2024 Spring Operational Excellence Summit

Innovation at Work


Join the Missouri Department of Corrections Research, Planning & Process Improvement team through May 2024 for the Missouri Department of Corrections Spring Operational Excellence Summit. Join the sessions through doc-gps and learn about the tools and skills used to make informed decision, set goals, manage projects and implement improvements that make the department better.

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WEEK 1: Wednesday, May 1

Summit Kick-Off

  • What is Operational Excellence
    Rebecca Moyers, Office of Administration
  • DOC Strategic Plan
    Shelly Graf and David Edwards, Office of the Director
  • What to Expect
    Lynnette Creed, Offender Rehabilitative Services

WEEK 2: Tuesday, May 7

Productivity Power Hour 

Join us for Productivity Power Hour as we walk through numerous project management tools with special guests from all over MODOC to demonstrate these tools. This session will help you navigate bringing Operational Excellence concepts into your work site! We will walk you through how and when to use each tool in addition to providing demonstrations.

Amelia Plunkett, Office of the Director

Guest Speaker: Joseph Mundwiller, Assistant Warden at Fulton Reception & Diagnostic Center

Operational Excellence in Reentry

Become familiar with the overall process across divisions to develop and attain Reentry 2030 goals. Understand overall desired outcomes of Reentry 2030 and what that initiative will accomplish for our resident population.

Lynnette Creed, Offender Rehabilitative Services

Guest Speakers: Division of Offender Rehabilitative Services Director Annie Herman and Assistant Division Director for Reentry and Educational Services Alex Earls

WEEK 3: Wednesday, May 15

Managing Information

Beginners: Learn the difference between a data request and data report. Both are distinct elements in the realm of data analysis and information management. Discover how data request and data reports fit into operational excellence and foster continuous improvement. These tools enable evidence-based decision-making; empower individuals and teams to make informed choices that drive efficiency, productivity, and overall operational excellence.

Guest Speaker: Kelly Peterrie-Kissick, Division of Adult Institutions Quality Control Manager

Advanced: Learn how information sharing is key to operational excellence as it promotes collaboration, accountability, and continuous improvement throughout the organization. 

Heather Liszewski, Office of the Director

Guest Speakers: Justin Thomas, Decision Support & Administrative Analysis Manager, and Todd Schwent, P&P Assistant Division Director

Metrics - Measuring Innovation

Join Metrics, Measuring Innovation, for a better understanding of why measuring process and process improvement is so important.  We will go into the three basic metric types and explain how you can start measuring your processes for improvement.

Jerry Guzman, Office of the Director

WEEK 4: Wednesday, May 22

Division Directors Round Table

Susan Pulliam, Division of Human Services; John Mosley, Division of Probation and Parole; Annie Herman, Division of Rehabilitative Services; and Myles Strid, Division of Adult Institutions

Summit Wrapup