Electronic Messaging
All offenders in Missouri Department of Corrections adult institutions are issued JPay computer tablets that can be used to send and receive email through Securus Technologies.
Securus charges a fee to send and receive electronic correspondence. To communicate electronically with a resident of a Missouri state correctional center, set up an account at securustech.net.
Through eMessaging, family and friends can:
- Send a text-based message
- Attach up to 5 photos
- Share up to 5 eCards
- Send just a photo with Snap n’ Send
- Send a 30-second VideoGram
You must have a Securus Online account to use eMessaging. Messages are paid for by purchasing a book of electronic "stamps." Set up an account, and locate your recipient to get started.
Rejection of Email
All messages, photos and VideoGrams are subject to review. If any content is determined to not be in compliance with policy, you will receive a "reject" message in your inbox. Stamps are not refunded if messages or attachments are rejected.
The following items will be rejected or might be subject to censorship. This is not a comprehensive list.
- Sexually explicit writing
- Photos containing nudity (any pictorial depiction with less than a fully opaque covering is considered a nude photo), including bare-chested children and adult women
- Song lyrics with a parental advisory
- Tattoo patterns
- Gang depictions
An offender who disagrees with a censorship decision may file an appeal through the offender grievance process. A sender who disagrees may submit a written request for an independent review within 30 days of the date of the notification-of-appeal letter to the warden of the correctional center.
Correspondence that is written in a foreign language or that is indecipherable may be censored or delayed, based upon staff resources available for interpretation.