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August 2021
Employee of the Month
CO I Caitlin Douglas
The August 2021 Employee of the Month is COI Caitlin Douglas. COI Douglas was nominated by CCM Charles Reed and COI Michael Hyten, who stated, "I would like to commend COI Douglas for the magnitude of cell searches she has conducted in an attempt to stop the drug use in our facility. Officer Douglas carries herself with no issue toward the offenders and is highly liked by most of our offender population. Officer Douglas always attempts to make the right decision regardless if she is in the wrong and is a great help in teaching the new staff members coming in the rules for the offenders to follow.”
Awards & Recognition
LPN Sarah Glass, CSI Craig Wooldridge, COI William Lincoln and COI Dennis Tinker received Lifesaver Awards for saving an offender’s life in April, 2021.
New Team Members
Kara Cotton, RN
Nathan Garner, COI
Bethany Harmon, LPN
Karlee Hills, COI
Greggory Price, COI
COI Janis Rackley retired on July 31, 2021.
Success Story
Restorative Justice garden donated 1,547.5 lbs. of produce to the Southeast Missouri Food Bank.
SECC staff participated in packing boxes at the Southeast Missouri Food Bank. Over 500 boxes were packed.
A letter of appreciation was received by mailroom staff from an offender thanking them for their handling of newspapers received daily.

July 2021
Employee of the Month
OSA Tammy Wallace
OSA Tammy Wallace was nominated by CSI Donna Peters, who writes: “I want to recognize OSA Tammy Wallace as Employee of the Month. Ms. Wallace has been assisting custody since the pandemic began. She goes above and beyond to volunteer. She will assist even if it is a last minute notice. Ms. Wallace is also willing to work her days off. She is reliable and steadfast when it comes to helping us fill posts from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. when someone has to leave at 3 p.m. and our shift isn’t over until 7 p.m. OSA Tammy Wallace has a very professional and positive demeanor. OSA Wallace is an asset to Southeast Correctional Center. Ms. Wallace seems to be a definite part of second shift and an important team player.
New Team Members
Jason Eaton, OSA

Connie Eldridge, COI
April Samples was promoted to Academic Teacher II
June 30, 2021:
Steve Julian, Investigator
Mike Tellman, COI
Marion Whitaker, COI
Vickie Sanders, COI
Success Story
SECC staff manned a recruitment booth at the Tour de Corn in East Prairie, Mo.
Puppy Pic

Puppies 4 Parole received four new dogs on July 14, 2021.

June 2021
Employee of the Month
CO I William Lincoln
COI William Lincoln was nominated by COI Clayton Walker, who writes: “Ever since SECC began working split 12 hour shifts, I have witnessed on multiple occasions COI William Lincoln be assigned as the sole yard officer on B-shift due to staff being utilized in other areas. This, in turn, has left COI Lincoln to frequently be detailed with the more physically demanding tasks of the shift, including inner and outer perimeter checks, parking lot checks, and central services checks. As you may know, these checks must be completed TWICE during B-shift, as we cover both evening and overnight shift’s responsibilities, and I have observed COI Lincoln complete all of them in a single night. This is a SIGNIFICANT amount of walking to say the least. Not only does COI Lincoln complete these tasks without any needed direction or complaint, but he is also quick to volunteer for any additional tasks that arise during the shift, and always does so with a positive attitude. I hear radio traffic from COI Lincoln from all areas of the institution during all hours of the night, demonstrating his esprit de corps and go-getter attitude. It’s no secret that these long work weeks grow weary on a body, but COI Lincoln’s hard work ethic is a spark of motivation to what can be an otherwise discouraging situation. In light of these facts, I hereby nominate COI William Lincoln for Employee of the Month for his demonstration to go beyond what’s asked of him, his sense of unity for his fellow co-workers, and his attentiveness towards the common objective to get the job done and go home safely. “If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way”. Martin Luther King.

COI Lincoln was also nominated by COI April Adair, who writes: “COI Lincoln does not understand the word no. He always does what he is asked even when it is above and beyond normal duties. He is also always professional and a shining example of work ethic.” COI Lincoln was nominated by COI Tammy Walker, who writes: “I have been working with COI William Lincoln for a number of years. He is one of the hardest working employees I have ever had the opportunity to work with. He never complains and makes sure that all details are done for the shift. COI Lincoln is one of a kind and great.”
Awards & Recognition
Personnel Club held a drawing for tickets to a St. Louis Cardinals game. David Achter & Rosanna Williams were the winners.
New Team Members
COI Shawn Brunelle
COI Jeremy Crowder
COI Michelle Elder
PPM Justus Masterson
COI Garrett Swims
Librarian Sandria Hutcheson retired on May 31, 2021.
Staff Moves

Lester Cockrum to COIII
William Daugherty to Cook II
Deborah Fluharty to CCM
Michael Hyten to COII
Jacob Reeves to COIII
Jessie Sites to COII
Jerry Walls to COII
Darrel Wilson to COII
Important Dates
Personnel Club sponsored the “Smashed Potato” Food Truck on May 27, 2021 for all shifts.
A Staff-Offender softball game was held on May 13, 2021

May 2021
Employee of the Month
CTO Allen Hughes
CTO Allen Hughes was nominated by Pam Hankins, US, CAO, who writes: “I’d like to nominate Allen Hughes as Employee of the Month. We have all heard Allen talk about the Global Leadership Summit, something that is near and dear to his heart. In the past year or so, since my office has been next door to Allen’s, he has demonstrated an ability to lead, assist, and mentor others.
Allen leads others by example. He demonstrates a strong work ethic and commitment to the Department of Corrections. He assists others, in that he is willing to spend an hour or longer talking to an offender about changing his mindset. He talks to them about choices and how they are responsible for their choices and taking ownership in their decisions on a daily basis, being it in here or out there on the streets. Allen assists other staff on a daily basis. He mentors them and advises them on making corrections a career. Just recently, Allen has assisted with the population reduction transfers and he has also worked overtime assisting with mainline. Where Allen sees a need, he steps up to assist. Allen is an example of The Corrections Way!
Awards & Recognition

Congratulations to new Southeast Correctional Center Corrections Officer Danielle Owen, our latest training honor student and recipient of the Coin of Excellence in Training. Officer Owen was recognized her by peers and Eastern Region Training Center staff for excellence in attendance, appearance, class conduct and test scores. She had a perfect attendance record in academy training, scored 100% on all written exams and earned the popular vote among 43 fellow trainees. Welcome to the family, Officer Owen!
New Team Members
Michael Ballard, COI
Alexander Carmona, COI
Arieal Collier, COI
Daval Green, C.N.A.
Antonia Johann, RN
Ruth McCaherty, QMHP
Danielle Owen, COI
Cody Rousan, COI
Dalaisha Smith, COI

Debra Toon, OSA
Christy Williams, LPN
Darrel Wilson, COI
Staff Moves
Amy Vines to Cook III
Puppy Pic
SECC Puppies for Parole Program has re-started. We have 6 dogs in the program at this time.
April 2021
Employee of the Month
Storekeeper I Amanda Means
The February, 2021 employee of the month was Storekeeper I Amanda Means. Storekeeper Amanda Means was nominated by HU #2 staff CCMII Reed, CCMII Fluharty, CCMII Gibson, FUM Hanebrink, COI J. Kidd, COI J. Walls, COI Hyten, COI Raines, COIII Harmon, COII Wilson, & COI Hansens, who write: “HU #2 classification staff, along with the uniformed custody staff are nominating Storekeeper I Amanda Means for employee of the month. Ms. Means has worked as the OSA for HU #1 and HU #2 for almost two years, but recently accepted a new position with canteen. She will be missed a great deal by both classification and custody staff in HU #2. She not only completed her own duties efficiently and effectively, but also continually assisted in several other areas. Even though she was not obligated, she worked as a COI often and assisted with staffing these positions. Females working custody in seg are subjected to the various negative behaviors of offenders frequently. This did not stop her from helping in whatever capacity was needed.
She would often come in early to work as a COI and work RDOs when possible. She assisted custody staff in the unit often by helping them run their control room so the officer assigned could help in the wings or complete a task. She would assist the case management staff in ways not required in her position as well. With shortages being felt in HU #2 classification due to coverage elsewhere and COVID 19, she has always been more than happy to help out with anything she could. She would often go out during lunch and pick up food items for staff in the unit that could not leave and that were working overtime. She would schedule food events to boost morale such as pizza days in the unit. She is always at work, she brings a consistently positive attitude with her, and she goes to great lengths to assist in any way possible. Her dedication and hard work resulted in a promotion and we wish her well in her new capacity. We heartily recommend her for employee of the month at SECC. She embodies the spirit and qualifications of SECC employee of the month!” “Ms. Means has always went over and beyond in her assigned duties. Prior to my move from HU #5 to HU #2, she always took on duties of other OSAs in other housing units in their absence. I witnessed her doing a file exchange for three housing units in the rain. She is one of the most determined and dedicated employees I know, she is very deserving of employee of the month.”
CCMII Sarah Gibson “She is a hard worker that’s for sure, she not only stays busy, but is always helping others. The most impressive thing about her is that she is always so kind.” CCMII Chuck Reed.

New Team Members
LPN Emily Achter
COI Jason Burleson-Yancy
COI Carlos Holder
COI Dakota Holder
COI Matthew Hood
LPN Jayon Jones
COI Jerri Keller
QMHP Teresa Nichols

Cook II Kirstin Richards
COI Matthew Robinson
Cook II Kelly Tucker
RN Elizabeth Wilson
Staff Moves
David Houtz to Maintenance Worker II
Zamesha Wright to Recreation Officer I
Success Story

Personnel Club sponsored two food trucks for staff: Kenny’s Flippin’
Burgers and Caribbeana Creole Taqueria.
Personnel Club sponsored a fundraiser for the Shriners Club with a pork steak day.
Personnel Club sponsored an Egg Treasure Hunt for staff on all shifts. The hunt was held at the firing range at SECC.
SECC held graduation ceremonies on April 8, 2021.

March 2021
Employee of the Month
Garage Supervisor David Achter
The February, 2021 employee of the month was Garage Supervisor David Achter. Garage Supervisor David Achter was nominated by ACII Jonell Nally, who writes: “I would like to nominate David Achter for the Employee of the Month. David is one of the best and most valuable employees at SECC. David wears several hats here at SECC. He not only manages the garage, all the vehicles, he also runs and picks up supplies for just about every department and he also helps with the fuel reports, among other things. The word “no” or “I can’t” is not in his vocabulary. There are many nights and weekends when David is called back to the institution to fix a vehicle, fix a flat, go pick up a vehicle that has left an employee stranded, among other things.
This institution depends on David 24/7. When the weather is bad, who do you think stays 27 hours straight to get the snow plowed for us to park our vehicles, shovels the sidewalks in order for us to make it safely into work, puts the salt out on the parking lots, helps employees with any and all car trouble?? That would be David Achter. You will never hear David complain about having to put in the extra hours or extra effort it takes to not only get the job done, but get the job done right.

David has a “happy-go-lucky” personality and he doesn’t let the little things bother him. He gets along with each and every employee. You will never hear him complain or say one bad word about anyone here. David is honest, hard-working, and an all-around good guy. This is why I would like to nominate David Achter for the Employee of the Month. I believe he deserves it.”
New Team Members
COI Brittney Abbott-Goering
COI Patrick Bryan
COI Steve Burton
COI Phillip Dobbs
COI Miracle Dowling
COI Pierce Yount

[List of staff promoted to new positions.]
David Kirkman, MSI retired with 19+ years of service at SECC.
Staff Moves
Robert Dunn to Recreation Officer II
Judy Watkins to Food Service Manager II
Success Story
Personnel Club treated staff to a pulled pork sandwich day as an appreciation for a job well done. (picture attached)
An offender wrote a thank you note to the mailroom staff in honor of Women’s History Month. (copy attached).

February 2021
Employee of the Month
CS I Todd Vandergriff
The February, 2021 employee of the month was CSI Todd Vandergriff. CSI Vandergriff was nominated by CTO Allen Hughes, who writes: “Todd Vandergriff began his career with the department on 5/17/2004, as a Corrections Officer. Over the last almost 17 years, he has worked hard to promote through the ranks to his current rank of CSI (Captain). I have known Todd for his entire career and take pride in the fact he has allowed me to be a small part of his career in corrections. He has always worked hard, rarely misses work, and has established a very good rapport with both staff and the offender population. Todd has always been transparent, treated all offenders equally, and enforced the laws, as well as policies and procedures of the department.
In September of 2018, during major staff shortages at numerous facilities across the state, the DOC administration asked Todd if he would travel to the facility in Bowling Green, Missouri to assist them as acting Chief of Custody. He did not hesitate, he knew that team needed his assistance and therefore he agreed. Todd worked as the Chief of Custody at Bowling Green during some turbulent times, from September through December of 2018. Captain Vandergriff then returned to SECC to resume his normal duties as Shift Commander. There are still numerous staff from Bowling Green who praise Captain Vandergriff for the job he done as their Major.
In November of 2019, Todd was once again called upon to fill the position of Acting Chief of Custody, but this time it was here at SECC. Captain Vandergriff led the custody team here from November, 2019 until November, 2020. During this period of time, Captain Vandergriff did an outstanding job of keeping the team focused on the safety and security of our facility. He maintained team morale and was dedicated to making sure that he was always here for the team. If anybody wonders about Captain Vandergriff’s dedication, loyalty, or genuine concern for each and every member of the team, I challenge you to simply, “ask staff”! It’s pretty obvious that Todd did not take on these “Acting” positions for the notoriety or because he thought they would be easy. He agreed to these challenges because of his character and loyalty to the department he has built his career in. For all of these reasons and many more, I would like to nominate my colleague and friend, CSI Todd Vandergriff for Employee of the Month. An award that he should have already received for a job very well done!”
Awards & Recognition
2020 Employee of the Year
Business Manager Sarah Heppe.
New Team Members
COI Patrick Kilgore
COI Lacey Tankersley
COI Dylan Helming
COI Riley Johnson
COI Ada Farr
COI Stephen Rosendorf
Electronics Technician Trever Scott
Stationary Engineer Eric Vines
Staff Moves
Sandie Redd to CCA
Hollie Vandergriff to CCMI
Charles Reavis to CCMI
Success Story
Below is a poem written by one of our offenders about our team at SECC. It is especially impressive because you don’t see things like this very often in a level 5 prison. Your work here is appreciated by everyone. In the past year, we have been through the most trying times that I have experienced in my career. But our SECC family has excelled through these difficult times. You always step up and make it work. I just want everyone to know how much you are appreciated.

January 2021
Employee of the Month
CO I Aaron Raines
The January, 2021 employee of the month CO I Aaron Raines, was nominated by CTO Allen Hughes, who writes: “I have known Officer Raines for several years and have watched his career develop. Officer Raines began his career with the department in 2012 and to be perfectly honest, in my opinion, he seemed to struggle a little at first, primarily in the area of professional communication. However, over the last couple of years, I have watched Officer Raines make a very significant change in the way he conducts himself in the line of duty. He has become a very valuable part of the SECC custody team, volunteering for additional details as well as volunteering to become an adjunct instructor to assist the SECC Training Department in the area of staff development. Officer Raines attended “Trainer Skills Development” which is a pre-requisite to becoming a DOC certified instructor, and I plan on sending him to “Firearms Instructor Certification Training” in the next available class. Officer Raines also takes the time to assist myself and Mr. Gaylon Reynolds with the “On-Boarding Process and OJT” of newly hired officers at SECC. This is a task which he does an incredible job at, as he promotes careers in corrections, and makes newly hired officers feel that they are truly a part of the SECC team. Most recently, Officer Raines responded to a 10-5 in housing unit two, where he was able to gain positive control of an offender who had attacked an officer with a weapon. In my opinion, Officer Raines’ actions very well may have saved this officer from serious bodily injury or perhaps even death.”

New Team Members
COI Nashira Nesby
COI Johnny Wright retired on December 31, 2020.

Staff Moves
Clifton Cossey to FUM
Glen Fennell to Canteen Manager
Armand Hodges to Recreation Officer I
Amanda Means to SKI
Demegee Redd to Recreation Officer I
Mitch Treadwell to ROIII
Richard Trout to CCMI
Success Story
SECC staff adopted 2 families for Christmas. Toys were donated for the children in each family.
Personnel Club held a chili day fundraiser for staff. Chili and hot dogs were served.
Personnel Club held a bake sale and handed out a monetary Christmas gift to staff.
The SECC Wellness Committee is holding a “biggest loser” challenge for all staff. The challenge begins February 3 and runs through May 26.
Personnel Club held an Ugly Christmas sweater contest for all staff.
December 2020
Employee of the Month
CCM Gaylon Reynolds
The December 2020 Employee of the Month was CCM Reynolds. He was nominated by CCMII Becky Barber and FUM Donna Wigfall, who stated, "Gaylon Reynolds is such a blessing to have in housing unit #6. After getting pulled from his “new hire” position, he was sent to join our motley crew. He has fit right in with our craziness, our jokes, our need to have food days for no reason, our story telling sessions, and our organized chaos.
As a case manager, Gaylon works with the offenders on a level specific to whomever he is working with. He finds something to use to get through to them and talks WITH them rather than TO them. I have never once heard him speak down to or belittle anyone. He can be stern when necessary, but when he is, the offenders respect it and adhere to what he is saying. The ability to jump right in and assist with whatever is needed, without being asked, is incredibly impressive and one of Gaylon’s strong suits. Not only does he do what needs to be done, he does it better than what is expected and that is much appreciated. He doesn’t take shortcuts, he takes pride in his work and he does it with a smile. When something arises that Gaylon is unfamiliar with, he asks for guidance rather than asking someone else to do it for him. Reynolds is humble when asking for help and has never been afraid to admit when faced with something unfamiliar. He is also open to giving input if/when staff is looking for a different perspective or opinion. Reynolds deserves SECC’s Employee of the Month for his ability to go with the flow through all of the changes, for being dependable, and consistent and for always going above and beyond what is expected.
New Team Members
COI Kamryn Johnson
COI Nolan Baltzell

COI Brittany Lee
COI Takeia Jones
OSA Stephanie Throop
COI Tabatha Cramner
Staff Moves
Linda Harris, COIII
Shirley Jones, SKII
Jesse May, CSII
Success Story
SECC staff donated 335 pounds of food to the SEMO Food Bank! Thank you so much for everyone who made donations! They were truly appreciated and needed now more than ever! All donations will go to serving people right here in our community and our neighboring ones, we will be doing another food drive in the future! (Photo)
SECC Personnel Club donated $300.00 to Charleston R-1 Schools Christmas Week. Christmas Week brings joy to every Charleston R-1 student. SECC donation will help to make this possible for Charleston students.

November 2020
Employee of the Month
SKI Glenn Fennell
Fennell was nominated by Canteen Manager, Robby Throop who writes: “In my absence as Canteen Manager, due to Covid-19, Mr. Fennell has really stepped up the initiative of assuming the role of acting Canteen Manager. He not only kept up the inventory, ordering, and other duties, but also did it with true admiration and strive for excellence in what he has done and continues to do. Glenn is a key employee in this institution and in the canteen.”
New Team Members
Alexia Bailey, COI
Jakob Clindening, COI
Dakota Stroup, COI
Staff Moves
Blake Hoskins to Electronics Technician
Eric Ware to Storekeeper I
Michael House to Storekeeper I

Robby Throop to Laundry Manager
Larry Redden to MSI
Success Story
Thursday, October 22 was “Purple Thursday” to raise awareness about domestic violence. Pictured are Amanda Stephens, OSA; Gina Patterson, Procedures Coordinator; Jessica Burton, Records Officer I; Melissa Crumley, EHN; Joel King, Locksmith.

October 2020
Employee of the Month
CCMII Charles Reed
Reed was nominated by OSA Amanda Means, who writes: “I would like to nominate CCM Reed for employee of the month. Reed is always calm and positive especially in stressful situations. Reed is very adaptable to situations. He fills in where we are needing extra help. Reed has a lot of knowledge and is always willing to educate. He is very dependable and helpful. He always goes above expectations. He has unselfish devotion to job duties which makes him a great case
Awards & Recognition
Personnel Club celebrated Corrections Employees Weeks with Krispy Kreme Donuts on Monday, Karaoke & Popcorn on Tuesday/Thursday, Chick-Fil-A sandwiches on Wednesday, and a gift to staff on Friday. Several prizes were given away throughout the week. A Collage-Gate game was presented for all staff to participate in with COI James Shands being the big winner. A “Guess the Number of Beans in the Jar” game was held with COI Gary Brookman & RN Rosanna Williams being the winners. A Karaoke contest was held with COIII Hollie Dysinger & COI Jessie Sites taking 1st place, COI David Houtz-2nd place, and COI Jessie Sites-3rd place.
New Team Members
COI April Adair
COI Conner Gleason
COI Allen Pullet to COII
SKII Alex Phillips to Supply Manager
September 2020
Employee of the Month
OSA Shirley Williams
OSA Shirley Williams was nominated by Mailroom Supervisor Tracey Medlock, who writes: “Shirley Williams is a true team player! Shirley assists the mailroom on a daily basis and this is not her regular job duties to do this. Whenever one of us from the mailroom is off, she jumps right in and does anything asked of her. Shirley will also assist with housing unit duties whenever the need arises.
In October of 2018, Shirley moved to the admin building and became the receptionist. She is very reliable, she shows up to work every day early and ready for whatever the day has in store for her. She is also helpful to anyone who calls from the outside, makes sure their calls get to the right destination. Shirley has been with the Department of Corrections for many years. She began her career in October, 1999 at ACC. She then transferred to SECC in August of 2001. Shirley has worked in all of the housing units here at SECC and I’m sure other areas I am forgetting, but if you ask Shirley, she will tell you, I’m sure!
New Team Members
COI Natasha Carson
COI Troy McNeely
COI Matthew Hood
COI Marion King
COI Jonathon Powell
COI Alicen Sander
Crystal Vines to Deputy Warden OSA
Greg Hancock to Deputy Warden
COI Leary Armstrong
SKI Dennis Gross
Success Story
SECC Restorative Justice has grown and harvested 5,060 lbs. (2.5 tons) of watermelons and distributed to the Semo Food Bank. (Photo attached).
Southeast Correctional Center's new bee colony is thriving under the care of Recreation Officers Matt Raymond and Joseph Enderle, along with Assistant Warden Latonia Young and the offender beekeeping team. (photo attached)
SECC held a blood drive on August 11, 2020. 38 staff members donated, with 2 being first time donors. A total of 32 units were collected.
August 2020
Employee of the Month
The August, 2020 EOM is CO II Jacob Reeves. CO II Reeves was nominated by CO III Michael Vinson, who writes: “CO II Jacob Reeves is a full time employee for the Missouri Department of Corrections at Southeast Correctional Center. CO II Reeves began his career with the Department on March 19, 2018 as a Correctional Officer I. As a correctional officer I, Mr. Reeves worked numerous posts and became an immediate asset to his shift and to the department. Mr. Reeves is an extraordinarily hard worker. Mr. Reeves strives to do his best regardless of position and consistently seeks to learn and improve himself as an officer. On September 9, 2019, Mr. Reeves was promoted to the rank of CO II (Sergeant). Since his promotion, CO II Reeves works tirelessly to support his staff, shift, and the department. CO II Reeves is constant and persistent in seeking knowledge from his supervisors. CO II Reeves is dedicated to training his staff and sets the standard for being a mentor and role model for his staff. In September of 2019, Mr. Reeves volunteered and was accepted as a member of the CERT team, where Mr. Reeves continues to learn and serve SECC.
In recent months, CO II Reeves has begun living here at SECC in an effort to keep his family safe due to the present and ongoing pandemic. CO II Reeves has been working all three shifts to assist with the ever changing staffing needs for SECC. I have, on numerous occasions, witnessed CO II Reeves work double shifts and then try to volunteer to assist further when he becomes aware of additional staffing needs. CO II Reeves has a great working relationship with his staff and is respected by his supervisors. CO II Reeves, on a regular basis, goes above and beyond his supervisor responsibilities to assist his staff, consistently providing transportation to and from work to ensure staff remain in good attendance. I respectfully request consideration for Employee of the Month for CO II Jacob Reeves.”
New Team Members
COI Samantha Brodribb
COI Troy McNeely
COI Terrance Johnson
Chance Krech to COII
Donald Brown to COII
Linkastar Clark to COII
Allen Mansfield to COII
Seth Stephenson to COII
Dwayne Fidler to COII
Steven Smith to COII
Stationary Engineer Les Cantrell
Supply Manager Anthony Simmons
COI Robert Strickland
Laundry Manager Ben Heil
Success Story
COII Cheryl McIntyre and COI Allen Mansfield received corrections officer apprenticeship.
Corrections Way Ambassadors at SECC: Gaylon Reynolds, Jody Ruminer, Shelli Feinburg, Stephan Clark, Matt Raymond.
SECC team members Matt Raymond and David Achter captured a bee swarm and transported to SECC where they have become part of the pollinator partnership formed earlier this year with the Mo. Dept. of Conservation. SECC plans to train offenders in beekeeping skills as part of a reentry path. Honey harvested from the beekeeping operation will be donated to local food banks.
July 2020
June Employee of the Month
Education Supervisor Shelli Feinburg
The June, 2020 Employee of the Month was Education Supervisor Shelli Feinburg. Ms. Feinburg was nominated by CTO Allen Hughes, who wrote, “I would like to nominate Ms. Shelli Feinburg for SECC’s Employee of the Month, for the month of June. Ms. Feinburg is the SECC Education Department’s supervisor and has a huge workload on a normal basis. However, since the onset of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, a situation which unfortunately has all educational classes on “hold” for the time being, Ms. Feinburg’s normal duties have lessened. Ms. Feinburg could easily take this time off to be with her family and/or be enjoying some time off of the job. Not Ms. Feinburg, she instead stepped to the plate and volunteered to stand a custody post on the entrance road to the facility where she stops each vehicle entering the facility to ask each person a series of questions in reference to their current health as it pertains to the pandemic. Based on the responses she receives from each person, she has the authority to refuse their entrance to the facility, a huge responsibility. She chose to hold this post every day of the week, Monday through Friday. She has been out there on that post through all types of weather, rain or shine, hot or cold.
Each day when I arrive at SECC, I am greeted with a smiling face and a warm welcome to my workplace, and this gets my day started off much better than it may have started. Some days, as it is with anyone, there are many other places I’d rather be than arriving at work. However, when I am greeted by Ms. Feinburg’s smiling face and cheerful attitude, it just makes my job so much easier and puts a smile on my face! This is the kind of attitude we need much more of in this environment and I applaud Ms. Feinburg for voluntarily stepping outside her proverbial box and taking on this responsibility, which freed up a custody supervisor to work inside the facility where they are needed during this difficult time in our history. For this reason, I am happy to nominate Ms. Shelli Feinburg as our SECC Employee of the Month for the month of June, 2020!”
July Employee of the Month
RO I Shirley Jones
The July, 2020 Employee of the Month was ROI Shirley Jones. Ms. Jones was nominated by RO III Matt Raymond, who writes: “I would like to nominate Recreation Officer I Shirley Jones as employee of the month. During this pandemic event, Supply Manager Anthony Simmons took medical leave and would miss work for several months, leaving the warehouse severely shorthanded. This shortage has been magnified, not only because of staff absence, but also because offender workers were eliminated in the warehouse due to our viral containment efforts. This left only SKI Dennis Gross to operate the warehouse. We all depend on the warehouse operations to supply us with the supplies and equipment that we need to work every day. The burden placed on Mr. Gross was enormous. ROI Shirley Jones agreed to step outside of her normal duties and schedule to be temporarily assigned to work full-time in the warehouse. Shirley has had to learn new duties and processes very quickly, she has worked every day and has never complained about the change in assignment or schedule. I have spoken to Dennis on several occasions and every time, without fail, he tells me how much he appreciates Shirley being there and how much of a difference her help has made. Without Shirley stepping up and going above and beyond, the warehouse operations would have been severely hindered. We rarely notice when things go smoothly, we just take for granted that is how things should go. It is when things go poorly we realize how important those simple things are to our daily success. During this time, the warehouse has continued to operate at a successful level and most of us would not even know they are working shorthanded. This would not have been the case had Shirley not stepped up and accepted this challenge. Because she did, she and Dennis have been able to maintain warehouse operations at a level that makes all of our jobs easier.
When we talk about what makes someone’s contributions worthy of EOM recognition, I think it is important that we realize there is more to see than just someone performing their duties at a high level, and that stepping outside of your normal duties and contributing is vital to that recognition. Shirley has done that, she has done it for over a month, and will continue to act in that role for possibly another 6 weeks. Her contribution is worthy of consideration and recognition.”
COI Henrietta Moore-Hubrins
Success Story
A staff barbeque was held on June 12, 2020. Staff were treated to hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and a drink provided by personnel club.
June 2020
March Employee of the Month
CO I Margaret Meyer
CO I Meyer was nominated by Lt. Michael Vinson, who wrote, “On October 14, 2008, Mrs. Meyer began her career with the Department of Corrections as a CO I at ERDCC. Mrs. Meyer retired from ERDCC on March 31, 2011 but then returned to ERDCC on June 18, 2012.
Margaret transferred to SECC on December 8, 2013. What makes Margaret unique is she reports for duty early every day to prepare for her shift. Margaret ’s attitude, work ethic, and professionalism is beyond reproach. She is extremely skilled and accomplished, she helps her fellow staff as well as the supervisory staff. She is the first to volunteer to assist any and all staff. Her work ethic is without comparison. Her attendance is astounding. She has had four years of service without any unscheduled leave. She also goes about her job duties in assisting other staff members by providing them transportation to and from work when they are down on their luck and without their own transportation. Meyer remains calm in all situations and is always friendly to her peers and all supervisory staff. She is a very dedicated employee for the Department of Corrections and she is a great role model for all staff.”
April Employee of the Month
PPSI Mark Roberts
PPSI Roberts was nominated by AOSA Gina Patterson, who wrotes, “PPSI Roberts takes his job of keeping the institution warm or cool very seriously. He is always cooperative when you let him know that it is either too cold or too warm and does everything he can to remedy the situation. While I am sure this is not an easy job to do, he seems to take it in stride and is always courteous, polite, and helpful.
PPSI Roberts is very good at his job and is genuinely concerned with keeping us all as comfortable as possible given the guidelines he has to follow. Any time I have called him to ‘complain’ about the temperature in my office, it is usually taken care of sooner rather than later. He calls to follow-up to make sure it is getting better and will call a few days later to be sure it is still good. I am sure they receive plenty of these types of calls, but I feel like PPSI Roberts goes above and beyond his job duties to try to make everyone’s work area as pleasant as he can and deserves this recognition. Thank you PPSI Roberts!”
May Employee of the Month
Business Manager Sarah Heppe
Business Manager Heppe was nominated by Mailroom Supervisor Tracey Vinson, who writes: “Sarah Heppe is a true team player, she goes well above her job duties as Business Manager for SECC. Sarah began her career with SECC in April, 2001 as Account Clerk II, from ordering paper clips, toilet paper to chairs for the prison out of the Brown Shoe building before moving into our current admin building. What some may have forgotten, but I never will, is the fact that Sarah and I both worked for the construction company that built the prison and let me tell ya, we have some stories we could tell you from those fun days!! (Ask Sarah about the trash can.)
Sarah has come so far over the past two years in giving out directive to staff that need guidance, showing them how to do their job, or simply lending an ear to someone in need. Sarah has proven to be an amazing business manager in these past two years and will continue to do so. Just the other day, I looked up from my desk and asked her where she’s going, only to find out she’s on her way to work in the warehouse because Dennis needed help with mixing chemicals and her other areas were already short staffed. I bet not many business managers across the state can say they have done this. Sarah takes on more than most would ever consider doing and that speaks volumes of true leadership. Sarah is not afraid to get out of her comfort zone, pitch in and help assist other areas when needed. Sarah should be recognized as Employee of the Month for going well above and beyond her regular job duties.”
Employee of the Year 2019
The 2019 Employee of the Year was COI MARTHA POWELL. COI Powell was SECC Employee of the Month in December, 2019 and was named Employee of the Year for 2019.
New Team Members
COI Cortney Bailey
COI Kimberly Clayton
COI Rodney Jennings, Jr.
COI Shawn Riggs
COI Billie Sindorf
May 2020
Big News
PCC sent pizza to SECC staff on Friday, April 24.
Teacher Appreciation Week: Thank you to SECC teachers: Shelli Feinburg, Education Supervisor; Sherri Gholson; Regina Jackson;
April Samples
Nurses Appreciation Week: Thank you to Corizon nursing staff and Melissa Crumley, EHN
New Team Members
COI Linkastar Clark
COI Jessie Lohnes
COI Chance Stockton-McGown
Gabriel Porter to CSI
Donald Stewart to CSI
April 2020
New Team Members
MWII David Austin
CO I Michael Ayers
CO I Christina Craft
CO I Jeremiah Clary
CO I Bennie Douglas
CO I Jordan Feliciano
CO I George Frost
CO I Ronald Gaston
CO I James Gilbreath
CO I Kyontai Harvey
CO I Carolyn Halbert
CO I Kelsey Kennard
CO I Shawn Thompson
Stationary Engineer Jerry Webb
Latonia Young to Assistant Warden; Robby Throop to Storekeeper II
March 2020
February Employee of the Month
CO I Dena Emerson
CO I Emerson was nominated by CCM II Becky Barber who writes: “Attention to detail, enforcing policy, excellent work ethic, supportive, dedicated, and an outstanding addition to the offender services hallway are just a few of the things that COI Emerson deserves to be recognized for.
Officer Emerson has reminded me there are still people that take pride in their work! She is always up and about checking the security of her area and the safety of her co-workers. When she sees an issue, she doesn’t hesitate to address it and then follows through to ensure it is resolved. If she is unsure about something, she seeks answers and “how to” rather than letting it be someone else’s problem.
Her ability to communicate with others, staff and offenders, is admirable. I have never heard her speak maliciously to anyone and if anyone says anything negative about her, it is in reference to her working too hard and making them look bad! This is a good thing as it promotes others to work harder too. Emerson has a calm about her that resonates throughout the hallway and helps to keep everyone else calm even through the chaos of mass offender movements, alarms, radio traffic, phones ringing, etc.
During the 10-49 that took place yesterday, Emerson was not on a response team but that did not stop her from assisting with what she could. She immediately went to the hallway door to make sure the walk was clear. When she saw offenders, she had them come into the area and kept them secure until the “all clear” was given. No one asked her to do this and it was not “her job” but she took the initiative and did it anyway. These are the things we need more of. People like Emerson are the people we need more of!! It is with great pride I nominate COI Dena Emerson for Employee of the Month at SECC!!”
New Team Members
COI Vanita Coleman
ROI Alex Elsey
COI John Hammonds
Bryan Hoskins to COII; Travis Hasty to MWII; Dennis Wilson to MWII
Success Story
2020 Personnel Club Members are:
Amber Phillips, President; Amanda Stephens, Vice President; Courtney Hoskins, Treasurer; Brittney Kitchen, Secretary
Social Members: Nichole Hoskins, Amanda Means, Gaylon Reynolds, Jody Enderle, LaTonia Young, Charles Wilson,
Bobby Kuykendall, Armand Hodges, Jeremy Pickett, Travis Hasty, Robert Steger, Yuluanda Farmer
February 2020
January Employee of the Month
FUM Brandi Merideth
FUM Brandi Merideth, nominated by OSA Courtney Hoskins, who writes: “I’ll never forget the first time I meet FUM Merideth. It was my first day on DOC side in housing unit 5 and I was worried about all of the new responsibilities I would have and was also wondering if I would be able to work well with the rest of the housing unit staff. On my first day working with FUM Merideth, I immediately recognized how I was blessed to work with her. She always goes above and beyond to assist staff in whatever area of need they are facing. She is exceptional when it comes to being a supervisor that can be approached without feeling like you are bothering her. Whenever she is working in house, I notice how she is committed to not only making sure that the staff are taken care of, she is also very dedicated to doing all she does accurately and timely. Whenever there has been any issues in house, she is always on top of the issue making sure that all of those involved are treated with respect and that the issue is handled at the best possible time. She doesn’t put off work. She is committed to doing a job to her full potential. She has selflessly put the needs of others above her own and always sets a great example to those working under her supervision. It is obvious that she is committed to improving lives for safer communities and making a difference in the lives of others. FUM Merideth is someone that I can trust and talk to not just about work, but whatever I have on my mind that I need to get off. She is truly the best. This is why I feel she deserves this nomination.”
New Team Members
COI Angelica Jennings
CCMI Carolyn Morgan
COI Samuel Stuckey
COI James Sullivan
COI Loretta Warren
COI Kaitlin Young
SKII Dave Manker retired with 18+ years of service at SECC
Success Story
SECC Personnel Club voted to donate $1,000 to the Veteran’s Pantry at the VA in Poplar Bluff, Mo.
SECC received appreciation from American Red Cross for blood drive donations.
January 2020
Employee of the Month
December, 2019 Employee of the Month:
CO I Martha Powell
Powell has been a correctional officer since 2001. Powell always has a smile on her face. She keeps the custody complex nice and clean, can run the institution from the complex without a blink of an eye. She works on many of her RDOs to assist with overtime coverage and this has assisted all shifts. CO I Powell has also been an active member of SECC Personnel Club for at least 15 years of her 18 years with SECC. This is a huge accomplishment and deserves to be recognized. Personnel Club is not an easy task, but CO I Powell has done this and given her own time to this club to make it successful for her fellow co-workers. CO I Powell goes above and beyond her daily duties and should be recognized as one of our valuable staff members. We need more “General Powell’s” around here to get the job done!
New Team Members
CO I Ryan Bowerman
CO I Allison Klipfel
CO I John Lancaster
CO I Kenneth McCord
CO I Brandy Minner
CO I Jessie Sites
Joseph Hudgens to MS I
Travis Bentsen to MS I
Cheryl McIntyre to CO II
Charles Wilson to CCM I
Success Story
SECC staff participated in the Veteran’s Pantry food distribution in Poplar Bluff, Mo.
SECC staff participated in Shop With A Cop
SECC Wellness Committee collected toys from staff to distribute to the community.
SECC Wellness Committee held a bake sale.
SECC Custody Yard Staff celebrated the holidays with a Christmas gift
exchange & dinner.
December 2019
VA Food Pantry donation
Joseph Hudgens to MS I; Thomas Knoeppel to Factory Manager I; James Harmon to CO III
Success Story
SECC staff participated in the Veteran’s Pantry food distribution in Poplar Bluff, Mo.
November 2019
Employee of the Month
CCM II Susan Price
New Team Members
Tanner Boening, COI;
Jerod Burch, COI;
Terrance Johnson, COI;
Amy Vines, Cook II
April Samples to ATIII.
April Hudgens to COII.
William Edleman to COII.
Richard Adams to Deputy Warden
Town Hall Report
A town hall was held on November 6 with Director Anne Precythe. Ms. Precythe discussed the direction the department is heading and several new programs that are in the works. A question and answer session was held with staff.
Success Story
A CIT class was held at SECC November 4-8. Graduation was held on November 8.
Veterans were honored with a cake provided by personnel club on Monday, November 11
A Certified Horticulture Graduation was held on November 12.
October 2019
Employee of the Month
CCCM II Regina Jackson
Awards & Recognition
Three team members selected for 2019 Missouri State Employee Award of Distinction. Greg Hancock and Jesse May both received the award in the category of Human Relations for their work with Corrections Way. Allen Hughes received the award in the category of Leadership for his work with the Global Leadership Summit.
New Team Members
CO I Brandon Allen; CO I Christopher Bacon; CO I Sklar Blake; CO I Jonathon Bradshaw; CO I Mason Buchanan
Corizon staff honor Renissa Bowles
CO I Kristin Cade; CO I Dennis Evans; CO I Barry Fondaw; AT III Sherri Gholson; CO I Kylle McCollom; CO I Larry McGregor
CO I Joshua Mobley; CO I Joseph Nelson; CO I Kathy Slaten; CO I Jordan Thompson; CO I Donald Twomey
Shelli Feinburg to Education Supervisor, Regina Jackson to Academic Teacher III
CO I Callie Weakley, 17 years of service
Success Story
Corizon honored staff member Renissa Bowles (RB), a breast cancer survivor, by wearing special shirts dedicated to her.
SECC donated and helped distribute food to the VA in Poplar Bluff, MO.
SECC is a sanctuary for the Illinois Chorus Frog. A name has been chosen for the SECC Frog Mascot. The frog will be called DOC. Name suggestion submitted by SKI Dennis Gross who won a lunch with Warden Jason Lewis. Welcome to SECC DOC!
September 2019
Big News
Global Leadership Conference held on August 8-9
RJO Garden food donation to Veteran Food Pantry, Poplar Bluff, MO
A staff-offender softball game was played on September 18
Correctional Employee Week: Personnel Club events held-Subway sandwiches, Ice Cream, Staff BBQ. Escape Cape set up escape rooms on Tuesday for all shifts to build teamwork and “escape” our stress. An ID wallet was given to all staff as an appreciation gift.
Employee of the Month
OSA Nichole Hoskins
New Team Members
COI Anthony Britton, COI Angel Harless, COI Garry Brookman, COI Tamara Brooks, COI Dylan Josett,
COI Cihquilla Kimble, COI Floyd Varela
Jody Ruminer to Factory Manager II, MVE
August 2019
Horticulture Graduation held August 1, 2019
Hi-Set Graduation held August 26, 2019.
New Team Members
SOSA Audra Hayden COI Troy Hampton COI Shara Johnson COI Linda Pollard
OSA Amanda Stephens COI Brieanna Whitlock COI Ryan Griffin COII James Harmon
OSA Tammy Wallace COI Jonathon Erickson COI Brittney Peet COI Keith Childress
Cook II Kayla Constant COI Michael Minner COI Ryan Plambeck COI Bobby Kuykendall]
Craig Wooldridge to CSI
Barbara (Babs) Tyrone, SKI, Maintenance will retire on September 1, 2019.
July 2019
Director's Spotlight Award
On July 10 at the manager's meeting, Director Precythe recognized Southeast Correctional Center for our Excellence over the past year. The excellence displayed by the team at SECC in areas such as safety and security, community involvement, culture, offender programming, and reentry, were highlighted by Director Precythe during her presentation of the award. She further added that when Governor Parsons was here he told her that SECC was the model for all prisons in the State of Missouri.
Employee of the Month
CCM II Matthew Short
CCM II Matthew Short was selected at the Employee of the Month for July at SECC. Matthew has taught over 15 DOC employees the ORAS training, is a triumphant mentor and team player. He has worked in both HU 2 and HU 7, has assisted in training CCM Fluharty, and has demonstrated traits of a leader. He is an exceptional case manager and always goes above and beyond to reach expectations. In her nomination, OSA Amanda Means stated "he helped to train her in her new position as OSA of HU 2 and took the time to answer any questions she had. He has a great attitude, always willing to educate, train and answer questions. He always goes above expectations, never complains, and stays until the job duties are done. He is a great example of teamwork."
New Team Members
Christopher Lawrence, CO I
Darian Sales, CO I
Thomas Parrish, CO I
Allen Mansfield, CO I
Michael Perkins, CO I
Alfonso Torres, CO I
Sarah Gibson to CCM I
Vivian Thomas to IAC
Important Dates
Facility Appreciation Day: Wednesday, Aug. 21, will be the second annual Facility Appreciation Day. Several activities are planned for all shifts including: SECCs Got Talent, an 8-Ball pool tournament, vehicle smash, karaoke, staff softball game, Mini-Golf, and many others. The “Grand Finale” will be held from 7-10 p.m. in the gym.
June 2019
Employee of the Month
CO I Donald Brown
CO I Donald Brown was selected as the June Employee of the Month. He was nominated by CO III Michael Vinson who said of Brown, "CO I Brown has been instrumental in assisting with medical outcounts by taking extra shifts at the hospital when offenders are on medical outcount. He has volunteered on at least four occasions to stay at the hospital for a double shift with the offender outcount. He is professional when dealing with staff and offenders."
New Team Members
Lori Collier, CO I
Cody Cullum, CO I
Calvin Esau, Stationary Engineer
Cheryl McIntyre, CO I
Dalton Newell, CO I
Shawn O’Hara, CO I
Audreyana Rutledge, CO I
Steven Sides, CO I
Dana Wigfall, CO I
Gregory Hancock to CS II
Kelly Scorzafava to CCM I
Gaylon Reynolds to CCM I
Trey Gardner to RO I
CCM II Steven Buhs retired on July 1, 2019
Town Hall Report
Town hall meetings were held on June 27 in staff dining with DW Bill Stange, DW Omer Clark, AW Richard Adams and CS II Greg Hancock. Items discussed: Yard sergeant duties; offenders who assault staff; offender supervision in medical; new custody uniforms; SECC security system; new timekeeping system; lockers in housing units for belts and radios; radio etiquette, radio traffic and radio batteries; Sergeant interviews; training; offender transportation upon release; new security perimeter policy regarding cell phones; recent SECC successes and visitor praise of institution.
Important Dates
Global Leadership Summit will be held at SECC on Aug.8 and 9, 2019. Staff can attend at SECC for free on a first-come, first-serve basis. There is limited seating. Staff and their immediate families can attend at a discounted price of $45.00 at a host site. The closest host site is LaCroix Church in Cape Girardeau.
Success Story
A letter of appreciation was received from Mississippi County Coroner Terry Parker. Congratulations to CO I Micah Wyatt, CO I Donald Brown, CO I Callie Weakley, and CS I Todd Vandergriff, Shift Supervisor.
SECC joined forces with the SEMO Food Bank and Veteran Affairs to provide fresh produce grown in the SECC restorative justice gardens to local veterans.
May 2019
SECC staff members attend Governor Budget signing at JCCC
Ten staff members from SECC attended the Governor’s Budget Bill Signing at JCCC on June 10.
Employee of the Month
MS I Tom Chism
MS I Tom Chism, who was nominated by SKI Barbara Tyrone, goes beyond his duties and gets work requests done in a timely manner. He is willing to work and help anyone on any work project they have. He is very knowledgeable in all areas of the job and can fill in for any position or job that needs to be done. Even with a full workload, he always stays positive and is willing to pitch in. He is responsible for many tasks besides the work requests. He checks coolers and other equipment daily to make sure it is running at the proper temperature.
Award of Distinction:
RO I Brian Dunn was awarded the Award of Distinction by Governor Mike Parsons for his efforts in assisting during a car accident. RO I Dunn and his family came upon the scene and did not hesitate to help. The truck was on fire and Dunn, along with another gentlemen who also stopped, broke the windows out of the SUV and got the passengers out. They pulled out a mentally-challenged teen and the mother and brought them safely away from the burning vehicles with no thought of their own safety. They then assisted with directing traffic and getting the teen and his mother to safety.
New Team Members
CO I Dustin Brown
CO I Africa Simmons
CO I Timothy Jolly
CO I Kira White
OSA Courtney Hoskins
Richard Adams to Assistant Warden
MVE Factory Manager II Daniel Smith retired on May 30, 2019.
Town Hall Report
The town hall meeting was held on May 28, 3rd shift. Twenty staff members attended this meeting, which was conducted by Deputy Wardens Bill Stange and Omer Clark and Assistant Warden Richard Adams. Items discussed: Grievance numbers, SECC general statistics, new uniforms, shift story boards, annual appreciation day, administrative segregation, radio traffic, staff haircuts.
April 2019
SECC receives "Business of the Year" award from Sikeston Regional Chamber
SECC has been awarded the 2019 Business of the Year by the Sikeston Regional Chamber. Warden Jason Lewis, in a message to staff members said, "This is an unprecedented accomplishment and one that everyone should take pride in. Our community work with the Sikeston and Charleston Public Schools, along with the reentry work we do with offenders returning to that community, has taken our team to new heights. Thank you for the work you do every day. I hope you join me in celebration of our successes! Come by and see the awards and help me decide where we want to display them."
SECC holds Crime Victims' Rights Ceremony
A Crime Victim’s Rights Ceremony was held at SECC on April 11, 2019. Offender ICVC facilitators, Jeremiah Wilson, Gregory Hudson, and James Bescher spoke about the impact their crimes had on their victims, as well as others, and how the ICVC classes have helped their outlook. Ben Porter, Pastor, Gateway Church in Cape Girardeau gave an inspiring talk regarding his survival and healing of child abuse. He spoke of his childhood filled with domestic violence/child abuse and the affects this had on his life. Pastor Porter stated that man is made up of body, soul, and spirit. In order to change, the spirit has to be renewed. Offender ICVC facilitators, Jeremiah Wilson, Gregory Hudson, and James Bescher spoke about the impact their crimes had on their victims, as well as others, and how the ICVC classes have helped their outlook.
According to americanspcc.org, in 2017 there were 4.1 million child abuse cases and 7.5 million children who were victims of child abuse; five children die every day from child abuse; 74.9 percent of child abuse victims are neglected; in 80.1 percent of cases, parents are the abuser; and there were more than 65,000 cases of sexual abuse cases reported.
Employee of the Month
CO II Benjamin Crass
CO II Crass was nominated by FUM Bruce Hanebrink who writes: “I wholeheartedly nominate Sgt. Benjamin Crass for the next employee of the month for the following reasons:
- Every day he comes to work in HU #2 with a positive attitude (despite it being a rather negative place).
- He wants to learn something every day. He makes it a point to ask questions and looks for the big picture answer. HU #2 often causes staff to lose sight of the forest for all the individual trees.
- He wants to learn and improve and he wants the same for those who report to him.
- He is an active and participative supervisor who sets the bar and his expectations to high.
- Leadership isn’t just telling people what to do, it is helping them improve.
- He mentors and trains his staff daily. They are becoming a cohesive team centered around his leadership.
- He is a new supervisor and consequently has had a few missteps but has learned from them and adapted.
- He models the behavior he expects to see.
- A CERT member who plays an active role in that capacity.
- Fair, firm and consistent with offenders.
He came to HU #2 a fairly new supervisor but makes it his mission to run the house to the best of his ability every single day. His positive attitude is a beacon to others.”
Awards & Recognition
CO I Walls was acknowledged for his work assisting NECC during their staff shortage.
CS I Vandergriff and CO III Dysinger were presented with Lifesaver Awards for their assistance with an offender at NECC. Due to their skills, the offender’s life was saved.
April 18, 2019 Service Pin Ceremony
20-year pin: Charles Reavis, Chris Reese, Tracey Davis, Rena Robinson, Ronald Sams, Matthew Short, Jackie Waters
25-year pin: Robbin Smith, Donna Wigfall, Bill Stange, Chris Stearley, Dennis Wilson, Heather Sterling
35-year pin: Barry Wilkerson, Omer Clark
New Team Members
OSA Amanda Means
CO I Kelly Brown
CO I Shawn DeGonia
CO I Stephan Harper
CO I Jacob Johnson
CO I Nicole Martinez
CO I Darius Miller
CO I Robert Moss
CO I Hector Renteria
Lane Gordon 04-07-19 (CO I to CO II)
Jason Wilson 04-28-19 (CO I to CO II)