August 2021
Big News
Award of Valor
On August 18, Director Anne Precythe presented the Award of Valor to several staff in response to an incident that occurred April 6, 2020 in HU 3. The Award of Valor is a prestigious honor that should never be taken lightly. We are grateful to have such brave staff members here at MCC.
Pictured: Director Anne Precythe, Representative Chuck Bayse, Warden Amanda Lake, Warden Scott Weber, Deputy Warden Victor Clevenger, Deputy Warden Rusty Ratliff, Major Brian Myers, and award recipients Cpt Frank Gittemeier, Sgt.Dakota Wheeler, Lt Aaron Mozee, Ret COI Curtis Moore, and CCMII Tara Derboven (not pictured COI Wyatt Wilson).

Employee of the Month
CO Gary Smith
New Team Members
Michael Dill- CO I
Jessica Johnson- CO I
Jevon Love promoted to ROIII came from JCCC,
Shane Hunt promoted from CO I to CO II
Ash Heath promoted from CO I to CO II came from CTCC

Ronnie Hayes COII retired 8/31/21
Bruce Latchford SE retired 8/31/21
Mary Carter COI retired 8/31/21
Success Story
We completed our first round of the Recruitment Olympics. The contributors of this round was treated to lunch with the Administration Team on August 31.
On August 25, MCC welcomed the DHS Team! Division Director Susan Pulliam and her team spoke with the MCC team about what DHS can do for us.