By using rescue dogs, they are not only changing veteran’s lives, they are also giving dogs a second chance at life. During the presentation, service dog Jay provided a demonstration of some of the skills service dogs are trained in to assist with the needs of the veterans,

December 2022

Employee of the Month

EOM - Kade Williams

VESI Jackie Moser      

Jackie is an asset and unsung hero in the FCC Laundry.  Even when the job would overwhelm the average individual, Jackie maintains a positive attitude and a sense of humor.  He has made himself available to come in early, stay late, or work an RDO; whether he was asked or just saw the need.  He is always the first to volunteer to take on more job duties, and he does this without complaints.  He has a vast knowledge of laundry processing, and is always happy to help train new hires in their job duties.

I feel he is definitely an exceptional employee and deserves the recognition he has certainly earned.


CO I Kade Williams

COI Williams finds both prison made weapons and materials commonly used to make prison made weapons on a consistent basis creating a safer environment for both staff and offenders. He also routinely finds tattoo paraphernalia. He does this while maintaining a professional demeanor.

New Team Members

CO I Donald Barnett

CO I Gary Goforth

CO I Aida Halilovic

CO I Destry Johnson

CO I Tabatha Morris

CO I Douglas Dilport

AT Nancy Williams

CO I Dennis Lingle

CO I Keith Knox

CO I Ronnie Phasomap

CO I Edmund Slezak III

CO I Francis Warren

CO I Riley Rudasill  


CO I Brent Buffington promoted to CO II

CO I Justin Moss promoted to CO II

CO I Joshua Hall promoted to CO II


ERTC Academy Honor Student Class 2023

CO I Terry Dickey

CO I Timothy Chronister

Staff Moves

Locksmith Christopher Smith promoted to ET at ERDCC

Success Story

  • FCC raised $425.00 for our adopted Christmas Kids through St. Francois County Community Partnership.  Thank you to everyone who donated to help make Christmas for these kids a little brighter!
  • COI Dennis Lingle was named as the ERTC Honor Student for the Academy class graduated Friday, December 16, 2022.  

November 2022

Employee of the Month

SK David Williamson       

Dave is the manager at Canteen.  He is dedicated to making the canteen run with efficiency and with high expectations.  He comes to work every day to make sure everything is ready for the day.  He works hard on contracts, price changes and submitting bids to outside companies to try and get the products for the offenders.  He gets bombarded with questions daily about not getting something and he can't control that.  He maintains his professionalism at all times when dealing with outside vendors and companies.  He runs the biggest canteen in the state with the biggest budget in the state and he makes it work.  He has a fantastic team to work beside him which, in part, is a result of his great leadership qualities.  If he takes a vacation or time off, every one of them knows how to step up and run the canteen on those days.  He was behind the inspiration on my journey to Storekeeper II.  He is a great example of how a boss/leader should be.


CO I Tiffany Noe 

In just the short time of working with COI Noe I recognized her outstanding leadership skills, She conducts herself in such a professional manner.  When addressing behavioral issues with the offenders, she takes the time to explain to them the expectations and consequences of not following the rules.  She is always looking out for the safety of those around her.  Helping to make the housing unit a safer place for staff to work and the offenders to live.  Officer Noe had been sent out to the hospital on two separate occasions for drug exposure when dealing with offenders under the influence of unknown substances.  Even with the dangers of those situations, she still continues to push forward with a positive attitude to help her fellow staff.  Officer Noe is a wonderful addition to the DOC.  I am proud to have her as a coworker and trust that if things go bad, she has our back.  Thank you Noe for your strong work ethic and just know, that your compassion for others does not go unnoticed. 

Officer Noe has been extremely helpful to me since starting in HU6. She has trained me on how to perform all the necessary tasks that HU6 requires, and has helped me become a better officer. I know that she always has my back in the House at all times, and that means a lot in this job.

Officer Noe performs her duties in an outstanding manner. She has taken initiatives that have resulted in significant contributions to the Department.

New Team Members

CO I Vladimir Sosa Duque

Browers CSI Promotion

CO I Ranae Wethal

CO I Ethan Lawson

CO I Teri Cameron

CO I Brighton Talley

CO I Seth Brown

CO I Anthony Lee

CO I Adam Lawson

CK III Tammy Francis

CO I Emalee Bergmann

CO I Cody Glidewell

CO I Tevan Durr

CO I Alyssa Durr

CO I Anthony Hanning

CO I Tyler Hale

CO I McCoy Sansoucie

CO I Brandon Stanka

Goodson Retirement

OSA Amy Nickelson – Personnel

OSA Sara Rountree – Housing Unit

SOSA Sarah Rinkel – Business Office


CO III Mark Browers promoted to CSI


CO I Paul Jaco

CO I Terry Goodson 

FUM John Hagerty

Staff Moves

CO I Marty Hill transferred to ERDCC

October 2022

Employee of the Month

VT Tracy Bricker        

Mrs. Tracy Bricker has been instrumental in the Commercial Vehicle Operator Course at the Farmington Correctional Center. She has a rotating class of 15 students that she is responsible for. She has taken on the responsibility of pre-screening her potential student's Career and Technical Education Applications. In addition, she works closely with the Central Transfer Authority to submit and process student transfers, and tracks when a student arrives at FCC to ensure they are promptly enrolled into her class. By completing these tasks, she has ensured that the application process is not only streamlined, but it reduces the work load of her supervisor.

Mrs. Bricker has also spent countless hours trying to better her program, and to help set her students up for success after they are released. She set up an informational meeting with Southern Missouri Trucking School for her students, the vocational zone manager, Chris Farmer, the IPO Ms. Pickett, and her supervisor, Mike Johnson. She organized the use of A-Visit, movement of students to A-Visit, and clearance for the owner of Southern Missouri Trucking School. During the meeting, Mrs. Bricker took it upon herself to check each students Selective Service status, which helps the application process for the school. In addition, she has worked on getting the Missouri Highway Patrol to return to the Farmington Correctional Center to perform the paper CDL team so that her students can be released from the institution and be able to obtain their CDL permit.

As you can see, Mrs. Tracy Bricker has gone above and beyond her pay grade to ensure her students and programs are not only successful, but meet the department's mission of "Improving lives for safer communities".  


CO I Ryan Hannah 

COI Hanna is absolutely essential to the day to day operations in HU #5. In addition to his assigned tasks, which are numerous and keep him very busy, COI Hanna is quick to volunteer for all the added responsibilities that come with just being in housing unit 5. He speaks with the offenders daily to help solve issues they are having and will bring problems to the attention of the Case Managers/FUM of the house for correction. COI Hanna takes the time to listen and attempts to resolve issues before they become a bigger problem and potentially a security threat. COI Hanna has built a rapport with many offenders, this has come in handy when having to be the liaison between custody and mental health or medical staff. COI Hanna is knowledgeable in all areas of HU #5 and can complete any duty assigned seamlessly. He requires very little supervision and is a leader to other staff members in the house, especially officers who are not regularly assigned.

Awards & Recognition

Algoa Dog Team Competition

Great job to the FCC Dog Team for placing 3rd at the Algoa Dog Team Competition. The teams participated in a night trail and a day trail to find “runners” who had concealed themselves in the woods. Overall the dog team did great and were a very professional group.  Good Job Daryl and Carman for being such great pups!

New Team Members

CO I Robin Eichenberger

CO I Randall Helms

CO I Kyle Cresswell

CO I Jessica Henderson

CO I Timothy McFarland

CO I Tamara Sutton

CO I Marissa Hayward

CO I Jarred Lewis

CO I Johnathan Walters

CO I Christina Long

CCM II Gale Bollinger

CK II Audreona Tripp

CO I Paul Blair

CO I Johnny Fort

CO I Brandon Kearns

CO I Randy Rolens

CO I Kaylee Whitener

CO I Eric Yeager

CO I Riley Welch

CO I Gregg Abbott

CO I Billie Amarie


CO I Lisa Hooker promoted to CCM II at ERDCC

CO I Victoria Beauchamp voluntarily demoted to SK I

OSA Adriana Cummings promoted to AC I

CO I Zheng Ling promoted to CO II

CO I Tony Burgess promoted to CO II

CO I Nicholas Hahn promoted to CO II


CO I Terry Snow

CO I Steven Kelley

CK II Karen Scott

Staff Moves

CK III Danica Renshaw Transferred from ERDCC

OSA Connie Payne Transferred to PCC

September 2022

Employee of the Month

Storekeeper I David Davis        

I am nominating David Davis for Employee of the Month because of his work ethic. He is always willing to go the extra mile to get the job accomplished no matter what the task. He is always quick with a joke or a smile to brighten someone's day. Unless life gets in the way, he is always at work when scheduled and on time. Even though at times it seems like more and more work gets added on him, he manages to always get the job or tasks accomplished. He is a great person to work with and around. DOC needs more employees like him here. He is willing to train new people and help out wherever he can.  


CO I Casey Webb 

During 3rd Shift at approximately 5:30pm on 7/6/2022, CO I Casey Webb noticed that CO II Benjamin Helm wasn't feeling well, he said he just needed to set down for a bit. When he did CO I Webb observed signs that CO II Helm was possibly suffering from symptoms consistent with a stroke. CO I Webb then contacted the 3rd Shift Supervisor and advised him of what was going on with CO II Helm. CS I Kyle Webb then contacted medical staff to respond to the Control Center and give a medical assessment of CO II Helm. Medical staff advised CS I Webb that CO II Helm needed to be sent offsite to the Emergency Room for further trreatment as his blood pressure was extremely high. CO II Helm was transported to Parkland Hospital by CO III Jerrel Hollinger where he was treated and had apparently suffered a stroke. Thanks to CO I Webb's observations and quick actions she helped get CO II Helm treatment that may have prevented serious long term side effects up to including death.

New Team Members

CO I James Courtway

CO I Macey Haynes

Boiler Operator Paul Brannum

CO I Johnathan Wooten

CO I Kenneth Furgerson

CO I Ryan Aubuchon

CO I Kaidence Lindsey

CO I Benjamin Morris

CO I Deborah Barlow

CO I Angela Stanford

CO I Jenna Shorman

CO I Clifton Talley

CO I Laura Talley

CO I Shawna Baker

OSA Abby Roose

OSA Nancy Smith-Stead

SOSA Elena Evans

AC II Tasha Taylor

CO I Aaron Garcia

CO I Darrell Curry

CO I Deagan Donnell

CO I Cheyenne Dorsey-Stanton

CO I Richard Fuller

CO I John Huff II

CO I Zen Lee

CO I Mary Nickels

CO I Pamela Woody

MS I David Mayo


CO I Paul Freiheit promoted to CO II

CO I Jason Myers promoted to CO II

CO I Julie Yoder promoted to CO II

CS I Bryan Boesing promoted to Major

CO I David Bacallao promoted to Labor Supervisor at ERDCC

CO I Robert Nichols promoted to MS I


SOSA Debra Reed

CO I Michael Moore


Staff Moves

CO I Lyndi Luck Transferred from WERDCC

AC II Jessica Davidson Transferred from ERDCC

CO I Matthew Barton Transferred to PCC

CO I Jedediah Jennings Transferred to PCC


The training year runs from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 (Certificates for credit must be dated July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023).  Please watch for emails from the Training Department for specific details regarding classes/changes/training for FY22.

Training questions call:

Adam Randazzo, ITO – – Ext. 612

Zachery Jenkins, CO II - - Ext. 229


Puppy Pic

Chloe is a one year old Shepherd/Lab mix who weighs approximately 56 pounds. She is a very high energy dog who is focusing on learning her basic commands and greeting people politely. She did show signs of separation anxiety when she first arrived; however, her confidence has already greatly improved. Notes from the partnering shelter indicate Chloe is good with children. 

Thor is a nine month old Black Mouth Cur mix who weighs approximately 39 pounds. Thor has shown some signs of food aggression and will not be adopted to a home with small children. He likes women, but it takes him awhile to warm up to most men. He is treat motivated and is catching on to his training very quickly. He is working on taking treats more gently as he is always in a rush to get his food. He gets along well with the other dogs in the program. 

Maddie is a one year old Hound mix who weighs approximately 41 pounds. She was surrendered to the shelter due to her barking. While Maddie does like to announce herself when she hits the yard, she calms nicely in the room and in her kennel. She has not shown signs of excessive barking since being in the program. She is still working on greeting people politely, but absolutely loves attention/affection.

August 2022

Employee of the Month

SOSA Amanda Noble        

Amanda has been a valued member of the Personnel Office.  She goes above and beyond her duties to ensure the office runs smoothly. We were recently short staffed due to one of our staff members being out.  Amanda stepped up and was doing timekeeping and other duties for the institution while working overtime to ensure that payroll was completed by the deadlines, resulting in everyone being paid correctly and on time. This dedication should not go unnoticed. Amanda is always willing to help in other areas as needed to provide staff members with any information requested. These are only a few examples of why Amanda should be Employee of the Month.  


CO II Joe Gillam 

Sergeant Gillam always volunteers to work overtime and is very dependable. COII Gillam is now volunteering in an essential post in control center and also changed his RDOs. He is always very eager to learn new posts and is great with teaching new hires. COII Gillam is the Assistant Armory Officer and is also the Assistant Dog Team Leader. He has been a part of the CERT Team for 9 years, as well as being a part of many activations with the CERT Team and Dog Team, he has also assisted with the apprehension of several different escaped Offenders.

New Team Members

CO I Andrew Yount

CO I Isaac Since

CO I Amina Bond

CO I Richard Girard

CO I Valerie Hayes

CO I Jennifer Hammonds

CO I Clinton McAlister

CO I Robert Nichols

CO I Shalee LaCerda

CO I MacKenzie Oster

CO I Kayleigh Orrick

CO I Cheyanne Haynes

CK II Wendy Needham

Employment Transition Specialist Cotie Drope

CO I Nicole Brewer

CO I Jonah Casner

CO I Jarred Davis

CO I Chance DeClue

CO I Jessica Frazier-Smarsh

CO I David Koehler

CO I Brett Ledbetter

CO I Kevin McCleary

CO I Matthew Rohlic

CO I Dylan Shane

CO I Ashley Sharpe

CO I Karen Smith

CO I Jacob Thompson

CO I Julissa Tyler

CO I Steven Wirey

CK II Marshall Gore

CK II Clayton Teems

CK II Sherrie Gratton

CK II Mona Lance


CO III Leo Thomas Promoted to MS I from ERDCC


OSA Kenneth Arnhart

Staff Moves

CO I Theordore Northcutt Transferred from PCC

COI Benjamin Dement Promoted to COII at PCC

July 2022

OSA Heather Thompson

OSA-Personnel, Heather Thompson was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for July 2022. You were nominated by (SOSA) Taylor Holder, who states that, “you are a huge asset in the Personnel Office and you are always willing to help in anyway to make the Personnel department run smoothly.” Taylor also states you are always willing to go above and beyond your duties to help in anyway to ensure the work is completed. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections


CO I Tracy Roberts   

CO I Tracy Roberts, was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for July 2022. You were nominated by (SMI) Joe Jarret, who states that you are an asset and unsung hero at FCC.”  Joe also stated that even when facing overwhelming circumstances, you maintain a positive attitude as well as your sense of humor. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections!

New Team Members

CKII Paula Robards

COI Daniel Schibbelhut

COI Corrie Smith

COI Oscar McMeans

COI Benjamin Dement

COI William Kirkpatrick

COI Kyle Lawson

COI Jimmie Johnson

COI Christine Kahler

COI Maranda Ledbetter

COI Angel Barnes

COI Blake Schleisman

COI Hannah Brauer

COI Eugene Joe

COI Nathan Payne

COI Adam Hicks

COI Drake Hampton


COII April Link Promoted to COIII

SKI Joshua Mueller Promoted to SKII


OSA Christine Holder

Staff Moves

ACII Timothy McFarland Transferred from ERDCC

COI Jeffery Bond Transferred from PCC

COI Matthew Barton Transferred from PCC

FUM Richard Jennings Transferred to TCSTL

COI Jeffrey Bolte Promoted to CCMII at PCC

COII Thomas Helms Promoted to COIII at ERDCC

AII Bruce Nail Transferred to MECC

June 2022

Employee of the Month

Abuse Counselor II Marcela Johnson

Abuse Counselor II, Marcela Johnson was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for June 2022. You were nominated by (Abuse Counselor III) Tiffany Aiello who states that, “you are an amazing hard worker who is very reliable and involved. You not only focus on your determination in your work as a counselor, but you also do everything possible to make your coworkers feel included, cared for, and supported.” Tiffany also stated that you deserve the Employee of the Month award due to your diligence, dedication, friendliness, and outstanding teamwork. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections


CO II Benjamin Helm   

CO II Ben Helm, was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for June 2022. You were nominated by (COII) Randi Warren, who stated “that you have shown to be a valued asset to FCC. You volunteer to work endless amounts of overtime and for emergency and scheduled Out Counts. You are very security minded and you go above and beyond to help train new staff.”  We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections!

New Team Members

CKII Sara Griffith

COI Donald Mitchem, Jr.

COI Hannah Allgier

COI Ethan Clifton

COI Aaron Cowling

COI Shardae Dupree

COI Kara Francis

COI Travis Kunkel

COI Tine McClain

COI Noah Miller

COI Roxana Nadeau

COI Aedrean Oster

COI Crystal Oster

COI Brandon Robinson

COI William Robinson

COI Trent Russell

COI Harold Shad

COI Levi Price

COI Richard Russell

COI Joshua Crooke

COI Robert Hodge

COI Austin Santhuff

COI Dominic Santhuff

COI Philicity Steinc

COI Charles Mize

COI Jeff Hedrick

COI Jamie Rogers

COI Elijah Muzzey

COI William Alexander

COI Peyton Dennis

COI Johanna Thompson

COI Bobby Higgins


COI  Kenneth Bollinger to COII

COI Benjamin Helm to COII

COI Carolyn Friedmeyer voluntarily to OSA

CCMII Christopher Probst to FUM


COI Johnny Fort

CCM Elizabeth Crocker

Staff Moves

ACII Daniel Settler Transferred from ERDCC

COI Payton Napoli Transferred to WMCC

COI Kaydon Ketcherside Promoted to COII at ERDCC

COI Michael Taylor Promoted to COII at ERDCC

CSII Phillip Anderson Transferred to ERDCC

May 2022

Employee of the Month

OSA-K Kenneth Arnhardt

OSA-K Kenneth Arnhardt was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for May 2022. You were nominated by (FUM) Chris Skaggs who states that, “you always present yourself in a positive and professional manner that helps boost morale in the Housing Unit. Chris also stated that you are extremely knowledgeable and that you complete your job, as well as other duties from housing units, in a timely manner”. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.


CO I Ling Zheng   

COI Ling Zheng, was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for May 2022. You were nominated by Jim Brown, (COIII), who stated “that since the start of your career you have had perfect attendance. Along with your perfect attendance you also volunteer to work overtime on a regular basis, and take the back half of shifts to prevent your coworkers from being mandated to work full 16 hour shifts. Jim Brown also stated that though your post is Housing Unit 8 Control Room, you frequently volunteer to work other posts in order to help your fellow staff, that you are always early to post, and even though you are a newer staff member you are a role model fox existing staff.”  We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections! Good job! Thank you and keep up the good work!

New Team Members

COI Cody Overmeyer

COI Dillon Roberts

COI LaDonna Richter

COI Jared Denman

COI Nathan Kaboos

COI Hailey Helm


CKII LaDonna Denman

COI Seth Culver

COI Malachi Kyle

COI Amanda Householder

COI Morgan Vytsteke

COI Audrey McCulley

COI Kenneth Bollinger

COI Dusty Walters

OSA Zoey Bockenkamp


COI Frank Vogler Promoted to COII

CKII Polly Sharp Promoted to CKIII

OSA Cheyanna Plomedahl Promoted to CCMII

SKII Rebecca Pinkley Promoted to Supply Manager I


COIII Randy Camden

CCMII Gale Bollinger

Supply Manager I Dana Kemper

COI Calvaletta Huddleston

Staff Moves

COI Travis Keith Transferred from PCC

CKIII Amber Mishler Transferred from ERDCC

CCMII Jason Kennon Transferred from ERDCC

COI Gary Costner Transferred to ERDCC as OSA

April 2022

Employee of the Month

OSA-Cheyanna Plomedahl

OSA Cheyanna Plomedahl was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for April 2022. You were nominated by Kade Williams, (COI) who states that, “you always have a positive attitude and bring the spirits of those around you up. Kade also stated that you often offer to get lunch for people when you leave for your break and even deliver it to the housing unit they are assigned.  We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.


CO II Jacob Martin   

CO II Jacob Martin, was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for April 2022. You were nominated by Virgil Ashley, (COI), who stated “that you assist others around you in completing their tasks such as packing TASC property or completing wing walks when your staff members are occupied with other tasks. Virgil also stated that you have done a wonderful job keeping up with your Housing Unit 10 responsibilities along with the array of tasks thrown your way with the opening of Housing Unit 30.  Assisting your staff makes you a great leader.”  We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections!

New Team Members

COI Taylor McLeod

COI Scott Dicus

COI Tiffany Noe

COI Jason Corbitt

COI Tony Tolley

CKII Zorobabel Bastida-Mendez

COI Lucas Hampton


COI Angie Lopez-Lee Promoted to COII

COI Nicholas Stoelting Promoted to COII

COII Sheila Shepard Demoted to ACII

Staff Moves

COI Kayden Ketcherside Transferred from MECC

COI Brian Benson Transferred from PCC

FUM April Link Transferred from MECC as COII

OSA Debra Harrison Transferred to DSS

March 2022

Employee of the Month

RO III Tom O'Connor

ROIII Tom O’Connor was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for March 2022. He was nominated by Nicki Perry, (FUM) who states that, “you’re always able to be counted on and that you frequently volunteer for duties that fall outside of recreation. Whether it’s delivering 800 pizzas to all staff, or assisting with offender movement for flu shot clinics! Along with always being there to assist others, with a can-do attitude. You have also responded to every call for assistance during your shift and helped the safety and security of the institution by removing unauthorized substances from the institution on five separate occasions in the month of January alone!” 

CO I David Bacallao

CO I David Bacallao, was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for March 2022. You were nominated by Marvin Brannum, (FUM), who stated “your ability to manage resistance from SRU offenders by using your presence and your words is exemplary! Mr. Brannum also stated that while your work is exemplary, one of your best attributes is that you are one of the friendliest people that he knows, always arriving with a smile on your face and a happy greeting for your coworkers.” We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections! Good job! Thank you and keep up the good work!

New Team Members

Accounting Clerk Amber Hankins

COI Matthew Yates

COI Lane Allen

COI Payton Napoli

SOSA Ashley Eye

ACII Mindy Bradshaw


COI Danielle Barton Promoted to ATIII

CKIII Anthony Charboneau Promoted to COI

VESII Diane Missey Promoted to Factory Manager I

COI Devin Lee Promoted to ETII

COI Chrissie Maurer Voluntarily to CKII

COII Chad Bess Promoted to COIII

COI Victoria Howell Voluntarily to IAC

COII Amanda Crocker Voluntarily to CCMII

February 2022

Employee of the Month

Non Custody
OSA-K Brenda Ridlon

OSA-K, Brenda Ridlon was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for February 2022. You were nominated by Jason Coleman, (Treatment Unit Supervisor) who states that, during the months of November and December you were the only clerical staff member assigned to Farmington Treatment Center and that you carried the load of what would normally be two staff members. Jason also stated that you were willing to assist others around you regardless of their department. Your willingness to carry out your responsibilities as well as assist in other areas, all while maintaining an “extremely cheerful and amiable attitude” is appreciated.  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections!


CS Kyle Webb   

CSI, Kyle Webb was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for February 2022. You were nominated by Scott Long, COIII, who stated that you went out of your way to ensure an employee that was having car trouble was able to make it home safely. COIII Long also stated that you assisted the staff member by following him home and causing yourself to get home two hours later than you would normally. You go above and beyond your duties by not only ensuring staff safety inside of the institution but also outside in your own personal time. Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections! 

New Team Members

COI Bridgette Blakemore

COI Robert Kratky, Jr

COI Makayla Phillips

COI Ashley Skaggs


COI Danielle Barton

Labor Supervisor James Pope

ACI Catherine Miniea

COI Coy Sitze

COI Matthew Wilson

COI Brooke Portell

COI Scott Bone

COI Kevin Pinson

COI Jeffrey Seabaugh

Boiler Operator Jerome Blake


IAC Tyler Smith Promoted to P&P

OSA Tina Huskey Promoted to SKI

COI Dustin Burcham Promoted to COII at ERDCC

COIII Jason Jakoubek Promoted to CSI at PCC

COI Randi Warden Promoted to COII

COI Dennis Strange Promoted to CCMII

COI Michael Wampler Promoted to CCMII

Staff Moves

COII Oliver Huff Transferred to ERDCC

COII Joshua Lee Transferred to ERDCC

OSA Teresa Nettles Transferred to P&P OSA

January 2022

Employee of the Month

Non Custody
CCM III Chris Probst

CCMII, Chris Probst was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for January 2022. You were nominated by Nicki Perry, (FUM) who stated, “though you are very busy with your duties as a CCMII, you have stepped up and helped with other vacant positions within your Housing Unit. Nicki also states that you frequently assist Custody with their duties as well as work as a Custody Officer on your scheduled days off. Your willingness to carry out your responsibilities as well as assist in other areas, all while maintaining a positive can-do attitude is appreciated.”  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!


CS I William Dennis (a.k.a. Billie)      

William Dennis, CSI, was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for January 2022. You were nominated by John Hooker, (CSI), who stated, “You go above and beyond through out the year while preparing for St. Francois County’s Shop with a Cop Program and that you even donate your own money towards this cause. Your actions not only help local children who might otherwise go without, but you also positively represent Farmington Correctional Center.”  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!  

New Team Members

COI Nathan Meyer

OSA Sierra Thomas

COI Shianna Anderson

COI Chrissie Maurer

COI Christopher McWilliams

COI Michelle Young

COI Lukas Johnston


COI Randall Beel Promoted to CCMII

Deputy Warden Clerical Kelly Farris Promoted to CCMII

Frank Koderick retirement

CCMII Lisa Roberts Promoted to CCMIII at PCC

CCMII Billie Since Promoted to FUM

ET William Fletcher Promoted to MSI

OSA Kristi Blair Promoted to Deputy Warden Clerical


COI Frank Koderick 15 year retirement

Staff Moves

CSI John Hooker Transferred from PCC

COI Scott Robnett, Jr. Transferred to ERDCC

COI George Armstrong Transferred to Dist. 25 P&P

Important Dates

February 11, 2022 Lincoln’s Birthday

February 21, 2022 Washington’s Birthday  

December 2021

Big News


Ms. Sandra Johnson, Storekeeper I is the Employee of the Year for 2021. Sandra really stepped up and did a total over-haul of maintenance tools and ensuring inventories are spot on!

Employee of the Month

Non Custody
SK I Kim Basler

Store Keeper I, Kim Basler was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for December 2021. “Canteen Kim” was nominated by Joshua Mueller, (SKI) who stated, “You are always willing to assist and be a team player without question. You always arrive to work promptly with a positive attitude, and remain professional in every aspect of your job duties. You possess an invaluable source of knowledge in the canteen; and are firm, fair, and consistent when dealing with offenders. We need more “Canteen Kim’s” in this facility!”  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!


COI Rita Penberthy        

COI Rita Penberthy, was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for December 2021. You were nominated by Scott Long, (COIII), who stated, “You do an exceptional job on your post in FCC’s Visiting Room (s). This is a critical post, and is very demanding in various ways. You can always be counted on to deal with staff, offenders, and the public in a highly professional, positive, tactful, and respectful manner. For your thoroughness in conducting searches of the visiting room areas, you made an initial discovery of drugs, providing a safer work environment for staff and offenders. You, quite possibly, saved numerous offenders from overdosing and/or death. Thank you for you dedication to your job duties!”  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!  

New Team Members

COI Zachary Eye

COI Gary Light

COI Michael Miller

COI Lloyd Smith

ACII Nicole James

COI Jordan Lurk

COI Joshua Wolo

CKII Tiffany Ray


SKI Brandon Smith Promoted to SKII

SOSA DaVonna Weston Promoted to Accounting Clerk

Labor Supervisor Michael Pulliam Promoted to MSI

CCMII April Link Promoted to FUM at MECC

Staff Moves

COI Anthony Parker Transferred from PCC

COI Dustin Uding Transferred to ERDCC

Important Dates

December 31, 2021 Observance of New Year’s Day

January 17, 2022 Martin Luther King, Jr’s Birthday  

November 2021

Employee of the Month

Non Custody
SK I Sandra Johnson

Store Keeper I, Sandra Johnson was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for November 2021. She was nominated by Jimmy Farris, (MSII) who stated, “You are continuously willing to go above and beyond your normal job duties.  When maintenance was short-handed you stepped up and was willing to contribute where ever you were needed with no questions asked. You show up to work each day with a pleasing personality and are devoted to performing your job to the best of your ability, which makes it a pleasure to work with you.” Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!


COI Michael Griffin     

COI Michael Griffin, was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for November 2021. He was nominated by David Bacallao, (COI), who stated, “You represent DOC with the utmost respect for the uniform you wear and the people you work with. He stated you are respectful and you get respect from both offenders and staff alike. You are considered a training officer which takes extra time and energy to pursue and be good at doing.”  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!  

New Team Members

COI Taylor Massey

COI Dakota Herren

Chaplain Kevin Richardson

COI George Armstrong

ATI Issac Dettmer

COI Kenneth Hatfield

COI Jeffrey Dobbs

COI Christopher Reitzel

COI Jared Debrecht

COI Christopher Curtois

COI Miranda Zahner

COI Jordan Barnes

COI Keithlinn Clark

CKIII Haley Hays


CCMII Sheri Byington Promoted to FUM at MECC

COII Jesse Maxey Promoted to COIII

ACII Stacie Davis Promoted to ACIII

Staff Moves

OSA Adrianna Cummings Transferred from ERDCC

OSA Cheyanna Plomedahl Transferred from FTC-DORS To FCC – DAI

COI Lola Brannum Transferred to PCC

COI Kyle Gilliland Transferred to MECC

CSI Dennis Kirby Transferred to PCC

Important Dates

November 11, 2021  Veterans Day

November 25, 2021 Thanksgiving Day  

October 2021

Employee of the Month

EOM Debbie Crites

Non Custody
Account Clerk Debbie Crites

Account Clerk Debbie Crites, was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for October 2021. She was nominated by Billie Since (CCMII) and Darla Shannon (OSA) who stated, “You are always willing to go the extra mile for your co-workers. When your department was short staffed you picked up extra task and still made time to assist our department with answering questions regarding the offenders accounts. You are knowledgeable in your position and have provided many resources/information to assist payroll, completing purchase orders and provided many resources/information to assist employees in conducting their jobs more efficiently. You are always pleasant in your interactions and always have a smile to share. You are a true role model when it comes to dependability and team work.” Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.

Non Custody

CO I Jason Somerville    

COI Jason Somerville, was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for October 2021. He was nominated by Eric Perry (CCMII), who stated, “You are a tremendous asset to the Farmington Correctional Center Custody team since coming to shift. You go out of your way to complete frequent searches and by doing so, have discovered numerous contraband items. You have established an excellent rapport with the offender population that has assisted in discovering illegal activities, such as tattooing, that other staff may not be aware of. You complete all task that have been assigned to you in a timely manner and with a positive attitude.”  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.

New Team Members

COI Jacob Francis

COI Gary Costner

COI Terry Miller

COI Christopher Marschel

CKII Jessie Jarvis

COI Michael Davis

COI Michael Pyatt

COI Hollis Vuylsteke

COI Paul Jaco

COI Patrick McCauley

COI Gerardo Landeros

COI Christopher Hewitt

COI Jennifer Bequette

COI Andrea Patterson

CKII Makayla Tarpley


Factory Mgr. I James Lewis Promoted to Factory Mgr. II

Randall Beel Demoted to COI from P&P

COI William Nokes Promoted to COII

COI Joseph Gillam Promoted to COII

COIII Devin Parker Promoted to CCMII

Staff Moves

COI Tryston Jarvis Transferred from MECC

COI Lola Brannum Transferred from PCC

COI Brent Sturm Transferred to ERDCC

COI Edwin Messersmith Transferred to ERDCC

COI David Martin Transferred to PCC


The training year runs from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. (Certificates for credit must be dated July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) Please watch for emails from the Training Department, for specific details regarding classes/changes/training for FY22.

Important Dates

November 11, 2021  Veterans Day

November 25, 2021 Thanksgiving Day  

EOM Sarah Malin
EOM Sarah Malin

September 2021

Big News

We have a NEW Employee Wellness Bulletin Board, located in the hallway outside the Mailroom, on the bottom floor of the Administration Building. Come check it out!

Employee of the Month

Non Custody
OSA Sarah Malin

OSA Sarah Malin, (Switchboard) was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for September 2021. She was nominated by Harvetta Sutton (AOSA), who stated, “You set a great example of the friendly atmosphere that we work hard to maintain here at Farmington Correctional Center. You show the utmost patience in helping direct callers to the correct extension, or answer any questions that the caller may present. You are always quick to offer assistance to the mailroom and various employees within the Administration building. Regardless of the task set before you, you never fail to smile when greeting anyone by phone or in person. You often state how much you enjoy your job and make it difficult for anyone who comes in contact with you not to recognize your bubbly and happy demeanor.” Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.

Non Custody

EOM Kyle Gilliland
EOM Kyle Gilliland

CO I Kyle Gilliland     

CO I Kyle Gilliland, was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for September 2021. He was nominated by Amy Luebbers (COIII), who stated, “You have been an asset to the FCCCustody team since coming to shift. You have gone out of your way to learn every post on 1st shift as well as volunteering for an abundance of overtime. You have embraced working in the Ad-Seg housing unit by completing daily duties in a timely manner as well as bringing in a fresh outlook and assisting in making tasks more efficient you have shown a natural ability in creating rapport with offenders and have become respected and well known amongst the offender population for being firm, fair and consistent.”  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.

New Team Members

Nokes and Gilliam promoted to Sergeant
Nokes and Gilliam promoted to Sergeant

CKIII Ann Steele

COI Kevin Brannum

COI Marty Hill

COI Dustin Burcham

COI Cody McCartney

COI Marcus Ehly

COI Cody Moore

COI Riley Hahn

COI Nicholas Hafley

COI Dustin Uding

COI Jasmine Cochran

FCC dog team takes 2nd place in tracking competition
FCC dog team takes 2nd place in tracking competition

COI Roxanna Wright

COI Caleb Hawkins

COI Dalton Maddock

COI Tristen Buchanan

COI Samuel Merrill

CKII Joseph Johnson

CKII Kaitlin Adams

CKII Michael Bass

ACII Sharon Vincent


COI Zachary Thomure Promoted to COII

VESII Kimberly Marler Transferred to CKII

VESII Tiler Missey Transferred to CKII

VESII Aaron Yates Promoted to COI

COI Jonas Spain Promoted to COII

VESII Anthony Charboneau Promoted to CKIII

COI Justin Allgier Lateral to ROI  


Chaplain Gene Abrams

Staff Moves

COI Kyle Gilliland Transferred from PCC

COI Bradley Heflin Transferred from PCC

COI Brandon Kallansrud Transferred from PCC

Records Officer III Cheryl Young Transferred from ERDCC to FCC as Records Officer I

COI Michael Bond Transferred from NECC

COI Charla Francis Transferred from PCC

CCMII Randall Beel Transferred to P&P

COI Andrea Decker Promoted to COII at ERDCC

VESII Ronald Decker Promoted to Laundry Supv at ERDCC

VESII Paul Huffstetter Transferred to MECC Clothing

COI Regina Tiggs Transferred to ERDCC

COI Morgan Stewart Transferred to ERDCC

CKIII Jessica Young Transferred to PCC


The training year runs from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. (certificates for credit must be dated July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) Please watch for emails from the Training Department, for specific details regarding classes/changes/training for FY22.

Training questions call:

Adam Randazzo, ITO – – ext. 612

Walter De Clue, ATO – – ext. 229

Kristi Blair, OSA –  - ext. 228

Note: The training department has an answering machine for staff to leave messages at EXT 619.

Important Dates

October 11, 2021 Columbus Day

Success Story

Congratulations to Willie Nokes and Joe Gilliam, in their promotions to Sergeant at Farmington Correctional Center.  

Congratulations to Farmington Correctional Centers Dog Team for a 2nd place win in the Tracking Dog Competition.

Congratulations to former Lieutenant, Ms. Devin Parker, for being selected for a

Case Manager II position for Farmington Correctional Center.

August 2021

Employee of the Month

Non Custody
Kim Underwood, Personnel Manager

Personnel Manager Kim Underwood, was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for August 2021. She was nominated by William Dennis (CSI), who stated, “You go above and beyond your job expectations. Your unwavering work ethic does not go unnoticed. You maintain an amazingly positive attitude and are consistent in your daily work duties. Your positive attitude makes you enjoyable to be around and to work with. Your willingness to go above and beyond for not only your staff but anyone here at FCC is truly remarkable. You are a vital asset to the FCC team and truly a remarkable role model for your peers.”  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.

Non Custody
CO III Jason Jakoubek 

COIII Jason Jakoubek, was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month 
for August 2021. He was nominated by William Dennis (CSI), who stated, “You do an exceptional job. You handle innumerable tasks and issues that arise without argument or delay. You go above and beyond in your requirements and never hesitate to assist. Your diligence and knowledge makes you a valuable asset to Farmington Correctional Center. You are a genuine individual who possesses exceptional integrity. You always conduct yourself in a professional manner and your unwavering work ethic does not go unnoticed. Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.

New Team Members

COI Caleb Ray

CKII Hannah Jarvis

COI Lukas Johnston

COI Elisha Lunsford

COI Kevin Tinker

COI Jason Myers

COI Thomas Zook

COI Blake Crayton

COI Heidi Howell


COI Robert Keay Promoted to COII

CKII Melody Snavely Promoted to COI

COI Jonathan Anderson to Labor Supervisor

COI Samantha Kelley Promoted to CCMII at PCC  


Chaplain Gene Abrams

Staff Moves

COI Stevie Edmond Transferred to ERDCC

COI Dallan Rector Transferred to ERDCC

COI Kyle Gilliland Transferred to PCC

COI Bradley Heflin Transferred to PCC


The training year runs from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. (certificates for credit must be dated July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) Please refer to the email’s that was sent from the training department on July 28, 2021, and July 8, 2021, for specific details regarding changes/training for FY22.

Training questions call:

Adam Randazzo, ITO – – ext. 612

Walter De Clue, ATO – – ext. 229

Kristi Blair, OSA –  - ext. 228

Important Dates

September 6, 2021 Labor Day

September 22, 2021 First Day of Autumn – Happy Fall

2021 Personnel Club

 President -Joshua Hickman                        

Vice President -Logan Tucker

Treasurer - DaVonna Weston

Secretary – Patricia Eckhoff

Social Chair – Virginia Warden                                                                                       

Social Chair -Shelly Harbison

Social Chair – Cameron Sutton

Social Chair – Victoria Howell

July 2021

Employee of the Month


Non Custody
SKI Terry Bates

SKI Terry Bates, was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for July 2021. He was nominated by Kim Basler (SKI), who stated, “You go above and beyond your job expectations. Your unwavering work ethic does not go unnoticed. You maintain an amazingly positive attitude and are consistent in your daily work duties. Your positive attitude makes you enjoyable to be around and to work with. You are always willing to help others and you are a vital asset to the FCC Team.”  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. 

Non Custody
CO III Josh Willis 

COIII Josh Willis, was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for July 2021. He was nominated by Devin Parker (COIII), who stated, “You do an exceptional job. You are a genuine individual who possesses exceptional integrity. You always conduct yourself in a professional manner and complete duties in a timely fashion. Your unwavering work ethic does not go unnoticed. You handle innumerable tasks and issues that arise without argument or delay. You go above and beyond in your job requirements and never hesitate to assist.” Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.

New Team Members

COI Destiney Singleton

COI Darzackeon Kelly

COI Kimberly Hand

COI Robert Hand

COI Ling Zhenz

FCC Restorative Justice projects
FCC Restorative Justice projects

COI Riley Rudasill

COI Carolanne Ferreira

ACI/II Marsha Galvan


OSA Rhonda Lavacot promoted to Accounting Clerk

Records Officer I Lisa Abbott promoted to Records Officer III

FUM Melanie Hinkle promoted to Civil Rights Officer

OSA Ammenda Church promoted to CCMII  

FCC Restorative Justice projects
FCC Restorative Justice projects


COI Gregg Abbott

COI Randy Green

COI Darryl Propst

COIII Terry White

Staff Moves

COI Donny Chandler promoted to ERDCC as COII

COI Kaydon Ketcherside transferred to MECC

COII Leo Thomas promoted to ERDCC as COIII

COII Stephen Benson promoted to ERDCC as COIII


The training year runs from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. (certificates for credit must be dated July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) Please refer to the email’s that was sent from the training department on July 28, 2021, and July 8, 2021, for specific details regarding changes/training for FY22.

Training questions call:

Adam Randazzo, ITO – – ext. 612

Walter De Clue, ATO – – ext. 229

Kristi Blair, OSA –  - ext. 228

Important Dates

July 5, 2021 (Independence Day observed)

June 2021

EOM Lisa Tripp
EOM Lisa Tripp

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
OSA Lisa Tripp

OSA Lisa Tripp was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for June, 2021. She was nominated by Robin Thomas (FUM), who stated, “You go above and beyond your job expectations. Your unwavering work ethic does not go unnoticed. You maintain an amazingly positive attitude and are consistent in your daily organization with work duties. Your positive attitude makes you enjoyable to be around and to work with. You are always willing to help others learn and perform their job duties.” You are a vital asset to the FCC Team. Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!

CO I Joe Grimes

COI Joe Grimes was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for June, 2021. He was nominated by TJ Reed (COIII), who stated, “You do an exceptional job. You always conduct yourself in a professional manner and complete duties in a timely fashion. Your unwavering work ethic does not go unnoticed. You work hard to keep not only the staff safe, but the offender population safe as well. You handle innumerable tasks and issues that arise without argument or delay. You go above and beyond in your job requirements and never hesitate to assist.”  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!  

New Team Members

Labor Supervisor Kyle Isgrig

COI Michael Taylor

COI Austin Moore

COI Shawnta Crocker

CKII Wesley Zahner

ACI/II Wendy Payne

COI Joseph Jaujou

COI Jessica McClanahan

COI Sasha Curtis


COII Jessica Young to CKIII

COI John Pyatt promoted to CCA

COI Terry Voyles promoted to ROI

COI Thomas Hootselle promoted to CCMII

COI Matthew Streckfuss promoted to COII


Records Officer III Tamara Bowyer

Staff Moves

COI Michael Trenkle transfer from NECC

COI Peter Koenig transfer from ERDCC

COI Jonas Spain transfer to ERDCC

COI John Forbus transfer to PPA


The training year runs from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. (certificates for credit must be dated July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) Please refer to the email that was sent from the training department on July 8, 2021, for specific details regarding changes/training for FY22.

Training questions call:

Adam Randazzo, ITO – – ext. 612

Walter De Clue, ATO – – ext. 229

Kristi Blair, OSA –  - ext. 228

Important Dates

July 5, 2021 (Independence Day observed)

May 2021

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
AC II Stacie Harris

 ACII Stacie Harris was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for May, 2021. She was nominated by Tiffany Aiello (AC III) who stated, “You go above and beyond your job expectations. Your unwavering work ethic does not go unnoticed. You maintain an amazingly positive attitude and are consistent in your daily organization with work duties. Your positive attitude makes you enjoyable to be around and work with. You are always willing to help others learn and perform their job duties. You are a vital asset to the FCC Team. Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.

CO I Bryce Archambo

COI Bryce Archambo was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for May, 2021. He was nominated by Nancy Crawford (MSW/KCSW and Jamie Paul (RN Supervisor, who stated, “You do an exceptional job. You always conduct yourself in a professional manner and complete duties in a timely fashion.Your unwavering work ethic does not go unnoticed. You work hard to keep not only the staff safe, but the offender population safe as well. You handle innumerable tasks and issues that arise without argument or delay. You go above and beyond in your job requirements and never hesitate to assist.”  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.

New Team Members

COI Jerry Amonds

COI Kaitlyn Shaw

CCMII Robin Pfeiffer

COI Kenny Mauldin

CKII Sarah Downing

19 Hr. COI Daniel McCarey


COI Joshua Tiemann promoted to COII

COI Patricia Eckhoff promoted to COII

ROI Russell Becker promoted to ROII

Labor Supervisor Dalton Brown promoted to MWII


CCMII Russell Mullinax

Staff Moves

CCMII Kimberly Browers transfer from ERDCC

COII Joshua Lee transfer from ERDCC

CKIII Martha Martin transfer to ERDCC

Account Clerk Stephanie Halbert transfer to PCC

ACII Paula McMillen promoted/transferred to ERDCC as IPO


2020 Training ends June 30, 2021 (changed to coincide with fiscal year) Training you completed from January 2020 through the end of June 2021 counts for this training year. The new year of training begins July 1, 2021.  

April 2021

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
CCM II Ryan Hillis

Ryan Hillis was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for April, 2021. He was nominated by Chris Skaggs (FUM) who stated, “You have gone above and beyond your job expectations. Your unwavering work ethic does not go unnoticed. Your easy going nature and your overall positive attitude makes you enjoyable to be around and work with. You are always willing to help others learn and perform their job duties. You are a vital asset to the FCC Team.”  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.

CO II Jesse Maxey

CO II Jesse Maxey was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for April, 2021. He was nominated by Randall Beel (CCM II) and Nicki Perry (FUM) who stated, “You do an exceptional job. You always conduct yourself in a professional manner and complete duties in a timely fashion. Your unwavering work ethic does not go unnoticed. You work hard to keep not only the staff safe, but the offender population safe as well. You handle innumerable tasks and issues that arise without argument or delay. On multiple occasions, you have been observed instructing new COI’s in proper protocol for many procedures. You go above and beyond in your job requirements and never hesitate to assist.”  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.

Awards & Recognition

[Lifesaver awards, contest winners, etc.]

New Team Members

COI Colton Hodges

COI Dakota Krieger

OSA Darian Brooks

COI Jacob Howell

OSA Paula Treece

COI Tiffany Trenary

COI Randall Jones

COI Cynthia Howell

COI Hunter Cureton

MSI Nathan Rothlisberger

COI Ann Basila

COI Haley Dockins

COI Alex Snider

Labor Supervisor Michael Pulliam

ACII Jeffery Tupper

COI Scott Reeves


ROII Thomas O’Connor promoted to ROIII

ACII Tiffany Aiello promoted to ACIII

CCA Eric Perry promoted to CCMI

Boiler Operator William Benson promoted to Stationary Engineer

ATIII Corrina Daniels-Griggs promoted to Special Education Teacher III


COI Kelly Wormsley

CKII Curtis House

VESII Wallace Yates

Staff Moves

PPM Randy Holt transferred in from SECC to Stationary Engineer

COI Jerry Whited transferred to ERDCC

CKIII Sharron Montgomery transferred to ERDCC

ACII Melissa Benson transferred/promoted to PCC


2020 Training ends June 30, 2021 (changed to coincide with fiscal year) Training you completed from January 2020 through the end of June 2021 counts for this training year. The new year of training begins

July 1, 2021.  We do not have any information regarding required classes for the new year as of yet.

Training questions call:

Adam Randazzo, ITO – – ext. 612

Walter De Clue, ATO – – ext. 229

Kristi Blair, OSA –  - ext. 228

Town Hall Report

[Attendance numbers, topics]

Important Dates

May 7, 2021 Truman Day

May 10, 2021 Mother’s Day

May 31, 2021 Memorial Day


2021 Personnel Club

 President -Joshua Hickman                        

Vice President -Logan Tucker

Treasurer - DaVonna Weston

Secretary – Patricia Eckhoff

Social Chair – Virginia Warden                                                                                       

Social Chair -Shelly Harbison

Social Chair – Cameron Sutton

Social Chair – Victoria Howell

March 2021

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
AT III Kelly Pope

Kelly Pope was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for March, 2021. He was nominated by Lawrence Johnson (Education Manager) who stated, "you have gone above and beyond your job expectations during FCC’s Education Department COVID-19 pandemic operations. Your unwavering work ethic does not go unnoticed. You took it upon yourself to make sure the students who needed to get testing done did, along with maintaining the housing unit integrity along the pandemic protocols. You are always willing to help others learn and perform their job duties. You go above and beyond in your job requirements and never hesitate to assist. You are a vital asset to the FCC Team. Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!"

CO II Chad Bess

CO II Chad Bess was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for March, 2021. He was nominated by Jesse Maxey who stated, "you do an exceptional job. You always conduct yourself in a professional manner and complete duties in a timely matter. Your unwavering work ethic does not go unnoticed. You work hard to keep not only the staff safe but the offender population safe as well. On multiple occasions, you have found dangerous contraband. Your ability to connect with the offender population helps you gain a wealth of information that assist in the discovery of these items. You go above and beyond in your job requirements and never hesitate to assist.  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!" 

New Team Members

Chaplain Mark Dean

COI Kyle Gilliland

CKII Christopher King

CKII Nathan Stegall

COI Connor Eaton

COI Stevie Edmond

COI Kurtis Kile


COI Christopher Pashia promote to COII

COI Rickie Parker promote to COII

COI Leo Thomas promote to COII

COI Amy Luebbers promote to COII

COI Jessica Young promote to COII


COI Derin Phelps

Factory Manager II Sally Keith

Staff Moves

COI Donald Sweeney transfer to PCC

COI William Wells transfer to PCC

CKII Kelsey McDonald transfer to ERDCC

Important Dates

March 17, 2021 St Patrick’s Day

April 1, 2021   NACHO/QUESO DAY in the Control Center

Times are as follows:

2nd Shift- 11am to 1:30pm

3rd Shift- 2pm to 3:30pm

1st Shift- 10:00pm to 11:30pm


2021 Personnel Club

President -Joshua Hickman

Vice President -Logan Tucker

Secretary -Patricia Eckhoff

Treasurer -DaVonna Weston

Social Chair -Virginia Warden

Social Chair -Shelly Harbison

Social Chair -Cameron Sutton

Social Chair -Victoria Howell

February 2021

Big News

Covid-19 Vaccination Clinics were held at FCC on January 28 and 29 

and February 1, 2021.

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
SOSA Sara Rogers

Sara Rogers was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for February, 2021. She was nominated by RO III Tamara Bowyer who stated, "you do an exceptional job. For several months your office has been short staffed and you have been keeping the office running smoothly with the assistance of light duty officers. You continue to ensure that all duties are completed while keeping a positive attitude. You are always able to answer staff or offenderfamily questions regarding mailroom policy. You are a vital asset to the FCC Team. Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!

CO I Taylor Ortmann

CO I Taylor Ortmann was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for February, 2021. He was nominated by  TJ Reed, COIII who stated, "you do an exceptional job. You always arrive to work with a positive, can-do attitude. You always conduct yourself in a professional manner and complete duties without supervision. Your unwavering work ethic does not go unnoticed. You work hard to keep not only the staff safe but the offender population safe as well. On multiple occasions, you have found dangerous contraband. Your ability to connect with the offender populations helps you gain a wealth of information that assist in the discovery of these items. You are always willing to help other officers learn and perform their job duties. You go above and beyond in your job requirements and never hesitate to assist.  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job! "

New Team Members

COI April McCleary

COI Lisa Crocker

COI Judy Wall

19hr COI Rhonda Glaser

COI Spencer Davis

COI Ileanis De Leon Santiago

COI Angela Schroeder

COI Kevin Tinker

OSA Tracy McCarty

COI Bradley Heflin

COI Robert Keay

COI Jonathan Anderson


CKII Joshua Mueller promoted to SKI

COII Kody Martin promoted to COIII

Stationary Engineer Richard Allgier promoted to PPSI


COI Warren Braswell

Staff Moves

SKI Brandon Smith transfer in from ERDCC

CKIII Brian Schwent transfer in from ERDCC – promoted to Food Service Manager


Due to Covid-19, in-seat training in the Training Building is currently on hold. However, you may continue        your training online through DOCOTA and also through LinkedIN Learning. If you have any questions, please contact ITO Adam Randazzo, ATO Walter DeClue or OSA Krista Blair.  

January 2021

Employee of the Year

IIO Robert Ebert

Congratulations! You have been selected by your fellow staff as Farmington Correctional Center’s Employee of the year for 2020. We are glad to have you  as part of the FCC team, as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Thank you and keep up the good work!  

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
CCM III Betsy Crocker

Betsy Crocker was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for January, 2021. He was nominated by FUM Rich Jennings, who stated, "during a conduct violation reading you noticed that the offender was visibly upset in regards to the violation. You went above and beyond to make sure the offender got the help he needed. Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well  as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!"

CO I John Taylor

CO I John Taylor was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for January, 2021. He was nominated by STK I David Davis, who stated, "you do an exceptional job. You can always be counted on to deal with staff, offenders, and the public in a highly professional, positive, tactful and respectful manner. You are always willing to help others learn and perform their job duties. You go above and beyond in your job requirements and never hesitate to assist in other departments. You have taken all this in stride and done so with a positive attitude. Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job! " 

New Team Members

COI Nicki Gendron

COI Arisa Goodman

COI Scott Robnett

OSA Connie Payne

COI Jerry Gann

COI Gage DeBlois

COI Jonathan Savner


COI Gregory Inman promoted to Fire & Safety

COII Timothy Reed promoted to COIII


COI Daniel McCarey

ROIII Tony Conrad

CCMII Jim McDaniels

Staff Moves

CSII Phillip Anderson transfer in from NECC

COI Pauline Gorman transfer in from ERDCC

COI Payton Kenner-Harris transfer to PCC

COI Gregory Varner transfer/promoted COII to PCC

COII John Lancaster transfer to PCC

COII John Peyton Smith transfer to PCC

COI Michael Thompson transfer to PCC

CKII Amber Mishler promoted to CKIII at ERDCC


Due to Covid-19, in-seat training in the Training Building is currently on hold. However, you may continue your training online through DOCOTA and also through LinkedIN Learning. If you have any questions, please  contact ITO Adam Randazzo, ATO Walter DeClue or OSA Krista Blair.

Recertification Extension – Per Director Precythe

  1. Probation and Parole Defensive Tactics Breakaway will be extended to 03/01/21.
  2. Division of Adult Institutions Firearms will be extended to 03/01/21.
  3. Division of Adult Institutions ECSI/CPR, First Aid and AED will be extended to 06/30/21.
  4. Division of Adult Institutions Defensive Tactics will be extended to 06/30/21.

Important Dates

February 12, 2021  Lincoln’s Birthday

February 15, 2021  Washington’s Birthday

December 2020

Employees of the Month

Non Custody 
Cook III Sharron Montgomery

Cook III was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for December 2020. He was nominated by Joshua Mueller, (Cook II) who stated, "you will not find an individual at FCC who knows more about policy than Russell. Countless occasions he has been called for assistance with a variety of IRR issues and he is always professional, knowledgeable and does not make any one feel like a fool when asking for help. You assist staff in such a way that they know exactly where to go to find what is needed to complete a task, and often you send examples or direct references that pertain to the issue at hand. Your constant positive attitude and pleasant demeanor make you an invaluable asset to FCC. Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!"

CO I Dennis Strange

CO I Dennis Strange was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for December 2020. He was nominated by Oliver Huff, (COII) and(COI’s): Kimberly Cook, and Cheryl Whitnell, who stated, "you do an exceptional job on your post at FCC’s front desk as the Reception Desk officer. This is a critical post, and is very demanding in various ways. You can always be counted on to deal with staff, offenders, and the public in a highly professional, positive, tactful, and respectful manner. You have recently taken care of several security improvements details including inventorying and issuing new body alarms for the front desk, the sally-ports and to individuals that need them. You have taken all of this in stride, and done so with a positive attitude.  Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!"  

New Team Members

COI Donald Sweeney

COI John Whited

COI Kelli Turner

COI Regina Tiggs

COI Jason Fiene

COI Ashley Maxwell

COI Amanda Owens

COI Dominic Sawyer

OSA Heather Thompson

COI Jaya Crites

COI Melony Brewer

COI Aron Horn

COI James Gouedy

COI Brian Wagganer

OSA Rhonda Lavacot


COI Jason Scott Promoted to ROI

COI Dalton Brown to Labor Supervisor

MWII Christopher Forshee promote to MSII

COI Ammenda Church to OSA

COI Aaron Ayers to OSA


 VESII Dennis Blunt

 COI Kevin Rothlisberger

Staff Moves

COII Alexander Downing Transfer to PCC

FSMII Laura Ritter Transfer to ERDCC

F&S Michael Kelso Transfer to ERDCC

CCMII Tiffany Smith Transfer to P&P


In-seat training in the Training Building is currently on hold. However, you may continue your training online through DOCOTA and also through LinkedIN Learning. If you have any questions, please  contact ITO Adam Randazzo, ATO Walter DeClue or OSA Krista Blair.  


Recertification Extension – Per Director Precythe

  1. Probation and Parole Defensive Tactics Breakaway will be extended to 03/01/21.
  2. Division of Adult Institutions Firearms will be extended to 03/01/21.
  3. Division of Adult Institutions ECSI/CPR, First Aid and AED will be extended to 06/30/21.
  4. Division of Adult Institutions Defensive Tactics will be extended to 06/30/21.

Important Dates

January 1, 2021  New Years Day

January 18, 2021  Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday

November 2020

Non Custody 
MoSOP Manager Steve Pfister

MoSOP Manager Steve Pfister was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for November 2020. He was nominated by Norm Shields, (MoSOP) and Nancy Gann, (MoSOP) who stated, "you will not find an individual at FCC who knows more about policy than Russell. Countless occasions he has been called for assistance with a variety of IRR issues and he is always professional, knowledgeable and does not make any one feel like a fool when asking for help. You assist staff in such a way that they know exactly where to go to find what is needed to complete a task, and often you send examples or direct references that pertain to the issue at hand. Your constant positive attitude and pleasant demeanor make you an invaluable asset to FCC. Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!"

CO I Zachary Nichols

CO I Zachary Nichols was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for November 2020. He was nominated by CS I Terrie Rich, who stated, "during the week of September 20th through September 26th, you volunteered your own vehicle and let COI Jacob Mazella use it so that he could get back and forth to work since Mazella’s car was broke down. There are a lot of people that would not give their vehicle up for a week so another co-worker could make it in to work; saving him from accruing any unscheduled absences, or creating a staff shortage. Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!"

New Team Members

COI Darren Cook Jr

COI Joseph Gillyon

COI Brad Johnson

COI Stephanie Ross

COI Belinda Whitson

COI WH Sandusky Jr

COI James Cowie

COI William Glanz

CKII Vicki Ward

Account Clerk Stephanie Halbert

ETII William Fletcher


COI Joshua Winingar Promoted to COII

COI Shelby Walters Promoted to COII

COI John Lancaster Promoted to COII

COI Darren Klemp Promoted to COII

ATIII Lawrence Johnson Promoted to ED Manager

SKI Rebecca Pinkley Promoted to SKII


 SKI Jodi Grindstaff

Staff Moves

COI Maria Dodson Transfer from PCC

 OSA Kyrissa Jones Transfer to PCC


Due to Covid-19, in-seat training in the Training Building is currently on hold. However, you may continue     your training online through DOCOTA and also through LinkedIN Learning. If you have any questions, please contact ITO Adam Randazzo, ATO Walter DeClue or OSA Krista Blair.  

October 2020

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
CCM II Russell Mullinax

CCM II Russell Mullinax was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for October 2020. He was nominated by FUM Nicki Perry who stated, "you will not find an individual at FCC who knows more about policy than Russell. Countless occasions he has been called for assistance with a variety of IRR issues and he is always professional, knowledgeable and does not make any one feel like a fool when asking for help. You assist staff in such a way that they know exactly where to go to find what is needed to complete a task, and often you send examples or direct references that pertain to the issue at hand. Your constant positive attitude and pleasant demeanor make you an invaluable asset to FCC. Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!"

CO I Angeleah Mickels

CO I Angeleah Mickels was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for October 2020. She was nominated by CO I MIchael Griffin, who stated, "while assigned to the control room of HU #9 you observed an offender in A-wing acting in a peculiar manner. You immediately informed fellow staff of the offender’s behavior, which led to the intervention of a suicide attempt. You further made sure offenders in the wing returned to their cells and secured their doors. You likewise ensured that the unit doors were opened in a timely manner for responding staff. Your great attention to detail and the offender movement seroconverted an outcome much different.  Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!"

New Team Members

CO I Jennifer Forrest

CO I Tyler Jones

CO I Kaydon Ketcherside

CO I Anthony Utenage

CO I David Bacallao

CO I Jedidiah Weir

CO I Branden Stanka

CO I Jennifer Francis

CO I Brent Buffington


PPS I Jason Vinson promoted to PPS III


 CO I Michael Siliven

 CO I Karen Siliven

 CO I George Brakefield

Staff Moves

CO I Angie Lopez transfer from ERDCC

OSA Fina Sherrill transfer to P&P


Due to Covid-19, in-seat training in the Training Building is currently on hold. However, you may staff members may continue training online through DOCOTA and also through Linked iN Learning. If you have any questions, please contactITO Adam Randazzo, ATO Walter DeClue or OSA Krista Blair.  

Important Dates

November 11, 2020 – Veterans Day

November 26, 2020 – Thanksgiving Day

September 2020

Big News

Corrections Week was held September 21 – September 25, 2020.  In honor of our staff at FCC the Personnel Club hosted several small events to show appreciation to all off the staff at FCC. Events included a dress down day, snow cones, candy, popcorn and soda. Thank you to each staff member for all your hard work and dedication!  

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
IIO Robert Ebert

IIO Robert Ebert was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for September 2020. He was nominated by FUM Nicki Perry who stated, "exemplary people excel at what they do and are excellent examples for others to follow. You are the very definition of exemplary. Your professionalism and work ethic are above reproach. Your assistance with ongoing AHO’s and the submission of all pertinent evidence for major violations prior to hearings, or them having to be requested, is invaluable. You are an excellent communicator and although often inundated with assigned investigations, you are always willing to listen and give advice.  Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!"

CO I Carolyn Friedmeyer

CO I Carolyn Friedmeyer was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for September 2020. She was nominated by ACT III Kelly Pope, who stated, "You have been selected by your fellow staff as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for September, 2020. You were nominated by who states you are always very friendly and willing to help in any way needed. You would take the assignments

of offenders given to you, that wouldn’t show up due to another appointment, work, etc. and make sure they received them later. At times, unannounced requested would come your way and you were always there to assist with those too. Of all the outstanding FCC employees Kelly Pope approached, you appeared to be the one that went out of your way to assist a fellow employee in the best manner you can. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!  

New Team Members

CO I Ashley Childers

CO I Destry Johnson

CO I Trevor Ballew

CO I Marion Mills

CO I Randall Stacy

CO I Whitney Wagganer

CO I Emilie Skaggs

CO I Youen Ropers

CK II Kelsey McDaniel

CO I Edwin Messersmith

CO I Brandon Jones

CO I Christopher Fox


CO III  Kyle Webb promoted to CS I

CO III William Dennis promoted to CS I


CO I Darren Cook

Accounting Clerk Debra Cox

Stationary Engineer John Holifield


Due to Covid-19, in-seat training in the Training Building is currently on hold. However, you may staff members may continue training online through DOCOTA and also through Linked iN Learning. If you have any questions, please contactITO Adam Randazzo, ATO Walter DeClue or OSA Krista Blair.  

Important Dates

Columbus Day – October 12, 2020


August 2020

Big News

Director Precythe announced the decision to extend certifications in the following: Firearms, Defensive Tactics, and First Aid/CPR until December 31, 2020. The extension will allow time to makeup recertification trainings that have been missed due to COVID-19 precautions.

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
SOSA DaVonna Weston

SOSA DaVonna Weston was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for August 2020. She was nominated by Laura Nations who stated, "when you arrived at FCC in 2018, you worked non-stop to familiarize yourself with the different FCC daily procedures that were introduced to you- - while also helping to implement new procedures to promote more efficient day to day operations within the Business office. You have quickly developed professional relationships with many of your co-workers and have become a trusted and dependable “go-to” person for information or advice. You never hesitate to jump in and help without even being asked, no matter what the job entails and fills in gaps when other co-workers are absent. You are the perfect example of a Team Player and your knowledge, professionalism, willingness to go above and beyond are definitely worthy of acknowledgment. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!

CO II Virginia Stafford

CO II Virginia Stafford was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for August, 2020. She was nominated by TJ Reed, CO II who stated, "you are an outstanding worker, an asset to any team that you work for. You are a great example of how all supervisors should conduct themselves. You are quick to take charge and spearhead any situation that comes your way. When you are given a task you complete them in a timely manner and without flaws. Several times a week you are doing the work of multiple superiors in an attempt to help out with chaotic situations. Along with your normal daily task you also complete nightly UA’s for the entire camp; additionally you are also a member of CERT. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job! " 

New Team Members

CO I Amanda Lawson

CO I Austin Phelps

CO I Benjamin Morse-Matthews

CO I Linsey Hadley

CO I Victor Hammack

CO I Stephanie Willard

CO I Ashley Copenhaver

CK I Mikayla Duffel

Staff Moves

CO I Rickie Parker transferred from ERDCC to FCC on 07/20/2020


Due to Covid-19, in-seat training in the Training Building is currently on hold. However, you may continue your training online through DOCOTA and also through LinkedIN Learning. If you have any questions, please contact ITO Adam Randazzo, ATO Walter DeClue or OSA Krista Blair

Important Dates

September 7, 2020 – Labor Day

July 2020

Big News

FCC has successfully completed sentinel COVID-19 testing.

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
OSA Kelly Farris

OSA Kelly Farris was selected by fellow staff as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for July, 2020. She was nominated by Claudia Arciniega, FUM and Cayci White, OSA – who state, "you are very knowledgeable and able to answer any question. If you don’t know the answer you seek out someone that will. Your reputation for being positive in this atmosphere is to be commended. You are a shining example of professionalism and friendliness and you exceed all expectations of an ideal employee. During many assigned work areas throughout your career at FCC, you have been diligent with all your duties and the source of many staff questions, in which you have assisted them all in many ways. You also compiled a handbook for the new OSA’s at FCC. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!"


To be announced at a later date


CO I Williams Francis promoted to TTD

New Team Members

CO I Cai Washington

CO I Tiffani Ransom

CO I Stockton George

CO I Colton Jones


CO I Thomas Cofer

Staff Moves

CO I Robert Keay transferred/promoted to CO II at PCC   06/07/2020

OSA Nickie Light transferred to PCC 06/07/2020


June 2020

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
CCM I April Link

CCM I April Link was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for June 2020. She was nominated by Chris Skaggs, FUM andCorrina Daniels-Grigg, AT-III who stated, '"you were paramount in getting offenders to education, “one-by-one”, so that individual class work could be handed out. You had agreed to come each week if needed to help with this needed process in the future. You seamlessly handle many integral functions of HU#7 such as: transfers, ORAS interviews, Birth certificate applications, IRRS, and much more. You continue to go above and beyond your job duties. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!'

CO I MIchael Siliven

CO I Michael Siliven was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for June, 2020. He was nominated by Randy Camden, COIII who stated, "you conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times and demand similar performance from coworkers and supervisors alike. You do not complain or argue about what needs to be done, you know what needs to happen and do everything in your power to assist staff to achieve those goals. You regularly encourage cell searches and have great time management skills. Countless times you were seen attempting to offer offenders positive reinforcement for positive behaviors. You went out of your way to assist new coworkers with learning unit activates and daily routines. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!"

New Team Members

CO I Alexandria Knapp

CO I John Eudy

CO I Michaela Johnson

CK I/II Tammy Janes

CK I/II Chad Brown

CO I Corey Quebec

CO I Briana Burroughs

CO I Austin Cain


CO I Betty Depue

OSA Kate Rehkop

AC II Paul Mell

Staff Moves

AT III Patricia Johnson transfer from ERDCC

FUM Richard Jennings transfer from MECC

CO I Samantha Portell transfer to ERDCC

Personnel Club MEMBERS 2020

Steve Gutches, President

Kelly Farris, Vice President

Debbie Reed, Secretary

DaVonna Weston, Treasurer

Randi Warden, Social Chair

Derrick Johnson, Social Chair

Bonita Horner, Social Chair

Casey Webb, Social Chair

Ricky Allison, Social Chair

May 2020

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
CCM II Kevin Schrum

CCM II Kevin Schrum was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for May2020. He was nominated by Nicki Perry, FUM who stated "you seamlessly handle many of the integral functions in HU#30. Moreover, you deal with transfers, ORAS interviews, Birth certificate applications and many other work related tasks with great effectiveness. You maintain an excellent rapport with staff and offenders, especially with regard to release supervisors outside the Department of Correction, and are key to its success. Your easy going and overall positive attitude makes you enjoyable to work with. Many times you have been acting supervisor in my absence and I can rest assured that while I am away you handle any issues that may arise with the utmost professionalism. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!"

CO I Jody Gibbar

CO I Jody Gibbar was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for April 2020. She was nominated by TJ Reed, COII, who stated "you are quick to volunteer for any duty that arises. You are available for call-outs and do so with a positive attitude. You take the time to learn everything you can about FCC’s K-9 unit by working the Bloodhounds, grid searches, first aid, and other aspects of the job duties.  Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!"

New Team Members

OSA Sarah Chapman

CO I Linda Basler

CO I Matthew Reever

CO I Jerry Whited

CO I Matthew Waller

CO I Rebecca Grimes

CO I Adam Marsalek

CO I Brandon Bargo

CK I/II Phillip Watson

CO I Michael Thompson

CO I Alek Miller

CO I Nicholas Newsom

Staff Moves

CO I Eugene Crouch transferred from MECC

April 2020

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
RO II Tom O'Conner

RO II Tom O'Conner was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for April 2020. He was nominated by Heather Cofer, COR Manager, who stated "you are always willing to go above and beyond assisting fellow staff in emergency situations by providing offender escorts with a level head during possible high tension encounters. You also demonstrated keen observation skills and have repeatedly discovered contraband and out of bound offenders during your shifts. By being a team player and watching out for your fellow staff you have demonstrated what it is to be an exceptional FCC employee. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!"

CO I Cheryl Whitnell

CO I Cheryl Whitnell was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for April 2020. She was nominated by Oliver Huff COII, who stated "you complete your regular tasks with excellence and you go above and beyond on a daily basis. Supervisors and coworkers alike know that you can be counted on with any question, or to see any task through and that it will be done correctly and efficiently. Your actions during several and recent incidents of emergencies including: institutional power outages, staff and offender medical emergencies, whereby your quick response and overlays of coordinated emergency response procedures and simultaneous documentation, showed you always meet any challenge with professionalism and attention to detail. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!"

New Team Members

CO I Kevin Miller

CO I Morgan Stewart

CO I Joseph Wells

CK II Lisa Redmond

CK II Kimberly Patterson

CO I John Garner

CO I Brandon Boyer

CO I Ryan Coffey

CO I Kara Grass

CO I Caleb Bettes

CO I Samantha Portell

OSA Rose Harrington-Wahlers

CO I Blake Chandler

CO I Andrew Brakefield

CO I Christopher Burris

CO I Michael Winick


MS I Jimmy Farris promoted to MS II


CSI Richard Gaines

CO I Jerry Cooper

CK II Donna Gilliam 

Staff Moves

CO II JOSHUA Hickman promote/transfer to CCM I at ERDCC

CSI Ryan Since promoted/transferred to Major at PCC

Success Story

The following information was submitted by Tyler Smith, IAC

Three of the offender organizations (Veterans of Farmington and Associates, Puppies for Parole and Restorative Justice Organization) donated a combined $3000 to 12 school districts in the local area. The organizations were able to help fund 12 school districts in total of six counties. The funds will go to benefit the schools Backpack Programs. This program provides meals for children in need. The meals are delivered by volunteers and/or staff from the schools. With school being out these programs are providing more meals to children. One program that the organizations donated to said that they deliver 300 meals a week, 7 days a week. Other programs cover multiple schools in their district. The funds were divided evenly between the 12 school districts. Each school will receive $250.00 for the total of $3000.00.

Personnel Club MEMBERS 2020

Steve Gutches, President

Kelly Farris, Vice President

Debbie Reed, Secretary

DaVonna Weston, Treasurer

Randi Skaggs, Social Chair

Derrick Johnson, Social Chair

Bonita Horner, Social Chair

Casey Webb, Social Chair

Ricky Allison, Social Chair

March 2020

Non Custody 
FUM Melanie Hinkle

FUM Melanie Hinkle was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for March, 2020. She was nominated by Kimberly Underwood, who stated "your attention to detail is impeccable along with your upbeat personality. You often work over to ensure that payroll is completed and on time. You have earned the respect of your co-workers and accomplish your work with minimal supervision. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections."

CO I Virginia Warden

CO I Virginia Warden was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for March, 2020. She was nominated by Bonita Horner COI, who stated "you go above and beyond all expectations.Your housing unit logs are excellent and your eye for detail, the narrative always matches the camera to the minute, is praiseworthy.Your actions during a particular rough day in Housing Unit #10 were commendable.You, while working on your day off and not well rested from previous shifts, assisted with: laundry, med pass and Educational movements in a timely manner so that disruption in the daily schedule was not compromised.  Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections."

New Team Members

CO I Steven Sparks

CO I Curtis Bone

CO I Beau Reichenbach

CO I Jonas Spain

CCM Tiffany Smith

CO I Levi Williams

CO I Aaron Garcia-Smith


CK III Nora Hibdon promoted to CK III

RO I Robert Andrews promoted to RO II

CO I Jonathan Pendergraft promoted to CO II

CO I John Peyton-Smith promoted to CO II


ET II Edward Howe                                                                          

Staff Moves

LS Charles Carver transferred to PCC as CO III

Success Story

Personnel Club MEMBERS 2020

Steve Gutches, President

Kelly Farris, Vice President

Debbie Reed, Secretary

DaVonna Weston, Treasurer

Randi Skaggs, Social Chair

Derrick Johnson, Social Chair

Bonita Horner, Social Chair

Casey Webb, Social Chair

Ricky Allison, Social Chair

Puppy Pic

In August 2019, Jason Horn spoke to the Puppies for Parole and VFA (Veterans of Farmington and Associates) groups at the Farmington Correctional Center about the Got Your Six Support Dog Program. This organization provides service dogs to veterans and first responders who struggle with PTSD, at no cost to the recipient. According to their website Got Your Six Support Dogs started due to the need of veterans and first-responders requesting PTSD service dogs when all other methods of treatment have failed. A service dog can provide healing companionship and life-altering benefits to an individual suffering from PTSD. Service dogs are trained to:

  • Alert to Anxiety
  • Recognize and Interrupt Harmful Behaviors
  • Wake Its Owner From Night Terrors
  • Provide a Sense of Security and Combat Hypervigilance
  • Reteach Emotions, Such as Love and Affection

The selected service dogs are trained by certified trainers for approximately one year and then matched with an applicant. The pairings occur over a 10-day period. During this period, the recipient also attends a daily trauma resiliency/suicide prevention course led by a licensed therapist. This training process and the dog is provided to the recipient at no cost.

Both Puppies for Parole and VFA were impressed by the service this organization is providing to veteran’s, first responders, and the local communities. The programs recently donated a combined total of $750 to Got Your Six Support Dogs and plan to make additional donations in the future.

In the photo, Jason Horn accepts a donation from IAC Tyler Smith on behalf of Puppies for Parole and VFA.


February 2020

Non Custody 
SOSA Taylor Holder


SOSA Taylor Holder was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for February, 2020. She was nominated by Kimberly Underwood, who stated "your attention to detail is impeccable along with your upbeat personality. You often work over to ensure that payroll is completed and on time. You have earned the respect of your co-workers and accomplish your work with minimal supervision. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections."

CO I Joshua MacDonald 

CO I Joshua MacDonald was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for February, 2020. He was nominated by Scott Long, who stated' "your current knowledge and dutiful aspects of your job have increased, and that you are able to head off issues before they arise. Your actions, during a particular issue on shift, ensured that count was completed in a timely manner so that disruption in the daily schedule was not compromised. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections."

New Team Members

CO I Brian Gilbert

CO I Nolan Jones

CO I Tristan Barnes-Pyatt

CO I Breana Finley

CO I Lucas Hampton

CO I Ryan Weiss

CO I Colton Voyles

MW I Stephen Jennings in training for BO

CO I Austin Sago

CO I Alexander Mehl

CO I Joshua Tiemann

OSA Peggy McCord

CO I Tyler Crider

CO I Joshua Hall

TTD Loarn Huff


CO II Corey Wade Demoted to CO I


CK II Cynthia Schilli

CO I Charles Jones

Staff Moves

Staff Moves-Transfers In

CO I Timothy Vaughn transfer from PCC

CK II George Schulte transfer from ERDCC

CK III Martha Martin transfer from ERDCC

Staff Moves-Transfers Out  

CK III Edmond Jennings Transfer/Demote to SK I ERDCC

January 2020

New Team Members



CO I Virginia Fleming

CO I Brent Sturm

19 HR CO I James Morgan

CO I Amanda Jones

OSA Dana Abeln

CO I Michael Buchanan

CO I Zachary Courtway


CK II Katherine Ayers promoted to CO I 


CCM III Lindell Edmonds

CO I Norman Cromer

CO I Susan Buhler

CK III Carla Clouse

Staff Moves

Staff Moves-Transfers In

CO II Charles Carver transfer/demote from ERDCC to MS I

CO I Jason Jones transfer from PCC

CCM II Douglas Brand transfer/promote from ERDCC to CCMIII

CO I Peggy Somerville transfer from ERDCC

Staff Moves-Transfers Out  

CO I Eugene Crouch transfer to NECC

Important Dates

Personnel Club

The new Personnel Club members for 2020 are…..

Joni Light – President

Steven Gutches – Vice President

Kelly Farris – Secretary

DaVonna Weston – Treasurer

Debra Reed – Social Chair

Derrick Johnson – Social Chair

Bonita Horner – Social Chair

Randi Skaggs – Social Chair

Casey Webb – Social Chair

Ricky Allison – Social Chair

Success Story

Thank you letter from the Camden Family

December 2019

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
Addiction Counselor II Joseph Davison

Addiction Counselor II Joseph Davison was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for December, 2019. He was nominated by Rozanne Rawson, who stated in her nomination, "your exceptional professionalism has not gone unnoticed and the dedication you show is of exceptional quality. You assisted correctional officers with observing offenders while a search was conducted. While observing, you identified an offender who you believed to be under the influence of an illicit substance. After the offender showed signs of intoxication you reported to your supervisor you believed the offender to be intoxicated. During that time in housing unit ten(10) there had been several occurrences of overdoses and your keen observation and ability to detect overdose symptoms assisted with not only identifying an intoxicated offender, but also assisted in preventing the offender from an overdose requiring further medical assistance. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections."  

CO I Christopher Parsons  

CO I Christopher Parsons was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for December, 2019. He was nominated by Joshua Mueller, who stated in his nomination, "on several occasions you go above and beyond the call of duty. During the last Corrections Emergency Response Team activation you worked with the activated team as well as Main Production staff in getting food prepared and sent to housing units throughout FCC.You went past your required work hours to finish the task at hand to ensure the delivery of food and oversaw any last minute details you were assigned. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections."  

FCC's Employee of the Year

CO I Lisa Hooker

CO I Lisa Hooker selected by your fellow staff as Farmington Correctional Center’s Employee of the year for 2019. Your efforts are appreciated.Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections. Good job!

New Team Members

CO I Todd Smothers

CO I John Hanley

CO I Sheri Wood

CO I Dustin Uding

CO I Morgan Mitchell

CO I Travis Young

CO I Casey Jones

CO I Jedediah Jennings

CO I Ian Hoover

CO I Brent Bohnert

CO I Kaylin Andrews

CO I Nicholas Stoelting

CK II Chastity Sago

CO I Erika Meinershagen

CO I Jeremy Short

CO I William Wells

CO I Corey Gray

CO I Timothy Brown

CO I Calvin Bryan

CO I Alissa Ballew


MS II Jason Vinson promoted to PPS I

CCM II Marvin Brannum promoted to FUM

CO I Jimmie Johnson promoted to CO II

CO I Jonathon Hewitt promoted/lateral to CCA

CO I Ronnie Hampton promoted to CO II

CO I Derrick Johnson promoted to CO II

CO I Virginia Stafford promoted to CO II


CO I Susan Buhler                                                                               

Staff Moves

CO II Joshua Willis transfer from PCC – Promoted to CO III

Important Dates

Personnel Club

December 7th - Pictures with Santa Clause.

December 14th - FCC Annual Christmas Party.

November 2019

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
CCM II Shelly Hall

CCM II Shelly Hall was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for November, 2019. She was nominated byFUM Robin Thomas, who stated, "you are an important member of the non-custody team. You work hard and have a willingness to get work done including handling violations, RCA’s, AIRA’s, transfers ORAS interviews, birth certificates, and all other aspects of case management responsibilities. You are efficient in your tasks and will often streamline the process to the benefit of others. For instance, you have helped Probation and Parole due to all the work you have done with ORAS. You were given a long list to complete and without question completed the assessments as soon as possible. You have a happy and professional attitude and truly influence the attitude of every staff member you come in contact with. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.  Good job!"

CO I Kim Cook 

CO I Kim Cook was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for November, 2019. She was nominated by CO II Oliver Huff, who stated, "you are a valuable asset to Farmington Correctional Center. You were nominated because you exercise excellence and professionalism in the performance of your Control Center desk office duties and are willing to provide your assistance if a fellow staff member is in need of your help. You ensure that not only are your regular duties completed but you go above and beyond for the follow reasons: - You ensure that institutional counts are conducted accurately and smoothly each day and are always aware of every area in Farmington Correctional Center, as well as able to quickly resolve any discrepancy, which ensures that the daily operations continue smoothly. – You oversee, verify, and post all daily future bed movements in Farmington Correctional Center from Sunday to Thursday.  –You ensures daily that all out-counts are prepared for the approval of the shift supervisor and you always coordinate with your supervisor on transportation scheduling.  – Lastly, you maintain the Control Center supply inventory and ensures that weekly supply requests are submitted as needed.           

You maintain a professional attitude and demeanor and you’re a valid member of the Farmington Correctional Center Team. Your efforts are appreciated.  Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.  Good job!"

New Team Members

CCM I Lisa Roberts

CO I Steven Riddell

CO I Laura Morris

CO I Rainey Johnson

CO I Vernon Davis

CO I Jessica Agers

CO I Devon Rhea

CO I Zachary Jordan

CO I Cody Bergom

CO I Sara LaRose

CO I Cameron Sutton

CO I Jonathan Pendergraft


CO I Alexander Downing promoted to CO II                                                       

CO I Logan Tucker promoted to CO II                          

CO I Timothy Reed promoted to CO II

Boiler Operator Richard Allgier promoted to Stationary Engineer

VES II Tonya Wood promoted to FSM I  


CO I Fred Gross

CO III Jere Sloan

CO I Jack Gidney                                                                            

Important Dates

Personnel Club

December 7th - Pictures with Santa Clause.

December 14th - FCC Annual Christmas Party.

Fall Graduation

On October 21, 2019, F.C.C. Education proudly held the Fall Graduation. The pride in the visiting room was palpable during the event as teachers, students, family, and friends gathered to celebrate and honor the pursuit of knowledge. More than 40 graduates were recognized for a variety of programs; ranging from High School Equivalency, Vocational Certification, and Adams State University. The day concluded with refreshments and visiting time for the graduates and their guests.


October 2019

Employee of the Month

Non Custody 
CCM I Damian Weston

CCM I Damian Weston was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for October, 2019. He was nominated by FUM Nicki Perry, who stated, "you have acclimated to the transition from a correctional officer to case manager with great ease. You seamlessly handle violations, RCA’s, AIRA’s, transfers, ORAS interviews, birth certificates, and all other aspects of case management responsibilities with the skills of someone who has been doing case management for years. You are efficient in your tasks and will often streamline the process to the benefit of others. Your organization skills are second to none. To say that you are an asset to Farmington Correctional Center would be an understatement. You are an integral part of the daily operations of HU30 and an overall delight to work alongside. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.  Good job!"

CO II Lisabeth Petroff 

CO II Lisabeth Petroff was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for October, 2019. She was nominated by CO II William Fair, who stated, "that you are a valuable asset to Farmington Correctional Center.  You were nominated because you have continuous dedication to the department of corrections. You voluntarily take on additional responsibilities such as being a mentor to officers out of your normal work area. The time and knowledge you share with subordinate staff makes Farmington Correctional Center a better place for everyone. You have taken on the roll of Farmington Correctional Center Urinalysis Coordinator and are a Corrections Emergency Response Team member. You take on leadership rolls in all aspects of your job. You take initiative to work closely with the staffing lieutenants to assist and learn. You maintain a professional attitude and demeanor and you’re a valid member of the Farmington Correctional Center Team. Your efforts are appreciated.  Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.  Good job!"

New Team Members

CO I Ryan Vance

CO I Colby Morgan

MS I Cody Tripp

OSA Kyrissa Gray

TTD Thomas Willenburg

CO I Shelly Harbison

CO I Courtney Henderson

CO I Cynthia Rector

CO I Nichole Wood

CO I Jacob Mitcham

CO I Timothy Thurman

OSA Susanne Griggs

CO I Robert James

CO I Jerry Gann

TTD Jill McClure

CO I Adam Wideman

CO I Dustin Lewis

CO I James Doss

CO I Nihcolas Beister

CO I Larry Hargiss

CO I Dustin Hunt

CO I Derek Buffington

CO I Eugene Crouch


CCA Billie Since promoted to CCM I                                                   

CO I Timothy Vaughn promoted to TTD                                   

CO II Jesse Cunningham promoted to CO III

SK I Tonya Gresham promoted to SK II

Labor Spv Christopher Forshee promoted to MS I

CO I Sheldon Hinkle Jr. promoted to CCM I

CO II Scott Long promoted to CO III

CO I Brian Hampton promoted to CCM I

CK II Jessica Young promoted to CO I


TTD Sonny Carothers                                                                          

Staff Moves

CK III Joan Balasz transferred from ERDCC                                        

CO I Christopher Streckfuss  transferred from ERDCC                                                  

CO II Nathanial King transferred from PCC

CO II Corey Felty transferred from MECC

Deputy Warden S. Travis Crews transferred from PCC   

Important Dates

Personnel Club

December 7th - Pictures with Santa Clause.

December 14th - FCC Annual Christmas Party.

K-9 Unit Safety Day

The K-9 unit attended Safety Day on September 20, 2019 at Engler Park. Following are a few of the Thank You cards sent to the K-9 unit from Mrs. Peppers’ kindergarten class at Truman Elementary School.  The K-9 unit explained to the students what to do if they were to get lost and of course, the children loved seeing and petting the dogs.


September 2019

CO I Karen Siliven 

Karen was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for September, 2019. Karen was nominated by FUM Nicki Perry, who states "that you are a valuable asset to Farmington Correctional Center. You are relied upon to complete tasks and you complete those tasks with the upmost excellence. You are punctual, consistent, and knowledgeable of your responsibilities. With there being so many activities happening in housing unit thirty (30) you handle it with ease. Your willingness to work over and never complain sets an example for newer officers in the department. Your positive attitude serves as an example to your fellow staff members. Your efforts are appreciated.  Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.  Good job!"

Non Custody 
OSA Cayci White

Cayci was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for September, 2019. Cayci was nominated by FUM Nicki Perry, who states "despite you only working in the Department of Corrections for a small time, you have the skills set and knowledge of someone who has worked in the department for many years. Not only can you be counted on to complete a task, but there is a guarantee you will do it well. With shortages of OSAs at Farmington Correctional Center, you often volunteer to handle the paperwork for other housing units. Your work is thorough and detailed which is helpful to Case Managers, FUM’s, and custody staff. You are integral with ensuring work orders are completed and you order and maintain supplies for custody, classification, and offenders. You are instrumental to the operations of housing unit thirty (30). Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work.

We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.  Good job!"

New Team Members

MS I Bruce Lorenz                                                                              

CO I Elizabeth Dicus                                                                           

CO I Dylan Brotherton                                                                        

CO I Samantha Jones                                                                           

CO I Saliena Baker                                                                              

CO I Alan Amonette                                                                            

CO I Bryan Dobas                                                                               

CO I Winthie Couch                                                                            

CO I Jessica Davidson                                                                         

CO I Brian Kayler                                                                               

CO I Andrew Kreyling                                                                         

CO I Shane Barrett                                                                              

CO I Alyssa Bycraft                                                                             

CO I Donald Kline                                                                              

CO I Melanie Doggett                                                                         

CO I Cindy Hensley                                                                            

CO I Amanda Stevens                                                                          

CO I Christopher Abbey                                                           

CO I Helen McDonald                                                                         

CO I Anthony Quinton                                                                         

CO I Kylee Ward                                                                                 

CO I James Hagerty Jr.                                                                        

OSA Lisa Tripp                                                                                   

OSA Tiffany Leffert                                                                                         

CO I Tyler Hampton                                                                            

OSA Sarah Malin


FS I Jeffrey Bolte promoted to FM II                                                       

CCM II Karen Zahner promoted to CCM III                                         

CO III Randall Beel demoted to CCM I                                                


TTD William Bricker                                                                           

PPS I Charles Reed

Staff Moves

CO III Kyle Webb Transfer from ERDCC                                             

CO I Jared Nickelson transfer from PCC                                               

CO II Amanda Williams Promoted/transferred to ERDCC as INV I

Important Dates

September 18th - Staff Barbeque, FREE to all staff to show appreciation for what you do.

December 7th - Pictures with Santa Clause.

December 14th - FCC Annual Christmas Party.

August 2019

Employee of the Month

CO I Jake Keele

Jake was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for August, 2019. He was nominated by CCMII Betsy Crocker, who stated that "you are a diligent in your duties and are setting a great example for other officers doing inner perimeter checks. You conduct yourself with professionalism and you have been very attentive in the duties of your post. Your safety concern for staff who leave later in the day while you have started your shift hasn’t gone unnoticed and brings a comfort for your staff members. Your efforts are appreciated.  Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.  Good job!"

Non Custody
MW II Tracy Courtway

Tracy was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for August, 2019. Tracy was nominated by SMI Joe Jarrett, who stated "you go above and beyond your duties and due to staff shortages, has been handling two complete jobs. You were instrumental in the tremendous effort it took to prepare for the recent Healthcare laundry Accreditation Council inspection. You conduct yourself with a positive attitude and a sense of humor when you could have easily succumbed to negativity. Your positive attitude has helped in the training of new hires and the moral to do more than what is asked of other individuals. Your efforts are appreciated.  Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections.  Good job!"

New Team Members

AC I Melisa Benson                                                                 

CO I Taylor McMillion                                                            

CO I Joseph Elledge                                                                

CO I Mathew Reed                                                                  

CO I Brian Shipman                                                                

CO I Brian Breakfield, SR.                                                       

CO I Allen Kasten                                                                   

CO I Gregory Varner                                                                

CO I Kyle Lindsey                                                                   

CO I Peyton Keener-Harris                                                      

AT III Eric Phares        


OSA Amanda Noble promoted to SOSA                        

FUM Alan Butterworth promoted to Assistant Warden               

MW II Shane Kramer promoted to MS I                                    

CO I Dennis Blunt demoted to VES I                                        

SK II Jodi Grindstaff demoted to SK I                                       

CO I Kimberly Marker promoted to VES II                               

OSA Rebecca Pinkley promoted to SK I                                    

CO III Bryan Boesing promoted to CS I


CO III Brian Pettus

Staff Moves

CO I Cypress Crab transfer from MECC                                   

INV. I Aaron Kennedy transfer/demote to AT I from C/O

CO I Douglas Dilport from PCC                                               

INV. I Charles Bigham transfer/demote to COI from ERDCC    

CK I Tiffany Kimple transfer/promoted to CO I from ERDCC

Important Dates

September 18th - Staff Barbeque, FREE to all staff to show appreciation for what you do.

December 7th - Pictures with Santa Clause.

December 14th - FCC Annual Christmas Party.

Puppy Pic

On 8/6/19, Puppies for Parole and VFA welcomed Jason Horn from Got Your Six Support Dogs. Mr. Horn educated the organizations on the services provided to veteran’s by Got Your Six, including the use of service dogs. Each dog will complete approximately a year and a half of training and be paired with a compatible veteran. The cost for each dog to complete training is approximately $25,000. The organization is also looking to raise funds so they can expand their building and services to even more veterans in need. Puppies for Parole and VFA are working together to make a donation to Got Your Six in the near future. We are grateful for Mr. Horn taking the time to speak with our organizations and we look forward to supporting them.



July 2019

Employee of the Month

CO II Aaron Gray

CO II Aaron Gray was been selected by his fellow staff members as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for July, 2019. He was nominated by FUM Nicki Perry, who stated that, "you are a professional, efficient, and knowledgeable Sergeant. Every task that is given to you, you complete without hesitation or contention. You conduct yourself with professionalism and when being reassigned to a temporary post for the duration of the shift, not only do you never complain, you perform the duties of the post with a smile on your face. Your positive attitude serves as an example to your fellow staff members. Your efforts are appreciated.  Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections."

Non Custody
CCM III Matt Petty

CCM III Matt Petty was been selected by his fellow staff members as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for July, 2019. He was nominated by Anthony Stuht, who stated, "you go above and beyond your duties in FTC to provide quality care to all of the men that have served. You have been a stabilizing force within HU10. You conduct yourself with professionalism and are always willing to lend a hand and help out. You show respect while addressing behavioral issues within HU31 in a firm, fair, and consistent manner. You have helped many young men on Mr. Stuht’s caseload to address issues concerning the young men that would ultimately help them in the future. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are glad to have you as part of the FCC team as well as the Missouri Department of Corrections."  


New Team Members

CO I Angeleah Mickels                                                            

CO I Ryan McNees                                                                  

CO I Dustin Nelson                                                                 

CO I Melinda Whitworth                                                         

CO I Rayanna Conway                                                            

CO I Daniel Lindell                                                                 

CO I Corrie Smith                                                                    

OSA Tina Huskey                                                                   

19 HR CO I Robert Warner                                                      

19 HR CO I Michael Brewer                                                    

CO I Floyd Conrad                                                                  

CO I Matthew Ferrell                                                                

CO I Nathaniel Ruffino


CCM III Robin Thomas promoted to FUM                                

SOSA Kim Underwood promoted to Personnel Clerk                

MW II Tracy Courtway promoted to MS I                                 

CO I Zachary Sansegraw promoted to CO II                             

CO I Thomas Helms promoted to CO II                                    

CO I Erin Corbin promoted to CO II                 


CO I Mark Goforth

Staff Moves

CO I Andrew Bridges Promoted to CO II from ERDCC             

CO I Thomas Craig II Transferred/promoted to PCC as CO II    

TTD Bart Burgess Transferred to ERDCC                                

SK I Denver King Transferred/promoted to PCC as Rec. Officer


Employee Suicide

  •  July 1, 2, 8 – block training for custody staff             

Motivational Interviewing

  • July 11 & 12 – block training for custody staff

CORE training

  • July 15-19
  • July 22-26
  • July 29-August 2               

New Hire Orientation week

  • July 8-12

CERT Training

  • July 10 & 23

Honor Guard

  • July 16

CORIZON CPR/New Hire training held at FCC Instructed by Billie Beasley, RN

  • July 8-12
  • July 16
  • July 22-26


June 2019

Employee of the Month

CO I Lisa Hooker

CO I Lisa Hooker was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for June, 2019. She was nominated by CO II David Ezersky, who stated that "she excels in the position at the front desk, which is the reason why it runs so smoothly." He also stated that "due to her positive attitude and willingness to help, it makes a positive environment for staff, new hires, and visitors.She conducts herself with professionalism and offers her own time to work on the personnel club to make sure staff members are recognized and helped when needed.The example she sets for other staff members is one people can look up to and admire.

Non Custody
CCM II Karen Zahner

CCM II Karen Zahner was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non-Custody Employee of the Month for June, 2019. She was nominated by Nicki Perry, who stated that "she is the ideal role model with the qualities and attributes she possesses while conducting her job.She is knowledgeable in all aspects of her job responsibilities and often goes out of your way to assist new case managers. She conducts herself with professionalism and is always willing to lend a hand and help out. She never hesitates to assist with a task, give directions or advice, and is counted on in every facet of her job. 

New Team Members

AC II Marcela Johnson                                                                                     

CO I Larry White                                                                                             

CO I Danny Clifton                                                                                          

CO I Roy Reynolds                                                                                          

CK II Amber Mishler                                                                                       

CK II Daniel Lamew                                                                                        

MW II John Lorenz                                                                                          

Labor Supervisor Samuel Thompson


CO I Darrell Eaton promoted to CO II at ERDCC                                               

CCM I Sheri Byington to CCM II

Staff Moves

OSA Londa Brooks transferred from ERDCC


Front Line Staff DHRUC classes

  • June 3, 4, 5
  • June 11, 12, 13
  • June 18, 19, 20
  • June 25, 26, 27, 28

Tenured Supervisor DHRUC classes

  • June 4 – 5
  • June 18
  • June 27 – 28

New Hire Orientation

  • June 10 -14

VIC Training

  • June 22

F.A.T.S. training instructed by ERTC staff held at the FCC training building

  • June 17-21

Pilot training class of P&P Pre-Service Training to include new P&P Officers as well as newly promoted Case Managers held at FCC Instructed by ERTC staff

  • June 3-6

Hostage Negotiation training instructed by ERTC staff held at FCC

  • June 7 & 10

 Make up Offender Accountability class

  • June 14

Honor Guard 

  • June 25

CORIZON CPR training/New Hire training (instructed by Billie Beasley, RN) held at FCC

  • June 10 - 14
  • June 18 - 20
  • June 24 - 27

Upcoming Training

Employee Suicide

  •  July 1, 2, 8 – block training for custody staff                

Motivational Interviewing

  • July 11 & 12 – block training for custody staff

CORE training

  • July 15-19
  • July 22-26
  • July 29-August 2               

New Hire Orientation week

  • July 8-12

CERT Training

  • July 10 & 23

Honor Guard

  • July 16

CORIZON CPR/New Hire training held at FCC Instructed by Billie Beasley, RN

  • July 8-12
  • July 16
  • July 22-26

Important Dates

July 4 – Independence day

Success Story

“Around the World" in Three Sessions:

AT II Carla Norton led her students in a unique project across the globe. Her students were assigned different countries and instructed to prepare full presentations using researched information and statistics. A lot of hard work and creativity  went into each presentation, as the students engaged in active learning and peer review.  

FCC Personnel Club Updates

The FCC Personnel Club had their Corrections Week Staff Picnic on Saturday June 8. The Personnel Club planned several activities including a bounce house, dunk tank, washers, corn hole board, as well as other fun games and prizes. The club barbecued for staff members who were able to attend. This was an event to show staff members appreciation for everything they do for the department. The FCC Personnel Club would like to say thank you for all that attended. Also, they wanted staff to know that their hard work does not go unnoticed and thank you for their service. If there are any suggestions, ideas or questions for the Personnel Club, they have asked for you to please feel free to contact them. They will keep you informed on other events occurring throughout the year.    

Puppy Pic

Over the last few weeks, FCC’s Education Dept. collected supplies and money to donate to Farmington Pet Adoption Center (FPAC) as part of our team building/community outreach effort. FPAC is the only no-kill shelter in five counties and is home to our precious Puppies for Parole! 


May 2019

Employee of the Month

CO III Jerrell Hollinger 

CO III Jerrell Hollinger was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s May Custody Employee of the Month. He was nominated by CS I Ryan Since, who stated that "he is a highly motivated officer, who consistently works overtime in the capacity as a CO I, CO II, and CO III. He conducts himself with professionalism and offers assistance to co-workers to help reduce mandatory overtime. The example he sets as a supervisor goes hand in hand with the leadership he presents to his coworkers. Your efforts are appreciated."  

Non Custody
CCM II Tim Pickett

CCM II Tim Pickett was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s May Non-Custody Employee of the Month. He was nominated by Joni Light, who stated that "when he came to housing unit 8, he became a never-ending supply of energy and 19 years of experience dealing with offenders from a level one through a level five facility. He conducts himself with professionalism, offers assistance at all times, and performs his job duties with extreme detail and hard work."

New Team Members

CK II Anne Barry                                                                     

MS I Jimmy Farris                                                                    

CO II Corey Wade                                                                   

CO I Rebecca Admire                                                               

CO I Christina Goheen                                                             

CO I Victoria Hahn                                                                  

CO I Mark Goodson                                                                 

RO I Matthew Davis                                                                 

CO I Curtis Sidwell                                                                   

CCM I April Claywell                                                              

OSA Debra Reed                                                                     

CO I Veronika Moser                                                               

CO I Austin Stewart                                                                  

CO I Casey Webb                                                                    

CO I Leo Thomas                                                                     

MS I Eric Kirby                                                                        

CO I John Patterson


OSA Sandra Johnson promoted to SKI                                      

Assistant Warden Paul Blair promoted to Deputy Warden          

CO II Christopher Probst promoted to CCM I                             

OSA Candice Pierce promoted to VT I          


CO I Michael Underwood                                                         

CO I Larry Sprous                                                                    

CO I Rhonda Glaser                                                                 

MS I Bartholomew Dotzman

Staff Moves

CCM II Gale Bollinger Transferred from ERDCC                      

CO I Christopher Pashia transferred from PCC                           

CO I Megan Turner transferred to DSS                                      

CO I Roberta Sappington transferred to MECC                          

CCM II Kelly Johnson transferred to DSS

Important Dates

Blood Drive June 4, 2019 10 am to 2 p.m. in B-visit.

Success Story

Ms. Heather Cofer was selected as the DORS Employee of the First Quarter of 2019. She was instrumental in making the MECC school a more positive environment for student offenders and teachers during a time of several departmental transitions. She accepted extra responsibilities without question and was positive about the opportunity to help another school and staff. She is committed to making DOC Education a good place to be and is a true asset to DORS and FCC.

Puppy Pic

AK94U participated in the Health Fair held at Mineral Area College on April 27. Dog handlers made more than 100 dog bandannas to be given away at the fair. The organization donated two gift baskets filled with dog supplies, which were given away. A member of RJO also painted a beautiful portrait of a dog, which was given away to a lucky participant. We were able to showcase Dirk, a current P4P dog, who is still available for adoption.He is a one year old Catahoula mix, who gets along great with everyone. He is a high-energy dog, so he would be best suited with an active family. While at the fair, Dirk was able to demonstrate some of the skills he has learned while in the program and we were able to educate those in attendance on the proper way to greet a dog, as well as general dog safety tips.




March 2019

Governor Mike Parson visits Farmington Correctional Facility

On a whirlwind March 22 listening tour, Governor Mike Parson visited three Missouri prisons to talk with staff about the challenges of their jobs, the benefits of a proposed pay increase and the importance of team building in staff retention.

“People want to feel like they’re part of something,” Gov. Parson told staff. “We want you to feel good about what you’re doing.” Traveling with Director Anne Precythe, the Governor made stops at Farmington Correctional Center; Eastern Reception, Diagnostic & Correctional Center; and Southeast Correctional Center. He met with two groups at each stop, talking to corrections officers, support staff and supervisors as well as each facility’s administrative team. Team members shared their concerns about overtime and fatigue. They proposed process and safety improvements.They voiced enthusiasm and gratitude for the proposed pay plan.They also said the best part of the job is the sense of family they share with coworkers.

Employee of the Month

CO I Jerry Lockwood

CO I Jerry Lockwood was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Custody Employee of the Month for March, 2019. He was nominated by Michael White, who stated that he is a highly motivated officer who is fair, firm, and consistent when dealing with offenders and is always friendly when interacting with custody and MOSOP staff. He conducts himself with professionalism and offers courteous assistance at all times. He also performs multiple wing walks in Housing Unit 25 to ensure the safety of all staff, which is outside his regular post duties.

Non Custody
CCM II Pam Worley

CCM II Pam Worley was selected as Farmington Correctional Center’s Non Custody Employee of the Month for March, 2019. She was nominated by Eric Burch, who noted her exceptional professionalism and dedication. She is a model staff member and a true team player. She is dependable and has been willing to work other job duties, including providing coverage observing mainline, probation and parole with re-entry phone calls, and she volunteered to conduct video court when the CCA’s are unavailable. When another department or housing unit calls with a question or is in need of information she is quick to locate the answer and return phone calls.

New Team Members

OSA Nickie Light

OSA Gabrielle Brunelle

CO I Allyssa Ciaramita

CO I Mark Freiheit

CO I Kaylea Adams

CO I Edward Brown Jr.

CO I Winthie Couch

CO I Lori Pyland

CO I Maggie Vert

CO I Kasey Davis

CO I John Walls

CO I Taylor Ortmann

CO I Dakota Napoli

AC I Paula McMillen


CO I Robert Dunlap promoted to CCM I

CO I Jack Cable promoted to CO II

COI Damian Weston promoted to CCM I

COI Ethan Hovis promoted to COII

COII Martin Brawley promoted to COIII

MWII Lynn Edgar promoted to MSI

Classification Staff Moves

CK II Nona Keen transferred in from FRDC

CK I Nicole Hintz transferred to PCC

AT III Keith Groom transferred to P&P

Important Dates

FCC Personnel Club Golf Tournament on June 29th