Drug Free Workplace Statement
Staff member drug and alcohol use may impair a staff member’s ability to perform the functions of his job, reduce the staff member’s ability to perform his job safely, and jeopardize the safety and security of the workplace, co-workers, and offenders.
The use or possession of illegal drugs on or off duty and the unauthorized use of prescription and non-prescription drugs by staff members jeopardizes the department’s ability to carry out its public safety mission and will not be tolerated. Whether a staff member is on or off duty, the use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or dispensation of illegal drugs or any controlled substance without a valid or current medical prescription will result in discipline. The use of marijuana or marijuana-infused products on or off duty is prohibited even if the staff member possesses a physician certification or qualifying patient identification card that allows the staff member to use medical marijuana for treatment under the supervision of a physician. The intentional or unintentional ingestion or use of hemp products, cannabidiol oil (CBD) products, coca leaves, Inca tea products or of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), or cocaine that occurs naturally in food or beverages is not an acceptable explanation for a positive drug test result.Department staff members who violate the drug-free workplace policy will be disciplined.
Tobacco Use Limitations
To promote the health, safety, and welfare of staff members, offenders, and visitors, the sale, possession, and use of all tobacco products or electronic cigarettes is prohibited in all department facilities, except in designated smoking areas. D2-11.9 Non-Smoking and Tobacco Free does not apply to parking lots or private vehicles.