Maryville Treatment Center (MTC)

May 2024

Big News

EOM Tiffany Chambers

Zone I Deputy Division Director Ryan Crews instituted a new quarterly award and presented the first one for MTC to Librarian II Jacqueline West. (See below for details.)

Employee of the Month

Custody – COIII Jay Mackey was nominated by COI Derrick Shields who wrote, “This employee has always gone above his daily duties. He will help out officers in need, big or small, inside and outside of the institution. He is a role model of not just a good supervisor but a good man. An example of his generosity is when it is lower temperatures out, he will take the time after shift and scrape off other officers’ cars that have snow and ice.”

Non-custody – Executive II Tiffany Chambers was nominated by Business Office SOSA Holly Rush who wrote, “Ms. Chambers has gone out of her way to show the janitorial workers the best housekeeping skills for the buildings. She had them thoroughly cleaning the bathrooms, hallways, and assembly. She has even purchased other cleaning supplies for staff to use to make sure areas are sanitized better. Not only has she been going out of her way to help with cleaning, but she has also stepped up and started to help make sure Aramark's items are filled. She has been making sure that the utensils, napkins, coffee cups, and as well as the coffee and creamer are filled for each shift …I feel Ms. Chambers is always going above and beyond, not only in her area, but others as well. She constantly provides amazing feedback and is always there to help in any way possible! She is a great team leader and a great contribution to MTC!” 

Awards & Recognition

Andrea Morrow and Laura Purcell

Warden’s Award for Excellence 2Q24 – Warden Warren’s announcement email to all employees said, “Please join me in congratulating COI Laura Purcell and COI Andrea Morrow on being selected as the winners of the Warden’s Award for Excellence for the second quarter of 2024. I chose two recipients this quarter to recognize the many hours of overtime they’ve volunteered to work in Food Service so far this year. They have worked their RDOs and beyond their regular shifts and, by doing so, have helped ensure the men received their meals on time every day. As many of you know, Aramark has faced an ongoing challenge of staying fully staffed, even though Director Weir has worked tirelessly to make the operation successful. You’ve probably heard me say on more than one occasion that hiring is easy but keeping people is hard. That’s why I’m particularly proud of Officers Purcell and Morrow. They saw a need for teamwork and stepped up to fill a gap where their help was needed most. While I’m proud of their efforts, I’m not surprised. Simply put, MTC is a team and that’s what we do here. Officers Purcell and Morrow are each fine examples of the sort of professionalism that builds trust, rapport, respect, listening, appreciating, and valuing across our entire organization. Thank you, both, for a job well done!” 

Going the Extra Mile – Deputy Division Director Ryan Crews was on site May 17 to present a new zone level award for Going the Extra Mile. He anticipates presenting the award quarterly. The first winner from MTC is Librarian II Jacqueline West. Mr. Crews stated Ms. West earned the award because of her because she’s an

Ryan Crews Zone 1 Dep Div Dir and Jacqueline West 

 employee you can always count on. He said Ms. West assisted the WMCC librarian with the move to CRCC and continues to help WRDCC’s new librarian. Last year she completed 650 synopses for all the books she ordered. She also attended the ALA Conference and brought back ideas to encourage attendance at MTC’s library. 

New Team Members

Scott Ray, 19-hr COI, 05/13

Shawn Howard, 19-hr Career Coach, 05/21


Sherry Hall, CCMII to ETS, 05/26

Staff Moves

Mohaganie Thomas, COI to 19-hr COI, 05/05

Melissa Harrison, PO from P&P to IRC, 05/26


Staff have almost completed the required training. The following are our statistics for May: 99% of staff completed the mandatory course ‘Dignity, Courtesy, and Respect in the Work Place’. Only 2 staff need to complete this training and they were rehired in May.  98% of staff completed GPS online mandatory training.  96% of all staff completed their 40 hours of annual training. 

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Friday, May 10, 2024. Twenty staff members attended, and the following topics were discussed: staffing, Division Directors’ Roundtable, security audit, The Corrections Way, Personnel Club, training, SOMO Torch Run, Fish with a First Responder, MOSERS retirement seminar, soft serve ice cream, new heating system, sergeant promotions, Employee Support Specialist services, phase 3 of Ad Seg remodel and request for area in Ad Seg for UAs

Important Dates

June 4 – TCP deadline

June 5 – ETA, SAMII deadline

June 9-15 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics and Personnel Club

June 10 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

June 14 – Payday

June 17 – TCP deadline

June 18 – ETA, SAMII deadline

June 19 – HOLIDAY (Juneteenth)

June 28 – Payday

Success Story

  • 25 offenders were released.
  • 23 offenders completed treatment.


April 2024

Big News

MTC’s Corrections Way Ambassadors kicked off a promotion that will run from April through June called “Do you have what it takes to be a TCW star?” The campaign uses a movie theme with games and prizes that are designed to encourage staff to attend monthly training workshops.

Employee of the Month

Custody – COI Niki Runion was nominated by Capt. Rusty Preston who wrote, “On 1-26-24 at approximately 8:00 a.m. while conducting her routine searches of her assigned area, Officer Niki Runion located a metal rod behind the wall of the toilet in the bathroom between rooms 433 and 434. The metal rod was recovered at which time it was found to have been sharpened into a point to use as a weapon. The metal rod measured approximately 10 inches in length. The metal rod was taken to the Shift Commander’s Office for safekeeping. Officer Niki Runion's attention to detail and due diligence to her job duties has eliminated a possible dangerous weapon from the institution creating a safer environment for both offenders and staff.”

Non-custody – Gateway Clinical Supervisor Melissa Sandusky-Ury was nominated by DORS TUS Christina Wood and DORS ACIII Matthew Goedken. Ms. Wood wrote, “Supervisor Sandusky-Ury has been instrumental in the implementation of the GOGI class for the Residents in the Treatment Program. The outcome has shown to be impactful to the Community…Ms. Ury has traveled to several other treatment programs and made the effort to share these skills for a statewide initiative.” She was also nominated by DORS ACIII Matthew Goedken who wrote, “Melissa…has helped one of her supervisees in correcting multiple problematic behaviors via a written plan, extra investment in meeting with them, helping them get caught up…In addressing problematic behaviors on floors here, she has gone into multiple wrap-up meetings and had conversations with the floor addressing the issues at hand, then holding clients accountable by giving the guilty parties written plans to accomplish.” 

New Team Members

Jaecey Hill, COI, 04/08

Amy Brown, COI, 04/15

Sierra Groven, Employee Support Specialist, 04/15

Matthew Raya, COI, 04/15

Mary Russell, AOSA, 04/15

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Thursday, April 11, 2024. Twenty-two staff       members attended. The Deputy Wardens took turns leading the sessions and the following topics were discussed:  Increased staffing, new CERT members, security enhancements, maintenance projects, budgetary constraints, Crime Victims’ Week, food trucks, offender health fair, HiSET testing status, Gateway treatment changes, Division Director’s Roundtable, The Corrections Way, Microsoft 365 rollout, offender jobs, Puppies 4 Parole, Aramark, the elevator, PREA, DOC department newsletter,    offender incentives, potential raises in July, Personnel Club, unwanted furniture, work shift punctuality, low offender population, and next October’s Charitable Campaign.

Important Dates

May 2 – TCP deadline

May 3 – ETA & SAMII deadline

May 8 – HOLIDAY (Truman Day)

May 10 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

May 12–18 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics and Personnel Club

May 13-17 – CORE

May 15 – Payday

May 20 – TCP deadline

May 21 – ETA & SAMII deadline

May 27 – HOLIDAY (Memorial Day)

May 31 – Payday

Success Story

  • 54 offenders were released.
  • 3 offenders passed the HiSET and graduated.
  • 70 offenders completed treatment.


March 2024

Employee of the Month

Custody – COI Thomasen Ingersoll was nominated by Capt. Joshua Emery for conducting a routine footlocker search of an offender’s property, when he discovered a homemade weapon hidden inside a toilet paper roll. This was a safety razor that had been made into a weapon by breaking off the head and attaching an exposed razor blade to the handle. Officer Ingersoll secured the weapon and notified his supervisor immediately. Officer Ingersoll’s actions helped ensure the safety and security of the institution for all staff and offenders.

Non-custody – Timekeeper SOSA Vicki Stevens was nominated by Personnel Clerk Rhonda Steward, who said that in September 2023, the DOC went to a new timekeeping system (Timeclock Plus) for Custody staff. She said that TCP requires a significant amount of report auditing, making corrective adjustments/entries, uninterrupted attention to detail, and numerous other actions. She also pointed out that Timekeeper Stevens serves as the Institution's liaison for FMLA and is a trusted and invaluable resource for all staff on any personnel related matter.

Awards & Recognition

Warden’s Award for Excellence 1Q24 – Business Office SOSA Holly Rush was selected because as the treasurer of the Personnel Club she coordinated the activities for Christmas Week, the Adopt-A-Family gift collection in December for Big Brothers and Big Sisters, the Valentine’s candy fundraiser, dress down weeks and days for special events like the run up to the Super Bowl, and t-shirt and jacket sales for the Personnel Club and the Special Olympics. Holly also coordinated monthly food days for both the Personnel Club and staff members who work in the Admin hallway. She successfully led several special projects and recently accepted the role of treasurer for the new Wellness Committee. Holly accomplished all of this while continuing to excel in the performance of her regular duties in the business office. 

New Team Members

April Baker, COI, 03/25

Dylan Gerving, COI, 03/25

Devon McBride, COI, 03/25

Tom Sagun, COI, 03/25

Staff Moves

Ronald Wood, COI to 19-hr CW, 03/17


Training is going well. The following are our statistics for March: 99% of staff completed the mandatory course ‘Dignity, Courtesy, and Respect in the Work Place’. 83% of staff completed GPS online mandatory training.  68% of all staff completed their 40 hours of annual training. 66% of staff completed their annual core classes. 

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on March 11, 2024. Eighteen staff members attended and the following topics were discussed: staffing, March Engages, work orders, KnowBe4 cybersecurity training, QPS results, TCW workshops, Wellness Committee officers, Microsoft 365 rollout, Crime Victims Week, Aramark staffing.

Important Dates

April 3 – TCP deadline

April 4 – ETA & SAMII deadline

April 4 – Deferred Comp representative, Bldg. 2 Assembly Room, 1:00-4:00 pm

April 8-12 – CORE week for April birth month staff

April 11 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

April 14–20 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics and Personnel Club

April 15 – Payday

April 18 – TCP deadline

April 19 – ETA & SAMII deadline

April 30 – Payday

Success Story

  • 45 offenders were released.
  • 4 offenders passed the HiSET and graduated.
  • 57 offenders completed treatment.


February 2024

EOM Padrick Wennihan

Employee of the Month

Custody – CO I Padrick Wennihan was nominated by FUM Bryce Buholt who described him as “the definition of a team player” and said he has made a positive change to the Ad-Seg unit since he was assigned there. FUM Buholt said Officer Wennihan always make sure everything is cleaned and the offenders are taken care of to the best of his ability, and that he makes sure the offenders’ inventory sheets are completed correctly. He also said Officer Wennihan has helped him with tracking files. 

Non-custody – DORS ACIII Dianna Sunderman was nominated by DORS TUS Christina Wood, who recognized her for her expertise and attention to detail in preparing individual offender files. Ms. Wood said Ms. Sunderman reviews the offenders’ compliance for phase up weekly, coaches and teaches counselors to know the processes, and re-formats the PRC list every week with counselor names. She also complimented Ms. Sunderman on her counseling skills with the offenders, and said she has a compassionate heart for her teammates and is always available to assist them. 

New Team Members

Caedon Messer, COI, 02/13

Devon Shaw, COI, 02/13

EOM Dianna Sunderman


Eric Reidlinger, COII to COIII, 02/25


Joseph Gully, STKII, 02/29

Jane Morriss, COI, 02/29

Staff Moves

Patience Praiswater, 19-hr CW to full-time, 02/18

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Tuesday, February 6, 2024. Twenty-one staff    members attended and the following topics were discussed: Staffing, DWs changed roles February 1, The Corrections Way workshop, new Wellness Committee, Microsoft 365, reduce usage of institutional supplies, body scanners, Ad-Seg remodel, accountability system, steam line project, cones on sewer plant road, why it takes yellow dots so long to transfer, why we are down 150 offenders, printer project status, new camera system status, cameras in common rooms and shower areas.

Important Dates

March 4-8 – CORE week for March birth month staff

March 5 – TCP deadline

March 6 – ETA & SAMII deadline

March 6 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

March 10-16 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics and Personnel Club

March 15 – Payday

March 19 – TCP deadline

March 20 – ETA & SAMII deadline

March 29 – Payday

Success Story

  • 60 offenders were released.
  • 75 offenders completed treatment.



January 2024


Employee of the Month

EOM Thomas Goldizen

Custody – COI Jacob Auten was nominated by COII Alec Ware for finding a full sheet of K2 paper folded up in an offenders boot during strip outs after the offenders visit. Sgt. Ware stated, “As we all know the smuggling of drugs from outside the institution is a constant threat to the safety and security of the institution. I believe Officer Auten's actions should be celebrated as well as his constant professionalism while on duty in the Department of Corrections.”

Non-custody – Gateway Counselor I Thomas Goldizen was nominated by Clinical Supervisor Kendra Lewis, who said, “TJ has shown extreme dedication to our mission, his position, and his team. He has not had an unscheduled absence since he has started. He learned his position quickly, was able to step up and fill all floor duties while his partner was off for a long period of time. He completes his duties with minimal supervision and before their due dates. He often volunteers to assist others with things such as helping with sessions or covering a group. He has started to develop a Veteran's Day celebration to help recognize those clients who served our country. TJ greets his team daily, just as soon as he sees you. It's these little things that improve morale, on top of assisting his team members and going above and beyond to help, that make him such a valued team member.

Awards & Recognition

Department Distinguished Service Award – Business Manager Tiffany Chambers was recognized for stopping to assist with an accident when a car crashed into an Amish buggy. Two people were ejected from the buggy and she called for emergency assistance, then stayed with the individuals until help arrived.

New Team Members

Zakary Moore, COI, 01/01

Christopher Rightsell, COI, 01/01

Arthur Roberts, COI, 01/01

Dale Shaeffer, COI, 01/01

Mohaganie Thomas, COI, 01/01

Jordan Dean, COI, 01/08

Brooklyn Spire, OSA, 01/08


The following are statistics regarding staff training:  41% of staff completed the required 40 hours training for this fiscal year; 75% completed the required eLearning in GPS; and 96% completed the required "Dignity, Courtesy, and Respect in the Work Place” course. Staff are doing a good job completing their core training. We sent our first group of cadets to AEC for the new basic training. They are pleased with the new format.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Monday, January 8, 2024. Nine staff members attended and the following topics were discussed:  MTC staffing, Anna Fix of WRDCC is Acting P&P Administrator until the position is filled, the DWs will exchange roles effective February 1, 2024, cost containment, statewide employee referral program, hazardous travel policy, The Corrections Way, new Wellness Committee, Microsoft 365 rollout, status of Ad-Seg remodel, heating project, staffing across the state.

Important Dates

February 2 – TCP deadline

February 5-9 – CORE week for February birth month staff

February 5 – ETA & SAMII deadline

February 6 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

February 12 – HOLIDAY (Lincoln’s Birthday)

February 15 – Payday

February 19 – HOLIDAY (Washington’s Birthday)

February 19 – TCP deadline

February 20 – ETA & SAMII deadline

February 29 – Payday

Success Story

  • 28 offenders were released.
  • 4 offenders passed the HiSET and graduated.
  • 46 offenders completed treatment.



December 2023

Big News


Employee Recognition Ceremony and Christmas Week

EOM Veronica Van Patten

MTC celebrated its annual Christmas Week sponsored by the Personnel Club December 11-15. Free games and crafting activities were provided, along with daily free popcorn and dress down days. Eight Echo Show 8s were given as prizes and each employee received an MTC t-shirt as a gift. On December 14, a free holiday meal was served for staff on all three shifts. During the meal on second shift, Warden Todd Warren spoke briefly about the team’s accomplishments during the past year. He also presented the Employee of the Year award to DORS TUS Christina Wood, and a Lifesaver Award to COI Spencer Gray. Lastly, he handed out 25 service pin awards, including seven for twenty-five years of service.

Employee of the Month

EOM Holly Rush

Custody – CO I Veronica Van Patten consistently goes above and beyond when it comes to institutional searches. Within the first three of hours of her shift on November 3, 2023, she found the following items on three offenders and/or in their lockers: a lighting device, two tablet chargers, the components to make an additional lighting device, and cut up pieces of electrical wire. 

Non-Custody – SOSA Holly Rush is a huge asset to MTC. She is always willing to help when needed. She cleaned up and organized the archives and had the old ones shredded. She is the Business Office’s liaison with the Personnel Club where she got new apparel approved for purchase by staff as a fundraiser. She also sends emails to staff on how to label archives and complete vehicle logs.

Awards & Recognition

Employee of the Year – DORS TUS Christina Wood has been an integral part of developing and implementing a plan of action to help redirect several different floors who have been struggling to live by treatment concepts, which is often detrimental to their recovery. She often takes all the information she is provided, evaluates it from several different angles, then presents it so the supervisory team can make the best decision possible. Thank you, TUS Wood. 

Employee of the Year Christina Wood

Lifesaver Award – CO I Spencer Gray – On May 6, 2023, a Code 16 on staff was called. COI Spencer Gray was one of the first officer to respond. Cook Teresa Wiese was choking on food and couldn’t breathe. Officer Gray administered abdominal thrusts and successfully dislodged the piece of food and Cook Wiese was able to breathe again. Without Officer Gray’s intervention, Ms. Wiese could easily have died. 

New Team Members

Kimberly Laird, 19-hr CW, 12/04

Annette Miller, COI, 12/04


William Kelley, ROI, 12/31

D. Scott Parshall, COI, 12/31

Staff Moves

Lifesaver Award Spencer Gray

Amber Fuller, COI, lateral transfer to CRCC, 12/17


The following are statistics regarding staff training: 41% of staff completed the required 40 hours training for this fiscal year; 66% completed the required eLearning in GPS; and 95% of staff completed the required "Dignity, Courtesy, and Respect in the Work Place” course. Staff are doing a good job completing their core training.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Friday, December 8. Fifteen staff members attended and the following topics were addressed: Leadership changes, Employee Recognition Ceremony, Personnel Club’s Christmas Week, staffing, new statewide employee referral program, body scanner deployment, Ad-Seg remodel project, NIC security audit, Medical NCCHC audit, The Corrections Way workshops, relaunching the Wellness Committee, Community Day, new employee health nurse’s responsibilities.

Important Dates

January 1 – HOLIDAY (New Year’s Day)

January 2 – TCP deadline

January 3 – ETA & SAMII deadline

January 8 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

January 8-12 – CORE week for January birth month staff

January  – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics and Personnel Club

January 12 – Payday

January 15 – HOLIDAY (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)

January 19 – TCP deadline

January 22 – ETA & SAMII deadline

January 31 – Payday

Success Story

  • 37 offenders were released
  • The HiSET test was held on 12/19/23 and 12/20/23.  Results from the test held in November haven’t been received.
  • 47 offenders completed treatment


November 2023

EOM James Christian

Big News

MTC’s annual October Charitable Campaign collected $1,359.20 through an auction and dress down week coordinated by Records Officer II Tara Murphy and Institutional Investigator Brenda Fletchall. A check in this amount was sent to the American Cancer Society with the funds earmarked for Northwest Missouri. We also received a total of $372 that was donated via paper pledges. However, we apparently don’t have access to information telling us how many staff members pledged online, so we don’t have a total for that. Thanks to all MTC team members who helped make this campaign a success.

Employee of the Month

Custody – COII James Christian routinely goes above and beyond his normal duties to help when and where he is needed. He also collects the residents’ UAs every month to help keep the work site safe and hold the residents accountable for their actions. Sgt. Christian also fills in as a COI when help is needed.

New Team Members

Todd Fannon, COI, 11/06

Tiffany Findley, COI, 11/06

Carmen Larabee, 19-hr CW, 11/06

Mark Schwienebart, COI, 11/06

Elizabeth Mitchell-Wolf, 19-hr CW, 11/06

Adrianna Aley, COI, 11/13

Taylor Coffelt, COI, 11/13

Staff Moves

Elizabeth Mitchell-Wolf, 19-hr CW to COI, 11/19

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Tuesday, November 7. Thirteen staff members attended and the following topics were addressed: staffing, Admin hallway, Aramark, M365 rollout, mandatory comp time payout, employees of the month, Charitable Campaign, The Corrections Way, Personnel Club, offender injury, and net Canteen bags.

Important Dates

November 27 – December 1 – CORE week for December birth month staff

December 5 – TCP deadline

December 6 – ETA & SAMII deadline

December 8 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

December 10-16 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics and Personnel Club

December 15 – Payday

December 17-23 – Additional Blue Jeans Week

December 18 – TCP deadline

December 19 – ETA & SAMII deadline

December 25 – HOLIDAY (Christmas Day)

December 29 – Payday

December 31 – New Year’s Eve

Success Story

  • 50 residents were released.
  • 5 residents passed the HiSET and GRADUATED!
  • 51 residents completed treatment.


EOM Cameron Tweedie

October 2023

Big News

MTC welcomes its new Employee Health Nurse Megan Fugate who began her employment here on Monday, October 23. This is a new role for Megan and a new position at MTC. The staff look forward to having Ms. Fugate on site to help them with their wellness needs.

Employee of the Month

Custody – COI Cameron Tweedie goes beyond his required duties as a COI and always picks up additional duties for the housing unit. Officer Tweedie also backs up other officers when they are away completing another detail. He is always supportive and positive with staff and is great at talking with the residents. Thank you for all your efforts, COI Tweedie. 

Non-Custody – Gateway Administrative Assistant April Anderson is hard-working, reliable, trustworthy, dependable, kind, helpful and positive. She always asks how staff members are doing and if there’s anything she can do to help. She has taken on extra responsibilities and always does it with a smile on her face. April’s positive attitude and helpfulness make everyone’s day run smoother and less stressful. We all appreciate her and value the work she does! 

Awards & Recognition

April Anderson

Warden’s Award for Excellence for 4Q23 – COIII Jay Mackey:  Since his promotion, Jay Mackey has excelled in his role as Lieutenant. He has been a great resource for staff who go to him with their questions and concerns.  Through Lt. Mackey’s diligence, safety and security have also been improved.

New Team Members

Donald Noble, COI, 10/02

Arthur Roberts, COI, 10/16

Madison Trimble, COI, 10/16

Julian Lee, COI, 10/23

Trevor Shelley, COI, 10/23


Lisa Moran, Cook III to COI, 10/15

Jared Russell, COI to CCMII, 10/22

Staff Moves

Kerry Strating, FDS Mgr. II to SOSA, 10/08

Audrina Macias, 19-hr CW to COI, 10/22

Ronald Wood, 19-hr CW to COI 10/22


The following are statistics regarding staff training: 30.4% of staff completed the required 40 hours training for FY24; 49% completed the required eLearning in GPS; and 58.9% of frontline staff completed the required "Online Dignity, Courtesy, and Respect in the Work Place” course which is due November 30, 2023.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, although the 2:00 p.m. session was cancelled due to lack of attendance. Sixteen staff members participated and the following topics were addressed:  Aramark, iTrack reporting, staffing, new CERT members, flu shots, Charitable Campaign, The Corrections Way, Crime Scene Preservation and Evidence Collection training, SOMO Polar Bear Plunge, Personnel Club, Grill Sergeant food truck, Canteen process for resident questions, need to address residents who talk negatively about staff, insurance open enrollment, new roof for laundry building, finishing rec repairs, and completing Ad-Seg updates.

Important Dates

October 30 – November 3 – CORE week for November birth month staff

November 2 – TCP deadline

November 3 – ETA & SAMII deadline

November 7 – TB Testing for November birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

November 9 – TB Reading for November birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

November 9 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

November 10 – HOLIDAY (Veteran’s Day)

November 12-18 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

November 15 – Payday

November 16 – TCP deadline

November 17 – ETA & SAMII deadline

November 23 – HOLIDAY (Thanksgiving Day)

November 27 – December 1 – CORE week for December birth month staff

November 30 – Payday

Success Story

  • 25 residents were released.
  • 5 residents passed the HiSET and graduated.
  • 61 residents completed treatment.

potato toppings
2nd shift enjoy a meal together 

September 2023

Big News

MTC staff celebrated Corrections Employee Appreciation Week September 11–15. The Personnel Club sponsored a variety of activities including guessing jars, a basketball shooting contest, and email bingo. They prepared a free potato bar meal for all shifts on Wednesday, a free dress down week, free daily popcorn, and free ice cream sandwiches on Friday. The staff seemed to enjoy all of the activities. A heartfelt thank you goes out to the MTC Personnel Club!

Employee of the Month

Custody – COI Derrick Shields conducts area searches regularly of zone one yard. As a result of his dedication to duty Officer Shields found an offender-made weapon about eight inches in length. Due to his actions a piece of dangerous contraband was removed from the institution.

Non-Custody –CCMII Bruce Carmichael is a true team player and leader. Mr. Carmichael is willing to help with anything that comes his way. From writing and covering PRCs, intakes, or any other class, Mr. Carmichael always steps up to take the load off his team. He is the ORAS GURU and trains new CCMs.

EOM Bruce Carmichael

New Team Members

Craig D. Maxwell, Jr., COI, 09/11

Michael D. Sanders, COI, 09/11

Clinton M. Wright, COI, 09/25


Christopher Sherman, Cook II to COI, 09/17

Staff Moves

Brian A. Keith, COIII, lateral to CRCC, 09/03/23


The following are statistics regarding staff training: 21.6% of staff completed the required 40 hours training for FY24; 42.7% completed the required ELearning in GPS and 49.3% of frontline staff completed the required "Online Dignity, Courtesy, and Respect in the Work Place’ due November 30, 2023. Supervisors will be scheduled in November for the in-seat version of ‘Online Dignity, Courtesy, and Respect in the Work Place’

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Tuesday, September 12, 2023. Twenty-six staff members attended and the following topics were addressed:  Staffing, video visitation status, CJIS Security Awareness training, Corrections Employee Appreciation Week, TCW Value Premise Craft Workshop, DOC Wellness “Dream Job” challenge, Aramark, Charitable Campaign, Amounts of fluids that may be brought in by custody per shift, Ad-Seg remodel status, mobility team.

Important Dates

October 4 – ETA & SAMII deadline

October 8-14 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

October 9 – HOLIDAY (Columbus Day)

October 10 - TB Testing for October birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

October 11 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

October 12 - TB Reading for October birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

October 12 – Flu Shots – 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm, Assembly Room

October 16 - Payday

October 16-20 – CORE week for October birth month staff

October 20 - ETA & SAMII deadline

October 24 – Flu Shots – 6:30 am – 11:00 am, Assembly Room

October 30 – November 3 – CORE week for November birth month staff

October 31 – Payday

Success Story

  • 8 offenders were released.
  • 7 offenders passed the HiSET and graduated.

August 2023

Employee of the Month

Custody – COI Andrew Clifford utilized MTC policies and procedures to develop materials on how to manage the AdSeg unit. This information has proven useful and is pertinent to all three shifts and is even shift specific. Officer Clifford began this project of his own initiative in 2022 and completed it in May 2023. His drive and dedication to this project has helped, and will continue to help, many new officers as they learn their role as an AdSeg officer. Thank you for your foresight and dedication to your team, Officer Clifford.

Non-Custody – TUS Christina Wood has been an integral part of developing and implementing a plan of action to help redirect several different floors who have been struggling to live by treatment concepts, which is often detrimental to their recovery. She often takes all the information she is provided, evaluates it from several different angles, then presents it so the supervisory team can make the best decision possible. Thank you TUS Wood.

New Team Members

Sabrina Barron, COI, 08/14

Jonathan Cox, COI, 08/14

Wyatt Fish, COI, 08/14

Levi Herington, COI, 08/14

Douglas Lager, COI, 08/14

Audrina Macias, 19-hr COI, 08/14

David Marbough, COI, 08/14

Corbyn Rucker, COI, 08/14

Jaden Akins, COI, 08/28


Christopher Elliot, Cook III to COI, 08/27

Staff Moves

Tyler Moore, COI to 19-hr COI, 08/06

Trei Tartt, COI to 19-hr COI, 08/20


Training is going very well. We assigned the mandatory class ‘Online Dignity, Courtesy, And Respect in the Workplace’ due end of November. Twenty seven percent of staff have already completed it.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Monday, August 7. Twelve staff members attended and the following topics were addressed: staffing, gym/roof repair, video visitation, safety and security, customer service, TCW annual site visit, TCW Ambassadors, Personnel Club, Wellness Committee, new employee support staff.

Important Dates

September 5 - TB Testing for September birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

September 6 – ETA & SAMII deadline

September 7 – TB Reading for September birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

September 10-16 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

September 12 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

September 15 – Payday

September 18-22 – CORE week

September 20 – ETA & SAMII deadline

September 29 – Payday

Success Story

  • Approximately 22 offenders will be released.
  • Eight residents passed the HiSET exam they took in July and have GRADUATED!

July 2023

EOM Tyler Halvin 

Big News

MTC held its annual Employee Health & Benefits Fair on Wednesday, July 19, 2023, and 64 staff attended. Thanks to

DOC Wellness Coordinator Caitlin Rudolph for all of her help in making this event a success!

Employee of the Month

Custody – COI Noah Brummett found a homemade weapon in the bathroom radiator on 2C2 on May 5, 2023. His actions removed a dangerous weapon from the institution and potentially prevented someone from being severely injured or killed. Thank you for your diligence, Officer Brummett.

Non-Custody – STKI Tyler Halvin checks with the shift commanders every week and volunteers to work custody on his days off and holidays, usually helping with coverage at least one day a week. He is also an adjunct trainer for defensive tactics and is a member of CERT. Thank you, STKI Halvin for being an asset to the whole MTC team.

RO III Tara Murphy

Awards & Recognition

Warden’s Award for Excellence for 3Q23 – ROII Tara Murphy received this award for all the extra effort she has put into supervising the Records Management section since she has been without a SOSA for most of the past six months. Even without assistance she has accomplished all of the requirements of the section and has done so with a great attitude. Thank you, ROII Murphy for your dedication and professionalism.

New Team Members

Thomasen Ingersoll, COI, 07/03

Noah Johnson, COI, 07/03

Niki Runion, COI, 07/03

Megan McClain, COI, 07/03

Gentry Baker, COI, 07/24

 P4P Blaze

Abby McEntire, COI, 07/24

Jordan Murphy, COI, 07/24

Patrick O’Connor, COI, 07/24

Tammy Yacks, COI, 07/24

Kaleigh Langley, COI to COII, 07/23

Thomas Peth, COI to COII, 07/23

Ashley Sybert, COI to COII, 07/23

Staff Moves

Colton Blay, CCMII to COII, 07/23

Kaytlynn Hall, 19-hr CW to COI, 07/23

P4P Belle 

Bailee Walker, 19-hr CW to COI, 07/30


We started core training for fiscal year 2024. We would like to thank everyone for completing their training last year. 

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on July 14, 2023. Twelve staff members attended and the following topics were discussed:  Staffing, sergeant promotions, gym floor and roof repair, Aramark transition, Quarterly Pulse Survey, P4P dogs, TCW workshops, Employee Health & Benefits Fair, new radios, keys, and cameras.

Important Dates

P4P Casper Remington

August 2 – AFLAC representative 6:30 am – 4:00 pm, Bldg. 2 Assembly Room

August 3 – Deferred Compensation representative 11:00 am – 3:30 pm, Bldg. 2 Assembly Room

August 4 – ETA deadline

August 7-11 – CORE week

August 7 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

August 7 – SAMII deadline

August 8 – TB Testing for August birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

August 10 – TB Reading for August birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

August 13-19 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

P4P Diesel Lee

August 15 – Payday

August 22 – ETA deadline

August 23 – SAMII deadline

August 31 – Payday

Success Story

  • 26 offenders were released.
  • 8 offenders who took the HiSET in June graduated!
  • 55 offenders completed treatment.

Puppy Pic

We received four new dogs for Puppies for Parole on July 10, 2023. They are: Blaze, Belle, Diesel Lee, and Casper Remington 2.

June 2023

Director Precythe with Honor Guard June 2023

Big News

Members were selected from Missouri DOC honor guards to attend the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation Project 2000 XXXIV conference in St. Louis. The conference is an annual event and was held from June 15-18 this year. The purpose of the conference is to honor the families of correctional officers who were either severely injured or died during the line of duty in the past year. The photo was taken just after the memorial ceremony that was held at the WWII Memorial Court of Honor. Pictured in no particular order are: Joshua Heifner, Jacob Martin, Terry Wadley, Luis Pacheco, Bryan Fisher, Carrie Daniels, Isabell Taube, Adelia Moore, Sammie Gray, Michael Griffin, Alfred Buehlman IV. 

MTC staff had the opportunity and pleasure to host a tour for seven Mount Averno student alumni on June 3, 2023. The group enjoyed reminiscing as they toured the school building and chapel. The staff also enjoyed hearing their school stories and their memories of the buildings we now occupy. 

Mount Averno alumni

One couple was fortunate enough to visit the chapel where they were married fifty years ago

Employee of the Month

EOM Spencer Gray
Elizabeth Estabrook

Custody – CO I Spencer Gray was one of the first responding officers when a Code 16 was called on a staff member on

May 6, 2023. Cook Teresa Wiese was choking on food and wasn’t able to draw breath. COI Gray used first aid and administered abdominal thrusts and successfully dislodged the food. Cook Wiese began rough breathing that got better the more she coughed. It is the belief of Officer Gray’s nominating supervisor that he saved her life. (Photo included.)

Non-Custody – CCM II Elizabeth Estabrook came up to 3A3 in February to cover the case management responsibilities while the newest member of the Classification team was still being trained. Her help was invaluable because she helped in his training, worked to get conduct violations completed, and caught up the IRRs and ORAS assessments. She has also been active in addressing behaviors that she observes on the floor, helping with supporting the therapeutic concepts, as well as supporting Custody in maintaining safety and security. Thank you, Ms. Estabrook, for all your efforts to support the newest team member in Classification, and for supporting the therapeutic process.

New Team Members

Trey Agnew, COI, 06/05

Bryce Driskell, 19-hr COI, 06/05

Victoria Moon, COI, 06/12

Tyler Moore, COI, 06/12

Staff Moves

Samantha Green, AOSA from WRDCC to SOSA at MTC, 06/25.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Thursday, June 15, 2023. Twenty-two staff members attended and the following topics were addressed: staffing, Ad-Seg remodel, Aramark transition, offender naloxone kits, TCW Ambassadors, Personnel Club, Wellness Committee, food truck visit, TCW quick hit, Canteen net bags, issue with parking carts, court stipulated offenders, speaker volume in P&P hallway.

Important Dates

July 4 – HOLIDAY (Independence Day)

July 5 – ETA deadline

July 6 – SAMII deadline

July 9-15 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

July 14 – Payday

July 14 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

July 17 – TB Testing for July birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

July 17-21 – CORE week

July 19 – TB Reading for July birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

July 21 – ETA deadline

July 21 – SAMII deadline

July 31 – Payday

Success Story

35 offenders will be released by June 30.

28 offenders are scheduled to take all or part of the HiSET on Tuesday, June 27, and Wednesday, June 28.

50 offenders will complete treatment by June 30.


May 2023

MTC Law Enforcement Torch Run

Big News

The Maryville Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run was held on Tuesday, May 30. Runners left from the Nodaway County Courthouse and ran to the Kawasaki plant on the south side of town. The Torch Walk was held at Mozingo Lake at the point. According to MTC Laundry Manager/LETR Coordinator James Runde, “It was a beautiful morning for a run/walk and the route conditions were favorable yet semi-treacherous on South Main Street.” Thanks to everyone who participated, and a special thanks to Mr. Runde for his leadership in making this event happen.

Employee of the Month

Custody – On 2/24/23, COI Francis Grout found two offenders engaged in a physical altercation on 2C1. On the same day, he removed contraband used for tattooing and since has removed numerous contraband items from housing unit 4, in particular, tattoo contraband. Officer Grout conducts thorough searches regularly. Thank you for your diligence, Officer Grout. 

EOM Francis Grout

Non-Custody – MWII Stuart Stevens has been working on a big project in Ad-Seg, and he and his crew have done a great job. The work looks good and they keep the area as clean and organized as possible. Thank you, MWII Stevens, for going the extra mile. 

New Team Members

Charles Anderson, COI, 05/09

Seane Stooksbury, COI, 05/09

Trei Tartt, COI, 05/09

Samantha Winter, 19-hr CW to Full-Time COI, 05/14

Elyjike Trimmer, COI, 05/22

Monica VanPatten, COI, 05/22


Carmen Larabee, COI, 05/31

Staff Moves

EOM Stuart Stevens

Christopher Browning, FUM, to TCKC, 05/14


Training is going well. We are pushing through the end zone getting all required staff training completed. Staff starting basic training 6/5/23, will be traveling to the Academy for Excellence in Corrections in Cameron. They will have the option to stay in Cameron for the week or travel daily.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Wednesday, May 10, 2023. Fifteen staff members attended and the following topics were discussed: National Reentry 2030, Excellence in Action, staffing and new custody positions, Ad-Seg remodel, PCIS update, PACT, TCW Ambassadors, food trucks, TCW quick hit, additional guard shack, survey results, and comp time.

Important Dates

June 6 – ETA deadline

June 7 – SAMII deadline

June 7 – TB Testing for June birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

June 9 – TB Reading for June birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

June 11-17 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

June 15 – Payday

June 15 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

June 18 – Father’s Day

June 19 – HOLIDAY (Juneteenth)

June 21 – ETA deadline

P4P Breckenridge Bonnie

June 22 – SAMII deadline

June 30 – Payday

Success Story

  • 46 men were released.
  • 15 men sat for all or part of the HiSET on May 23 and 24. Unfortunately, a number of these men were repeating the test because the ones they took in April were misplaced by the delivery service.
  • 54 men completed treatment.

Puppy Pic

MTC received a new cohort of Puppies for Parole dogs this month and they include some of the friendliest dogs ever! The staff know not to approach P4P dogs when they’re new to training and still wearing red bandanas. But one day a couple these dogs didn’t seem to know the rule and joyfully greeted all staff members and employees alike who entered the Visiting Room. Everyone here is looking forward to seeing the offenders train these dogs so they can find their forever homes. The dogs are: Kyia, Loki, Vidia, and Breckenridge Bonnie.

EOM Jay Mackey

April 2023

Big News

Maryville Treatment Center hosted two special guests for a tour of the facility on April 5. Prior to becoming a prison, MTC was known as Mount Alverno Academy, a Catholic high school for girls. Visitors Agnes Crites and Rosie Archer graduated from the academy in 1970. The women were here to see if they want to recommend a tour to the class of 1970 for June 3, 2023. They said they enjoyed seeing their old school building and reminisced with staff about their experiences there.

COI Lena Allen is the CIT Spotlight for this quarter. While working on housing unit 3, COI Allen has excelled with her application of CIT and has worked with other CIT staff to aid offenders utilizing the core principles of what it means to be part of CIT. She helps offenders going through crisis effectively for positive outcomes that make a difference. She has been on CIT since 2022, is a PACT team member, an Honor Guard member, a FTO and also a volunteer (VIC) for Christian ministry for the offenders at MTC. Thanks for all you do, COI Allen!

Employee of the Month

EOM Bryce Buholt 

Custody – Sgt. Jay Mackey has been a tremendous help to MTC with overtime issues and with staff who have questions on what to do to better themselves so they can promote and overcome obstacles caused by past and present

experiences. He takes the time to answer questions, share his knowledge and help where he can. Thanks, Sgt. Mackey, you’re an asset to the DOC and a great role model for other employees. 

Non-Custody – CCMII Bryce Buholt is a true team player. He is always willing to pick up and drop off documents up and down the hill. He helps his co-workers by assisting them with tasks in order to keep them from being overwhelmed. He always has a great attitude, even when he is having a rough day. Thanks, CCMII Buholt, your leadership doesn’t go unnoticed.

Awards & Recognition

Warden’s Quarterly Award for Excellence – FUM Michael Mullock received this award for his leadership, in particular for his guidance of the Puppies for Parole program, his efforts to improve staff morale by bringing in food trucks, and his participation on the Employee of the Month Selection Committee. Thank you, FUM Mullock, for all your efforts on behalf of the staff and offenders at MTC.

New Team Members

Melissa Elliot, COI, 04/03

Jacqueline Powell, COI, 04/03

Michael Mullock

Jeremy Scott, COI, 04/03

Madeline Behring, COI, 04/17

Jesse Eckert, COI, 04/24

Eva Narber, COI, 04/24


Jay Mackey, COII to COIII, 04/07

Johnathan Kothe, COI to COII, 04/13

Dillon Mendez, COI to COII, 04/13


Our staff is 98.2 % compliant completing mandatory E-Learning.. Staff are working hard trying to complete their required annual training. We appreciate everything you do!

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Tuesday, April 11, 2023. Fourteen staff members attended and the following topics were addressed: Securus video visiting, Crime Victim Rights Week, SOMO Torch Run, cell phone lockers, TCW Ambassadors, Ad-Seg remodeling project, floor meetings for 2C1, health fair for offenders, TCW quick hit.

Important Dates

Promotions Dillon Mendez and Johnathan Kothe

May 1-5 – CORE Week

May 2 – TB Testing for May birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

May 3 – ETA deadline

May 4 – TB Reading for May birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

May 4 – SAMII deadline

May 8 – HOLIDAY (Truman Day)

May 10 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

May 14 – Mother’s Day

May 14-20 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

May 15 – Payday

May 19 – ETA deadline

Jay Mackey promotion

May 22 – SAMII deadline

May 29 – HOLIDAY (Memorial Day)

May 31 – Payday

Success Story

  • 41 offenders were released.
  • 3 offenders passed the HiSET that was administered in February and GRADUATED! Another group of men sat for the test on April 25 and 26.
  • 54 offenders completed treatment.

National Employee Appreciation Day

March 2023

Big News

National Employee Appreciation Day – MTC celebrated National Employee Appreciation Day on Friday, March 3, with free popcorn for all staff; free ice cream sandwiches for everybody provided by the Personnel Club and Wellness Committee, and; a free dress down day if you wore an MTC approved polo shirt or t-shirt.

Employee of the Month

Custody – COI Billie Kneale works and communicates well with her co-workers and is a great team member. She’s also gifted at finding contraband. In January she located a broken razor part and a cigarette butt. She also found a syringe with an unknown substance inside. She continues on a daily basis to do in-depth searches and hold the offenders accountable. Thank you, Officer Kneale, and keep up the good work. 

Non-Custody – CCMII Sherry Hall is a consistent and dependable member of the classification team. She has a good

work ethic and produces high quality work. She’s a member of MTC’s CERT team, is very knowledgeable about her job duties and provides excellent guidance to members on her team. Thank you, CCM Hall, for being someone your co-workers can count on. 

New Team Members

Sarah Linville, OSA, 03/01

Kaytlynn Hall, 19-hr CW, 03/13

Logan Purdy, COI, 03/13

Taylor Browning, COI, 03/27

Kyle Ebrecht, COI, 03/27

Robert Eddy, COI, 03/27

Jasmyn French, COI, 03/27

Sondra Guss, COI, 03/27

David Maxson, COI, 03/27

Khale McDermott, COI, 03/27

Michael McNeeley, COI, 03/27

Dylan Russell, COI, 03/27

EOM Sherry Hall

Jo Wagner, SOSA, 03/27


Paul Woodruff, COII, 03/31


Staff have been doing a great job completing their required training hours and core classes. At this time, 74% of our frontline staff have completed their required 40 hours of training. Our supervisors have completed 70% of their required 52 hours of training. 87.9% of all staff has completed the required Narcan training. Thank you for all you do.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Monday, March 6, 2023. Twenty-one staff members attended and the following topics were addressed: HB 14, staffing, mobility team, recruiting, ARAMARK, annual tornado drill, Engage 2.0 upward feedback survey, Black History Month celebration, new P4P dogs, training, SOMO offender plunge, Post Critical Incident Seminar, DOC Write on! Wellness Challenge, MTC Spring Fling, TCW Ambassadors workshop schedule, Ad-Seg construction project, and a TCW quick hit.

Important Dates

April 4 – TB Reading for April birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

April 5 – ETA deadline

April 6 – TB Testing for April birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

April 6 – SAMII deadline

April 9-15 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

April 10-14 – CORE Week

April 11 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

April 14 – Payday

April 19 – ETA deadline

April 20 – SAMII deadline

April 28 – Payday

Success Story

  • 30 offenders were released.
  • AEL has not yet received HiSET test results for February. Approximately 20 offenders are in the process of taking all or part of the Hi-Set today.
  • 35 offenders completed treatment.

Puppy Pic

MTC received four new Puppies for Parole Dogs on Monday, March 6. They are: Milo, Meistro, Arwen and Shamrock. We look forward to their time at MTC and watching the offender trainers bring them up the curve in their social and behavioral skills

February 2023

MTC RJ program donation

Big News

MTC's Restorative Justice Program donated a check for $1000 to the New Nodaway Humane Society (NNHS) February 24, 2023. This contribution will aid the New Nodaway Humane Society in purchasing much needed materials to support the animals in their care.

Pictured in photo (from left ) are: Michael Mullock, FUM; Kayce Fish, NNHS Asst. Manager; Wendy Combs, NNHS Manager; and Jenny Spire, CCM/Restorative Justice Coordinator.

Employee of the Month

Custody – CO I Gary Owens was recognized for the way he always finds something useful to do on housing unit 3A1. He is especially known for his constant effort – mopping, sweeping, taking out trash, and cleaning the fans, showers, and toilets. He is always at work and puts in a full 100% every day. He always volunteers for overtime, is a great person to work with, and helps when needed. The person who nominated him wrote, “I think he should get employee of the month for always going above and beyond and doing what most other employees wouldn’t do.” Congratulations, Officer Owens! Your award is well-deserved.

EOM John Tye

Non-Custody – RO I John Tye According to his supervisor, “When it comes to scheduling and staff availability, Mr. Tye has the flexibility equivalent to that of an Olympic gymnast.” He has worked up 12 days in a row and is always willing to assist the needs of others. He routinely works custody posts on his RDOs and works well with both custody and non-custody staff. He has been working in the recreation department for less than a year and his supervisor said, “…he has already

New Team Members

Ronald Wood, 19-hr CW, 02/01

Gerald Harrison, COI, 02/14

Karen Kepka, COI, 02/14

Heather Pearson, 19-hr CW, 02/14

Catherine Schmitz, 19-hr CW, 02/14

Sylvester Birchem, COI, 02/21

Ian Davis, COI, 02/21

Grant Nauman, COI, 02/21

Vincent Sorrentino, COI, 02/21


George David, BO to SE, 02/05

Darla Workman, COII to COIII, 02/16


Martin Thompson, OSA, 02/28

Staff Moves

Douglas Cummins, COI to IAC, 02/12


We have completed our DHRUC classes for this year. Linda Hughes Started her Full time Training SOSA position February 24 relocating to the training facility. We would like to thank staff for all you do.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Friday, February 3. Nine staff members attended and the following topics were addressed: Gov. Parson recommended 8.7 percent pay raise, Quarterly Pulse Survey, staffing, cellphones, new Employee of the Month selection committee, Post Critical Incident Seminar, DOC Write on! Wellness challenge, Personnel Club activities, TCW Ambassador workshops.

Important Dates

March 6-10 – CORE Week

March 6 – ETA deadline

March 6 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

March 7 – TB Testing for March birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

March 7 – SAMII deadline

March 9 – TB Reading for February birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

March 12-18 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

March 15 – Payday

March 22 – ETA deadline

March 23 – SAMII deadline

March 31 – Payday

Success Story

46 offenders were released.

16 offenders took all or part of the HiSET. Results are expected in March.

51 offenders completed treatment

Volunteer of the Year James Runde

January 2023

Big News

James Runde, Laundry Manager, was recently presented with the Volunteer of the Year Award for Missouri Special Olympics North Area. Over the years, James has volunteered countless hours of his time and raised thousands of dollars to assist Special Olympics. Maryville Treatment Center values his dedication to this organization and appreciates how well he represents the institution as our Special Olympics Coordinator.  Congratulations James! This award is well deserved.

On December 9, 2022, DWOM Teresa Shirrell and section heads volunteered at Second Harvest in St. Joseph, Missouri, which serves the Nodaway County area. They assisted with the Cupboard Program and filled boxes of food for local pantries.

Employee of the Month

Second Harvest donation Teresa Shirrell

Custody – COI Keenan Batsell is recognized for the positive attitude he maintains, even when working a 16-hour shift. His co-workers appreciate his upbeat demeanor whenever he works, whether it’s his regular shift, or when he volunteers or is mandated for overtime. They know they can count on him and consider him an asset to the institution. 

Non-Custody – Counselor Aubrey Staton is distinguishing herself as a supportive team member. She takes the initiative

to help train new staff members and helps her co-workers by taking on some of their workload. She has explained an assessment to a new employee so they can better help clients in the future. She is determined to learn as much as she can about her position to broaden her skill set as a counselor. She is not afraid to offer ideas on how to improve client care and staff morale. For someone who is still going through a learning process, she has shown the values and qualities of a positive mentor. 

Awards & Recognition

EOM Keenan Batsell
Counselor Aubrey Staton

The Corrections Way ShoutOut Contest Award – Congratulations to CCMII Bryce Buholt for being the overall winner of the 6 Principles of The Corrections Way ShoutOut Contest. The contest was jointly sponsored by the Wellness Committee, the Personnel Club, and The Corrections Way Ambassadors, and was designed to help MTC staff learn more about the 6 principles of The Corrections Way: Trust, Rapport, Respect, Listen, Value, Appreciate. Each month from July 2022 through December 2022, a drawing was held for a $10 gift card to Hy-Vee for an employee who received a ShoutOut for demonstrating that month’s principle, and for an employee who submitted a ShoutOut for someone. As the overall winner of the contest, Mr. Buholt received the most ShoutOuts for the 6 Principles during the entire six months of the contest. On Friday, January 6, 2023, DW Teresa Shirrell recognized his leadership by rewarding him with: 1) A $50 gift card to Hy-Vee; 2) A Certificate of Achievement, and; 3) An MTC Challenge Coin. Congratulations, Bryce! Thank you for being such a supportive co-worker and an excellent example of The Corrections Way at MTC.

Bryce Buhollt - ShoutOut Contest

New Team Members

Austin Angle, COI, 01/01

Christopher Coats, COI, 01/01

Terrance Hopkins, COI, 01/01

Matthew Mincy, COI, 01/01

Paige Vongkhamchanh, COI, 01/01

Noah Brummett, COI, 01/23

Nathan Cohen, COI, 01/23

Kaeleigh Long, COI, 01/23

Mackenzie Sunderman, OSA, 01/23

Sitka MTC P4P
Nala MTC P4P 

Logan King, COI, 01/30

Misty Reynolds, COI, 01/30       

Daniel Russell, COI, 01/30                                                            

Derrick Shields, COI, 01/30                                                           

Samantha Winter, 19-hr CW, 01/30


Kitty Pope, SOSA to AOSA, 01/01

Brandon Bergren, COIII to CSI, 01/15

Staff Moves

Thor MTC P4P
Pepper Ann MTC P4P

Mason Bammer, COI to 19-hour Correctional Worker, 01/08

Joseph Truman, COI to 19-hr Correctional Worker, 01/11

Important Dates

February 3 – ETA deadline

February 6 – SAMII deadline

February 6-10 – CORE Week

February 10 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

February 12-18 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

February 13 – Holiday (Lincoln’s Birthday)

February 14 – TB Testing for February birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

February 15 – Payday

February 16 – TB Reading for February birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

February 17 – SAMII and ETA deadline

February 20 – Holiday (Washington’s Birthday)

January 23 – SAMII deadline

February 28 – Payday

Success Story

  • 56 offenders were released.
  • 4 offenders took the HiSET in December and MTC was notified on January 6, 2023, that they all graduated!
  • 51 offenders completed treatment

Puppy Pic

On January 2, 2023, MTC received four new dogs for the Puppies 4 Parole program. They are: Thor, Pepper Ann, Nala, and Sitka.

Angela Trustee 
Christmas week​​​

December 2022

Big News

Ms. Angie Trustee is MTC's CIT Quarterly Spotlight Employee. Ms. Trustee is new to CIT but has been using the principles of CIT throughout her career as a Treatment Supervisor. She has shown great drive to become involved in the program. The instructors from CIT Training reported she excelled in the training.  Since joining, Ms. Trustee has been reviewing all transfers for CIT reports. 

MTC’s Personnel Club sponsored its annual Christmas Week for staff providing a week filled with games, contests, prizes, and a hearty holiday meal on Thursday, December 15. During the meal Warden Todd Warren addressed the staff and thanked them for their hard work throughout year. He presented Distinguished Service Awards to MWII Jefferson Davis and Garage Supervisor Robert Pope, and the Warden’s Award for Excellence for 1Q23 to Captain Phillip Smail. 

Employee of the Month

EOM Michael Mullock
EOM Mitchell Carroll 

Custody – CO I Mitchell Carroll:  While conducting area searches on 3A3, Officer Carroll found an 8-inch piece of plexiglass that had been partially sharpened hidden in a door jamb. Removing this potential weapon from the institution made the facility safer for both staff members and offenders. Over the past year, Officer Carroll has worked as scheduled, and also worked 224 hours of overtime. His positive attitude on the job and his willingness to learn makes him a valuable asset to MTC. 

Non-Custody – FUM Michael Mullock:  FUM Mullock has been getting food trucks to come to MTC and serve staff who want something a little different for lunch. These events have been morale boosters and staff look forward to the days the food trucks will be on site. Many staff truly appreciate his efforts to make MTC an even better place to work.

Dillon Mendez

Awards & Recognition

Employee of the Year – CO I Dillon Mendez was named MTC’s Employee of the Year for 2022. Officer Mendez has been away on leave recently, but that hasn’t taken the shine off the stellar job he did all year. He was named Employee of the Month in May because of his reliability as an officer, his excellent performance as an adjunct trainer, and for working overtime when needed. In August he was also reinstated to the CERT team. Officer Mendez’s dedication and team work make him a real asset to MTC and a great example of personal leadership to his co-workers. Congratulations, Officer Mendez. You deserve this recognition!

Warden’s Award for Excellence 1Q23 – Capt. Phillip Smail was recognized with the Warden’s Award for Excellence because of his leadership, volunteerism, and reliability. He steps up to help with key projects every chance he gets and can be counted on to be at work any time he is needed. In addition to his many duties, he serves as Secretary of the Personnel Club where he has distinguished himself as an excellent cook! He is known for the tasty tenderloins he prepares frequently for staff on Personnel Club food days. He even cooked the ham for the Christmas meal! 

Phillip Smail

Distinguished Service Awards – MWII Jefferson Davis and GS Robert Pope:  On June 28, 2022, Dist 1 POII Rhonda

Wiederholt was completing field work in rural Nodaway County, utilizing a state vehicle, when she experienced a flat tire. When contacted, MTC Maintenance staff Davis and Pope immediately stopped what they were doing and drove approximately 30 miles to assist Ms. Wiederholt and fix the flat tire. Their assistance was greatly appreciated and shows real teamwork between DAI and P&P.

Service Pins – Twenty-one staff were recognized with service pins for 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 year anniversaries with the DOC.

New Team Members

Andrea Poulas, 19-hr CW, 12/12

Robert Pope, Warden Todd Warren, Jeff Davis

Jared Russell, COI, 12/12

Lexus Thompson, 19-hr CW, 12/12

Peyton Weir, Cook II, 12/12


Brenda Calvert, CSI, 12/31

Timothy Marker, COI, 12/31

Rebecca Warner, COIII, 12/31

Debra White, AOSA, 12/31

Staff Moves

Samantha Fugate, AC, to AC at WRDCC, 12/04

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Wednesday, December 14. Twenty staff members attended and the following topics were addressed:  Personnel Club’s Christmas Week activities, staffing, Maintenance projects, decriminalization of marijuana, scheduling offender visits, The Corrections Way workshops, transportation officers helped WMCC move to CRCC, Corrections Way quick hit on listening, Santa Cop, staff call-ins, Ad-Seg porter, state vehicles, Recreation.

Important Dates

January 1 – New Year’s Day

January 2 – New Year’s Day Holiday recognized

January 5 – SAMII deadline

January 9-13 – CORE Week

January 4 – ETA deadline

January 10 – TB Testing for January birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

January 12 – TB Reading for January birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

January 5 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

January 13 – Payday

January 16 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Holiday

January TBD – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

January 20 – ETA deadline

January 23 – SAMII deadline

January 31 – Payday

Success Story

50 offenders were released.

5 offenders took the HiSET on October 26, and MTC was notified on December 7 that all of them graduated!

42 offenders completed treatment.

EOM Wiley Davis

November 2022

Big News



Warden Todd Warren recognized 28 staff members who are military veterans or current members of the National Guard by personally presenting them with a certificate in honor of their service.

On November 29, Rise Up Ministries held its 4th baptism service for the offenders this year.

Employee of the Month

Custody – CO I Wiley Davis:  As of August 30, 2022, Officer Wiley Davis had worked overtime 92 times in 2022. Officer Davis brings a positive attitude to work every day and is always willing to help his peers. He is a member of MTC’s CERT and a new Ambassador for The Corrections Way. Thank you for everything you bring to MTC, Officer Davis. Keep up the good work!

Non-Custody – Chaplain Andrew Yocum:  Chaplain Yocum began his DOC career at MTC in April of 2021 and, although he only works part-time, he has made a tremendous change for the offenders. Since Covid restrictions have been reduced Chaplain Yocum has brought back much-needed religious services for offenders, making them available on a weekly basis. He also reintroduced offender baptisms at MTC, a practice that hadn’t taken place in more than a decade.

Chaplain Andrew Yocum

Staff Moves

Zachary Bynum, 19-hr Correctional Worker to full-time COI, 11/06

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Monday, November 7. Eight staff members attended and the following topics were addressed: flu shots, staffing, offender jobs/wages restructured, video visitation project, tile replacement in bldg. 2, Ad-Seg in-house construction request, Charitable Campaign results, Personnel Club upcoming events, TCW Ambassador workshops, seasonal self-care, Wellness Committee self-compassion activity, TCW quick hit training on Comfort Zone/4 Stages of Learning, permanent travel team. Questions were raised regarding: whether MTC will get a new guard shack, whether perimeter car duty can be made a bid post, CERT was activated to move offenders from WMCC to Crossroads, and when earbuds will be available for canteen to sell.

Important Dates

December 5-9 – CORE

December 5 – ETA deadline

P4P Emerald
P4P Emerald
P4P Bosco
P4P Bosco

December 6 – TB Testing for December birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

December 7 – SAMII deadline

December 8 – TB Reading for November birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

December 14 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

December 15 - Payday

December 18-23 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

December 19 – ETA deadline

P4P Brinslee
P4P Brinslee
P4P Freedom Everest
P4P Freedom Everest

December 21 – SAMII deadline

December 26 – HOLIDAY (Christmas)

December 30 – Payday

Success Story

50 offenders were released.

25 offenders took all or part of the HiSET on October 26 and 27. We are still waiting on the scores.

77 offenders completed treatment

Puppy Pic

We received four new Puppies for Parole dogs this month:  Bosco, Brinslee, Emerald, and Freedom Everest. Bosco is a year and a half old. All the others are three years old. They’re a great group of dogs and, although some of them have sad back stories, they’re all looking forward to a bright future after completing their training with our offender staff.

Melissa Birdsell of Voices of Courage and Tara Murphy

October 2022

Big News

As part of Maryville Treatment Center’s Charitable Campaign activities, campaign co-chairs IIO Brenda Fletchall and Records Officer II Tara Murphy conducted a silent auction for a local charity, Voices of Courage, a child advocacy center located in St. Joseph, Mo. Staff responded enthusiastically and raised $1,322.91 for the charity. Ms. Murphy personally presented a check in that amount to Executive Director Melissa Birdsell this month.

Employees of the Month

Samuel Messick

Custody – CO I Samuel Messick:  On August 13, 2022, Officer Messick conducted a security check of 2C1. When he entered the offender restroom he saw an offender go into a stall and attempt to notify another offender that COI Messick was there. Officer Messick found the offender sitting fully clothed on the toilet with bible paper on his lap. The paper tested positive for drugs. This was a great find by COI Messick and it improved the safety of the offenders and

the safety and security of the institution.  

Non-custody – CCM II Jennifer Spire:  Jenny was promoted to Corrections Case Manager on April 24, 2022. She has done a tremendous job of managing her new duties while keeping up with the requirements of her previous position as Institutional Activities Coordinator (IAC) while that position was being filled. She has also provided training and support for the new IAC. Kudos to Ms. Spire for being a team player and going beyond the requirements of her duties. 

New Team Members

EOM Jennifer Spire

Mason Bammer, COI, 10/03

Elisea Downs, COI, 10/03

Crystal Evans, COI, 10/03

Chad King, COI, 10/11

Zachary Bynum, 19-hr Correctional Worker, 10/24

Greggory Gilles-VanPatten, COI, 10/24

Matthew Poppa, COI, 10/24

Amber Stroud, COI, 10/24

John VanPatten, COI, 10/24

Brennon Akins, COI, 10/31


Christopher Elliot, Cook II to Cook III, 10/09

Colton Blay, COI to CCMII, 10/16

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Tuesday, October 11. Eight participants attended and the following topics were addressed: institutional security, Maintenance projects, flu shots, Charitable Campaign, Corrections Way workshops, essential functions, open enrollment, food truck, Special Olympics trivia night, staffing. Questions were raised regarding Covid booster shots, addressing call-ins, CIT training, and searches.

Important Dates

October 31 – November 4 – CORE

November 1 – TB Testing for November birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

November 2 – ETA deadline

November 3 – TB Reading for November birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

November 4 – SAMII deadline

November 7 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

November 11 – HOLIDAY (Veteran’s Day)

November 13-19 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

November 15 - Payday

November 17 – ETA deadline

November 18 – SAMII deadline

November 24 – HOLIDAY (Thanksgiving Day)

November 30 – Payday

Success Story

47 offenders were released.

25 offenders took all or part of the HiSET on October 26 and 27. MTC will receive the results in November.

67 offenders completed treatment.

September 2022

Warden Warren trying out chair
Staff who help with Fitness Room

Big News

On September 6, 2022, Maryville Treatment Center’s new fitness room was opened for all staff. The room contains equipment provided through the DOC’s Wellness Coordinator Caitlin Rudolph and includes a massage chair, a stationary bike, and a treadmill. A small flat screen television also displays current institutional news on a loop. Approximately 20-25 staff showed up for the opening and enjoyed snacks and beverages. The room is a result of the combined efforts of the Maryville Treatment Center Betterment Committee, the Maintenance Department, and the Wellness Committee.

Employees of the Month

EOM Matthew Goedken

Non-Custody: AC III Matt Goedken – Mr. Goedken is a representative for

excellence from the Treatment Team. He demonstrates integrity and a great work ethic. He consistently produces valuable service to the clients and staff. He is a results-oriented person who helps with creative solutions for day to day needs of the institution. Mr. Goedken trains staff and covers for them or for the Treatment Unit Supervisor as needed. He checks on groups and classes and meets with TC families to provide guidance. He also takes on additional duties like serving as the president of the Personnel Club. He is recognized as one of the most adaptable members of the Treatment team and serves with excellence. Thanks for all you do, Mr. Goedken.

Custody: CO I Kaleigh Langley – COI Langley began her career with the DOC on 10/15/19 and has proven herself time and again to be a valuable member of the custody team and an asset to the institution as a whole. Ms. Langley has worked countless hours of overtime and has assisted in training new hires on a daily basis. Several new staff have asked to be place with Ms. Langley because they feel she takes the time to explain the job to them while making them feel wanted and appreciated. Thank you COI Langley for demonstrating how to live The Corrections Way.

Warden's Award for Excellence Tiffany Chambers

Awards & Recognition

Warden’s Award for Excellence, 4Q22 – Tiffany Chambers, Executive II – Ms. Chambers stepped up her game and has taken on many, many projects outside the scope of her position. These include the Betterment Committee and the Corrections Way Ambassadors. At the same time, she stayed on top of her regular duties as manager of the business office. She worked with the Corrections Way Ambassadors and the Wellness Committee to set up the new employee Escape Room with exercise equipment and a massage chair, along with many other things. Congratulations, Tiffany. You deserve it.

New Team Members

Angela Armstrong, Cook II, 09/12

Jacob Auten, COI, 09/12

Ellen Burch, COI, 09/12

John Crowder, COI, 09/12

Francis Grout, COI, 09/12

Christopher Sherman, Cook II, 09/12

Harley Sowers, COI, 09/12

Joseph Truman, COI, 09/12

Bailee Walker, 19-hr COI, 09/12

Logan Walker, COI, 09/12

Staff Moves

Samuel Messick, COI to ROI, 09/11


We requested a training audit for fiscal year 2022. Ms. Spackler came to the facility and did the audit for us. We received an audit score of overall 100%. This is the 9th year running. We appreciate all the hard work staff does to make this happen!

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on Friday, September 9. Fourteen participants attended and the following topics were addressed:  Onboarding new staff, Corrections Way workshops, security audit follow-up, offender baptism, staffing, bereavement leave, Corrections Employees Week, Recovery month dress down days, Personnel Club food day, Escape Room (new fitness room), employee wellness webinar showings, Charitable Campaign, offender ear buds, wastewater sampling discontinuance.

Important Dates

October 3-7 – CORE

October 4 – ETA deadline

October 4 – TB Testing for October birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

October 5 – SAMII deadline

October 6 – TB Reading for October birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

October 9-15 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

October 10 – HOLIDAY (Columbus Day)

October 11 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

October 14 - Payday

October 19 – ETA deadline

P4P dog - Batman
P4P dog Batman

October 21 – SAMII deadline

October 31 – Payday

Success Story

3 offenders were released.

15 offenders took all or part of the HiSET on August 30 and 31 and MTC was notified in September that 4 graduated!

44 offenders completed treatment.

Puppy Pic

On September 6, 2022, Maryville Treatment Center received four new dogs for the Puppies for Parole program. They are: Batman, Beau, Perro and Zeus. It’s a handsome group of dogs and both staff and offenders are hoping to find homes for them after they are trained.



August 2022

Big News


FUM Michael Mullock has been improving staff morale at Maryville Treatment Center by bringing in food trucks from various towns in the area for employees to purchase something different for breakfast and lunch. So far, staff have enjoyed everything from cinnamon rolls to burgers and bar-b-que. Everyone is looking forward to enchiladas in September. Thank you, FUM Mullock!

EOM Jefferson Davis
EOM Robert Pope

Employee of the Month

Non-Custody:  :  MWII Jefferson Davis and Garage Supervisor Robert Pope – On 6/28/22, District 1 PO II Rhonda Wiederholt was completing field work in Nodaway County, utilizing the state vehicle, when she had a flat tire. MTC Maintenance staff Robert Pope and Jefferson Davis immediately drove approximately 30 miles to reach PO Wiederholt and change the tire for her. Their assistance was truly appreciated and shows the great teamwork between DAI and P&P.  

New Team Members

Sandra Cicero, Cook II, 08/01

Troy Decker, COI, 08/01

Melanie Duncan, COI, 08/01

Barbara Fox, COI, 08/01

Amber Fuller, COI, 08/01

Patience Millet, COI, 08/01

Ibrahim Begovic, 19-hr COI, 08/08

Bailey Stevens, IAC, 08/08

Samuel Blanton, COI, 08/22

Jedemiah Hartrampf, COI, 08/22

Ronald Wood, COI, 08/22


Jack Wieland, COI to ACII, 08/21


Lori Ashbaugh, COI, 08/31

Staff Moves

Clinton Bowe, COI to MWII, 08/07

Brian Keith, COIII from WRDCC, 08/28


The Department of Corrections launched our new training system DOC.GPS. So far, it has been well received by staff. They comment how user friendly this new system is.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held for all three shifts on August 11, 2022. Nineteen staff members attended. Topics included: New DAI Director, DOC culture change, travel team, DOC.GPS, fitness room, employee trauma resources, Covid care, active shooter webinar, Charitable Campaign, LETR/SOMO truck raffle, MTC staffing situation, training cancellations.

Important Dates

September 2 – ETA deadline

September 7 – SAMII deadline

September 9 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

September 11-17 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

September 12-16 – CORE

September 13 – TB Testing for September birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

September 15 - Payday

September 16 – TB Reading for September birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

September 20 – ETA deadline

September 22 – SAMII deadline

September 30 – Payday

Success Story

July 2022

Big News

Maryville Treatment Center hosted two big employee events during July:

  • 33 offenders were released.
  • 3 offenders took the HiSET on August 3 and 4, 2022, and MTC was notified on August 18 that they passed!
  • 34 offenders completed treatment.
  1. The Corrections Way Ambassadors sponsored a carnival-themed fundraiser on Wednesday, July 27. It was open from 6:30-7:30 a.m. for first shift, and again from 1:30-3:30 p.m. for second and third shifts. It was held outside and included staff favorites like a dunking booth and a pie-in-the-face event. Senior staff participated good-naturedly as the objects of these activities. There was a bake sale, duck pond, guessing jars, and an inspirational craft opportunity. The Personnel Club also sold burgers at lunchtime. We received great feedback from staff for this event. 
  1. The Employee Health and Benefits Fair was held on July 28 for the first time since the Covid lockdown. Wellness Coordinator Caitlin Rudolph invited representatives from the Employee Trauma Support team, MOSERS/Mo Deferred Comp, AsiFlex Cafeteria Plan, MOCIT, and MOVLIC, which sponsored a drawing for a flat screen TV. The MTC Wellness Committee lined up representatives from local resources, including Mosaic Health Care, the Maryville Public Library, Northwest Technical School, the Maryville Community Center, and more. Mosaic nurses provided blood pressure checks, heart rate checks and cholesterol/glucose tests to staff at no cost. Over 70 staff members participated in the fair and approximately 30 of them took the free cholesterol/glucose tests. We received excellent feedback for this event, also. Mosaic Medical Center staff followed up the event with telephone interviews with Warden Todd Warren and Wellness Coordinator Caitlin Rudolph. Their plan is to write an article for an internal publication and possibly a local paper.  (Pictures included.)

Employee of the Month

EOM Clyde Standiford
EOM Carlene Ames

Custody:  CO I Carlene Ames – Control center is the heartbeat of the institution and can be a very hectic place to work. Since being assigned to control center, Officer Ames has been instrumental in providing on-the-job training to staff. She maintains a positive attitude and is courteous and professional in her interactions with all staff. 

Custody:  Stationary Engineer Clyde Standiford – Stationary Engineer Standiford is always willing to help Custody officers by fixing things that need immediate attention. Recently, on an extremely windy day, he secured the surface of the roof on HU#4 to keep it from being further damaged. On another day, the outside temperature was over 90 degrees and the exhaust fan was not working in the Ad-Seg unit and he repaired it. Another time he assisted with getting the cooling units to work in control center when the air conditioning went out. 

Awards & Recognition

Warden's award Briggs

Warden’s Award for Excellence, 3Q22:  CCM II Henrik Briggs – CCM Briggs was given this award because of the leadership he has demonstrated in several areas. He processed a number of grievances recently. He coordinated a complicated interstate video deposition, with multiple background check requests and scheduling changes. He has also stood out on The Corrections Way Ambassador’s team for coming to Town Halls and other meetings to present “quick hit” information, and for his part in developing their monthly newsletter.

New Team Members

Alexsus Albin, COI, 07/11

Cameron Tweedie, COI, 07/11

Alexis Geier, COI, 07/18

Denny Lewis, 19-hr Correctional Worker, 07/18


Carel Grider, COIII, 07/31


We have finally introduced the new training system DOC.GPS! So far, we are hearing positive things from our staff. They love the simplicity. This system is more user friendly than DOCOTA was.  Looking forward to a great training year!

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held for all three shifts on July 13, 2022. Twenty-four staff members attended. Topics included:  Recruitment, Internet Explorer, new training system, security audit, PREA audit, mail policy changes, victim impact classes, FMLA training, AFLAC, 988 system, employee wellness, employee trauma, The Corrections Way Ambassadors, Juneteenth, State Team Member Appreciation month, Personnel Club elections, Ad Seg beds, Covid status, employee massage chair, staff lockers for cell phones, TCW Ambassador spoke about G.L.U.E., body scanner status, and updated Archibus system.

Important Dates

August 3 – ETA deadline

August 5 – SAMII deadline

August 9 – TB Testing for August birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

August 11 – TB Reading for August birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

August 11 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

August 14-20 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, & Wellness Committee

August 15 – Payday

August 19 – ETA deadline

August 23 – SAMII deadline

August 31 – Payday


Success Story

  • 14 offenders were released.
  • 19 offenders took the HiSET on July 6 and MTC was notified on July 22 that 6 of them graduated!
  • 17 offenders completed treatment.

Puppy Pic

On July 5, 2022 MTC received its new class of Puppies for Parole dogs. Offenders are looking forward to working with them and we are all looking forward to finding them forever homes. The new dogs are: Hankey, Herminie, Kristoph, and Mahogany.



June 2022

Big News

MTC’s COI staffing situation is on the upswing. For the week of June 18, 2022 we had 89% of the positions filled, with an operating percent of 78%.

Employee of the Month

Custody:  COI Clinton Bowe – Officer Bowe’s commitment to safety and security is apparent through his actions. He identified five (5) offenders who appeared to be under the influence of an intoxicating substance and placed them in TASC; he found a substance that was possibly K2 and removed it from an offender’s locker; and he, along with another officer, found a 6-inch piece of heavy duty wire hidden in an offender restroom. He has gained the admiration and respect of other officers for the example he has set.

Non-custody:  DORS OSA Cari Snow – Due to a Custody staff shortage, there is not always an officer available to escort the porters to clean bathrooms, the break room, and offices. Ms. Snow has assumed the responsibility to escort the porters to get this cleaning done on a daily basis and her co-workers appreciate her efforts and the appearance of the work area.

New Team Members

Holly Rush, SOSA, 06/13

Staff Moves

Christopher Browning, Western Region Recruiter to FUM, 06/05

Ramona Crouse, SOSA with P&P to OSA, 06/05

Samantha Fugate, ACII from WRDCC, 06/12, lateral transfer


Our fiscal year 22 training has come to an end. We appreciate all that staff has done to complete their required training. Our new training system is scheduled to go live 7/18/22.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held for all three shifts on June 13, 2022. Twenty-four staff members attended. Topics included:  recruitment, Internet Explorer, new training system, security audit, PREA audit, offender mail policy changes, victim impact classes, FMLA training, AFLAC, 988 system, Wellness April NRG challenge, employee trauma, The Corrections Way Ambassadors, Juneteenth, State Team Member Appreciation Month, Personnel Club elections, Ad Seg bed usage, Covid, massage chair, staff lockers for cell phones, body scanner, revisions to Archibus system, request for free Spotify for staff, local gym discount question, staff discounts on products and services.

Important Dates

P4P graduate - Joey
P4P graduate - Joey

July 4 – HOLIDAY (Independence Day)

July 5 – ETA deadline

July 7 – SAMII deadline

July 10-16 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

July 13 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

July 15 – Payday

July 19 – ETA deadline

July 20 – TB Testing for July birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

July 21 – SAMII deadline

P4P graduate - Tiger
P4P graduate - Willow

July 22 – TB Reading for July birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

July 29 – Payday

Success Story

  • 13 offenders were released.
  • 11 offenders took the HiSET on May 31 and June 1, 2022. MTC was notified on June 14 that 2 of them graduated!
  • 15 offenders completed treatment.

Puppy Pic

Puppies for Parole has graduated four dogs to make room for four more in July. The graduates are:  Joey, Willow,

Jake, and Tiger. They are an exceptionally handsome group of dogs. Joey has already been adopted and the other three are still looking for homes.





May 2022

Employee of the Month

Custody-  CO I Dillon Mendez – Officer Mendez has been employed with the DOC for a little over a year and a half. In that time, he has proven to be an asset to MTC. He became an adjunct trainer on July 29, 2021, and already has instructed 138 hours of classes. On top of helping out as an adjunct trainer, he has also worked a lot of overtime, at times working 16-hour shifts just to instruct. His dedication to his job makes him a reliable co-worker and a joy to have as an instructor. Officer Mendez’s dedication and team work is an example of what the Department of Corrections stands for!

Non-Custody-  Timekeeper Vicki Stevens – Ms. Stevens went through five months of overtime slips, double-checking to see if COI Douglas Cummins had been credited for all of the overtime he had worked. This amounted to more than 100 dates and times of overtime slips. She found six slips that her office had not received. According to COI Cummins, who nominated Ms. Stevens, “If she hadn’t taken the time to do this, I would not have been paid several hundred dollars of earned overtime.  I will always be grateful that she took the time and effort to do this.”

New Team Members

Betty Jackson, OSA, 05/02

Coulton Richardson, COI, 05/02

Jennifer Kenoyer, COI, 05/10

Gregory Coulter, 19-hr Correctional Worker, 05/16

Alec Ware, COI, 05/16

Faith Gladstone, COI, 05/31

Robert Wood, COI, 05/31

Staff Moves

Chad King, MWII to COI, 05/15


We are coming to the end of our training year. Although staffing has been such an issue this year, our staff have done very well keeping up with their training.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held for all three shifts on May 10, 2022. Ten staff members attended. Topics included: JP6 tablets, staffing, resurfacing parking lots, upcoming repairs to gym roof, storing pallets overnight, Pulse survey response rates, The Corrections Way upcoming Comfort Styles class.

Important Dates

June 3 – ETA deadline

June 7 – SAMII deadline

June 12-18 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

June 13 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

June 13-17 – CORE Week

June 14 – TB Testing for June birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

June 15 – Payday

June 16 – TB Reading for June birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

June 20 – HOLIDAY (Juneteenth)

June 21 – ETA deadline

June 22 – SAMII deadline

June 28 – Aflac representative on site from 6:30 am – 4:00 pm

June 29 – Aflac representative on site from 6:30 am – 12:00 pm

June 30 – Payday

Success Story

  • 33 offenders were released.
  • 13 offenders took part/all of the HiSET in May and 3 graduated.
  • 13 offenders completed treatment.
  • Sixteen offenders were baptized into the Christian faith.

Crime Victim Week tree planting

April 2022



A job fair was held at MTC on April 7.
KSJQ Q-Country did a two-hour broadcast live from MTC with a number of promos leading up to the event. Three people came out and applied for custody positions that day. Two were interviewed at the time and one the next day. Three offers were made and two were accepted; one person started on April 11 (along with two other new hires). Another one is set to start May 16. The third person is still making a decision.

National Crime Victims Rights Week was April 24-30 this year. The annual tree-planting ceremony, sponsored by the MTC Parole Office and the DAI, was held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, April 27 at Lake Mozingo Park. All staff were welcome and vans were available to take them to the park. (Photo included.)  Also, IAC Jenny Spire scheduled two ceremonies in the gym for offenders that day; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Guest speaker Terry Robison shared his experience with the offenders on how his excessive drinking and substance use impacted his family and his life, and resulted in his incarceration in WRDCC around 1989. He discussed how he decided to make a change in his behavior and thinking, and how he began working a 12-step program which has helped him maintain his sobriety for more than 24 years.

EOM Jay Mackey

Employee of the Month

Custody-  CO II Jay Mackey – Over the last year Sgt. Mackey has shown himself to be an excellent supervisor on numerous occasions. During the same time period he had multiple new officers assigned to the unit and did his best to ensure they were all properly trained in operations of the administration segregation unit. He does this day after day and maintains a positive attitude regardless of the situation. 

Non-Custody-  AC Lacy Kobbe – Ms. Kobbe has gone above and beyond her job duties with her work on the Personnel Club. For the past three years she has invested a lot of time and effort into the club. She shops for all supplies to do food day fundraisers, Christmas meals and Corrections Week meals, oftentimes using her weekends for this. She works to serve these special meals on other shifts in addition to her own shift. Lacy coordinates the food day meals ahead of time, using some of her time at home for food preparation. She steps in and covers for vacant Personnel Club positions to send flowers to funerals. All these things are in addition to the treasurer job she does for the Personnel Club. 

New Team Members

EOM Lacy Kobbe

Damion Marxer, COI, 04/05

Keenan Batsell, COI, 04/11

Riley Taylor, COI, 04/11

Jack Wieland, COI, 04/11

Kourtnie Carpenter, COI, 04/18

Derrick Cessorsmo, COI, 04/18

Jeremy Clark, COI, 04/25


Andrea Kirt, OSA to CCMII, 04/24

Jennifer Spire, IAC to CCMII, 04/24


Tami Armstrong, FUM, 04/30


Our training facility received a new washer and dryer for uniforms which has been very helpful. The training year is coming to an end and, considering all the obstacles this year, staff are doing well completing their individual training.  

Town Hall Report

P4P Bessie
P4P Harlo Case

Town Hall meetings were held for all three shifts on April 15, 2022. Eleven staff members attended. Topics included: Notes from the Chaplain, JP6 tablets, body scanner, College Cable, National Crime Victims Rights Week, staffing, job fair, visit from Supervisor Specialists Sharon Myler and Ashley Thieme, Personnel Club fundraisers, NRG Wellness Challenge, upcoming visits from Wellness Coordinator Caitlin Rudolph and Manager of Trauma-Informed Employee Care Meckenzie Hayes, The Corrections Way, Trauma Informed Supervisor training, and using tablets for privileges in treatment.

Important Dates

May 3 – ETA deadline

                 TB Testing for May birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

P4P Sir Nubs Dublin 
P4P Sadie

May 5 – SAMII deadline

                 TB Reading for May birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

May 9 – HOLIDAY (Truman Day)

May 10 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

May 15-21 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

May 16 – Payday

May 18 – ETA deadline

May 20 – SAMII deadline

May 23-27 – CORE Week

May 30 – HOLIDAY (Memorial Day)

May 31 – Payday

Success Story

  • 23 offenders were released.
  • 4 offenders took the HiSET in March and MTC was notified in April that they graduated!
  • 25 offenders completed treatment.

Puppy Pic

MTC received 4 news dogs in March. Their names are:  Bessie, Harlo Case, Sadie, and Sir Nubs Dublin.

EOM Travis Winter
EOM Paul Woodruff

March 2022

Employee of the Month

Custody - CO II Travis Winter and CO II Paul Woodruff – Sergeants Winter and Woodruff have both been assigned to frontline supervisory positions on the 2nd shift due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control. During this period of time, they have both been expected to not only complete their own scheduled duties but also those of vacant positions. They have willingly completed those details in a professional manner and without complaint. For these reasons they were selected as Employees of the Month. 

Non-Custody - DORS AC III Dianna Sunderman Ms. Sunderman went above and beyond her job duties by her coverage, creation of forms and training of new staff. She covered for two other supervisors who were out due to illness and also covered for the Treatment Unit Supervisor when she was away for training. She covered additional

EOM Dianna Sunderman

case management sessions, completed treatment plans and discharges for those who were gone, and also helped her supervisors out by taking a few sessions for them when they needed to get caught up. Ms. Sunderman both creates and fixes written forms to enhance the organization and professionalism in treatment operations. She also trained a new staff member in treatment processes and procedures. For these reasons she was selected as Employee of the Month.

Awards & Recognition

Lifesaver Award – CO I Ryan Price – COI Price was recognized for preventing an offender from choking on November 6, 2021. During mainline movement for the evening meal an offender began choking. COI Price noticed that the offender was not breathing and administered the Heimlich maneuver, clearing the offender’s airway. The offender was then escorted to medical to be seen by nursing staff. Officer Price’s quick thinking and action potentially saved the life of the offender and qualifies Officer Price for this honor. Well done, COI Price!

Distinguished Service Award – CTO Ryan Spire – To encourage evidence based practices in offender management, the DOC is in the process of implementing the use of Brief Intervention Tools (BITS) by custody staff at

CO I Ryan Price
CTO Ryan Spire

several institutions. Part of this responsibility includes the need to instruct custody staff on how to properly document the use of BITS in the AS/400 OPII system. CTO Ryan Spire took the initiative to create a video to instruct staff on how to complete this task. The video will benefit all staff Department-wide in their learning of the use of BITS and will encourage them to document their offender management activities in the chronological data system. Thank you, CTO Spire!

Warden’s Award for Excellence – CO I Trevor Runde – COI Runde was recently appointed to the Property Officer

CO Trevor Runde

post and has done an outstanding job of organizing things and improving processes to make sure everything runs smoothly. He is managing the area effectively and meeting the needs of the offenders. He has a can-do attitude and is willing to do whatever is needed to make Property a success. Officer Runde’s efforts are truly appreciated.

New Team Members

Gunnar Burger, COI, 03/07

Johnathan Kothe, COI, 03/14

Mary Wiggins, COI, 03/14

Staff Moves

Elda Haynie, COI from WRDCC, 03/13

Davey Jaynes, COI to WRDCC, 03/13


Training is going well. We have just a few months left to complete training requirements for FY22. Staff are working hard to get their training done before the end of this training year.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held for all three shifts on March 17, 2022. Seventeen staff members attended. Topics included: Pay plan increase, Engage evaluations, iTrack, Referral Incentive Program, DOC recruiting activities, offender visiting, masks, Alpha list, Filebound project, offender updates, Corrections Way, Centurion Network Expansion, Securus JPay transition to Unity, Multi-Purpose Room remodeling, Polar Plunge donation results, Personnel Club Easter egg fundraiser, Wellness Committee Spring Fling poetry contest, NRG wellness challenge, Santa Cops cornhole tournament fundraiser, Correctional Peace Officers Foundation Scholarship, and wastewater samples.   

Important Dates

Town Hall meetings were held for all three shifts on March 17, 2022. Seventeen staff members attended. Topics included: Pay plan increase, Engage evaluations, iTrack, Referral Incentive Program, DOC recruiting activities, offender visiting, masks, Alpha list, Filebound project, offender updates, Corrections Way, Centurion Network Expansion, Securus JPay transition to Unity, Multi-Purpose Room remodeling, Polar Plunge donation results, Personnel Club Easter egg fundraiser, Wellness Committee Spring Fling poetry contest, NRG wellness challenge, Santa Cops cornhole tournament fundraiser, Correctional Peace Officers Foundation Scholarship, and wastewater samples.   

Success Story

  • 21 offenders were released.
  • 10 offenders took sections of the HiSET or the full test in February 2022 and MTC was notified in March 2022 that four of them graduated.
  • 23 offenders completed treatment.

February 2022

EOM Dillon Alexander

Employee of the Month

Custody - CO I John Tye
John began his career with the Department of Corrections on 3/8/21 and since becoming part of the MTC team he has worked over 100 days of overtime. He is a highly dependable officer who can be counted on to get his job done while assisting others on a nightly basis. COI Tye completes thorough searches each day and monitors offenders’ behavior, looking for ways to make MTC a safer place to live and work.

Non-Custody -  ROII Dillon Alexander 
Dillon heard that KCRC might be getting rid of its weight equipment since it was becoming part of Probation and Parole. He was able to acquire three smith machines, a U bar and a universal machine from them. With assistance from PPSII Troy Ragan, Fire & Safety Coordinator Jeff Ogbourne and Locksmith James Welch, he transported the equipment to MTC where it was reassembled. The offenders are now using the equipment. If it had been purchased, the equipment would have cost approximately $40,000.

New Team Members

BreAnna Hostetler, COI, 02/14

Christopher Elliot, Cook II, 02/22

Caleb Smith, COI, 02/22

Teresa Janssen, Cook II, 02/28


Jacqueline West, OSA to Librarian II, 02/06


Diana Stiens, SOSA, 02/28

Daniel VanBuskirk, ROI, 02/28


We have finally completed our new computer lab in the training facility. We added some tables and a TV. This way, we will be able to utilize the room for teaching small classes. It has been a beneficial addition. We appreciate every one that helped make this happen! We have also completed our Corrections Way Front Line Staff Training. The consensus is a positive one. Staff are saying the class was fun and informative. We would like to thank the instructors for a job well done.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held for all three shifts on February 9, 2022. Twenty-two staff members attended. Topics included:  Suggestion box; Post-Critical Incident Seminar; JP6 tablets; Governor’s budget proposal; plan to transfer operations from WMCC to CRCC; Recruiting the Future contest; new phone system; staff awards presentation; moving towards “normal”; Freezin’ for a Reason (Special Olympics); Personnel Club/Wellness Committee upcoming events; Nodaway County Santa Cop; Ad-Seg unit changes; institutional rules; bid overtime; removing risers from the Multi-Purpose Room.

Important Dates

March 3 – ETA deadline

March 7 – SAMII deadline

March 7 – TB Testing for March birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

March 9 – TB Reading for March birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

March 10 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

March 13-19 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

March 15 – Payday

March 21 – ETA deadline

March 21-25 – CORE Week

March 23 – SAMII deadline

March 31 – Payday

Success Story

  • 30 offenders were released.
  • 4 offenders took the HiSET in January and MTC was notified in February that they passed.
  • 38 offenders completed treatment.



January 2022

Big News

On January 11, 2022 eleven offenders at Maryville Treatment Center were baptized into the Christian faith. Rise Up Prison Ministry volunteers Eunice Garner (front row, third from left) and Johnny Allen (back row, seventh from left) conducted the baptism service in MTC’s beautiful chapel. MTC Chaplain Andrew Yocum (front row, fifth from left) coordinated the event. Rise Up Prison Ministries holds religious services at MTC twice a month and is popular with the offenders. We are grateful to Rise Up Prison Ministries for coming to Maryville Treatment Center to serve the spiritual needs of the offender population.

Employee of the Month

MTC baptism

Custody - CO II Philicia Baker and CO I Darian Harmon
On Tuesday, November 23, 2021 COII Philicia Baker and COI Darian Harmon were assisting with searches ofhousing unit 3A3 at the Maryville Treatment Center. During this search they discovered a weapon. It was a piece of an offender’s mirror that had been sharpened to a point and had a handle made of cloth. The sharpened blade was about two inches long and the handle was approximately 3 inches long. By finding and removing this dangerous weapon COII Baker and COI Harmon improved the security of the worksite, making it safer for the offenders, staff and general public.

Non-Custody-  STKI Treva Smyser
Ms. Smyser recently recognized that one of her offender workers wasn’t making sense when talking and his eyes were only half open. She suspected he might be under the influence so she contacted the shift commander who had him escorted to Medical to see a nurse. It was determined that he was under the influence and Ms. Smyser wrote a CDV. STKI Smyser has also noticed when offenders’ canteen orders are not typical and has given the investigator information to look into. She has also took care of all of the deliveries for two weeks while her supervisor was away. Her willingness to go above and beyond her normal duties is greatly appreciated.

Awards & Recognition

Warden’s Award for Excellence – Records SOSA Kitty Pope

Warden's Award for Excellence Kitty Pope

Kitty was asked to do a small project for the new phone system to help out Maintenance. She stepped up and took the lead in gathering information and providing documentation for what became a major project. She did exemplary work, provided training to many MTC staff members and maintained communications with the vendor – all while effectively performing her regular duties.

New Team Members

Sierra Groven, Deputy Warden Clerical/P&P Coord., 01/03

Davey Jaynes, COI, 01/03


Darrel Trustee, COI to COII, 01/16

Candise Woodruff, CCMII to FUM, 01/23

Staff Moves

John Tye, COI to ROI, 01/30 (lateral)



Maryville Treatment Center has almost completed implementing a new computer lab in the training facility. Currently, our computer lab is in the classroom. Having a separate computer lab in the training facility will help with scheduling immensely. Although staffing continues to be an issue, our staff have done well completing their required training. Our Training staff appreciate all the effort it takes to accomplish this.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held for all three shifts on January 11, 2022. Twenty-six staff members attended. Topics covered included:  Getting back to “normal”, P4P dogs, HU 3C3, College Cable, staffing, offender baptisms, roof repairs, wastewater runs, transportation runs, CERT, phone system conversion, Custody bid for overtime, spiral notepad with laminated cards for training, DOCOTA training system, taking pictures in the Visiting Room, and the Governor’s proposal of a 5.5% raise.

Important Dates

January 31-February 4 – CORE Week

February 1 – TB Testing for February birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

February 3 – TB Reading for February birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

February 3 – ETA deadline

February 4 – SAMII deadline

February 9 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

February 11 – HOLIDAY (Lincoln’s Birthday)

February 13-19 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

February 15 – Payday

February 16 – ETA deadline

February 17 – SAMII deadline

February 21 – HOLIDAY (Washington’s Birthday)

February 28 - Payday

Success Story

  • 27 offenders were released.
  • 10 offenders took the HiSET in January and four of them could graduate.
  • 45 offenders completed treatment.

Puppy Pic



EOM Andrea Morrow

December 2021

Big News

The good news is that the Puppies for Parole dogs are coming back! MTC posted the news on its Facebook page and looks for the dogs to arrive at the beginning of January 2022.

Employee of the Month

Custody - CO I Andrea Morrow
Officer Morrow is assigned as a utility officer on third shift and does an outstanding job. She constantly patrols her area of responsibility and addresses negative offender behavior. She holds them accountable by utilizing treatment tools and concepts as well as writing violations if needed. Officer Morrow has reported to work early or on her day off more than 80 times to assist with staffing needs of the institution and has worked in all areas of the institution. While doing all of this she maintains a positive attitude and is a pleasure to work with. 

Non-Custody - CCM II Sherry Hall 
Since becoming a CCM last November Ms. Hall has been an asset to our classification team. She consistently has a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. Ms. Hall also regularly volunteers to cover a custody post during times of need. Her willingness to jump in and learn something new and help out the institution during the custody shortage has shown her dependability and commitment to the Department and MTC.

EOM Sherry Hall

Awards & Recognition

Employee of the Year for 2021 – Personnel Clerk Rhonda Steward
Ms. Steward is probably the first staff member that most applicants have contact with at MTC when applying, scheduling interviews, following up and starting employment. Her work days are filled with phone calls, tons of documentation and record keeping, and interacting with people. She helps new hires, current staff, and those who are retiring, not to mention the job fairs she participates in. In addition to her regular duties, Ms. Steward has also been working in Food Service in the evening and on weekends for over a year. Ms. Steward does all of this with professionalism and her work ethic is second to none.

New Team Members

Emma Meinecke, COI, 12/06

Garret Praiswater, COI, 12/06


Brian Finch, COI to BO, 12/05

Laura Purcell, Cook II to COI, 12/26

Staff Moves

Wiley Davis, COI from WRDCC, 12/12 (lateral)

Employee of the Year Rhonda Steward

Kathleen Bidding, FUM to WRDCC, 12/16 (lateral)


We are half way through our training year. Although we are dealing with staffing issues, we only have 10 people that were not able to finish their core training in their required birth month.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held for all three shifts on December 13, 2021. Eight staff members attended. Topics covered included: Centurion, Covid stipend ending, 2% COLA raise taking effect, the Governor’s proposed pay raise for all state employees, infrastructure requests, MOCIS, Puppies 4 Parole, Personnel Club’s holiday activities, bereavement announcement regarding COI Robert Allen, PREA announcements, COI staffing challenge

Important Dates



January 4 – ETA deadline

January 6 – SAMII deadline

January 9-15 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

January 10-14 – CORE Week

January 11 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

January 11 – TB Testing for January birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

January 13 – TB Reading for January birth month staff, 7:30 am - 11:00 am

January 14 – Payday

January 17 – HOLIDAY (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)

January 19 – ETA deadline

January 21 – SAMII deadline

January 31 – Payday

Success Story



32 offenders were released.

3 offenders took the HiSET in November and MTC was notified in December that they passed!

38 offenders completed treatment.

Puppy Pic

Puppies 4 Parole dogs should return the first part of January. Right now we are attempting to select the appropriate offenders to be dog handlers.

EOM Tyler Halvin

November 2021

Big News

MTC has a new librarian! Matthew Garrison was promoted from COI to Librarian II and began his new duties on November 2. Librarian Services Coordinator Kimberly Bresnahan visited MTC from November 16 – 19 to help Matt get settled into his position. Congratulations, Matt!

Employee of the Month

Operations - TKI Tyler Halvin  
Tyler has really done a great job in the short time he’s been employed with MTC. He’s cleaned up and organized Clothing Issue and has it running smoothly. He’s familiarized himself with policy and holds offenders to it. He’s found contraband hidden in pillows and contraband clothing. He’s also taken pictures and shared the information about contraband items with all staff. He assists Custody when they’re short and joined the CERT team. He always has a positive attitude and is willing to help whenever he’s asked.

Offender Management – COI Clinton Bowe 
On August 21, 2021, COI Clinton Bowe caught an offender smoking a an illegal substance. On August 23, 2021, Officer Bowe stayed over to help out 2nd shift and witnessed a glove of coffee go over the fence into the rec pen. Officer Bowe was able to recover this contraband. In the few short months he’s worked at MTC, Officer Bowe has shown an incredible knack for searching and finding contraband. He is dedicated to his job, fellow officers, and supervisors and is an asset to MTC.

EOM Clinton Bowe

New Team Members

Padrick Wennihan, COI, 11/08

Christine Auten, COI, 11/15

Rickey Gorman, COI, 11/15


Dillon Alexander, ROI to ROII, 11/21


We are still working on the Computer lab expansion. Once complete, it will help with our scheduling issues. Just like all the other facilities, we are still struggling with staffing. This definitely has an effect on training.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held for all three shifts on November 12, 2021. Ten staff members attended. Topics covered included: Centurion, new phone system, comp time payout, iTrack, Personnel Club, Chaplain, P4P, Maintenance, Basic Training graduation, call-ins, video visits and staff development.

Important Dates

December 3 – ETA deadline

December 7 – SAMII deadline

December 12-18 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

December 13-17 – CORE Week

December 13 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

December 14 – TB Testing for November birth month staff, 7:30-11:00 am

December 16 – TB Reading for November birth month staff, 7:30-11:00 am

December 15 – Payday

December 17 – ETA deadline

December 21 – SAMII deadline

December 24 – HOLIDAY (Christmas)

December 25 – CHRISTMAS DAY

December 30 – Payday

December 31 – HOLIDAY (New Year’s Day observed)

Success Story

40 offenders were released.

3 offenders took the HiSET in November; waiting for results.

50 offenders completed treatment.

EOM Rhonda Steward

October 2021

Big News

Thirty-two men took 59 HiSET tests and passed 50 of them. This resulted in a pass rate of 85% for the third quarter 0f 2021 – quite an accomplishment since the men are only able to go to class three hours a week right now.

Employee of the Month

Operations – Rhonda Steward, Personnel Clerk: Ms. Steward is probably the first staff member that most applicants have contact with at MTC. She helps new hires, current staff, and those who are retiring, not to mention the job fairs she participates in. In addition to her regular duties, Ms. Steward has also been working in Food Service of an evening and on weekends for over a year. Ms. Steward does all of this with professionalism and her work ethic is second to none.

EOM Patricia Shelton

Offender Management – Patricia Shelton, COI: Officer Shelton ensures that all offenders scheduled for release are packed out on time, including those scheduled for release over the weekend. Since January 1 she has worked overtime 63 times and has worked all three shifts. She constantly goes above and beyond what is expected and maintains a positive attitude.

Awards & Recognition

Warden’s Award for Excellence – October: Ryan Spire, ITO: Mr. Spire created a video instruction showing staff how to document the use of BITS in the AS/400 system. The video is an asset for staff department-wide and will encourage them to document their offender management activities in the chronological data system. ITO Spire also requested a mock training audit and his team scored 100% on it.

New Team Members

Robert Allen, COI, 10/04

Keisha Ballard, COI, 10/04

Alisha Davison, Cook II, 10/18

Steve Pollard, COI, 10/18

Award of Excellence Spire


Calvin Garner, Boiler Operator to Stationary Engineer, 10/17

Philicia Baker, COI to COII, 10/24

Aren Latham, COI to COII, 10/24

Lawrence Miller, COI to COII, 10/24

Matthew Garrison, COI to Librarian II, 10/31

Staff Moves



David Grant, ROII, to P&P District 1

Anna Lynn, CCA, to P&P District 1



Training Officer Ryan Spire does a great job juggling all the schedules. Training is going well due to staff assistance. We also have four new DT instructors: COI Mendez, STKI Halvin, COI Tye, and COII Miller. Thank you for all your help!

Town Hall Report


Town Hall meetings were held for all three shifts on October 14, 2021. Twenty staff members attended. Topics covered included: Public Health Emergency Stipend, GP offenders, new staff telephones, perimeter fence project, Betterment Committee, open enrollment, flu shots, Covid booster shots, sally port lights, trees along the perimeter fence, temperature checks, radio checks, COI staffing analysis, staff shortage, being supportive of new staff, keys for new staff, Offender of the Month award, staff proposal process, Difficult Conversations training.

Important Dates



November 1-5 – CORE week

November 2 – ETA deadline

November 2 – TB Testing for November birth month staff, 7:30-11:00 am

November 4 – TB Reading for November birth month staff, 7:30-11:00 am

November 4 – SAMII deadline

November 11 – HOLIDAY (Veteran’s Day)

November 12 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

November 14-20 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

November 15 – Payday

November 17 – ETA deadline

November 18 – SAMII deadline


November 30 – Payday

Success Story

38 offenders completed treatment.

IAC Jennifer Spire
IAC Jennifer Spire

September 2021

Big News

September is Recovery Month and this year’s theme was:  Recovery is for Everyone, Every Family, Every Community. 

Gateway brought in a guest speaker – Mr. Deandre Harris-Bey. He graduated from MTC in 1998 and has been in recovery since then. He formerly worked in St Louis with the Gateway Foundation for about 5 years. Even today he continues his work in helping others in their recovery, every day. He shared that the biggest obstacle standing in his way to begin his journey was changing his thinking and living in reality. Several clients have talked about how they related to his story and message of hope.

Groups and classes have been focused on the Recovery Month Theme. On Sept 29th staff will grill hotdogs and serve the community their lunch meal, to show that even the smallest gesture can support someone else in their journey to recovery.

Another thing that is often overlooked are those who dedicate their time and effort helping those in recovery realize they are worthy of having their best life. This year Gateway is celebrating its staff on Oct 1 in recognition of Addictions Professionals Day (Sept 20th).

Gateway thanked all the staff who made the client lunch possible and each person at MTC for their role in the lives of Gateway’s clients and their recovery. As the theme states, MTC staff are helping more than the clients they serve, they are giving hope to each family and community the offenders return to. 

Employee of the Month

IAC Jennifer Spire

IAC Jennifer Spire was recognized for her welcoming spirit, her professional demeanor, and her willingness to help out. In particular, when Chaplain Matt Mason first came to help out at MTC Ms. Spire helped him with settling in at his new office by securing a cart for him to move with and arranging for cleaning items to be delivered to him. She dropped by every day to ask how he was doing and to answer his questions. She is doing the same thing for Chaplain Andrew Yocum now. Chaplain Mason stated, “I think when you have someone that is always willing to help, welcoming of staff and rarely complains, it raises morale and lets staff know that there truly are folks that are here to help them in a welcoming manner.”

New Team Members

Kim Carmichael, ACII, 09/01

Sarah Cicero, ACII, 09/01

Victoria Swaney, ACII, 09/07

Cole Parman, COI, 09/13

Kimberly Wallace, COI, 09/13


Barry Collins, Stationary Engineer


Covering all the needs at the Training Facility is hectic; fortunately, that means we have several new staff starting employment and Core training is in full swing. Thanks to staff assisting, training at MTC is going well.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held for all three shifts on September 8, 2021 and 16 staff members attended. Topics included: Non-custody staff volunteering at search point and doing temperature checks; Personnel Club auction; Open Enrollment; Flu Shots; Correctional Employees Week; staffing; MTC Facebook page; GP offenders; viral containment protocol; and a car and motorcycle show held in September.

Important Dates


October 4 – ETA deadline

October 4-8 – CORE week

October 5 – TB Testing for October birth month staff, 7:30-11:00 am

October 6 – SAMII deadline

October 7 – TB Reading for October birth month staff, 7:30-11:00 am

October 7 – FLU shots, 6:30 am - 11:00 am

October 11 – HOLIDAY (Columbus Day)

October 10-16 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

October 14 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

October 15 – Payday

October 19 – ETA deadline

October 19 – FLU shots, 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm

October 21 – SAMII deadline

October 29 – Payday

October 31 - HALLOWEEN

Success Story

25 offenders were released.

2 offenders passed the HiSET taken in August and graduated. 4 offenders took the HiSET in September; results will be learned in October.

28 offenders completed treatment.

EOM Dillon Mendez
EOM Dillon Mendez

August 2021

Big News

MTC achieved 100% on its mock Training audit and launched a new Facebook page.

Employee of the Month

COI Dillon Mendez
Since being assigned to first shift in March, Officer Mendez has become an excellent member of the team. He has worked overtime on 32 occasions, including third shift, second shift and RDOs. He conducts quality searches, often finding contraband, and requires little to no supervision in his area. In addition, he has become a CERT member and has participated in several callouts. We are proud to have Officer Mendez with us and encourage his professional growth with the department.

OSA Linda Hughes
OSA Hughes has been extremely helpful over the last year and a half in helping Ryan Spire transition to his position as MTC’s CTO. Her work is split between classification and training and she easily manages her workload. She always has a positive attitude which was displayed during the last round of COVID when she sent out daily inspirational emails to help keep staff feeling upbeat. Recently there was some turnover in the OSA positions and Ms. Hughes absorbed more job duties to help out. She is always willing to help anyone and has come up with efficient ways to do things. She is an excellent role model and the Department of Corrections is lucky to have her.

EOM Linda Hughes
EOM Linda Hughes

New Team Members

Jacob Auten, COI, 08/02

Brandon Harris, COI, 08/02

Shelley Steinman, COI, 08/02

Samuel Messick, COI, 08/09

Tammy Smith, COI, 08/09

Brian Finch, COI, 08/23

Morgan Schneider, Cook, 08/23

Tristan Wheeldon, COI, 08/23



Alfred Buehlman, COII to COIII, 08/15

Staff Moves


Austin Cordray, COI, lateral transfer from CCC, 08/01



We requested a Training audit from the Western Region Training Center which Ms. Spackler facilitated 8/13. We received an overall of 100% for the 8th year straight! We have been very busy with core starting up, basic training, and orientation of all the new staff we are getting.

Town Hall Report


Town Hall meetings were held at 7 a.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Tuesday, August 17, 2021. Sixteen staff members attended. Topics included: Staffing, MTC’s new Facebook page, GP offenders, Centurion, Pumpkinfest, Covid, Outdoor More Challenge, Corrections Employees Week, Cybersecurity training, New Gateway Director, Canteen supplies, MCA week participants, interview selection process, Personnel Club, mock training audit, security upgrades to perimeter fence.

September 2 – ETA deadline

September 6 – HOLIDAY (Labor Day)

September 7 – SAMII deadline

September 12-18 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

September 13-17 – CORE

September 13 – TB Testing for September birth month staff, 7:30-11:00 am

September 15 – TB Reading for September birth month staff, 7:30-11:00 am

September 15 – Payday

September 15 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

September 20 – ETA deadline

September 22 – SAMII deadline

September 30 – Payday


Success Story

18 offenders were released.

1 offender passed the HiSET taken in July and graduated. 4 offenders took the HiSET in August; results will be learned in September.

20 offenders completed treatment.

July 2021

EOM Colton Blay
EOM Colton Blay

Employee of the Month

CO I Colton Blay

Officer Blay started at MTC in April of 2020 as a COI. During his first year of employment he has only had one unscheduled absence, yet he has worked overtime 47 times. COI Blay has also become a member of MTC’s CERT and is a much respected officer on the first shift. COI Blay has his Captain’s thanks for a job well done as he is an inspiration to all staff, young and old.

MW II  Mike DeMott

Mr. DeMott is always willing to lend a hand no matter what the job is. He has a diverse skill set and can do about anything. If there is no manual for what he is working on, he will look one up and find out where to get the parts he needs and how much they cost. He jumps in whenever others need help and can fill in for any position if someone is absent from work. He is a go to person to get it done.

EOM Michael DeMott
EOM Michael DeMott

CCA Anna Lynn

Ms. Lynn has a calming demeanor, is proficient in her job duties, and is able to make difficult tasks look easy. She

regularly goes above and beyond her job duties and has assisted with supervising the cleaning crew following the disturbance at the beginning of the year. She also organized the Sergeants’ Office and made up current binders for the custody officers for all three floors. She works on a number of committees and projects, including the Incentive Committee and developing a way to place attorney calls on the wings.

New Team Members

Spencer Gray, COI, 07/06

Matthew Shoemaker, COI, 07/06

Joseph Huddleston, COI, 07/12

John Stephenson, COI, 07/12

Matteson Downing, Cook II, 07/19

EOM Anna Lynn
EOM Anna Lynn

Levi Fuller, COI, 07/19

Andrea Kirt, OSA, 07/19

Johnathan Otto, COI, 07/19


Chad King, COI to MWII, 07/18


Kevin Welch, COI, 07/31



We started FY22 and training is going well at this time. We had 8 new staff members start in July.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings for all three shifts were held on July 19 for a total of 10 participants. Topics included: Pay raises, Covid, DHS visit, incoming offenders, BITS, Custody coverage, G: and I: drives, cybersecurity training, Betterment Committee, Securus video terminals and upcoming yard events.

Important Dates



August 4 – ETA deadline

August 6 – SAMII deadline

August 15-21 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

August 16 – Payday

August 16-20 - CORE

August 17 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

August 17 – TB Testing for July birth month staff, 7:30-11:00 am, Bldg. 2 Assembly Room

August 19 – TB Reading for July birth month staff, 7:30-11:00 am, Bldg. 2 Assembly Room

August 19 – ETA deadline

August 23 – SAMII deadline

August 26 – MCHCP Rep Site Visit

August 31 – Payday

Success Story

18 offenders were released.

1 offender took the complete HiSET and 7 took portions of it on 7/27. Results are expected late next week.

24 offenders completed treatment.

Restorative Justice - staff with model
Restorative Justice - staff with model

June 2021

Big News

CCMII Bryce Buholt and The MTC Restorative Justice Offenders have been very busy restoring a model of The Mount Alverno Convent, which is now Maryville Treatment Center. The model was built in 1958 for Mother Vincentia by JJ Kraker and Son. The restoration has taken approximately 120 hours of very tedious work. The model has been on display at Maryville Treatment Center for several years and has been returned to The Nodaway County Historical Society for display for the community.

Employee of the Month

CCM II Elizabeth Estabrook

EOM Elizabeth Estabrook
EOM Elizabeth Estabrook

Ms. Estabrook has done a great job promoting ORAS and the importance of ORAS assessments and case plans. Recently (3/5/21) she was recognized by Michelle Kasak for being in the top ten of all employees in the state for Carey Guide printers.

CO I Carmen Larabee

On April 7, 2021 COI Larabee was assigned to 3C3 and during that time she conducted searches in areas not normally searched. During one such search she found several items of contraband. By finding these items she kept dangerous contraband out of the hands of offenders. COI Larabee consistently conducts thorough searches and is a member of CERT. She is always willing to help where needed and can be relied upon for a variety of details.

Cook II Amy Smyser

Ms. Smyser always goes above and beyond what is expected of her. She has stepped into the Cook III designee position and has done a great job with it. She has made many improvements in the short time she has worked for the Department and isn’t afraid to ask questions to continue to grow in her position. She receives feedback very well and does a great job problem-solving when issues arrive. She has been an incredible asset to Food Service.

EOM Carmen Larabee
EOM Carmen Larabee

Awards & Recognition

Earl Livesay, COII was given the Warden’s Award for Excellence for the third quarter of 2021. Sgt. Livesay’s efforts in coaching new hire COIs through their OJT modules and assigning them to officers who fit their learning styles is greatly appreciated. He always steps up when he is asked for help or when he sees someone in need of help. He also works double shifts in order to teach hard skills and is always a dependable employee.

New Team Members

Clinton Bowe, COI, 06/07

Andrew Clifford, COI, 06/21

Cody Edwards, COI, 06/21


Joshua Emery, COIII to CSI, 06/16

Staff Moves

EOM Amy Smyser
EOM Amy Smyser

Ramona Crouse, OSA to SOSA at P&P, 06/06


Now that FY21 is ending, training staff would like to thank everyone who got their requirements done. New basic training started on June 21. Scheduling will still be a problem for a while but it will get better. 

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held on June 25 at 7 a.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., with a total of 10 staff attending. Topics discussed included: MTC Improvement Plan, Corrections Way Ambassadors, MTC curb appeal, retaining staff, Challenge Coins, CERT application deadline, cybersecurity training, new onsite gas pump, replacement Covid vaccination card, new Personnel Club officers, Wellness Committee Healthy Habits Challenge, written praise for offenders, visiting, masks, PREA audit, employee wellness benefits.

Important Dates

July 2 – ETA deadline

Earl Livesay
Earl Livesay

July 5 – Holiday (Independence Day)

July 7 – SAMII deadline

July 11-17 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

July 12 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

July 13 – TB Testing for July birth month staff, 10:00-11:00 am, Bldg. 2 Assembly Room

July 15 – TB Reading for July birth month staff, 10:00-11:00 am, Bldg. 2 Assembly Room

July 15 – Payday

July 20 – ETA deadline

July 22 – SAMII deadline

July 30 – Payday

P4P donation
P4P donation

May 2021

Big News

Due to the pandemic Maryville Treatment Center currently has no dogs, but the P4P program is alive and well, and active in the community. Recently P4P made a $1,000 donation to the New Nodaway Humane Society to help with veterinary bills for two severely neglected animals. The shelter currently has 17 dogs that have suffered tragically from neglect. Several MTC staff members saw a Facebook post that detailed one of the cases and asked if the P4P program could help. Of course, P4P staff were proud to reach out with the donation and shelter employees were happy to receive it. 

Employees of the Month

EOM Dan Bushkirk
EOM Dan Bushkirk

RO I Dan VanBushkirk


CO I Clarita Schimming


Counselor I Sarah Cicero


New Team Members

Brandon Eaton, COI, 05/03

Matthew Garrison, COI, 05/17


Kyleigh Kalcevic, COI to COII, 05/16

Staff Moves

EOM Clarita Schimming
EOM Clarita Schimming

Sydney Smith, COII from WRDCC, 05/02


Maryville Treatment Center is in the process of opening a new computer lab. This will help resolve some scheduling conflicts. MTC is also installing a new Webcam in the classroom to improve staff’s training experience. We received new Defensive Tactics mats, a new dummy, and ammo for firearms classes. Now that the training year is ending, we are very close to having our training requirements fulfilled.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held on May 13 at 7 a.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., with a total of 13 staff attending. Topics discussed included: Loose medication, face coverings, new incentive program, housing unit inspections, MTC is NOT closing, pay raises and training. Questions included: Have you hear about the governor ending federal unemployment funding on June 12; staffing and transfer numbers; status of 4-house repairs; What type of offenders will MTC receive in the future; OSA and Custody analyses; picture taking during visiting; when can medical quit wearing mask; and status of waste water analysis.

Important Dates

CORE for June birth month – TO BE DETERMINED

EOM Sarah Cicero
EOM Sarah Cicero

June 3 – ETA deadline

June 7 – SAMII deadline

June 8 – TB Testing for June birth month staff, 10:00-11:00 am, Visiting Room

June 10 – TB Reading for June birth month staff, 10:00-11:00 am, Visiting Room

June 11 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

June 13-19 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

June 15 – Payday

June 18 – ETA deadline

June 22 – SAMII deadline

June 30 – Payday


EOM Stuart Stevens
EOM Stuart Stevens

April 2021

Big News

On 4/22/21 Corizon held a health fair for offenders and one hundred sixty of them attended. Free hygiene items were provided including 3-in-1 body wash/shaving gel/shampoo, along with toothpaste and lotion. Representatives of the Buchanan County Health Department attended and provided a PLINKO game for offenders to learn about sexually transmitted infections. Offenders who played the game received two pieces of chocolate. There were free pamphlets available for many different health issues like hypertension, hepatitis, diabetes, oral care, HIV and more. The health fair provided a fun learning experience for the offenders. Corizon received a lot of positive feedback from the offenders who really seemed to enjoy it.

Employees of the Month

MWII Stuart Stevens

MW II Stuart Stevens has worked continuously for a month on HU#4, 2C3 trying to get the unit put back together since the disturbance at the beginning of the year. Mr. Stuart was recognized for his hard work and for the satisfaction he gets from seeing the job well done.

EOM Henrik Briggs
EOM Stuart Stevens

CCM II Henrik Briggs

CCM II Henrik Briggs came to work during a blizzard when others called in, and returned to work an hour and a half after his shift ended to complete the intake process on offenders who transferred in late that afternoon. He also reported to work at 1 a.m. the night MTC had a disturbance. He watched camera footage to help identify the offenders involved and helped clean up the damage they had done. He is a motivated employee who needs little supervision and is constantly looking to assist others and to grow professionally.

Awards & Recognition

Dylan Boyle, Librarian was the recipient of the Warden’s Award for Excellence for the second quarter of 2011. In addition to his library duties, he has taken on the challenge of IT Coordinator for MTC. Mr. Boyle came in on the night of the disturbance to assist with IT issues such as remoting in to the camera system from the training trailer and recovering camera footage. He tracked all IT equipment that was damaged in the disturbance and is working on cleaning out all of the e-waste that has accumulated over the years. He is also in the process of cleaning out and organizing the IT storage room. Dylan can also be counted on to assist staff with their IT issues. His work and vast knowledge in IT is a valuable asset to MTC and greatly appreciated.

Librarian Dylan Boyle
Librarian Dylan Boyle

New Team Members

Calvin Garner, Boiler Operator, 04/12

Mackenzie Spire, Cook II, 04/12

Andrew Yocum, Chaplain, 04/26

Staff Moves

Brenda Fletchall, Institutional Investigator from WRDCC to MTC, 04/11

Eric Reidlinger, COIII from WMCC to COII at MTC, 04/18


The Western Region Training Center has been offering T4T classes. This is helping our adjunct trainers get current on their teaching expiration dates. Our training facility was struggling getting everything scheduled due to space availability. The COI interviews will start taking place at the institution in May instead of the training facility. This will help alleviate some of those scheduling problems.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held on April 13 at 7 a.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., with a total of 28 staff attending. Topics discussed included: pandemic stipend, Crime Victims’ Week, MVE payments, raises, postcards, improvement plan, disciplines, COI interviews, NWMSU’s criminal justice program, searches, cameras, offender accountability, COI retention/training, treatment, state vehicles. Additional questions that were covered included: Is the mask mandate still in place? What about the new COVID-19 variants? Custody and treatment staff communication and the Master Treatment List.

Important Dates

CORE for May birth month – TO BE DETERMINED

TB Testing/Reading for February-May birth month staff:

05/11 and 05/13 – 6:30 am – 8:30 am

05/26 and 05/28 – 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

May 4 – ETA deadline

May 5 – SAMII deadline

May 7 – HOLIDAY (Truman Day)

May 9-15 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

May 13 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

May 14 – Payday

May 18 – ETA deadline

May 20 – SAMII deadline

May 28 – Payday

May 31 – HOLIDAY (Memorial Day)

Success Story

AEL Director Amanda Haile reports that MTC has had its first offender take and pass the HiSET since classes were stopped due to viral containment measures for COVID-19. Congratulations to our first graduate of the year!

EOM Tami Armstrong
EOM Tami Armstrong

March 2021

Employees of the Month

FUM Tami Armstrong

FUM Tami Armstrong spearheaded a crew to clean up HU#4 following the disturbance. Tami has taken pride in making the housing unit better than before and has gone above and beyond to ensure it happens.

STK II Joe Gully

STK II Joe Gully has gone above and beyond in his duties for the past year. He has been helpful to the Cook staff and has delivered trays to Ad-Seg, Medical and quarantined housing units many times. He watches the serving line when needed and watches the offenders so other staff can take a break. He has come in and worked as a Cook on his day off, including New Year’s Eve. He has also washed pots and pans numerous times when FDS was short of offender workers. Before he leaves at night he always asks the Cook III or designee if they need anything before he goes.

CO I Gary Owens

EOM Joe Gully
EOM Joe Gully

CO I Gary Owens came to Maryville Treatment Center on 10/15/2019 as a COI. Since that time he hasn’t had any unscheduled absences. Since his start date he has worked approximately 475.5 hours.

New Team Members

Tyler Halvin, STKI, 03/08

John Tye, COI, 03/08

Inphinaty Fansher, COI, 03/15

Bryce Marriott, COI, 03/22

Edwin Otto, COI, 03/22


Kathy Herzberg, COI, 03/31

Micheal Popplewell, ACII, 03/31


Staff are diligently working to meet their training requirements. This can be a challenge due to Staffing. At the end of March, only two custody staff have not completed their shotgun requirements. Training Officer Spire noted his appreciation of all the hard work to complete this task.

EOM Gary Owens
EOM Gary Owens

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held on March 17 at 7 a.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Meetings were attended by a total of 22 staff. Topics included ongoing repairs to HU#4; status of offender vaccines; the mask mandate is still in effect; MTC recruitment efforts; and KCRC and CTCC will be temporarily closed.

Important Dates

Important Dates

CORE for April birth month – TO BE DETERMINED

TB Testing for April birth month staff – SUSPENDED UNTIL 05/01/21

April 4 - Easter

April 5 – ETA deadline

April 7 – SAMII deadline

April 11-17 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

April 14 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

April 15 – Payday

April 20 – ETA deadline

April 22 – SAMII deadline

April 30 – Payday

Success Story

Michael Mullock, FUM and Rhonda Steward, Personnel Clerk represented MTC at a Northwest Missouri State University Career Fair on February 24, 2021.


EOM Candise Woodruff
EOM Candise Woodruff

January 2021

Big News

ROII David Grant was named the DOC Employee of the Month for February 2021. Mr. Grant established an effective pandemic plan for offender recreation and has modified it repeatedly as the institution’s needs have changed while dealing with COVID. Mr. Grant is always looking for ways to improve things for the offenders and has established both an Art Room and a Music Room for their use. While MTC has been short-handed due to the pandemic, Mr. Grant has helped out in Custody, Food Service and anywhere else that he is needed. Mr. Grant continuously gives to the organization and is both a Corrections Way ambassador and president of the Personnel Club.

Employees of the Month

CCM II Candise Woodruff

Ms. Woodruff worked on a project in MOCIS that allows staff to better track offenders who work full time. During this process she worked with central office offender finance to figure out how to use MOCIS to enter offender jobs who work in two different areas, but not be paid twice. This will allow staff to better hold offenders accountable for their responsibilities. Candise is always willing to help out wherever needed and readily takes on new projects to help improve MTC.

EOM Lacy Kobbe
EOM Lacy Kobbe

AC Lacy Kobbe

Ms. Kobbe volunteered to help out in different areas during the past several months. She helped out in Food Service and came in at 4 a.m. to work the early shift and stayed late when needed. She has gone on mail runs and wastewater sample runs. She helped with COVID-19 testing for the offenders and covered the Mailroom when staff were out. Even while helping out in these areas she managed to keep up with her normal duties. She never hesitates when something is asked of her and remains positive. She notices when something needs to be done and jumps in and completes it before being asked. She goes above and beyond every day in her job duties

Awards & Recognition

Fire & Safety Specialist Jeff Ogbourne received the Warden’s Award for Excellence for the first quarter of 2021. Simply put, Mr. Ogbourne is an employee who is willing to step up and pick up the slack wherever he can help. He has researched and thoroughly educated himself on COVID-19, the vaccines and chemicals needed to keep the virus at bay. He has kept MTC in PPE and hand sanitizer and, along with other staff, is involved in waste water sample runs. He has also scheduled Vital Oxide treatments for key areas of the institution and participated in clean up after a recent disturbance.

New Team Members

Jennifer Spire, IAC, 01/25

Warden's Award for Excellence Jeff Ogbourne
Warden's Award for Excellence Jeff Ogbourne


Phillip Smail, IIO to CSI, 01/17

Clyde Standiford, BO to SE, 01/17

Frank Lynn, COI to COII, 01/24


Wade Mauderly, COI, 01/31

Donald O’Riley, COI, 01/31

Scott Ray, COII, 01/31


MTC has resumed the Defensive Tactics and Firearms training for custody staff and is currently awaiting approval to restart CORE. We have non-custody staff renewing their defensive tactics so they can assist custody with overtime.

Town Hall Report

Seventeen staff attended three sessions on 1/8/21. Staff were curious about progress with recruiting and the incentive program for referring new employees. Additional questions revolved around improving offerings for offenders including education classes and changes to treatment, in particular, Levels of Care, a pilot program MTC will begin on 3/1/21.

Important Dates



CORE for February birth month – TO BE DETERMINED

TB Testing for February birth month staff – SUSPENDED UNTIL 05/01/21

February 2 – ETA deadline

February 3 – SAMII deadline

February 11 – Payday

February 12 – HOLIDAY (Lincoln’s Birthday)

February 14-20 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club and Wellness Committee

February 15 – HOLIDAY (Washington’s Birthday)

February 17 – ETA deadline

February 18 – SAMII deadline

February 22 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, 3:00 pm

February 26 – Payday

Success Story

MTC has scheduled all staff desiring a COVID-19 vaccine to receive their first shot next week through DMH at WRDCC in St. Joseph.

December 2020

Employee of the Month

Employee of the Year Haylee Kuster
Employee of the Year Haylee Kuster

CO I Aren Latham

CO I Aren Latham is the December 2020 Employee of the Month.  On October 23, 2020, he stopped an offender from harming himself. Using his training, Latham gained control of the offender and called for assistance. Once the offender was removed from the room, he was still attempting to harm himself. COI Latham continued to take action and prevented him from further self-harm. Officer Latham’s actions, with help from other staff members, prevented the offender from harming himself and possibly saved the offender’s life. 

Awards & Recognition

Employee of the Year for 2020

Haylee Kuster

Haylee Kuster was named MTC’s Employee of the Year for 2020. Ms. Kuster has worked very hard learning her new position as Cook III. She maintains a positive attitude and is always willing to help her supervisor and co-workers. She has also worked a lot of overtime over the past few months due to staff shortages. She strives to do a good job and is not afraid to ask questions. She was the Acting Food Service Manager for several days when the Food Service Manager was out due to illness and was recognized for doing a good job by many other staff members.

New Team Members

Jasmine Guyer, COI, 12/14

Juanita Poppa, Deputy Warden OSA, 12/14

Nicholas Christian, COI, 12/21

Nathan Moen, COI, 12/21

Andrea Morrow, COI, 12/21

Lynette Sportsman, COI, 12/21


Anna Lynn, STKI to CCA, 12/06

Venus Brown, SOSA to AOSA, 12/06


The following is a summary of events for 2020:

  • In order to complete Core requirements early, we planned to do two core weeks in a month starting in February.
  • Core training was shut down March 18th due to the corona virus pandemic and is still not up and running.
  • Electives were new this year and are comprised of four categories: Safety and Security; Operations; Cultural Transformations; and Process Improvement.  There is an up-to-date electives list on the DOCintranet under the training tab, and under 2020 Training requirements there is a link: 2020 DOC Staff Approved Training Elective.  It is updated regularly throughout the year.
  • Our Training Audit was conducted in February 2020 and we received 100%.
  • In July 2020, Basic Training was reconfigured and renamed Blended Learning Basic.  Now all new hires report to their institution on every Monday of basic and the entire third week.  Blended learning combines online training as well as hands on training to save the state money and allow the new hires more interaction with their institutions.
  • In February 2020, custody received their new uniforms.
  • The training year is scheduled by fiscal year instead of calendar year.  Training years are July 1 through Jun 30.
  • In March of 2020, we had our first trainer appreciation day where adjunct trainers from 2019 were invited for team building exercises, a meeting, and pizza.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held for all staff on December 10, 2020 at 7 a.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Topics included: CARES Act Funding, Recruiting, Waste Water Testing, Covid-19 Vaccine and other Covid-19 Efforts.

Important Dates

January 1 – HOLIDAY (New Year’s Day)

CORE for January birth month – TO BE DETERMINED

January 5 – ETA deadline

January 7 – SAMII deadline

January 12 – TB Testing for January birth month staff, 10:00-11:00 am, Bldg. 2 Assembly Room

January 14 – TB Reading for January birth month staff, 10:00-11:00 am, Bldg. 2 Assembly Room

January 8 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, 3:00 pm

January 10-16 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club & Wellness Committee

January 15 – Payday

January 18 – HOLIDAY (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)

January 19 – ETA deadline

January 21 – SAMII deadline

January 29 – Payday

Success Story

MTC’s offender treatment program expects 46 successful completions for December 2020 and another 32 for January 2021.

Puppy Pic

Although MTC has whittled down its number of COVID-19 cases, it still didn’t receive any new P4P dogs this month. Cupcake, the institutional dog, continues to be fostered by Ms. Vandiver, ES Instructor, due to the P4P floor being used for quarantine. Cupcake gets along well with her foster brothers and visits her friends at the institution once or twice a week. 

November 2020

Big News

Although the COVID numbers keep rising in our communities, Maryville Treatment Center has been keeping the COVID numbers low. Staff and offenders are diligent in wearing their masks and ensuring they social distance.

Employee of the Month

COII Scott Ray and COII Darla Workman are the Custody Employees of the Month for November 2020. They both volunteered to help get 40 offenders ready for transfers. COII Ray and COII Workman stayed until the task was complete and all the property was prepared for transfer. Thank you Scott and Darla for your hard work and dedication to ensure the institution runs safely and effectively.  

Timekeeper Vicki Stevens is the Operations Employee of the Month for November.  She filled in the Personnel Manager’s position while she was on quarantine for two weeks.  Vicki was tasked, without notice, with running both offices during this time and ensured all duties were completed in a timely manner. She also creates all the labels for the COVID testing.  She always completes all her tasks in a conscientious manner and is very dependable and trustworthy. 

ACII Cheryl Barnett is the Offender Management Employee of the Month for November.  Due to staff shortages, Cheryl stepped in and made sure all caseloads were complete. She teaches classes for staff that are not able to. She always does it with a great attitude and happy face. 

New Team Members

Carlene Ames, COI, 11/16/20

Kortney Keith, COI, 11/16/20

Laura Purcell, Cook II, 11/16/20

T. Bryce Buholt, CCMII, 11/18/20


Stuart Stevens, COI to MWII, 11/08/20

Sherry Hall, COI to CCMII, 11/22/20

Staff Moves

William Kelley, COI to ROI, 11/29/20


MTC has resumed the Defensive Tactics and Firearms training for custody staff and is currently awaiting for approval to restart CORE at this time. We have non-custody staff renewing their defensive tactics so they can assist custody with overtime.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held on November 4, 2020, for all three shifts. There were 15 members who attended. Topics included, COVID issues, staffing, morale, learning experiences, perimeter vehicle, Pulse survey, and recruitment.  Questions and concerns regarding positive COVID tests and job bids were also addressed.

Important Dates

CORE for December birth month – TO BE DETERMINED

December 3 – ETA deadline

December 6-12 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club & Wellness Committee

December 8 – TB Testing for December birth month staff, 9:00-10:00 am, Bldg. 2 Assembly Room

December 8 – SAMII deadline

December 10 – TB Reading for December birth month staff, 9:00-10:00 am, Bldg. 2 Assembly Room

December 10– Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, 3:00 pm

December 15 – Payday

December 18 – ETA deadline

December 23 – SAMII deadline

December 25 – Christmas Holiday

December 31 – Payday

Success Story

MTC had 10 offenders who completed treatment as well as 5 who were released.

EOM CO II Athen Jones
EOM CO II Athen Jones

October 2020

Big News

Due to staff shortages and COVID, MTC’s staff has been changing their schedules to cover different areas.  Many staff have been working overtime in different sections to ensure safety and security.  Some have been serving in Food Service as well as covering Custody posts on different shifts.

Even though our staff has been busy working different jobs and shifts, they have stepped up and ensured the Charitable Campaign is in full swing.  We had a fundraiser for the Nodaway County Recreation and Education for Individuals with Disabilities.  The campaign, “Stronger Together,” also has a new on-line donation platform for payroll deductions.

Our Personnel Club is having a T-shirt design contest for shirts to purchase and wear during jeans days.  The designs will be judged by the Personnel Club members, the Warden, and the Deputy Wardens. 

Employee of the Month

EOM MW II Mark Lawrence
EOM MW II Mark Lawrence

COII Athen Jones is the Custody Employee of the Month for October 2020. He has taken on several additional tasks and has not missed an unscheduled day since COVID-19 began. He also fills in when other supervisors are absent and has volunteered to work during his days off. He ensures the offender movies are played during the weekend and turned back in on time. He carries and delivers meals to and from the housing unit wings every day. Thank you for your teamwork and dedication to MTC.

MWII Mark Lawrence is the Employee of the Month for October 2020. He completes his work promptly and to a high standard. He continues to strive for greatness in his daily tasks, while building a good rapport with his co-workers. He has repaired Recreations’ equipment and industrial fans, which in return has reduced cost in DOC’s budget. He also performed welding on Ad-seg’s windows. Thank you for your exceptional services and hard work.

SOSA Kitty Pope is the Employee of the Month for October 2020. She ensures that her daily tasks are completed. She has assisted with Clothing Issue and filled in when needed. She has taken on several other tasks and

EOM SOSA Kitty Pope
EOM SOSA Kitty Pope 

continues to communicate the needs of the offenders with others. She also has helped prepare the year-end inventory as well. Thank you for your hard work and efforts.

Awards & Recognition

FSMI Kerry Strating received the Warden’s Award for Excellence for October through December 2020.

New Team Members

Billy Foss, COI, 10/05/20

Corey Kautz, COI, 10/05/20

Russell Simmons, COI, 10/05/20

Dillon Mendez, COI, 10/13/20

Mark Wehrkamp, COI, 10/13/20

Lena Allen, COI, 10/26/20

Donna Owen, COI, 10/26/20

Dana Poe, Cook II, 10/26/20


Ronald Sorenson, COI, 10/31/20


MTC has resumed the Defensive Tactics and Firearms training for custody staff and is currently awaiting for approval to restart CORE at this time.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held on October 13, 2020, for all three shifts. There were 0 members who attended.

Important Dates

CORE for November birth month – TO BE DETERMINED

November 3 – ETA deadline

November 3 – TB Testing for November birth month staff

November 4 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, 3:00 pm

November 5 – TB Reading for November birth month staff

November 5 – SAMII deadline

November 11 – Veteran’s Day Holiday

November 15-21 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club & Wellness Committee

November 16 – Payday

November 17 – ETA deadline

November 19 – SAMII deadline

November 26 – Thanksgiving Holiday

November 30 – Payday

Success Story

MTC had 6 offenders who completed treatment as well as 11 who were released in October.

Puppy Pic

Unfortunately, MTC still did not receive any new canine friends this past month due to recent cases of COVID-19; however, we hope to receive some in the future. Cupcake, our institutional dog, is being fostered nightly with Ms. Vandiver, ES Instructor, due to the P4P floor being used as a quarantine floor.  This disruption placed Cupcake without a home-base and a lot of confusion.   However, she is loving her new foster home, foster parents, and foster siblings.  She brings joy to everyone, regardless of where she is!!!!  

September 2020

CO I Thomas Wasson
EOM CO I Thomas Wasson

Big News

MTC has undergone several changes this month. Warden Todd Warren has accepted and began his position as Warden at MTC. He was welcomed by all staff as he begins his new journey. MTC has completed its surveillance COVID-19 testing. One positive case of COVID-19 was identified as a result of the testing. Offenders on Housing Unit 4 have been placed under quarantine at this time and mask were made mandatory at this time. Treatment has received new transfers on 3C3 and has begun their assessments and individual treatment plans, as well as starting treatment education classes with modifications put in place.  MTC’s Personnel Club held an auction fundraiser for all staff to partake. A NFL Jeans and Jersey dress down day was also given to staff as well. Funds raised went to MTC’s Personnel’s Club. MTC also participated in the Corrections Employee Week. Fun and games were enjoyed by all.

Employee of the Month

Thomas Wasson is the Employee of the Month for Custody for September 2020. COI

EOM SE Kevin Asher
EOM SE Kevin Asher

Wasson along with CCM Estabrook had noticed a suspicious scene involving offenders trying to put out a fire. He quickly called a code 70 and evacuated the floor. Due to his quick thinking and actions the fire was put out, no injuries were reported and the damage was minimal. Thank you for your exceptional services to MTC.

Kevin Asher is the Employee of the Month for Operations for September 2020. SE Asher has been very helpful to the 3rd shift staff. He assisted with an investigation by allowing the Maryville Police Department access in and out of the institution while controlling the doors at the Control Center. His assistance had made a direct impact on the safety and security of MTC. Thank you for your teamwork and services.

Elizabeth Estabrook is the Employee of the Month for September 2020. CCMII Estabrook along with COI Wasson had noticed a suspicious scene involving offenders trying to put out a fire. She quickly grabbed a fire extinguisher until other helpful staff arrived. Her quick thinking and actions helped the fire be located quickly. No injuries were reported and the damage was minimal to the building’s structure. Thank you for your exceptional services to MTC.

EOM CMII Elizabeth Estabrook
EOM CMII Elizabeth Estabrook 

New Team Members

Sarah Palmatier, COI, 09/08/20

Jacque Ellis, LNP, 9/15/20


Chris Deiter, CSI to CSII, 08/28/20

Brandon Bergren, COII to COIII, 09/01/20


Anthony Tobin, SE, 09/30/20

Staff Moves

Todd Warren, Warden, KCRC to MTC, 09/01/20


MTC has resumed the Defensive Tactics and Firearms training for custody staff and is currently awaiting for approval to restart CORE at this time.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held on September 14, 2020, for all three shifts. There were 13 members who attended. Topics included the Introduction of Warden, COVID-19, Housing Unit 3 modifications, and surveillance testing. Questions and concerns regarding the flu and vaccinations were also addressed.

CORE for October birth month – TO BE DETERMINED

October 2 – ETA deadline

October 4-10 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club & Wellness Committee

October 6 – SAMII deadline

October 6 – TB Testing

October 8 – TB Reading

October 12 – Columbus Day Holiday

October 13 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

October 15 - Payday

October 20 – ETA deadline

October 22– SAMII deadline

October 30 – Payday

Success Story

MTC had 31 offenders who completed treatment as well as 27 who were released. Treatment classes are now available for the offenders with modifications in place. COVID Surveillance testing was completed in one day.

Puppy Pic

Unfortunately, MTC did not receive any new canine friends this past month due to a recent case of COVID-19 however, we hope to receive them in the future. The institutional dog Cupcake continues to bring joy to everyone. Cupcake enjoys keeping the squirrels, skunks and rabbits on their toes. She has helped in the garden and she also assists the officers with their nightly security checks.

August 2020

Big News

MTC continues to face COVID-19 challenges head on. We have moved into Phase II of the Recovery Plan with some modifications due to our recent positive cases. The Wellness Club held a Virtual BBQ for all staff to enjoy. Staff were encouraged to share a recipe and in return, received all other recipe entries.  Staff were encouraged to prepare a recipe to gather in spirit while they met the social distancing guidelines. The Personnel Club and SOMO coordinators both hosted a Dress Down Week for staff to participate while giving back to the community. The donated canned goods and funds were delivered to the local Ministry Center.  MTC also participated in the Santa Cops for Kids Golf Tournament Fundraiser. Proceeds were raised and donated to support the Santa Cops year-end shopping event for local children in the area. A memorial service for Captain Steven Armes was held at MTC in his memory. Captain Armes’ hat, life saver award and flag was presented to his family in his honor.

Employee of the Month

Philicia Baker is the Employee of the Month for Custody for August 2020. CO I Baker exceeds expectations as she nears completion of her first year with MTC. She has exceptional time and attendance. She continuously looks for ways to improve herself and her communication skills. During a recent search, Baker discovered three containers of dangerous contrabandl. It was by the commitment of her duties that these items was found and removed before it could have jeopardized the safety and security of the institution. Thank you for your exceptional services, Philicia.

John Copeland is the Employee of the Month for Treatment for August 2020. AC II Copeland continuously goes above and beyond his duties. He voluntarily held a treatment education class on 3A3 floor for his fellow staff members which helped to increase the structure and gave a positive focus to the offenders. John also used his creativity and treatment knowledge to develop 5 new treatment plan assignments on key issues related to addiction and criminality. Other counselors have used these assignments to help offenders who were struggling in those specific areas.  In addition, John recently discovered an item of contraband in a tree while walking to the Control Center. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to MTC, John.

David Grant is the Employee of the Month for Operations for August 2020. During the COVID-19 pandemic, RO II Grant created a pandemic plan for offenders to utilize Recreation. He extended Recreation hours and remained available to offenders, even when he was short staffed.  ROII Grant works overtime/flexes time off weekly, working irregular hours in an effort to keep the operations running smoothly. During the pandemic, he also acted as Deputy Warden. ROII Grant rose up and met the challenges during these unprecedented times. He also assisted with MTCs Recovery Plan, is an Ambassador for the Corrections Way as well as the President of the Personnel Club. Thank you for all that you do for MTC, David; it is most appreciated.

Awards & Recognition

Warden Gaye Colborn was recognized for her 33 years of service to DOC and the State of Missouri as she entered into her retirement. A celebration and final farewell were held in her honor where she was presented with gifts and received goodbye wishes. Gaye has been a true asset to MTC and her fellow staff members. She will be missed dearly by all as she enters a new chapter of her life.

New Team Members

Patrick Long, COI, 08/24/20

Aaliyah Lowe, COI, 08/24/20


Gaye Colborn, Warden, 08/31/20


The blended Basic Training is going well. Tracking of training requirements has changed from calendar year to fiscal year. This will give us an additional 6 months to finish training requirements. MTC is anxiously waiting for in-class CORE to restart.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held on August 14, 2020, for all three shifts. There were 5 members who attended. Topics included Phase II of the Recovery Plan, COVID-19, vacancies and interviews for open positions. Questions and concerns regarding the direction of treatment were also addressed.

Important Dates

CORE for September birth month – TO BE DETERMINED

September 2 – ETA deadline

September 4 – SAMII deadline

September 7 – Labor Day Holiday

September 13-19 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club & Wellness Committee

September 14 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

TB tests/reads for September birth month – Testing September 15th / Reading September 17th

September 15 - Payday

September 18 – ETA deadline

September 22– SAMII deadline

September 30 – Payday

Success Story

MTC had 32 offenders who completed treatment as well as 26 who were released. MTC has gradually welcomed back several staff who were out due to COVID related issues. We look forward to having all staff back and healthy.

Puppy Pic

MTC will be receiving 3 new dogs on September 1st.  Staff and offenders are looking forward to their arrival. These dogs may be a handful but we are ready to meet the challenge with enthusiasm and excitement. The Institutional dog Cupcake is doing well and continues to make her daily rounds. 

July 2020

Big News

MTC completed its COVID-19 Sentinel Testing in 3 short days with no positive staff or offender results. Staff received their “Swab Survivor” sticker and sucker after they completed their test. The Personnel Club also sold COVID-19 t-shirts to show their support during the testing period. Free pizza was provided by the Personnel Club to all staff and COVID test Administrators.  MTC’s Recovery plan has been approved and Phase I of the plan is slowly taken place. Treatment staff began working with offenders on their treatment handbooks and processes during counseling groups.  Offender visiting resumed July 18th with visiting on Saturdays and Sundays by appointment only.  Transfers have also begun from other institutions who have completed their sentinel testing.  MTC looks forward to settling into a new kind of routine and way of life.

Employee of the Month

CSI Chris Deiter is Custody’s Employee of the Month for July 2020.  Captain Deiter embraces the Corrections Way, which has helped him become a better leader and supervisor. He also ensures MTC’s Containment Plan runs as smooth as possible with little to no complications. He shows dedication through his work and compassion for his staff. Thank you for your hard work and services to MTC.

SOSA Debra White is Operations Employee of the Month for July 2020. While processing mail, Ms. White questioned suspicious mail and its contents. Upon investigation, illegal contraband was discovered in an offender’s mail. Her keen sense and observation skills have reduced potential hazards from entering the institution. Thank you for making MTC a safer place to work.

OSA Mona Crouse is Classification Employee of the Month for July 2020. While completing her current clerical duties for HU 1, 2 & 3, she also has been assisting in the vacant OSA position for the DWOM as well. She continuously offers her assistance to others as needed. Ms. Crouse also assists on the Wellness Committee and participated in the sidewalk artwork to boost employee morale during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for dedication and hard work.

Awards & Recognition

SOSA Venus Brown received the Warden’s Award for Excellence for July through September 2020. She has been instrumented with the development and maintenance of our Viral Containment Plan and Recovery Plan. She is able to anticipate things needed so she is a step ahead of us. She is very professional in demeanor and an excellent role model for others. Ms. Brown is a true asset to the institution. Thank you for all you do at MTC; it is most appreciated.

New Team Members

Brendon Jenkins, COI, 07/13/20

Taylor Jahnke, COI, 07/27/20

Lori Williams, COI, 07/27/20


Sylvia Church, COI, 07/31/20

Gary Freeman, CCMII, 07/31/20

Debra Poe, COI, 07/31/20

Staff Moves

Anna Lynn, COI to STKI, 07/19/20

Clay Stanton, CSII to CM/B2 at NECC, 07/20/20


Some changes have occurred with the start-up of training. Staff are not authorized to bring cell phones inside the training facilities but may leave the building during breaks and at lunch to check messages.  Visible food and eating are prohibited in classrooms; however, beverages are still allowed.  Staff will have fifteen minute morning and afternoon breaks as well as a one hour lunch break. Maryville Treatment Center staff have finished 73% of the elective training requirements and continues to complete the CORE training requirements.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held on July 9th, 2020 for all three shifts. There were 16 members who attended. Topics included Sentinel Testing, State Budget and related questions and concerns regarding staff’s feedback.

Important Dates

CORE for August birth month – TO BE DETERMINED

TB tests/reads for August birth month – TO BE DETERMINED

August 4 – ETA deadline

August 6 – SAMII deadline

August 14 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

August 9-15 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club and Wellness Committee

August 14 - Payday

August 19 – ETA deadline

August 21– SAMII deadline

August 31 – Payday

Success Story

Art is an essential tool for healthy human development, and lifelong learning that must be made available to all. With this in mind, the recreation department at MTC opened an art room on April 1st, 2020. This service has already enabled several offenders to experience the arts, and has had an immediate, direct, and positive impact on their personal health, as well as their surroundings. Offender Bradley Toole (pictured) is one example of offenders who have benefited from the scheme. Mr. Toole has also given back to the program by giving up his free-time to teach his peers how to paint. MTC had 43 offenders who completed treatment as well as 31 offenders who were released. MTC’s Sentinel testing was completed in three short days with no positive test results.

Puppy Pic

Currently there are no P4P dogs at MTC due to COVID 19 circumstances. The dog handlers continue to wait patiently for new dogs.  MTC’s institutional dog, Cupcake, aka “Princess”, continues to be spoiled by staff and offenders.  She recently had two vet appointment to treat her “elbows” and a digestive problem.  She seems to be back to her old self.  She was not happy to be placed on leash restriction and missed making her daily visits.   She has also lost 7 pounds.   She had a visit to the spa and received a new “doo”.  She was very appreciative of this!!!!  She looks fabulous as you can see in her photo shoot demonstrating how to properly wear a face covering. 



June 2020

Big News

MTC has encountered its first positive case of COVID-19.  An offender preparing for release tested positive on June 9, 2020.  Staff responded accordingly and faced this pandemic head on.  The Viral Containment Plan and guidelines were followed.  Precautions and modifications were also made to ensure the safety and security of the institution.  Offenders from the housing unit were placed in quarantine pending test results.  After receiving negative results, quarantine was lifted on June 23, 2020. MTC currently has 1 offender in isolation, pending receipt of his test results.  On a “positive” note, staff were given dress down days beginning on June 13th with proceeds going to the Personnel Club, Wellness Committee, and Special Olympics.  Staff were also given the option to dress down June 28th through July 4th for a daily monetary donation or a canned good food item. All donations will be given to the Ministry Center.  In an effort to show their appreciation and support for staff, the Personnel Club continues to hold weekly prize drawings for Shout Out participants, both nominators and nominees, which includes Hy-Vee gift cards.

Employee of the Month

CCMII Candise Woodruff is the Classification Employee of the Month for June 2020.  Ms. Woodruff takes time out of her schedule to help others when needed.  She provides assistance to Case Managers and other Classification staff with ORAS assessments, caseloads, and related tasks.  Thank you for your team work and services to MTC.

Awards & Recognition

MTC’s CERT team welcomed 3 new members on June 18th, COI Mitchell Carroll, COI Dalton Carroll, and COI Ashley Beebe.  MTC’s PACT team also welcomed 2 new members, Clinical Supervisor Angela Trustee and COI Frank Lynn, on June 19th.

New Team Members

Amy Smyser, Cook II, 06/08/20

Stephen Epperson, COI, 06/15/20


MTC received 6 headsets with microphone capabilities, which will be utilized in the new blended learning basic training beginning in July 2020.  Staff members may also use the headsets for on-line training courses as well.  MTC is allowed to conduct in-class training with the approval of Chelsea Spackler but classroom sizes will be limited to 10 people.  Core classes are still cancelled until further notice. 

Important Dates

CORE for July birth month – TO BE DETERMINED

TB tests/reads for July birth month – TO BE DETERMINED

July 1 – Beginning of 2021 Fiscal Year

July 2 – ETA deadline

July 3 – Independence Day Holiday observed

July 4 – Independence Day

July 7 – SAMII deadline

July 9 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

July 12-18 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

July 15 - Payday

July 21 – ETA deadline

July 23 – SAMII deadline

July 31 – Payday

Success Story

MTC staff diligently worked together when responding to the positive case of COVID-19.

  Several staff members offered to cover shifts for others who were vulnerable to this virus. The number of call-ins have decreased for the month of June.  Training elective courses have been completed by 54% of MTC staff.  MTC had 56 offenders who completed treatment, as well as 45 offenders who were released.

Puppy Pic

Currently there are no P4P dogs at MTC due to COVID 19 circumstances. The dog handlers are anxiously awaiting the approval to have new 4-legged friends.  However, MTC’s institutional dog Cupcake is doing very well. She recently had a vet appointment to treat her allergies and a torn dewclaw. She is healing well and is back to her normal self. She has also lost 4 pounds. Cupcake enjoys cool mornings and loves to roam, watch the squirrels, and relax under the trees.  She also loves to visit different areas of the institution, while lounging on the cool floors. She is scheduled for day at spa on June 30th. We can’t wait to see her beautiful new hair due upon her return from her day of pampering.

May 2020

Big News

MTC has been quite busy this past month.  Although the COVID-19 pandemic holds utmost concern, MTC has adapted well and continues to operate as “normal” as possible.  Staff have been participating in the Wild About Wellness weekly challenge while promoting a healthier lifestyle.  The Wellness Committee has taken it upon themselves to spread some cheer and encouragement during these uncertain times.  MTC staff decorated the institutional sidewalks with chalk art images in hopes to boost morale and spread positivity throughout the institution.  The Personnel Club held a weekly gift card drawing for Shout Out nominators and nominees who went above and beyond their duties.  A Salad Day meal was also offered to staff, along with free donuts, to help promote morale and express appreciation.  MTC also celebrated National Nurse’s Week with their Corizon nursing staff.  Gifts and appreciation were given to express gratitude for their selfless services.  National Police Week was also recognized by MTC.  A card of appreciation and pizzas were delivered to the Nodaway County Police Department staff to express MTC’s gratitude and thanks for all that they do.  Flags were hung at half-mast as a show of respect for the men, women, and their families who have made the ultimate sacrifice and lost their lives in the line of duty.

Employee of the Month

CCM II Gary Freeman is the Classification Employee of the Month for April 2020.  CCMII Freeman offered instrumental help regarding the completion of room moves for the implementation of the Viral Containment Plan.  While putting his own job duties on hold, CCMII Freeman made the completion of this project a top priority.  With his tremendous efforts and selfless commitment, this plan took just three short days to complete.  Thank you, Gary, for all of your hard work.

CCA Jeremy Mason is also the Classification Employee of the Month for April 2020.  His selfless act regarding the Viral Containment Plan room move completion did not go unnoticed.  During the three day task, CCA Mason worked diligently to complete this project in a timely manner.  Without his assistance, this project could have taken longer to complete.  Thank for your hard work and efforts, Jeremy.

RO I Dillon Alexander is the Operations Employee of the Month for April 2020. ROI Alexander brings an unrivaled sense of enthusiasm to work and strives to improve Recreation’s services, as well as safety and security.  ROI Alexander routinely goes above and beyond what is asked of him.  He expresses appreciation to his co-workers and values his team.  In short, Mr. Alexander is a real asset to MTC.

CO II Jay Mackey is the Custody Employee of the Month for April 2020.  Sgt. Mackey shows compassion and concern for all staff and ensures their safety and welfare are of the utmost importance.  He goes out of his way to help his colleagues and is happy to answer questions that others may have.  Sgt. Mackey has a positive attitude and goes above and beyond what is asked of him.  Thank you for your exceptional services, Jay.

New Team Members

Trevor Runde, COI, 05/04/20

Karen Dew, COI, 05/26/20


Kerry Strating, Cook III to FSMI, 05/24/20


Terry Buholt, ACII, 05/31/20

Charlene Green, IAC, 05/31/20

Richard Moore, COI, 05/31/20

Staff Moves

Elizabeth Estabrook, CCMI to CCMII, 05/06/20 - reclassification

Dylan Boyle, Librarian I to Librarian II, 05/12/20 – reclassification

Heather Nicholls, COI to PPOI, 05/31/20 – transfer to Belton P&P office


Maryville Treatment staff are doing very well with on-line training. At this time, we are anxiously waiting for classroom training to resume.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held on May 12, 2020, for all three shifts.  There were 17 members who attended.  Topics included MTC’s response to COVID-19.  Questions and concerns regarding COVID-19 were also discussed with attendees.  Ideas and suggestions were given to improve morale.  Transfers and budget cuts were mentioned as well.

Important Dates

June 3 – ETA deadline

June 1-5 – CORE for June birth month - CANCELLED

June 2 and 4 – TB tests/reads - CANCELLED

June 5 – SAMII deadline

June 7-13 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

June 10 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

June 18 – ETA deadline

June 22 – SAMII deadline

Success Story

An emergency table top exercise was conducted to prepare staff for a positive case of COVID-19.  Staff were given their Engage 2.0 evaluations from their supervisors.  MTC had 56 offenders who completed treatment, as well as 31 offenders who were released.

Restorative Justice has planted the garden for 2020.  This year, the produce that was planted includes cucumbers, zucchini, radish, onion, corn, okra, tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers.  We are still waiting to plant pumpkins and then our planting will be completed.  We look forward to harvest and being able to donate to our community.

Puppy Pic

Zoey, Scooter, Nala, and Oakley have all completed training and passed with flying colors.  Scooter’s adoption has fallen through but more applications have been submitted so we don’t think it will be long before he will be in his forever home.  All other (Zoey, Nala, Oakley) dogs have been adopted and will be going home on May 22nd.  Our House Dog, Cupcake, is loving the warmer weather and has recently been seen out chasing squirrels, which is a big feat for an older dog that is overweight.





April 2020

Big News

MTC has triumphed another month and faced the coronavirus pandemic head on. The Viral Containment plan was implemented and began on April 08, 2020 to prevent cross contamination in the event of a positive COVID-19 case. The plan called for social distancing and offender controlled movement to ensure the safety and security for everyone at our institution. MTC’s staff worked diligently and raised up to meet this challenge. The Wellness Committee held a weekly Wild About Wellness challenge for staff to engage in while promoting a healthy lifestyle. The Personnel Club held weekly drawings to the Shout Out nominees which included Hy-Vee gift cards, to show their support and appreciation for their hard work.  Staff were also given free dress down days during April 12 through May 2, 2020 to raise their spirits during this pandemic time.

Employee of the Month

Paul Woodruff is the Employee of the Month for Custody for April 2020. Corrections Officer II Paul Woodruff recovered an unknown substance while supervising the lunch meal on his shift. He immediately gave Major Stanton the substance for testing which later was identified as methamphetamine. His keen observation skills and quick actions ensured for a safer working environment for staff and offender. Thank you for your exceptional services.

Kathleen Baudino is the Treatment Employee of the Month for April 2020. RRMAT Case Manager Kathleen Baudino continuously researches development in MAT and shares the information in her programs. She has also given several presentations which covered addiction, harm reduction and treatment medication. She has sought out several services for the offenders to help them be successful after their treatment is completed. Her teamwork, dedication and work ethic are much appreciated. Thank you.

Jefferson Davis is the Operations Employee of the Month for April 2020. Maintenance Worker II Jefferson Davis performed his job in an exemplary manner during an extended medical absence of his supervisor. He tracked parts and supplies for vehicles and equipment and ensured that scheduled PM’s were completed as required. His efforts ensured that all transportation, equipment, tool and facility support operations continued without interruptions. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to MTC.

Awards & Recognition

Ruth Dredge was awarded the Warden’s Award of Excellence for the second quarter. Health Service Admin Ruth Dredge always looks out for the best interest of her staff, offenders and other departmental staff. She goes above and beyond to make sure all shifts are staffed while covering her own duties as well. She works well with the Admin team to ensure that health and safety are a top priority. Thank you for your compassion and hard work. It is much appreciated.

Chris Deiter was awarded the Lifesaver Award in April 2020. Without hesitation, Corrections Supervisor I Chris Dieter came to the aid of an individual who was experiencing a seizure while eating at a local restaurant. He ensured her safety and kept her calm until the seizure had passed. He waited for the first responders to arrive before leaving the scene. His quick response may have prevented the situation from escalating. Thank you for your selfless and heroic act.

New Team Members

Roger Sweet, COI, 04/06/2020

Colton Blay, COI, 04/13/2020


Connie Cooper, OSA, 04/30/2020

Staff Moves

Krystian Payne, class transfer from ROI to COI, 04/26/2020


Like all the rest of the training facilities, classroom training has been canceled until further

notice. Thankfully, we are hiring new custody staff; therefore, we are still doing new hire orientation and training. Maryville Treatment staff are doing very well with the on-line training.

Please stay healthy and safe!! Remember…….SOCIAL DISTANCING, keep each other safe.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall meetings were held on April 13, 2020 for all three shifts. There were 11 members who attended. Topics included The Viral Containment Plan, Social Distancing and related questions and concerns regarding the controlled movements.

Important Dates

May 4 – ETA deadline

May 8 – Holiday (Truman Day)

May 11-15 – CORE for May birth month - CANCELLED

May 12 and 14 – TB tests/reads - CANCELLED

May 6 – SAMII deadline

May 3-9 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

May 12 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

May 18 – ETA deadline

May 18-22 – CORE for November birth month - CANCELLED

May 20 – SAMII deadline

May 25 – Holiday (Memorial Day)

Success Story

MTC had 36 offenders who completed treatment as well as 33 offenders who were released. MTC staff has reduced the amount of comp time accumulated by 59% compared to the previous month. The Viral Containment Plan massive movement was completed within 2 hours. Staff displayed exceptional teamwork while fulfilling this task.

Puppy Pic

Zoey, Nala, and Oakley are progressing extremely well in the program. This group seems to be exceeding expectations with training. Zoey, Nala, and Oakley have all been adopted and will be going to their forever home soon. The dogs make a positive impact on the institution, which staff and offenders all appreciate especially during the pandemic time.

March 2020

Big News

The month of March has definitely come in like a lion. Due to the pandemic of the COVID-19 virus, there have been a lot of changes and preparations that have been made to ensure the health, safety and security here at MTC. Around the clock cleaning and screening have taken place to prevent the spreading of germs. Visiting and transfers have been cancelled for the time being. Incoming, updated information is being related to staff and offenders to keep everyone safe and informed.  On a brighter note, MTC staff enjoyed a meal prepared by the Personnel Club on March 25th, 2020. Cheeseburger, chips and a drink were available for staff to purchase. Proceeds raised profited MTC Personnel Club. The first annual Trainer Appreciation Day was also held on March 17, 2020 for all adjunct trainers to enjoy. This celebration recognized all adjunct trainers and MTC’s audit score of 100%! Team building games and drinks were also given to staff.

MTC has been dealing with the passing of Captain Steven Armes, following a lengthy illness. Armes began his employment with Department of Corrections in 1994. He left the department but returned in 2006. He has worked at MTC since December 2008. Armes was respected, appreciated and loved by staff at MTC. He was very straight forward when communicating but you always knew where he stood. But he would be the first to ask how you are doing and if you needed anything. Behind that rough exterior was a huge heart. All MTC offer condolences to his family. He will always be known as one of the great ones.

Employee of the Month

Wade Mauderly is the Employee of the Month for Custody for March 2020. Officer Mauderly offered his assistance to Property while the post was vacant.  Officer Mauderly provides exceptional training to staff members who filled in for Property.  When asked, Mr. Mauderly entered property into MOCIS on several occasions and he did so without being directed.  He ensures offenders are packed out and processed through the business office upon their release.  He maintains a positive attitude and is willing to help anyway he can.  Mr. Mauderly volunteers to stay over and work in property to ensure all offender property is being sorted, searched and handed out.  He makes sure there is no additional work left for the next shift. Thank you COI Mauderly. Your work is appreciated.

Jason Allen is the Operations Employee of the Month for March 2020.  STKII, Jason Allen is a huge asset to the MTC business office.  He works in the canteen/warehouse and communicates what is going on and what his area needs.  Mr. Allen continually offers to help both his co-workers and supervisor.  He does a great job of keeping the warehouse and clothing issue running.  His ongoing efforts to clean and organize have improved the warehouse tremendously.  He consistently looks for ways to become more efficient.  Mr. Allen is very reliable and accomplishes tasks that are asked of him.  Mr. Allen is a team player and goes above and beyond.  Congratulations Mr. Allen.

Liz Courtney is the Treatment Employee of the Month for March 2020. AC II Liz Courtney has developed an elective class addressing forgiveness.  Ms. Courtney’s class has been well-received by offenders. Offenders have consistently reported learning valuable tools that they can apply from the class, in return providing many positive effects for the offenders, offender’s family and staff. Ms. Courtney has added several sequel classes to provide more useful information to utilize the tools provided to the offenders. Her insight and dedication to help her clients with deep-seated resentment issues is recognized and most appreciated.  Thank you Ms. Courtney.

New Team Members

Clyde Standiford, MWI, 03/16/2020

Kegan Greene, COI, 03/30/2020


Tyler Kinnison, Labor Supervisor to MWII, 03/01/2020

Rusty Preston, COIII to CSI, 03/16/2020


Geraldine Kinman, FSMI, 03/31/2020


On March 17, Training Officer Ryan Spire held MTC’s first Adjunct Trainers’ Appreciation Day which included a meeting, lunch, and team building activities.  The Adjunct Trainers’ Appreciation Day was well received. Without our adjunct trainers, it would be very difficult for all staff to get their training completed resulting in a 100% in our training audit for the 7th consecutive year!

Town Hall Report

Town Hall Meetings were held on March 13, 2020 for all three shifts. They were 23 members who attended. Topics included the Corona Virus, Hire True, Wellness, and Planning Solution Proposal.

Important Dates

April 3 – ETA deadline

April 6-10 – CORE for April birth month - CANCELLED

April 7 and 9 – TB tests/reads - CANCELLED

April 7 – SAMII deadline

April 12-18 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

April 13 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

April 20 – ETA deadline

April 20-24 – CORE for October birth month - CANCELLED

April 22 – SAMII deadline

Success Story

MTC had 4 offenders who passed and graduated with their HiSet test. 11 offenders took portions of the test with 10 of those passing those sections with a 93% pass rate. MTC had 45 offenders who completed treatment as well as 39 offenders who were released.

January 2020

Big News

MTC volunteered in a Special Olympics Basketball Tournament on January 11, 2020 and showed their ongoing support.

MTC will begin their first Waste Water Treatment Class for offenders in February.  Staff have been working this month on enrolling 25 offenders in the class.  This class is being provided by staff from the Department of Natural Resources.  This is a great partnership that will provide offenders with skills and opportunities for employment upon release.

Training for staff has started off with a bang.  Procedures for completing treatment hours have changed and so far, been very successful.

Employee of the Month

CCM II Hannah Briggs received the January Employee of the Month for Classification. She is a valuable asset to the team, always willing to help out in any area when needed. She helped with the implementation for

the rotation of the work release crews, as well as writing a new procedure for changes in the work release program. Ms. Briggs has a great work ethic and is a great role model for other staff. Congratulations Hannah on this well-deserved award.

CO I Kathy Herzberg received the January Employee of the Month for Custody. She witnessed an offender collapsing and immediately responded by calling a Code 16. With Herzberg’s fast response, the offender was evaluated and treated by medical in a timely manner. Congratulations to Officer Kathy Herzberg on this award.    


James Welch, MW II to LS, 01/19/20

Staff Moves

Sylvia Church, CO I to STK I, 01/19/20


There are 191 total DAI and DORS staff/188 staff completed core requirements Jan 1 – Dec 31 (98 % of total DAI/DORS completed core.)

Town Hall Report

Town Hall Meetings were held on January 08, 2020 for all three shifts. There were 11 members who attended. Topics included Administration and Operation/Offender Management Goals for 2020, Alarm Clock/Tablets, and MoLearning

Important Dates

February 3 – ETA deadline

February 3-7 – CORE for February birth month

February 4and 6 – TB tests/reads

February 6 – SAMII deadline

February 12 – Holiday (Lincoln’s Birthday)

February 13 – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

February 9-15 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

February 17 – Holiday (President’s Day)

February 18 – ETA deadline

February 21 – SAMII deadline

February 24-28 – CORE for September birth month

Success Story

MTC had 51 offenders who completed treatment, and also had 49 offenders who were released.

Puppy Pic

On Friday 1/24/2020 all four dogs were able to pass their basic command test. Finn, Missy, Ember, and Goofy have all been great throughout this last 8 weeks of training. Ember came to us adopted but the other three are still waiting for their forever homes. Puppies for Parole is also currently holding a Super Bowl Pizza Fundraiser.

December 2019

Big News

Most folks who believe in Santa Claus think he comes in through the chimney on Christmas Eve to leave presents for good little boys and girls. But at MTC, staff somehow got the idea the jolly fellow comes in through the door.  That must be the reason 16 individuals and teams entered the Wellness Committee’s holiday door decorating contest. Even more staff joined in the holiday spirit by decking out their office doors without entering the contest.  On Friday morning, December 20, at the end of the Personnel Club’s Christmas Week festivities, the judges chose four winners.  Initially there were three categories and the winners were: 1) Uniqueness – Hannah Briggs, for her nod to the movies Elf and the Nightmare Before Christmas; 2) Creativity – Mailroom Supervisor Debbi White and OSA Martin Thompson for giving staff a fanciful window into the Mailroom during the holidays; 3) Most Traditional – for their take on a toy soldier from the Nutcracker Suite ballet.  However, the judges felt there should be an Overall category, too, and the winners were the Secretarial Pool with their detailed depiction of the movie Frozen.  Each individual/team winner was awarded a $25 gift card for pizza from a local vendor.  Judging was done by DWO Brenda Alley, DWOM Teresa Shirrell and Major Clay Stanton.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nodaway County hosted an Adopt-A-Family event for Christmas.  MTC's Personnel Club adopted 10 individuals (2 Families).  Tags for all the family members were placed on a Christmas tree in our Assembly Room.  Staff voluntarily removed the tags and brought in items for the families that were adopted.  The Personnel Club and Big Brothers/Big Sisters were super thankful and appreciative of the generosity shown by staff in this holiday season.  

Employee of the Month

CO I Carmen Larabee was selected as Employee of the Month for the Custody section as she is always pleasant, willing to take on any job and does it all with a smile and no complaints. Officer Larabee is also a CERT Team member and has been activated numerous times in the last year.  Her Building #3 Treatment/Education Officer post duties are never lacking. She still maintains a full time crew of offender workers even when she is not assigned to Building #3 Treatment/Education. In the month of October she filled in for the Building #2 Treatment/Education Officer and was still able to ensure the Building #3 duties were attended to and a full crew of offender workers were kept.  Congratulations CO I Larabee!

Shawna O’Brien, Clinical Supervisor, was selected as Employee of the Month for Classification/Treatment/Probation and Parole sections.  She has made great contributions to the treatment program with her outstanding abilities to develop scheduling for staff responsibilities.  She can quickly troubleshoot spreadsheet issues and helps keep the master tracking list current with program changes.  She has a strong talent in logistics, can quickly organize and simplify things to make them easier to understand.  Ms. O’Brien is a huge asset to the treatment team.  Congratulations Shawna O’Brien.

Awards & Recognition

Lifesaver Award

Jesse White, Counselor I, received the Lifesaver Award for responding to an offender choking and performing the Heimlich maneuver.  He was able to dislodge the item and the offender was able to breathe again normally.  Great Job Mr. White!!

Distinguished Service Award

CO I Justin Costello and CO II Alex Chaney both received the Departments Distinguished Service Award for stopping and changing a flat tire of a fellow employee who was on post.  This employee was already working overtime so by their actions, he was able to leave as scheduled.  This is what taking care of each other is about.  Great Job Guys!!

Employee of the Year

CO II Brandon Bergren was selected as MTC’s Employee of the Year for 2019.  Sergeant Bergren was selected due to the numerous hours of overtime he has completed this year as a Corrections Officer I or II.  He worked many of his days off to ensure there was appropriate coverage.  He is described as having a strong work rapport with staff and assists as needed.  His work ethic and dedication are why he was chosen as the Employee of the Year.  Thank you COII Bergren.


Special Olympics

MTC received the Regional Highest Gross Increase for 2019 with an increase of $2999, as well as the Regional Outstanding Agency of the Year Award for 2019.  Awesome Job!!  James Runde, Special Olympics Coordinator wants to thank everyone for their support, donations, participation, and assistance. Without us this would not have been possible….

New Team Members

Philicia Baker, CO I, 12/09/19

Charlene Ellis, CO I, 12/09/19

Christopher Needels, CO I, 12/09/19

Heather Nicholls, CO I, 12/09/19

Anna Lynn, CO I, 12/16/19

Frank Lynn, CO I, 12/16/19


Ryan Spire, Locksmith to Corrections Training Officer, 12/09/19


There is a total of 184 DAI and DORS staff.  Of those, 174 staff completed their Core requirements from Jan 1 - Nov 30, 2019.  95 % of the DAI/DORS completed Core.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall Meetings were held on December 10, 2019 for all three shifts.  There were 18 staff members who attended these meetings.  Topics included the 5 Phases of the Department’s development, Engage 2.0, MOLearning, and Corrections Way.

Important Dates

January 1 – Holiday (New Year’s Day)

January 3 – ETA deadline

January 6-10 – CORE

January 7 – SAMII deadline

January 7and 9 – TB tests/reads

January – Town Hall Meetings at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm

January – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

January 20 – Holiday (Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday)

January 21 – ETA deadline

January 23 – SAMII deadline

Success Story

Corrections Way Ambassadors completed their first workshops December 11/12, 2019.  It was reported the workshops were very helpful

Offenders held their winter Community Day on December 20, 2019.  The theme was Walking In a Winter Wonderland.  The day was considered a success by all.

ALL Corrections Officer I positions have now been filled!!

Puppy Pic

MTC P4P received 4 new dogs this month. Ember, Finn, Missy, and Goofy are now adjusting to P4P life. Ember has already been adopted but the other three are looking for their forever home. Missy and Finn are very timid around large groups and loud noises, we are trying to help them work through that. All of them are excelling in training at this point and should have no problem passing the test after their 8 weeks.


November 2019

Big News

MTC Volunteers donned hats and gloves when they geared up to hand out candy at Maryville’s 24th annual Downtown Trick-or-Treat event on October 30.  Participating for the third year, MTC was well prepared with 45 pounds of candy donated by more than twenty staff members. MTC’s appreciation goes out to the volunteers who braved the cold to represent us to the community:  COI Padraic Irwin, COI Krystian Payne, COI Kyisha Merrigan, CCMII Bruce Carmichael, Investigator Phil Smail and Laundry Manager James Runde.

Major Stanton returned to MTC on November 12th after being gone since the end of December 2018.  Major had been assisting NECC until their Major’s position could be filled.  All staff are thrilled he is back!

Veterans Day was recognized by acknowledging both staff and offenders who are veterans.  Staff received a thank you card from the Personnel Club and MTC Administration, as well as their name on the informational television.  Offenders were acknowledged during their PMC meetings.

Employee of the Month

Jacque West, Custody OSA, received the November Employee of the Month award for Custody.  Jacque has a vast knowledge of her job and is great at helping staff with computer issues, making posters and flyers and doing reports for the DWOM and Warden.  There is not a task she will not tackle or learn.  Jacque has had many bosses in the absence of the Major since April and has handled these changes extremely well.  In addition, she was given the task of helping staff to log into their Linked In/Mo Learning account.  She also set up a Linked In competition with other institutions, which MTC won the first round.  She has also assisted with coverage in Canteen and the Business Office as needed. Congratulations Jacque on a well-deserved award and a job well done!

Jackie Swinford Cook II has not missed a day of work, is always willing to do any job asked of him and works his days off with no complaints. He is learning the Cook lll duties – it’s a tough job and he's doing well.  Mr. Swinford is fun to work with and all staff seem to enjoy being around him. He is well deserving of the Employee of the Month award for Operations.

Jesse White, Treatment Counselor for Gateway, was selected as the November Employee of the Month for the Classification/Probation & Parole/Treatment sections.  Mr. White is described as a very dedicated individual who has been working his assigned floor by himself while his co-worker was on an extended medical leave.  He willingly takes on tasks and volunteers to help others as needed.  He has pushed himself to perform tasks outside of his comfort zone, which shows his growth and desire to learn.  Well done Jesse.

New Team Members

Jeffrey Ogbourne, Fire & Safety Specialist, 11/04/19

Christopher Davis, COI, 11/18/19

Amanda Hughes, Cook II, 11/18/19

Dalton Carroll, COI, 11/25/19


Russell Burns, MWI to COI, 11/01/19



Staff Moves

Cheryl Barnett, ACII from WRDCC, 11/17/19 (lateral transfer)

Krystian Payne, COI to ROI, 11/17/19 (class transfer)


There are a total of 184 DAI and DORS staff.  Of those, 127 staff have completed core requirements for January 1 - October 31.  This is 69 % of the total DAI/DORS staff.  150 DAI/DORS staff have their birth month between January 1 and October 31.  As of the end of October, 110 staff have completed their core.  This is a 73% completion rate.

Town Hall Report

The Town Hall Meetings for all three shifts took place on November 4, 2019.  Points of discussion focused on updates with the Strategic Plan, Corrections Way training and Ambassadors, weekend releases and radios/security equipment.  It was also decided to have the Shift Commanders pick one staff person from each shift to attend the meeting for their shift.  This person would be the liaison between Administration and Shifts.

Important Dates

December 3and 5 – TB tests/reads

December 4 – ETA deadline

December 6 – SAMII deadline

December 10 – Town Hall Meetings at 6:00 am, 7:00 am, and 2:00 pm

December 10 – Deferred Compensation representative on site from 1:15 pm – 4:00 pm

December 15-21 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

December 18 – ETA deadline

December 20 – SAMII deadline

December 25 - Christmas

Success Story

Treatment Staff continue to receive calls from former offenders advising of their progress.  Several have reported they are clean and sober, participating in their aftercare, holding down a job and making amends with their families.

Puppy Pic

Cupcake has continued to be a wonderful house dog. She surprises us every day on how smart she is! Cupcake knows each and every one of us! And yes, she knows who will give her treats and who won’t. Our current P4P dogs are doing great in their training. On 11/21/2019 they all had their final skills test! Good luck to them, we know they will all pass.  Unfortunately none of our current dogs have been adopted.  We have approval for the new training areas that will help the handlers with their work on the dogs’ skills.


October 2019

Big News

MTC Restorative Justice Program donated 3,607 lbs. of produce to the local community in 2019.

Maryville Treatment Center held a silent auction for the 2019-2020 Charitable Campaign.  Front row parking spaces for the year 2020 were auctioned off in 4 lots; January – March, April – June, July – September and October – December.  All proceeds from the auction will be donated to “Nodaway County Recreation and Education for Individuals with Disabilities”. MTC contributed a total of $2,464.00 to the Charitable Campaign.

Domestic Violence Awareness was recognized by staff and offenders during the month of October. Staff wore purple on Purple Thursday.  Offenders created posters and made ribbons in recognition of domestic violence and sexual abuse victims.

MTC held a Career and Resource Fair on October 29th for the offender population.  Fourteen unions, schools and resources took part.  This continues to be very successful

as we prepare offenders to return to society.

Trick or Treat!!  Maryville Treatment Center staff participated in the “Downtown Trick or Treating” with the Maryville community.  Staff donated their time and bags of candy to give to the kids.  A fun time was had by all. 

Employee of the Month

COI Dominic Payne received the employee of the month award for custody for the month of October due to him going above and beyond in his daily duties.  He searches every day to find contraband to make the facility safer.  Also by his work he makes property’s job easier.  He has recovered trash bags full of clothing that the offenders say they have thrown away.  He is a great role model for Maryville Treatment Center.    

Tiffany Chambers received employee of month for October as she came in early and worked through many lunches during the past two months to cover the canteen and warehouse at MTC while filling positions vacated due to retirements. Ms. Chambers kept the canteen up and running while maintaining a positive attitude and stressing the importance of a team environment to all staff.  Ms. Chambers went above and beyond what a typical supervisor would do in a similar situation. Canteen has remained open and there have been no issues with offenders during this time. The warehouse has also been cleaned and organized, and is ready for new staff. Hopefully everyone can learn something from Ms. Chambers’ great example at MTC.

Elizabeth Estabrook, CCM I received the Employee of the Month for October 2019.  Ms. Estabrook began her job as a CCM on 5/6/19 and has been a true asset to the Classification team.  She is a team player, is very self-motivated and takes initiative to learn more about her job.  She recently demonstrated those qualities by volunteering to work for food service and Custody when they were short staffed. She goes above and beyond with her willingness to help staff and has a very positive attitude.  Congratulations on a job well done!

Awards & Recognition

Corrections Officer I Douglas Cummins received the Warden’s Award of Excellence, which is given on a quarterly basis to staff who go above and beyond, while maintaining a positive attitude.  COI Cummins has had no unscheduled leave for 2019.  He always volunteers to work overtime as he understands the importance of parents attending their kids’ activities or the security needs of the institution.  He trains new officers assigned to First Shift and he voluntarily attends CORE each month with Warden Colborn to talk about the importance of coming to work and the importance of teamwork.  Officer Cummins is a great asset to MTC, as well as to the Department of Corrections.

New Team Members

Valerie Coffelt, AOSA, 10/15/19

Kaleigh Langley, COI, 10/15/19

Gary Owens, COI, 10/15/19

James Parker, COI, 10/28/19


Dianna Sunderman, ACII to ACIII, 10/01/19

Jason Allen, STKI to STKII, 10/06/19

Staff Moves

Wiley Davis, COI, lateral transfer to WRDCC, 10/13/19


There are 180 total DAI and DORS staff at MTC.  Of those, 71 have completed core requirements Jan. 1 - Sept. 30 (39 % of total DAI/DORS completed core.)  144 staff have birth months between January 1 and September 30 (DAI/DORS).  Of those, 68 have completed CORE, which is a 47% completion rate.  Training continues to ensure all staff complete their mandatory hours.

Town Hall Report

Town Halls were held October 11, 2019.  Topics included radio issues, the new disciplinary policy, the Lt. Governor’s visit, FMLA, and time clocks.  Warden Colborn shared overtime and vacancy reports.  This was the biggest turn out we have had since town halls began.

A Town Hall with Director Precythe was held on October 23, 2019, with 68 attendees.  Topics included MTC is not closing, phases of the

strategic plan, DOC changes, incentives for staff, The Corrections Way, surveys, and ORAS.  All staff appreciated the time she took to answer questions and provide information on the direction of the Department.

Important Dates

November 4th – ETA deadline

November 6th – SAMII deadline

November 5th and 7th – TB tests/reads

November 4-8 – November CORE

November 11 – Veteran’s Day

November 17-23 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club, and Wellness Committee

November 18 -22 – December CORE

November 18 – ETA deadline

November 20th – SAMII deadline

November 28 - Thanksgiving

Success Story

MTC is currently in first place for staff who have completed 1 hour of MO Learning this month.  Congratulations.

Puppy Pic

P4P received 4 new dogs on 9/30/19. Mia, Wishbone, Tallulah, and Lita are all available for adoption. All seem

to be well behaved and are progressing well in training. We are excited with their progress and look forward to teaching them and preparing them for adoption.





September 2019

Big News

From August 28, 2019 until September 16, 2019 the Chief of Custody Office worked in collaboration with the Nodaway County Sherriff’s Department for a fundraiser. During this fundraiser we sold T-Shirts for $15 with the proceeds going to the Nodaway County K9 unit. The Nodaway County K9 unit is funded through fundraisers and donations from private citizens rather than tax dollars. K9 Bolt is a 4 year old German shepherd who works as a dual purpose K9, performing both narcotics detection and patrol functions.  Bolt specializes in drug detection with his handler Sgt. Austin Hann and has assisted Maryville Treatment Center on multiple occasions.  We received $330 dollars during this timeframe. 

On Wednesday, September 18, MTC donated 1162 pounds of apples to local organizations. Those receiving the apple harvest includes the Nodaway County Senior Center, Nodaway County Services, and several nursing homes (Maryville Living Center, Parkdale Manor, and Nodaway Nursing Home). These organizations were very appreciative of receiving the apples.

On September 18, MTC hosted a family day for staff families. The Personnel Club served over 50 family members of staff for either lunch or dinner.  CERT team members also provided tours of the institution throughout the day for family members.

On September 27, MTC held a community day of fun and activities for all treatment offenders.  Staff assisted with organizing this event which encourages offenders to find ways to have fun without the use of drugs and alcohol.  It was a successful day for all involved. 

As September was Recovery Month, MTC had two speakers come in to talk with the offenders regarding the importance of staying clean and sober.  Leslie Phillips and Rick Billinger volunteered to share their stories and how they used support groups as a means to maintain a lengthy sobriety after several relapses and incarcerations.  They shared the importance of you can’t do it alone.

Employee of the Month

CO II Brandon Bergren received Custody’s Employee of the Month.  He has worked many hours of overtime to include working his regular days off due to staff shortages.  He has been conducting training for staff on back shifts as well. CO II Bergren displays a strong working rapport with his fellow staff and assists them when needed.  He is a successful team player and has an outstanding work relationship will all staff assigned to his shift. His wonderful work ethic and dedication is truly appreciated.

Lacy Kobbe is the Employee of the Month for Operations for September. Lacy is an Account Clerk for the Business Office. Lacy volunteers to help out wherever she can.  Most recently, she has assisted with maintenance and the mail room.  Lacy will do whatever is asked of her without hesitation.  Lacy is a go getter and takes the initiative to work ahead so that she can help others. She is a true asset to MTC

Linda Hughes received the Employee of the Month award from the Classification section for September.  Linda consistently has a positive attitude and is always willing to help out or answer a question for staff.  She works hard and is not afraid of new tasks.   Linda is the Institutional Training officer’s OSA as well.  She promotes Corrections Way and the motto of “Us Working Better Together” through her professionalism, knowledge and work ethic.  Congratulations Linda.

New Team Members

Ashley Swinney, CO I, 09/23/19


Johann Murray, RO I, 09/30/19

Ralph Wallace, CTO, 09/30/19

Staff Moves

Treva Smyser, CO I to STKI, 09/22/19

Joseph Bolling, CO I, lateral transfer from WRDCC, 09/29/19


There are 182 total DAI and DORS staff/62 staff completed core requirements Jan 1 - August 31 (34 % of total DAI/DORS completed core.)

114 staff have birth month between Jan 1 and August 31 (DAI/DORS)

43% completion of those with birth month Jan - August 31.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall Meetings were conducted on September 19, 2019 at 6 am, 7 a.m. and 2 p.m.  Topics of discussion were completion of Pulse Surveys, the new electronic pass along for custody staff, and the importance of MoLearning.  Warden Colborn also shared statistics from the Security Intelligence Unit.

Important Dates

October 1-31 – Open Enrollment

October 7-11 – CORE Training

October 8 & 10 – TB tests/reads

October 8 – Flu Shots from 6:30 am - 8:30 am

October 11 – Town Hall Meetings at 6:00 am, 7:00 am and 2:00 pm

October 14 – Columbus Day

October 20-26 – Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club and Wellness Committee

October 21 – Flu shots from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

October 22 – Personnel Club Tenderloin Luncheon

Success Story

After being closed for several months, the Training Trailer has been re-opened with a new sewer system and roof.  Maintenance staff worked diligently to ensure both projects were completed in a timely manner so training could resume in the trailer.

Puppy Pic

Puppies for Parole graduated 4 dogs from the program. On 9/26/19 Oreo, DJ, Diego, and Chief all passed with a score of 95% or better. GREAT JOB!! Chief, Oreo, and Diego were all adopted but DJ is still looking for his forever home. Our Puppies for Parole program is excited to start four new dogs that are scheduled to come in on 9/30/19. Our dog handlers have been doing a great job and are excited to take on new challenges with every group.


August 2019

Big News

MTC will be making some changes to its treatment program. Treatment staff went through training on a new curriculum which is scheduled to go into effect Sept. 4. In addition, treatment privileges have also been updated to coincide with the treatment phases. 

Captain Kennedy from WRDCC joined us on August 5 as our new acting Major.  Major Stanton continues to be on loan to NECC.

On Friday, Aug. 23, the CERT team was activated and the Guarded Exchange Dogs were on site for searches. It was good news when very little contraband was found.

Employee of the Month

Rhonda Steward was selected as our Operations Employee of the Month. She is currently the Personnel Manager for MTC.  Rhonda is a wealth of knowledge. She is always willing to help, very patient, and able to explain information so all can understand it. She has assisted at other institutions while continuing to maintain her duties at MTC. Rhonda is most deserving of this award.

Gateway Program Director, John Tucker was selected as the Offender Management’s Employee of the Month. John continually works to bring the best opportunities for change to the offender population. He has been instrumental with helping staff learn Therapeutic Community concepts. He has secured a new and complete education curriculum for the offenders and is always a great resource for all. John has been focusing on the Veterans at MTC, providing support services to them, as well as providing resources for the offender population upon release. Due to his constant energy and innovative thoughts, he was selected for this award.

Corrections Officer I, Matthew Strauch was selected as Employee of the Month for Custody. Officer Strauch is a transportation officer and has been employed with the department since 11/26/07. His time and attendance is as good as perfect, having only one unscheduled absence in the past  two years. He is

very professional and this is apparent in his day to day duties.Matthew is very deserving of this award.

Awards & Recognition

Terry Buholt, Addiction Counselor II, and his wife were driving back to Maryville when they noticed a small child (2 years of age) walking down the middle of the highway in the country.  Mr. Buholt immediately stopped their car and got out to go get the child.  A truck passed Mr. Buholt heading for the child, but he was able to wave the truck to stop.  Mr. Buholt was able to reach the child and remove him from the highway.  It was later learned the child had gotten away from his Grandmother.  Mr. Buholt has been submitted for the Department’s Life Saver Award.

Jesse White, Addiction Counselor I, responded to a code 16 in one of the housing units.  An offender appeared to be choking.  Mr. White noticed the offender appeared to be struggling to breathe.  White asked the offender if he was choking, which the offender shook his head to say yes.  Mr. White performed the Heimlich maneuver on the offender.  After the third thrust, the item dislodged and the offender was able to breathe normally again.  Due to his quick and calm actions, Mr. White was able to save the offender from a potentially life threatening situation.  Mr. White has been submitted for the Department’s Life Saver Award.

New Team Members

Kimberly Keever, CO I, 08/05/19

Angela Parker, CO I, 08/05/19

Dillon Alexander, RO I, 08/12/19

Russell Bosley, CO I, 08/19/19

Mitchell Carroll, CO I, 08/19/19


Kelly Parshall, AOSA, 08/31/19

Scott Steward, STK II, 08/31/19

Staff Moves

Heather Caselman, CO I to PPA I at SJCSC, 08/25/19

Roger Lewis, CO I to PPA I at SJCSC, 08/25/19

Jeremy Mason, F&S Specialist to CCA, 08/26/19


There are 180 total DAI and DORS staff.Forty-eight staff members completed core requirements Jan 1 - July 31 (27 percent of total DAI/DORS completed core). 93 staff members have a birth month between Jan 1 and July 31 (DAI/DORS)
52 percent completion of those with birth month Jan - July 31.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall Meetings were conducted on August 14, 2019 at 6 am, 7 a.m. and 2 p.m.  Popular topics were radios and ear buds, the Story Board, CRDs, the new time clock system, LinkedIn – MOLearning and DOT privileges.

Important Dates

September 2 – Labor Day

September 9-13 – CORE Training

September 19 – Town Hall Meetings at 6 a.m., 7 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Success Story

Success stories happen every day with the offenders receiving needed tools to be successful upon their release from prison.

Puppy Pic

MTC received four new P4P dogs this month. DJ, Diego, Chief, and Oreo are new and still adapting to the P4P program and the new environment.They all have specific issues that need to be worked on, but our P4P handlers and coordinators are up for the task. Diego went on a meet and greet on 8/14/19 and was adopted. DJ, Chief, and Oreo are all still available for adoption.

July 2019

Big News

Maryville Treatment Center held a fundraiser for Freedom Service Dogs of America (FSD) during the 4th of July holiday

weekend. Staff were permitted to wear jeans for the holiday weekend for a dollar a day and $45.03 was raised to help this worthy non-profit organization.  FSD transforms shelter dogs into custom-trained assistance dogs for people in need, including injured service members and veterans. 

Maryville Treatment Center Restorative Justice Program donated a

check for $1,000 to Community Services of Northwest Missouri. This check was designated to flood victims of Nodaway County, Holt County, and Atchison County. Pictured are FUM Michael Mullock and CCM II Amy Chor presenting the check to Community Service staff.

Maryville Treatment Center Restorative Justice Program participated in “Christmas in July.” This program is modeled from the Christmas program “Adopt a Family.” Each group that participates in this program provides school clothing, shoes, socks, underwear, and backpacks to low income children. Pictured are CCM II Amy Chor, Restorative Justice Coordinator David Buckner, and CCM I Elizabeth Estabrook.

Employee of the Month


CO II Alex Chaney

Sergeant Alex Chaney received the EOM honors for the Custody Section in July. On May 7, an officer volunteered to work over on the next shift due to shortages. As two other staff members were leaving, they noticed that the officer had a flat tire on his vehicle. Instead of leaving, Sgt. Chaney and another staff member changed the tire in the rain so that staff member would be able to leave and go home after working overtime and not have to take the time to change a flat tire. Sgt. Chaney’s act of kindness was much appreciated. 

Offender Management
OSA Connie Cooper

OSA Connie Cooper is the Offender Management Employee of the Month for July. She is the clerical Deputy Warden’s Office. She assisted with the PREA audit and worked endlessly to ensure the institution was prepared for the audit. She has a positive attitude no matter the situation and is always willing to help others.

SOSA-C Debbi White

SOSA Debbi White is the Operations Employee of the Month for July. Debbie is the mail room supervisor and been has working diligently preparing censorship paperwork in the absence of the DWO Senior Office Support Assistant for the last couple of months. While doing this, the mail continues to be processed in a timely manner and she completes all her regular duties Debbi is very attentive to her duties and is constantly ensuring all mail is appropriate for the offender population. She has recently been chosen to participate in a state wide censorship committee to review this policy. Debbi’s attention to detail does not go unnoticed and is she very deserving of this award.

Awards & Recognition

Locksmith Ryan Spire was the recipient for the third quarter Warden’s Award for Excellence  Ryan has done a great job in his role as Locksmith. He has streamlined many of the processes where keys and locks are involved and it is very much appreciated by staff. Ryan has also gone to other facilities to help out.  Additionally, he teaches training classes at MTC and takes care of some of our computer issues. He can be relied on to take on whatever task he is given with a positive demeanor and a quick turnaround.


New Team Members

Chad King, CO I, 07/01/19

Venus Brown, SOSA, 07/08/19

Amber Farnan, CO I, 07/22/19

Jamie Herzberg, CO I, 07/22/19


Tammy Florea, STKI, 07/31/19

Staff Moves

Levi Aronson, CO I from CRCC, 07/13/19

James Stephenson, Cook I from CRCC, 07/13/19

Jay Mackey, CO II from CRCC, 07/14/19

Tyler Kinnison, Labor Supervisor from CRCC, 07/15/19


Town Hall Report

Town Hall Meetings were held on July 9 at 6:00 a.m., 7:00 a.m. and 2 p.m. Topics of discussion were radios, smoke breaks, Housing Unit 4, time clocks and FY20 money. Several proposals were also presented.

Important Dates

August 14 – Town Hall Meetings at 6:00 am, 7:00 a.m. and 2 p.m.

August 22 – Personnel Club Ice Cream Social

Success Story

The Nodaway County Workforce Development hosted a Career Fair at the Northwest Technical School in Maryville

Missouri. Maryville Treatment Center staff Lt. James Duncan and FUM Michael Mullock, along with Recruiter Larry Denney, set up a booth and distributed information regarding careers within the Department of Corrections. Staff members were afforded the opportunity to get the Department’s name into the community in a positive light. So often the communities only hear ‘bad’ news about what goes on in Corrections. This Career Fair, and others attended in the past, has given MTC the ability to shed a positive light on our Department and our facility. 









June 2019

MTC holds job and resource fair for offenders

Maryville Treatment Center held a resource and job fair for offenders on June 21, 2019. The event provided 545 offenders the opportunity to meet with organizations, which included Ozarks Technical Community College, Missouri Welding Institute, Missouri Child Support Enforcement, International Laborers Union of North America, Kawasaki Manufacturing, Missouri Vocation Rehabilitation, Missouri Career Center, Warehouseman Training Incorporated, Veterans Services, Second Chance, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. In addition to meeting with these organizations, offenders had the opportunity to attend seminars presented by Gateway Foundation Employment Specialist, which included strategies to overcoming barriers to employment. This was MTC’s first offender job fair and it was very successful.

Employee of the Month

CO I Justin Costello

Corrections Officer Justin Costello received the honors for the Custody Section. On May 7, an officer volunteered to work over on the next shift due to shortages. As two other staff members were leaving, they noticed that the officer had a flat tire on his vehicle. Instead of leaving, Justin Costello and another staff member changed the tire in the rain, so that staff member would be able to leave and go home after working overtime and not have to take the time to change a flat tire. Justin’s act of kindness was much appreciated.

Offender Management
Clinical Supervisor Courtney Elliott

Clinical Supervisor Courtney Elliott received the Employee of the Month for the Offender Management section. She is an

outstanding supervisor and is always willing to assist any counselor when needed. Courtney is very knowledgeable and professional at her job and is always willing to fill in for counselors when they are absent. She volunteers to train new counselors and helps them make a smooth adjustment to MTC. With her positive attitude and warm smile, she makes working at MTC a better place for everyone.

Cook III Lisa Moran

Cook III Lisa Moran received the Employee of the Month accolades for the Operations section. Lisa did an outstanding job during the remodeling of the dining room floor. She not only prepared breakfast and lunch, she also assumed the responsibility of training a new cook and custody officer. She also supervised her offender cooks, oversaw the dish room, pots and pans area by herself while maintaining her normal job duties. Lisa is an outstanding team player and a pleasure to work with.

New Team Members

Darian Harmon, CO I, 06/03/19


David Grant, RO I to RO II, 06/03/19


Kenneth Alford, CO I, 06/30/19

Jerry Rowlett, CO I, 06/30/19


Core training was held June 3 to June 7. June 11, 12, and 13, Jennifer Smith came to Maryville and taught Front Line Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation and Unprofessional Conduct.

Town Hall Report

Town Hall Meetings were held on June 10 at 6 a.m., 7 a.m. and 2 p.m.. Topics included custody staff breaks, the amount of checks custody staff are expected to do per hour, swamp coolers, radio mics for officers in areas with the large fans running, fit bits, LinkedIn, Deputy Director visits and ENGAGE. Staff were also encouraged to complete the Pulse survey.

Important Dates

July 4 – Independence Day

July 10 – Town Hall Meetings 6 am, 7 am & 2 pm

July 17 – ADHRUC training for executive staff

Puppy Pic

MTC has received three new dogs for the P4P program.They are Max, Titas, and Rowdy, all of who are adopted. All three dogs are adjusting well to the Puppies for Parole life. Rowdy is going to a fur-ever home with a special needs child. The family who has adopted him has sent in requests of duties they would like him to be able to perform once he goes home with them.














May 2019

Big News

Maryville Treatment Center Wellness Committee held a blood drive on May 2, 2019.  Twenty-three staff members attended the blood drive and 24 units of blood were collected to help save lives. 

Despite the less than desirable weather, area law enforcement staff members from Public Safety, University Police, Highway Patrol, and our very own Department of Corrections participated in the Law Enforcement Torch Run on May 21, 2019. Approximately 36 participants arrived with mixed emotions as it pertained to the weather forecast, but had the drive and determination to complete the Torch Run to raise awareness for the athletes of Special Olympics. 

Law Enforcement across the state banding together with the community raise approximately 2 million dollars a year in support of Special Olympics Missouri through various events held throughout the year. We are proud of what we as a Law Enforcement family have done and continue to do in support of the athletes through inclusion. This cannot be accomplished without the support and donations of the individuals, businesses, and communities.

Like and follow Special Olympics on social media. You can find their web page at They also have a Twitter account- @SOMOMISSOURI  or Facebook at

Catch the Flame of Hope and Run with it….

Employee of the Month

CO I Casey Phillippe 

Corrections Officer Casey Phillippe received Employee of the Month for the Custody section. She took the initiative and time out of her work day to switch out vehicle logs for the monthly report. She has done this for the last few months, ensuring vehicle logbooks get closed out, while also starting new logs for the next month. This has made a huge impact since monthly vehicle reports can be completed much faster when all vehicle logs are closed out at end of month before vehicles go out. Without her efforts, it would have taken much longer to complete the report causing delays and confusion.

Recreation Officer II 

Recreation Officer II Lewis Sowards was Employee of the Month for the Operations. Most recently, Lewis assisted with coordinating the dining room floor remodel since Food Service had to be relocated to the gym. He modified his work hours to accommodate the needs of this project and helped with supervision of the offenders during meal times. He also ensures the Recreation Department runs smooth and takes the time to teach his staff the various responsibilities of his job as a Recreation Officer II.

Awards & Recognition

MTC Public Service Recognition week photo

New Team Members

Kyleigh Kalcevic, CO I, 05/13/19

Thomas Johnson, CO I, 05/22/19

Jacob Peterson, CO I, 05/28/19

Jackqulyn Pratt, CO I, 05/28/19


Sheryl Newton, AC I to AC II, 05/01/19

Gary Vogel, ET I to ET II, 05/01/19

Elizabeth Estabrook, CO I to CCM I, 05/06/19

Jessica Patterson, CO I to AC I, 05/15/19


Shannon Kerwin, SOSA, 05/31/19

Lewis Sowards, Jr., RO II, 05/31/19

Staff Moves

Dylan Boyle, CO I to Librarian I, 05/12/19


Beginning in June, all staff will not have to go to all their CORE training at once. Non-custody will only go on the first Thursday. The other classes will be scheduled throughout the year and staff will need to sign up for it. This will alleviate staff from being away from their regular duties for so long at one time. 

Town Hall Report

May’s Town Hall Meetings were conducted on the 10 at 6 a.m., 7 a.m. and 2 p.m..  This month’s focus was on the State Employee Discount Website, Public Service Recognition and MO Learning /LinkedIn. Other topics were the facility’s storyboard, Housing Units murals and staff recognition

Important Dates

June 10 – Town Hall Meetings (6 a.m., 7 a.m., 2 p.m.)

June 16 – 22 Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club and Wellness Committee

June 25 – Personnel Club Tenderloin Luncheon

Upcoming Training

   June 11, 12, 13 – DHRUC

   June 25 – Therapeutic Community Review and Offender Accountability

   June 26 – Break Away

   June 27 – CPR/First Aid

April 2019

MTC hosts health fair for staff members

On April 16, 2019, MTC were host to a health fair for staff members. Heartland Health Events staff, DOC nurses and staff from the Department of Health and Senior Services conducted hearing/ear checks, blood pressure, blood sugar, and glaucoma tests. Also in attendance were representatives from Gardner Family Dentistry, Walmart Vision Center and Ameliore Medispa. Staff members also participated in an egg hunt for prizes. 

MTC staff members "Take a Stand Against Rape" with denim day donation

On April 24, 2019 MTC staff participated in a “Dollar Denim Day” to Take a Stand Against Rape. A donation was made to the Children and Family Center of Northwest Missouri.

Dining Room floor gets a makeover

The Dining Room floor received a makeover this month. The old tile flooring was torn out and replaced with an epoxy coating. Maintenance, Food Service, and Recreation worked together to coordinate this project, as meals had to be served in Recreation. This project lasted four weeks and the cooperation and teamwork among staff to complete this task was awesome. 

Employee of the Month

CO I Patricia Shelton
On a Sunday in February, the early morning cook was not able to make it in. When a replacement could not be found, CO I Patricia Shelton volunteered to get the meal started. Shortly after, the offender workers came in to help with the breakfast meal. There were no issues when the meal was opened. Patricia continued to help Food Service as an officer and a cook to ensure that the lunch meal was started. Her willingness to volunteer, ensured Food Service ran smoothly and the offenders were fed.

Awards & Recognition

Sergeant Alex Chaney was affected by the recent flooding in northwest Missouri. Alex lives in Craig, where the whole town had to be evacuated. The Correctional Peace Officer Foundation was contacted and Alex received a check from the CPOF, presented by Warden Gaye Colborn.

Food Service Manager Jerry Kinman received the Warden’s Award for Excellence in March. Food Service has been understaffed for more than two years and Jerry continues to remain positive and leads her staff by pitching in and helping out wherever needed. She recently had to adjust meal service for four weeks to a different location to accommodate the resurfacing of the dining room floor. She also runs a smooth operation and rarely has any critical food safety issues to address. She began as a Cook II in December of 1998 and promoted to Food Service Manager in January 2012. Her willingness to go above and beyond has not gone unnoticed. 

New Team Members

Barbara Weybrew, Cook II, 04/08/19

Austin Porter, CO I, 04/15/19

Bryson Thorne, CO I, 04/15/19


CORE training was completed the weeks of 4/1/19 and 4/8/19.  

Offender Accountability training was conducted throughout the month. 

Town Hall Report

Director Precythe held a Town Hall Meeting at the facility on Friday, April 12 to talk with staff about the direction of the department and the proposed pay plan. Warden Colborn held a Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, April 18 with the emphasis being on how well feeding the offenders in the gym has gone while redoing the Food Service floor. Also, kudos to CO I Cummins for volunteering to speak with the CORE class regarding the impact staff absences have on each shift. 

Important Dates

May 2 – Blood Drive

May 10 – Town Hall Meetings (6 am, 7 am, 2 pm)

Week of May 13 and May 20 – CORE Training

May 19- 25 Blue Jeans Week fundraiser for Special Olympics, Personnel Club and Wellness Committee

May 21 – Law Enforcement Torch Run

Success Story

MTC began the ORAS (Ohio Risk Assessment System) Pilot Project in December 2018. On April 1, 2019, MTC began the pilot program for ORAS Automation. FUM Bidding was a member of the Case Management and Planning Team that worked to develop the Offender Assessment and Case Planning policy. The team also worked to determine the Case Manager’s role in the ORAS process, as well as incorporating a team approach to work together to assist with meeting offenders’ needs. CCM II Candise Woodruff was chosen to become an ORAS trainer. CCMII Woodruff has been assisting MTC staff in learning the ORAS process and Case Plans, as well as going to other institutions to provide training. 

Puppy Pic

The MTC Puppies for Parole Program currently has three dogs in training. Bella, Roger, and Annie came to MTC on April 8, 2019 to begin training. All dogs are doing great and progressing well in their training. Bella is a special needs dog, as she is deaf but is adapting well to the environment and her training. Annie is already adopted, but Bella and Roger are still in search of their FUR-EVER home. Our House Dog, Cupcake, is happy as ever and an outstanding house dog. She is currently working on losing some weight, but isn’t.