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September 2021
Big News
RJO donations made last month
Caldwell County Food Pantry TOTAL 1,026 LBS
Cameron Food Pantry TOTAL 990 LBS
Stewartsville Food Pantry TOTAL 762 LBS
Monetary Donations:
Camp Choice - $2,000
AFL-CIO Soles for Christ - $2,000
Employee of the Month
MS II Rodney Odom
MSII Odom was nominated for this award by Deputy Warden of Operations, Paul Drake. On July 24, 2021, several offenders in HU1 began flooding their cells as well as breaking out the windows of their cell doors. Mr. Odom responded to the institution’s call for assistance. Upon his arrival, he started replacing the broken windows and stayed until approximately 4:00 am, thereby helping keep the limited number of cells in operational order. His assistance to the institution and staff at WMCC is greatly appreciated. Keep up the good work!
OSA Carolyn Joyce
OSA Joyce was nominated for this award by FUM Sarah Morris. Ms. Morris nominated her for her always having a positive attitude and much appreciated wisdom. Ms. Joyce is one of WMCC’s vested OSA’s in Classification. Ms. Morris states, “You have been the right hand woman” not just for her housing units but for the new OSA’s learning their new positions. She has been willing to train and advise the new OSA’s in their positions as well as maintaining her job duties without interruption. Ms. Morris went on to state that Ms. Joyce has taken the initiative to plan and design work boards for Housing Units 9 and 10 which were approved due to her expert and intricate details. Her commitment and initiative have been viewed as unwavering. Ms. Joyce is truly a team player and her work ethic and positive attitude is very much appreciated! Thank you for all that you do!

CS I Chris Brownlee
Mr. Brownlee was nominated for this award by Chief of Custody, Mike Jones. Mr. Jones commended him on his assistance while Major Jones transitions into his new position. Captain Brownlee has spent numerous hours assisting with and developing a staffing plan to help improve the safety and security of the institution. Major Jones goes on to state that during the disturbances in Housing Unit 1, Captain Brownlee worked numerous hours on Use of Force packets to ensure their quality and accuracy. Captain Brownlee’s willingness to go above and beyond his assigned duties, is greatly appreciated and helps to ensure the safety and security of the institution are met. Thank you for a job well done as well as for the hours you have put in
Awards & Recognition
Warden’s Award of Excellence-Jonathan Masson
Life Saver Award- Dawn Sims
The Wellness Committee gave away 5 Renaissance Festival tickets- Betty Lindsey
- What Is It Game? Tawnya Carlton
- How Much Candy in Jar? Randy Lyon
- $50.00 Cash – Sheila Scherlinger
- Walmart Gift Card – Benjamin Schmid
- Olive Garden Gift Card – Justin Scheel
- Texas Roadhouse Gift Card – Richard Jones
- Bass Pro Gift Card – Brian McKenzie
The Personnel Club Parking Spot goes to Dovey Loftin for $101.
The Wellness Committee Parking Spot goes to Richard Melton for $101.
New Team Members
CO I’s
Jeffrey Anderson
Tim Amos
Austin Fountain
Destinie Meadors
Paula Merson
Kendall Lawrence
Hirra Rafaqat
Mark Snitzer
Jacob Bates
Trisha Seeley
Caitlyn Sturtsman
Kristen Adolf
Please join me in congratulating COI Sundeep Bench in her promotion to Corrections Case Manager. Mrs. Bench began her career at Crossroads Correctional Center in 2012 as a Correctional Officer I. She then transferred to Western Missouri Correctional Center in 2019 when the two facilities were consolidated. Mrs. Bench will begin her duties as Case Manager on September 13, 2021. Please provide CCM Bench your full cooperation as she transitions into her new role.
Please join me in congratulating OSA Laney McCall in her promotion to Corrections Case Manager. Mrs. McCall began her career as a Corrections Officer I at Western Missouri Correctional Center in August 2017. She was then accepted for the position of Office Support Assistant in 2021. Mrs. McCall will begin her duties as Case Manager on September 13, 2021. Please provide CCM McCall your full cooperation as she transitions into her new role.
Jessmer, have accepted the appointment to the position of Functional Unit Manager at WMCC. Mr. Atkinson has work experience as a Corrections Officer I, Institutional Activities Coordinator and Case Manager at Crossroads Correctional Center (CRCC). He was reassigned as a Case Manger on 2019 when CRCC consolidated with Western Missouri Correctional Center (WMCC). Mr. Atkinson holds a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from the University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO.
Mr. Jessmer has work experience as a Correctional Officer I at Crossroads Correctional Center (CRCC), Correctional Officer II and Case Manager at Western Missouri Correctional Center (WMCC), Probation and Parole Officer at District 2 Probation and Parole Office and a Private Probation Officer for the 43rd Circuit Court. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology/Criminal Justice from Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO and Master of Science from Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO.
Cam and Matt bring to their new positions a wealth of knowledge and experience. Please take the time to congratulate Cam and welcome and congratulate Matt to their new chapter of their career.
David Boguslaw
Success Story
A few words of appreciation and some encouraging messaging about how we as individuals shape the environment we are part of.
“Thank you all”, for the hard work and diligent efforts the staff at WMCC are doing to ensure public safety each and every day. This week is widely celebrated as “Corrections Week”; however, as supervisors we are thankful and very appreciative for the work everyone is doing each and every day. These times have proven more difficult than anyone has ever experienced. In the face of this challenge we are grateful for team members pulling together and uplifting one another each day.
You are an amazing group and provide a service that is often overlooked and underappreciated by the general public.

EOM Paul Beckham
August 2021
Big News
Please join in congratulating the following employees for being selected to attend the 2021 MCA Conference:
COIII Aaron Cox
COI Jeffery Taylor
CCMII Elizabeth Wilburn
Employee of the Month
Paul Beckham, COI
COI Beckham was nominated for this award by FUM Whitney Edwards. Ms. Edwards stated that COI Beckham took the initiative to search HU5 regarding stolen items, which resulted in the recovery of eight televisions and eight fans, as well as other nuisance contraband. He is an excellent officer who consistently holds offenders accountable for their actions, making the unit safer. COI Beckham has developed a rapport with the offenders which assists classification and custody by his ability to deescalate situations and security concerns as they arise. Ms. Edwards states that he is a great officer and his hard work is appreciated. Thank you for all that you do.
Laney McCall, OSA
OSA McCall was nominated for this award by FUM Whitney Edwards. Ms. Edwards nominated her for her exemplary work ethic and willingness to help in additional areas of the facility. Ms. McCall has been working in classification since March in HU5 as an OSA and has shown amazing work ethic by learning her new job duties quickly, assisting in HU 2 as an OSA and helping custody staff during her normal and overtime hours. She has volunteered to help with the Puppies for Parole program assisting with meet and greets and retrieving dogs when they arrive. Ms. McCall recently took the initiative to search HU5 regarding stolen items, which resulted in the recovery of eight televisions and eight fans, as well as other nuisance contraband. She is always very willing to assist her fellow staff and is a definite asset to classification and custody. Your hard work is appreciated.
Sharyl Pollard, OSA
Ms. Pollard was nominated for this award by Business Manager, Willie Camarador and VTS Supervisor, Keith Shurtleff. Ms. Pollard was nominated for her positive attitude in everything she does. She has been stepping up to help during the staff shortage by manning the front entry point scanner in the mornings. She always greets staff with a smile and personable inquiry as to how they are doing. Ms. Pollard’s positive attitude and demeanor helps everyone start their day off with a better attitude. Ms. Pollard was asked to help understaffed food service by coming in early and she said yes without hesitation. She has been coming in early to assist Food Service ever since. In addition, Ms. Pollard has been the ITSD liaison and she enjoys learning and doing her part as such. Staff have been heard expressing their gratitude for her computer assistance. Ms. Pollard’s resourcefulness and can-do attitude has helped improve the teaching programs in VTS and helped break through some of the dead-ends to get results needed from ITSD. She willingly offers her assistance with great enthusiasm and positivity. Keep up the good work!
Awards & Recognition
The Wellness Committee gave away prizes for the month of August to the below winners:
Glendon Moore won the Ladderball game and a case of Gatorade.
Bruce Huskey won the Cornhole game and a case of water.
New Team Members
Cyrus Dilley- COI
COI Vivian Chaverra
CO-III Aaron Cox, CO-I Robyn Reeds, and CO-II Timothy Gardner were selected to the CERT Dog Team. Dog Team members are called on to assist state, county and local law enforcement agencies in addition to institutional needs. This position requires extensive responsibility, training time with our K-9’s and team effort on all of our dog team members. We look forward to their contributions when called upon.
COI Jamon Bartlett to the position of Corrections Case Manager.
Jerry Pierce and Paul Bird in their promotions to Lieutenant at Western Missouri Correctional Center
July 2021
Big News
The Wellness Committee gave away 1 basket containing sunscreen, lip sunscreen, beach towel, sunglasses (children & adults) and other various related items.
The Personnel Club gave out ice cream to all staff in the Assembly Room this month. Thank you for all you do.
RJO donations made in July 2021
Caldwell County Food Pantry
60 lbs beets 7-1-21
10 lbs onions 7-1-21
85 lbs zucchini 7-29-21
10 lbs green beans 7-29-21
130 lbs spaghetti squash 7-29-21
45 lbs onions 7-29-21
35 lbs mashed potato squash 7-29-21
25 lbs peppers 7-29-21
40 lbs tomatos 7-29-21
Dekalb County Food Pantry
10 lbs peppers 7-15-21
60 lbs spaghetti squash 7-15-21
20 lbs onions 7-15-21
50 lbs potatoes 7-15-21
15 lbs zucchini 7-15-21
Employee of the Month
Robyn Reeds, COI
COI Reeds was nominated for this award by COIII Larry Brinkley. COI Reeds currently works in HU 1 as the bubble officer for second shift. On a daily basis Ms. Reeds goes above and beyond her normal duties by being relieved to help feed offenders, going to get ice for each cell after trays are picked up. She also helps her fellow staff with pulling offenders for recreation and helping provide safety for not only each offender, but for her fellow HU1 staff. At times she is called upon for CIT when the situation arises and she works a lot of overtime to assist on third shift. Keep up the good work!
Brandon Norton, FUM
FUM Norton was nominated for this award by Assistant Warden, Shawn Pettigrew. Mr. Norton consistently works overtime on both first and third shifts as a Correctional Officer I. During his tours of duty, he has regularly completed random cell searches. During the last month alone, he has located three different, significant homemade weapons in the cells of three different offenders. He works diligently in taking photographs of the recovered weapons and forwarding them to the appropriate supervisory staff. He does his part to ensure the safety and security of the institution. Keep up the good work!
Lacey Clark, OSA
Ms. Clark was nominated for this award by Deputy Warden, Paul Drake. Ms. Clark performs her duties in the DWO office at an exceptional level ensuring accuracy of all tasks she completes. During the transition period of the Personnel Office, she has gone above and beyond her job duties by working countless hours during her normal work schedule, as well as overtime, in order to assist the Personnel office. In talking with Ms. Clark, it is apparent her motivation is the WMCC staff, not only in training of new staff in Personnel, but ensuring all hours are correct for our staff. Also, during a review of censored mail, she discovered a controlled substance in one of the envelopes and took it to the institutional investigator helping to ensure the safety of our staff. Keep up the good work!
Awards & Recognition
The winner of the Wellness Committee prize for the month of July is Jani Holt, P&P. She won a beach bag, beach towel and sunglasses, child’s beach towel and sunglasses, Banana Boat Aloe Vera, Sunscreen and chapstick.
New Team Members
Matthew Downs- COI
Renee Draper- COOK
COI- Kaitlyn A Martin
COI Willis Booze
COI Douglas Martin
OSA Amber Fulbright
OSA Jessicah Montgomery
Cook David McKinnon
COI Kent Askins
Virginia (Jenny) Groce to the position of Records Officer I in the WMCC Records Office.
Tawnya Carlton to the position of Office Support Assistant in the WMCC Personnel Office.
CCMII Rhonda Lawrence on her promotion to Institutional Parole Officer at WRDCC.
Promotions to Corrections Case Manager:
Tessa Rick
Shona Simpson
COI Rebekah Maples
Lana Tavernaro
Gregory Williams and Anthony Borders promoted to the position of Sergeant.
Case Manager II Brandon Norton on his selection to the position of Assistant Field Commander.
Cpt. Mike Jones promoted to Corrections Supervisor II/Chief of Custody
June 2021
Big News
Personnel Club had their first food truck come out!!! It was a huge huge success!!! The Personnel Club has expressed continued efforts will be made to continue having food trucks come out.
The Wellness Committee gave away two gift certificates in the amount of $50.00 for local firework stands.
RJO donations made in June 2021
285 lbs beets to Hamilton Food Pantry
205 lbs beets to Stewartsville Food Pantry
120 lbs beets to Dekalb County Food Pantry
The Personnel Club and Wellness Committee auctioned off two parking spots for the quarter starting in July and ending the end of September.
Employee of the Month
June Faulk, OSA
Ms. Faulk was nominated for this award by FUM, Stephanie Wilson. Ms. Wilson stated that she nominated Ms. Faulk due to her outstanding ability to promote teamwork. On numerous occasions Ms. Faulk has been tasked with additional job duties, while ensuring her own duties are completed, and she does so with a positive and professional attitude. Ms. Faulk also ensures that all acting Assistant Warden’s duties are completed by using good communication skills with those in that role as well as assisting in other areas such as the front lobby search station and the Wellness Committee. You are definitely an asset to WMCC.
Ronald Wilson, COI
Officer Wilson was nominated for this award by COII, Drew Achter. COII Achter stated that his family here at WMCC appreciates his strong work ethic, diligence, and integrity. Regardless of where he is posted COI Wilson continuously assists the department with making WMCC a safer and more enjoyable place to work. Not only does COI Wilson assist fellow staff members with his wealth of knowledge, but he sets the standard by leading by example and setting a positive standard. Staff look up to him as a positive leader and a huge asset to our team. Thank you for all that you do to ensure our housing units and institution run smoothly and safely. Thank you COI Wilson for all that you do. You are greatly appreciated!
Awards & Recognition
The following staff have won a $50 gift certificate from KA-Boomers – in the parking lot of CAMERON
Whitney Edwards
Aaron Wattenbarger
The winner of the Personnel Club parking spot is Michael Burchett for $80.
The winner of the Wellness parking spot is Richard Melton for $100.
New Team Members
Andrew Borland COI
Carlos Quezada COI
William Karger COI
Cheyenne Marquess COI
Bradley E Cockrill COII
James R Regan COI
Eric J Gardner COI
Brayden Detwieler, CO I
Steven Parker, CO I
Devon Kellerstrass, COI
Gary Wright, COI
Katrina Ottman, COI
May 2021
Big News
The Wellness Committee gave away 1 Gift Certificate for the YMCA. The gift certificate is $50. We would also like to give away a Fit Bit with it not exceeding $50.
RJO donations made in May 2021
The Village of Cameron – 10 fidget sleeves
Redwood of Cameron – 5 fidget sleeves
Redwood of Carmel Hills – 41 fidget mats/sleeves
Villages of Jackson Creek – 41 fidget mats/sleeves
Liberty Hospital – 293 baby hats & 40 blankets
North KC Hospital – 300 baby hats & 26 blankets
Operation Breakthrough – 785 hats & 119 scarves & 5 Linus blankets
AFL-CIO Community Services – 1020 hats
Ronald McDonald House Charities – 5 paper case boxes of pop tabs
Monetary Donations:
MOCSA - $1,000
Corey’s Network - $1,000
Parents of Murdered Children - $1,000
Consolidates Social Services – Chestnut Family Resource Center $1,000
Other Donations:
Cameron’s Women Shelter – assorted games donated by TC Community 4 wishing wells made in VTS
Employee of the Month
Polly Henley, Storekeeper I
Ms. Henley was nominated for this award by Storekeeper II, Cynthia Breshears. Ms. Breshears stated “During the time of transition between hiring another Storekeeper to help in your area, you single handedly held the position with a positive attitude and a smile on your face.” The Warehouse is an extremely busy area with truck deliveries on the dock and all housing units getting supplies. When the warehouse officer is assigned to other areas, you continuously take on the duties of CO I’s and operate the gates in his absence. You run the Warehouse with ease and also assist other areas of the Warehouse and this reflects your mindset of teamwork. Her high level of performance and contribution to WMCC is evident and by going above and beyond your normal job duties you lead by example. Keep up the good work!

Wayne Vanderwood, COII
Officer Vanderwood was nominated for this award by COIII, Eric Reidlinger. Mr. Reidlinger stated that COII Vanderwood has been working 16 hours a day 5 days a week and that his assistance has proven time and time again to be invaluable on many different levels. He sets an excellent example to fellow staff with his professionalism, dependability, and positive attitude. A significant portion of COII Vanderwood’s overtime is spent working in Food Service and he keeps the area running smoothly and assists other officers in learning the routine as well as how to complete documentation for that area. COIII Reidlinger stated that he has done all this while minimizing unscheduled leave. COII Vanderwood’s experience and knowledge in various areas is a great value to WMCC. Your assistance is appreciated by supervisors and fellow staff.
Rhonda Lawrence, CCMII
Ms. Lawrence was nominated for this award by CCMII Jeff Rogers. Mr. Rogers stated he has been working with Ms. Lawrence for a while and realizes that she has the most comprehensive understanding of the workings of WMCC that he has seen. He stated that this vast knowledge comes from her experience working as a COI, then a CCA and to her current assignment as a Case Manager. Ms. Lawrence often receives calls from other staff that know she can help them with the answers they need. Mr. Rogers stated that it’s her constant willingness to help that saves us, she is like a “human Google for WMCC.”
Awards & Recognition
High Five Awards: Willie Camarador, Tia Gilliam, Sarah Eldredge, Sharyl Pollard and Linda Beers
Richard Melton to Correctional Officer III at Western Missouri Correctional Center.
Dena McNeely to the position of Senior Office Support Assistant in the WMCC Mailroom.
Katherine Engel to the position of Senior Office Support Assistant in Personnel at WMCC.
Sarah Eldredge to the Business Office Team.
Lorieanne Hunter and Shane Muff to the position of Corrections Supervisor I. T
Judy Joy
April 2021
Big News
The Wellness Committee donated old eyeglasses to a local entity. Thank you to all those who supported “March Save Your Vision Month.” You’re contributions are very much appreciated.
The Personnel Club handed candy bars to everyone to say thank you for what everyone does for our institution!
Employee of the Month
LaToya Robinson, CM
Ms. Robinson was nominated for this award by CCA Teri Penland, CCA Brenda France, and OSA Carolyn Joyce. Ms. Penland and Ms. France stated “LaToya took on the extra responsibility of completing the notaries for the whole institution to help relieve the CCA’s work load.” She did this while completing her own job duties as well as assisting in custody. They commended her for always showing initiative and discipline in her profession. Ms. Joyce stated “LaToya is an individual who always goes beyond what is expected regardless of what job assignment she is working.” Between working custody and classification, she has kept the dog program running smoothly by recruiting other dog shelters and helping with fundraisers for the program. She stated that “working with you makes her job easier and makes her glad to come to work each day.” Her dedication to her job truly makes a big difference for institution, congratulations and keep up the good work!
Anthony Borders, COI
Officer Borders was nominated for this award by COII, Jericks Silver. Mr. Silver stated that COI Borders is currently assigned to one of the busiest and highly stressful posts in the institution. Between the many jobs tasked to him in Housing Unit 1, there seems to be little time to conduct thorough cell searches, yet you found the time to do so. His meticulous searches have uncovered numerous homemade weapons which has helped to ensure the safety of those around you. His dedication to his job truly makes a big difference for our institution, congratulations and keep up the good work!
Phillip Puckett, SE
Mr. Puckett was nominated for this award by Nick Morris. Mr. Puckett was tasked with switching the boilers in the CRCC powerhouse to run on diesel fuel instead of natural gas during the recent cold snap. Both WMCC and CRCC get their heat from CRCC’s powerhouse, so this was an important undertaking. Due to his knowledge and willingness to get things done, he had the boilers switched over in no time. He also came in on his days off to make sure things were still running smoothly, even staying 32 hours in one stretch when the weather was the coldest. He knows his job extremely well and he enjoys what he does. His dedication to his job truly makes a big difference for our institution, congratulations and keep up the good work!
Awards & Recognition
Congratulations to Robyn Reeds for winning the Texas Roadhouse gift card from the Wellness Committee.
New Team Members
Karen Arrowwood, CO I
Daniel Knutter, CO I
Rodney Baldwin, CO I
Shadow Phillips, CO I
Timothy Hyden to the position of COII
Adrienne Clark will begin employment with WMCC as a POII
Shawn Pettigrew, accepted the appointment to Assistant Warden at WMCC
Stacy Muessig to the position of AOSA for the Warden’s office
Anita Petifurd to the position of Personnel Clerk at WMCC
Marsha Vanisko
Pam Jeffries
Shari Lee
Kevin Fagan
March 2021
Big News
The Wellness Committee are continuing to offer chair massages to bring a little relaxation for the staff. Thank you to the Wellness Committee.
Employee of the Month
Katherine Engel, OSA
Mrs. Engel was nominated for this award by FUM, Whitney Edwards. Ms. Edwards stated “Katherine was one of three OSA’s during a staff shortage in classification. She showed exemplary work ethic by overseeing multiple extra housing units, entering violations, processing paperwork, filing and delivering files.” Ms. Edwards also stated “Katherine works extra hours to be able to complete her tasks and also assisted with staff training and custody. She is an asset to WMCC, a great source of information and is always willing to assist her fellow staff members.” Her dedication to her job truly makes a big difference for our institution, congratulations and keep up the good work!
Michael Burchett, COI
Officer Burchett was nominated for this award by COIII, Glendon Moore. Mr. Moore stated that COI Burchett is currently assigned to Housing Unit 2 and was an integral part of the opening of the new Step Down Unit in A Wing. He demonstrates his knowledge and competence as a Housing Unit officer and shows it by managing daily expectations and tasks and does so with proficiency while dealing with the SDU Wing. Mr. Moore stated “COI Burchett’s willingness to share his knowledge and professionalism with peers and supervisors alike has personally had a positive impact on me as well as those who work him. COI Burchett demonstrates daily that he is an asset to his Housing Unit.” His outstanding performance is a credit to WMCC and the Missouri Department of Corrections. His dedication to his job truly makes a big difference for our institution, congratulations and keep up the good work!
Hannah Campbell, SOSA
Ms. Campbell was nominated for this award by Marsha Vanisko, Personnel Clerk. Ms. Campbell has been taking on additional duties in the Personnel Office due to one member recently resigning and has done whatever is asked of her. She has been running background checks for interview packets as well as CO I new-hires with a very short turnaround time to fill vacancies as quickly as possible. Ms. Campbell is a team player and does what needs to get done each pay cycle. The Personnel Office has a large amount of work to complete to meet deadlines, which has required her to work overtime. Ms. Campbell has stayed late and worked Saturdays to get the job done and assist where needed. She has great customer service skills and is always willing to assist staff with questions and concerns. She has a great attitude and is expanding her knowledge of Human Resources benefits and policies. Ms. Campbell has recently become familiar with the new Hire True system and she is assisting the Personnel Clerk with some of the required duties. Her willingness to learn, work as a team player and work overtime are an asset to the office, especially when the office is short staffed and the workload has increased in recent months. Her dedication to her job truly makes a big difference for our institution, congratulations and keep up the good work!
Awards & Recognition
Life Saver Award Amanda Dunwoodie
Margaret Kelley is the winner for the month of February. She won the winter car kit and accessories given by the Wellness Committee.
The Personnel Club auctioned off the Personnel Parking Spot for the months of April, May and June. It was a silent auction. The winner will assume the parking spot beginning April 1, 2021 and will end June 30, 2021. The winner is Debbie Roe. Congratulations!
The Wellness Committee auctioned off the Wellness Parking Spot for the months of April, May and June. It was a silent auction. The winner will assume the parking spot beginning April 1, 2021 and will end June 30, 2021. The winner is Richard Melton. Congratulations!
New Team Members
Christopher Collins, COI
Danielle Beal, COI
Jaimie Bontz, COI
Heather Brooks, COI
Shalai Brown, OSA
Ashley Herring, OSA
Amber Painter, COI
Jolynn Reardon, OSA
Tawnya Carlon, OSA Switchboard
Kathleen Hanna, COI
Mary Miller, CCM
Laine Elliot, COI
Jessy Jones, COI
Maria Zorn, Cook
John Hunter, Correctional Worker
Amber Payne, Food Service Worker/Cook
Hailey Bartley, CO I
Aaron Wade, Stationary Engineer
February 2021
Big News
Restorative Justice Donated the following:
Green Hills Women’s Shelter 01/22/2021
Coloring Books- 166, Baby Blankets-16, Baby blanket and hat set-1, Mittens-1 pair, Scarves-45, Hat and Scarf Sets-11, 232 Hats (100 adult, 100 kids, 32 baby)
Cameron Regional Medical Center 01/22/2021
205 baby hats
The Wellness Committee offered chair massages to bring a little relaxation for the staff. Thank you to the Wellness Committee. It was a huge success.
The Personnel Club sold sugar cookies to all staff members for Valentine’s Day! It was a wonderful to say thank you to your fellow coworkers.
Employee of the Month
Betty Lindsey, CCMII
Ms. Lindsey was nominated for this award by FUM, Michael Kimbrough for her continuous efforts of teamwork and leadership. Although her work in the AdSeg Unit can be busy and stressful she always makes herself available to assist her coworkers. Ms. Lindsey does this without being asked and does not complain. Mr. Kimbrough stated “Ms. Lindsey is always positive and professional when interacting with staff and offenders. Even on days when working custody, when available she will come to HU1 to assist with duties and then return to her post. Ms. Lindsey quickly responds to calls of distress and has even accompanied staff to the hospital and stayed until family arrives. Ms. Lindsey has many years of experience and her strong work ethic, dedication and compassion makes her a valuable asset to the institution and coworkers.” Her dedication to her job truly makes a big difference for our institution, congratulations and keep up the good work!
Johnathan Masson, COI
Officer Masson was nominated for this award by FUM, Whitney Edwards. Ms. Edwards said on November 18, 2020, after receiving information he was asked to conduct a search on an offender. At this time COI Masson took the initiative to locate the offender and complete the search. During the search he recovered a homemade weapon. Later the same day Officer Masson was doing another unrelated search in which contraband was found. Ms. Edwards said in addition to making these recoveries that Officer Masson volunteers to work an abundance of overtime and consistently goes above and beyond, even when working long hours. His dedication to his job truly makes a big difference for our institution, congratulations and keep up the good work!
Julie Muff, STKI
Ms. Muff was nominated for this award by Captain Jennifer Caldwell. For the past four years she has volunteered her time, working countless hours of overtime for third shift. Ms. Muff recently altered her schedule so she could dedicate two days of her work week to helping custody staff cover second shift during the staff shortage. She approaches each day with a positive attitude and is always eager to help whenever and wherever she is needed. Captain Caldwell states, “Julie shows staff daily what teamwork is all about and her dedication is very much appreciated by all staff”. Her dedication to her job truly makes a big difference for our institution, congratulations and keep up the good work!
New Team Members
Samuel Ayers, COI - Reporting 02/08/2021
Robert Dodd, COI – Reporting 02/08/2021
Dillon Hicks, COI – Reporting 02/08/2021
David Hill, COI – Reporting 02/08/2021
Isisah Jernigan, COI – Reporting 02/08/2021
Timothy Martin, Librarian – Reporting 02/08/2021
Timothy Turner, COI – Reporting 02/08/2021
Stephni Wilson, COI – Reporting 02/08/2021
Dekota Adkins, COI – beginning 02/22/2021
Tiffany Adkins, COI – beginning 02/22/2021
Christopher Collins, COI – beginning 02/22/2021
Steven Findling, COI – beginning 02/22/2021
Case Manager II Promotions
I am pleased to announce the promotion of Gary Rogers, Elizabeth Wilburn, Miles Baldwin, Catherine Moody, Anita Petifurd and Mary Miller to the position of Case Manager II. They will began their new positions on March 14, 2021. Please join me in congratulating them and offering support in their new roles at WMCC.
Gary Rogers began his career with the Department of Corrections on September 20, 1993 as a Corrections Officer I at Western Missouri Correctional Center. On December 16, 1997, he was promoted to Corrections Officer II at Crossroads Correctional Center before resigning from the Department of Corrections on December 11, 1998. Mr. Rogers then rehired with the Department of Corrections at Crossroads Correctional Center as a Corrections Officer I on September 12, 2011. On September 2, 2012 he promoted to Corrections Officer II and on December 1, 2013 he promoted to Corrections Officer III, all at Crossroads Correctional Center. In addition, he was the CERT Field Commander for Crossroads Correctional Center. On June 16, 2019, he transferred to the Kansas City Reentry Center as a Corrections Officer III where he was the Administrative Inquiry Officer before transferring to Western Missouri Correctional Center on January 3, 2021. Mr. Rogers brings a wealth of Knowledge and experience.
Elizabeth Wilburn began her career with the Department of Corrections as an unclassified on October 18, 2004 before given her orders of Corrections Officer I on December 13, 2004 at Crossroads Correctional Center. On January 28, 2009, she was promoted to Corrections Officer II. On June 16, 2019, Ms. Wilburn transferred to the Kansas City Reentry Center as a Corrections Officer II, on numerous occasions being the shift commander and acting major. Ms. Wilburn shows exactly what promoting teamwork should resemble.
Miles Baldwin began his career with the Department of Corrections as a Cook I on September 27, 2010 at Crossroads Correctional Center. On September 10, 2012, he promoted to Corrections Officer I at Western Missouri Correctional Center. On June 10, 2018, he accepted a promotion to Corrections Officer II at Western Missouri Correctional Center. Mr. Baldwin is extremely goal orientated, and know exactly how to help others reach their goals.
Catherine Moody began her career with the Department of Corrections on March 17, 1997 as a Corrections Officer I at Western Missouri Correctional Center. Ms. Moody’s initiative skills and attentiveness will benefit not only her, but as well as her co-workers.
Anita Petifurd began her career with the Department of Corrections on December 22, 2008 as a Corrections Officer I at Western Missouri Correctional Center. .She then promoted to Labor Supervisor on September 22, 2013 before transferring to Western Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center as a Labor Supervisor. She then transferred to Kansas City Reentry Center as Admin Office Support in the records office on February 12, 2017 before promoting to Corrections Records Officer II. Ms. Perifurds organization skill will assist her and others as she assumes into her new role.
Mary Miller began her career part-time as a Teacher’s Aide at Chillicothe Correctional Center on April 8, 2019 until May 16, 2019. On August 25, 2020, she rehired with the State of Missouri. Ms. Millers communication skill will be very beneficial as she assumes her new role.
Staff Moves
COI Beck has accepted the position as Storekeeper I in the Warehouse handling Cleaning Supplies and Fixed Assets. Ms. Beck started her career with WMCC in June 2007 as a COI. Ms. Beck will begin her new job duties as Storekeeper I on March 1st, 2021. Please join me in congratulating Ms. Beck in her new position as Storekeeper I.
Ms. Marla Felton has accepted the appointment to the position of Deputy Warden here at WMCC. Ms. Felton began her career with the Missouri Department of Corrections in November of 2005 as a Probation and Parole Officer at Boonville Correctional Center. She transferred to Western Missouri Correctional Center as A Caseworker in November of 2006. In December 2007 she was promoted to Functional Unit Manager at Western Missouri Correctional Center and in 2008 transferred to the Chillicothe Correctional Center. In December of 2018 she was promoted to Assistant Warden at Chillicothe Correctional Center where she continues to be employed in this position today. She earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice and completed the hours associated with a Masters in Criminal Justice Administration but did not earn a degree.
She brings to this position a wealth of knowledgeable, experience, and a passion of working with others. Please take the time to welcome and congratulate her on the beginning a new chapter in her career. She will be transitioning into this new role effective March 1, 2021.
Important Dates
The Wellness Committee will be hosting our annual Wii Bowling Tournament. Registration starts Tuesday January 19, 2021. We will be bowling in teams of two (2). There will be no cost. Bowling will begin February 1, 2021 in the Assembly Room. This will be double elimination. Teams can bowl separately on different shifts for those who want to team up with a staff member on a different shift or if you just need to bowl separate. Julie Botts will be here at 6:45 a.m. for anyone wanting to bowl. You can bowl as late as 4:00 p.m. Contact a Wellness Member to sign up and set a bowling time.
Wellness members: June Faulk, Melanie Meyer, Julie Botts, Dena McNeely, Hannah Campbell, and Kendra Vaughn to sign up.
Prizes are as follows:
1st place - $25.00 each team member
2nd place - $15.00 each team member
3rd place - $10.00 each team member
January 2021
Big News
The Personnel Club are still selling the new institutional T-shirts. Please fill out an order form if you would like to purchase one and turn in to one of the Personnel Club members. $15 for all sizes excluding 2X and $16 for 2X. There are two styles of shirts, two options of where the flag logo is printed, and several color options to choose from
The Wellness Committee held an auction for the Charitable Campaign Parking Spot. It will be from February 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021.
Wellness Committee held a school supply donation on 01/27/2021-01/28/2021. Employees could wear jeans these days in trade for bringing school supplies, which were donated to our local school.
Thank you to the Personnel Club for donating your time to provide cinnamon rolls for the staff.
Employee of the Month
Whitney Edwards, FUM
Ms. Edwards was nominated for this award by Case Manager, Kylie Douglas. Ms. Douglas stated that on the afternoon of November 5, 2020, Ms. Edwards assisted in restraining two offenders who were behaving in a hostile manner. Ms. Douglas said that Ms. Edward’s attention to detail and willingness to assist her fellow co-workers helps ensure the safety and security of our institution. Ms. Edwards is a team player and often volunteers her time to help other staff members. Her dedication to her job truly makes a big difference for our institution, congratulations and keep up the good work!
Cecelia Tandy, COI
Ms. Tandy was nominated for this award by COII, Drew Achter and COII, Jericks Silver. Mr. Achter stated Ms. Tandy show strong teamwork and is dedicated to her career. She is always at work and has a smile on her face, no matter what. Ms. Tandy is diligent in her duties and she stays over 5 days a week to help with staffing. Mr. Silver stated “Ms. Tandy has a strong work ethic and unwavering positive demeanor that truly inspires her peers and motivates this sergeant to do better. Even when working in the worst environment she still displays a positive cheerful attitude and volunteers to work an incredible amount of overtime.” Ms. Tandy’s care and concern for her fellow officer is commendable. Her dedication to her job truly makes a big difference for our institution, congratulations and keep up the good work!
Tye Russell, CKII
Mr. Russell was nominated for this award by IAC, Eli Teller. Mr. Teller said “Mr. Russell is a diligent, balanced and consistent example of what is needed to get a difficult job done in a professional and timely manner even when short staffed.” Mr. Russell is well organized, self-motivated and reliable and that he greets his staff with appreciation, he makes sure they know what is needed and he welcomes questions and gives the support needed for them to do their jobs. Mr. Teller said “Mr. Russell is a hard worker and is able to adapt to challenges which contributes to the overall success of each days operations.” His dedication to his job truly makes a big difference for our institution, congratulations and keep up the good work!
Awards & Recognition
Employee of the Year
Sarah Morris, Corrections Case Manager II
Ms. Morris was nominated for this award by FUM Cameron Fast. She was nominated for her diligent work which has contributed to the successful operation of the Protective Custody Unit at WMCC. Ms. Morris played a vital role in the startup and structuring of the PCU’s daily operations and has been filling in as Acting Functional Unit Manager due to a vacancy within the housing unit. Since she has been acting FUM, she has continued to operate the PCU with integrity, professionalism and consistency. Ms. Morris assists in the operations of the unit, prepares the PCU Committee and reviews and investigates every offender that requests protective custody. In making this determination, she quickly assesses the offenders for appropriate housing and/or suitability for: PCU assignment, return to General Population, or transfer to another institution. Ms. Morris streamlines the enemy transfer process by taking the initiative to complete the transfers herself. This has saved time for the case managers and offender awaiting transfer to segregation. Ms. Morris effectively coordinates with the other departments to guarantee each offender is able to participate in or receive services available through the institution to assist in their rehabilitation efforts. She has implemented an additional project of crocheting fidget blankets for Alzheimer’s patients by the offenders assigned to the PCU. Over the last year, multiple operating procedures have changed with the opening of the protective custody unit. Ms. Morris has been flexible when adjusting to the changes and approached changes in her daily tasks with a positive attitude. She has exhibited exemplary problem solving skills when faced with any tasks delegated to her. Congratulations and thank you!
Employee of the Year
Timothy Gardner, COI

COI Gardner was nominated for this award by CO I, Troy Green. Mr. Green states “you are assigned to the ADSEG unit on 2nd shift. You are a team player and an excellent example for both new and well-seasoned officers to follow. You are quick to help others and fill in where needed and volunteer to work overtime to help with staff shortages.” COI Green states that COI Gardner is a self-initiator, identifies existing problems and formulate solutions. He presents ideas to leadership and shares them with fellow employees thus inspiring them to improve their work environment. When the housing unit is faced with multiple situations, his critical thinking is an asset which enables everyone to focus on their task at hand. COI Green states “your attitude is contagious. You are always smiling and are quick to realize when a staff member is stressed or down. You are willing to listen, offer advice or give a kind word of encouragement. You are a true professional who strives to better himself and assist others.” Congratulations and thank you!
Employee of the Year
Cynthia Breshears, Storekeeper II
Ms. Breshears was nominated for this award by STKII Laura Novak and OSA Leslie Johns. Ms. Breshears does her job extremely well and with the utmost professionalism. She comes to work every day with a positive attitude and a smile. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, Ms. Breshears has taken on additional duties and has operated Canteen in a smooth, successful manner. Her hard work and professionalism is greatly appreciated and admired. Congratulations and thank you!
Please join me in congratulating our 1st Quarter Warden's Award of Excellence Recipient
Linda Beers, OSA
Ms. Beers was nominated for this award by (former) COI Tim Benedict and SOSA Shari Lee. Ms. Beers has gone out of her way to make others feel special. On numerous occasions Ms. Beers has sent cards and flowers to staff members in every department to offer sympathy and condolences for the loss of a loved one. She has sent cards of Congratulations as well for promotions and new job placements. Some of these individuals barely know Ms. Beers and that is what makes her so special.
Each day Ms. Beers has a pleasantness to her that makes a person in a better mood. If she visits your area she asks if there is anything she can do. If you are ever in need of assistance or have a question she is always willing to help. Ms. Beers has been known to take her own time off work to help other staff in their day to day life. Her selflessness would be hard to compare to anyone else. Corrections is not always a glorious career but with an individual like Ms. Beers the job is better.
New Team Members

Alexis L. Olson-Corrections Officer I-effective January 19th
Michelle S. Eads, Office Support Assistant, effective January 19, 2021
Jerri S. Swoboda, Cook II/Food Service Worker, effective January 11, 2021
Danielle E. Wood-Corrections Officer I-effective -1/19/2021
Dylan J. Rogers-Corrections Officer I-effective 01/19/2021
Hanna M. Valdez-Corrections Officer I- effective 01/25/2021
Mileena R O’Brien-Dental Assistant-Corizon- effective 01-27-2021.
Timothy Martin, Library Manager, effective February 8, 2021

I am pleased to announce the promotion of Justin Scheel and Sarah Morris to the position of Functional Unit Manager.
Justin Scheel began his employment at WMCC on December 2, 2013, as a Corrections Officer I. He was promoted to a Corrections Officer II on March 8, 2015, before becoming a Case Manager on June 18, 2017. He has gained valuable knowledge by working in different areas and housing units of the institution. Mr. Scheel regularly displays great organizational and communication skills in his daily tasks. His leadership skills were
illustrated when housing unit 10 became the COVID-19 Isolation/Quarantine unit. He was able to adapt quickly to changes and ensured testing results were received in an expedited manner. His work ethic and multi-tasking skills are an asset to WMCC.
Sarah Morris began her employment at WMCC on October 26, 1998, as a Corrections Officer I. She transferred to the Family Support Division in 2007, then returned to Department of Corrections on February 11, 2013, as an Office Support Assistant for the Deputy Warden’s Office. On March 13, 2016, Ms. Morris promoted to Case Manager and has gained valuable knowledge by working in different housing units such as Ad-seg, PC, Work Release and GP. She assists and has chaired the protective custody committee and Gateway interviews. Ms. Morris displays great organizational and communication skills in a manner that promotes teamwork. She frequently emerges as a leader when working on small projects and can always be counted on to complete any task ahead of time with little or no supervision. Ms. Morris’ problem solving skills, positive attitude and leadership skills are an asset to WMCC.

I am pleased to announce that Isaac Chaney will begin employment with WMCC as a POII beginning 01/19/21. Isaac is a recent graduate of MWSU in St. Joseph, MO, earning his BS Degree in Criminal Justice. He interned for 1 year with P&P at the District 2 Office, where he obtained valuable and useful knowledge and experience. We are pleased to have Isaac as part of the WMCC team. Please join me in welcoming him.
I am pleased to announce that Mr. Robert Smith will begin a new chapter with WMCC as an Educator III beginning on Monday, January 19th, 2021. Mr. Smith worked in public schools as a teacher, principal, and superintendent. He earned his Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis from the University of Missouri. He holds a Master’s Degree as well as a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education. Mr. Smith is
coming to us from Riverbend Treatment Center where he is working as an Educator and developing curriculum for fellow staff. Mr. Robert Smith’s plethora of experience in the field of Education and Administration will be highly valued and welcomed. We are pleased to have Mr. Robert Smith as part of our WMCC Team. Please join me in welcoming him!
It is my pleasure to announce Elijah Mosier has accepted the position of Lieutenant, effective January 16, 2021.Mr. Mosier began his career with the Department of Corrections in June of 2008 as a Correctional Officer at Chillicothe Correctional Cent+er. He promoted to Sergeant July of 2015.
During his time at Chillicothe Mr. Mosier maintained excellent communication skills and was an asset to the
Department. Please join me in congratulating Mr. Mosier to his new position as Lieutenant.
It is my pleasure to announce Veronica Hilz and Noah Montgomery have accepted the position of Sergeant, effective January 16, 2021.
Ms. Hilz began her career with the Department of Corrections in July of 2018 as a Correctional Officer. She has been a great asset to the Department.
Mr. Montgomery has been employed by the Department of Corrections for a combined total of 10 years with his
most recent employment beginning August of 2020.
Please join me in congratulating Mr. Montgomery and Ms. Hilz in their new positions as Sergeants.
Christopher Nelson
James Perry
John Hunter
Roberta Smith
Sue Gates
Staff Moves
Michelle Eads, OSA
Susan Crews, OSA
Cam Atkinson, CCM
Jillian Eagan, CCM
Important Dates
The Wellness Committee are offering chair massages to bring a little relaxation for the staff. The massage sessions are 10 minutes in length and then there will be a 5 minute break for sanitizing. The cost is $1 per minute. There is a file named “Massage Therapists Schedule”. If you want to make an appointment call any Wellness members and we will update as quickly as possible. Payment will be due 2 days prior to the appointment. We will first fill up the February 5, 2021 appointments before we start on the February 19, 2021 appointments. Money, which will be cash only, will be turned into Stacy Muessig in the Business Office. If time slots are not paid for they will go to the next person.
The Personnel Club is once again selling sugar cookies to all staff members for Valentine’s Day! You can order for yourself, or you can order for a co-worker and have it delivered to them on Thursday, February 11th, 2021. You are given the option to order sugar sugar cookies (a sugar cookie covered with sprinkles before baking), or frosted sugar cookies. The cookies will be in the shape of a heart and sold for $2.00 per cookie. The cookies are wholesale sized and will be made by Hannah like last year.
Along with the cookie, we are also offering Belgian White Chocolate Roses. These will be sold for $2.00 ea.
This is an excellent way to let your co-workers know you appreciate them and brighten their day just a little bit more.
Contact any member to order. Orders must be turned in no later than February 5, 2021 @ 4:30 pm with payment.
The Wellness Committee will be hosting our annual Wii Bowling Tournament. Registration starts Tuesday January 19, 2021. We will be bowling in teams of two (2). There will be no cost. Bowling will begin February 1, 2021 in the Assembly Room. This will be double elimination. Teams can bowl separately on different shifts for those who want to team up with a staff member on a different shift or if you just need to bowl separate. Julie Botts will be here at 6:45 a.m. for anyone wanting to bowl. You can bowl as late as 4:00 p.m. Contact a Wellness Member to sign up and set a bowling time.
Wellness members: June Faulk, Melanie Meyer, Julie Botts, Dena McNeely, Hannah Campbell, and Kendra Vaughn to sign up.
Prizes are as follows:
1st place - $25.00 each team member
2nd place - $15.00 each team member
3rd place - $10.00 each team member
December 2020
Big News
Beginning December 1, the Personnel Club gave a prize away to staff every day of the month of December. These were all by random computer draw. Due to COVID, the Christmas Dinner was cancelled this year. The Personnel Club also gave a monetary gift to all employees. Thank you Personnel Club for all your contributions.
Congratulations and Welcome to the 2021 Personnel Club Members:
Lacey Clark – President
June Faulk – Vice President
Whitney Edwards - Secretary

Julie Botts – Social Chair
Stacy Muessig – Treasurer
Please help them out during the year by volunteering to assist with their many functions as you can.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020 the Wellness Parking Spot for the months of January, February, and March opened up for bid. Staff could place their name and their largest bid in a sealed envelope in the box in the Reception area until December 30, 2020 at 12 noon. On December 30, 2020 at 12 noon they opened the box and took out the bids and announced who the highest bidder was.
A big thank you to our Wellness Committee, Personnel Club and staff for all your contributions made to the Toys for Tots program. With these donations, we were able to make many kids happy. Thank you everyone.
The Personnel Club made a donation to the local sheriff’s department in Dekalb county (Shop for Cops) so that they can continue their contributions to various families around the holiday.
The Personnel Club are still selling the new institutional T-shirts. Please fill out an order form if you would like to purchase one and turn in to one of the Personnel Club members. $15 for all sizes excluding 2X and $16 for 2X. There are two styles of shirts, two options of where the flag logo is printed, and several color options to choose from.
Employee of the Month
Judy Joy, OSA
Judy was nominated for this award by Corrections Case Manager Christine Stone. Ms. Stone stated “Judy has an amazing attitude when at work, I have never heard her complain about the work load. She has been working in multiple housing units to ensure the violations are entered so the most current sanctions are implemented. There is only two OSA’s scheduled in the housing units and with one working in administration that leaves only Judy working all the housing units. If you need something no matter how busy Judy is, she will stop and make you feel like your issue is the most important thing. Judy is truly an asset to WMCC.”
Michael Gardner, COI
Michael was nominated for this award by CO II, Nathen Gilmore. Mr. Gilmore stated “Officer Gardner is a vital part of our team here at WMCC. He works lots of double shifts, stays until 7:00 pm and is still able to complete the duties for his own shift. When he stays over on 3rd shift, he assists with property, searches and wing tours.” On Thursday, August 27, 2020, 3rd shift came in and learned there was a lock up that turned into 4 offenders being placed in Ad-Seg form the same incident. You were not mandated nor asked to stay but volunteered to help inventory and pack the offenders; property and only left once everything else had been done. Your teamwork ability made it possible for the 3rd shift officers to complete their regular duties without having the property keeping their attention away from the offender populations. On Sunday, August 30, 2020, you once again stayed over. A call for assistance was made in food service and it was time for you to go home but you elected to stay behind in case anything else unfolded. Fortunately, nothing transpired but you refused to leave the institution until this situation was under control. Mr. Gilmore further states “Officer Gardner has displayed (on numerous occasions) his teamwork ability and regularly talks about trying to help the morale in his work areas. His contributions, attention to detail and selfless service make clear to his teammates that he is willing to help them, that he is knowledgeable and reliable. Thank you for your continued service to our team. Your work ethic is greatly appreciated.”
Russell Conger, CKIII
You were nominated for this award by IAC Eli Teller. Mr. Teller stated “Mr. Conger is an example of professionalism and dedication that I believe is worthy of recognition. As with Custody, food service is running with very high vacancies, leaving the morning shift very short on staffing. This at times requires the entire kitchen to be run with only one cook staff on shift. As one of the staff who have volunteered to assist, I have observed Mr. Conger go above and beyond to make them feel welcome and appreciated for every little contribution they can make. Staff assisting are encouraged, and made to feel comfortable, asking any and all questions they have to help get acclimated to duties they volunteer to assist with.” Mr. Teller further stated “Mr. Conger is an absolute shining example of professional supervision and communication. Mr. Conger himself puts a great deal of effort and pride into the work he does and proves himself to be a very hard worker, extremely knowledgeable in his area, and is simply a joy to work with. “In a stressful environment, Mr. Conger helps build a positive atmosphere, promotes a team environment and interacts well with others. Mr. Teller stated “I believe Mr. Conger is an essential member of WMCC who continues to show a sense of dedication that can be contagious and I believe he deserves to be recognized for what he does on a daily basis to ensure this institution is able to operate with minimal issues despite the many elements making his job unique.”
Awards & Recognition
The Wellness Committee Winners of a $50 Walmart gift card for the Month of December are:
Stephony Hoppe
John Francis
Lorie Ann Hunter
Zachary Bendure
12/01/2020: DANNY ALEXANDER, Stationary Engineer. He has won a $25.00 gift card to CRACKER BARREL.
12/02/2020: CHRISTY KINSMAN. She has won a $25.00 gift card to RED LOBSTER.
12/03/2020: LESLIE JOHNS, OSA - Warehouse. She has won $100.00 cash.
12/04/2020: CAMERON FAST, FUM. He has won $25.00 gift card to BUFFALO WILD WINGS.
12/06/2020: KEVIN BLIZZARD, CO I. He has won a $25.00 gift card to WENDY’S.
12/07/2020: RUSSEL CONGER, COOK III. He has won $25.00 gift card to CHEESECAKE FACTORY.
12/08/2020: JENNIFER SEELEY, FUM. She has won $25.00 gift card to RED ROBIN.
12/09/2020: SHANA SPEAR, OSA ~ Probation & Parole. She has won a 10” TABLET.
12/10/2020: MICHAEL FRUMP, CO I. He has won a $25.00 gift card to BURGER KING.
12/11/2020: CHRIS BEST RO II. He has won a GARMIN FISH FINDER.
12/12/2020: ROBERT MICHAEL CO I. He has won a $25.00 gift card to TEXAS ROADHOUSE.
12/13/2020: SUNDEEP BENCH, CO I of a $25.00 gift card to STARBUCKS.
12/14/2020: JUDY JOY, OSA. She has won $100.00 CASH.
12/15/2020: SHANE MCQUEEN, Maintenance. He has won a $25.00 gift card to APPLE BEE’S .
12/17/2020: NEVIN CURTIS, CHAPLAIN. He has won a $25.00 gift card to CHEDDARS.
12/18/2020: ANDREW STRZYZEWSKI, CO I. He has won a $25.00 gift card to OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE.
12/18/2020: There was a 2nd gift for today. That winner is DUSTY JONES. He has won a DEPTH FINDER.
12/19/2020: ANTHONY CONTRINI, CO II. He has won a $25.00 gift card to WAL-MART.
12/20/2020: KIM SMITH, OSA. She has won a $25.00 gift card to OLIVE GARDEN.
12/21/2020: LARRY RAWLINGS, CO I. He has won a $25.00 gift card to ARBY’S
12/22/2020: ALEX CARROLL, MS I. He has won a Drone with camera & remote control.
12/23/2020: BRENDA FRANCE, CCA. She has won a $25.00 gift card to BASS PRO SHOPS.
12/24/2020: MILES BALDWIN, CO II. He has won a $25.00 gift card to McDonald’s.
12/25/2020: JUNE FAULK, OSA. She has won a 50” Hisense ROKU Television.
12/26/2020: JEFF ROGERS, CCM II. He has won a $25.00 gift card to TACO BELL.
12/27/2020: AMANDA BOEHM, CO I. She has won a $25.00 gift card to ULTA BEAUTY.
12/28/2020: CARLA McDANIEL, CO I. She has won a DEPTH FINDER.
12/29/2020: THOMAS BENDURE, CO I. He has won a $25.00 gift card to PAPA JOHN’S.
12/30/2020: HALLIE O’DELL, CO I. He has won a $25.00 gift card to SUBWAY.
12/31/2020: SUSAN CREWS, CO I. She has won $100.00 CASH.
The winning bidder for the Personnel Club parking spot is DEBBIE ROE. Debbie can park in this spot from January 1, 2021 to March 31, 2021. Congratulations.
The winning bidder for the Wellness Committee parking spot is Amanda Dunwoodie. She can park in this spot from January 1, 2021 to March 31, 2021. Congratulations
New Team Members
John E. Cox-Corrections Officer l-effective December 7, 2020
Kristin A Stitt-Pharmacy Technician-Corizon-effective 12/11/2020
John M. Batson-Boiler Operator- effective 12/11/2020
Connor A. Bloss-Corrections Officer I-effective 12/14/2020
Shawn M. Coffey-Corrections Officer I-effective 12/14/2020
John D. Stagner-Corrections Officer I-effective 12/14/2020
Kathryn L. Cook-COI-effective 12-21-2020.
I am pleased to announce the Promotion of STKI Rise Holcomb to Storekeeper II in Food Service Warehouse. Ms. Holcomb began her career in July 1998 as a COI at Western Missouri Correctional Center. In April 2008 Rise transferred to Storekeeper I in B-Side Canteen. In April 2010 Rise transferred to the Clothing Issue as Storekeeper I. In February 2014 she transferred to Canteen Warehouse and then in January 2018 she transferred to the Warehouse taking over Cleaning Supplies and all the Fixed Asset tracking. Ms. Holcomb will begin her new job duties as Storekeeper II on January 3rd. 2021. Please join me in congratulating Rise in her position as Storekeeper II.
Staff Moves
Aaron Cox, CO III from MCC
Bret Thogmartin, CO III from WRDCC
Gary Rogers, CO III from KCRC
Camden Atkinson, CCM from KCRC
Michelle Eads, OSA Effective date pending
(for clarification…this is not COI Michelle Eads)
Susan Crews, OSA Effective 1/17/2021
Cam Atkinson, CCM Effective 1/4/2021 Will report on 1/15/21
Jillian Eagan, CCM Effective 1/17/2021
November 2020

Employee of the Month
Timothy Gardner, CO I
You were nominated for this award by CO I, Troy Green. Mr. Green states that you are assigned to the ADSEG unit on 2nd shift. That you are a team player and an excellent example for both new and well-seasoned officers to follow. You are quick to help others and fill in where needed and volunteer to work overtime to help with staff shortages. COI Green states that you are a self-initiator, you identify existing problems and formulate solutions. You present ideas to leadership and share them with fellow employees thus inspiring them to improve their work environment. When the housing unit is faced with multiple situations, your critical thinking is an asset which enables everyone to focus on their task at hand. COI Green states that you attitude is contagious. You are always smiling and are quick to realize when a staff member is stressed or down. You are willing to listen, offer advice or give a kind word of encouragement. You are a true professional who strives to better himself and assist others.
Tia Gilliam, Accounting Clerk
You were nominated for this award by Business Manager, Willie Camarador. Mr. Camarador said that you did the job of two Account Clerks during the absence of your co-worker. On top of your regular duties that include processing requisitions, reconciliations, and handling personnel club finances you also took care of canteen ordering, green checks, processing for P4P and RJ. He stated that you not only did an excellent job in all these areas but you showed a willingness to make sure the Business Office ran smoothly, which requires attention to detail and good organizational skills. You made sure all Canteen orders were placed on time so that we did not run out of product. Mr. Camarador said your knowledge of the job, combined with your great multi-tasking ability, enabled you to handle what seemed a monumental task with ease. Your dedication and willingness to help out truly makes a big difference for our institution.
June Faulk, SOSA
You were nominated for this award by AOSA, Melanie Meyer. Ms. Meyer stated that during her absence you took on the responsibility of the daily COVID-19 calls-in from staff. Not only the call-ins, but that you updated all the logs with staff and offender information, which keeps the shift commanders and admin team up to date with all daily COVID information. Ms. Meyer stated that you willing took on the extra time to learn how to complete all the COVID-19 reporting forms for staff and offenders. You made sure this information was emailed to Central Office keeping us up to date in all of our reporting. You have been a great asset getting our daily COVID reports completed. Keep up the good work! Your dedication to your job truly makes a big difference for our institution!
Awards & Recognition
The personnel Club had a random drawing for Thanksgiving gift card and the following individuals won:
CHRIS STARK ~ $20.00
ROMIE PAYNE ~ $10.00
JASON RAY ~ $10.00
TIA GILLIAM ~ $20.00
JIM PERRY ~ $15.00
TRACY DIXON ~ $10.00
ERIC MOORE ~ $10.00
Jeremy Robinson is the November winner from the Wellness Committee. He will received a complete Thanksgiving dinner. He will also received a $25 gift card to buy his turkey and/or ham. Congratulations!!!
New Team Members
Kenneth L. Hecker-Corrections Officer I effective 11-09-2020
Robert B. Izatt-Assistant Director of Nursing-Corizon-effective 11-13-2020.
Dawson S. Aaron-Corrections Officer 1-effective 11-16-2020
Jacob A Hudson-Corrections Officer l-effective 11-16-2020
Amanda R. Weaver-Registered Nurse-Corizon-effective 11/17/2020
Nikki R. Kilson-Registered Nurse-Corizon-effective 11/20/2020
Yahzariah R. Jimenez-Corrections Officer I effective 11-23-2020
Success Story
Restorative Justice in the month past donated Produce- 3,207 pounds to the following agencies; Caldwell County Food Pantry- 982 lbs, Cameron Food Pantry- 540 lbs, Stewartsville Food Pantry- 245 lbs, Cameron Old, School Festival- 700 lbs, Operation Breakthrough – 390 lbs, Cameron Community Cupboard-350 lbs. They also donated 805 Coloring Books to Operation Breakthrough, Hats- 700 to Operation Breakthrough.
October 2020
Big News
The Personnel Club are selling cookbooks full of recipes from our fellow co-workers. The cookbooks with all combined recipes are being sold for $10.00.
Employee of the Month
Kyle Clark, POIII
You were nominated for this award by District Administrator, Carrie Owen. Ms. Owen said that you have been working with DAI and DORS on
assessing offenders for treatment via the Addiction Services Index for the past year even though you are not required to do so. That you do a thorough job on the assessments, making sure offenders understand the process and that everyone is apprised of the outcomes. Ms. Owen said during a current absence, when you were acting in her capacity, in addition to your own work you handled all situation that arose. You sat in as a member of the Parole Hearing panel and reviewed a variety of reports which made her return to work a much easier transition. She states that you are a model employee with a positive, “can-do” attitude and you exemplify the meaning of a team player.
Pam Jeffries, SOSA
You were nominated for this award by SOSA, Christine Flanders. Ms. Flanders said that you and your co-worker Kim have both shown what “Team Work” and “Going the Extra Mile” really means. While you were short staffed in your department you stepped up, coming in as early 6:00 a.m. and staying as late as 9:00 p.m., making sure that WMCC employees received their pay-checks on time. Your dedication and willingness to help out truly makes a big difference for our institution.
Kimberly Smith, OSA
You were nominated for this award by SOSA, Christine Flanders. Ms. Flanders said that you and your co-worker Pam have both shown what
“Team Work” and “Going the Extra Mile” really means. While you were short staffed in your department you stepped up, coming in as early 6:00 a.m. and staying as late as 9:00 p.m., making sure that WMCC employees received their pay-checks on time. Your dedication and willingness to help out truly makes a big difference for our institution.
Awards & Recognition
Chris Brownlee won a $25 gift card for Walmart from the Wellness Committee.
Dennis Hudlemeyer won a gift basket from the Wellness Committee.
New Team Members
Jerett J. Crowell-Corrections Officer I-effective 10-19-2020
Jennifer Richardson, COI
I am pleased to announce that Sarah Ragan will begin employment with WMCC as a POII beginning 10/19/20. Sarah comes to us from the Department of Social Services where she has been employed as a Supervisor for the Children’s Division. Sarah possesses a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Criminal Justice. She brings to the POII position a wealth of knowledge and experience. We are pleased to have her as part of the WMCC team. Please join me in welcoming her.
Success Story
Restorative Justice in the month past donated 1570 pounds of total Produce to Caldwell County Food Pantry (Squash 610, Cucumbers 500, Tomatoes 165, Peppers 185, Honeydew 65, Melons 40, Cantaloupe 5). They also donated 131 face masks to Parkview School.
September 2020
Big News
Governor Parsons came to visit our very own institution the middle of September. This was a huge honor and we were so pleased to have met him. Thank you so much for stopping by. It speaks volumes that he made time in his schedule to give us words of encouragement. Thanks again!!
Employee of the Month
Mark Bennett, MW II
Mr. Bennett was nominated for this award by Lisa Leonard, RN. Ms. Leonard stated, “When I came in early to assist Med Pass, Mark was here early before his shift helping to provide safety and security for the institution”. Ms. Leonard stated Mr. Bennett was courteous through the entire process despite the pouring rain and consistently provided reassurance during the 4 hours on this detail. He was kind and his patience was plentiful which made a great start to the day. You are a great asset to Western Missouri Correctional Center.
Shelby Hibler, CO I
Ms. Hibler was nominated for this award by FUM, Michael Weber. FUM Weber states Ms. Hibler has gained the respect of fellow staff members as well as the offender population with her “firm and consistent” behavior. She works well with Classification staff and is always willing to provide advice as to how the housing unit can remain safe. Ms. Hibler readily assumes extra duties within the housing unit as staff shortages have occurred and she continues to help the unit run smoothly even if an immediate supervisor is not present. Ms. Hibler demonstrates professionalism and knowledge of the position that is a model for correctional staff and she distinguishes herself as a valuable asset to the institution as well as the Department of Corrections.
Sarah Morris, CCM II
Ms. Morris was nominated for this award by FUM, Cameron Fast. She was nominated for her diligent work which has contributed to the successful operation of the Protective Custody Unit at WMCC. Ms. Morris played a vital role in the startup and structuring of the PCU's daily operations and has been filling in as Acting Functional Unit Manager due to a vacancy within the housing unit. Since she has been Acting FUM, she has continued to operate the PCU with integrity, professionalism and consistency. Ms. Morris assists in the operations of the unit, prepares the PCU Committee and reviews and investigates every offender that requests protective custody. In making this determination,
she quickly assesses the offenders for appropriate housing and/or suitability for: PCU assignment, return to General Population, or transfer to another institution. Ms. Morris streamlines the enemy transfer process by taking the initiative to complete the transfers herself. This has saved time for the case managers and offenders awaiting transfer in segregation. Ms. Morris effectively coordinates with the other departments to guarantee each offender is able to participate in or receive services available through the institution to assist in their rehabilitation efforts. She has implemented an additional project of crocheting fidget blankets for Alzheimer's patients by the offenders assigned to the PCU. Over the last year, multiple operating procedures have changed with the opening of the protective custody unit. Ms. Morris has been flexible when adjusting to the changes and approached changes in her daily tasks with a positive attitude. She has exhibited exemplary problem solving skills when faced with any tasks delegated to her.
Awards & Recognition
The winner of the Wellness Package for the month of September is Sharyl Pollard. Congratulations!!! The Wellness Package contained Kleenex, hand sanitizer, Sprite, chicken noodle soup, face masks, and Clorox wipes.
Kyle Clark is the winner of the first day drawing from the Wellness Committee for Corrections Week. He will have the choice of one of 5 gift cards. Congratulations!!!
Brenda Wahlers is the winner of the second day drawing from the Wellness Committee for Corrections Week. She will have the choice of one of 4 gift cards. Congratulations!!!
Robert Skouby is the winner of the third day drawing from the Wellness Committee for Corrections Week. He will have the choice of one of 3 gift cards. Congratulations!!!
DOUGLAS LANEY is the winner of the fourth day drawing from the Wellness Committee for Corrections Week. He will have the choice of one of 2 gift cards. Congratulations!!!
The winner for the gift card on the fifth day of the Wellness Committee for Corrections Week is Miles Baldwin. Congratulations!!!
The Wellness Parking Spot was won by Tamara Huff who bidded $80.
The winner of the candy jar is Casey Hanson which was an exact guess. The winner of the healthy food jar is Kenneth Thomas with a guess of 38 and there were 43.
$100.00 ~ BRENDA WEST
Indoor Smokeless Grill ~ TIA GILLIAM (and NO I did not do the drawing – DWO Drake did. J )
10” Tablet/DVD Combo ~ RONNIE WALKER
$100.00 ~ SANDRA McNETT
New Team Members
Kelsy R. Grim- Health Clerk-effective 09/16/2020
Derrica L. Dye – Corizon- RN -effective 09/17/2020
Shelby J. Taylor-Corizon- Level 1 Med Aid-effective 09/17/2020
Clarrissa A. Smith- LPN -effective 09/21/2020
Myranda K. Bryant-RN-effective 09/22/2020
Jennifer L. Richardson, Corrections Officer I, effective 09-28-2020
Marsha Vanisko Personnel Clerk effective 09/06/2020.
Paul Drake Deputy Warden effective 09/08/2020
Drew Achter-COII effective 09/27/2020
Anthony Contrini-COII effective 09/27/2020
Jericks Silver-COII effective 09/27/2020
Margaret Kelly-COII effective 09/27/2020
Kent Simpkins-COII effective 09/27/2020
Steven Meek
Staff Moves
Mary Tredway Personnel Clerk effective 09/14/2020 (Transferring to CCC)
Ben Brooke WMCC Assistant Warden effective 09/14/2020
Success Story
Restorative Justice in the month past donated 5896 pounds of total produce, which includes cucumbers (1435lbs), squash (1760lbs), cantaloupe (1240lbs), tomatoes (930lbs), honeydew (195lbs), peppers (292lbs), green beans (44lbs) to surrounding pantries. They have also donated 275 more masks. Agencies receiving donated product include the following, Parkview Elementary School (275 Masks), Operation Breakthrough (1530lbs), Stewartsville Food Pantry (970lbs), Cameron Food Pantry (730lbs), Gallatin Food Pantry (867lbs), Caldwell Count Food Pantry (1594lbs), Maysville Nutrition Center (205lbs).
As Corrections Week comes to an end I would like to extend a huge thank you to all the staff out there who assisted me with the Personnel Club functions. If it was not for everybody that pitched in we could not have pulled it off. We had June and Julie helping me keep things organized and rolling. Capt. Penland made sure I didn’t forget things…lol!! Sgt. Eads and his staff, along with VTS, Recreation and many others took care of food pickup and deliveries. Maintenance assisted with transportation. And many others that I may not have named directly made sure we did what we could to reach out to all areas. This week was a tremendous display of team work that clearly demonstrates what we can do together. So as we move into the weekend let’s keep that team work going. If we continue to support and look out for each other we will be successful. Thanks Again
August 2020
Big News
The Personnel Club are selling cookbooks full of recipes from our fellow co-workers.
The cookbooks with all combined recipes are being sold for $10.00. If you want a cookbook please contact one of the Personnel members.
The Personnel Club hosted a silent auction August 20th-31st. Thank you everyone for your donations and making the silent auction a success.
The Personnel Club took votes for our new institutional T-shirt in July. The shirt that won has been revealed. Please fill out and order form if you want to purchase one and turn in to one of the Personnel Club members. $15 for all sizes excluding 2X and $16 for 2X. There are two styles of shirts, two options of where the flag logo is printed, and several color options to choose from. Must have a total of 50 orders to place.
Wellness Committee had jeans day 08/17/2020 and 08/18/2020 in support of children's eye health and safety month. Staff could wear jeans if they brought in school supplies. It was a huge success!!! Thank you everyone for all your support.
Restorative Justice have been busy! In the month past they’ve donated 3345 of total produce, which includes squash, cucumbers, cantaloupe, peppers, green beans, and cabbage to surrounding pantries. They donated 479 pounds to The Cameron Community Cupboard, 1108 pounds to Cameron Food Pantry, and 1758 pounds to Operation Breakthrough in Kansas City. Restorative Justice also donated 100 masks to the Cameron Regional Medical Center. Way to go!!!
Employee of the Month
Lori Bowen, FUM
Ms. Bowen was nominated for this award by Assistant Warden, Paul Drake. As a FUM, Ms. Bowen assists the housing unit Classification and Custody staff with daily operations of the unit as well as helping them understand how to run the unit within Departmental policy. Since the Department began ENGAGE, Ms. Bowen has been exemplary of this process. She conducts meaningful meetings with her staff, and as a result, the Department has gained staff knowledgeable of their job duties and how to conduct them in a manner conducive to the good order of the institution. Ms. Bowen conducts ENGAGES that help prepare her staff to be successful in their career resulting in the retention of staff who realize the benefit their presence has. Ms. Bowen has worked many hours of overtime assisting custody during staff shortages and she continues to do so. Ms. Bowen has recovered homemade weapons while working overtime making the institution safer for staff and offenders. She has a positive attitude and she has volunteered for many additional assignments. When called upon to assist others, she does so and does an excellent job with the task.
Catherine Moody, CO I
Ms. Moody was nominated for this award by CO I, Kevin Fagan. On July 14, 2020, offenders in housing unit 10, D-wing were shouting loudly to alert officers of an offender who was choking and unable to breathe. Ms. Moody responded to the area and called a Code 16 over the radio. She received permission from the offender to assist him and she began administering back blows to dislodge the blockage. Ms. Moody was successful and the offender was able to breathe clearly again. Ms. Moody’s actions are an example of her calm, professional demeanor and her attentiveness to her duties.
Tonia Beck, Cook III
Ms. Beck was nominated for this award by STKII, Cynthia Breshears. Ms. Breshears states Ms. Beck is an inspiration for all who work in Food Service and she is the foundation that keeps it running. Ms. Beck is willing to work in any area without hesitation and has extremely good work ethics. Ms. Beck has been with the department for many years and goes above and beyond her normal work duties. On June 15, 2020, Ms. Beck only had two volunteers working Food Service and she ran the kitchen for custody while the volunteers served the food. Ms. Beck’s actions promote team work and efficiency. She takes on all tasks whether big or small with a positive attitude and makes sure all jobs are completed successfully. Ms. Beck’s dedication and willingness to help out truly makes a big difference for our institution.
Awards & Recognition
The winner of the Wellness Prize for the month of August is Veronica Hilz. The prize is a backpack filled with school supplies.
Congratulations to out high five winners: Burchette and Wattenbarger. Your efforts are very much appreciated. Thank you for everything you do.
New Team Members
Phyllis Phelps, Licensed Practical Nurse, effective 08-10-2020
Tammy Kennedy, Corrections Officer I, effective 08-24-2020
Luke Gabbard, Corrections Officer I, effective 08-24-2020
Kyle Cruickshank, Corrections Officer I, effective 08-31-2020
Noah Montgomery, Corrections Officer I, effective 08-31-2020
Keaton Hibler, Corrections Officer I, effective 08-31-2020
David Hilz, Corrections Officer I, effective 08-31-2020
Marsha Vanisko Personnel Clerk effective 09/06/2020.
Bethene Harwood
Staff Moves
Johnathan Seifert, Corrections Officer I, effective 08-02-2020
Mary Tredway Personnel Clerk effective 09/14/2020 (Transferring to CCC)
Important Dates
September 26th, 2020
9:00 a.m. Tee Time
Norwoods Golf Club
Hannibal, MO
4-Man Scramble
$160.00 Per Team
18 Holes and Cart
Hole In One Prizes!
$19,999 Cash
4 Night/5 Day Caribbean Cruise
2 Airline Tickets to Anywhere in the Continental U.S.
Premium Electronics Package
A & B Flight
1st and 2nd Place Trophies
Longest Drive/Longest Putt/Closest To The Pin Prizes!
50/50 Raffle and Silent Auction!
Contact Chris Powell, Recreation Director at NECC to sign up! christopher.powell@doc.mo.gov or (573) 324-9975 Ext. 3858
July 2020
Big News
WMCC has completed their covid testing. Thank you so much for those who helped. It was a group effort and couldn’t be done without everyone’s part.
The Wellness Committee supplied chips, cookies, and cinnamon rolls for the staff, National Guard, and Corizon staff helping with the Sentinel Testing for the week of July 27-31st. Thanks so much!!
Tanya Allen, CCM
Ms. Allen was nominated for this award by CCM Il, Amanda Dunwoodie. Housing unit seven (7) went through some changes and struggles through the months of May and June. This put additional strain on Ms. Allen while she was trying to learn her position. With all that has been going on she never faltered and never lost her smile. Ms. Allen has continued to try hard, help others and learns as she goes. If she makes a mistake she tries harder and never gives up. Ms. Allen has volunteered to learn things that will help custody and other departments so she can step in and help if needed. Ms. Allen stays motivated, takes each day in stride and sets a great example for new and tenured employees at WMCC.
Tabitha Fitzpatrick, CO I
Ms. Fitzpatrick was nominated for this award by CO Il, Mike Wilkinson. On April 20, 2020, a fire alarm was activated in (HU6) her assigned area. She responded to cell 6B 114 where she discovered a fire on the top bunk. Ms. Fitzpatrick called a Code 70 in a cool, calm and collective manner and Control Center was able to relay the transmission so other staff could respond. Ms. Fitzpatrick began to clear the wing of offenders as the fire was extinguished by a fellow officer. The entire house was cleared without fault due to her attentiveness and dedication. Ms. Fitzpatrick's abilities as an officer makes WMCC a better, safer and secure institution.
Cynthia Breshears, STK 11
Ms. Breshears was nominated for this award by Stk Il, Laura Novak, and OSA, Leslie Johns. Ms. Breshears does her job extremely well and with the utmost professionalism. She comes to work every day with a positive attitude and a smile. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, Ms. Breshears has taken on additional duties and has operated Canteen in a smooth, successful manner. Her hard work and professionalism is greatly appreciated and admired.
Awards & Recognition
The Personnel Club held a baby picture contest. People got to vote on who they think is in the picture. Top three individuals who guessed the most won a prize.
1st place - $40 CASH goes to Whitney Edwards!
2nd place - $35 CASH goes to Kylie Douglas!
3rd place - $15 CASH goes to Julie Botts!
Congratulations to Julie Botts for winning the Personnel Clubs surprise July 4 giveaway bundle! She has won $50 in fireworks and $50 to Walmart. Thanks to everyone for all you do
The winner for the Wellness Committee parking Spot is Reagan Penning. Congratulations on winning the auction for the Wellness Parking spot for the quarter.
The winner for the Wellness Committee July prize is Chris Best, Recreational Officer. He won 2 kinds of sunscreen, 2 beach towels, 2 insulated cups, lip sunscreen and a five gallon bucket. Congratulations.
High Five awards were given to Pendergrass, Gardner, Huskey, and Kelly. Way to go guys. Thank you for your hard work.
New Team Members
Isisah M. Jernigan, Corrections Officer I, effective 07-27-2020
Brett D. Adams, Corrections Officer I, effective 07-27-2020
Garret W. Widner, Corrections Officer I, effective 07-20-2020
Layla R. Baker, Corrections Officer I, effective 07-20-2020
Gwendolen A. Beasley, Corrections Officer, effective 07-20-2020
Reagin M Klein-Mental Health Clerk-effective 07/14/2020
Joshua Borders, Corrections Officer I, effective 07-13-2020
Jasmine Howell, Corrections Officer I, effective 07-13-2020
Jerry Harrison
Elden Strahm
Important Dates
Staff could wear jeans in support of National Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness & Prevention for $1 on July, 23, 2020. All proceeds were donated to a local supporting organization.
The Personnel Club will be selling a cookbook full of recipes from our fellow co-workers.
Once production is done, the cookbooks with all combined recipes will be sold for $15!
The Personnel Club is hosting a silent auction August 17th-31st. We are accepting donations from now through August 14th. If you are interested in donating any items, please let me or any other Personnel Club member know.
The Personnel Club took votes for our new institutional T-shirt in July. The shirt that had the most votes will be revealed in the near future.
It is that time of year. Time for the annual Santa Cop For Kids Golf tournament. For the 3rd year in a row The Missouri Department Of Corrections will be a proud participant in the Santa Cop shopping program. It all kicks off with the annual fund raiser golf tournament at Mozingo right here in Maryville. Teams of 4 can sign up at 60$ per player. If you have any qeustions feel free to contact me , Lt. Duncan at james.duncan@doc.mo.gov or visit the programs web site, https://santacopsforkids.com/ . The Santa Cops for Kids – Putting for Presents Golf Tournament is entering its fifth year of life in 2020, and is the primary fundraiser for the Santa Cops for Kids Program. The funds raised during the tournament directly support the Santa Cops year-end shopping event, in which uniformed law enforcement officers from the Nodaway County area escort local children in-need Christmas shopping during the holiday season.
WHEN: This year’s Putting for Presents Golf Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, August 1st, 2020. The tournament itself will kick-off with a shotgun start at 9:00 AM!
FORMAT: Putting for Presents is a scramble-style tournament featuring foursomes of all skill level.
VENUE: The Putting for Presents Golf Tournament is hosted annually at Maryville’s award-winning Mozingo Lake Golf Course, which was recently ranked by Golf Advisor as the second (2nd) best public course in the State of Missouri. Check out their list of the Top Fifteen Missouri Golf Courses and read up on Mozingo’s well-deserved accolades!
PRICES: The Santa Cops Team prides itself in offering one of the most affordable charity driven golf tournaments in the area! Basic player packages start off at only $60.00 per participant ($240.00/Team) and can be upgraded if you so choose. In addition, there are sponsorship packages available for those who would not only like to participate, but also have their signage displayed for all to see – those packages start at $250.00! WHAT’S INCLUDED: We’re glad you asked. While the Putting for Presents Tournament may not be the largest around, we’ve worked tirelessly to make sure you get the most bang for your buck while participating. Your entry fee, which again, can be as low as $60.00, includes all of the basics – green fees, tournament entry, cart fees, one (1) mulligan per participant, and more. Most years, participants will also be treated to a post-event luncheon in the wonderfully maintained conference center at Mozingo Lake, but COVID-19 has forced our hand this year. As a result, we’re unable to serve a meal as a result of the on-going pandemic. Trust us, we’re bummed about it, too.
Long story short, you will be extremely hard pressed to find a tournament that offers more value for your dollar than Putting for Presents. While we may not be the largest tournament in the area, we want to make sure you enjoy your time with us while ALSO supporting an absolutely fantastic cause!
MULLIGANS: Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone that you asked about them. For what it’s worth, we have to use them, too! Mulligans are available for purchase on the day of the tournament, or during our online-only pre-sale at a discounted rate ($10.00/each). On the day of the event, mulligans can be purchased for $15.00/each.
NOTE: Mulligans are currently limited to four (4) per golfer.
June 2020
Big News
Thank you to our Personnel Club for helping with the luncheon for Sherrie Korneman. Also Thank you to all staff for making her retirement party a success.
Thank you for those who all participated in Ronda Pash’s and Terry Page’s. It was a huge success.
Restorative Justice in June donated 1,243.79 to Operation Breakthrough in Kansas City.
Restorative also donated 48 masks went to Cameron Regional
Employee of the Month
Elizabeth Moesch, RO I
Ms. Moesch was nominated for this award by AIO, Anthony Pelletier. In the past month, she has assisted the Investigator's Office by preparing reports, filing case files, and organizing past cases to prepare them for archive. Ms. Moesch has also assisted in closing over 100 cases, preparing affidavits to the prosecuting attorney's office and getting the Investigator's Office caught up. AIO Pelletier states, "Records Officer Moesch always has a very positive attitude when she is helping out and is very motivated to do a great job".
Trisha Beck, CO I
Ms. Beck was nominated for this award by CO I, Hallie O'Dell. She was nominated for this award for handling policy issues with a tenacity few others have. When policy issues arise she refers to policy and seeks clarification if needed and she also provides past documentation that may influence the outcome. Ms. Beck works closely with Administrative Staff and Grievance Officers while contributing insight into the situation being addressed. She operates her area in a clean, well-organized and unique style. Her contributions are greatly appreciated.
Diane Day, OSA
Ms. Day was nominated for this award by SOSA, Shari Lee. Ms. Day is a hard worker, she uses her time wisely and is always cheerful when at work. Ms. Day has been very diligent in searching the mail and on May 11th and 26th she found drugs in the folds of a card that had been glued shut.
Awards & Recognition
High Five Awards were awarded to Sara Morris and Cameron Fast
New Team Members
Calvin Waltz, Corrections Officer I, effective 06/01/2020
Blake N. Gardner, Corrections Officer I, effective 06/08/2020
Dyllon R. McCart, Corrections Officer I, effective 06/08/2020
Channing T. Stirewalt, Corrections Officer I, effective 06/08/2020
Erin N. Beckman Registered Nurse-Corizon, effective 06-04-2020
Regena Seaborn, Corrections Officer I, effective 06-15-2020
Bridget Strozier, Corrections Officer I, effective 06-15-2020
Austin R. Frey, Corrections Officer I, effective 06-22-2020
Jordon T. Jackson, Corrections Officer I, effective 06-22-2020
Chris Brewer Promoted from DWO to Warden effective 06/29/2020
Denise Paden
Sherie Korneman
Ronda Pash
Terry Page
Mark Hoaglund
Important Dates
Wellness Committee will be re drawing for the steak and stuff gift card.
The Personnel Club will be selling a cookbook full of recipes from our fellow co-workers.
Once production is done, the cookbooks with all combined recipes will be sold for $15! PLEASE help us create a drool-worthy cookbook with some of your favorite recipes to share with everyone!
The Personnel Club is hosting a baby picture contest. People will vote on who they think is in the picture. The person with the most correct votes wins. Voting ends 07/10/2020.
First place gets $40 cash.
Second place gets 25 cash
Third place get 15 cash
May 2020
Big News
The personnel club gave back to our community by donating a minimum of $1.00 on May 26th, 2020. The donation given will be going to our local police and fire departments to put together “thank you” baskets from WMCC to them.
Restorative Justice donated 200 radishes to the Stewartsville Pantry.
The Wellness Committee hosted a Mental Health Awareness Jeans Day. Staff could wear jeans Wednesday, May 27, 2020 for $1. All donations were donated to a local Mental Health Awareness Organization.
Employee of the Month
Brandon Norton, CCM II
Mr. Norton was nominated for this award by CO III, Jason Huff and FUM, Michael Kimbrough. Mr. Norton was nominated for his continuous efforts of teamwork and leadership. He is always available to assist his coworkers with their work when needed and does so without complaint. Mr. Norton is always positive and professional when interacting with coworkers and offenders and he has previously resolved issues for Executive Council Representatives prior to meeting with the Warden. Mr. Norton can be counted on to assist custody staff when there is an offender disturbance or an immediate call for assistance by staff. He volunteers to work holidays and volunteers on a daily basis before and after his regular shift. He has been a steadfast contributor to the safety and security of the institution. Mr. Norton shows up every morning with a “can do” attitude and is a positive influence to all.
Robert Gillilan, CO II
Mr. Gillilan was nominated for this award by CO III, Jason Huff. Mr. Gillilan is assigned to housing unit 7 on 2nd shift, but he was sought out by his supervisors to assist in Food Service. He made an immediate, positive impact in the day to day operations. Mr. Gillilan did not merely fill a role, but took it upon himself to help coordinate workers and rosters for all three shifts. The leadership and decision making ability he exhibited had a ripple effect for both subordinate and supervisory staff. Food Service staff were able to concentrate on their everyday duties making for a fluid work environment. Supervisory staff were free to focus on other areas of concern knowing Food Service was taken care of. Mr. Gillilan maintained his regular housing unit duties in addition to the extra responsibilities in Food Service throughout a month time frame. The impact on daily operations for WMCC was positively affected due to his willingness to assist and his ability to succeed.
Cynthia Breshears, Storekeeper II
Ms. Breshears was nominated for this award by Rise Holcomb and Polly Henley. With a staff shortage in her area and precautions that have been implemented throughout the institution during these uncertain times, she has gone above and beyond her job duties. Ms. Breshears helps out where she can and makes sure that her area is running smoothly with only minor hiccups. She remains calm, level headed and handles each task with professionalism and a smile. Ms. Breshears has been working overtime in Food Service to help out her fellow staff members and ensure the safety and security of both staff and offenders.
Awards & Recognition
The Winners of the Weight Loss Challenge:
1st Place Jake Conley and August Ritzman
2nd Place Jeannette Edwards and Linda Beers
3rd Place Lora Hanes and Adam Hanes
Warden’s Award of Excellence:
Nevin Curtis
New Team Members
Dawn Ireland, Registrar Nurse, effective 04/27/2020- Corizon
Jonathan Lee Brown, Corrections Officer I, effective 05/11/2020
Amanda Bridges, QMHP, effective 05/11/2020
John W. Horn, Corrections Officer I, effective 05/26/2020
Clarence W. Pittman, Corrections Officer I, effective 05/26/2020
Dean Sodomka
Important Dates
PERSONNEL CLUB IS ALSO GIVING EACH STAFF MEMBER A FREE T-SHIRT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY!!!!! Please be sure to provide us with your name and size of t-shirt. Order form must be submitted by May 15th, 2020 by noon. There are paper copies located at the front desk.
The Personnel Club is putting together a WMCC Cookbook and we need your help!
Please clearly print your recipe that you want in the cookbook and present it to the Personnel Club with your name. Please submit your recipe no later than June 19th.Once production is done, the cookbooks with all combined recipes will be sold for $15! PLEASE help us create a drool-worthy cookbook with some of your favorite recipes to share with everyone!
The Personnel Club is hosting a baby picture contest.
- Bring in a baby picture of yourself
- Submit it to any Personnel Club member
- People will vote on who they think is in the picture
- The person with the most correct votes wins
First place gets $40 cash.
Second place gets 25 cash
Third place get 15 cash
We will be accepting pictures June 1st-12th. Voting will begin June 16th and the winners will be announced by June 30th. Happy Guessing!!!
Chillicothe Correctional Center is hosting a Poker Run in support of Special Olympics. Registration begins 8:00am. Kick stands are up at 9:00am. There will be prizes awarded for the best hands. $25 for individual rider or $45 for couples. Ride begins at Hyvee in Chillicothe. For more information or for a registration form please contact Captain Melte or Carries Pfeifer at (660) 646-4032.
Again due to the COVID-19, this year’s Torch Run routes have been cancelled. However, we are trying something different-I invite each of you and members of your family to support our athletes and celebrate the 35th Annual Torch Run through our First ever Virtual Torch Run. To honor our 35th year, I’m asking you to run/walk in your neighborhood or at Simpson Park (Chillicothe) on June 6, 2020. (TBA-for the park)… Pay $10 to patriciate or pay/raise a total of $35 (or more) to get a shirt. If interested in participating in this please contact Carrie at 660-646-4032, Ext. 2930 or by e-mail at carrie.pfeifer@doc.mo.gov.
Puppy Pic
This is Georgia. She is a German Shepard mix, weighing around 60 pounds. She is approximately 3 years old and is tan/yellow/fawn in color. Georgia knows her basic commands come, sit, stay and shake. She continues to improve on her introduction to new humans.
April 2020
Big News
The Personnel Club delivered sandwiches to all staff on Friday, April 24th. IN addition to the sandwiches, the Wellness Committee also contributed chips. A big thank you to both our Personnel Club and Wellness Committee.
Thursday, April 16, 2020 was Jeans Day. In exchange for wearing jeans the Wellness Committee asked staff to bring in a non-perishable item to be placed in Blessing Boxes. The Blessing Boxes they supported were in Cameron. Thank you Wellness Committee for your support in the community.
Employee of the Month
CCM II Amanda Dunwoodie
CCM II Amanda Dunwoodie was nominated for this award by CO Il Carrie Huskey. On March 18, 2020, Dunwoodie was conducting a wing tour and observed an offender experiencing a medical emergency. Dunwoodie and another officer began administering CPR and as she began the second round of chest compressions the offender became responsive. Due to Dunwoodie's attention to detail and ability to identify that something was wrong she was able to revive the offender. Dunwoodie's actions display to the offender population and fellow staff members that she is observant and competent. Dunwoodie's ability to participate as a team member and a leader displays to the subordinate staff and offender population that she cares about her responsibilities and takes her training seriously.
CO II Michael Michaud
Michael Michaud was nominated for this award by CO Il, Nathen Gilmore. On March 18, 2020, an offender was experiencing a medical emergency. Michaud was preparing to begin CPR by giving chest compressions and was relieved by CCM Il, Amanda Dunwoodie, while Michaud readied the face mask to give rescue breaths. During the second round of compressions the offender regained consciousness. Michaud continued talking to the offender to keep him conscious until medical staff arrived and took over the scene. Michaud was able to maintain a calm demeanor, make the correct decisions and remain professional at all times. His ability to participate as a team member and a leader displays to the subordinate staff and offender population that he cares about his responsibilities and takes his training seriously.
Storekeeper I Charity Eads
Storekeeper I Charity Eads was nominated for this award by Storekeeper Il, Cynthia Breshears. Eads's high level of performance and contribution to WMCC is evident. During a search of the institution Eads assisted with the UA process. Her diligence and time management during this time shows her ability to multi-task and her attention to detail. Eads went above and beyond her normal duties when asked to assist with I-JA's and she did it with accuracy, professionalism, and ease
New Team Members
Adrienne C. Clark, Corrections Officer I, effective 04/27/2020
Scott K. Witt, Corrections Officer I, effective 04/27/2020
Cameron Breckenridge, Corrections Officer I, effective 04/13/2020
Lytle Brennen Corrections Officer I, effective 04/06/2020
Tashina A Schultz-Level 1 Med Aide-Corizon effective 04/01/2020
Congratulations To Devin France, CO II And Jacob Wholf, CO II On their promotion to Sergeant
Staff Moves
Transferring from OCC, Kyle Smith, Corrections Officer I, effective 04/19/2020, reports 04/20/2020
Important Dates
The Wellness Committee will be hosting a Lifestyle Change in the form of a Weight Loss Challenge beginning on March 16, 2020 and ending on May 16, 2020. You can weigh in from now until and including the day of March 16, 2020. You can weigh as much or as little as you want after the initial weigh-in. You cannot weigh after May 15, 2020 so be sure and weigh and have it recorded by that date. There will be no fee to join. If you cannot find a partner contact anyone on the Wellness Committee and we will help you find a partner. The Weight Loss Challenge will begin on March 16 2020. The scales will be located at June Faulk and Julie Bott’s desks
Prizes will be:
1st place for each team member - $75
2nd place for each team member - $50
3rd place for each team member - $25
The Western Missouri Correctional Center Personnel Club is pleased to announce that they will be offering two $500 scholarships. One will be given to a graduating senior dependent planning to pursue higher education; this applicant must be a dependent of a current WMCC employee or must receive primary support from a current WMCC employee. The second one will be given to a current WMCC employee; this applicant must be enrolled in or be pursuing a higher education. These applicants must also be planning to attend a four- year college, two-year college, or vocational school. Consideration for this award will be based on the following criteria:
25% Cumulative Grade Point Average
20% Essay
15% ACT or SAT Composite Score
15% Curriculum
15% Financial Need
10% Extracurricular Activities
A committee consisting of two individuals from the surrounding community, two representatives of WMCC, and a member of the WMCC Personnel Club will evaluate the applicants. Applications must be submitted by April 24th, 2020. Any applications received after this date will not be considered. The scholarship payment will be sent directly to the academic or vocational institution at which they will be enrolled.
Applications are available at WMCC's Reception Desk or by contacting one of the following individuals:
PRESIDENT: Hannah Campbell
SECRETARY: Katherine Engel
SOCIAL CHAIRPERSON: Christine Flanders
TREASURER: Tia Gilliam
Please submit completed applications to any Personnel Club member or return to:
WMCC Personnel Club
Attn: Hannah Campbell
609 East Pence Road
Cameron, MO 64429
PERSONNEL CLUB IS ALSO GIVING EACH STAFF MEMBER A FREE T-SHIRT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY!!!!! Please be sure to provide us with your name and size of t-shirt. Order form must be submitted by May 15th, 2020 by noon. There are paper copies located at the front desk.
March 2020
Big News
A big thank you to our Personnel Club. Every day the month of March, a staff member was drawn to win a prize.
Employee of the Month
CCM II Christy Kinsman
Ms. Kinsman was nominated for this award by LAC, Eli Teller and IAC, Brent Jones. Ms. Kinsman shows up to work every day with a great attitude and she demonstrates what it is to be a team player. She volunteers to teach Motivational Interviewing classes to staff and she goes above and beyond to assist offenders with re-entry. Not only has Ms. Kinsman taken over the Pre-Release classes and restructured them, but she has also started the Exceeds Expectation Financial Stability program for offenders. Ms. Kinsman assists offenders with finding home plans or other needed resources and she demonstrates professionalism when interacting with them. Mr. Teller states, "Ms. Kinsman is a delight to work with and she works in a manner that epitomizes the new directions the Department is heading."
CO III Shane Muff
Mr. Muff was nominated for this award by CS I, Mike Jones. Mr. Muff works numerous hours of overtime to ensure the safety and security of staff, offenders and the public. He frequently works his RDOs to assist with staffing needs as well as working 16 hour shifts. Mr. Muff works wherever he's assigned and he does so without complaint. He is an asset to staff with his knowledge and experience of policy and procedures and he ensures his staff follows such. Mr. Muff takes initiative when something needs done and he complete tasks with minimal supervision, follow-up and it's done correctly and on time.
Executive II Willie Camarador
Mr. Camarador was nominated for this award by DWO, C.W. Schweder. Mr. Camarador works in a high pressure, difficult and crucial position where even small mistakes can be disastrous. Mr. Camarador is extremely accurate and does a fantastic job. He is tasked with the financial budget for WMCC. Mr. Camarador is always so helpful to other sections of the institution and to the
Administrative staff. He keeps a calm demeanor at all times and is great at communicating with all staff. His work ethic is astounding. His willingness to assist others and his commitment to the Department is unequaled. Mr. Camarador is always quick to respond to requests by other team members and is thorough in ensuring all loose ends are completed.
Awards & Recognition
Today, March 31st is National Tater Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ CHRISSY FLANDERS, SOSA.
Today, March 30th is National Virtual Vacation Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ KYLIE DOUGLAS, CCM II.
Sunday, March 29th is National Mom & Pop’s Business Owner Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to
Tomorrow, March 28th is National Something on a Stick Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ TRISHA BECK, CO I.
Today, March 27th is National Spanish Paella Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ KEATON WILSON, CO I.
Today, March 26th is National Nougat Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ DUSTY JONES, CS II.
Today, March 25th is National Manatee Appreciation Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins tickets to
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ TIA GILLIAM, AC II. Today, March 24th is National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ AMANDA DUNWOODIE, CM II.
Today, March 23RD is National Chip & Dip Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to EL MAGUAY.
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ TRACY DIXON, OSA ~ EDUCATION.
Sunday, March 22nd is National Goof-off Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to JOE TOWN MINI GOLF.
The LUCKY winner for Sunday is ~ ZACHARY BENDURE, CO I.
Tomorrow, March 21st is National Fragrance Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to BATH & BODY WORKS.
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ AMANDA BOEHM, CO I.
Today, March 20th is National Raviolli Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to OLIVE GARDEN.
Today, March 19th is National Chocolate Caramel Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to COUNTRY CABIN SWEET SHOP.
Today, March 18th is National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to MISS MALINE’S BAKERY in Hamilton.
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ TESSA RICK, CO I.
March 17th is National Corned Beef & Cabbage Day, AND St. Patrick’s Day! In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to McCORKLE’S & Scratchers tickets.
LUCK of the Irish has come today to ~ JOHN MUESSIG, STATIONARY ENGINEER.
March 16th is National Panda Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to PANDA EXPRESS.
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ STACY YARBROUGH, CO I.
March 15th is National Shoe the World Day. In honor of that, the winner for Sunday wins a gift card to DSW Shoes.
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ TONIA BECK, COOK III.
March 14th is National Potato Chip Day. In honor of that, the winner for tomorrow wins a gift card to WENDY’S.
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ JONATHAN LAWRENCE, CO I.
March 13th is National Day of Unplugging. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to STARBUCKS.
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ NEVIN CURTIS, CHAPLAIN.
March 12th is National Plant a Flower Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to THE PLANT PLACE.
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ JENNY GROCE, OSA.
March 11th is National Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to IHOP.
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ SHAWNA HUGHLETTE, PPO II.
March 10th is National Blueberry Popover Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to CASEY’S.
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ Donnie Eads CO II.
March 9th is National Crab Meat Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to RED LOBSTER.
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ Steve Heldenbrand, STK I.
March 8th is National Peanut Cluster Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHOCOLATE FACTORY.
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ Kevin Fagan, CO I.
March 7th is National Crown of Roast Pork Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to STEAK N STUFF.
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ Pam Jeffries, SOSA.
March 6th is National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY.
The LUCKY winner for today is ~ Tim Mann, RO III.
March 5th is National Cheese Doodle Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to SHATTO FARMS.
The winner for today is ~ Jeffrey Fry, CO I.
March 4th is National Marching Music Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to AMAZON.
The winner for today is ~ Michael Rude, CM II.
March 3rd is National Cold Cuts Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift card to SUBWAY.
The winner for today is ~ Derrick Eaton Cook II.
March 2ND is National Banana Cream Pie Day. In honor of that, the winner for today wins a gift certificate to DINO’S DINER.
The winner for today is ~ Gregory Roberts, CO I.
New Team Members
Dalonte J. Holland, Corrections Officer I, effective 03/23/2020
Talat Y. Nimetullah, Cook II, effective 03/24/2020
Brianna Allen, Corrections Officer I, effective 03/16/2020
Michael Henry, Corrections Officer I, effective 03/19/2020
Kaitlin Sherer, Corizon License Practical Nurse, effective 03-09-2020
Ashley DePeralta, Corrections Officer I, Transfer from OCC, effective 03/09/2020
George Jackson, Corrections Officer I, effective 03/09/2020
Chelsi Hays, Corrections Officer I, effective 03/02/2020
Edith Fishback, Corrections Officer I, effective 03/02/2020
Important Dates
The Wellness Committee will be hosting a Lifestyle Change in the form of a Weight Loss Challenge beginning on March 16, 2020 and ending on May 16, 2020. You can weigh in from now until and including the day of March 16, 2020. You can weigh as much or as little as you want after the initial weigh-in. You cannot weigh after May 15, 2020 so be sure and weigh and have it recorded by that date. There will be no fee to join. If you cannot find a partner contact anyone on the Wellness Committee and we will help you find a partner. The Weight Loss Challenge will begin on March 16 2020. The scales will be located at June Faulk and Julie Bott’s desks
Prizes will be:
1st place for each team member - $75
2nd place for each team member - $50
3rd place for each team member - $25
February 2020
Big News
Thank you to our own Personnel Club for baking cookies for Valentine’s Day. Staff was able to order a heart shaped sugar cookie for a staff member they wished to express appreciation. Friday February 14th, the Personnel Club delivered those cookie orders to the staff. Thank you everyone for supporting one another. It was an excellent way to let your co-workers know you appreciate them and brighten their day just a little bit
The month of February topic was Go Red for Women. Staff wore jeans and red shirts on February 27, 2020 for a donation of $1. An article was posted on the Wellness Bulletin Board and was sent a copy to all outlook users. The money was donated to the Heart Association.
Community Blood Center had another blood drive February 26, 2020. Thank you everyone for your contributions.
Western Missouri Correction Center held another Meet and Greet on February 24th to welcome our new staff to the Department of Corrections. Welcome!!!
Restorative Justice delivered 6 copy paper boxes of pop tabs to the Ronald McDonald House on February 10th and February 20th. The program also delivered 161 loomed stocking hats to the Cameron Clothes Closet.
Employee of the Month
OSA Chris Turner
Chris was nominated for this award by OSA, Janet Brewer. In her nomination she said, "You are among one of the first faces that staff and people from the community see when they enter our facility. You always have a smile on your face and a friendly, helpful attitude. You have a pleasant demeanor when speaking on the phone and promptly call people up from inside the facility when they have someone here to meet with them. No matter what issues arise you do not let that affect how you interacts with others as you perform your duties. You uphold a professional presence at all times. Keep up the good work!"
CO I Frederick Jundy
Frederick was nominated for this award by CS I Jennifer Caldwell who said in her nomination, "You are assigned to the front entry and you are often the first face everyone sees when coming into the facility. You are consistently professional and positive in your interactions with not only staff, but outside agencies and the public. You are helpful, informative and you uphold the standards of institutional policies and procedures. You are well respected by your peers as well as supervisors and administrative staff. You leave a positive impression on every person you interact with and you are a great asset to WMCC. Keep up the good work!"
New Team Members
Ella Sonderegger, Corrections Officer I
Dezaree Curtis, Corrections Officer I
Mandi Walsh, Cook I
Daniel J. Mick, Corrections Officer I
Drew Achter, Corrections Officer I
Renee Draper, Cook II
Staff Moves
Transfer In from CCC - Todd Mustain, Corrections Officer I, effective 02/03/2020
Important Dates
It’s your time to shine in the month of March! This year for the entire month of March, the Personnel Club will be randomly drawing a name to give away a $10 gift card EVERY DAY.
Starting March 1, a name will be drawn and a gift card to a surprise place will be given to a lucky staff member. This event ends on March 31. We will be recognizing these random, fun, national days to put a spin on the gift cards corresponding to that day:
Pig Day, Crown of Roast Pork Day, Day of Unplugging
Old Stuff Day, Peanut Cluster Day, Potato Chip Day
Cold Cuts Day, Crabmeat Day, Shoe the World Day
Marching Music Day, Blueberry Popover Day, Panda Day
Cheese Doodle Day, Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day, *Saint Patrick’s Day*
White Chocolate Cheesecake Day, Plant a Flower Day, Lacy Oatmeal Day
Chocolate Caramel Day, Ravioli Day, Fragrance Day
Bavarian Crepes Day, Chip and Dip Day, Chocolate Covered Raisin Day
Manatee Appreciation Day, Nougat Day, Spanish Paella Day
Something on a Stick Day, Mom and Pop Business Owners Day, Virtual Vacation Day
Tater Day
Success Story
During the past few weeks the Administration building has been under some remodeling construction. Staff have continued to remain friendly and professional and were able to continue their duties through all the remodeling. Thank you everyone for putting your best efforts in and remaining positive through it all.
January 2020
Big News
The wellness committee held a Wii game ski jump contest in January. Three winners received a gift card to Subway.
The Wellness Committee held a bowl dip contest. Thank you for all those who contributed to the contest. It was a wonderful turn out.
WMCC held a Meet and Greet January 27, 2020 to welcome our new staff into the Department of Corrections family.
WMCC staff was able to wear jeans for a dollar in support of give kids a smile a day on Thursday, January 16, 2020. All proceeds were donated to American Dental Association. Thank you to those who participated.
Employee of the Month
Jani Holt, PPO II
Ms. Holt was nominated for this award by PPO III, Kyle Clark. In July 2019, the consolidation between CRCC and WMCC was completed. This merger created new caseload challenges for Probation and Parole Officers as the role of the IPO was being redefined at the same time. Ms. Holt volunteered to conduct a 60-day open door pilot for A-side maximum security offenders in addition to still learning her job, other duties and preparing for changes happening with IPOs. Ms. Holt’s pilot was a success which resulted in having regular open door for maximum security offenders, further facilitating case planning, addressing the needs of incarcerated offenders and assisting with re-entry back to the community. Ms. Holt has shown herself to be a team player as she takes on additional tasks, is highly motivated and is well respected by staff as well as offenders throughout WMCC. Her experience, knowledge and skill-set often crosses divisional lines. Keep up the good work!
Thomas Lambert, CO I
Mr. Lambert was nominated for this award by CO II, Nathen Gilmore. On October 29, 2019, a search was being conducted in a cell due to some suspicious activity. While this search went on, the occupant from the cell being search went to another cell and behaved suspiciously, alerting Gilmore to contraband in that cell as well. Mr. Lambert’s diligent observation and attention to detail led to the recovery of multiple articles of contraband and contributing to the safety and security fellow staff members, the institution and surrounding community. Keep up the good work!
Eli Teller, IAC
Mr. Teller was nominated for this award by Brent Jones, IAC. During the consolidation of CRCC and WMCC, Mr. Teller took on the challenge of taking on all the VIC that came from CRCC and processed them into WMCC. Mr. Teller always shows up to work with a great attitude. He started the Story Link program at WMCC that allows offenders to connect with their kids by recording an audio version of books that are sent to their children. Mr. Teller has organized the upcoming regional banquet and training event. Mr. Teller has made an incredible impact on fellow staff, offenders, and the community. Keep up the good work!
Awards & Recognition
Wii Ski Jump Winners:
Carrie Owens
Chris Berry
Lt. Richards
Winners for the Super bowl Dip Contest are as follows:
Sweet Division:
1st place – Jolene Owens Yogurt Pudding Dip
2nd place – Jenny Groce – Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake Dip
3rd place – Tia Gilliam – Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake Dip
Savory Division:
1st place – Kim Smith Jalapeno Popper Dip
2nd place – Tia Gilliam Barbeque Bacon Chicken Dip
3rd place – Alex Bouling – Crack Chicken Dip
New Team Members
Sherri Hughs, Medical Records Clerk, Corizon, effective 01-27-2020
Robert Moore, Part Time Corrections Officer I, effective 01-21-2020
Toni Enloe, Corrections Officer I, effective 01-21-2020
Robert Moore, Part Time Corrections Officer I, effective 01-21-2020
Jacob Lee Ashford, Corrections Officer I, effective 01-13-20
Timothy Cole, Corrections Officer I, effective 01-06-20
Alex Carroll, MVE Maintenance Supervisor I CRCC, effective 01-19-2020
Karen Burnett
Judy Leer
Leann Courtney
Important Dates
The Polar Plunge for Special Olympics will be held at Lake Viking on Febuary 15, 2020 at 2pm. Resignation starts at noon that day.
Let a co-worker know that they are extra important this year on Valentine’s Day by ordering a cookie or a box of candy hearts for them. If you wish to order, please contact any member of the Personnel Club and they will include your order to our spreadsheet. Payment is due at the time of ordering. As always, thanks for all you do.
The month of February topic was Go Red for Women. We will wear jeans and red shirts on February 27, 2020 for a donation of $1. An article will be posted on the Wellness Bulletin Board and we will send a copy to all outlook users. The money will be donated to the Heart Association.
Success Story
From Chris Brewer: “I am pleased to announce that we have not only “Successfully” completed the Federal PREA audit but we did so with absolutely ZERO compliance issues noted.
The success of this achievement is attributed to all the exceptional staff we have at this facility. It takes the assistance of all Sections and ranks to make a facility of this magnitude (size and operation) function on a daily basis; let alone undertake the additional tasks associated with ensuring overall safety and security while providing rehabilitative services to offenders.
In regards to our knowledge and adherence to PREA standards the auditor indicated that you were very professional and courteous during her time at our facility. Our documentation of PREA incidents and protocols was clear, concise, and well organized going into the audit. The auditor stated that across the board, all the staff she conducted interviews with were “on point with their responses” and were “well versed in the protocols and procedures” which was reflective of not only being aware of what was expected, but doing it consistently. She was very appreciated of your assistance and helpfulness during the audit process.
I want to express my deep appreciation for all the dedication and teamwork each of you have put into helping this process be a glowing success.”
December 2019
Big News
For the month of December National Safe Toys and Celebration was chosen for the topic. For the week of December 2 – 6, 2019 was able to wear jeans. Staff donated a safe toy or $1 for each day they wore jeans. The Toys for Tots organization collected the toys. An article explaining National Safe Toys and Celebration month will be posted on the Wellness Bulletin Board and we will send a copy to all outlook users.
For the month of December gave away two $50 bills that was drawn randomly for all staff.
Thank you Neil for playing Santa for our WMCC staff and families. Staff was able to bring their kids for pictures with Santa. Thank you everyone for sharing your families with us. It’s always a joy seeing Christmas cheer in our WMCC staff and their families.
WMCC hosted a blood drive 12/05/2019. Thank you for all those who donated and saved lives. It was a great turn out.
Restorative Justice donated 91 hats given to governor of Missouri and he passed them out to local hospitals in Jefferson City.
WMCC hosted a recognition ceremony, which honored individuals receiving the life saver award, distinguished service award, warden’s award of excellence, milestone awards, employees of the year and years of service pins.
Congratulations to our new Personnel Club. The following individuals are now part of the organization: Hannah Campbell (President), Jeromy Carr (Vice President) Christine Flanders (Social Chair) Katherine Engel (Secretary) Tia Gilliam (Treasurer).
Employee of the Month
Abra Thomas, OSA
You were nominated for this award by FUM, Whitney Edwards, for your exemplary work ethic. You are assigned to two very busy housing units (Ad-seg and PC) and you are able to complete all of your assigned duties which includes processing both committees by entering paperwork, filing and distributing files to all housing units of the institution. You complete your work in such a timely manner you are able to assist Ad-Seg classification staff with other duties such as organizing and answering kites, developing IRR folders, copying committee paperwork for offenders and typing the Ad-Seg docket. You frequently ask if there is anything more you can assist with, which reflects your team mindset. You are proactive in getting tasks completed before anyone else knows they need done. You are an asset to WMCC and your hard work is appreciated.
Laura Novak, SK II
It is a pleasure for me to announce that you were nominated by fellow employee Leslie Johns. Ms. Novak you always go above and beyond to get the job done and to help out your fellow staff members. Ms. Novak you are always happy to step up and take on a task that is difficult. You work well with maintenance in scheduling projects to get them done in a timely manner. Ms. Novak you help to unload trucks, organize the warehouse and always go the extra mile. Thank you for all that you do.
Veronica Hiltz, CO I
You were nominated for this award by CO III, Lorieann Hunter, for your high-level performance and contribution to WMCC. Your dedication to this facility is evident in the special duty assignments you volunteer to assist with. You helped pack property at Crossroads for the consolidation and you accomplished this in an admirable manner. You devote your days off to WMCC, you are always willing to volunteer if a shift is in need of coverage and you work any assignment given to you. Your performance on a day-to-day basis has ensured the safety and security of your fellow officers, staff members and the institution. You are a versatile and professional officer with a dedication to the team concept and you are an asset to WMCC. Keep up the good work!
Awards & Recognition
Offender Management Employee of the Year
Donny Eads, CO II
Christine Stone, CCM II
Operations Employee of the Year
Matt Hibler, Supply Manager I
New Team Members
Timothy Houghtlin, Corrections Officer I, effective 12-02-19
Jeffrey Hilton, Corrections Officer I, effective 12-16-19
William Hughes, Corrections Officer I, effective 12-16-19
Colton Gatson, Corrections Officer I, effective 12-23-19
Brittany Biggerstaff, Corrections Officer I, effective 12-23-19
Glen Crowther, Academic Teacher I, effective 12-23-19
Jennifer Caldwell (Captain)
Judy Leer, OSA
Karen Burnett, CO II
Marie Bennett, CO I
Important Dates
The Wellness Committee have agreed they will be putting together a cookbook. Staff will be asked to give recipes and we will sell the cookbooks pre-sales. We will hold a contest for artwork for the front of the cookbook. Staff will vote and the winner will receive a free cookbook.
November 2019
Big News
The Wellness Committee took nominations from November 8-22nd for families in need and gave away two Thanksgiving meals with all the trimmings including Canned Yams, Green Beans, Rolls, Cranberry Sauce, 5lb bag of taters, Box of stuffing, Gravy packet along with a $25 gift certificate for a turkey or ham. Thank you for all your nominations. And thank you Wellness Committee for you contributions!!
The Wellness Committee held a silent auction from November 4-15th containing only crafted items and baked goods. The profits went to the Wellness Committee for future events for staff. Thank you everyone for your donations.
Staff could dress down Monday, November 11, 2019 – Friday November 15, 2019 for $1 each day they wore jeans. All proceeds were donated to Honor Flight, a non-profit organization honoring veterans.
Staff could bring their children to the Administration building on Halloween to go Trick or Treating at each department in Administration. Thank you for those who brought your families. It was a joy seeing them all.
Employees was allowed to wear jeans and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) shirts on November 20, 2019 for a donation of $1. The money collected went to a local organization for Juvenile Diabetes. An article concerning Juvenile Diabetes will be posted on the Wellness Bulletin Board and we will send a copy to all outlook users.
Restorative Justice donated 33 hats and 3 hat/scarf combos to Living Hope clothing pantry in Maysville. They also donated 19 blanket to Project Linus. In addition, Restorative Justice also donated wheelchair lap blankets to Sunset Nursing Home in Maysville. A drawing was also donated to Missouri Consolidated Restorative Justice.
MTC has challenged the Western Region. The challenge was to see who can complete the most hours of learning under the Molearning feature. We have been challenged to beat the following: MTC Marauders, WRDCC Renegades , KCRC Knights, CCC Cavaliers.
Employee of the Month
John Muessig, SE I
It is a pleasure for me to announce that you were nominated by fellow employee Shane Muff, CO III and selected as Employee of the Month for November 2019 by the Deputy Warden of Operations Section. Weekend, holidays, after hours you always respond when called. You come in with a great attitude and never complain. You go above and beyond your duties and we appreciate all the work that you do. You are a true professional, your dedication, knowledge, and hard work are exemplary.
Keith Shurtleff, Vocational Supervisor
You were nominated for this award by all Vocational Education teachers. Your staff states you are a great example of what a good leader should be. You truly care about the TRANT Career and Technical Program, the teachers and most of all the students in the program and the employment possibilities for those students. You are very supportive of your staff and you respond quickly to questions, concerns and ideas teachers may have. You are positive and professional while always keeping policy and procedure
first. You have been helpful in getting the Union Representatives here to talk to students about job opportunities and plans for their future after release. You maintain an open line of communication with staff through daily conversations, monthly Engage meetings and monthly staff meetings.
Chris Hargrave, CO II
You were nominated for this award by RO II, Chris Botts. You do a great job of running A-yard. You are vigilant and aware of the offenders and their actions, and all the movements required to get the offenders where they need to go. Your knowledge and attention to detail help facilitate the proper security for protective custody movements. Your radio traffic is timely, direct and authoritative, and your presence and demeanor exemplify professionalism. Your experience and initiative along with your knowledge of and rapport with the offenders allows you to confront issues before they can develop further. You have earned the trust and respect of your supervisors, peers and subordinates, and provide an example to all. Your positive can-do attitude and presence on A-yard has contributed to the successful consolidation of the institutions.
Awards & Recognition
The contest for the “Beat The Holidays” is over. Following are the winners:
1st Place Individual – Stafford, Bobbie
2nd Place Individual – June Faulk
3rd Place Individual – Tia Gilliam
Team winners:
June Faulk and Tia Gilliam – 1st Place
Paul and Chris Turner – 2nd Place
Peggy Vristka and April Tagupa – 3rd Place
New Team Members
Michael Findling, Corrections Officer I, effective 11-4-19
Kassey De Yoe, Corrections Officer I, effective 11-12-19
Ricky De Yoe, Corrections Officer I, effective 11-12-19
Austin Lucky, Corrections Officer I, effective 11-18-19
Brandon Norris, Corrections Officer I, effective 11-18-19
Darrel Bisel, CO III
Roxanne Gregg, CO I
Important Dates
For the month of December National Safe Toys and Celebration was chosen for the topic. For the week of December 2 – 6, 2019 we will be wearing jeans. You can donate a safe toy or $1 for each day you wear jeans. The Toys for Tots organization will be collecting the toys. An article explaining National Safe Toys and Celebration month will be posted on the Wellness Bulletin Board and we will send a copy to all outlook users.
This Christmas Season WMCC Personnel Club would like to Adopt A Family. Please fill out the form located in the Assembly room and place your nomination in the box. Nominations are due by 4:30 pm on December 2, 2019
For the month of December we will be giving away two $50 bills to be drawn randomly for all staff.
The Wellness Committee have agreed they will be putting together a cookbook. Staff will be asked to give recipes and we will sell the cookbooks pre-sales. We will hold a contest for artwork for the front of the cookbook. Staff will vote and the winner will receive a free cookbook.
Success Story
Education held its first ICVC class for “A” side offenders. This class went very well and all participants and facilitators arrived on time. No phone calls had to be made to the housing units to locate offenders. Expectations were set for the class and all the offenders were allowed to speak on what they would like to learn from the class, as well as staff answering questions about it. The participants were given their workbooks and were informed the next class will be on Friday, November 22nd due to the health fair next Friday. The three facilitators that we have were met w/ on a couple of different occasions by myself prior to this morning and related to the class very well. Thank you again for all the cooperation in getting this class started.
Puppy Pic
Quinn is an 8 year and 3 month old female tan/yellow, fawn Australian mixed cattle dog. She weighs between 61 and 100 pounds. She is very good when playing with other dogs and people. She really loves to be around people. She knows all her commands. However, she doesn’t like to be kenneled because it gives her anxiety and thunder also scares her.
October 2019
Big News
October 24th was Purple Day in support of Domestic Violence month. Employees wore purple this day to fight against domestic violence. Thank you everyone for showing your support!!
October 16th, WMCC provided a tour for several students from Missouri Western State University. This has given the students an opportunity to have their questions answered in regard to the daily operations of the institution. It is hoped to give potential future employees some insight through sharing our experiences with them.
Staff could dress down for a dollar October 7th - October 10th, 2019 in support of Correctional Peace Officers Foundation. All money received was donated to CPOF. Thank you for your support!
The Wellness Committee sponsored a Staff Dress Down Day for Breast Cancer Thursday, October 17, 2019 for a $1 donation. All donations received was given to a local breast cancer agency.
Earlier this season we had a contest to vote for new t-shirt designs to show support for the consolidation of the 2 institutions that occurred in July. The winner of the T-Shirt design contest was Design #6. Congratulations!
RJO handed out food items to offenders from Little Caesar's as part of an RJO fundraiser on Wednesday, October 9th. Thank you everyone for your efforts in posting fliers in the wings.
The Personnel Club handed out cinnamon rolls to all employees. Thank you Personnel club for all your hard work! It is very much appreciated.
WMCC hosted a Charitable Campaign Silent Auction. All proceeds were donated to Correctional Peace Officers Foundation.
Restorative Justine donated 6 blankets and 60 baby hats to Cameron Regional Hospital. Way to go guys!!
The WMCC K9 UNIT for their 2nd place finish in The 2019 Missouri Department of Corrections Tracking Competition October 9th and 10th at Lake Ozark State Park, Keiser Mo. Congrats!!
Employee of the Month
Rhonda Lawrence, CCM II
Ms. Lawrence was nominated for this award by FUM, Jennifer Seeley. Mrs. Seeley states, "You have done a great job getting housing unit nine up to speed on ORAS". In August alone Ms. Lawrence did 39 ORAS. Prior to that she ran a report for all the ORAS due from January 2019 to June 2019 and was able to get all of those completed, entered and filed. Not only has Ms. Lawrence done an excellent job of getting housing unit nine up to speed on ORAS, but she has also volunteered to be the new Visiting Room Liaison. In taking on that role Ms. Lawrence has helped get several things accomplished in the Visiting Room. Ms. Lawrence secured a baby changing station and had it installed in the men's restroom, she was able to get the fire exits cleared out and went through all the toys disposing of anything falling apart. Ms. Lawrence has also been working on getting a cage built to hold the offender property being sent out on visits. This will help ensure offender property from coming up missing. Ms. Lawrence has also coordinated stripping and waxing the visiting room floors. Also, she has been working closely with visiting room staff to help them get what they need to make visiting run smoothly.
Jeremy Reed, CO II
Mr. Reed was nominated for this award by CO III, Lorieann Hunter and CS I, Jeromy Carr. His supervisors state, "You are always willing to go above and beyond your normal duties to assist fellow staff and supervisors". Mr. Reed creates a positive team atmosphere wherever he is assigned. Mr. Reed was a member of the CERT team, he is a volunteer instructor of several classes at the WMCC training complex and he is an active CIT member. Mr. Reed is often called upon to respond to CIT events by his supervisors and peers and Mr. Reed's rapport with the offender population often leads to gaining voluntary compliance, significantly minimizing many situations that could have led to a use of force. Mr. Reed is a highly active and self-motivated supervisor, volunteering to work numerous hours beyond his shift in addition to his regular days off to ensure shift coverage.
William Woody, CO I
Mr. Woody was nominated for this award by CO II, Mark Hoaglund, CO III, Lorieann Hunter, CO III, Jerry Pierce, and CS I, Jeromy Carr. His supervisors would like to recognize him for his continuous high level performance and the extraordinary contribution he has made to the institution. Mr. Woody's dedication to this facility is evident in the special duty assignments he has volunteered to assist with. Mr. Woody assisted with the packing of CRCC offender's property prior to them being transferred to WMCC for consolidation and volunteered to be sent to Chemical Agents Training and Armed Transportation. Mr. Woody accomplished these assignments in an admirable manner. Mr. Woody devotes his regular days off to the institution always willing to come in if his shift is in need of coverage and he is willing to work any assignment given. Mr. Woody's performance in the day-to-day operations has ensured the safety and security of his fellow officers, staff members and the institution by completing searches and security checks of his area in a very thorough manner.
Tamara Huff, Rec. Officer I
Ms. Huff was nominated for this award by RO I, Sheilia Johnson. Ms. Huff comes to work each day with a positive attitude and is consistently concerned about her co-workers. Ms. Huff goes above and beyond her specified duties and works countless hours of overtime to help with shift coverage. She is greatly appreciated for everything she does each day.
Awards & Recognition
The winners of the Charitable Campaign Silent Auction were:
Jelly and Snack Basket: Hannah Campbell $75
Friday Fright Night Basket: Michael Gardner $112
Harley Davidson Sign: Michael Gardner $55
Parking Space: Sheri Lee $275
The following staff are winners of the Bowling Tournament:
1st Place – Melanie Meyers - $25 gift card for Walmart
Jill Richards - $25 gift card for Walmart
2nd Place – Alison Sperry - $15 gift card for Walmart
Hannah Campbell - $15 gift card for Walmart
3rd Place – Christine Flanders - $10 gift card for Walmart
Pam Jeffries - $10 gift card for Walmart
The following entries won for the chili cookoff:
Soup Cookoff
1st Place – Whitney Edwards
2nd Place – Lacey Clark
3rd Place – Tia Gilliam
Chili Cookoff
1st Place – Dena McNeeley
2nd Place – Sheila Sherlinger
3rd Place – Tia Gilliam
High Five Awards:
Casey Hansen, Sarah Eldredge, Melissa Whitaker, June Faulk, Julie Botts, Sharyl Pollard, lacey Clark, Stacy Muesstig, Christine Stone, Tia Gillan, Whitney Edwards, Chris Berry, Leslie Johns.
New Team Members
Sandra Gallus, Cook II, Effective 10/03/19
Trevor Bertoncino, Corrections Officer I, Effective 10/07/19
Karlene Buis, Corrections Officer I, Effective 10/07/19
Hannah Penning, Corrections Officer I 10/07/19
Shadow Phillips, Corrections Officer I 10/07/19
Brittanie Milnes, Corrections Officer I, Effective 10/15/19
Garith Felton, Corrections Officer I, Effective 10/21/19
Chase Willming, Corrections Officer I, Effective 10-21-19
Vickie Stimpson Cook I, effective 10-28-19
Jeremy Ledford Corrections Officer I, effective 10-31-19
Ronald Sears COIII
John Pierick COI
Nelson Bradhurst Maintenance Worker II
Important Dates
MTC has challenged the Western Region, that means WMCC!! We have been challenged to beat the following: MTC Marauders, WRDCC Renegades , KCRC Knights, CCC Cavaliers. Sign in to your Linkedin/MO learning and help us beat the rest.
Personnel Club are starting to take nominations for the 2020 Personnel club beginning on October 23rd, 2019. They will take nominations through November 8th, 2019. Please send all nominations to the current 2019 Personnel Club members. They are: Jeromy Carr, Sharyl Pollard, Hannah Campbell, Valerie Dredge, and Stacy Muessig.
A Weight Loss Contest will be implemented for all staff who wish to participate. There will be teams of 2 staff members. The cost to join will be $6 per team. Stephen Nixdorf will weigh each of the participants and it will be kept confidential. Weigh-ins will begin on September 26, 2019 and end on the morning of November 22, 2019 for approximately 8 weeks. The team members will be required those two weigh-ins but can also weigh with Stephen when they want. Winners will be determined by the percentage BMI lost. Articles will be sent out weekly for encouragement. Prizes are as follows:
1st place – 30 days free membership to the “Y”
2nd place individual – Cameron Nutrition Combo
3rd place – Cameron Nutrition Combo
Team Prizes:
1st place team: $20 cash for each team member
2nd place team: $15 cash for each team member
3rd place team: $10 cash for each team member
The Wellness Committee is looking for crafty items and baked goods for an upcoming auction. Some examples of what they are receiving are a complete lasagna meal, homemade cookies, lots of knitted items, some wood crafts, and jellies. Any item is welcome and appreciated. The profits will go to the Wellness Committee for future events for staff. Thank you everyone for your donations. Auction will start November 4th and end November 15th, 2019.
Puppy Pic
Alex is a male boxer and is 6 years and 1 month old. He had a great personality and loves to play. He has an average energy level and is very friendly with strangers. He actually prefers to be around people. He knows how to sit, lay and leash loose leash walking and is house and kennel broke. He is currently up for adoption.
September 2019
Big News
- A Big Thanks to everyone who participated in the Blood Drive on the 19th! The Winner of the Fly Rod Combo from the 9/19 Blood Drive is Craig Burgener.
- Thank you to our Personnel Club and several other volunteers that help made correction’s week happen. Monday was Popcorn Payday, Tuesday was Ice Cream Social, Wednesday was the staff BBQ Hosted by the WMCC Personnel Club in the Visiting Room, Thursday was Nacho Thursday and Friday we had Breakfast Sandwiches and Orange Juice/Water. Also, The winners for the prizes were: Insta Pot to Jolene Owen, Doorbell to Huskey, Wagon and Chairs to Robert Gilliland, Movie and dinner gift card to Simpkin, and $100 cash to Tatro. A lot of planning and hard work went into coordinating this very special week. Thanks for everyone’s hard work.
- Tuesday, September 10, 2019, staff was able to participate in a dress down day for $1. The proceeds all went to the Taylor Gilpin
Wallace Foundation for Suicide Prevention in honor of all the staff affected by suicide.
- Wednesday, September 11, 2019: Staff was able to participate in a dress down day in honor of Patriots Day as a Thank You for all the service men and women and all first responders.
- Probation and Parole had their annual Years of Service Recognition in Columbia, MO. The following received their plaques for their years of service: Shana Spear 15 years, Kaley Stone 10 years, Jani Holt 10 years, and Janet Brewer 5 years.
- The Missouri Department of Corrections joined the movement to spread awareness about fetal alcohol syndrome. On Monday, Sept. 9, staff could wear red shoes to work or after work in a show of support for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day.
- WMCC Personnel Club will start serving popcorn each pay day starting on Monday September 16, 2019.
- The theme for the upcoming 2020 Polar Plunge has been decided. It will be The PLUNGE and BEYOND.
- CIT Training had a graduating class in September.
- The Corrections Peace Officers Foundation sponsored a "Support our Own" Ride event Saturday, September 7th, 2019. There was a ride to Mid-America Harley Davidson, a BBQ was provided by Food Truck-Big Daddy’s, a 50/50 raffle, a silent auction, bike show, door prizes and games. All proceeds went to CPOF. Thank you to all those who showed support.
Restorative justice program donated to the following:
Cameron Head Start:
16 coloring books, 1 set flash cards in add, sub, division, multiplication, states, capitals, 17 youth hats, 11 wooden stools, 4 supply caddies, 2 organizers.
Parkview Elementary:
383 hats, 11 sets calligraphy markers, 5 sketch books
Cameron Regional Medical Center:
40 infant hats and 3 baby blankets
Project Linus (Maysville Chapter)
18 fleece blankets
Caldwell County Health Department
Apples-500 pounds
Cucumbers-30 pounds
Cantaloupe-150 pounds
Good Samaritan Center Excelsior Springs Mo
Apples 235 pounds
Second Harvest St. Joseph Mo
Apples-1500 pounds
Cameron Food Bank
Apples-700 pounds
Cantaloupe 550 pounds
Squash-30 pounds
Green Beans-10 pounds
Employee of the Month
CCM II Kylie Douglas
Ms. Douglas was nominated for this award by CO II Aaron Cox and CO III Richard Smith. They state Ms. Douglas goes above and beyond her normal duties to help custody staff in Administrative Segregation. On July 19, 2019, during a use of force in housing unit one, she volunteered to assist the bubble officer to ensure the operations of the house still ran as smoothly as possible. Again on July 24, 2019, Ms. Douglas volunteered to cover the bubble due to all custody staff being busy so Sergeant Cox and the bubble officer could conduct the 11 :00 am count. On this date Ms. Douglas answered phones, took messages for custody staff and ran errands such as taking paperwork to the Captain's office on B-yard which are typically custody tasks. All of this was done in addition to her normal work load without being asked to. Ms. Douglas also frequently works overtime as a CO I to assist with staffing during critical times of offender movement.
CO III Jennifer Caldwell
Ms. Caldwell was nominated for this award by Mike Penland, CS I. Ms. Caldwell has been an extremely valuable facilitator, assisting with making the transition for staff, offenders and 3rd shift operations during the consolidation as smooth as possible. After the employee transfer list was finalized she took the initiative to maintain contact with supervisors to ensure a smooth transfer of staff from one institution to the other. Ms. Caldwell has also provided guidance in dealing with certain offenders and her initiative has continued since her arrival. She has acted in an Assistant Shift Commander capacity in the absence of another Captain on shift. In taking on these responsibilities she has demonstrated sound decision making skills. Ms. Caldwell calmly deals with situations that arise with the offender population, ensuring not only the safety of staff, but the offender population as well. Her keen decision making abilities have helped to ensure that any situations that arise are minimized and contained so they do not lead to a major disruption in shift operations. Ms. Caldwell deals with staff issues and addresses them in a calm, professional manner and makes sure all reports and other documentation are completed and distributed properly. Ms. Caldwell can be relied upon to ensure all necessary paperwork in the Shift Commander's Office is completed and she handles it in an organized manner.
Supply Manager I Matt Hibler
Mr. Hibler was nominated for this award by Willie Camarador, Executive II. With the consolidation between CRCC and WMCC, Mr. Hibler was tasked with designing a new layout for the warehouse area. Mr. Hibler worked diligently on this task, organizing, moving things from one area to another. Mr. Hibler has once again proven himself to be a go-to employee. Mr. Hibler always steps up and shows everyone that he is capable of working outside of his comfort zone. We did not encounter any delay in the operations of all the sections involved.
Awards & Recognition
High Five Awards were given to staff members who contributed in the discovery of contraband being mailed to offenders. Thanks you for your attention to detail. Your efforts encourages security within our institution. The following individuals were awarded with High Five Awards:
April Tagupa
Carolyn Joyce
Latoya Robinson
High Five Awards were given to staff members who assisted in the harvesting the orchard for the 2019 season. They picked 8,302 pounds of apples and pears. All produce was donated to local food banks and local charities. The following individuals were awarded High Five Awards:
Roberta Smith, Hannah Campbell, Abra Thomas, Casey Hansen, Sarah Eldredge, Elizabeth Jordan, Laura Andal, Polly Henley, Rise Holcomb, Megan Gilmore, Jim Gentry, Jeremy Kennedy, Jeff Rogers, Paul Drake, Steven Nixdorf, Connie Ball, Betty Lindsey, Christine Stone
Christine Stone was awarded the Warden’s Award of Excellence. Stone works very hard and gives her heart to her job. She is motivated in making a change in people’s lives. She increases staff morale by having a joyful and energetic personality. Thank you Stone for all you efforts.
New Team Members
Jessica Findly, Corrections Officer I, Effective 09/23/19
Brandon Beaderstadt, Effective 09/16/19
Trevor Adams, Corrections Officer I effective on 09-12-19
Lora Torres Bamber, Cook II, Effective 09/05/19
Joshua Bedingfield, Corrections Officer I, effective 09/09/19
Douglas Cain, Corrections Officer I, effective 09/03/19
Jacqueline Orr, Corrections Officer I, effective 09/03/19
Robert Rupp, Corrections Officer I, effective 09/03/19
Transfer from OCC
Joseph Deperalta, Corrections Officer I, Effective 09-22-19
Heather Haynes, Corrections Officer I, effective 09/03/19
Colby Cruz, Corrections Officer I, Effective 09/03/19
Jim Gentry
Duane Hill
Jerry Minich
Janice Kaden
Important Dates
October 24th will be Purple Day in support of Domestic Violence month. You can wear a purple shirt this day to show your support.
Personnel Club is selling purple polo’s, if you want a purple shirt for this day please see Hannah Campbell and place your order by October 7th, 2019.
A Weight Loss Contest will be implemented for all staff who wish to participate. There will be teams of 2 staff members. The cost to join will be $6 per team. Stephen Nixdorf will weigh each of the participants and it will be kept confidential. Weigh-ins will begin on September 26, 2019 and end on the morning of November 22, 2019 for approximately 8 weeks. The team members will be required those two weigh-ins but can also weigh with Stephen when they want. Winners will be determined by the percentage BMI lost. Articles will be sent out weekly for encouragement. Prizes are as follows:
1st place – 30 days free membership to the “Y”
2nd place individual – Cameron Nutrition Combo
3rd place – Cameron Nutrition Combo
Team Prizes:
1st place team: $20 cash for each team member
2nd place team: $15 cash for each team member
3rd place team: $10 cash for each team member
FLU SHOT DATES FOR OCTOBER 2019 are as follows:
THURSDAY 10/10, FRIDAY 10/11
6:30 am to 9:00 am
2:30pm to 4:00 pm
WMCC Assembly Room
Success Story
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped harvest a little over 8,000 pounds of apples and pears. The staff volunteered, knowing that they would be hand picking, sorting, boxing, and placing everything in a chiller. We had around 15 staff members and several offenders assist with this project. It was a lot of hard work and it came together quite nicely. Thank you so much for not only everyone’s efforts directly in the orchard but thank you to those who helped behind the scenes as well. We couldn’t have done this without everyone’s part
Puppy Pic
Western Waifs Dog Program partnered with Great Plains in order to adopt dogs. Also, recently brought to us from Cameron Animal Control is Boz. He’s an older guy that likes to be by himself, but will play with other dogs too. He loves to be loved on though by his person. He knows how to sit, shake, stay, and lay down. He’s working on losing some weight though.
August 2019
Big News
The Personnel Club hosted another soda float event. All proceeds from the event went to the Corrections Peace Officer Foundation to help other officers in difficult times.
Staff wore jeans day with a $1 donation. All proceeds were donated to the Corrections Peace Officer Foundation.
The Wellness Committee sponsored a Staff Dress Down Day for Children’s Eye Health August 13, 2019 for a $1 Donation or bring glasses. All the proceeds went to the Lion’s Club.
The Wellness Committee is currently hosting an annual Wii Bowling Tournament. It began August 12, 2019 in the Assembly Room. This is a double elimination. Prizes are as follows: 1st place two $25.00 Walmart Gift Cards, 2nd place two $15.00 Walmart Gift Cards, 3rd place two $10.00 Walmart Gift Cards.
The theme for the upcoming 2020 Polar Plunge has been decided. It will be The PLUNGE and BEYOND.
Restorative justice gave 50 baby hats, 8/26/19 RJO donated 385 pounds of Cucumber, 170 pounds of Squash, and 10 pounds of Green Beans to the Maysville Nutrition Center for a total of 565 pounds of produce, 47 coloring books, 10 baby blankets with matching hats. INDIVIDUALS/AGENCIES RECEIVING FINISHED PRODUCT: Cameron Regional Medical Center, Stewartsville food bank, KCRC, Caldwell County Health Department for annual baby shower.
Employee of the Month
ET Timothy Dunagan
Mr. Dunagan was nominated for this award by Shane Muff, CO III.There have been some difficulties with the Control Panels recently. Mr. Dunagan always comes in on his days off or after hours when called and fixes the issue at hand. Mr. Dunagan is always willing to report to the institution and does so without hesitation or complaint. He always reports for duty with a positive attitude and always remains professional.
CCM II Christine Stone
Ms. Stone was nominated for this award by Paul Drake, Assistant Warden, Denise Campbell, FUM, and Elizabeth Jordan, CCM II. Ms. Stone was appointed to the Restorative Justice Coordinator position in February 2019. There were three projects available to the offender population when she was assigned to the program with only two offenders participating. Since being appointed, she has rejuvenated the Restorative Justice program by implementing many new projects, while ensuring the original projects were given a new life and the attention they were needing. One of the new projects Ms. Stone implemented is making looming stocking hats for babies, youths and adults with these hats being donated locally to hospitals, schools and shelters. Other programs being implemented consists of making receiving blankets to be donated along with the hats, making comfort blankets for youth cancer patients to be donated to Project Linus, and reconditioning the orchard to donate fruit to the food pantry. Ms. Stone has overseen the disbursement of wooden step stools and wooden supply caddies to local schools made by the vocational students in Woodworking and she has involved the offenders in creating poster-sized artwork to be donated to the local Veteran's home and other community centers. Mr. Drake says, "While these activities are very beneficial to outside organizations as well as the offender, the impact of Case Manager Stone's commitment to Restorative Justice has a huge impact on the safety and security of the institution." Ms. Campbell states, "She has not only instilled a sense of pride in the projects the offenders are completing, but also a sense of charity through the giving of these great projects to those in need within the community." Ms. Jordan says, "Case Manager Stone's excitement in the new projects is infectious!"
CO II Donald Eads
Mr. Eads was nominated for this award by CS I, Chris Brownlee. During the recent consolidation, Mr. Eads displayed exemplary leadership and coordination of this monumental task. Mr. Eads took on a large role assigning transportation staff from WMCC and CRCC specific details each day allowing a quick, expedited and safe transfer of offenders. He assigned staff to aid in the transportation, intake process, photography for ID cards and tattoos, escorting of offenders, and delivering of files to their respective areas. Mr. Eads did this without disrupting any medical or law enforcement out counts. His attention to detail in this move allowed administrative staff and supervisors to focus on the remainder of the institution and tasks at hand. CS I Brownlee states, "This is not uncommon for CO II Eads, as he does this routinely at WMCC. WMCC and the entire Department of Corrections is fortunate to have such a leader among our ranks."
New Team Members
Krista Howell, Corrections Officer I, effective 08/29/19
Cook II Nancy Sirois, 08/21/19
Jilicia Bloss, Corrections Officer I, effective 08/19/19
Derek Brown, Corrections Officer I, effective 08/12/19
April Burns, Corrections Officer I, effective 08/12/19
Nevin Curtis was effective 08/11/19
Karen Gonyea Corrections Officer I, effective 08/5/19
Nevin Curtis promoted from COI to Chaplain effective 08/11/2019
COI Jack Willis is retiring effective 08/31/19
Important Dates
The 3rd annual WMCC softball tournament benefiting Special Olympics has been rescheduled to September 19, 2019. It’s at the Lathrop Baseball field (500 Elm Street). Games start at 8:00am. The cost is $200 per team of ten. Each team must have a least four females and players must be 18 years old for liability purposes. $1 per homerun or $20 for unlimited homeruns. There will be concessions, souvenirs, and a 50/50 raffle. Please register by September 06, 2019. Trophies will be given out for the top three winning teams. Contact Jenny Brownlee at WMCC.
The Special Olympics will be having an upcoming Auction. More details to come when closer to the date.
The Corrections Peace Officers Foundation is sponsoring a "Support our Own" Ride event on Saturday, September 7th, 2019. There will be a ride to Mid-America Harley Davidison, a BBQ provided by Food Truck-Big Daddy’s, a 50/50 raffle, a silent auction, bike show, door prizes and games. Festivities will be 12pm-2pm.
We will meet/depart from the Shell gas station near McDonald's, here in Cameron. Kickstands up at approximately 7:45 AM, as we will be falling into line with the other Institutions from the Northwest region. We will travel to Macon, and then south to Columbia and arrive at our Destination, Mid America Harley Davidson. Please ensure you fill out the attached brochure and waiver, and submit to CCM II Jonathan Hasker prior to the 7th, or on the morning of the ride. Entry fee is $20 per rider. All proceeds go to CPOF.
The Christian Motorcyclist Association and collective group of hot rod owners are holding their 5th annual motorcycle/hot rod show at Western Missouri Correctional Center and share literature with the offender population on Saturday August 31, 2019.
Success Story
A special thank you to the staff who assisted with cleaning out the toy shop and bringing the dog boxes over from Crossroads to Western. It was a group effort.
July 2019
Big News
The Personnel Club held a staff BBQ to welcome the new Crossroads staff and to thank both CCRC and WMCC employees for their efforts in the consolidation. The wellness committee also had a bounce house at the BBQ.Staff members were able to go alone or could race with an opponent for fun. Suggested donation was $2. All proceeds were donated to The Heartland Baptist Association.
For the month of July the topic chosen is Ultraviolet Safety. On July 11, 2019 staff could wear jeans and pay $1. Donations will be given to an organization for skin cancer awareness.
Congratulations to Deputy Warden Brewer graduating from the Leadership Academy.There was a group that was selected
by directors of each of 16 departments across Missouri, which included Department of Corrections, Department of Education, Department of agriculture, etc. These different candidates were grouped together and each group worked on a capstone project to present to the Governor and his Executive team. Chris’ group’s project was “Improving Retention Through a Culture of Recognition.” A graduation was held July 17 and he was presented with his certificate by Governor Parson.
The theme for the upcoming 2020 Polar Plunge has been decided. It will be The PLUNGE and BEYOND.
The Restorative Justice organization gave Cameron Hospital 50 baby hats. In addition, 77 pounds of zucchini was given to
Caldwell County Health Department.They also sent 110 pounds of zucchini to Cameron Food Pantry this month.
Employees of the Month
OSA Alison Sperry
Alison Sperry was nominated for this award by Mailroom Supervisor, Shari Lee. Sperry has been very diligent in discovering e-mails suggestive of offenders engaging in multiple conduct violations. She shows up for work every day and shows she cares about her work.
CCM II Megan Gilmore
Megan Gilmore was nominated for this award by AIO, Anthony Pelletier. On June 6, 2019, Gilmore was searching legal mail prior to handing it out to the assigned offenders. While searching she discovered that the letterhead on an envelope seemed suspicious. Further inspection of the item would reveal illegal contraband hidden in it. Due to her diligence in searching legal mail and paying attention to detail, she removed these items from the facility enhancing the safety of all staff and offender population.
CS I Chris Brownlee
Chris Brownlee was nominated for this award by CS II Dusty Jones. During the consolidation of WMCC and CRCC, Brownlee was tasked with numerous projects. He has maintained the institutional armory, supplied the less lethal observation post on A-yard, assisted with logistics for maintenance and outside contractors, acted as Chief of Custody and maintained supervisory coverage of second shift. He has worked closely with Major Clevenger to ensure all transferring staff were equipped and prepared for duty and met with Cameron ambulance and fire district to prepare a report outlining several options on access for emergency vehicles. Brownlee is a very dedicated and knowledgeable individual who cares greatly about his fellow staff members. He works with custody and non-custody alike to maintain a safe and effective operation. His experience and dedication is recognized and greatly appreciated.
CS I Jeromy Carr
Jeromy Carr was nominated for this award by CS II Dusty Jones. During the consolidation of WMCC and CRCC Mr. Carr
was tasked with numerous projects. He created post orders for the A-side less lethal post, created an extensive and comprehensive response protocol for the safe operation of MVE at CRCC, acted as Chief of Custody and maintained the efficient operation of first shift. Carr has also worked closely with the medical department to ensure that triage for sick call occurs as scheduled. He has a good working relationship with all departments and is always ready to assist in any way possible. He is knowledgeable, dedicated and cares about his staff. He works with all staff to maintain a safe and effective operation. He has worked immeasurable overtime to assist with shift and supervisory coverage. His experience and dedication is recognized and greatly appreciated.
New Team Members
Michael McCollom Boiler Operator, effective Monday, July 1, 2019
Steven Findling CO I, effective Monday, July 15, 2019
Rene Fredregill CO I, effective Monday, July 15, 2019
Dusten Sloan CO I, effective Monday, July 22, 2019
We’d also like to welcome all the CRCC staff whom transferred over. We are excited to be working alongside with you!!
CO II John DeWeese retiring 07/31/19
Success Story
The 3rd annual WMCC softball tournament benefiting Special Olympics has been rescheduled to September 19, 2019. It’s at the Lathrop Baseball field (500 Elm Street). Games start at 8:00 a.m. The cost is $200 per 10-member team. Each team must have a least four females and players must be 18 years old for liability purposes. $1 per home run or $20 for unlimited home runs. There will be concessions, souvenirs, and a 50/50 raffle. Please register by September 06, 2019. Trophies will be given out for the top three winning teams. Contact Jenny Brownlee at WMCC.
The Wellness Committee will be hosting an annual Wii Bowling Tournament. Registration starts July 29- Aug, 9, 2019. The cost will be $6.00 per team of two. Bowling will begin August 12, 2019 in the Assembly Room. This will be double elimination. See a Wellness member to sign up. Prizes are as follows: 1st place two $25.00 Walmart Gift Cards, 2nd place two $15.00 Walmart Gift Cards, 3rd place two $10.00 Walmart Gift Cards.
The Special Olympics will be having an upcoming Auction. More details to come when closer to the date.
The Personnel Club will be hosting a soda float event. The event will be held in the Assembly Room. 2:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. for 2nd and 3rd shifts, and at 10:00 p.m. for 1st shift on August 1st, 2019. All proceeds from this event will go to the Corrections Peace Officer Foundation to help other officers in difficult times. The cost will be $2.00 per float.
August 1st, 2019 will be a jeans day with a $1 donation. All proceeds for the jeans day will also be donated to the Corrections Peace Officer Foundation.
The consolidation is now completed. Way to go everyone!! It was a huge huge success!!!
Puppy Pic
Sluggo, who was recently received here at Western, has been adopted.
June 2019
Big News
From June 3 - 7, individuals were allowed to wear jeans and contribute $1 or donate a stuffed animal each day of participation. All the proceeds went to The North Central Missouri Children's Advocacy Center in Trenton, Missouri. Thank you everyone for all your support.
Several staff members have helped out with getting the apple orchard pruned and sprayed. Future produce will go to the local pantry and to Second Harvest. A special thank you to all those individuals assisting with the orchard.
Strive for Wellness had an event on June 11 in the assembly room offering blood pressure screenings. High and low blood pressure can affect your health. Remember to take care of yourselves by having your blood pressure checked periodically.
Restorative Justice has started a new program called Hats for Youth. Several hats have already been made. These articles will, in the future, be donated to schools and local clothing shelters. Thank you so much for all your hard efforts.
The new uniforms are now in full use. Many good things have been said about the new look. A big thank you to the individuals who got everything sorted and ready to hand out.
Personnel Club held an auction June 3 -7. A portion of the money raised was donated to Special Olympics Missouri. Thank you everyone for your donations and thank you for participating.
On June 27, individuals could donate a dollar to wear jeans. All proceeds went to an Alzheimer’s organization in St. Joseph, Missouri. Thank you for your for contribution.
Employee of the Month
CO I Chris Nelson
CO I Chris Nelson was nominated for this award by CCM II Christy Kinsman. The staff in the Program Services trailer had been relocating to VTS at the same time Kinsman had been coordinating the Kansas City edition of Pre-release. Kinsman wanted to be able to hold Pre-Release in a location that would accommodate the 28 offenders who signed up to attend in addition to the four offender facilitators and 12 different agencies scheduled to be present. She knew the trailer would not have adequate space. She spoke to Nelson about the problem and asked if the event could be held in the Chapel. Nelson took care of getting Deputy Warden Wofford's approval and having the Chapel set up and ready to go by the time Kinsman arrived the day of the event. Kinsman stated Nelson was extremely polite and professional with the guest speakers, helpful and accommodating to her, all while keeping a watchful eye on the offenders. It was later discovered that Nelson volunteered to work his regular day off for the event. Kinsman stated, "I was completely impressed with CO I Nelson's integrity, helpfulness, professionalism and teamwork. In addition, he took initiative that resulted in a significant contribution to the department."
CCM I Amanda Dunwoodie
CCM I Amanda Dunwoodie was nominated for this award by Vocational Education Teacher, Mark Taylor. Taylor said in his nomination, "Ms. Dunwoodie is doing an outstanding job of helping students put together resumes and she's very good at it. The Reentry Coordinator in Jefferson City passed word that one student Ms. Dunwoodie had been working with, who was released in May, had a company excited to interview him. This creates a very positive teaching environment because the students talk and start thinking about their future and what they can be doing now to change. This really helps the teaching process because students start asking more questions, helping each other more, paying closer attention and hopefully learning more."
OSA Lisa Slates
OSA Lisa Slates was nominated for this award by Vocational Education Supervisor, Keith Shurtleff. In his nomination Shurtleff said, "Amanda Slates has been going beyond her duty description to be of assistance to the Career and Technical Education program during the unexpected absence of their OSA. Upon finding out that without the OSA work orders for VTS could not be entered into the maintenance system, she voluntarily offered to enter any work orders into the system for VTS. After discovering a VTS employee had incurred an injury at work, she offered her expertise and experience gained from past situations to provide VTS with information, forms and POCs necessary for them to respond to the event in a correct and professional manner. Amand has always been pleasant to work with, making every interaction with VTS staff feel like it was a pleasure for her to help. Her positive attitude, kindness and willingness to share her expertise with other departments is refreshing and reflects great credit upon the Maintenance Department, DAI, DOC, and the State of Missouri."
Awards & Recognition
Congratulations to employees Christine Stone, Sheila Scherlinger, Latoya Robinson, Betty Lindsey for receiving a high five award!
Amanda Pugh is the Wellness Committee prize winner of the American flag for the prize for the month of June.
New Team Members
Craig Burgener, Corrections Officer I, effective Thursday, June 27, 2019
Sean Solomon, Corrections Officer I, effective Monday, June 24, 2019
Benjamin Scott, Corrections Officer I, effective Monday, June 17, 2019
Devin Stodden, Corrections Officer I, effective Monday, June 17, 2019
Russell Bryant, Corrections Officer I, effective Monday, June 10, 2019
Tessa Rick, Corrections Officer I, effective Monday, June 10, 2019
Michael Burchett, Corrections Officer I, effective Monday, June 3, 2019
Norman Stephenson, Corrections Officer I, effective Monday, June 3, 2019
We’d also like to give a warm welcome to all the staff members coming over to us in the near future. We’d also like to welcome all the staff whom already transferred over. We are excited to be working alongside with you!!
Gregory Turner Retiree 06/30/19
Important Dates
The 3rd annual WMCC softball tournament benefiting Special Olympics is July 20, 2019. It’s at the Lathrop Baseball field (500 Elm Street). Games start at 8:00 a.m.. The cost is $200 per team of 10. Each team must have a least four females and players must be 18 years old for liability purposes. $1 per homerun or $20 for unlimited homeruns. There will be concessions, souvenirs, and a 50/50 raffle. Please register by July 15, 2019. Trophies will be given out for the top three winning teams. Contact Jenny Brownlee at WMCC.
For the month of July the topic chosen is Ultraviolet Safety. On July 11, 2019 staff may wear jeans and pay $1. Donations will be given to a cancer organization for skin cancer awareness.
The personnel Club will be holding a future staff BBQ to welcome the new Crossroads staff and to thank both CCRC and
WMCC employees for their efforts in the consolidation. The wellness committee will have a bounce house if the BBQ is held outside. Staff can either go in alone or can race with an opponent for fun. Entry will be $2 each. Half its proceeds will be donated to The Heartland Baptist Association. If the BBQ is held inside there will be an option to throw a Pie in a Face with whipped cream. It will be $1 per throw. More details will be disclosed at a later date.
The Wellness Committee will be starting a bowling tournament sometime in August. Entry will be $6 per team. It is double elimination. Sign ups will begin July 29 and end at noon on August 9. We will begin bowling on August 12, 2019. First place will receive two $25 gift cards from Walmart, second place will be two $15 gift cards from Walmart, and third place will be two $10 gift cards from Walmart.
Core Training July 22-26
Core Training July 15-19
Ultraviolet Safety Day July 11
Special Olympics softball registration deadline July 15
Special Olympics softball tournament July 20
Corrections Way Seminar July 15
Motivational Interviewing July 1-2, 9-10, 30-31
Cert Training July 30-31
Wellness Committee bowling tournament sign ups begin July 29
Success Story
On June 6, the first consolidation move of offenders from CRCC to WMCC went very well. The inventory/packing team did an awesome job of getting property gone through. The property / footlockers were staged on the cart to make the delivery and redistribution run very smoothly. Also, delivery of the property between facilities went very smooth as well. Custody/Classification staff in HU #2 were ready to receive the offenders and got them in their cells within minutes of entering the unit. In addition, the medical staff promptly did a face to face interaction with offenders and was very responsive during the first medical emergency in the unit. The visiting room staff assisted with added security in R&O as Parole Hearings were being held in the same area. Food Service was flexible with providing the meal service after the institutional count due to unforeseen delays. The transportation / R&O staff did a remarkable job of transporting offenders between facilities as well as working on the intake process (ID / Tattoo photos). Also, during all these moves there were several staff members who worked overtime having already worked first shift the night before. The overall success of the process is made possible staff at both facilities working together. Thank you everyone for your support!!
Puppy Pic
We currently have 8 dogs. Clover, a pointer mix was recently adopted. We just received 3 dogs (Ducky, Patches, Sluggo) and are currently looking for homes for all of them. We are also working on getting the program started with the C5 offenders.
May 2019
Big News
Fourteen staff members from WMCC attended the Torch Run on Wednesday May 22nd. Some of them started in the Chillicothe leg and worked their way around to the Trenton, Gallatin and the Cameron leg whereas some just did the Cameron leg. WMCC staff members were joined by some staff from CRCC as well. The Torch Run is an annual event to help raise awareness for Special Olympics.
The winner to the cutest pet contest was is Jani Holt with 286 votes. Thank you for all those you participated and shared your animal pictures with us. They were all very cute.
The May 2019 Wellness Committee meeting chose the subject of Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention. An article was sent to all employees and more information was added to the Wellness Bulletin Board. Individuals were allowed to wear jeans on May 23, 2019 and contribute $1 to be given to a local cancer organization. The blood drive was held on May 23, 2019 in the Training Trailer. Fifty-five (55) individuals from Western Missouri Correctional Center and Crossroads Correctional Center gave blood.
Employee of the Month
CO I David Gilgour
David was nominated for this award by CO II Nathan Gilmore. On March 18, 2019, while he was on his way to work David witnessed a vehicle accident on Highway 36. Upon arriving to the scene, he retrieved gloves from his utility belt and began to stabilize the injured motorist's head and shoulders. Other motorists stopped to assist and David handed out some of his own gloves to keep others from coming into contact with the injured motorist's blood and bodily fluids. David talked with the victim and kept him awake while waiting for emergency services to arrive to the scene. Officer Gilmore said, "Officer Gilgour's selfless and valorous actions display to the public that we are a department that is willing to help those in need."
OSA Shana Spear
Shana Spear was nominated for this award by OSA June Faulk. On April 12, 2019, Shana was engaged in a phone call. Faulk began to cough so she grabbed a cough drop. She immediately began choking on the cough drop and was able to get the cough drop up, but was still unable to breathe. Faulk attempted to try the Heimlich maneuver on her chair, but the desk chair was not firm enough. Ms. Spear could hear from her work area that Faulk was no longer coughing and went to see if she needed assistance. Faulk indicated that she did, in fact, need assistance and Shana attempted the Heimlich maneuver too. Shana then went into the hallway and yelled for help. Thanks to her quick thinking Shana was able to get June Faulk the help she needed.
Locksmith Steve Meek
Steve Meek was nominated for this award by PPS III Randy Eaton. Steve is extremely knowledgeable of locking systems and keys. He works well with fellow staff members and schedules and is always willing to help fellow staff and volunteers by working beyond his regularly scheduled shift when needed. He takes initiative and follows through to make sure each task assigned to him is completed correctly and in a timely manner. He completes his inventories, reports and supporting paperwork in a timely manner. Mr. Eaton said, "Steve's dedication to the institution and fellow staff, his reliability and willingness to help others as well as his extensive knowledge of locking systems, keys and general maintenance makes him a valuable asset to the maintenance department and the institution as a whole."
Awards & Recognition
Congratulations to the following employees for receiving high five awards: Chris Berry, Katherine Engel, Whitney Edwards, Andrew Webb, Stacey Anthuis and Kyle Clark.
Also, congratulations to Betty Lindsey for receiving the Award of Excellence because of the numerous hours of overtime she has worked. Anytime there is bad weather she is the first to stay and make sure the needs of the institution are met.
New Team Members
Adam Sprague, Corrections Officer I, effective Monday, May 6, 2019
Timothy Gardner, Corrections Officer I, effective Monday, May 6, 2019
Ronnie Ledford, Corrections Officer I, effective Monday, May 13, 2019
Clowie Coffey, Corrections Officer I, effective Monday, May 20, 2019
Kayla Roseman, Corrections Officer I, effective Monday, May 20, 2019
Elianna Starcev, Corrections Officer I, effective Monday, May 20, 2019
Jeremiah Kranig, Corrections Officer I, effective Monday, May 20, 2019
Charli Ritter, Corrections Officer I, effective Monday, May 20, 2019
Lewis Barron, Corrections Officer I, effective Tuesday, May 28, 2019
CO I Ed Smith, Retiring 05/31/19
CO I Howard Hullinger, Retiring 05/31/19
Academic III Teacher Annette Young, Retiring 05/31/19
Cook II Nancy Sirois, Retiring 05/31/19
Important Dates
Personnel Club is wanting to change our t-shirts and get a new design and logo but we need your help. If you would like to, we are taking ideas for new t-shirt design and logo and will be accepting ideas until June 3.
Personnel Club is going to have an auction June 3 - 7. The winners will be announced by 3:30 p.m. on June 7. The Personnel Club is going to donate a portion of the proceeds received from this Auction to Special Olympics Missouri!
The Third annual WMCC softball tournament benefiting Special Olympics is July 20, 2019. It’s at the Lathrop Baseball field (500 Elm Street). Games start at 8:00 a.m. The cost is $200 per 10-member team. Each team must have a least four females and players must be 18 years old for liability purposes. $1 per homerun or $20 for unlimited homeruns. There will be concessions, souvenirs, and a 50/50 raffle. Please register by July 15, 2019. Trophies will be given out for the top three winning teams. Contact Jenny Brownlee at WMCC.
Success Story
WMCC was awarded the 2018 Top Organization of the year for the Blood Center.
Puppy Pic
This is Skeletor. He is a male Pit bull Terrier Mix. He’s about two years old. He has learned how to sit, shake and is working on the stay command.He loves being next to his person all the time, but he also still has a lot of energy. He has a happy and loving personality. He’s up for adoption.
April 2019
Big News
Recreation staff from WMCC have been working at CRCC to learn more about movements, working with level 5 offenders and getting to work with the staff coming to work at WMCC.
Building of parameter lethal fence is still under construction
The health fair was a huge success. Thank you for all those who participated.
We expect to have the C-5 offenders moved in on A side within the next couple months.
Thank you Hannah Campbell for playing the role of the Easter Bunny and thank you to all you DOC family for bringing your families and sharing this joyful experience.
Some of the WMCC P&P staff attended the Resource Fair in downtown Kansas City on April 18, in honor of Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Awareness. There were various vendors there, addressing everything from housing, mental health services, substance abuse services, employment, etc., a motivational speaker and a Client Success Panel. It was hosted by District 4W, Second Chance, Footprints, The Dumas Company and Christian Fellowship Ministries.
Tablet holders will be sold in the coming future.
The Restorative Justice program donated 19 children’s stools and 21 tool caddies to Parkview Elementary school here in Cameron. The program also donated an additional 341 coloring books to Cameron Parkview elementary school, Maysville elementary, and Maysville WIC office.
The HSE program had 40 graduates on April 25, 2019. A ceremony was held in visiting room. Family and friends were in attendance.
Crime Victims' Rights Week was April 7 – 13. A ceremony was held at Kelsey Park on April 12, where a balloon release took place. A check for $425.25 was given to KC Mothers in Charge.
Employees of the Month
CO II Mark Hoaglund
Mark has proven time and again to be invaluable on many different levels. He sets an excellent example to fellow staff with his professionalism, dependability and positive attitude. As a supervisor he never fails to complete his job duties in a timely manner and is always there for his staff whenever they have a problem. He has been an excellent mentor especially to new sergeants who often look to him for guidance. Mark's supervisors frequently go to him with matters that need addressed or looked into as his proven dependability has shown that he will handle any matter quickly and efficiently.
Vocational Education Teacher Mark Taylor
Mark has accepted work projects from within the institution. He has also consented to have his students assist with some future welding needs related to the consolidation. He developed a weekly welding competition between his students covering the skills they had learned during the week. This competition truly motivates the students and helps build a spirit of teamwork. He goes beyond the mark, working with case managers, IPOs and DOC re-entry partners to help his students find employment after release. Committed to safety, he is always looking for ways to improve the safety of others. Mark also designed, constructed and deployed an air ventilation system to help keep the welding fumes to a minimum. Mr. Shurtleff said, “Mark’s deep dedication to the mission, his students and his fellow employees reflects great credit upon DORS, the DOC and the State of Missouri.”
MS I Bryan Bueltman
Bryan does an excellent job of keeping the equipment running in food service with very little down time. He performs preventative maintenance on the equipment regularly to minimize disruptions to normal operations due the equipment failure. He takes initiative and follows through to make sure each project assigned to him is completed correctly and in a timely manner. Mr. Eaton said, “Bryan’s strong work ethic, excellent time and attendance record, communication skills and vast working knowledge of most areas of maintenance makes him a valuable asset to the Maintenance Department and the institution as a whole.” He has done an excellent job keeping everything going. He is always very helpful and stays pretty busy. Bryan does an excellent job of keeping staff informed of what is currently being fixed, what is needing repaired and where he is at in the process of fixing them. He takes pride in his work and is always checking with Food Service staff to see if there is anything that is needing his attention.
Awards & Recognition
- Health Fair gift card winners: Megan Shrewsbury, Christy Kinsman, Brooke Chapman, Terrolyn Milsap
- Congratulations to Brenda France and Teri Penland for receiving a certificate of recognition from Alana Boyles. “Thank you for being an outstanding employees. Your peers have recognized you as someone who goes above and beyond your normal duties.”
New Team Members
Wilhite, Raymond 04/01/2019
Jackson, Lonnie 04/08/2019
Peterson, Grant 04/08/2019
Wren, James 04/08/2019
Waters, John 04/18/2019
Kerby Miller –Promotion-MECC 04/21/19
FUM-Karen Stollings-April 1
This month had two core class weeks come and go, along with a Glock handgun re-certification class. Also our Cert team along with CRCC spent training at the 1st of the month for 20 hours for three gun re-qualification. Training upcoming for the month of May is back to Motivational Interviewing and also two class days of Professional Interaction.
Town Hall Report
A total of nine staff members were in attendance between the three shifts. The consolidation of WMCC and CRCC progress was discussed. A memorandum to all staff regarding consolidation was distributed as a result of this meeting. Topics regarding the satellite medical unit was discussed with medical staff and follow up information was provided. The overall safety and security of the institution with regards to C-5 offenders was discussed. Concerns regarding staffing in Food Service was discussed.
Important Dates
- There will be a bowling tournament coming up in the next couple months. Any money raised will be applied to the wellness committee.
- Special Olympics is planning to have a silent auction in the next couple months
- Wednesday May 8 is Truman’s Day
- The Personnel Club will be having a cutest pet contest in the month of May and the winner will receive a gift card
- Special Olympics has an upcoming softball tournament in July
- Special Olympics has the Torch Run on May 22nd
Success Story
Thank you for the rapid participation of staff for the offender accountability class. That made this a success story that had a May 1 deadline. A big thank you from the training staff goes out to our instructors Whitney Edwards, Andrew Webb, Chris Berry, and Lorieann Hunter! We couldn’t have done it without you!
Puppy Pic
Emmie was adopted 04/24/2019